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where the constant of integration tp is the time at periapsis passage, where

by definition θ = 0.
tp is the sixth constant of the motion that was missing in Chapter 2.

The origin of time is arbitrary. It is convenient

to measure time from periapsis passage, so we will usually set tp =0.

??? Integration? HOW??.

” (t) is directly proportional to θ in
Give reason

a circular orbit.
Because the circle is symmetric about any diameter, the apse line—and
therefore the periapsis—can be chosen arbitrarily (Fig. 1).
Set a = 1 and b = e in Eq

Eq. **
The subscript e reminds
us that this is for an ellipse
and not for parabolas
and hyperbolas, which
Eq. ** have their own “mean
anomaly” formulas.
NOTE that for all values of the eccentricity e, Me is a monotonically
increasing function of the true anomaly θ.

Eq. **
The subscript e
reminds us that this
is for an ellipse and
not for parabolas
and hyperbolas,
which have their
own “mean
anomaly” formulas.
The angular velocity of the position vector of an elliptical orbit is not constant, but since
2π radians are swept out per period T, the ratio 2π/T is the average angular velocity,
which is given the symbol n and called the mean motion

Eq. **
(V.I. Note)

The mean anomaly is the azimuth position (in radians) of a fictitious body moving
around the ellipse at the constant angular speed n.

For a circular orbit, the mean anomaly Me and the true anomaly θ are identical.
It is convenient
to simplify Eq. (**)
by introducing an
auxiliary angle E
called the
eccentric anomaly,
which is shown in
Fig. ___
Simplifying the right hand side in
the above equation, we get
(Prob. There is quadrant ambiguity.)
For 0 < cos E < 1, E can lie in the first or fourth quadrant.
For 1 < cos E < 0, E can lie in the second or third quadrant.
(Solution from Trig. Id.)

(Prob. Solved There is NO quadrant ambiguity.)

Very simple


Fig. Plot of Kepler’s equation for an elliptical orbit

We cannot solve this transcendental equation directly for E.
(iterative NEWTON method)
Geocentric elliptical orbit.
we cannot yet calculate the time required to fly between any two true anomalies.
Therefore, our GOAL is to come up with the formulas that allow us
to do that calculation.
The flight path angle, like 𝛾 , is positive
” (t) is directly proportional to θ in
Give reason

a circular orbit.

Thanks For your attention

SNS 311 – L6

Osama M. Shalabiea

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