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GROUPS 6-8: Clarification

Instruction: Your group will obtain an informal feedback on the ideas as a preliminary for a

project proposal. After, your group will analyze a concept by looking or understanding of an

example by specifying its characteristics to arrive at one working definition. You will present a

clarification of a concept using one of the suggested topics below:

● Development of a Three-Factor Psychological Sense of Community Scale - PMC

Clarification is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a general

abstract idea to specific and concrete examples. It entails the analysis of the concept by looking

at the examples and specifying some of its characteristics to arrive at one working definition

which can be used throughout the paper.

Tasks based on 8 easy techniques to help learners practice clarifying their explanations -

Oxford University Press:

● Practical example - Gorreon

● Personal experience - Zosa

● Definition - Zosa

● Analogy - Manlapas

● Comparison and contrast - Aying (antigua - share ta teh hehe)

● Origin of the word - Gorreon

● Link to previously learned/mentioned information -

● Provide visual means - Antigua

Practical Example

(Insert Text)

Personal Experience

Everyone has their own experience of belonging or not belonging to a community.

Humans have a basic desire and need to feel like they belong and are a part of a group. However,

there are occasions when this basic need is not fulfilled, which causes individuals to lose their

sense of direction and purpose. Leading individuals to experience loneliness despite being

surrounded by people. It's difficult not to feel lonely in today's fast-paced world where everyone

is undergoing major change. We go through these changes frequently as students. We are forced

into new situations, faced with new individuals, and confronted with new challenges every year.

In my personal experience, I went through something similar. After graduating from high school,

I was given the opportunity to choose which school to enroll in for Senior Highschool. With

careful thought, I chose to study at USC because I did not want to let go of being a Carolinian

just yet. At the time, passing on USC just felt wrong. Nevertheless, even though I felt like I

belonged at USC, I didn't share that feeling with my blockmates in the previous year. After being

with the same few people all throughout high school, I wasn’t ready to replace them. It all felt

unfamiliar and somehow it did feel a bit lonely for a while. Even though I felt that I belonged at

USC, I wasn’t able to fully experience a sense of community because of my inability to connect

with others. My failure to experience a sense of purpose inside that group was ultimately caused

by my incapacity to connect with other people. This demonstrates how crucial it is for us to
understand how our sense of community is impacted by the relationships we have in our lives.

Without having a positive connection with your community, the people in your community, and

yourself, you cannot fully experience a sense of community. Without this sense of community,

one can lose an integral part of their well-being. An individual's experience inside a group and

the characteristics of that group play a crucial role in shaping their well-being, as it is, after all, a

human need and longing to belong.


This leads us to the conclusion that a sense of community is a sense of belonging. It is a

feeling that people have when they believe they matter or serve a function in the community they

exist in. Establishing positive connections with one's community (entity), the members of that

community (membership), and oneself (self) is necessary for genuinely experiencing and

understanding this sense of community.


No man is an island. We humans are not fully self-sufficient as we require company and

communication to be able to function properly as we are biologically and naturally socialites. To

thrive, we must connect and collaborate with others in order to achieve our goals and dreams.

Furthermore, people who have a sense of belonging, security, and trust in their community are

healthier, whereas people who are disconnected from others are less likely to engage in healthy

behaviors or collaborate with others to promote overall well-being. Instead of being an island
that is self-sufficient and isolated from the rest, each individual person is like a piece of the

mainland or a piece of a larger continent because we are not meant to go through life on our own.

Comparison and a contrast

(Insert Text)

Origin of the word

(Insert Text)

Link to previously learned/mentioned information

(Insert Text)

Provide visual means

(Insert Texts, Images, PPT link, etc.)

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