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a. Forecasting – In a hospital, the forecasting activities involved are determining the availability of
healthcare workers (doctors, nurses, medical technologists, etc.), the current occupancy status
of the hospital, and the available administrative and care support system together with
healthcare equipment availability. Also, when it comes to managing their short-term supplies
they also need to forecast a demand before the supplies run out. Another thing is that since we
are in a pandemic, forecasting the new cases expected in the region and patient quarantine
period are also a major big help for the hospital.

b. Capacity Planning – The planning of hospital capacity encompasses several areas like investing
capital in existing facilities and new developments, investment in good quality but expensive
equipment and technology, recruitment of healthcare workers (like the best surgeon, nurses,
doctors), planning the facility layout and bed capacity. These activities play an important role in
accommodating patients that will eventually maximize the hospital’s profit.

c. Locating Facilities – A good location is a vital point for any business. For an instance, the
manager of the hospital should do a survey on where to locate the hospital’s facilities that can
be convenient to an ambulance when there is an emergency. Moreover, if the hospital is
planning for an expansion be it a clinic, subsidiary hospital or a pharmacy, the operations
manager’s role is to find a good location for it. Example to that is the manager may conduct a
research in the particular region where the expansion of the business will take place and find a
specific location that needs healthcare but there is an insufficient of medical institutions.

d. Facilities and Layout – To ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the workers and use of
equipment, creating a facility design or layout that will make the workplace more harmonious is
a must. The activities involve here are the proper allocation of spaces or floor for every
department in the hospital so that the workers can perform their duties well and for the
equipment in every department will be safely keep in place . The monitoring of waste area or
proper waste management and storage for their supplies.

e. Scheduling – These involve patient scheduling for example, prioritize appointments or patients
that need immediate treatment (emergency), confirm appointments with text or email
reminders, creating a patient waiting list and schedule for outpatients. And of course, the
workers need a schedule when to take their shifts and when they can rest. There is also a need
in scheduling for operations, chemotherapy and other medical treatment so that the patients
won’t be overlapped.

f. Managing Inventories – This is the proper allocation of the resources of the hospital. For
example, collecting data from suppliers, doing a canvass for the most affordable but good
quality equipments and materials needed in the hospital, assigning responsibilities to workers
especially those who belong in the hospital’s supplies, making an order for short term supplies
frequently, and organize the supply room more efficiently.

g. Assuring Quality – Investing in a good quality supplies and medical equipment, application of
safety measures in every area of the hospital, recruiting qualified workers, giving accurate
diagnostics and medicine to patient, information about the patient’s health should be
disseminated clearly and accurately, and being alert in assessing the patients are some examples
of assuring the quality in a hospital.

h. Motivating and training employees – These involves giving incentives and proper salaries to the
workers and not overworking them, also engaging them to attend in webinars/ seminars that
could help them to improve and learn. A community outreach program and medical missions
can also serve as a training for the workers.

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