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Muhammad Taufik

Language variation

Language variation is one of the most important phenomena of sociolinguistics. Language is changed in
a different situation, between different social classes, age groups depending on different factors, the
change in language on different levels like in sound, structure, lexical choices etc.

language variation with the factors that can cause language variation in tourism areas in Bali

The existence of the English language variation is due to the contact among speakers of Balinese or
Indonesian when they communicate with foreigners (i.e. particularly to those who use English as their
native languages) in the Balinese society, especially for those who involve in tourism activities. They
have very intense relation, so that they use English variation as their means of communication, in their
interaction, they use Balinese/Indonesian lingusitic features, so that it appears that they use a new
language that can be understood together.

The phenomenon of English variation is caused by two factors, internal factors and external factors.
internal factors are related to linguistic factors, both related to regional languages (Bali) and foreign
languages (English). because these two languages has differences. While the external factors in question
are social groups that use this language variation in the Bali tourism area, social groups that use the
language variations above are like souvenir sellers at a craft shop.

pidgin and creole

Pidgin is a term for languages which are used by people who do not have a language in common. It is
interesting to explore because in spite of the lack of elaborate grammar the users understand each
other easily.

According to R.L. Trask and Peter Stockwell, “A pidgin is nobody’s mother tongue, and it is not a real
language at all: it has no elaborate grammar, it is very limited in what it can convey, and different people
speak it differently. Still, for simple purposes, it does work, and often everybody in the area learns to
handle it”. Pidgin is a contact language. It is built on rudimentary grammar, simple structure and limited
vocabulary. The users learn it orally as second language.

While creole, According to linguistic, a pidgin language can transform into a fully-fledged language. This
language form is called creole. Underneath you see the different features of both Pidgin and Creole.
Only after pidgin languages develop into creoles, does the need for a writing system arise. A creole
comes into being when children are born into a pidgin-speaking environment and acquire the pidgin as a
first language. What we know about the history and origins of existing creoles suggests that this may
happen at any stage in the development of a pidgin.

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