Unit 5

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Vocabulary Pronunciation

Listen to each word. Record each word. Then listen and practice your
pronunciation. You do not submit this to your teacher.

1. bright

2. calm

3. collect

4. comfortable

5. privacy

6. share

7. smell

8.spends time

Vocabulary Practice
Complete the conversation with the correct words from the word bank

Smell calm collect share comfortable privacy spend time bright

Reading Comprehension: Walking in Barcelona
1. A: Do you want to go to the mall on Sunday afternoon?
B: I'd like to go, but I need to------------- on my homework. I have a big
assignment due on Monday.

2. A: Oh, no. I forgot my textbook.

B: That's OK. I will------------- my textbook with you.

3. A: Where are you going?

B: Into my room, so I can be alone. I need ------------- while I do homework.

4. A: What happened to your finger?

B: I cut it last night. I was very upset, but my brother stayed-------------- . He

helped me clean the cut.

5. A: Which shirt will you buy: the blue one or the white one?

B: The white one is too tight. The blue one is made of soft material, so it's
very---------------------- .

6. A: It's very sunny outside. I need my sunglasses.

B:You're right. It's very--------------- today. It's going to be a hot day.

7. A: Do you-------------- anything strange in the kitchen?

B: Well, yes, I do. I burned a cake in the oven. Let's open the windows.

8. A: I'm going to Hawaii for my vacation. Can I bring you back a souvenir?

B: Yes, please. Can you bring me a coffee cup? I ------------- coffee cups from
interesting places.

Reading Comprehension: Unusual Homes Around the

Read the article. Then choose the correct words to complete the
Houses Around the World
There are some very unusual houses around the world. One example is the
igloo. An igloo is an interesting home in cold and snowy places like Alaska,
Canada, and SiberiaIgloo meanshouse in a language called Inuit. An igloo is a
snow house. People build blocks¹ from snow. Then they use the blocks to make
a dome. A dome is the shape of half of a circle. Inside the igloo, there is one
large room. Usually one or two families share the igloo. It is warm inside. There
is a cooking area, a sleeping area, a living area, and one door to go outside.
Another kind of home is a houseboat—a house on a boat. People enjoy living
on houseboats in many parts of the world. Modern houseboats come in many
sizes and styles. One old kind of houseboat is called a sampan. It is a boat of
wood. It is about 3.5 to 4.5 meters (11.5 to 14.8 feet) long. Families use sampans
for fishing. Some families also have very small houses on their sampans. There
are sampans in China and other parts of Asia. However, sampan houseboats are
unusual now.
In Mongolia, there is a traditional house called a yurt. It has a round shape. It
is made of cloth and wood. It's not heavy, so it is easy to move the yurt to
another place. Some farmers² choose to live in a yurt because they need to
move their home often. In the center of the yurt, there is a small stove and a
table. There are usually several beds and some rugs. The yurt is large and
¹block: a big heavy piece of something, with flat sides
²farmer: a person who keeps animals and grows plants for food

1. This article describes _____ different unusual homes.

o three
o two
o four
2. Families use igloos in Canada, Siberia, and _____.
o China
o Alaska
o Mongolia
3. People make igloos out of blocks of ____.
o Snow
o Wool
o wood
4. An igloo doesn't have _____.
o a cooking area
o bedrooms
o a living area
5. A sampan is a type of _____.
o Snow
o Boat
o wood
6. Some people in _____ use sampans for fishing and living.
o China
o Siberia
o canada
7. A yurt is a _____, traditional Mongolian home.
o Large
o Modern
o snowy
8. People live in yurts because they need to ____ their homes
o Sell
o Build
o move

Vocabulary 2 Pronunciation
Listen to each word. Record each word. Then listen and practice your
pronunciation. You do not submit this to your teacher.
1. design

2. extra

3. however

4. modern

5. own

6. space

7. view

Vocabulary 2 Practice
Complete the sentences with the correct words from the word

Space Modern own extra However view design

1. My office is on the tenth floor of the building. I have a very good ----------

of the city park.

2. I don’t --------------- a car now, but I want to buy one next year.
3. I live in a very old house.-------------- , all of the kitchen appliances are
4. Several young architects will-------------- the new school cafeteria.
5. This cellphone is only $40, but there is an-------------- cost of $10 for a
different color.
6. -------------- homes are my favorite. I like new styles of homes.
7. The school has a new library. It's a very quiet and comfortable ------------

Building Vocabulary: Word categories

Drag each word or phrase to the correct category.

appliances furniture Rooms in a house

Toaster refrigerator fan armchair living room blender dresser

kitchen desk family room porch oven laundry room
coffeemaker bedroom microwave coffee table bed sofa dining
room table stove bookshelf

Writing Skill: Subject-verb agreement in different

sentence types

Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.

1. He make/makes his bed and do/does the dishes

2. Ellen and I am not/aren’t/isn’t sisters.
3. Am/are/is Michael and you married?
4. The kitchen and dining room has/have tables and chairs.
5. There are/is many books in the bookcase.
6. Where do/does many books in the bookcase.
7. My famile goes/go to the beach every summer.
8. A graphic artist design/designs websites.

Grammar Practice: Prepositions of location

Reorder each set of words to make a sentence.

To next me my best friend sits

1.------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

thea mirror onthere is wall

2.------------- -------------- -------------- ---------------- ---------------

The sofa markon is sleeping

3.-------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------

Two the right of there are armchairs onthe bookshelf

4.------------ ------------- --------------- ------------- ------------- ------------

something the stovebehind there is

5.-------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------

The window theare in front desk of

6.------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Grammar Expansion: Prepositions of time:

Read about prepositions of time. Then choose the correct preposition
to complete each sentence.
Prepositions of time:in,on,at

Use in with months, seasons, and years, and with the expressionsin the morningin the afternoonin the evening

Months:He began buildingin January

Seasons:I like the kitchen bestin winter

Years:We moved to this housein 1999

Expressions:I like to exercisein the morning

We go to the marketin the afternoon

He enjoys watching TVin the evening

Use on with days and dates:

Days:We're movingon Monday

Dates:We're movingon June 9

Use at with times and with theexpression at night

Times:Class startsat 9:00

Expression: I like to walkat night.

1. I enjoy my living room _____ the morning.

o In
o At
o on

2.Silvia works in the library _____ night.

o In
o On
o at

3.We like our family room best _____ winter because it's warm.

o In
o At
o on
4.My bedroom is very sunny _____ 8:00 a.m.

o in
o on
o at

5. I spend a lot of time outside _____ May and June.

o On
o In
o at

6. We get our new furniture _____ Friday.

o In
o On
o at

7.We plan to move _____ 2015.

o On
o In
o at

8.Please attend our party _____ August 13.

o At
o In
o on

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