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COLEGIO DE SAN GABRIEL ARCANGEL allies and supporters of the Muslims against the Greeks to

College of Education Program AB, BSED, BPE, BEED, use the southern route that ended in Cairo, upon payment of
Course Code GECO2 Description Readings in Philippine certain duties. The Venetians thus gained a monopoly in the
History RPHistory distribution of eastern goods to the rest of Europe.
LAS no. 3 (For Students on On-Line and Blended Spain and Portugal that is located in the westernmost
Modality} seaboard of the continent found it easier to meet the
Topic: The Formation of the Philippine Colonial Society: challenges of maritime expansion than the rest of Western
1565-1762 Europe did and missionary purpose was included in their
Learning 1. Find out and explain the various factors that search for a new trade.
led to the Spanish Outcomes; colonization of the In politics and religious concerns, the Crusades (1096-
Philippines. 1272) originally were a religious adventure to regain the
2. Identify and explain the instruments of pacification and Holy Land from the Muslims. Later they developed into a
exploitation employed by the Spaniards. highly commercial enterprise. But the movement brought
3. Analyze patterns of Filipino responses to Spanish the Europeans into close touch with superior and
colonial rule. sophisticated civilization of the East. That contact
4. Point out the effects of the Spanish colonization of the stimulated not only European interest in Oriental culture
country. but also the demand for its goods and products.
5. Know the results of the instruments of pacification and On May 29, 1453 the city of Constantinopole which played
exploitation among the Filipinos by the Spaniards a vital role in the trade of Europe with the Orient, fell into
the hands of Sultan Mohammed II and his Ottoman
warriors. As a result of this conquest, the trade routes to the
I. FACTORS THAT LED TO SPANISH East were blocked, hence, discovery of new routes to Asia
COLONIZATION OF THE became an imperative necessity.
PHILIPPINES The movement to destroy Muslim power in the Iberian
In economics, accumulation of capital and the development Peninsula called Reconquista ended with the capture of
of banking in Europe helped increase the rise of lending Granada in 1492. The spirit of the reconquista was
houses (e.g. House of Fugger in Germany and House of manifested in the attempts of Spain and Portugal to
Medici in Italy) helped ensure zeal for navigation and more colonize and convert pagan and Islamic lands to
trade beyond the confines of Western Europe. Catholicism.
There were also desires for spices in the West. Spices were The Treaty of Tordesillas which was signed in 1494
in demand to improve insipid European food and to divided non-Christian lands into two spheres: one for Spain
preserve meat during winter time. Exposure to food and and the other for Portugal and the demarcation line was
spices grown in the East changed the Westerner’s taste drawn 370 leagues west of Cape Verde Islands. This means
preferences. Desire for spices became a major motivation that all lands already discovered and still to be discovered
for early Portuguese and Spanish expeditions to the East. east of the line belonged to Portugal, and those west of the
Meanwhile, European trade with the East made Spain and line, to Spain. This influenced Magellan to sail westward.
Portugal search for new routes mainly carried through three In the end, it led him to rediscover the Philippines.
principal trade (silk) routes, mostly by land. These routes In 15th century the leadership of Prince Henry the
were dangerous to men and goods, and entailed much time, Navigator of Portugal inspired more maritime explorations.
money and effort. In 1453, Constantinopole fell to the He gathered the best geographers and sailors of Europe and
Muslims, and the routes were closed to Europe. However, established an observatory and a nautical school. Likewise,
the Sultan of Egypt allowed the Venetians, who had been
he sent out expedition after expedition to uncharted waters Dennis Fernandez discovered Cape Verde Islands in 1445.
of the African coast. Bartholomew Diaz discovered Cape of Good Hope in 1487.
In another development, scientific and secular pursuits Columbus discovered America in 1492. Vasco da Gama
brought “revival of learning” called Renaissance that put discovered the route going to Calicut, India in 1489.
emphasis on scientific, secular, and artistic pursuits rather Albuquerque captured Goa, India in 1510. Portugese started
than the religious. It advanced geographical knowledge and exploration and conquest of the Moluccas and the Malay
included Aristotle’s theory of the sphericity of the earth, the Peninsula in 1511. There were missionary exploits of St.
compilation of a 17-volume geography of the world, known Francis Xavier in Southeast Asia, Japan and China. Balboa
in the days of Emperor Augustus by Strabo, a celebrated discovered the Pacific Ocean in 1511.
Roman geographer at the beginning of the Christian era. In Aside from the early travels and voyages, improvements in
150 A.D., the renowned work on world geography by military and in ship-building technology. More sea worthy
Ptolemy in Alexandria. and the infusion of greater ocean-going vessels and warships were built.
emphasis on geographical science by such works. This enabled the European colonizers to organize a well-
Similarly, humanism being the dominant philosophy of the equipped military force. It made easy the conquest of the
16th century eroded the blinding power of religion and natives through the use of fire-arms and cannons. It
stressed the development of the mind and heart, rather than encouraged the Europeans to organize more expeditions to
the soul. the East.
The discovery and invention of more technologically-
advanced navigational instruments led to the discovery and II. THE COMING OF THE SPANIARDS
invention of that included the mariner’s compass used by TO THE PHILIPPINES
Italian navigators at the beginning of the 13th century. The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 led Magellan to conduct
According to Hookman (1970;193), the Chinese had known an expedition westward in going to the East. This led to the
about the magnetic polarity since 3rd century A.D. and the so-called “First Catholic Mass in Limawasa” and the initial
compass (in China, a south-seeking needle) in their trade conversion of the natives to Catholicism in Cebu, the battle
with the Southeast Asia by the early 12th century, several of Mactan and its significance the aftermath of which led to
decades before its introduction to the Europeans by Arab the establishment of the Spanish colonial regime.
mariners. The Treaty of Zaragoza in 1529 clearly implied which
Among these instruments were the astrolabe,a device for colonial power owned the Philippine archipelago.
measuring the elevation of the pole star above the sea Following the successful establishment of the Spanish first
horizon while portolani, a sailing chart, was made available settlement by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in Cebu, was
by the invention of the printing press, quadrant was used followed by more Spaniash pacification campaigns and the
for measuring altitude and an instrument called sextant was intensified missionaries activities.
used for determining latitude and longitude.
The other factors leading to the expeditions in the East III. THE PACIFICATION AND
included the following: the early travels to the East, travels EXPLOITATION OF THE FILIPINOS
of Franciscan fathers like Carpini (1192-1252), William BY THE SPANIARDS
(1215-1270), Ordoric (1286-1331) that inflamed European The subjugation of the Filipinos can be traced to the
interest in the Orient and its fabled treasures. Also, included military might of the Spanish conquistadores, the policy of
was the travel of Ibn Batuta (1304-1378), Sheik Morocco, attraction, the method of divide and conquer, the crucial
through India, Malaysia, and China from 1325 to 1353 and role of Christianity, the lack of unity among Filipinos, the
travels of Marco Polo in China and Southeast Asia. “reduccion” and the plaza complex and the Filipino
Early Portugese and Spanish voyages included rounding of hospitality.
Cape Blanco, Africa in 1441 by Antonio Gonzalvez.
SAQ No. 1: Undertake a research and answer briefly in 2-3 When Megellan arrived in 1521, the sultanates of Sulu and
sentences the following: Maguindanao were working to extend their influence and
a.What made the Spanish soldiers strong militarily? control over the coastal areas in the north.
b.Why the Spanish policy of attraction proved to be effective in During the time of Legazpi the strongest opposition
the colony? against him came from Manila whose ruler was a Muslim
c.How is the method of divine and conquer accomplished by the prince, Rajah Soliman. Prior to the coming of the
Spaniards? Spaniards, there was animosity between the Sultan of Sulu
d.In what way the role of Christianity became crucial in the and the Sultan of Maguindanao. The campaign of the
colonization of the country? e.Describe and explain how the Spaniards against them, however, Resulted in their unity
‘reduccion” and the plaza complex effectively controlled the and their Desclaration of jihad ( holy war ) against the
natives? foreign invaders and the Christianized indios. One major
f.Is the Filipino hospitality considered a positive or negative trait? outcome of this was the frequent raids conducted by the
The instruments of exploitation and control were reinforced by the Moros on Christianized settlements of the Visayas.
encomienda system, the imposition of taxes, the polo y servicios or In many cases, on short-term basis, The Spaniards were
forced labor, the role of traditional leaders, the Manila-Acapulco succesfull in their campaigns but, in the long run, they
trade and the government monopolies. You are also required to failed because they did not succed in occupying Mindanao
conduct also a study based on the following subjects: and Sulu. C.The Successful Avoidance of Ethnic
SAQ No. 2: Give a brief explanation to each of the following: Communities
a.Encomienda system Some groups of people pled to the upland areas to avoid
b.Polo y servicios Spanish colonization. Others followed later because of
c.Manila Acapulco trade Spanish exploitation and injustics.
SAQ No. 4: Enumerate the different taxes imposed by the Through time, the number of people who fled to the
Spaniards and define each clearly SAQ No. 5: Identify the various mountains, increased and were not subjected to Spanish
government monopolies adopted by the Spanish colonial regime influences. Thus, they were able to preserve their culture.
with one sentence description. Because of the number of those who were out under
colonial control was greater than those who fled and
IV. FILIPINO RESPONSES TO SPANISH ROLE remained free, the latter became known as the “ cultural
A. The Initial Resistance and Subsequent Subjugation of minority “ and was seldom included in history books
Lowland Communities because they led a life outside the control of colonization.
Due to the physical and demographic conditions of the IV. EFFECTS OF THE SPANISH
archipelago the Spaniards succeeded eventually in COLONIZATION OF THE
subjugating the inhabitants of the coastal communities in PHILIPPINES
Luzon and the Visayas. In socioeconomics, there was an imposition of the tribute,
The lack of understanding of the natives made it difficult bandala and cedula personal. There was also the
for them to wage an effective resistance against the Spanish requirements of polo y servicios, establishment of
invaders. government monopolies and limited agricultural and
The areas that came under the effective control of the commercial development.
Spaniards were the centers of populations. The outlying During Gov. Gen. de Basco’s administration in the late
territories remained relatively free of Spanish control up to 18th century, incentives were given through cash prizes and
the middle part of the 18TH century medal of recognition for achievements in farming indigo,
B. The opposition of the “Moros” spices, cotton, mulberry for silk production, beekeeping,
mining, and inventions.
Through the so-called Royal Economy Society of Friends many occupied and pacified places, the only Spaniard
of the Country (1780-1895), a ban on slaughtering carabao present was the Spanish parish priest. Thus, by virtue of his
was introduced in 1782 to conserve this draft animal. A position and because of circumstances, he acted as
silversmith and gold beaters guild was formed in 1783, and representation of the Spanish government and
the first paper mill was constructed in the Philippines in consequently, performed the functions and duties of an
1825. As a whole, however, the economic reforms did not administrative official.
benefit the Filipinos. Instead, they lead to more misery The particular role of the Spanish priest in colonial
because Filipinos were forced to plant much-prized cash administration was given a de facto recognition because the
export crops from which they did not have any direct Spanish king also served as the royal patron of the Roman
benefit. Although this may be the case, there was the Catholic Church. This made him essentially responsible in
improvements in public utilities and communications. The advancing Catholicism in the colonies of Spain.
Ferrocaril de Manila was the only railway line in the The high influence of the church on the state was exposed
archipelago. It was 120 miles long, and was constructed by Filipino reformers, among them was Marcelo H. del
mainly through Filipino labor in the 1890’s. Horse-drawn Pilar who referred to the situation in the Philippines as la
and steam-powered street cars were used in Manila, and the soberania monacal (monastic supremacy) or la frailocracia
calesa and carretela elsewhere. Bridges were constructed in (frailocracy), because the Spanish friars or monastic orders
many parts of the country. Telephone service in the country ruled supreme, even over governmental matters.
began; Manila in 1890 and Iloilo in 1894. Telegraph lines In education, the Boy’s colleges and secondary schools for
were put up as early as 1872 in Manila and in Iloilo in the both boys and girls were established in Manila, Iloilo, Cebu
late 1880’s. The public lighting system in Manila was and few other places, but were initially exclusive for sons
established in 1814, followed by other cities later. and daughters of Spaniards. A free compulsory publicly
Aside from the socioeconomic effects, there was also an supported system of primary schools came with the
effect when in politics. There was loss of freedom on the Educational Decree of 1863, simultaneous with the
part of Filipinos and the establishment of a highly establishment of men’s normal school to prepare future
centralized unitary government and bureaucratic set-up. schoolmasters. A lot of problems, however, confronted the
On the national level, the Spanish king governed the educational system implemented by the Spaniards in the
colony through the Consejo de las Indias with the governor- Philippines. Among those pointed out by Dr. Jose Rizal in
general, his sole spokeperson and representative. The seat his Noli Me Tangere. These were absence of basic
of power was in Manila. On the provincial level, the alcalde textbook, lack of school buildings, lack of qualified and
mayor headed the alcadia or provincial, the pacified dedicated teachers, employment of corporal punishment,
provinces and districts. The unpacified zones or emphasis on rote-learning, humiliation of students by
corregimientos, on the other hand, were headed by teachers and lack of opportunity for students to really
corregidores. Only a Spaniard could be an alcalde mayor or develop themselves.
a corregidor. On the municipal level, the “little governor” On the other hand, Socio-cultural results included the
or gobernadorcillo (later replaced by the captain municipal adoption of Spanish surnames and first names. Majority of
in 1894) headed the municipio or pueblo. Any propertied the Filipinos adopted Spanish names especially as a result
Spaniard, Indio or mestizo could be a gobernadorcillo. of a decree issued by Gov. Gen. Narciso Claveria in 1849.
Catholic Church has a high influence on the state. The The decree listed Spanish family names from which the
colonial administration of the Philippines was popularly natives chose their own surnames. This made it easier for
viewed as reflective of the union of the church and state. the Spaniards to identify individuals and families for
From the very start of the Spanish occupation in the taxation, census taking and other purposes. There was a
country, the ecclesiastics were already involved in change in the manner Filipnos dressed. One of the apparent
administering the affairs of the state. This was because in changes was the use of shirts and trousers of men in place
of the pre-Spanish bahag. The women, on the other hand, Filipnos. Most of the natives, because of their conversion,
except for the upper class, continued to wear more or less went to the same church and observed the same religious
of the same pieces of clothing they wore in pre-Spanish ceremonies and rituals. This brought about increased direct
times. Hats, shoes, and slippers came into use. There was interaction and facilitated understanding among them. On
also the emergence of the mestizo class due to the other hand, the spread of Catholicism widened the gap
intermarriage and sexual liason between Filipinos and between its followers and those who practiced Islam.
Spaniards. The Filipinos, especially those belonging to the The holding of Catholic fiestas and other religious
upper class, began to speak the Spanish language. Even the provided amusement and rest for the people, and provided
less fortunate learned to speak a little Spanish. BY and occasion for getting together, they were frequently costly
large, Philippine major languages have been influenced by affairs. Thus, many Filipino families spent in a single day a
Spanish terms and phrases. The Latin or Western alphabet part or the whole of their savings during the year. The
also replaced the pre-Spanish syllabary of the Filipinos, construction of churches, convents, and cemeteries helped
except among a few native groups like the Mangyans of spread of Catholicis and brought about the necessity of
Mindoro and the Palawanis of Palawan. putting this up which made it effective in the use of native
The Spaniards were not really interested in making most labor through the polo y servicios or forced labor.
Filipinos familiar with the Spanish language for that would The advent of the religious literature and art developed in
hasten understanding among the latter and make it more the Philippines during the Spanish period was mostly
difficult for the rulers to keep them in subjugation. Included religious in character. Among the types of literature were
in this socio-cultural development is the adoption of the the cenaculo, a religious play which depicted the passion
Gregorian calendar and the Western method of keeping and and death of Christ; the , a cloak and dagger play; the
counting time and the introduction of Spanish music and moro-moro, a melodrama involving clashes between the
dances the Spanish dishes like arroz valenciana, afritada, Christians and the Muslims; the awit and the corrido, or
estofado, mechado, puchero, menudo, and so on. The metrical romances; and the passion play. The best Filipino
patronal fiesta and Christmas celebrations and the over-all sculptors devoted their talents to images or scenes depicting
cultural alienation of the Filipinos brought about by religious characters.
colonial mentality. Prepared by: Dr. Ma.Leda J. Fuentes (Professor)
Religion is has a profound influence in a Filipinos way of
life. Catholicism enhanced monotheistic worship among the

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