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The design proposal for the Remodeling Of A Residential Building In Villa Jacinta Village, Cruzada,

Legazpi City has emerged from a close and detailed analysis and data gathering of the existing one
storey residential livings conditions and existing forms.

The proposed buildings attempt to assert themselves not as typical urban house structures, but as
sustainable development by providing a framework that supports the integration of sustainable design
where the most economical and sustainable outcomes can be achieved.

Altogether creating a a high quality sustainable building while still providing occupants with comfort by
designing along with Sustainable housing materials and proper space planning.

The designed functional units; kitchen, dining room, toilet and bath and bedrooms are with the best
thermal comfort and functionality possible. Provided with a framework that supports the integration
of sustainable design where the most economical and sustainable outcomes can be achieved.

We made sure that any materials, products that build up the house, meet the technology needs and
have the smallest possible ecological footprint at the same time. Wherever possible, we tried to use
local materials and products.

One of the main objectives of this project is to encourage healthy living among the family and This
project created the possibility that the indoor activities could be carried out at the greatest level of
comfort outdoors too to create an intensively used outside living space.

Natural and organic textures used in the hotel's interiors are in good company amid the garden plants
sprawled all over the estate.

The project have modern appearance with raw and solid from the outside. On the
inside,Natural and organic textures are used. they are comprised of a series of volumes
that provide spaces for the social uses to which they were constructed.
In our constructions we will attempt to balance and contrast open and closed
space, to create visual interest by means of the implied movement and rhythmic
arrangements. We will also make use of the grid as a system to harmonize
shape, the direction of forms and to the proportion of forms.

Our objective has been to create a high quality sustainable building of distinctive architecture character
together with a landscaped public open space sequence that forms a through site public connection and
promotes site transparency.

The new entry pavilion has been carefully proportioned to complement the existing Library, Braemar
Gallery and adjoining context in both scale and modulation to create a positive contribution to the
Springwood Civic Precinct.
proposals have been designed to be seen as a coherent built suite, while equally allowing themselves to
be adaptive to different techniques. While coherent, the proposed buildings offer scalar modulations
and differences.

The proposed building on the Cruzada Legazpi city uses scale to anchor its presence upon the site while
employing civic gestures such as high canopy (also a secondstorey/mezzanine staff office shading device)
and deep fascia as part of its built envelope seamless, rather than a collection of added elements.

The proposals reflect both the simplicity of regional sheds, materially and functionally, while striving to
articulate certain civic motifs in scale, proportion, articulation, and moreover resisting conventional
large retail stereotypes.

Our goal was to design a house, where as much time as possible can be spent outdoors leading a new
sustainable way of life. Our goal was to design a house with an easily recognizable character. We believe
that especially in our region only an easily identifiable, iconic building can call people’s attention to the
need of lifestyle change and helps the spread of renewable technologies on the market. Since the
building will be presented to the widest possible audience, an important goal was define the Odoo not
only as a residential building but an easily presentable pavilion as well. We are aiming for the best
possible use of solar energy. The building geometry is ideally optimized for both active and passive solar
energy utilization. It was important for us to integrate the solar panels to the structural system and
architectural character of the house as closely as possible. We were focusing on the passive solar design
and the energy efficiency criteria.
Sustainability and promotion of local materials are important aspects of the overall design concept of the project.

The materials of this project are utilized in a way that its structures will be cost-effective, visually appealing, and adaptive to the
ever-changing climatic and seismic conditions of the region.

Among the strategies in the Design for sustainability of products and processes are the
use of eco-friendly or green materials. The use of green materials in product
development reduces the environmental impact by enabling them to be reused,
recycled, and naturally degradable at their end of life. Furthermore, green materials are
often derived from plants, which provide the advantage of unlimited resources and
renewability compared to conventional engineering materials such as minerals which
are nonrenewable and depleting resources. These characteristics of green materials
when applied to products and processes have greatly helped to reduce the effects of
the carbon footprint and high energy consumption throughout the entire product lifecycle
(Clark, Kosoris, Hong, & Crul, 2009).
We built our lighting system on LED technology, because it is the best choice
regarding energy efficiency and it have a great potential of further
development in the future.
LED does produce some heat, far less energy used is wasted producing heat. This means that LEDs
are not only more energy-efficient, but they are far easier to use in heat-sensitive areas of your
home without compromising the light, bright aesthetic.
These bulbs do not cause heat build-up; LEDs produce 3.4 btu’s/hour, compared to 85 for incandescent bulbs. Common
incandescent bulbs get hot and contribute to heat build-up in a room. LEDs prevent this heat build-up, thereby helping to reduce
air conditioning costs in the home.

Based on the results of the 2011 Household Energy Consumption Survey

(HECS), electricity remains as the most common source of energy used by
households in the Philippines.  About 87 percent of 21.0 million households
used electricity from March to August 2011. The other sources used by a
significant proportion of households include fuelwood, charcoal, LPG  and
kerosene with at least one-third of the total households using any of these
types of fuel in 2011

Based on the results of the 2011 Household Energy Consumption Survey (HECS), electricity
remains as the most common source of energy used by households in the Philippines.  About 87
percent of 21.0 million households used electricity from March to August 2011. The other
sources used by a significant proportion of households include fuelwood, charcoal, LPG  and
kerosene with at least one-third of the total households using any of these types of fuel in 2011 as
stated in aPhilippine Statistics Authority Article

The project has a modern appearance, raw and solid from the outside. On the inside,
Natural and organic textures are used.  They are a series of volumes that provide spaces for
the social uses to which they were constructed.

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