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A. GENERAL PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................................................ 3 1. PREAMBLE........................................................................................................................................ 3 2. OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................... 3 3. APPLICATION ................................................................................................................................... 3 4. CENTRALISED SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 3 5. OFFICIAL CREDIT CARDS ............................................................................................................... 3 6. DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 3 7. EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY ................................................................................................................. 5 8. CHANGE CONTROL ......................................................................................................................... 5 9. POLICY VIOLATION .......................................................................................................................... 5 B. RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION RESERVATIONS .................................... 5 10. RESPONSIBILTY .............................................................................................................................. 5 11. AUTHORISATION FOR DOMESTIC TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION ....................................... 6 12. AUTHORISATION FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION ............................. 6 13. AUTHORISATION FOR RESEARCH TRAVEL................................................................................. 6 14. FUNDING ........................................................................................................................................... 7 15. DAILY ALLOWANCE .7 16. SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE .......................................................................................................... 7 17. TRANSPORT TO AIRPORT .............................................................................................................. 7 18. TOP- UP FUNDING ........................................................................................................................... 7 19. SPONSORED PROJECTS ................................................................................................................ 7 20. TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION PARTNERS/PERSONS ACCOMPANYING A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE/COUNCIL................................................................................ 8 21. GUIDELINES FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION PARTNERS/PERSONS ACCOMPANYING VICE PRINCIPALS, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL OR REGISTRAR ..................................................................................................................................... 8 22. CANCELLATION OF RESERVATION .............................................................................................. 8 23. UPGRADE AND CHANGES TO TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS ......................................................... 8 24. VENUE BOOKINGS .......................................................................................................................... 8 25. AGENCY-APPOINTED EMPLOYEES .............................................................................................. 9 C. RULES DOMESTIC TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION ..................................................................... 9 26. AIR TICKET ....................................................................................................................................... 9 27. CAR RENTAL .................................................................................................................................... 9 28. SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE .......................................................................................................... 9 29. ACCOMMODATION ................9 30. STAR RATING NOT AVAILABLE ...................................................................................................... 9 31. TRANSPORT TO AIRPORT FOR DOMESTIC TRAVEL ..10
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32. GUESTHOUSE ................................................................................................................................ 10 D. RULES - INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION 10 33. AIR TICKET AND ACCOMMODATION ........................................................................................... 10 34. SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE ........................................................................................................ 11 35. TRANSPORT TO AIRPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ...................................................... 11 36. INSURANCE .................................................................................................................................... 11 37. VISAS AND INNOCULATION 11 E. RULES ROAD TRAVEL....................................................................................................................... 11 38. CAR TRAVEL................................................................................................................................... 11 39. CAR RENTALS ................................................................................................................................ 12 40. OTHER COSTS ............................................................................................................................... 13 41. CANCELLATION OF CAR RENTALS ............................................................................................. 13 42. TRAVEL BY ROAD USING PRIVATE TRANSPORT RATHER THAN AIR TRAVEL..................... 13 43. LIMITATIONS ON TRAVEL BY ROAD ............................................................................................ 14 44. IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY ..................................................................................................... 14 ANNEXURE A: SUBSISTANCE ALLOWANCE RATES FOR DOMESTIC TRAVEL . 15 ANNEXURE B: SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE RATES FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ...................... 16 ANNEXURE C: OTHER TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE AND REIMBURSEMENT ..................................... 18 ANNEXURE D: GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NO. 34062, 1 March 2011 19 ANNEXURE E:TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION PROCEDURES ......................................................... 26 1. OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... 26 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA OFFICIAL ..................................................................................... 26 3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA TRAVEL AGENT ......................................................................... 27 4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA TRAVEL OFFICE......................................................................... 28 5 CAR BOOKINGS ............................................................................................................................. 29 ANNEXURE F: UNISA OFFICIAL CHECKLIST .......................................................................................... 30 ANNEXURE G: TRAVEL BOOKING FORM F36 FORM ........................................................................ 31 ANNEXURE H: LOG SHEET: MOTOR CAR USAGE F38 FORM .................................................. 32

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1. PREAMBLE 1.1 This policy sets out guidelines regarding travel and accommodation arrangements for UNISA officials, employees, SRC members, office bearers or other authorised persons whilst away on official duty. UNISA officials should deal with the financial resources of the university prudently and the necessity of all travel, accommodation and related expenses should be carefully considered before being incurred. UNISA recognises the needs of its officials who have disabilities, and pledges to respond to their specific travel and accommodation needs. Mindful of the principles of the King III Code of Governance Principles for South Africa and the United Nations Global Compact, UNISA will make its travel arrangements in a manner to limit its environmental footprint.




OBJECTIVES 2.1 2.2 To provide timely and reasonably priced travel arrangements for UNISA officials. To set out the rules and authority levels for UNISA officials.


APPLICATION This policy applies to all UNISA officials, employees, SRC members, office bearers or other authorised persons who undertake official business trips.


CENTRALISED SYSTEM 4.1 4.2 UNISA has a centralised travel office and an officially appointed travel agent. All requests for travel, accommodation and car rental services must be channelled through the travel office. Prior to departure, the travel office arranges accommodation, airline tickets, car rental and other official means of transport.



OFFICIAL CREDIT CARDS It is the policy of UNISA not to issue official credit cards to any of its officials.


DEFINITIONS Accommodation cost refers to the direct costs of accommodation and parking (if applicable) at the place of accommodation; refer to employees contracted through employment agencies; refer to South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland;

Agency-appointed employees Common monetary areas

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Daily allowance

is payable when UNISA official does not stay overnight, but is absent from the office for longer than eight hours and travels more than 100 km from the official work place or home. This amount is subject to an annual review; consists of travel to any destination within South Africa and common monetary areas;

Domestic travel

Categories of UNISA officials

are the following: Category 1 Chancellor, External Council Members, Principal and Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor and guests holding similar offices; Category 2 Vice Principals, Assistant Principal, Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Executive Directors, Executive Deans, Deputy Executive Deans and guests holding similar offices; Category 3 All other employees, including guest lecturers and SRC members.

Incidental costs

are personal, incidental expenditure incurred which directly relates to the official duty for which the business travel is undertaken (e.g. laundry, personal telephone calls, newspapers, drinks, tips etc); are travelling to any destination outside the borders of South Africa and common monetary areas;

International trips

Frequent flyers loyalty programme

refers to UNISA officials with a frequent flyer membership registered with UNISA travel office. Member may accumulate voyager/frequent flyer miles;

Management committee members

are, for purpose of this policy, the Principal and Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Assistant Principal, Vice Principals and the Registrar; is a trip or visit by an official who is duly authorised to attend a particular event (e.g. conference, congress, symposium, course and group discussion) or perform a duty in the interests of UNISA. Approval must be obtained by the relevant responsibility centre manager or, in the case of the responsibility centre manager, by the immediate line manager, before the trip or visit is undertaken;

Official duty

Research travel

is travel undertaken by a UNISA official in pursuit of academic research or other official research relevant to UNISA business; means the South African Revenue Service;

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SRC member

refers to an elected office bearer of the Student Representative Council (SRC); is an amount paid to a UNISA official on official duty for each overnight stay during which the person is absent from his/her usual place of residence. This amount is paid in respect of meals and other incidental costs not paid for directly by UNISA. The amount as specified may be revised from time to time; refer to the direct cost of transportation used by an official on official duty. Please note that traffic fines are not considered part of travel costs, and are for the personal account of the official; refers to any person employed by UNISA, including SRC members, Council members, other duly authorised persons acting on behalf of the university, as well as candidates invited for job interviews or panel/committee members acting on behalf of the university; refers to a place off-campus hired for an official meeting, conference, team building exercise, training or other official business.

Subsistence allowance

Travel costs

UNISA official

Venue booking


EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY 7.1 In exceptional circumstances, transactions that do not conform to the provisions and limitations of this policy may be authorised, provided that each transaction is subject to the authorisation in terms of the Policy on Delegation of Authority. A monthly report, giving details of exceptions, must be forwarded to the Management Committee.



CHANGE CONTROL Any change to this policy must be effected in accordance with universitys accepted procedure.


POLICY VIOLATION Any UNISA official who does not adhere to this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.


10. RESPONSIBILTY 10.1 All requests for travel and accommodation must be made through the travel office in the Procurement Directorate. 10.2 UNISA officials are personally responsible for ensuring that their travel arrangements meet travel regulations and that their claims for reimbursement are accurate. 10.3 UNISA officials who wish to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements will be reimbursed after the trip has been undertaken according to the terms set out in the
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provisions of this policy (as outlined in Annexures A and B). The cost should not be more than the cost that the university would have incurred, had the arrangements been made through the travel office. UNISA officials must obtain quotations before they travel and submit these quotations with their claim for reimbursement. Failure to supply comparable quotations will result in reimbursement according to Annexures A and B, option 1.1 for accommodation and eighty per cent of the cheapest flight quotations obtained on that day. Reimbursements of medical and life-insurance costs for the duration of the official travel where own arrangements were made will be limited to UNISA insurance rates. 11. AUTHORISATION FOR DOMESTIC TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION 11.1 Travel and accommodation should be authorised and approved by the relevant official signatories in each responsibility centre, in accordance with the Policy on Official Signing Powers. 11.2 It is essential that this authorisation be obtained before the trip is undertaken and before travel and accommodation arrangements are made (booked). 11.3 A proper motivation must be submitted to the authorising signatories for their approval. 11.4 The special needs of UNISA officials with disabilities need to be stated in writing and approved by the relevant signatories in each responsibility centre. Such needs must be clearly stated to enable the travel office to make appropriate arrangements. 11.5 The official signatories may not approve travel and accommodation for themselves, but must obtain approval from their line manager or duly authorised responsibility centre manager of the applicable budget. 12. AUTHORISATION FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION 12.1 International travel and accommodation must be approved by the relevant line manager, Executive Director or Dean, and the Management Committee member responsible for the 1 portfolio before the trip is undertaken . 12.2 International travel for category 1 officials must be approved by the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson of Council usually through a pre-approved travel plan. International travel of an external Council member must be approved by the Management Committee. 12.3 International travel for category 2 officials must be approved by the Principal and Vice Chancellor or Pro Vice Chancellor (for Vice Principals, Assistant Principal and Registrar according to cluster) and by the Vice Principal, Assistant Principal or Registrar (for Executive Deans, Deputy Executive Deans Executive Directors or Deputy Executive Directors, according to portfolio). 12.4 The special needs of UNISA officials with disabilities need to be stated in writing and approved by the relevant line manager, Executive Director or Dean and Management Committee member responsible for the portfolio before the trip is undertaken. Such needs must be clearly stated to enable the travel office to make appropriate arrangements. 13. AUTHORISATION FOR RESEARCH TRAVEL 13.1 Authorisation for all travel funded for research purposes must be approved in accordance with the universitys Policy on Grants from Research Funds.

Refer to paragraph 13 for authorisation of research travel. Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010


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13.2 A request will not be processed without accompanying validation of budget availability.


FUNDING Every responsibility centre must budget annually for domestic and international travel, accommodation and related expenses according to the budgetary guidelines.


DAILY ALLOWANCE 15.1 The daily allowance is payable when an official is on official duty for a period exceeding 8 hours and travels to a destination more 100 km from his or her official place of work or home. 15.2 The daily allowance is payable when there is no overnight stay and is taxable. (When attending seminars or functions where meals are provided, no daily allowance will be paid.) 15.3 No daily allowance be paid to employees choosing not to stay over at the venues booked for training, planning and other events arranged by the University, where these events exceed 2 one day and overnight facilities were made available. 15.3 This amount is paid in respect of meals.


SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 16.1 A subsistence allowance is an amount paid to a UNISA official on official duty for each overnight stay during which the person is absent from his or her usual place of residence. 16.2 As per the SARS ruling, the subsistence allowance paid is not subject to PAYE, but will be reflected in full on the annual IRP5 tax certificate. 16.3 This amount is paid in respect of meals and other incidental costs not paid for directly by UNISA. 16.4 If the allowance claimed and paid is limited to the rate determined by the SARS, no proof of expenditure is required. However, if the allowance claimed exceeds the SARS rate, documentary proof of expenses must be provided for the purposes of reimbursement.


TRANSPORT TO AIRPORT 17.1 17.2 Car rental from the place of work/home to the airport will not be paid by the university. The provisions of this paragraph apply to both domestic and international trips.


TOP- UP FUNDING No top-up funding will be allowed from other funds such as centre funds, departmental funds or research output funds.


SPONSORED PROJECTS University travel and accommodation policy and procedures apply to all travel relating to sponsored projects, unless arrangements are made and paid for directly by the sponsor.

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TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION PARTNERS/PERSONS ACCOMPANYING A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE/COUNCIL 20.1 Should it be deemed, in the interest of the university, for a category 1 official, Vice Principals, Registrar and Assistant Principal to be accompanied by a partner, the travel and accommodation costs of partners will be paid for by the university in accordance with paragraph 33.1. Such costs will be taxed as a fringe benefit in the hands of the UNISA official. The travel office must submit the taxable amount to payroll. 20.2 In all cases, prior approval must be obtained in writing from the Principal and Vice Chancellor, who must inform the Chairperson of the Council. This approval must be attached to the requisition form. 20.3 In the case of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, another member of the Management Committee may sign the requisition form and ensure that the Chairperson of Council is informed through the Office of the Registrar.


GUIDELINES FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION PARTNERS/PERSONS ACCOMPANYING VICE PRINCIPALS, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL OR REGISTRAR 21.1 The following will be taken into account in considering requests for accompanying partners: (a) the frequency of absence from home on approved business trips during the preceding 12 months the period of absence during the trip under consideration special needs of the UNISA official (e.g. in cases of disability)

(b) (c)

21.2 Such concessions will be made for international travel only, and that: (a) (b) 22. only one trip a year for a partner/accompanying person be considered the trip is undertaken in the interest of the university.

CANCELLATION OF RESERVATION 22.1 If a reservation is cancelled, the official will be held responsible for any cancellation fees, except where cancellation is at the request of the university or in the event of illness or any other extraordinary personal circumstances, and has the approval of the relevant member of the Management Committee. 22.2 It is the responsibility of the official to inform the travel office once approval by the Management Committee has been obtained for the cancellation.


UPGRADE AND CHANGES TO TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS Upgrading of flight tickets or changes to travel arrangements that result in a price increase will be paid by the UNISA official and claimed upon return. All such claims must be signed by the relevant member of the Management Committee and submitted to the travel office.


VENUE BOOKINGS Venue bookings must be done in accordance with the Policy on Procurement and in line with the hotel ratings as outlined in this policy.

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AGENCY-APPOINTED EMPLOYEES In a case where employees appointed through the Agency are required to travel travel, accommodation, and other travel-related allowances will be paid by the agency and invoiced to UNISA in accordance with the provisions of this policy.


26. AIR TICKET All officials, except external members of Council will travel economy class. External members of 3 Council may travel business class. 27. CAR RENTAL Refer to paragraph 39. 28. SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE The rates relating to the subsistence allowance for domestic travel will be amended from time to time. These rates are influenced by the Income Tax Act and are set out in Annexure A. 29. ACCOMMODATION 29.1 Accommodation will be booked only if a UNISA official travels more than 100 km away from his or her place of work or home. 29.2 As an exception to the rule in paragraph 29.1, category 1 and 2 officials that attend official university events after hours and where such events are likely to end after 21:00, may book accommodation on such occasions. 29.3 The following hotel rating applies to the different categories of officials: Official category Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 30. STAR RATING NOT AVAILABLE If the above star ratings are not available in a particular area or if adhering to the above rating will result in unreasonable inconvenience to the official (e.g. excessive travelling or risk), an alternative booking may be made at a hotel with ratings other than those indicated above. In this case, officials are required to indicate this on the requisition or the hotel bill, and written approval by the line manager and relevant Management Committee member is required. Should the official choose accommodation with a higher star rating, but which costs less than the rating (as is often the case with conference bookings), the official is required to indicate this on the requisition and obtain written approval from the relevant responsibility centre manager. Description/hotel rating 5-star hotel 4-star hotel 3-star hotel

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31. TRANSPORT TO AIRPORT FOR DOMESTIC TRAVEL 31.1 31.2 Car rental from place of work/home to the airport will not be paid by the university. Car rental will be booked from place of arrival (airport) to the hotel/guest house and bookings must be done through UNISAs travel office. Travel cost from work/home to the airport will be paid through the payroll and limited to the amount indicated in Annexure C to cover cost of transport, parking fees and tollgate fees to and from the airport. 31.3 For regional offices, the cheapest option for travel to and from the airport will be considered. Responsibility centre managers should ensure that the correct distance to be travelled is indicated before the trip is undertaken. Regional Directors must use their discretion in determining the most cost effective of options as outlined below. The cheapest option should be used: 31.3.1 31.3.2 31.3.3 For use of private car (F38 should be used to claim actual kilometres travelled). Car rental to and from departing airport. Shuttle service from home to airport.

31.4 The UNISA official should arrange his or her own transport to and from the airport. Reimbursement for use of the shuttle service will be limited to the amount indicated in Annexure C, option 1.1. A list of shuttle service providers on the UNISA database is available from the travel office. 32. GUESTHOUSE If the preferred accommodation is not a hotel, but a guesthouse (B&B), the rates should be in line with the categories as listed in paragraph 29.3 above.


33. AIR TICKET AND ACCOMMODATION 33.1 The following categories apply: Category Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 33.2 Flight class Business class Business class Economy class Hotel rating 5 or 6-star hotel 5-star hotel 4-star hotel

Where applicable, a UNISA official may be allowed to downgrade from business class to economy class to accommodate an accompanying person. (The total cost may not exceed the cost of a business class ticket.) The cost of the accompanying person will be taxed as a fringe benefit in the hands of the UNISA official. The travel office must submit the taxable amount to the payroll. If star rating is not available, refer to paragraph 30 above.


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SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 34.1 A subsistence allowance as per Annexure B will be paid to cover the cost of meals and other incidental expenses when the UNISA official is spending at least one night away from home on business. 34.2 The rates relating to the subsistence and travel allowance for international travel will be amended from time to time. 34.3 This amount must also be used for all transport related expenses (transport from home to the airport and back, intercity transport, such as buses, taxis and metro rail). To cover these costs, the international daily allowance will be extended to two days before and two days after the official business period. 34.4 The university is not responsible for fluctuations in exchange rates. 34.5 Where own accommodation arrangements are made, the amount paid will be limited to the rate as indicated in Annexure B, option 1.1. This amount will not be subject to PAYE, but will be reflected on the UNISA officials IRP5. UNISA officials should keep proof of expenditure should this be required on assessment by the SARS. 34.6 Any additional allowable expenditure will require an original proof of expenditure.


TRANSPORT TO AIRPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL 35.1 For international travel, no transport cost to the airport will be paid since this is included in the subsistence allowance. 35.2 The travel office will not make any transport arrangements to and from the airport.


INSURANCE Medical and life insurance for the duration of the official travel will be arranged by the travel office where the travel office is responsible for the booking. Insurance cost for private stay will be for the officials own account.


VISAS AND INNOCULATION The UNISA official must apply for his/her own visa and inoculation and apply for reimbursement of the cost thereof on from UNISA Finance Department (Creditors Section) using the F12 Form with a copy of the F36 and receipts attached (as supporting documents).


All travel between home and the regular place of work is for the UNISA officials account. 38. CAR TRAVEL 38.1 UNISA officials (except for category 1 and 2 officials) must make use of UNISA pool cars for local trips.

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38.2 UNISA officials travelling to the Northern region, including Botswana, Venda/Giyani, Swaziland, Polokwane, Lesotho, Bloemfontein, Mafikeng, etc. should travel by pool or rented 4 car. 38.3 If a UNISA pool car is not available, UNISA officials (except for category 1 and 2 officials) may use their own vehicle. 38.4 Application for a pool car must be made, through the Logistics Section, on the prescribed form at least seven days before the car is required. 38.5 All travel claims for use of own car (except for category 1 and 2 officials) must be accompanied by confirmation from the Logistics Section that a UNISA pool car was not available or viable at the date and time of travel. 38.6 Where the UNISA officials own vehicle was used, the distance travelled is calculated from the usual workplace to the destination and back. The mileage should be claimed on the Log Sheet Form (F38); Note that travel to and from airports is excluded. For all travelling between campuses, officials must make use of the available shuttle service. Meetings on campuses must be scheduled with due regard to shuttle times. Category 3 UNISA officials will be reimbursed according to the SARS approved rates as stipulated in Annexure C. Only one UNISA official will be reimbursed in the event where several UNISA officials travel together in private transport. 38.7 The responsibility centre manager should ensure that, where possible, travel arrangements are coordinated to save on travelling costs. 38.8 Category 1 and 2 officials must use their own vehicles for local travel and claim a reimbursement on Form F38. 38.9 In exceptional cases where a pool car is not available and UNISA officials do not have their own vehicle, requests for rented cars for local trips (excluding trips to the airport) may be made through travel office. The request must be signed by both the Executive Director/ or Dean and the Management Committee members accountable for the responsibility centre. Reasons for the exception, destinations, dates and departure points must be clearly indicated on the requisition (invitations/agendas of meetings to be attended must be attached.) 39. CAR RENTALS 39.1 When travelling by air, the travel office will secure car rental services at the destination. When two or more officials are travelling to the same destination, only one car may be booked.

39.2 Where UNISA officials other than persons with disabilities do not have a drivers licence or are not able to drive due to physical or other forms of temporary impairment, requests for a shuttle service for local trips may be made through the travel office. The request must be signed by both the Executive Director or Dean and the Management Committee member accountable for the responsibility centre. Reasons for the exception or special needs, destinations, dates and departure points must be clearly indicated on the requisition (invitations/agendas of meetings to be attended must be attached.)

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UNISA officials making use of car rental services must ensure that: 39.2.1 39.2.2 their title, full names and identity numbers appear on the requisition. a copy of their drivers licence is attached. Only a person who submitted his/her drivers licence will be allowed to drive. they are in possession of a car voucher before leaving. the car voucher is presented to the car rental company to validate receipt of the car. they carefully check the condition of the car upon collection and return in the presence of the car rental representative.

39.2.3 39.2.4


39.3 Any claims for damages from the car rental company, where the driver is found to be negligent, will be recovered from the UNISA official. 39.4 Extensions and changes can only be made by way of a new travel requisition (F36), approved by both the Executive Director or Dean and the Management Committee member accountable for the responsibility centre. Any unauthorised extension of car rental will be recovered from the UNISA official. The following categories will apply: Car group Group H or equivalent (e.g. BMW) Group C or equivalent (e.g. Polo Classic 1.6) Group B (e.g. Toyota Corolla 1.4) Group E (e.g. Microbus) 40. OTHER COSTS 40.1 Tollgate costs excluding travel to and from airports relating to official trips will be reimbursed upon return, (against proof of payment). 40.2 Traffic fines and related administration costs will not be paid by UNISA but will be for the drivers account. 40.3 Cost of parking at the hotels will be included in the accommodation voucher. 41. CANCELLATION OF CAR RENTALS 41.1 All cancellations of car rentals must be made at least twelve hours prior to the stipulated delivery date and time unless some unforeseen emergency occurs. 41.2 All cancellations, including the full reason for such cancellations, must be authorised by the line manager and Executive Director or Dean who originally authorised the booking. Official categories Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Officials travelling in groups of four or more


TRAVEL BY ROAD USING PRIVATE TRANSPORT RATHER THAN AIR TRAVEL 42.1 The use of air travel rather than road transport when travelling locally in South Africa is encouraged owing to the loss of working hours associated with long-distance road travel. 42.2 If travel by road using a private vehicle is being considered, the cost comparison with air travel should be based on the calculation as outlined in the table below. The calculation of

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both options must be attached to the requisition for approval by the line manager. Both the calculation and the requisition must be signed by the line manager. It is the responsibility of the line manager of the applicable responsibility centre to ensure that these calculations are accurate and the cheapest option must be used. Lost working hours should always be taken into account when planning travel. Option Private vehicle Cost comparison should be based on the following Cost of cheapest available flight ticket, including airport taxes and VAT return trip from home/workplace to the airport as per point 1.1 of Annexure C. Car rental from airport to designation (conference venue) based on the quotation from the travel office.

Cost comparison with air travel

Cost comparison with private vehicle

cost of kilometres to be claimed from home to point of destination (based on SARS approved rates, paragraph 1.2 and 1.3 of Annexure C) tollgate fees additional overnight accommodation costs lost working hours


The UNISA official should obtain three written quotations (cheapest flight ticket) from the travel office TEN working days prior to date of travel.

42.4 For claims received after the trip has been undertaken, 80 per cent of the cheapest flight ticket available will be reimbursed and quotations will be obtained by the Finance Department. 43 LIMITATIONS ON TRAVEL BY ROAD 43.3 Travelling time is limited to one day per direction and vacation leave must be taken for additional travelling days. Only one UNISA official will be paid in instances where several UNISA officials travel together.

43.4 44

IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICY The Policy on Travel and Accommodation and Related Expenses is replaced with effect from the date on which Council approves this Policy.

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Domestic travel as allowed by the SARS


Per day for all categories ZAR

With the exception of the daily allowance (par 1.5 below) the following amounts are not subject to PAYE, but must be reflected in full on the Tax Certificate. No proof of expenditure is required. 1.1 Own arrangements/private accommodation Overnight stay (to cover all costs of accommodation, incidental costs and all meals). Transport from airport to place of accommodation will be refunded upon return. All receipts should be submitted with the claim for reimbursement. Car rental kilometres will be limited to the distance travelled between the airport (arrival) to meeting venues. 1.2 Bookings for accommodation paid by UNISA Overnight stay, the cost of bed and breakfast and the parking of a rented car are paid by the university (booking done through travel office). Allowance is paid to the UNISA official to cover the cost of lunch, dinner and incidental costs. 1.3 Bookings for accommodation and meals paid by UNISA Overnight stay and cost of accommodation and parking of a rented car paid by the university. The booking should be done through the travel office where the cost of bed, breakfast and dinner is paid by the university. Allowance is paid to the UNISA official to cover lunch and incidental costs only. 1.4 Conference Fully inclusive conference package, where accommodation and all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are paid by the university. Allowance is paid to the official to cover incidental costs only when the conference venue is more than 100 km from his or her place of work. 1.5 Daily allowance No overnight stay, absence longer than 8 hours, travel greater than 100 km (in one direction). The amount will be paid via payroll and subjected to tax (no advance payment will be allowed). R88 R88 R190 R276


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International travel (African countries and the common monetary areas) as allowed by the SARS


Allowance paid


Subsistence allowance
As per the SARS ruling these amounts are not subject to PAYE, but must be reflected in full on the Tax Certificate. No proof of expenditure is required by Unisa, but may be required by the SARS for assessment purposes.


Own arrangements/private accommodation

For an overnight stay, an amount as indicated in the attached Government Gazette will be paid to cover meals and incidental costs only. In addition, accommodation to a maximum value of USD159 per day is allowed. The amount of USD 159 will be reflected on the travellers IRP5. Therefore the traveller must keep all receipts should it be requested by SARS.

As per Government Gazette


Booking for accommodation paid by UNISA

Cost of accommodation and breakfast is paid by the university and booking arrangements are done through the travel office and official agency. An amount as indicated in the attached Government Gazette will be paid to cover meals (lunch and dinner) and incidental costs only. As per Government Gazette


Conference Fully inclusive conference package. Includes accommodation and all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Allowance is paid to the UNISA official to cover incidental costs only. 30% of Government Gazette tariffs

Government Gazette no. 32972 on 27 February 2010 Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010


2009 UNISA All rights reserved


International subsistence allowance will be limited to TWO days before and TWO days after the dates of the official business period (e.g. dates of the conference or workshop). Travel to African countries where a DAY FLIGHT is available: subsistence allowance will be limited to TWO days before and TWO days after the dates of the official business period (e.g. date of the conference or workshop). Subsistence allowance for travelling to common monetary area (Namibia, Lesotho, and Swaziland) including Botswana will be paid as per the Government Gazette rates. Travelling from home to airport and from airport of the above mentioned destinations will be paid in line with Domestic travel. All international travelling arrangements must be made at least 21 days prior to departure. Arrangements for domestic trips must be made at least 10 working days beforehand to allow electronic payment of subsistence allowance before departure.

Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010


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Other allowance As per the SARS, these amounts must be reflected in full on the tax certificate. Transport to the airport


Maximum allowance paid for transport from home to airport and back for all categories of employees using own vehicle or shuttle services. The amount will be paid together with the subsistence allowance to cover transport costs and parking. Additional costs incurred will not be paid by the university. Travel reimbursement: category 1& and 2 UNISA officials SARS approved rate for engine capacity below 2000 cc. Excluding trips to the airport as outlined in 1.1 above.


R3.05 p/km


Travel reimbursement: category 1& and 2 UNISA officials Engine capacity greater than or equal to 2000 cc. Excluding trips to the airport as outlined in 1.1 above R5.00 p/km


Travel reimbursement : category 3 UNISA officials R3.05 p/km SARS approved rate for any engine capacity. Excluding trips to the airport as outlined in 1.1 above.

Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010


2009 UNISA All rights reserved

ANNE XUR E D: G OV E R NME NT G AZE T T E NO. 34062, 01 MAR C H 2011

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2009 UNISA All rights reserved



OVERVIEW This document indicates the procedure and process flow to be followed when travelling on official UNISA business.


RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA OFFICIAL 2.1 Discuss the travel requirements with the official travel agent (i.e. time, dates destination, accommodation requirement and other special needs). Alternative dates, times and routes must be considered and discussed with UNISAs official travel agent to obtain best possible prices. Obtain quotations from UNISAs official travel agent. UNISA officials must take note of the following: 2.4.1 2.4.2 Any restrictions, limitations and penalties stipulated on the quotations. Quotations provided are based on the availability of flights/seats at the time of inquiry. These quotations are therefore guidelines only; prices may change when bookings are confirmed.


2.3 2.4


Travel bookings are made by completing a Travel Booking Form (F36). Special needs must be indicated on the requisition and quotations must be attached. Names and details on the Travel Booking Form (F36) must be the same as those that appear on the identity (ID), passport documents and drivers licence. Copies of personal documents (ID or passport) must be attached to the Travel Booking Form (F36). UNISA officials must ensure that the completed Travel Booking Form (F36) is authorised as required by this Policy. Approved Travel Booking Form (F36) and supporting documents must be submitted to the official responsible for budgets for confirmation of budget availability, responsibility centre, and account number. Please note that only original Conference or Training funds application forms and invoices to be submitted to the Creditors Section for payment. UNISA officials travelling from research, centre, institute or bureau funds must obtain approval from Funds Administration located at OR Tambo Building for confirmation of Funds, responsibility centre, and account numbers. This approval must be attached to the Travel Booking Form (F36). UNISA officials are responsible for submitting duly authorised and approved travel booking forms to the travel office.





2.10 The workflow at the travel office is as follows: 2.10.1 Every morning the travel office will collect approved Travel Booking Forms (F36) from officials responsible for budgets and funds administration.

Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010

2009 UNISA All rights reserved

2.10.2 The travel office will log all requests to record and track Travel Booking Forms (F36) received. All incorrect or incomplete Travel Booking Forms (F36) will not be processed. The UNISA official will be notified either telephonically or by email that the request is being returned for rectification. It is the UNISA officials responsibility to resubmit the corrected form. 2.10.3 Upon receipt of the duly authorised Travel Booking Form (F36) and supporting documentation as indicated above, the travel office will process an official purchase order, which will be communicated to the UNISA official and travel agent via email. 2.10.4 UNISAs travel office will determine the subsistence and other allowances to be paid and forward the claim to the Salary Administration Section for processing. The claims will be submitted to the Salary Administration Section every Friday and funds will be available in the UNISA officials bank account the following week (on Thursday). Copies of the spreadsheet to be forwarded to the Funds Administration Section. 2.10.5 The travel office will confirm in writing the bookings, including all allowances to be paid into the UNISA officials banking account. 2.11 UNISA officials must arrange foreign currency where necessary. 2.12 UNISA officials should take note that many countries require that the traveller apply in person for the visa before travelling. In this instance, the UNISA official must make arrangements with the embassies and submit proof of visa payment to the travel office, who will arrange for electronic reimbursement. 2.13 Within 30 days of return, proof of travel expenses form should be completed and submitted to the travel office. Failure to do so will result in deduction from the UNISA officials salary of any allowances paid for travelling. 2.14 Cancellations/changes of bookings must be submitted to the travel office in writing, indicating reasons for not travelling/change and signed by the relevant line manager. 2.15 If a reservation is cancelled, the UNISA official will be held responsible for any cancellation fees, except where the cancellation is at the request of the university or in the event of illness or any other extraordinary personal circumstances, and has been approved by the relevant member of the Management Committee. All correspondence to be in writing. 2.16 It is the responsibility of the UNISA official to inform the travel office of any change or cancellation of bookings. 2.17 Any upgrading of flight tickets or changes to travel arrangements that result in increased cost should be paid by the UNISA official and communicated to the travel office upon return. All such increases must be signed by the relevant line manager. Failure to do so will result in these costs being deducted from the UNISA officials salary. Only in exceptional instances will these expenses be reimbursed. 2.18 Urgent requests are the UNISA officials responsibility. The UNISA official must obtain budget authorisation and ensure that the Travel Booking Form (F36), and all supporting documentation, are submitted to the travel office as soon as possible. NOTE: No bookings will be made without a correctly authorised, completed Travel Booking Form (F36) and supporting documents that clearly indicate the dates of such meeting or workshop (e.g. programme or invitation). 3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA TRAVEL AGENT 3.1 Provide a minimum of three quotations for international bookings, including best price options.

Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010

2009 UNISA All rights reserved

3.2 3.3 3.4

Provide a minimum of two quotations for domestic bookings, including best price options. All quotations must be in writing. The travel agent must use UNISA discounted pricing for travel and accommodation where the price is the cheapest. Advise the UNISA official in writing, of the available flights (different class ticket available such as full economy, discounted fares). Alternative dates, time and routes must be considered. The quotation should clearly stipulate any restrictions, limitations and penalties. Upon receipt of the official purchase order, the travel agent will issue a flight ticket (e-ticket reference number) itinerary for international trips and accommodation vouchers. Issue the insurance document as per the universitys agreement.


3.6 3.7 3.8


3.10 The UNISA official must apply for his or her own visa and request reimbursement for the cost of the visa. 3.11 Complete travel documents (flight ticket, accommodation voucher and insurance) to be submitted to the travel office. 3.12 Updates the UNISA official at regular intervals of the progress made with his or her application. 4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA TRAVEL OFFICE 4.1 Travel Booking Form (F36) to be distributed among travel UNISA officials for processing. A log is kept for tracking purposes. Every morning travel employees verify authorisation and check that the responsibility centre and account number are correct. All incorrect or incomplete Travel Booking Forms (F36) will not be processed. The UNISA official will be notified at least by email that the request is being returned for rectification. It is the UNISA officials responsibility to resubmit the corrected form. In the absence of authorisation and/or budget approval, the Travel Booking Form (F36) will be returned to the UNISA official. The travel office must confirm with the travel agent regarding the availability of the option selected by the UNISA official. If the option selected is still valid or available, generate a purchase order and email to the travel agent and the employee. If the selected option is no longer available, travel employees to obtain new quotations and advise the UNISA official. The travel office will log all requests onto the logbook to record and track all Travel Booking Forms (F36) received by the travel office. Travel office to update the UNISA official at regular intervals of the progress made with his or her application.









Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010

2009 UNISA All rights reserved

4.10 Travel office to ensure that the required travel documents are submitted to the travel agent as per attached checklist (Annexure F). 4.11 Emails all the travel documents to the UNISA official. 4.12 The travel office to keep a record of all issued travel documents and receipts of proof of travel. 5 CAR BOOKINGS 5.1 Responsibility of UNISA official 5.1.1 The UNISA official must submit duly authorised Travel Booking Form (F36) indicating his or her requirements. The UNISA official must give a contact number (preferably cell phone). The co-drivers licence should be provided for insurance purposes. If delivery is requested, provide full delivery address. Upon receipt and return, the UNISA official must inspect the condition of the car in the presence of the car hire representative. Extensions and changes cannot be granted without a new travel requisition (F36) approved by both the Executive Director or Dean and Vice Principal accountable for the responsibility centre. Any unauthorised extensions and changes of a car rental without approval will be for the UNISA officials account and deducted from the UNISA officials salary. All car rental requisitions within Gauteng and in places where there are no flights must be accompanied by confirmation from the Logistics Directorate that a Unisa pool car was not available at the date and time of travel.

5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5





Responsibility of UNISA travel office 5.2.1 Upon receipt of the Travel Booking Form (F36), the travel office to make a booking with the car hire company. Issue a car hire voucher. Update the UNISA official at regular intervals of the progress made with his or her application.

5.2.2 5.2.3

Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010


2009 UNISA All rights reserved


Name of UNISA official: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________

Requirements TRAVEL BOOKING DOCUMENTS Duly authorised Travel Booking Form (F36) Application for grant: foreign travel Quotations Copy of passport for international travel CAR BOOKING Complete and duly authorised Travel Booking Form (F36) Copy of drivers licence TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Flight ticket, e-ticket reference number and itinerary for international trips Accommodation voucher Car hire voucher Train/bus/taxi Insurance Visa



Checked by:

Documents received by:

Name: _______________________________


Signature: _____________________________




Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010


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2009 UNISA All rights reserved



OVERVIEW This document indicates the procedure and process flow to be followed when travelling on official UNISA business.


RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA OFFICIAL 2.1 Discuss the travel requirements with the official travel agent (i.e. time, dates destination, accommodation requirement and other special needs). Alternative dates, times and routes must be considered and discussed with UNISAs official travel agent to obtain best possible prices. Obtain quotations from UNISAs official travel agent. UNISA officials must take note of the following: 2.4.1 2.4.2 Any restrictions, limitations and penalties stipulated on the quotations. Quotations provided are based on the availability of flights/seats at the time of inquiry. These quotations are therefore guidelines only; prices may change when bookings are confirmed.


2.3 2.4


Travel bookings are made by completing a Travel Booking Form (F36). Special needs must be indicated on the requisition and quotations must be attached. Names and details on the Travel Booking Form (F36) must be the same as those that appear on the identity (ID), passport documents and drivers licence. Copies of personal documents (ID or passport) must be attached to the Travel Booking Form (F36). UNISA officials must ensure that the completed Travel Booking Form (F36) is authorised as required by this Policy. Approved Travel Booking Form (F36) and supporting documents must be submitted to the official responsible for budgets for confirmation of budget availability, responsibility centre, and account number. Please note that only original Conference or Training funds application forms and invoices to be submitted to the Creditors Section for payment. UNISA officials travelling from research, centre, institute or bureau funds must obtain approval from Funds Administration located at OR Tambo Building for confirmation of Funds, responsibility centre, and account numbers. This approval must be attached to the Travel Booking Form (F36). UNISA officials are responsible for submitting duly authorised and approved travel booking forms to the travel office.





2.10 The workflow at the travel office is as follows: 2.10.1 Every morning the travel office will collect approved Travel Booking Forms (F36) from officials responsible for budgets and funds administration.

Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010

2009 UNISA All rights reserved

2.10.2 The travel office will log all requests to record and track Travel Booking Forms (F36) received. All incorrect or incomplete Travel Booking Forms (F36) will not be processed. The UNISA official will be notified either telephonically or by email that the request is being returned for rectification. It is the UNISA officials responsibility to resubmit the corrected form. 2.10.3 Upon receipt of the duly authorised Travel Booking Form (F36) and supporting documentation as indicated above, the travel office will process an official purchase order, which will be communicated to the UNISA official and travel agent via email. 2.10.4 UNISAs travel office will determine the subsistence and other allowances to be paid and forward the claim to the Salary Administration Section for processing. The claims will be submitted to the Salary Administration Section every Friday and funds will be available in the UNISA officials bank account the following week (on Thursday). Copies of the spreadsheet to be forwarded to the Funds Administration Section. 2.10.5 The travel office will confirm in writing the bookings, including all allowances to be paid into the UNISA officials banking account. 2.11 UNISA officials must arrange foreign currency where necessary. 2.12 UNISA officials should take note that many countries require that the traveller apply in person for the visa before travelling. In this instance, the UNISA official must make arrangements with the embassies and submit proof of visa payment to the travel office, who will arrange for electronic reimbursement. 2.13 Within 30 days of return, proof of travel expenses form should be completed and submitted to the travel office. Failure to do so will result in deduction from the UNISA officials salary of any allowances paid for travelling. 2.14 Cancellations/changes of bookings must be submitted to the travel office in writing, indicating reasons for not travelling/change and signed by the relevant line manager. 2.15 If a reservation is cancelled, the UNISA official will be held responsible for any cancellation fees, except where the cancellation is at the request of the university or in the event of illness or any other extraordinary personal circumstances, and has been approved by the relevant member of the Management Committee. All correspondence to be in writing. 2.16 It is the responsibility of the UNISA official to inform the travel office of any change or cancellation of bookings. 2.17 Any upgrading of flight tickets or changes to travel arrangements that result in increased cost should be paid by the UNISA official and communicated to the travel office upon return. All such increases must be signed by the relevant line manager. Failure to do so will result in these costs being deducted from the UNISA officials salary. Only in exceptional instances will these expenses be reimbursed. 2.18 Urgent requests are the UNISA officials responsibility. The UNISA official must obtain budget authorisation and ensure that the Travel Booking Form (F36), and all supporting documentation, are submitted to the travel office as soon as possible. NOTE: No bookings will be made without a correctly authorised, completed Travel Booking Form (F36) and supporting documents that clearly indicate the dates of such meeting or workshop (e.g. programme or invitation). 3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA TRAVEL AGENT

Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010

2009 UNISA All rights reserved

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Provide a minimum of three quotations for international bookings, including best price options. Provide a minimum of two quotations for domestic bookings, including best price options. All quotations must be in writing. The travel agent must use UNISA discounted pricing for travel and accommodation where the price is the cheapest. Advise the UNISA official in writing, of the available flights (different class ticket available such as full economy, discounted fares). Alternative dates, time and routes must be considered. The quotation should clearly stipulate any restrictions, limitations and penalties. Upon receipt of the official purchase order, the travel agent will issue a flight ticket (e-ticket reference number) itinerary for international trips and accommodation vouchers. Issue the insurance document as per the universitys agreement.


3.6 3.7 3.8


3.10 The UNISA official must apply for his or her own visa and request reimbursement for the cost of the visa. 3.11 Complete travel documents (flight ticket, accommodation voucher and insurance) to be submitted to the travel office. 3.12 Updates the UNISA official at regular intervals of the progress made with his or her application. 4 RESPONSIBILITIES OF UNISA TRAVEL OFFICE 4.1 Travel Booking Form (F36) to be distributed among travel UNISA officials for processing. A log is kept for tracking purposes. Every morning travel employees verify authorisation and check that the responsibility centre and account number are correct. All incorrect or incomplete Travel Booking Forms (F36) will not be processed. The UNISA official will be notified at least by email that the request is being returned for rectification. It is the UNISA officials responsibility to resubmit the corrected form. In the absence of authorisation and/or budget approval, the Travel Booking Form (F36) will be returned to the UNISA official. The travel office must confirm with the travel agent regarding the availability of the option selected by the UNISA official. If the option selected is still valid or available, generate a purchase order and email to the travel agent and the employee. If the selected option is no longer available, travel employees to obtain new quotations and advise the UNISA official. The travel office will log all requests onto the logbook to record and track all Travel Booking Forms (F36) received by the travel office. Travel office to update the UNISA official at regular intervals of the progress made with his or her application.









Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010

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4.10 Travel office to ensure that the required travel documents are submitted to the travel agent as per attached checklist (Annexure F). 4.11 Emails all the travel documents to the UNISA official. 4.12 The travel office to keep a record of all issued travel documents and receipts of proof of travel. 5 CAR BOOKINGS 5.1 Responsibility of UNISA official 5.1.1 The UNISA official must submit duly authorised Travel Booking Form (F36) indicating his or her requirements. The UNISA official must give a contact number (preferably cell phone). The co-drivers licence should be provided for insurance purposes. If delivery is requested, provide full delivery address. Upon receipt and return, the UNISA official must inspect the condition of the car in the presence of the car hire representative. Extensions and changes cannot be granted without a new travel requisition (F36) approved by both the Executive Director or Dean and Vice Principal accountable for the responsibility centre. Any unauthorised extensions and changes of a car rental without approval will be for the UNISA officials account and deducted from the UNISA officials salary. All car rental requisitions within Gauteng and in places where there are no flights must be accompanied by confirmation from the Logistics Directorate that a Unisa pool car was not available at the date and time of travel.

5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5





Responsibility of UNISA travel office 5.2.1 Upon receipt of the Travel Booking Form (F36), the travel office to make a booking with the car hire company. Issue a car hire voucher. Update the UNISA official at regular intervals of the progress made with his or her application.

5.2.2 5.2.3

Approved Council 29 July 2005 Revised Man Com 02.06.09 Approved Council - 29.08.09 Man Com 24.08.2010 Approved Council 17.09.2010


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Name of UNISA official: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________

Requirements TRAVEL BOOKING DOCUMENTS Duly authorised Travel Booking Form (F36) Application for grant: foreign travel Quotations Copy of passport for international travel CAR BOOKING Complete and duly authorised Travel Booking Form (F36) Copy of drivers licence TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Flight ticket, e-ticket reference number and itinerary for international trips Accommodation voucher Car hire voucher Train/bus/taxi Insurance Visa



Checked by:

Documents received by:

Name: _______________________________


Signature: _____________________________




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