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Invited Review

Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Developmental

Programming of the Metabolic Syndrome: A Critical
Clinic of Obstetrics, Division of Experimental Obstetrics, Charité-University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Address for correspondence: Professor Andreas Plagemann, MD, Clinic of Obstetrics, Division of Experimental Obstetrics, Charité-University
Medicine Berlin, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany. E-mail:

Received14 September 2010; accepted 18 January 2011.

ABSTRACT critical periods of perinatal life may increase long-term risks.

Perinatally acquired microstructural and epigenomic alterations
According to the ‘‘small baby syndrome hypothesis,’’ low in regulatory systems of metabolism and body weight seem to
birthweight and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) occurring be critical, leading to a cardiometabolic risk disposition
in westernized countries mainly through altered placental flow, throughout life. While experimental data in Lig-offspring seem
have been linked to increased metabolic syndrome risk in later to be considerably biased, prenatal stress and postnatal
life. Independency and causal mechanisms of this overfeeding ⁄ rapid neonatal weight gain might be causally linked
phenomenological association are a matter of controversy. By to a long-term deleterious outcome in growth restricted
means of epidemiological as well as experimental methods, using newborns. From a clinical point of view, prevention of causes of
meta-analyses and different rodent models of pre- and ⁄ or IUGR, as well as avoidance of perinatal overnourishment, might
neonatal malnutrition and altered placental flow (uterine artery be prophylactic approaches to avoid perinatal programming of
ligation; Lig), we systematically addressed the phenomenon. Our cardiometabolic risks.
data and systematic literature analysis revealed that neither
Key words: low birthweight, bilateral uterine artery ligation,
epidemiological nor experimental evidence seems to exist linking
animal models, meta-analysis, small baby syndrome
prenatal underfeeding, low birthweight, IUGR, or decreased
placental flow in rats (Lig-model) as independent risk factors Abbreviations used : AGA, appropriate for gestational age; CI,
to increased metabolic syndrome risk in later life. Rather, pre- confidence interval; IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction; LP, low
and ⁄ or neonatal overfeeding, elevated birthweight, rapid protein; NL, normal litters; OR, odds ratio; SGA, small for
neonatal weight gain, and especially increased adiposity during gestational age; SL, small litters.

Please cite this paper as: Neitzke, Harder, and Plagemann (2011). Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Developmental Programming of the Metabolic
Syndrome: A Critical Appraisal. Microcirculation 18(4), 304–311.

a low birthweight, a higher risk of impaired glucose toler-

ance and diabetes [11,13,28,30,45], and cardiovascular
For about 20 years, an association between low birthweight diseases including hypertension and stroke at adult age, has
and higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and been demonstrated [8,27,33,46,49,51].
symptoms of the metabolic syndrome at adult age has been Despite the overwhelming number of studies and epide-
frequently discussed and has gained widespread attention miological data on the ‘‘small baby syndrome,’’ mecha-
as the so-called fetal origins hypothesis on a ‘‘small baby nisms which underly these associations are still unclear. As
syndrome’’ [3,16–18]. In a cohort of men and women born the prevalence of both IUGR and the metabolic syndrome
between 1920 and 1943 in Hertfordshire and Preston, UK, are still increasing, research on mechanisms is urgently
the groups of C.N. Hales and D.J.P. Barker observed an needed to allow the development and implementation of
increasing risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, and prevention strategies.
metabolic syndrome with falling birthweight [2–4,18]. This During recent years, our group has used two major
phenomenological association was confirmed in a consider- approaches to explore the relationships between IUGR, low
able number of epidemiological studies. In newborns with birthweight, and later risk of diseases: first, we performed a

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Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Developmental Programming

series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the pub- existence of a U-shaped relationship between birthweight
lished evidence on these topics. Second, we used animal and risk of type 2 diabetes. In detailed examinations of the
experiments to verify potential causal mechanisms and rele- data set, no indication for publication bias or other forms
vant exposures. of bias were found [22,41].
In the context of the ‘‘small baby syndrome hypothesis,’’
it has also been suggested that low birthweight and ⁄ or
IUGR might be related to an increased risk of type 1 diabe-
tes during childhood. In a recent meta-analysis, we
As already mentioned, low birthweight has been widely explored the current evidence on this issue and found that
suggested to lead to an increased risk of developing the low birthweight was rather followed by a nonsignificantly
metabolic syndrome at adult age. However, it has been decreased risk of type 1 diabetes in later life (OR: 0.82,
long known that overweight and obesity play a key role in 95% CI: 0.54–1.23). In contrast, high birthweight was asso-
the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome and its main ciated with a small, but significant increase in risk (OR:
components, such as hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, 1.17, 95% CI: 1.09–1.26) [23].
and hyperglycemia. Consequently, one would expect that While much of the attention has focused during recent
low birthweight is also associated with an increased risk of years on metabolic diseases, it might be of equal impor-
overweight during later life. However, this is not the case. tance to know whether low birthweight and ⁄ or IUGR are
In a systematic review of the published literature analyzing linked to other groups of chronic, life-threatening diseases,
a total of 35 studies from 16 countries which included data like certain types of cancer. We therefore performed two
from 980,450 participants, we found that 89% of the pub- further meta-analyses, which aimed to investigate the rela-
lished studies showed a linear positive relationship between tionship between birthweight and tumors of the central
birthweight and later risk of overweight, that is, the higher and peripheral nervous system. For astrocytoma, the most
the birthweight was, the higher was the risk of overweight common solid tumor in childhood, we observed that low
[24]. In only 8% of the studies was a U-shaped relationship birthweight was associated with a nonsignificantly
observed, with both high and low birthweight being associ- decreased risk (OR: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.58–1.25), whereas high
ated with increased overweight risk. Notably, in none of the birthweight was associated with an increased tumor risk
so-far published studies was a linear inverse relationship (OR: 1.38, 95% CI: 1.07–1.79). Similarly, for medulloblas-
found, as it has often been claimed to exist in the context toma, low birthweight was a nonsignificant risk factor (OR:
of the ‘‘small baby syndrome’’ (Figure 1). 1.64, 95% CI: 0.42–6.48), whereas high birthweight was
A U-shaped relationship has also been observed in our significantly associated with increased risk (OR: 1.27, 95%
meta-analysis on the association between birthweight and CI: 1.02–1.60) [20]. A U-shaped relationship was observed
risk of type 2 diabetes. Compared with normal birthweight in our meta-analysis on birthweight and risk of neuroblas-
(2,500–3,999 g), low birthweight (<2,500 g; OR: 1.47, 95% toma. For this most common solid tumor in the first year
CI: 1.26–1.72) as well as high birthweight (>4,000 g; OR: of life, we found that both low birthweight (OR: 1.24, 95%
1.36, 95% CI: 1.07–1.73) were related to an increased risk CI: 1.0–1.55), as well as high birthweight (OR: 1.19, 95%
of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Both meta- CI: 1.04–1.36), was associated with an increased neuroblas-
regression analysis and categorical analysis confirmed the toma risk [21].
Taken together, the epidemiological data published so
far suggest that low birthweight is not a risk factor for
overweight ⁄ obesity in later life, which would be a logical
precondition to allow a causal relationship between low
birthweight and later development of the metabolic
syndrome and its cardiovascular components. Furthermore,
data also show that the relationship between birthweight
and later risk of type 2 diabetes is not linearly inverse as it
has been claimed by many researchers, but U-shaped: both
low and high birthweight are related to later type 2 diabetes
to a similar degree. Such a U-shaped relationship can also
be found for some types of cancer of the nervous system.
However, epidemiological studies alone are insufficient
Figure 1. A systematic review of the published literature reveals that in
the majority of studies, birthweight is positively related to risk of
to prove causality behind such observed associations, and
overweight in later life, whereas no study has so far shown a linear cannot elucidate pathophysiological mechanisms. Therefore,
inverse relationship [24]. it is necessary to develop and use animal models, which

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U. Neitzke et al.

can provide insights into causal relationships as well as offspring of LP-malnourished dams even had a higher life
etiopathological mechanisms. expectancy than controls [35].
Moreover, it should be considered that maternal malnutri-
tion during pregnancy is an important problem in develop-
ing countries, whereas IUGR in western industrialized
countries mostly results from decreased placental blood flow,
A number of animal models have been developed during for example, due to maternal hypertension [14]. Bilateral
recent years to reduce birthweight and investigate mecha- uterine artery ligation probably has been the most important
nisms of fetal and perinatal programming according to the rodent model for many decades to investigate IUGR caused
‘‘small baby syndrome hypothesis.’’ Rodent models of mater- by placental insufficiency [10]. Initially, Wigglesworth devel-
nal malnutrition during pregnancy are among the most often oped this model with unilateral ligation of the uterine artery
used models. In these studies, malnutrition is mainly in the last trimester of pregnancy to achieve growth restric-
induced either by feeding an LP diet or by semistarvation tion in the offspring [52]. As it has been claimed that uterine
[8,15,26,36]. In both models, offspring show a reduced mean artery ligation will decrease placental flow, this model was
birthweight as compared with control offspring. However, widely used and cited in the literature and has been modified
despite showing this phenomenological similarity to human by many investigators to a bilateral uterine artery ligation to
newborns being SGA or having IUGR, in particular, off- investigate the consequences of IUGR and causal factors of
spring of rat dams fed LP diet during pregnancy did not the ‘‘small baby syndrome’’ [47].
show the spectrum of metabolic and cardiovascular altera- Our group performed a large-scale experimental investi-
tions observed in the epidemiological and clinical studies dis- gation of this model with bilateral uterine artery ligation
cussed above [39]. In particular, these offspring showed a during the last trimester of pregnancy in rats (Lig). Off-
permanently reduced instead of increased body weight spring were followed up from birth until weaning on day
throughout juvenile and adult age [26,36,39], reduced 21 of life and were compared with offspring of mother rats
instead of increased food intake [38,39], and normal or even with sham ligation during pregnancy [32]. In these experi-
improved, but not impaired glucose tolerance in adulthood ments, bilateral uterine artery ligation did not lead to
[15,38]. No hyperinsulinemia indicating insulin resistance reduced mean birthweight after spontaneous delivery in
but rather a reduced insulin secretion was found [31,38]. rats (Figure 2A). Neither increased prevalence of IUGR nor
Development of metabolic disturbances at juvenile and adult neonatal catch-up growth occurred in the offspring.
age could be shown only after dietetic provocation [53], but Instead, Lig caused a reduction in primary litter size and
even under these circumstances, LP offspring remained possibly resulted in survival of the stronger and heavier
underweight [38]. In studies from our group, LP offspring fetuses. During follow-up, no differences in body weight
also did not develop increased blood pressure [39]. Finally, occurred and no data indicating the development of

Figure 2. (A) Neither birthweight (left) nor

body weight at weaning (day 21 of life; right)
differs between offspring of rat dams with
B bilateral uterine artery ligation (Lig; black
bars) and those of sham-operated rat dams
(ShL; white bars). Data are means ± SD (n).
(B) Evidence of publication bias in studies on
bilateral uterine artery ligation during the
third trimester of rats. The funnel plot (left)
shows an inverse relationship between study
size and effect size (own study: circled), as
compared with a fictitious funnel plot of an
ideal meta-analysis without publication bias
(right) [32].

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Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Developmental Programming

increased diabetogenic and ⁄ or adipogenic risk were hypertension and symptoms of the metabolic syndrome rel-
apparent in Lig weanlings [32]. evant to humans in the western world.
To clarify the sources for the discrepancies between our
observations and those reported in the literature by other
groups, we performed a systematic review and meta-analy-
sis of the literature on the model of bilateral uterine artery
ligation in rats [32]. These analyses gave an indication for
severe problems regarding the quality of reporting in the
published studies as well as for the presence of bias. For many years, however, our group has suggested that a
Remarkably, in none of the 13 studies included in the sys- causal mechanism underlying an increased risk of meta-
tematic review has an increased percentage of growth- bolic and cardiovascular alterations after low birthweight
restricted pups been described. Five of the 13 studies might be neonatal overnutrition [9]. In rats, this exposure
reported an active selection of low-birthweight pups from can be elegantly mimicked by a slight manipulation during
primary litters for further investigation. Furthermore, we the early postnatal period. In the so-called ‘‘small litter
found indication for publication bias in the literature on (SL)’’ model, reduction in the number of pups in the pri-
the model. This means that the birthweight difference mary litter from about 12 to only three pups per nest
between offspring of rat dams with uterine artery ligation results in a surplus of milk for each offspring [1,12]. Addi-
and sham ligation appeared to be mainly caused by a selec- tionally, the composition of the milk is changed toward an
tive publication of smaller studies, which used for their increased fat content [11]. Raising rats in SL results in the
analysis only a few selected pups from the primary litter development of a metabolic-syndrome-like phenotype at
with a low birthweight of unknown reason. The funnel juvenile and adult age. These pups show an increased food
plot, which is an meta-analytic tool for the analysis of pub- intake, permanent overweight with increased fat deposition,
lication bias, appeared strongly asymmetric with a gap at hyperinsulinemia, impaired glucose tolerance, hypertrigly-
the bottom right indicating a missing (nonpublication) of ceridemia and an increased systolic blood pressure [42–44].
smaller studies with smaller or even positive mean differ- Using this well-established overnutrition regimen, we
ences in birthweight between Lig offspring and control developed a new, genuine rat model of low birthweight
pups (Figure 2B). Our meta-analysis thereby gave a clear with consecutive neonatal overfeeding. Spontaneously
indication that the Lig model does not reproducibly lead to delivered pups from normal, untreated rat dams were
reduced mean birthweight. The larger the study was, the defined as being SGA if their birthweight was below the
smaller was the difference between the investigated groups, lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of the mean
tending toward zero in the largest studies. This tendency birthweight of all pups of the same litter and sex. These
was supported by the results from our own experiments SGA pups were randomly distributed among two groups:
with a large amount of offspring and a tendency toward one group was overnourished neonatally by raising them in
even higher birthweight in surviving Lig pups. SL (three pups per nest), whereas the other group was
Further problems and sources of bias appeared when raised in normal litters of 12 pups per nest. Pups, which
those studies, which conducted investigations on long-term had a birthweight AGA, that is, within the limits of the
outcome in Lig offspring, were analyzed. Only five of the 95% confidence interval for litter and sex, served as con-
studies used definitely growth-restricted rats for further trols [19].
investigation. In none of these studies did either rapid neo- Neonatal overnutrition of SGA pups in SL resulted in an
natal weight gain or catch-up growth occur in offspring of increased neonatal weight gain. From day 7 of life onwards,
Lig dams [32]. Remarkably, in a recent study, disturbances they did not further show a difference in body weight, as
in lipid metabolism were found not only in offspring of compared with the control AGA pups raised in normal
rats with uterine artery ligation during pregnancy but also litters. In contrast, SGA pups raised in ‘‘normal litters’’
in those of dams with sham ligation, as compared with off- caught up in body weight not until day 60 of life. After
spring of untreated control dams [34]. day 60 of life, no further differences in body weight were
Taken together, bilateral uterine artery ligation during observed among the three groups. During glucose tolerance
the last trimester in rats does not reproducibly lead to tests at adult age, neonatally overnourished SGA rats
IUGR in the spontaneously born offspring. Keeping in showed significantly increased blood glucose levels at
mind the inconclusive results obtained in nutrition-based 90 minutes, hyperinsulinemia and a significantly increased
models of low birthweight discussed above, one has to con- insulin ⁄ glucose-ratio, indicating the development of insulin
sider that there is a general paucity of animal ⁄ rodent models resistance. In contrast, no differences in metabolic profile
which convincingly investigate an independent impact of a were found in SGA pups raised in normal litters, as
low birthweight on subsequent health risks like diabetes, compared with controls (Figure 3) [19].

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logical studies. It is worth noting that, in both of the large

historical geographical association studies on the conse-
quences of maternal undernutrition during pregnancy for
later risk of overweight, metabolic and cardiovascular dis-
eases, the Dutch Famine Study [50] and the Leningrad Siege
Study [48], no impact of gestational undernutrition on
birthweight was observed.
As discussed above in detail, the results from the animal
models appear to be inconclusive because either (a) birth-
weight is not reproducibly reduced, as in the Lig model, or
(b) adipogenic, metabolic and ⁄ or cardiovascular risk is not
reproducibly increased, as in the low-protein model. Fur-
thermore, the most frequently used nonrodent model to
Figure 3. Rats born small for gestational age (SGA) develop
hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance only if they were overnourished
investigate the ‘‘small baby syndrome,’’ the sheep, [6] has an
neonatally by raising them in small litters (SL). Body weight and epitheliochorial placenta, which substantially differs from the
metabolic parameters (blood glucose, plasma insulin, insulin ⁄ blood hemochorial placenta in humans and rodents in important
glucose ratio (IRI ⁄ BG), leptin) at day 360 day of life in rats with normal features of nutrient transport such as, for example, an almost
birthweight raised in normal litters (normal nutrition; AGA-in-NL; white
absent transport of fatty acids, etc. [37].
bars; n = 70), as compared with SGA rats raised in NL (normal
nutrition; SGA-in-NL; gray bars; n = 14) or SGA rats overnourished in SL
In the context of our data obtained in the ‘‘genuine’’
(SGA-in-SL; black bars; n = 14). Data are means ± SD, shown as rodent model described above, one has to consider that
percentage of AGA-in-NL levels. *p < 0.05 (post hoc t-test) [19]. also in some of the animal studies from other authors, neo-
natal overnutrition might have ‘‘biased’’ the results. In the
The hypothesis of the ‘‘small baby syndrome’’ implies LP or semistarvation model, cessation of undernutrition
that having a low birthweight per se increases the risk of after birth without cross-fostering the offspring onto con-
developing symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. This trol rats, as it has been performed regularly by many inves-
relationship could not be confirmed in our experiments at tigators in the field, results in exposing the offspring to a
all. Rather, newborn rats with low birthweight (SGA pups) rat dam which develops reactive hyperphagia during the
showed an increased risk of developing diabetogenic distur- suckling period, probably resulting in overnutrition of the
bances only if they were exposed to neonatal overnutrition, offspring during neonatal life.
in tendency even if only ‘‘relative’’ neonatal overfeeding In the meanwhile, a number of epidemiological and clin-
was provided (SGA-in-NL; Figure 3). ical studies speak in favor of such a critical role of the neo-
natal period, of neonatal overnutrition and of neonatal
rearing conditions for the long-term outcome of ‘‘small
babies.’’ For example, Hofman et al. [25] showed that chil-
It is crucial for the entire discussion on the possible causes dren born with low birthweight, no matter if they were
and consequences of low birthweight, SGA and ⁄ or IUGR term ‘‘small for gestational age’’—newborns or if they were
that birthweight is understood to be only a crude or proxy preterm ‘‘appropriate-for-gestational-age’’—newborns, had
indicator of exposures and conditions during prenatal life. a reduced insulin sensitivity indicating an increased risk of
In that sense, to consider low birthweight per se as a risk developing type 2 diabetes. The finding that the risk among
factor for later cardiometabolic diseases appears to be ques- AGA children who were born prematurely is similar to the
tionable, at least. Rather, it is likely that particular expo- risk among SGA children which were born at term argues
sures in utero which cause or go along with low strongly against diminished prenatal food supply as a cau-
birthweight might offer a causal link here. In particular, sal factor for later outcome [40]. Rather, in particular, in
prenatal stress, smoking during pregnancy, infections, alco- underweight newborns, increased weight gain in early
hol as well as cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy, on infancy as a proxy for neonatal overnutrition might lead to
the one hand, may reduce birthweight and, on the other an increased risk of developing metabolic and cardiovascular
hand, might lead to rather specific functional disorders, disturbances [7,11].
which in turn are accompanied by an increased cardiomet-
abolic risk. In this context, it is also important to consider
that, in the meanwhile, the results from a number of stud-
ies suggest that maternal undernutrition during pregnancy Finally, it should be stressed that there is no doubt that
is a highly unlikely cause here, at least with respect to west- IUGR per se is an established risk factor for a number
ernized countries. This view is also supported by epidemio- of short-term as well as long-term complications and

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Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Developmental Programming

diseases, such as impaired renal function and cardiovascu- with its hormonal and metabolic sequelae during critical
lar diseases [5,29]. However, a critical estimation of cur- periods of perinatal life may increase long-term cardiomet-
rent epidemiological, clinical and experimental data abolic risks. One major challenge for future research in
indicates that low birthweight per se is not an independent this field therefore is to establish new animal models
risk factor for the development of overweight and subse- allowing the identification of really causal risk factors
quent metabolic syndrome. One of the most often used across the spectrum of birthweight, to enable the develop-
animal models in this context, bilateral uterine artery liga- ment of prevention strategies.
tion during the third trimester of pregnant rats, does not
reproducibly lead to growth restriction in spontaneously
born offspring and is therefore hardly a suitable model to
examine pathophysiological causes of the ‘‘small baby syn- This work was supported by the German Research Founda-
drome.’’ Rather, pre- and ⁄ or neonatal overfeeding, rapid tion (DFG; PL 241 ⁄ 3, 241 ⁄ 4, 241 ⁄ 5).
neonatal weight gain, and especially increased adiposity

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diabetes: thrifty genotype, thrifty pheno- 301: 1540, 2009. spring. J Endocrinol 154: 177–185, 1997.
type, or surviving small baby genotype? 42. Plagemann A, Harder T, Rake A, Voits M,
BMJ 308: 942–945, 1994. Fink H, Rohde W, Dörner G. Perinatal eleva- AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES
31. Moura AS, De Souza Caldeira Filho J, De tion of hypothalamic insulin, acquired mal-
Freitas Mathias PC, de Sá CC. Insulin formation of hypothalamic galaninergic
secretion impairment and insulin sensitiv- neurons, and syndrome X-like alterations
ity improvement in adult rats undernour- in adulthood of neonatally overfed rats.
ished during early lactation. Res Comm Brain Res 836: 146–155, 1999.
Mol Pathol Pharmacol 96: 179–192, 43. Plagemann A, Harder T, Rake A, Waas T,
1997. Melchior K, Ziska T, Rohde W, Dörner G.
32. Neitzke U, Harder T, Schellong K, Observations on the orexigenic hypotha-
Melchior K, Ziska T, Rodekamp E, lamic neuropeptide Y-system in neonatally
Dudenhausen JW, Plagemann A. Intra- overfed weanling rats. J Neuroendocrinol
uterine growth restriction in a rodent 11: 541–546, 1999.
Uta Neitzke, MD, is a pediatrician at
model and developmental programming 44. Plagemann A, Heidrich I, Götz F, Rohde Ernst von Bergmann Hospital in Pots-
of the metabolic syndrome: a critical W, Dörner G. Obesity and enhanced dia- dam, Germany. She graduated in 2010
appraisal of the experimental evidence. betes and cardiovascular risk in adult rats ‘‘with highest honor’’ with her thesis
Placenta 29: 246–254, 2008. due to early postnatal overfeeding. Exp
on experimental aspects of perinatal
33. Nilsson PM, Östergren P-O, Nyberg P, Clin Endocrinol 99: 154–158, 1992.
Söderström M, Allebeck P. Low birth 45. Rich-Edwards JW, Colditz GA, Stampfer
programming in animal models for
weight is associated with elevated systolic MJ, Willett WC, Gillman MW, Hennekens the ‘‘small-baby-syndrome’’ at the
blood pressure in adolescence: a prospec- CH, Speizer FE, Manson JE. Birthweight Division of Experimental Obstetrics
tive study of a birth cohort of 149 378 and the risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus in at the Clinic of Obstetrics, Charité
Swedish boys. J Hypertens 15: 1627– adult women. Ann Intern Med 130: 278–
Berlin, Germany.
1631, 1997. 284, 1999.
34. Nüsken K-D, Dötsch J, Rauh M, Rascher 46. Rich-Edwards JW, Stampfer MJ, Manson
W, Schneider H. Uteroplacental insuffi- JE, Rosner B, Hankinson SE, Colditz GA,
ciency after bilateral uterine artery ligation Willett WC, Hennekens CH. Birth weight
in the rat: impact on postnatal glucose and risk of cardiovascular disease in a
and lipid metabolism and evidence for cohort of women followed up since 1976.
metabolic programming of the offspring BMJ 315:396–400, 1997.
by sham operation. Endocrinology 149: 47. Simmons RA, Templeton LJ, Gertz SJ.
1056–1063, 2008. Intrauterine growth retardation leads to
35. Ozanne SE, Hales CN. Lifespan: catch-up the development of type 2 diabetes in the
growth and obesity in male mice. Nature rat. Diabetes 50: 2279–2286, 2001.
427: 411–412, 2004. 48. Stanner SA, Bulmer K, Andrès C, Lantseva Thomas Harder, MD, MSc, is Deputy
36. Ozanne SE, Wang CL, Dorling MW, Petry OE, Borodina V, Poteen VV, Yudkin JS. Head of the Division of Experimental
CJ. Dissection of the metabolic actions of Does malnutrition in utero determine dia-
Obstetrics at Charité. His research is
insulin in adipocytes from early growth- betes and coronary heart disease in adult-
retarded male rats. J Endocrinol 162: hood? Results from the Leningrad siege focussed on epidemiological and
313–319, 1999. study, a cross sectional study. BMJ 315: experimental studies on perinatal
37. Pere MC. Materno-foetal exchanges and 1342–1349, 1997. programming. He has published more
utilisation of nutrients by the foetus: com- 49. Stein CE, Fall CHD, Kumaran K, Osmond C, than 160 abstracts, book chapters and
parison between species. Reprod Nutr Dev Cox V, Barker DJ. Fetal growth and coro-
journal articles.
43: 1–15, 2003. nary heart disease in South India. Lancet
38. Petry CJ, Ozanne SE, Wang CL, Hales CN. 348: 1269–1273, 1996.
Early protein restriction and obesity inde- 50. Stein AD, Zybert PA, van de Bor M, Lumey
pendently induce hypertension in 1-year- LH. Intrauterine famine exposure and body
old rats. Clin Sci 93: 147–152, 1997. proportions at birth: the Dutch Hunger
39. Plagemann A. Fetale Programmierung und Winter. Int J Epidemiol 33: 831–836, 2004.
funktionelle Teratologie: Ausgewählte 51. Vos LE, Oren A, Bots ML, Gorissen WH,
Mechanismen und Konsequenzen. In: Grobbee DE, Uiterwaal CS. Birth size and
Vorgeburtliches Wachstum und gesund- coronary heart disease risk score in young

310 ª 2011 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Microcirculation, 18, 304–311
Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Developmental Programming

Andreas Plagemann, MD, is ordinary centrations of hormones and nutrients tional research prizes in the fields of
Professor and Head of the Division of during critical periods of fetal and neo- diabetes and obesity and has been per-
Experimental Obstetrics at Charité. His natal life. Dr. Plagemann has published manently funded since 20 years by the
research deals with epidemiological, some 100 original papers, 40 reviews German Research Foundation (DFG),
clinical as well as experimental studies and book chapters as well as about 120 the Federal Ministries of Research in
on the long-term epigenetic and inter- abstracts in peer-reviewed journals. He Germany (BMFT, BMBF), and other
generative consequences of altered con- was awarded with national and interna- non-profit organizations.

ª 2011 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Microcirculation, 18, 304–311 311

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