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Elements of Fiction

Submitted by Group 4:
ARCILLA, John Paul
BUCUD, Ariela M.
HERRERA, Prince John S.
JANIER, Rainier James C.
MAHINAY, Jeia Lauryn L.
MUÑOZ, Harry S.
RAGA, Juliana S.
Chosen Fictional Movie

Chihiro Ogino Haku Lin

Dynamic Character Static Character Dynamic Character
She is the Protagonist of The Co-protagonist of the Lin is a supporting
the story. Chihiro is first story. Haku was already set character. In her first
seen as a whiny girl that's to support Chihiro with her appearance, she was
afraid of everything. As life, and throughout the doubtful about Chihiro's
everything, including her story, it was evident that it presence but she grew to
name, changed, she became was his sole agenda. like her and became
more courageous to save Making him a static protective. She took care of
her and her parents' lives. character in the story. Chihiro at the Bath House.

Yubaba Zeniba Kamaji

Dynamic Character Dynamic Character Dynamic Character
Yubaba is the Antagonist of She is the twin sister of He was first unfriendly
the story. She is greedy and Yubaba. At first, she is seen when he first saw Chihiro
a strict-follower to the as similar as her twin but along the way he is
rules. However, she has sister. But later on, she seen to be a helpful man,
shown redeeming qualities showed her true colors as a especially to Chihiro when
that she is appreciative and welcoming and hospitable she needed to be protected
helpful to her workers. lady that gave Chihiro the from the Spirit World.
help she needs.

Akio Ogino Yūko Ogino No-Face

Static Character Static Character Static Character
His haughtiness caused him She may look calm and No-Face has the role of a
and his family to be cursed collected but her Supporting Character. It
into the Spirit World. personality has supported was always seen as a lonely
Especially to Chihiro which her husband's curiosity. She spirit that always followed
effectively turned her into does not refuse her Chihiro throughout the
binding a contract to husband's choices but to story. It never spoke
slavery. Chihiro, she never gave in verbally but only grunts.
to her whining.
Chihiro and her parents are moving to a small
Japanese town in the countryside, much to Chihiro's
dismay. On the way to their new home, Chihiro's
father makes a wrong turn and drives down a lonely
one-lane road which dead-ends in front of a tunnel.
Her parents decide to stop the car and explore the
area. They go through the tunnel and find an
abandoned amusement park on the other side, with
its own little town. When her parents see a
restaurant with great-smelling food but no staff,
they decide to eat and pay later. However, Chihiro
refuses to eat and decides to explore the theme park
a bit more. She meets a boy named Haku who tells
her that Chihiro and her parents are in danger, and
they must leave immediately. She runs to the
restaurant and finds that her parents have turned into
pigs. In addition, the theme park turns out to be a
town inhabited by demons, spirits, and evil gods. At
the center of the town is a bathhouse where these
creatures go to relax. The owner of the bathhouse is
the evil witch Yubaba, who is intent on keeping all
trespassers as captive workers, including Chihiro.
Chihiro must rely on Haku to save her parents in
hopes of returning to their world.
Point of View
The movie's story was in a Third Person Point of View. Scenes from all throughout the movie was in the perspective of an
ideal observer. The story is narrated in a view where the reader/watcher, can see from the perspective of a specific
character, and we’re using he, she, or they.

The setting of Spirited Away swings between the present-day Japan that Chihiro and her family call home and an
intriguing parallel realm populated by exotic creatures and spirits. However the primary location for the Japanese
animation movie Spirited Away. It is the location of two key locales in the movie, the bathhouse owned by Yubaba and the
cottage owned by Zeniba. The Spirit Realm's inhabitants typically do their daily business at night rather than during the
day, in contrast to the Human World. In fact, the spirit realm is depicted during the Meiji era (1868 to 1912), when Japan
emerged from its seclusion and opened up to Western influences.
Writer's choice of words B. sharp short sentences (Script of Spirited away)
A. sentence structure Daddy, are we lost? We're fine, we've got 4-wheel drive.
Something you wouldn't recognize. It’s called love

D. tone and atmosphere
Example 1: A human Watching spirited away was a experience, i remember watching it alone, i
Example 2: Quit whining was blown away by the way it is animated, viewing it is like watching your
Compound The tone of the character depends on the mood and situation they are in, but
Example 1: Now go, and don't look back. most of the time the character talks straight to the point, they don't use
Example 2: Deny death, and you deny
“You humans always make a mess of things. Like your parents who gobbled up
the food of the spirits like pigs. They got what they deserved.”
Example 1: If you make Sen cry I won’t The atmosphere it gives, feels like in a dream, Spirited Away, as seen through
like you anymore the eyes of its young lead, is an expression of worries and concerns.
Example 2: I Don't Need Any Help, This
On the first scene where the Chihiro seems to express a strong emotion of
Place Is Full Of Soot
sadness then she said
“ I finally get a bouquet and it's a goodbye present. That's depressing.”
Example 1: I finally get a bouquet and One of my personal favorite scene is when he sees her parents turn into pig
it's a goodbye present. That's “What about my mom and dad? They
depressing. didn't really turn into pigs, did they?
You can't see them now,
Example 2: Quit Whining. It's Fun To
Where it successfully present the fear of losing your parents
Move To A New Place, It's An Adventure
There are numerous themes that are unique to Spirited
Away. Identity, isolation, and the loss of the past are
its main themes. As soon as Yubaba took and changed
Chihiro's name into Sen, her identity vanished. This is
how she manipulates people and forces Chihiro to put
out effort in order to avoid being converted into a pig.
In the movie, a character's name serves as their
identification. Until Chihiro remembers that she fell
into a river and was miraculously saved, Haku is
unable to completely understand who he is or his past
because Yubaba stole his memories. When Haku gives
Chihiro her old clothes and the letter from her friend
with her name on it, that is the only time she
remembers her real name; memories from the past
provide the characters with hints as to who they are.
Despite having the name and identity as Sen, Chihiro
develops maturity and responsibility. Nevertheless,
she is Chihiro. Chihiro appears in the opening and
closing moments of the film, but by the time it is
through, she has changed.

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