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Actividades de Refuerzo de Inglés

para alumnos/as de

4º de E.S.O.

Calle Sagasta núm.107

Apartado de Correos 394
11002 CÁDIZ
Tfno: 956- 24 31 35
Fax: 956 – 24 31 41


Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 1


1st Term
* Verbs BE/ HAVE GOT.................................................... 1
* Translation ......................................................................... 2
* Cardinal Numbers............................................................. 2
* Vocabulary: Travelling......................................................... 2
* Present Simple.................................................................. 3
* Translation ......................................................................... 4
* Text: Virginia´s postcard.................................................... 5
* Present Continuous........................................................... 6
* Present Simple >< Present Continuous............................. 7
* Translation ......................................................................... 8
* The Date.......................................................................... 8
* Text: David´s postcard....................................................... 9
* Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns................................. 10
* Vocabulary: Emergency....................................................... 10

2nd Term
* The Imperative................................................................... 11
* Telling the time ................................................................. 11
* Translation ......................................................................... 11
* Past Simple...................................................................... 12
* Translation ......................................................................... 14
* Text: Emergency Services Report....................................... 15
* Interrogatives................................................................... 16
* Past Continuous............................................................... 18
* Past Simple >< Past Continuous....................................... 19
* Translation ......................................................................... 19

3rd Term

* Vocabulary: Jobs ................................................................ 20

* Present Perfect (Simple/Continuous).................................... 20
* Present Perfect (Simple/Continuous)>< Past Simple............ 22
* Translation ......................................................................... 23
* Prepositions (I)................................................................ 23
* Prepositions (II)............................................................... 24
* Text: They did it................................................................. 24
* Prepositions (III).............................................................. 25
* Future Simple................................................................... 25
* Translation ......................................................................... 26
* Tenses.............................................................................. 26
* Vocabulary: The house........................................................ 26
* Comparison...................................................................... 27
* Translation ......................................................................... 28
* Text: Music review............................................................ 28
* Mixed vocabulary (*)............................................................ 29

(*) MIXED VOCABULARY: son diez grupos de palabras para que trabajes un grupo cada semana según se indica

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 2


Exercise 1: Put the correct verb in the gaps

1.- My sister is _________ fourteen years old

2.- There________ two books on your desk
3.- My parents _________ at work
4.- Carmen___________ is my best friend
5.- Alfonso´s brother __________ a new schoolbag
6.- It __________ very cold today
7.- My aunt __________ at home
8.- Margaret and John _________ very hungry

Exercise 2: Change these sentences into the negative and interrogative

1.- +) My mother has got two hats


2.- +)
-) It isn´t hot today

3.- +) Your cousins are at the library


4.- +) My aunt´s name is Marisa


5.- +)
?) Is your uncle 52 years old?

6.- +) I am very thirsty


7.- +)
-) Charles is not jealous of you

8.- +) They´ve got a red car


Exercise 3: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 3

Exercise 4: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Hay un sombrero en mi cama

2.- Mi hermano está en la escuela en este momento

3.- Tenemos que hacer mucha tarea

4.- Hace mucho viento hoy

5.- My padre tiene 39 años

6.- Ana tiene un gato negro

7.- Hoy tengo mucho frío

8.- Tu pelo es muy largo

Cardinal Numbers:
Exercise 5: Write these numbers

a.- 95
b.- 363
c.- 571
d.- 5,547
e.- 4,519
f.- 75,876
g.- 974,281
h.- 2,965,018

Vocabulary: TRAVELLING
Exercise 6: Guess the word and complete the following chart
word translation
rwcod multitud, muchedumbre
scisutae maletín
rameca cámara
umnmntoes monumentos
tsiiv visitar
crdpstoa postal
rseentsp regalos
mneyo dinero

Exercise 7: Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 4

Present Simple:
Exercise 8: Cross out the wrong word

1.- People (WANT/WANTS) to take some photographs

2.- Sara (DON´T/DOESN´T) live in a big buildingl
3.- We (GO/GOES) to a different place every day
4.- (DO/DOES) your brother have breakfast at home every day?
5.- Katty (MISS/MISSES) you a lot
6.- Ryan doesn´t (GO/GOES) swimming on Saturday
7.- Our feet (HURT/HURTS).
8.- Do you often (VISIT/VISITS) friends on Wednesday
9.- It (RAIN/RAINS) very often in London
10.- Peter (DON´T/DOESN´T) work at night
11.- Emily (GO/GOES) to the community centre once a week.
12.- (DO/DOES) Carmen study computers on Monday ?
13.- She (DON´T/DOESN´T) do her homework because she´s very lazy
14.- When do you (HAVE/HAS) Literature?
15.- The girls sometimes (GO/GOES) to parties in the evening
16.- My brother doesn´t (WALK/WALKS) to school
17.- Virginia (TRY/TRIES) to speak English all the time
18.- Who (STUDY/STUDIES) French?
19.- This bus (DO/DOES) (GO/GOES) to the museum on Tuesday
20.- Why (DO/DOES) Katy need to go to the city?

Exercise 9: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

1.- We _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ (have) lunch at 2 o´clock

2.- Charles __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (not, work) in a shop
3.- She usually _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ (go) out with her friends in the evening
4.- Where _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, usually, have) dinner?
5.- Tom never _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (walk) to school.
6.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (your nephew, brush) his teeth in the morning?
7.- I sometimes _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ (borrow) my brother´s bike
8.- She __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (not, like) this magazine
9.- We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to the supermarket on Fridays
10.- Why _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ (he, always drive) his car to work?
11.- My sister _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (get up) at 10:00 am at weekends
12.- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___(not, do) karate very well
13.- His aunt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, be) a nurse
14.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(you, have got) a dog?
15.- She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (live) in London
16.- We __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (often, clean) our room.
17.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(postcard, start) with “Dear”?
18.- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (have) a shower every morning
19.- Who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(wake up) before 10 am at weekends?
20.- My neighbours _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __(like) dancing.

Exercise 10:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 5

Exercise 11: Change these sentences into the negative and interrogative

1.- +) I go to bed late at night


2.- +)
-) Virginia doesn´t want to visit Italy

3.- +)
?) Do David and Sonia write postcards every day?

4.- +) John works in an office


5.- +)
-) I don´t like this town

6.- +)
?) Do you always have lunch in this retaurant?

7.- +) My uncle Paul watches a lot of television


Exercise 12: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Juan y yo te echamos de menos

2.- Mi hermana no vive en Washington

3.- Virginia le escribe una carta a su familia todos los sábados

4.- ¿A qué hora te acuestas los fines de semana?

5.- Suelo desayunar en casa todos los días

Exercise 13: Look at the sentences in exercises 8-12 and write down Time Expressions related to the
Present Simple

Exercise 14:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 6

Exercise 15: Text “Virginia’s Postcard”
Read the following postcard, look up the new words in your dictionary and, finally complete the

1.- Where is Virginia? 5.- What do they do every day?

Virginia is in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.- Why does Virginia write to David in English?

Virginia writes to David in English because 6.- Why does she have to stop writing?
________________ She has to stop writing because _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3.- The family Virginia is staying with is _ _ _ _

______ 7.- What does Emily say about the Queen?
She says that the Queen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4.- What´s the name of Virginia´s friend?
Her name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Exercise 16:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 7

Present Continuous:
Exercise 17: Cross out the wrong word

1.- Somebody is (CLIMBING / CLIMBBING) up that tree

2.- What (IS / ARE ) you taking about ?
3.- My brother isn’t (WORKKING / WORKING) at the moment
4.- They are (LIVING / LIVEING) in London at the moment
5.- My parents are (HAVE / HAVING) lunch
6.- The dog (AM / IS / ARE) eating at the moment
7.- Carmen is (SIT / SITTING) on the sofa
8.- Paul is (SPENDING / SPENDYNG) his summer holidays in Scotland
9.- We are (PLANING /PLANNING) to go to Norway
10.- Carmen is (HAVEING / HAVING) a bath at the moment.
11.- They (IS / ARE ) doing the washing up now
12.- My daughter (ARE / IS ) working hard this term
13.- They are (LOOKING / LOOKKING) at that picture
14.- They (AM / IS / ARE) writing some postcards at the moment
15.- My friends (AM / IS / ARE) dancing in the park
16.- She ( IS / ARE) staying with her sister
17.- The boys (AM / IS / ARE) playing volleyball now
18.- Jane is (TALK / TALKING) to her PE teacher at the moment
19.- I (AM / IS / ARE) studying Portuguese this year
20.- George is (TELLING / TELL) the truth

Exercise 18: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- Michael ______________________(watch) television right now
2.- What _________________ (you, do) now ?
3.- Kelly _________________(tell) the truth
4.- I _____________________(read) a mystery book
5.- Paul__________________ (sing) in German
6.- The dog __________________(eat) now
7.- The girls ___________________(play) tennis at the moment
8.- I _________________(not, study) Portuguese now
9.- He _______________________(write) a novel at present
10.- What __________________(you, send) now ?
11.- Listen!! Your mother ______________ (sing)
12.- Why _____________________(you, ask) me that question ?
13.- They ______________________(build) a new block of flats
14.- Where ___________________(you, eat) today?
15.- John _________________ (brush) his teeth at the moment
16.- They________________ (come) to school by bus today
17.- She _______________ (run) at the moment
18.- __________________ (you, learn) Japanese this year ?
19.- I__________________ (have) breakfast at the moment
20.- My brother _____________ (clean) his room at the moment

Exercise 19:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 8

Exercise 20: Change these sentences into the negative and interrogative
1.- +) I am playing cards now

2.- +)
-) Janet isn´t living in London this year

3.- +)
?) Are you cooking your own meals?

4.- +) Charles is brushing his teeth at the moment


5.- +)
?) Is your mother having breakfast at the moment?

6.- +)
-) We aren´t talking now

7.- +) My aunt is writing a letter to her husband


Exercise 21: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Mi hermano está abriendo la puerta en este momento

2.- No estamos estudiando mucho este año

3.- Hoy está lloviendo

4.- ¿Dónde estás haciendo la tarea?

5.- Alberto está sentado junto a mí

Exercise 22: Look at the sentences in exercises 15-18 and write down Time Expressions related to the
Present Continuous

Exercise 23: Pay attention to the following verbs: They are not in the Present Continuous tense
1.- Look! She HAS GOT a very expensive watch.
2.- Katty LIKES swimming in the sea.
3.- My brother IS at home at the moment.
4.- David WANTS to see you now.
5.- My brother THINKS that you are a clever girl
6.- I HATE dogs
7.- My partner KNOWS the answer now.
8.- This pen BELONGS to me, it´s mine
9.- What do you MEAN by “it´s not fair!!”?
10.- Listen!! I don´t MIND if you are tired.

Exercise 24:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 9

Present Simple <> Present Continuous
Exercise 25: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- She never _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (smoke), but today she ________________(smoke).
2.- Katty and Ann _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (wear) jeans today, but they usually _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___(wear) skirts.
3.- Listen!! Those birds __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ (sing).
4.- Mary __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (not, like) reading magazines
5.- How __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (your brother, usually, go) to school?
6.- My brother __ _ _ _ _ _ _____ (often, walk) to school, but today he _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _(come) by bus.
7.- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (wear) my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong.
8.- On Mondays I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (play) football with my friends
9.- John usually _ _ _ _ _ _ _________(drink) coffee, but today he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____(drink) tea.
10.- What __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (you, think) of my new friend?
11.- It´s Saturday afternoon and John __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ____ (listen) to the radio
12.- Your sister__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) always late for work
13.- My father _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (be) at work at the moment
14.- Where__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (your parents, often, go) at the weekend?
15.- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (this schoolbag, belong) to you?
16.- When _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____(you, do) your homework?
17.- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (you, always, write) with your left hand?
18.- How many CD´s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(you, have got)?
19.- My brother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (clean) his room at the moment
20.- We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (get up) at 7:30 every morning
21.- What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __(this word, mean)?
22.- Ted __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (go) to the swimming-pool twice a week
23.- I __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ (have got) two brothers
24.- Look! My parents __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ (dance).
25.- We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (not, know) what she __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (want)

Exercise 26: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- A Juan le gustan los gatos

2.- Alice no quiere visitar Portugal

3.- Virginia está cenando en este restaurante ahora mismo

4.- ¿A qué hora sueles estudiar?

5.- ¿Por qué estás escuchando la radio?

6.- ¡Escucha! Tu hermano está cantando

7.- Jaime está jugando en el jardín en este momento

8.- Alberto no quiere visitar Italia ahora

9.- Me cepillo los dientes todas las mañanas

10.- Yo nunca llego tarde al trabajo

Exercise 27:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 10
Past Simple
Exercise 28: Match the infinitive of the following Irregular Verbs in column A to their Past Simple in
column B
BITE..........* *...........PUT DRAW........* *............DROVE
DRINK.......* *..........CUT SPEAK........* *............CHOSE
HAVE........* *.....FOUND SEE.............* *.............WORE
BREAK......* *BROUGHT FEED..........* *............. HURT
BEGIN.......* *........... BIT SIT..............* *.............SLEPT
BURN........* *.........SAID SLEEP........*. *.............DREW
SAY...........* *......BROKE EAT............* *.............MADE
WRITE.......* *.....DRANK HURT.........* *..............WON
MEET........* *.....THREW CHOOSE.....* *............SPOKE
SING..........* *.........LENT WEAR.........* *...............LEFT
RUN...........* *.....BEGAN SWIM..........* *.................FED
BRING.......* *..........HAD GET............* *............... LAY
READ.........* *.... BURNT HEAR.........* *................GOT
LOSE.........* *....WROTE WIN............* *................SAT
THROW.....* *.........MET LEAVE.......* *...........SWAM
LEND.........* *.......READ GIVE...........* *..........HEARD
PUT............* *.......SHOT DRIVE........* *............KNEW
FIND..........* *.......TOOK KNOW .......* *.............STOLE
CUT...........* *.........RAN LIE..............* *..............GAVE
TAKE.........* *.......SANG MAKE.........* *................SAW
SHOOT......* *.......LOST STEAL........* *.................ATE

Exercise 29: Write the Past Simple of the following Regular Verbs
infinitive Past Simple infinitive Past Simple



Exercise 30:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 11

Exercise 31: Cross out the wrong word

1.- John (GO/WENT) to the park last Sunday

2.- Your parents (DOESN´T/DIDN´T) look at your new girlfriend
3.- Alice didn´t (PLAY/PLAYS) with me yesterday
4.- He (BECOME/BECAME) a thief because he needed a lof of money for drugs
5.- (DO/DID) John play the trumpet yesterday morning?
6.- I (RECEIVED/RECEIVE) a good mark in the last test
7.- We didn´t (WRITE/WROTE) to John last month
8.- Did they (WATCH/WATCHES) a lot of TV yesterday?
9.- Your friend (DRINKS/DRANK) two litres of beer at yesterday´s party
10.- Ted´s mother (DON´T/DIDN´T) like his new scholbag
11.- We didn´t (SLEEP/SLEPT) well last night
12.- I (BREAK/BROKE) two glasses yesterday
13.- The policeman (RUNS/RAN) into the sea and swam to him
14.- Where (DOES/DID) your cousins see me last Sunday?
15.- We (ARRIVED/ARRIVE) in Hollywood three days ago
16.- When did Ana (SEND/SENT) your letter?
17.- John (READS/READ) your new novel two weeks ago
18.- Why did you (OPEN/OPENED) that door?
19.- A cameraman (TAKES/TOOK) this picture last night
20.- Yesterday we (VISITED/VISITTED) a film studio

Exercise 32: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- Two men _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (jump) into a car outside the bank ten minutes ago
2.- We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (not, move) to our new house last month
3.- She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (had) to sit in the back of the car yesterday
4.- Why _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (you, not, sleep) last night?
5.- Italy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (not, win) a lot of medals at the last Olympic Games.
6.- Patti and Sam _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to California in July
7.- The director __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ask) the actors to change their costumes
8.- Ana __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (meet) his boyfriend two years ago
9.- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (pay) the electricians a lot of money
10.- What time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Paul, leave) the house yesterday?
11.- We __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (hear) a terrible noise
12.- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(not, make) my bed yesterday
13.- Albert _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (not, be) at home yesterday
14.- In 1956, “Around the World in 80 Days” _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (win) an Oscar for Best Film
15.- Ted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (lose) his walltet 2 weeks ago
16.- We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (be) at the disco last Saturday night
17.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (your daughter, write) a novel in 1998?
18.- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ (have) lunch at this restaurant yesterday
19.- He _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __(not, take) the dog out last Wednesday
20.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __(Harvey, get up) early yesterday morning?

Exercise 33:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 12
Exercise 34: Change these sentences into the negative and translate them
1.- +) The handball team won a lot of competitions last year

2.- +)
-) I didn´t lie down after lunch yesterday

3.- +) Joe called the hospital


4.- +) They drank all the wine


5.- +)
?) Did you catch the last train to Edinburgh?

6.- +)
-) They didn´t listen to my directions

7.- +) The cafeteria was full of people

11.- +) My father died 10 years ago

12.- +)
?) Did you wear a new hat yesterday?

Exercises 35: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Alberto llegó a Sevilla a las ocho y media

2.- Ayer perdí el último autobús a Málaga

3.- ¿Cuándo te mudaste a tu casa?

4.- Tu hermano no tocó la flauta ayer

5.- Yo ayer estaba muy triste

Exercise 36:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 13
Exercise 37: The Date: Write these dates as in the example:
Example: Sat. 22/7/2001: Saturday 22nd (the twenty-second) of July, two thousand and one
Wed. 21/08/2014: Wednesday 21st (the twenty-first) of August, twenty-fourteen

a.- Thu. 8/7/2015

b.- Sun. 12/9/2016

c.- Tue. 25/5/2001

d.- Sun. 16/12/2014

e.- Mon. 9/3/2017

f.- Fri. 31/5/2019

g.- Tue. 3/12/2000

h.- Mon. 22/10/2016

i.- Wed. 18/2/2014

j.- Thu. 21/6/2020

Present Perfect (Simple/Continuous):

Exercise 38: Look up the list of Irregular Verbs in your textbook and complete the following chart
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation

Exercise 39:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 14
Exercise 40: Look up the Regular Verbs in exercise 29 and copy them in the followig chart .
REMEMBER: the Past Simple of the Regular Verbs are the same as their Past Participle.

Infinitive Past Simple Translation

Past Participle

Exercise 41: Cross out the wrong word

1.- I (HAVE/HAS) known him since we were at school
2.- The same teacher has (TAUGHT/TEACHED) us English for five years
3.- We (HAVE/HAS) lived in the same house for twenty years.
4.- I have (DRINK/DRUNK) five glasses of water since ten o´clock.
5.- Patty (HAVE/HAS) just talked to me
6.- My children haven´t (WATCH/WATCHED) television today.
7.- (HAS/HAVE) John ever sung in front of an audience?
8.- I don´t want any tea because I´ve already (HAVE/HAD) some.
9.- We (HAVEN´T/HASN´T) talked to Ana yet.
10.- I can´t bear it: she (HAVE/HAS) been playing the piano since six o´clock this morning
11.- George has (BE/BEEN) collecting matchboxes for the last twenty years.
12.- How long have you been (DO/DONE/DOING) housework?
13.- I have never (DRIVE/DRIVEN) a car before
14.- It (HASN´T/HAVEN´T) rained much so far this week
15.- Ann has (WASHED/WASHING) her hair
16.- (HAVE/HAS) you eaten at the new Italian restaurant?
17.- You have (BEEN/BE) working hard this term
18.- We (HASN´T/HAVEN´T) studied since 9
19.- George has been (SMOKING/SMOKED) for five years
20.- I (HAS/HAVE) never been to Lisbon
Exercise 42:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 15
Exercise 43: Pay attention to the adverbs ALREADY/YET in the following sentences

non-emphatic use:
+) She has already studied for the test
-) She hasn´t studied for the test yet
?) Has she studied for the test yet?

emphatic use, which is NOT included in the following exercises:

+) She has already studied for the test
-) She hasn´t still studied for the test
?) Has she already studied for the test?
Has she studied for the test already?

Exercise 44: Change these sentences into the negative and interrogative
1.- +) Trisha has just made her bed

2.- +) I have already sold my old house


3.- +) I have been able to drive since 1997


4.- +)
-) Tom hasn´t met her yet

5.- +)
?) Have you been living in Cádiz since you were born?

6.- +) I have also lived in Germany


7.- +)
-) Bill has taught French for five years

8.- +)
?) Has Dennis seen that film yet?

9.- +)
-) I have been able to drive for 5 years

Exercise 45:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 16

Exercise 46: Pay attention to the adverbs SINCE/FOR in the following sentences

I have written 2 letters SINCE breakfast –>>>> SINCE is used with a point in time
I haven´t seen her FOR 10 years -->>> FOR is used with a period of time

And now, pay attention to the difference between the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect

I have had this watch since 1990 –>>> expresses a single action
I have been living in Cádiz since 1990 –>> expresses a repeated or continuous action

Past Simple <> Present Perfect (Simple/Continuous):

Exercise 47: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- We ______________ (see) the film last week.
2.- My English teacher ____________________(live) here since 1995
3.- ______________________(you, ever, win) a race?
4.- My social life _______________ (already, change).
5.- The students _________ (leave) school in 1995
6.- We _________________(just, eat) a pizza.
7.- Tom ____________(not, find) a new house yet.
8.- I ________________(can, drive) for 15 years
9.- I last ____________ (meet) him 15 years ago.
10.- Someone ______________(phone) Ana while she was studying

Exercise 48: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Hace 5 días que te envié una carta.

2.- Hace 5 días que te estoy telefoneando

3.- Ya he alimentado a los pájaros

4.- Ayer por la mañana escuché un ruido en la cocina

5.- Acabo de jugar al tenis con tu hermano

Exercise 49: Vocabulary “Jobs” Match the sentence to the corresponding job
You go to this person when you have toothache journalist
This person looks after you when you are flying hairdresser
This person cuts and styles women´s hair dentist
This person draws the plan of a house actress
This person writes for a newspaper or magazine air-hostess
This person works in a library fire-fighter
You often see this person in plays on television farmer
You can phone for this person if your house or flat is on architect
This person performs operations at a hospital doctor
This person keeps animals and grows crops librarian
This person helps you when you are ill writer
This person writes books or theatre plays surgeon
Now look for more jobs and write them down:

Exercise 50:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 17
The Imperative
Exercise 51: Match each expression in column A to its translation in column B

Open your books, please!...................* ....................¡Sé amable con ella!

Bring me the newspaper, please!........* *....................... ¡Abrid los libros!
Don´t close the window!....................* *.........¡No tires papeles al suelo!
Forgive me, John!..............................* *...................... ¡Enciende la luz!
Don´t sit down, please!......................* *....................... ¡No escribas!
Don´t throw papers on the ground!....* *.....................¡Perdóname, Juan!
Switch on the lights!..........................* *.......... ¡No cierres la ventana!
Don´t write, please!...........................* *....¡Dale de comer a los pájaros!
Be kind to her, please!.......................* *...........¡No le envíes esta carta!
Don´t send him this letter!.................* *¡Tráeme el periódico, por favor!
Feed the birds, please!.......................* *....................... ¡No te sientes!

Exerc ises 52: Text “David’s Postcard”

Read the following postcard, look up the new words in your dictionary and, finally put the sentences in
the correct order (there is more than one possible way to do it)

- I haven’t got time to write a lot now because it’s almost time to go to school
- I like school this year
- Sonia is calling me now
- My little sister Sonia also misses you
- PS: Bring anything you like. The present isn’t important. Come back soon.
- She wasn’t me to walk with her to school
- She talks about you all the time
- We have some very good teachers
- All our friends miss you

Exercise 53:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 18
the Time
Exercise 54: Write the times in words

1.- What´s the time? (8:30 am)

It´s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.- What time is it? (7:20 pm)
It´s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.- What time do you usually have lunch? (11:40 am)
I usually have lunch at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4.- What time does your sister to bed every day? (10:05 pm)
My sister usually goes to bed at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5.- What´s the time? (7:25 am)
It´s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6.- What time is it? (4:10 pm)
It´s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7.- What time do you often have dinner? (8:50 pm)
I often have dinner at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8.- What time does your brother leave for the office? (6:35 am)
My brother leaves for the office at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9.- What´s the time? (5:05 pm)
It´s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
10.- What time is it? (10:45am)
It´s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Exercise 55: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- ¡Cierra el libro!

2.- Alice generalmente desayuna a las ocho menos veinte

3.- ¡Deletrea esta palabra, por favor!

4.- Son las diez y cuarto de la noche

5.- ¡No le des de comer al gato!

Countable & Uncountable Nouns

Exercise 56: Cross out the wrong words
1.- There is (A/AN/SOME/ANY) apple in the bowl
2.- There are (A/AN/SOME/ANY) students in the cafeteria
3.- (HOW MUCH/HOW MANY) books are there on the shelf?
4.- I haven´t got (VERY LITTLE/VERY FEW) coffee
5.- (HOW MUCH/HOW MANY) bread is there in the kitchen?
6.- (HOW MUCH/HOW MAN) bananas are there in the kitchen?
7.- There are (A/AN/SOME/ANY) teachers at the bus-stop
8.- This is (A/AN/SOME/ANY) beautiful garden
9.- There aren´t (A/AN/SOME/ANY) books on that shelf
10.- There are (VERY LITTLE/VERY FEW) pencils under the table
11.- I need (A/AN/SOME/ANY) sugar
12.- There is (VERY LITTLE/VERY FEW) water in the bottle

Exercise 57:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 19

Exercise 58: Fill in the gaps with the following words, and translate the sentences:



1.- It´s very ____________ to drink and drive

2.- People take ___________ when they are ill
3.- When I arrive, a doctor was helping an __________ boy
4.- Daniel was walking on a dark street when the ___________ stole his wallet
5.- I´ve got a terrible ____________. I´ll take an aspirine
6.- An ___________ took him to hospital
7.- Too many teenagers die from __________ every year
8.- John saw the accident. He is the only __________.
9.- Sheila cut herself and she´s starting to _________
10.- I have broken my right leg and it ___________ all the time
11.- He was lying on the ground when I began to give him first ________

Exercise 59: Text “Emergency Services Report”. Read the report and dialogue and answer the questions:

1.- What were Jonathan and Jamie doing while they were riding their motorbikes?

2.- Why didn´t Jamie go fast?

3.- Who called Emergency Services?

4.- What time did the investigator arrive at the scene of the accident?

Exercise 60:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 20

Exercise 61: Match the interrogatives to their translations:

Who?............ + +........ ¿Cuántos/as?

How old?....... + +......¿Qué estatura?
Why?........... + + .............¿Por qué?
How many?.. + + .........¿Qué?(¿Cuál?)
What time?. + + ...........¿Qué edad?
How tall?...... + +..............¿Cuándo?
What?.......... + + .¿Cuánto tiempo (hace)?
What colour? + + ¿Con qué frecuencia?
How long?..... + + ...........¿Qué hora?
When?......... + +........¿De qué color?
How?............ + +...........¿De quién?
Which?........ + +........ ¿Cuál? (¿Qué?)
How much?.. + +............... ¿Quién?
What ____ for? + +............... ¿Para qué?
How deep?.... + + ¿Qué profundidad?
Whose?........ + +..................¿Cómo?
How often ?. + + ................¿Dónde?
Who ____ with? + +...........¿Cuánto/a?
Where?........ + +..........¿Con quién?

Exercise 62:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 21

Exercise 63.- Guess the questions:

1.- __________________________________________?
My favourite film is Harry Potter

2.- __________________________________________?
My son got up late yesterday because he was very tired

My nephew often visits me at 9:00 am on Sundays

4.- ________________________________?
Mr. Walter is our P.E. teacher [P.E. = Physical Education]

Paul´s birthday is on 11th (the eleventh) of June

6.- ________________________________?
I usually have lunch in this restaurant.

7.- ________________________________?
My sister is 1.75 cm tall

8.- ________________________________?
I drink 5 cans of coke a week

We usualy go out for a walk with our uncle

10.- ________________________________?
This is Joe´s cap

My aunt´s eyes are green

12.- ________________________________?
She has lived in Cádiz for 20 years.

13.- ________________________________?
Your brother ate very little food at yesterday´s party

My father is 41 (forty-one) years old

15.- ________________________________?
This lake is 6 metres deep

Exercise 64:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 22

Past Continuous:
Exercise 65: Cross out the wrong word
1.- Paul and I (WAS/WERE) riding on our motorbikes when ...
2.- A teenage girl was (SITING/SITTING) on the ground when ...
3.- While I (WAS/WERE) talking to some friends, I...
4.- At 3 o´clock Jayne was (TALKKING/TALKING) on the phone
5.- Pauline and Matt (WAS/WERE) cutting vegetables while ....
6.- What were you (STUDYING/STUDING) when ... ?
7.- While Sharon (WAS/WERE) having lunch, Dan ...
8.- At the same time, the electrician was (FIXING/FIXXING) the light.
9.- We (WASN´T/WEREN´T) not playing chess when ....
10.- Sarah was (SLEEPING/SLEPPING) while ...

Exercise 66: Change these sentences into the negative and interrogative
1.- +) John was playing the piano while ...

2.- +)
-) Frank wasn´t living in Berlin when...

3.- +)
?) Were your parents sitting when.......?

4.- +) We were studying for the test when .....


5.- +)
?) Was your father watching TV while.....?

6.- +)
-) John and I were having dinner when .....

Exercise 67: Copy the verbs which are not used in Continuous tenses: see exercise 23

Exercise 68: Pay attention to the tenses in the following sentences

WHILE I was doing my homework, John phoned me

WHILE you were sleeping, I was doing the washing-up

WHEN you phoned me, I was doing my homework

WHEN I arrived home, I turned on the radio

Past Simple > actions completed in the past at a definite time

Past Continuous > past actions which continued for some time

Exercise 69:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 23

Past Simple <> Past Continuous
Exercise 70: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- While I __________ (do) my homework, my brother ___________ (play) loud music.
2.- As I _____________ (stand) on the platform, my wife _____________ (smoke).
3.- We _________ (go) to New York two years ago
4.- The students _________ (not sit) at their desks when the teacher ___________ (come) into the
5.- The police _________ (ask) the thief some questions when he _________ (begin) to cry.
6.- When I ____________ (arrive) in Madrid, I ___________ (realize) that I didn´t know his phone
7.- It __________ (take) me two hours to get to school yesterday
8.- Joe _______________ (watch) TV while his friend ___________ (listen) to the radio.
9.- Alice _____________ (meet) her father her last Wednesday
10.- Mary ______________ (not, like) reading magazines
11.- When the ambulance _______________ (come), Janet ___________ (wait) near me.
12.- John _____________ (buy) the tickets two years ago
13.- As the goalkeeper _________(run) forward to seize the ball, a bottle _________ (strike) him on the
14.- A thief __________ (steal) my wallet last week.
15.- What _____________ (you, read) when your parents ________________ (arrive) home yesterday?

Exercise 71: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Mientras estábamos esperando el autobús, Ana estuve escribiendo una carta a sus padres

2.- El lunes pasado compré un nuevo ordenador

3.- Cuando el profesor me dio el examen, decidí marcharme

4.- Mientras Juan hablaba con Mónica, yo estaba llamando a la policía.

5.- ¿Dónde almorzarte ayer?

Prepositions (I)
Exercise 72: Fill in AT, IN or ON
1.- Daniel goes to karate lessons _______ Monday afternoons
2.- Marty goes to school ________ 8 o´clock
3.- They go to karate ______ the afternoon
4.- I go to the comunity centre _______ Saturdays
5.- Ballet classes start __________ September 17
6.- I have a shower _____________the evening
7.- My sister usually gets up ________ 7 o’clock
8.- My birthday is __________ July 5th
9.- Your sister visits me _______ weekeend
10.- Spring starts _________ March

Exercise 73:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 24

Prepositions (II)
Exercise 74: Use these prepositions and vocabulary to describe this picture :


Prepositions (III)
Exercise 75: Cross out the wrong word
1.- The bottles are (IN/WITH) the cupboard, (IN/ON) the top shelf
2.- This robot can take the dog (OUT/FROM) a walk
3.- Michael Nelson was born (IN/WITH) Chicago, so he is (ON/FROM) the United States
4.- Please, write (TO/IN) me soon!
5.- There is a long way (FROM/FOR) the school (TO/WITH) her house
6.- Here´s a letter (FOR/AT) you (FROM/TO) your mother
7.- There´s a dead dog lying (ON/IN) the road
8.- I´ll be waiting for you (AT/IN) the bus-stop
9.- She is arriving (IN/FOR) Sevilla next weekend.
10.- She will arrive (AT/FOR) the airport at 10:00 am

Exercise 76:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 25
Exercise 77: Text “Emma Satyamurti”. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1.-What is Emma´s diability?

2.- Why did Emma refuse to go to a special school?

3.- Did she find a school that agreed to accept her? Which one?

4.- Why did her classmates think Emma got good marks?

5.- Has she got a lot of friends now?

Future Simple:
Exercise 78: Cross out the wrong word
1.- My son (FINISHED/WILL FINISH) his homework tomorrow morning
2.- (WILL/DID) they play chess next weekend?
3.- Frank (WENT / WILL GO) to Ireland in two week
4.- My aunt (DID´T/ WON´T) invite us to her birthday party next year
5.- George (WILL NOT / HASN´T) receive your letter tomorrow
6.- Ann (WILL / DON’T) write you a message in a minute
7.- George (WILL / HAVEN’T ) be ready to go out very soon
8.- Next Monday Tom (DON’T / WON’T) make a phone call
9.- I ( WILL / HAVEN’T ) have a shower this evening
10.- George ( WON’T/ HAVEN’T) wait for you

Exercise 79: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.- Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, go) for your next holiday?
2.- I think Anna _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (take) the dog with her next weekend
3.- My parents __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __(not, walk) home tomorrow
4.- In 2020 we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (be) happier than we are now
5.- Why __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, phone) her next Sunday?
6.- I _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ (take) you a photograph tomorrow
7.- What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, do) at this time tomorrow?
8.- We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (play) football next weekend
9.- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(never, forget) your phone number
10.- Next month we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (visit) you

Exercise 80:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 26

Exercise 81: Change these sentences into the negative and translate them
1.- +) George and Lucy will get married next week.

2.- +)
-) We won´t move to Seville

3.- +)
?) Will you do the washing-up?

4.- +)
-) Tom won´t spend the weekend in the hotel

5.- +)
-) It won´t rain tomorrow

Exercise 82: Look at the sentences in exercises 78-81 and write down Time Expressions related to the
Future Simple

Exercise 83: Translate the following sentences into English

1.- Creo que pintaré esta habitación

2.- ¿Cuándo se mudará Alberto a Madrid?

3.- No llevaré a tu hermana al zoo

4.- Mañana comenzaré mi tarea

Exercise 84: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1 .- Paul usually ___________________ (cook) his meals
2.- John ________________(leave) the house at 10 yesterday.
3.- Alice _____________ (live) in London at the moment.
4.- When I __________ (go) into the garden, Alex __________ (cut) the grass
5.- The King _______________(open) the Parliament next month
6.- While you ____________ (talk) to her on the phone, I ___________ (listen) to the radio
7.-.- Her parents _________________ (just, return) from London
8.- Jane _____________ (have) a bath at present.
9.- Lisa ______________ (give) me this pen two weeks ago
10.- Peter ______________(collect) butterflies since 1997

Exercise 85:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 27

Vocabulary: The House
Exercise 86: Put the following words in the correct column:
window, bedroom, oven, door, washing-machine, sofa, wall, kitchen, flat, desk, living-room, chest of
drawers, roof, dishwasher, castle, stairs, fridge, lift, bathroom,, armchair, hut, bed, ceiling, hotel
bookshelves, floor, tent, garage, cupboard, cooker, garden, frying-pan, cottage

Exercise 87: Text “Hot Hits”. Read the following text and answer the questions:

1.- Where are Alejandro´s

albums very popular?

2.- What kind of music

does he usually compose?

3.- Where are his parents


4.- How old was

Alejandro when he began
playing the guitar?

5.- What was his first hit?

Exercise 88:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 28
Exercise 89: Complete the following chart
adjectives COMPARATIVE translation

OLDER than
EASIER than más fácil que
more BORING than
more BEAUTIFUL than
BAD/BADLY WORSE than peor que

Exercise 90: Write the correct form of the adjectives in brackets

1.- A horse is ________ (beautiful) than a donkey
2.- It´s __________ (hot) today than it was yesterday
3.- Ana is ____________ (young) than Mary
4.- My aunt is ____________ (rich) than my father
5.- These apples are ____________ (cheap) than those bananas
6.- Geography is __________ (difficult) than Computing
7.- This hotel is __________ (bad) than that one
8.- Your sister is ________ (lazy) than I am

Exercise 91: Complete the following chart

adjectives SUPERLATIVE translation

the most DIFFICULT el más difícil
the BEST

Exercise 92: Write the correct form of the adjectives in brackets

1.- It´s the ______________ (deep) lake in Spain
2.- You have the ______________ (beautiful) eyes
3.- This is the ______________ (high) building in Spain
4.- Ana´s hair is ____________ (short) than yours
5.- This is the ___________ (fast) motorbike of all
6.- This is the ____________ (wide) street in Cádiz
7.- Today is the _______________(hot) day of the year
8.- John is the ________________ (intelligent) student in the group

Exercise 93:Vocabulary: Look up the new words of this page in your dictionary and write them down at the back
Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 29
Exercise 66: Mixed Vocabulary: Look up these words in your dictionary, put them in the correct
category and write the translation:
work - test - air - village - autograph - brilliant - actor - cat - drink - land - tent - interesting - object - cook -
musician - magazine - traffic - geography - exciting - athelete - shop -

poison - active - big - different - hospital - healthy - water - town - doctor - vegetable - boring - terrible - queen -
birthday -juice - princess - website - desk - history - king - jungle - morning
break - work - bear - brother - safe - windy - dangerous - visit - advertisement - star - funny - knee - let - ride -
cloudy - eat - cone - talk - pay - horrible- elbow - gymnastics - live - warm
farm - hairy - let - basketball - trip - neck - always - bathroom - beach - bedroom - climb -street - play - holiday -
write - day - weather - cloudy - sunny - ostrich - rule - open - maths

biology - pick - stormy - think - dance - year - sand - drink - smell - clean - say - drink - nature - living-room - tell
- kitchen - big - shout - circle - smoke - disturb - like - enjoy - city
come - windy - friend - taxi-driver -black - diary - pencil sharpener - train - dry - dance - less - ofien - delicious -
write - teacher - swim - more - onion - play - nephew - rabbit - sheep -
get - watch - lake - spring - look for - tent - hate - season - never - often - air-hostess - white - daughter - rarely -
party - postcard - tight - barman - vegetables - wear - drive - sometimes

toothpaste - cameraman - bring - red - cook - historian - singer - ruler - rubber - sister - gardener - subject -
coach - hit - singer - postman - desk - parents - cheese - nun - swimsuit
thin - skirt - horn - improve - sleeping bag - swimming pool - science - winter - sweet - teeth - tail - spider - wings
- ugly - English - unusual- fireman - buy - green - wild - reptile - hot -
nice - computer - clouds - learn - cage - old - boring - politician - cold - interesting - helicopter - go - friendly -
help - dustman - long - yellow - make - hunt - purple - programmes - bed

tomorrow - country - planets - people - now - money - turtle - bird - bicycle - helicopter - south - vegetables - sing
- tomato - tasty - slice - motorbike - strange - fur - policeman - camel
love - young -buy - fisherman - autumn - handicrafts - forget - German - new - keyboard - butcher - French -
electrician - happy - teenagers - listen - summer - music - frontier - pig
swimming - close - snake - see - good - note - plane - litter - speak - businessman - cousin - wear - pet - foggy -
mouse - horse - ice-cream - fruit - grey - food - week - clerk - airport

clothes - colourful - want - go - classroom - delicious - laugh - mask - fat - blue - fire - pen - cupboard - brown -
cute - language laboratory - beautiful - visit - ask - obey - north - flag
important - weigh - river - watch - cold - careful - beach - order - sad - boring- dish- pink -experience - nurse -
pen - writer - shape - battery - wife - sunglasses - poster - crime - cat
nouns Adjectives verbs others
CAREFUL: cuidadoso

Actividades de Refuerzo de 4º de E.S.O., pág. 30

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