CAM-29 Solution

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CAM 29 Solutions

A to D

A. Verbal Ability


Ans 1)
Indian metros have no fascination for trams as they are slow, but Delhi wants to introduce them in the
crowded Old Delhi area. Which point best supports the projection of the success of trams? The passage
states that trams are not fast. if the average traffic speed in Delhi is just 15 kmph and it is likely to slow to
just 5 kmph. trams can be a better option. Option A is a general a condition not specific to Delhi, so this
option doesn't support the projection. B is also not specific to Delhi. Option C is a general comment not
relevant to the argument. the argument says modern metros do not want trams because they are old
fashioned and slow. Option D gives support to the projection: if traffic speeds in Delhi is going to be
abysmally slow, trams will be accepted by commuters

Choice (D)

Ans 2)
Caesareans should be cared out only when medically necessary. says the WHO. In countries where
Caesareans account for more than 10% of births mortality rates did not improve. What inference can be
drawn from this information" The passage clearly states that the increase in caesareans did not
correspondingly improve mortality rates. One possible inference is that they are carried out for some other
reason. Option A identifies this inference: in these countries’ caesareans are carried out for reasons other
than medical. B is distortion of the argument: only when women and their babies are in distress' is not
supported by the passage. Option C is a general observation on surgery, not on caesareans. D is a
sweeping judgment. '

Choice (A)
Ans 3)
In order to constitute a breach of privilege, a libel upon a member must be related to his or her character
or conduct in his/her capacity as a member of the House. and must be related to transactions in the
House. What inference can be drawn from this information? Since the passage states that in order to
constitute a breach of privilege the action should be related to a member`s actions and must be based on
matters arising in the actual transaction of business of the House. It is logical to anticipate a relation
between a member's conduct in the House and a breach of privilege. One possible inference is that these
privileges are granted to members for performing their duty as members. Breach of privilege and
contempt of the house are not two separate entities, so option A is inappropriate. Option B identifies an
inference that can be drawn from the information in the passage. 'Performing their parliamentary or
legislative duties without hindrance' in option C is not suggested by the paragraph. Option D is a
sweeping statement about those who issue notices for contempt of the House; this option is not an
inference based on the passage.
Choice (B)

Ans 4)
Fossil fuel subsidies could not be eliminated due to social unrest, but they should be eliminated to cut
emissions since they encourage the use of fossil fuels. Which of the options would provide the ideal
situation for eliminating fuel subsidies? We should look for an option that mentions a situation where there
will be least resistance from the public. Option A cannot be linked to social unrest. The situation
presented in option B is not likely to cause social unrest since withdrawal of subsidies can be absorbed in
the drastic fall in fuel prices, so B is the right answer Gradual phasing out achieving limited success in
option C is not a strong circumstance. Option D is not related to the problem of social unrest.

Choice (B)
B. Reading Comprehension

Ans 1)
David Chalmers has made a distinction between simple and complex consciousnesses. and has decided
to eat fish and chicken. Hence there is a link between consciousnesses in animals and the decision to eat
some. Clearly. the assumption is that fish and chicken have simple consciousness, so option B is the right
choice. 'Automata' in option A refers to moving mechanical devices: this is inapt. `Fondness' for a food
item is not referred to in the passage. So, C is incorrect. Option D is not an assumption as it is a part of
the argument — 'arbitrary distinction between simple and complex consciousnesses'.

Choice (B)

Ans 2)
The reference here is to vocal acrobatics. the act of eating fish and chicken and using empty words to
explain the reason: hence 'rhetoric' is apt.

Choice (C)

Ans 3)
`Inconvenient truth' is used in the context of mentioning the author's habit of eating cuttlefish even after
realizing that the fish has the capacity to think. plan etc. This realization implies that the author is aware of
cuttlefish's suffering when it is caught. Hence option D is the right option. Others are irrelevant.

Choice (D)

Ans 4)
We have banned research on chimpanzees. but experiment on monkeys despite knowing about the
feeling of these animals. This clearly is a case of holding conflicting ideas. So option A is the right answer.
'Sadism' in option B cannot be considered 'dissonance'. 'Hypocrisy in humans' is vague and general and
does not relate to the context. Option D is incorrect as 'sacrilegious' is not suggested in the passage.

Choice (A)

Ans 5)
This is an inference question. Refer to the last sentence which expresses some hope that times will
change again. Though we cannot expect drastic changes. it is reasonable to expect that our attitude to
meat eating may change in the future in the same way that our approach to experimenting on humans is
coming down. Option D appears to be a reasonable prediction based on what is stated in the passage —
we eat meat: even sensitive people eat some animals on certain pretext; we have a history of harming
our own kind; yet we can expect changes. 'Unabated' in option A is not supported by the passage. Option
B can be true. but it is sweeping and ignores the optimism suggested in the end. Option C goes contrary
to the last paragraph.

Choice (D)
C. Quantitative Aptitude

Answer Keys

1. Option A

2. Option B

3. Option C

4. Option B

5. Option C

6. Option A

7. Option A

8. Option B

9. Option D

10. Option C

Ans 1)
If value of annual equal installment is Rs. X and principal is P.
PR n
1+ R + R 2 + .....+ R n −1
(n=number of installments, R= 1+r/100, where, r=rate of interest p.a)
P *1.32 6900
3000 = ➔ P=
1+1.3 1.69
P ≈ 4083
Interest paid by him to the bank = 6000-4083= 1917.

Choice (A)

Ans 2)
3N= kD +13, 0≤ 13<D
4N = xD+9, 0≤ 9<D
∴ N = (x-k)D - 4 = (x-k-1)D + D-4
N leaves a remainder of (D - 4)
∴ 3N leaves the same remainder as 3(D-4) or 3D-12 or D-12
➔ D-12= 13
➔ D=25
∴ N leaves a remainder of D-4=21.
Choice (B)
Ans 3)
Let the number of questions in sections I, II, III be a, b, c respectively.
a + b + c = 90 ------------- (1)
c ≥ 36........................... (2)
2a ≥ (2a+3b+4c)
or 3a ≥ 3b+4c................(3)
As we want the possible values of a, we use (1) to eliminate b from this
i.e., 3a ≥ 3(90-a-c) + 4c = 270-3a+c
➔ 6a ≥ 270 +c
➔ a ≥ 45 + c/6. If c ≥ 36, a ≥ 51
Also as c ≥ 36, b ≥ 1, It follows that a≤ 53
∴ a = 51, 52 or 53


Ans 4)

Y= (log 3 X )2 − 15(log 3 X )+ 75 and X Y = 9 62.5 = 3125

∴ Y (log 3 X ) = 125

∴ (log 3 X )2 − 15(log 3 X )+ 75 = 125

(log 3 X )
➔ (log 3 X )3 − 15(log 3 X )2 + 75(log 3 X ) − 125 = 0
➔ (log 3 x − 5) = 0 => log 3 x = 5

➔ x=3
∴ All solutions are equal or only one value of (X, Y) satisfies the equation.

Choice (B)

Ans 5)
Let y = 2
x + 4x + 8
➔ 2yx2 + 4yx+8y= x+2
➔ 2yx2 + (4y-1)x+8y-2 = 0
For the roots to be real.
(4y-1)2 – 8y(8y-2) ≥ 0 or (4y-1)2 -16y(4y-1) ≥ 0
or (4y-1)(4y-1-16y) ≥ 0 or (4y-1)(-12y-1) ≥ 0
−1 1
or (1-4y)(1+12y) ≥ 0 ; ≤y≤ .
12 4

Ans 6)

∠OBD =90°
➔ BD = BE = 3 cm
➔ 3 × 3 = 4 × BC,
➔ BC = .

Choice (A)

Ans 7)

Number of triangles of area x= 6

Number of triangles of area 2x= 3
Number of triangles of area 3x= 6
Number of triangles of area 6x= 1
Total area = 6(x) + 3(2x) + 6(3x) + 1(6x) = 36x = 36 3
Suppose, length of each side of resultant equilateral triangle is 'a'
3 2
a = 36 3
➔ a = 12 cm.
Choice (A)
Ans 8)
Let the number of 6, 15 and 30 rupee notes that A can use be x, y and z respectively. We wish to find
number of non-negative integral solutions of 6x+15y+30z= 630.
From the equation it is clear that y should be even (because 6x and 10z are even). x should be multiple of
5 (because 15y and 30z are multiple of 5).
6(5a) + 15(2b) + 30z= 630
a + b + z = 21
Non-negative integral solutions will be 21+3-1C3-1 = 23C2 = 253 ways.

Choice (B)

Ans 9)
MMLXLV= 1000 + 1000 + 50 + (50-10) + 5 =2095
MMXCV= 1000 + 1000 + (100-10) + 5 = 2095
MMVC= 1000 + 1000 + (100-5) = 2095
MMCCV = 1000 + 1000 + 100 + 100 + 5= 2205
Hence (a), (b) and (c) are equal to 2095.

Choice (D)

Ans 10)
MMCCVC= 1000 + 1000 + 100 + 100 + (100-5) = 2295
MMMCCL = 1000 + 1000 + 1000 + 100 + 100 + 50 = 3250
DCαβV = 3250 - 2295 = 955
If α and β are less than or equal to C (100), the value of numeral would be (805).
∴ α should be greater than 100.
The numeral is DCDLV
α = D, β= L.
Value of numeral βα i.e., LD= 500-50= 450

Choice (C)
Answer Keys

1. Option D

2. Option D

3. Option C

4. Option B

5. Option C

6. Option D

7. Option A

8. Option C

9. Option B

Solution Q.1 to Q.4

The comparison of ranks of two participants X and Y in a event can be determined with certainty only if
the ranks of speeds and time are lesser (or higher)

Ans 1)
In cycling, the relative ranks of H and G cannot be found as, in time, the rank of H is higher than that of G
and in speed, the rank of H is lesser than that of G.
In swimming, the rank of G is higher than that of H as in both speed and time, the rank of G is higher than
that of H.
In running, the rank of H is higher than that of G as in both speed and time, the rank of H is higher than
that of G. So, the consolidated ranks of G and H cannot be determined. Similarly, we can determine that
the consolidated rank of E is higher than that of G.

Choice (D)
Ans 2)
Here the comparison is done in the following manner.
1st (A, B) – No conclusion
This means both A and B are ruled out.
2nd (C, D) - No conclusion
Again, C, D are ruled out
3rd (E, F) - Conclusion drawn
(E, G)- Conclusion drawn
But observe that ((E, J) – no conclusion drawn
So, (E, J) ruled out
Similarly (F, H) ruled out and even G, I ruled out.
Hence zero persons.

Choice (D)

Ans 3)
The contestants who covered a shorter distance then contestant J is
Swimming- A, B, D, F, H, I
Running- A, C, D, E, F, G, H
The contestants who covered the shorter distance than contestant J in 2 events will have lower
consolidated rank. The contestants are A, C, D, F, H i.e., 5 contestants.

Choice (C)

Ans 4)
For a contestant to have consolidated ranking higher than D, the contestant must have a higher rating in
both speed and time in all the three events.
The only contestant who has a higher rating than contestant D is contestant E. All other contestants have
lower rating than D in at least one of the parameter.

Choice (B)
Solution of Q.5 to 9

Ans 5)
1200 solar power generators were sold in 2016.

Choice (C)

Ans 6)
2300 solar power generators were sold from 2011 to 2013.

Choice (D)

Ans 7)
In 2015, the company sold or replaced 2260 panels.

Choice (A)

Ans 8)
1100 solar power generators were sold in 2013.

Choice (C)

Ans 9)
The company sold 1400 solar power generators in 2018.

Choice (B)

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