Eapp Q1 Test Questionaire

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San Fabian, Pangasinan


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Date: ________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ______________

DIRECTIONS: Read each sentence carefully and choose the letter of the CORRECT answer. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. What is the first consideration for evaluating an academic text?
A) Brevity B) Clarity C) Formality D) Organization
_____ 2. Which of the following sentences is most formal in style?
A) Sorry but… C) We are sorry to tell you that...
B) We are sorry to say that... D) We regret to inform you that...
_____ 3. Which of the following sentences is the most formal in style?
A) I have a ton of experience in this area. C) I have a lot of experience in this area.
B) I have many experiences in this area. D) I have a considerable amount of experience in this area.
_____ 4. Which of the following statement is TRUE about academic text?
A) Structure is not important feature of academic writing.
B) Blog posts, fiction books, letters & personal journals or diaries are examples of Non- Academic Text.
C) Academic Text may be considered that writing which is personal, emotional, impressionistic, or
subjective in nature.
D) Both A and B
_____ 5. Which of the following statement is FALSE about academic text?
A) Structure is not important feature of academic writing.
B) Introduction usually depicts the background of the topic and the central focus of the study.
C) Blog posts, fiction books, letters & personal journals or diaries are examples of Non-Academic Text
D) Academic Text is defined as critical, objective, specialized text written by experts or professionals in
a given field using “formal language”
_____ 6. Which of the following statements implies the importance of academic writing?
A) Academic writing aims to communicate
B) Academic writing aims to influence other’s thought
C) Academic writing develops skills in evaluating, analyzing, criticizing, comparing & synthesizing.
D) All of the Above
_____ 7. “As long as you know your tutor, you don't need to use a formal style of writing. It's good to be
friendly!” Considering academic language, what does it point out?
A) Formal English is too old-fashioned these days
B) You only need to be formal in exams, not regular coursework.
C) Some tutors like you to be formal but some don't mind as long as you do the work.
D) It's good to be friendly but always use formal English when you write assignments.
_____ 8. What is an ESSAY?
A) The final stage in the writing process
B) A series of paragraphs about one main idea or point
C) An excellent way to get a lot of information down on paper
D) The sentence that expresses the main point, or idea, of a paragraph
_____ 9. Which paragraph is this?
a. Lead
b. Transition – This sentence ensures that your lead flows into your thesis statement smoothly
c. Thesis statement (one sentence telling what your ENTIRE essay is about)
A) Body B) Conclusion C) Introduction D) Topic Sentence
_____ 10. Which paragraph is this?
a. Supporting detail c. Supporting detail
b. Supporting detail d. (Use as many as you possible, but a minimum of 3-4)
A) Body B) Conclusion C) Introduction D) Topic Sentence
_____ 11. A Topic sentence, sometimes called a focus sentence, is ______________________.
A) The sentence that expresses the main point, or idea, of a paragraph.
B) A sentence with signal words that increase the effectiveness of organization.
C) Reasons, examples and other details to support the main point of the paragraph.
D) A way to conclude the paragraph so the reader knows what the paragraph was about.
For items 12-16 Read the following passage and then answer the question.
_____ 12. “Books lay in the middle of his floor. Several broken toys were shoved halfway under the bed, and dirty
clothes were everywhere. Frank's parents kept telling him to clean his room, but it never seemed to get
clean. In fact, if Frank did manage to clean part of it, the rest of the room just got messier. In one corner
of the room was an old peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and an open bag of potato chips was thrown on
the dresser.” What is the main thing the author wants us to know?
A) Frank's room was a mess.
B) Frank liked potato chips.
C) Frank got in big trouble because his room was not clean.
D) A peanut butter and jelly sandwich were in one corner of the room.
_____ 13. “Many people have not heard giraffes make noises. Giraffes do not use sounds to “talk” with each other.
When hurt, giraffes make a low moo, something like a cow. When frightened, they make a short, high
sound.” What is this paragraph mainly about?
A) Giraffes talk all the time. C) Cows and giraffes talk to each other.
B) Giraffes do make noises. D) Most people have heard giraffes talk.
_____ 14. “Do you ever wonder how you taste things? You owe your sense of taste to your taste buds. We have
9,000 taste buds just on the tongue alone. There are also taste buds on the roof of your mouth. You even
have taste buds on the back of your throat.” What does the author want you to learn from this
A) Where taste buds are found C) That we taste through our noses
B) We have taste buds on our tongues D) Why we can only taste certain things
_____ 15. “It is estimated that over twenty million pounds of candy corn are sold in the US each year. Brach's, the
top manufacturer, sells enough candy corn to circle the earth 4.25 times if each piece were laid end to end.
That's a lot of candy corn, but that's nothing compared to the production of Tootsie Rolls. Over 64 million
Tootsie Rolls are produced every day! But even Tootsie Rolls have got nothing on the candy industry's
staple product: chocolate. Confectioners manufacture over twenty billion pounds of chocolate in the
United States each year. Now that's a mouthful!” What is the main idea of this passage?
A) Chocolate is best C) How large the earth is
B) Tootsie rolls are delicious D) How much of popular candies are sold each year
_____ 16. “Carson's older sister, Madison, is a very good student. She isn't satisfied to just get by in school. She is
involved in extra activities at school, including the school's music program and the math club. She also
always tries to answer the teacher's questions in class.” What is this paragraph mainly about?
A) Madison likes music. C) Madison is a very good student.
B) Madison likes to show off. D) Madison was born before Carson.
_____ 17. What are the six things a summary must include?
A) Who, what, when, where, why, and how
B) The first six chapters of any chapter book
C) Author, illustrator, date of publishing, page numbers, chapters, and index
D) Vocabulary words, definitions, dedication page, paragraphs, and details of the story
_____ 18. The following are good reasons to avoid plagiarism EXCEPT______________
A) Plagiarism is not an intellectual crime.
B) Plagiarism may lead to failing a course.
C) Plagiarism is easily detected by teachers and computer software.
D) Copying the work of others will not help you develop your own understanding
_____ 19. What way should one do to paraphrase a sentence?
A) copy the author’s write up and leave it as it is
B) remove specific details such as names, dates, titles, and locations
C) create new sentence structures that rearrange and restate the original ideas
D) leave sentences in the same order and replace certain words with synonyms

Items 20-25 Read the sentence and choose the best and correct paraphrase.
_____ 20. “A type of shark called a shortfin mako can leap 20 feet above the surface of the water.”
A) A shark can leap 20 feet out of the water, it is called a shortfin mako.
B) The shortfin mako shark can jump above the surface of water.
C) A shortfin mako is a kind of shark that can leap 20 feet out of the water.
D) A shortfin mako can jump 20 feet above the surface of the water.
_____ 21. Rugby football is the most popular sport in New Zealand. Most villages, towns, and districts have
their own teams. (World Book Atlas page 212)
A) New Zealand sports include rugby football in most districts, villages, and towns.
B) Most villages, districts, and towns in New Zealand love rugby football and popular sports.
C) Of all sports played in New Zealand, rugby football is the most popular. Most areas even have their
own teams.
D) Rugby and football are the most popular sports in the area of New Zealand. Every village, town, and
district have teams.
_____ 22. Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, has been an important market and trading place for hundreds of
years. (World Book Illustrated Atlas page 103)
A) Tashkent and Uzbekistan are important places to trade hundreds of things in the market.
B) The Uzbekistan capital city of Tashkent has been a major market and trading place for centuries.
C) Uzbekistan is a popular place for markets and for hundreds of years Tashkent has been trading its
capital goods.
D) For hundreds of years, Tashkent has been the capital of Uzbekistan and trading places now is
important for the market.
_____ 23. The giant rafflesia, also known as "the stinking corpse lily" has blossoms that can reach three feet in
diameter and weigh up to twenty-five pounds. The flowers give off a smell similar to rotting meat.
A) The stinking corpse lily, also known as the giant rafflesia has blossoms. They can get pretty big and
the blossoms stink.
B) A flower with the nickname "the stinking corpse lily" produces an odor like rotting meat. The real
name of this huge flower that can weigh as much as twenty-five pounds is the giant rafflesia.
C) The giant rafflesia, also known as "the stinking corpse lily" has blossoms that can reach three feet in
diameter and weigh up to twenty-five pounds. The flowers give off a smell similar to rotting meat.
D) There are flowers give off a smell similar to rotting meat. The giant rafflesia, also known as "the stinking
corpse lily" has blossoms that can reach three feet in diameter and weigh up to twenty-five pounds.
_____ 24. Lionel Messi earns a whopping $39.6 million a year for playing striker for La Liga's Barcelona team.
(Scholastic Book of World Records 2011 page 99)
A) Lionel Messi earns a whopping $39.6 million a year for playing striker for La Liga's Barcelona team.
B) According to Scholastic Book of World Records 2011, I think it is great that soccer player Lionel
Messi earns a whopping $39.6 million a year for playing striker for La Liga's Barcelona team!
C) Soccer player Lionel Messi earns a whopping $39.6 million a year for playing soccer as
striker/winger for La Liga's Barcelona team. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and the second
largest city in Spain.
D) According to Scholastic Book of World Records 2011, soccer player Lionel Messi makes over $39
million dollars annually. This impressive salary is from his work as a striker for La Liga's Barcelona
team (page 99).
_____ 25. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide
must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or
emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.
A) Service animals are also like pets for the people they help. It is often comforting for people with
disabilities to have their pets help them with their daily activities.
B) Service animals are there to work, not to be pets. The job they do must be helpful to the person's
disability. If the dog is providing emotional support and comfort they would not be counted as a
service dog according to the ADA.
C) There is a strong connection between a person's disability and the work their service dog performs.
The job of a service dog goes beyond emotional support - as required by the ADA, these animals
have received specific training that relates to the person's disability.
D) Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide
must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or
emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.
_____ 26. Which of the following is a strong thesis statement?
A) A career in the culinary arts is a good choice for many reasons.
B) Both chefs and cooks prepare meals but are different in several ways.
C) I would like to become a chef when I finish school because I like to cook.
D) Although both chefs and cooks can prepare fine meals, chefs differ from cooks in education,
professional commitment, and artistry.
_____ 27. This part discusses the general statement via thesis statement
A) Body B) Reviews C) Introduction D) Recommendation
Questions 28-31 Read the question and choose the best thesis statement.
_____ 28. Should cigarettes be made illegal?
A) Smoking is bad.
B) Teenagers should be allowed to smoke if they choose to.
C) Smoking is a leading cause of death in the United States.
D) Although smoking has many negative health effects, making smoking illegal would not solve the problem.
_____ 29. What is the best way to teach the public about healthy lifestyles?
A) People should be aware of healthy options.
B) I disagree that laws can help people stay healthy.
C) People should be able to decide what kind of lifestyle they want to have even if it is unhealthy.
D) Advertising is an effective medium for selling many things, and I believe it can sell good health too.
_____ 30. Why should young generation avoid playing violent video games?
A) Violent video games are harmful for young people to play.
B) Violent video games are harmful to young people, and it should be stopped.
C) Violent video games are harmful for young people because they should be reading a book.
D) Violent video games are harmful for young people to play because it promotes a sedentary lifestyle,
encourages violence, and can cause children to become desensitized to death.
_____ 31. How important is laughter to one’s health?
A) Laughter is important.
B) Laughter is important when you're sad.
C) Laughter is important because everyone needs to laugh.
D) Laughter is important because not only does it make you and other people feel good, it makes the
world a much better place.
_____ 32. Which topic sentence DOES NOT belong with the thesis below?
“Schools should start later in the day because it would allow for more sleep, aid efforts at better nutrition,
and be more convenient for both students and parents.”
A) To begin, if school started later, it would also get out later.
B) Furthermore, it will be easier to eat a healthy breakfast if there is more time to do so.
C) Also, teens would be able to sleep in longer and feel more rested for the start of the day.
D) Most importantly, a later start time would be easier for parents and students to plan around.
_____ 33. Benefits of outlining DO NOT INCLUDE ______________________________.
A) saving writing time C) arranging main points for unification
B) organizing brainstorming notes D) using fun techy tools such as bulleting options
Study the outline below and answer questions 34 and 35
______________________________ (34)
A._____________________ (35)
_____ 34. What part of the outline is this?
A) Details B) Key Idea C) Main Idea D) Supporting Idea
_____ 35. What part of the outline is this?
A) Details B) Key Idea C) Main Idea D) Supporting Idea
_____ 36. It is an organized list of related ideas in complete sentences to express specific and complex details.
A) Word Outline C) Sentence Outline
B) Topic Outline D) Statement Outline
_____ 37. It is a systematic arrangement of related ideas expressed in words and phrases.
A) Word Outline C) Sentence Outline
B) Topic Outline D) Statement Outline
_____ 38. An outline framework ensures you have enough material to present ______ about a topic.
A) an abundance of information C) an impressive rough draft to your teacher
B) a well-supported position D) none of the choices are correct
_____ 39. A blueprint is to a house; as an outline is to a/an _____________________.
A) Graphic organizer B) map C) essay D) word
_____ 40. How Does analysis aid in writing a reflection (and/or reaction) paper?
A) Analysis allows you to choose a topic.
B) Analysis does not help in writing a reflection paper.
C) Analysis is lumping all the details together to assume.
D) You learn about the smaller details that make up a whole topic.
_____ 41. Why are reaction papers so important to the learning process?
A) Reflection papers are important because they teach an individual how to interview experts.
B) Reflection papers are important because a lot of research is needed to adequately complete them
C) Reflection papers are actually not that important to the learning process because they are mostly
opinion based.
D) Because they force a writer to analyze and think about the experience instead of forming opinions
from first impressions.
_____ 42. How is a reaction paper like looking in a mirror?
A) You gain insight about yourself
B) You learn something from a different perspective
C) You have an opportunity to inspect the details
D) All of these choices are correct
_____ 43. What Are critical thinking skills?
A) Fast thinking.
B) Making important decisions.
C) Finding a solution in an emergency.
D) The ability to think deeply about a topic before making a conclusion.
_____ 44. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) A reflection paper does not need a thesis statement
B) Reflection papers are structured like most traditional essays.
C) It's important to make an outline of your essay before you start writing.
D) It's important to start your paper with a bang in order to grab your reader's attention.
_____ 45. Based on Marxist Criticism, how would it describe the main goal of Marxist Critic?
A) To examine how war affects a character's life
B) To examine how gender affects a character's life
C) To examine how feminism affects a character's life
D) To examine how economics affect a character's life
_____ 46. What academic text provides overview of a project?
A) Research B) Concept Paper C) Position Paper D) Reaction Paper
_____ 47. Which is NOT a function of concept paper?
A) It serves as a foundation of the proposal.
B) It gives the opinion of the writer about a certain concept.
C) It is used to pique the interest of potential funding agencies.
D) It helps determine whether a certain project is feasible or not
_____ 48. What concept paper has the following elements?
Background of the Study
Preliminary Literature Review
Statement of the Problem
Abridged Methodology
A) Project B) Feasibility C) Academic Research D) All of the above
_____ 49. What concept paper has the following elements?
Cover Page
Rationale or Background
Needs and Cost
A) Project B) Feasibility C) Academic Research D) All of the above
_____ 50. What is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes or passages are taken from a
literary or academic work and then interpreted and explained in a detailed way?
A) Definition B) Explication C) Clarification D) Enumeration

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher II

Checked by:

SHS Teacher III



MT-1/OIC, Office of the SHS Assist. Principal II


Principal IV

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