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Is the teaching of Rizal course realistic given the dangers and

sensitivity of literature as means of communication in learning
nationalism, patriotism, and volunteerism? Do we really learn
nationalism and patriotism with the present pedagogy of Rizal
Yes, there is a lot of literature about nationalism, patriotism
and volunteerism of the Filipinos that was written by various author
that have different lineage. So we can’t assure if those literatures
were authentic, reliable, and relevant when it comes to the
information. The teaching of Jose Rizal’s life, works, and writings is
mandated by Republic Act 1425, otherwise known as the Rizal Law.
Rizal law, enacted in 1956 and has following goals. Since Rizal was
the founder of the Philippine nationalism and has great impact to the
current standing of our country it is only right to study the life and
work of Rizal. The life and works of Rizal will help us see, know, and
understand the great ideas of Jose Rizal about nationalism, patriotism
and volunteerism. Senator Jose &.Laurel, the person who sponsored
the said law, said that since Rizal was the founder of Philippine
nationalism and has contributed much to the current standing of this
nation, it is only right that the youth as well as all the people in the
country know about and learn to imbibe the great ideals for which he
died. Nationalism involves the desire to attain freedom and political
independence, especially by a country under foreign lower, while
patriotism denotes proud devotion and loyalty to one’s nation. Jose
Rizal’s life, works, and writings especially his novels essentially, if not
perfectly, radiate these traits or one thing, the subject helps us to
understand our country better. He can learn much from the way Rizal
faced various challenges in life. Is controversial figure in his time, he
encountered serious dilemmas and predicaments but responded
decently and high mindedly. Through the crucial decisions he made in

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his life, we can sense his priorities and convictions which manifest
how noble, selfless, and great the national hero was. For example, his
many resolutions exemplified the aphorism that in this life there are
things more important than personal feeling and happiness.

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