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Year & Section: BPA 2B

1st Semester; A.Y. 2022 – 2023




Good governance depends on the ability to take responsibility by both administration as well as
people.– Narindra Modi
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1. Write an essay about the motivational quotes.

Governance is the deliberate and conscious management of program structures for

improving the public world. Governance can be looked at from social, political and
economical perspectives. Such common sense can be predicated on several standards -
contribution of people, upholding the guideline of law, transparency of the system,
responsiveness of the specialist, consensus oriented policy, collateral and inclusiveness of
the plan, accountability of the machine, strategic eyesight of the expert, etc.

Good governance is a real drive behind a country’s development. It protects the human
rights, delivers the justice, maintains law an order and provides equal opportunities to the
masses. It delivers the fruits of progress and development to all and sundry. It is required at
all levels of society and state. In today’s globalized world good governance helps to meet
eh challenges of the world. It makes the system of the state effective and efficient. People
of the country enjoy equal rights under good governance. Minorities live freely and exercise
their religion. No one considers himself above law. Everyone, no matter how influential he
is, is accountable before law. Corruption is unheard of in a country where good governance
prevails. Not only government officials but also common citizens are aware of their duties
and play their role sincerely. In such cooperative environment, economy boosts and
investment increases leading to the prosperity of the country. In this way good governance
helps to reap the fruits of globalization. As a thought, good governance pertains to various
and unique parts of the society; the federal government, legislature, judiciary, the mass
media, the private sector, the organization sector, the co-operatives, societies, trusts,
organizations and even non-governmental organizations. In the end, open public
accountability and transparency are evenly relevant for every one of the institutions which
the society derives pillar-strength. Furthermore, only once all these and various other
sections of the society execute their affairs in a socially responsible manner can the aim of
achieving larger good for the largest amount of folks in the society be recognized.

Governance is an exercise of monetary, politics and administrative expert for efficiently

owning a country's affairs, at both micro and macro levels, which includes the mechanisms,
processes and institutions through which the residents and civil culture groups are able to
communicate their interests, make use of their constitutional and rights besides interacting
with their responsibilities and mediating their variances. It is not only advisable, but
imperative that governance for development be responsible, participatory, reactive,
effective and productive for promoting the rule of law, safeguarding the pursuits of citizens
and marching towards an alternative development.

Please answer the activity below. 20 pts.

1. Summarize the main points stressed by various theories and concepts and models of
governance. Explain your output.

The concept of governance is the exercise of authority in an organization, institution or state.

Government is the name given to the entity exercising that authority. Politicians are described as
"political", civil servants as "non-political", the state as "public" and the civil society as "private".
The art of politics is the art of government, the exercise of control within the society through the
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making and enforcement of collective decisions. The conception of politics and government move
beyond the narrow realm of government to what is thought as "public life" or "public affairs".
Government can therefore be seen as one of the institutions in governance. Since, the
government doesn't only decide for all, the civil society and the private sectors play vital role in
the community, thus, the conception of the word "governance". In general, governance issues
pertain to the ability of government to develop an efficient, effective, and accountable public
management process that is open to citizen participation. In governance, citizens are rightly
concerned with a government's responsiveness to their needs and protection of their rights.
When applied to organizations that operate commercially, governance is often termed "corporate
governance". In broad terms, governance is about the institutional environment in which citizens
interact among themselves and with government agencies/officials. Governance is not the sole
domain of government but transcends government to encompass the business sector and the
civil society. The Institute on Governance defines governance as the process whereby societies
or organizations make their important decisions.

There is a pervasive, shared, global perception of governance as a topic far broader than
'government'. The governance approach is seen as a "new process of governing, or a changed
condition of ordered rule; or the new method by which society is governed" - Stoker. New Public
Administration and New Public Management literature describe two models of public service that
reflect a 'reinvented' form of government which is better managed, and which takes its objectives
not from democratic theory. Milward and Provan: In this complex, devolved mode of service
delivery, the unit of analysis for some students of policy implementation is the network of
nonprofit organizations, private firms and governments. The essence of governance is its focus
on mechanisms that do not rest on recourse to the authority and sanctions of government.

The outputs of governance are not different from those of government; it is instead a matter of a
difference in processes. As should be expected, all efforts to synthesize the literature draw from
theories found in the separate traditions. Stoker draws five propositions to frame our
understanding of the critical questions that governance theory should help us answer.
Governance identifies the blurring of boundaries and responsibilities for tackling social and
economic issues. Beetham suggests that for power to be legitimate it must comfort established
rules; these rules must be justified by adherence to shared beliefs. Public agencies have not
merely endorsed or encouraged this partnership, but in some cases have institutionalized these
arrangements. Implementation theory must attend to the nature and impact of responsibility and
accountability. (But there is a divorce between the complex reality of decision-making associated
with governance and the normative codes used to explain and justify government). Governance
is about autonomous self-governing networks of actors. Network theory and governance issues
overlap, and they are both directly linked to implementation. The "hollow state" that networks
have triggered raises questions about how government can manage public programs when they
consist largely of entities outside the public domain. It is in this proposition that we find a natural
progression from the more encompassing theory of governance to the more prescriptive notions
of New Public Management.

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Answer the following questions. 20 points each.

1.) What is your understanding of the concept of governance? and What is your own concept of
governance. Explain.
 Governance refers to a process whereby elements in society wield power, authority and influence
and enact policies and decisions concerning public life. The concept of "governance" is not new.
However, it means different things to different people, therefore we have to get our focus right.
The actual meaning of the concept depends on the level of governance we are talking about, the
goals to be achieved and the approach being followed. "Governance", therefore, not only
encompasses but transcends the collective meaning of related concepts like the state,
government, regime and good government.

2.) Explain the shift of government to governance.

 The government is a structure of institutions and rules for governing. But the governance is the
process and way of governing. So there is no question of transition from government to
governance. In fact, both are required, but focus shifts from government to governance. In simple
terms, the governance is the performance or outcome of the government. Going from
government to governance describes a shift in the processes of public decision-making and the
governing of society and economy.




People’s participation is the essence of good governance – Narendra Modi

1. What do you think is your role in good governance?

Good Governance is a way of measuring how public institutions conduct public affairs and
manage public resources in a preferred way. As a citizen, participation is a key element of a good
governance system. As local residents become more involved in public life, the role of
government needs to adapt and take greater account of initiatives in the community. Being a
citizen also imposes certain duties in terms of what the state expects from individuals under its
jurisdiction. Citizen Governance is about responding to people's needs and demands. Involving
the people themselves in identifying these needs and demands, and in designing policies and
programs to meet them, is an excellent way of doing this. Citizens' participation can be
considered as a means of achieving better governance. In a democracy it is the choice, the will
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and active participation of the people that strengthens the significance of “government of the
people, by the people and for the people”. People’s participation is thus, not only the essence of
good governance but the very backbone of the democratic process. Inclusiveness denotes the
true meaning of democracy; and in that context, it is a right as well as a responsibility of the
people. Besides being informed citizens of the country, only when people express their views and
opinions, does it become possible for a government to effectively execute and sustain the
essence of democracy.

Look for the story, The Flight of Geese.

1. What lesson can you learn from the geese? Write your answer in 3 – 5 sentences (20 pts).

Lesson: If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times as
well as when we are strong. We prosper when we share a common direction and sense of
community. We can get where we are going faster and better when we are traveling together
and trusting each other forward than when we are traveling alone. When it comes to
leadership, we can draw inspiration from many places — even from nature. Take for instance
the great northern geese, shrewd and wild birds with a lot to teach us. Leadership is best
shared. We can excel if we stay in formation with those headed where we want to go,
accepting their help and giving ours. True leadership means interdependence. We need to
make sure we are honking words of encouragement to each other. Encouragement is
powerful: Groups where it is practiced are far more productive and we can find strength in
standing by each other, in strength and in difficulty. Especially in the cold and darkness of
winter, it’s important to remember to get away, to refresh ourselves, to recharge.

1. In one paragraph discuss the inter-relationships of the 3 major actors in governance.

 The interrelationship of the three key actors in governance is characterized by the
state/public sector, the business sector, and civil society. The state is the primary
government actor responsible for facilitating participation and creating an enabling
environment for other components of society. It is a powerful entity that appreciates the
importance and autonomy of the other sectors without overpowering them. The state as
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facilitator creates the legal and regulatory framework, as well as the political order, within
which businesses and organizations can plan and act. It can assure private enterprises
that policies are fair and not influenced by government leaders' interests. As a resource
provider, the state facilitates by giving resources to aid markets and communities.
Information, technical experience, research and development initiatives, physical
infrastructure, and grant-in-aid or incentive schemes are examples of such resources. The
local government provides a place for community-based civil society organizations to
engage constructively in decision-making processes. The local government formulates
and specifies the legal and regulatory framework using the authorities and authority
granted by the Local Government Code of 1991. This serves as the foundation for the
many organizations and groups' interest and participation in community government. In a
sense, the private/business sector is society's engine. It is an essential contributor to the
community's economic growth. It creates jobs and income for the people in the
community. Because of its resources, such as financial and technical experience, it can
support the local government in developing and implementing an economic strategy for
the community. It can also give the government the resources it needs to undertake large-
scale initiatives that are beyond the financial capabilities of the local government.
Corporate governance's anticipated results or products include efficiency and economic
efficiency. The connection between people and non-governmental groups that work in the
public realm is referred to as a civil society. It is also known as the Third Sector and is
commonly referred to as CSOs (civil society organizations). Civil society includes
academe or schools, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), such as the Association of
Schools of Public Administration in the Philippines, Inc. This sector is critical to the
facilitation and interaction of key participants in local governance. It brings together
numerous community groups or organizations to engage in planning and decision-

2. What can you suggest to the government, the private sector and the civil society to further
improve their services?
 For better service delivery, the government must enhance policymaking, transparency
and accountability, and public response. They must address broader concerns and
structural challenges such as overconsumption, climate change, the environment,
hierarchy, and women's rights in the workplace and beyond through strong policy and
practice. Even as people engaged in social and environmental justice, we must acquire
the courage to ask questions, reflect on our effects, and take concrete action in our daily
lives to make the world a better place. Civil society must invest in governments'
capabilities and interests while assisting them in engaging with the communities most
affected by each problem. They must promote transparency and efforts that hold the
government more responsive to its citizens. It is time to strengthen anti-corruption policies
while cooperating to fight corruption on a national scale, advocate for and model greater
transparency, and support initiatives to strengthen the rule of law and the impartiality of
the judiciary—all of which are necessary for long-term change. Building solid working
connections while adhering to justice values allows us to be "critical friends," supporting
state actors in their purpose while keeping them accountable for their obligations.

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The care of Human life and not its destruction… is the first and only legitimate object of good
government. – Thomas Jefferson

1. What are your thoughts about this? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

 Government cannot grant you a thing. It can only place limits on that which was rightfully
yours to begin with. We think that by careful training of the mind, by certain practices, by
observing certain rules, we will come to freedom; but the only result is to make ourselves
prisoners of the method. I will agree of this quote, I feel strongly that in order to wipe out
these inequalities and injustices, we must all of us work together. The power of
government is that it robs you of your virtue when you willingly participate in it.

2. How can you relate it to our current situation as the world faces a pandemic?
 It will be related to our current situation in our country because when a pandemic starts,
the government takes immediate action to protect the people while fighting the invisible
enemy. That is what recognizes former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte as good

Essay: Explain your answer in 5 sentences or more.

1. Give your own definition of good governance. (20 pts)

 Good governance involves the actions of a country's citizens in the greatest possible path.
It necessitates social unity and stimulates people to achieve political objectivity. In other
words, it ensures that all of the state's resources are used properly for its citizens,
resulting in long-term development. Accountability of people entrusted with particular
tasks and authorities is also required for good governance.

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2. Describe each characteristic of good governance. You may cite examples of an entity that shows
some if not all elements of good governance and discuss why? (20 pts)
 Accountability, participation, predictability, and transparency are the four basic
characteristics of good governance. Accountability also includes defining performance
requirements for public officials, as well as oversight measures to guarantee that
standards are met.  Accountability is demonstrated when voters only vote to re-elect
representatives who act in their best interests, and those representatives then implement
policies that will assist them to win re-election. Participation stems from the recognition
that people are at the center of progress. They are not only the final recipients of growth
but also their agents. They act in the latter role through organizations or associations.
Because development is for and by the people, they must have access to the institutions
that support it. Everyone has the option to express their thoughts through institutions or
representatives, which is a form of participation. Furthermore, everyone, without
exception, has the right to association and speech. The availability of rules, regulations,
and policies to control society, as well as their fair and consistent application, is referred
to as predictability. The importance of predictability cannot be emphasized since, without
it, citizens and institutions would be unable to function in an orderly manner. The rule of
law includes both clearly defined rights and obligations. The rule of law entails both clearly
stated rights and obligations, as well as methods for enforcing them and resolving
disputes in a fair and unbiased way. It demands the state and its agencies be subject to
and responsible to the legal system, just as private persons and corporations. One
example is a government anticipating the country's status and planning an action if the
prognosis comes true. Transparency implies that every policy adopted and executed by
the government must adhere to current regulations. Furthermore, there must be a
guarantee that any policy-related information is accessible to everyone, particularly those
who are directly affected by the policy. When a government passes a new bill, for
example, it will be directly transparent to the citizens of that nation.

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