Evaluation Test B

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Questions 1 to 45 carry one mark each. Question 46 is for 5 marks.

Choose the correct word from the options:
1. One of my favourite actors is (is/are) Amitabh Bachchan.
2. Sachin lives (live/lives) in Mumbai.
3. Sachin and Dhoni play (play/plays) cricket.
4. The news (new/news) of his accident is fake.
5. I have been (am/have been) living in Pune since 2008.
6. He will go (is going/will go) to the college tomorrow.
7. They had gone (went/gone) to Mumbai when the robbery took place.
8. It’s (Its/It’s) very cold in Pune.
9. Ravi or Neha is (are/is) coming.
10. Mount Everest is the highest peak of Himalayas. Its (Its/It’s) height is 8800 m.
11.I prefer coffee to (than/to) tea.
12.Microsoft is one of the world’s leading software companies.
13.How much (How much/What) is the temperature?
14.I know him well. (good/well).
15.It’s a high paying (pay/paying) job.
16.You like ice cream. Don’t you (Isn’t it/ Don’t you) ?
17.I’ve spoken to everyone but him. (he/him)
18.Please come on (in/ on/ at) time.
19.Her continual (continuous/ continual) criticism of his work throughout the
project demoralised him.
20.Harsh sounds affect (affect/effect) the nerve.
21.We have been living in Mumbai for (since/for) ten years.
22.Kareena, as well as Priyanka, is (is/are) beautiful.
23.This book is useful to (to/for) SSC students.
24.It is I who am (is/am) the only friend you have.
25.I excel in cloud computing besides (beside/besides) software programming.
26.Bill Gates is one of the richest men (man/ men) in the world.
27.Success comes to those (those/them) who work hard.
28.This book is useful for (to/for) success in the Board exams

Change the voice

29. The squirrel was cracking a nut. A nut was being cracked by the squirrel.
30.The thief was caught by a policeman. A policeman caught the thief.

Change the degree of comparison

31. Mount Everest is the highest peak of Himalayas. Mount Everest is higher than all other peaks
of Himalayas. (comparative)/No other peak of Himalayas is as high as Mount Everest. (Positive)
32. Ramesh is taller than Mahesh.
Mahesh is not as tall as Ramesh. (Positive)
Do as directed
33. He will be waiting for us. (Change into present continuous tense) He is waiting
for us.
34. She hadn’t thought about that. (Change into simple past) She didn’t think about

Choose the correct meaning

35. Significant
a. Useless
b. Harmful
c. Available
d. Important
36. Sufficient
a. Excess
b. Scarce
c. Small amount
d. As much as required
37. Quarantine
a. Treatment
b. Isolation
c. Precaution
d. Assembly
a. On time
b. Postpone
c. Start early
d. Weekly
39. Immunity
a. Strength
b. Old age ailments
c. Resistance against infection
d. Disability to fight a disease
40. Scold
a. Praise
b. Reward
c. Discipline
d. Rebuke someone angrily.

41. Sceptical
a. One who trusts
b. One who doubts
c. One who lies
d. One who is supportive
42. Appraise
a. Evaluate
b. Promote
c. Approve
d. Inform
43. Alienate
a. To hold on to
b. To estrange
c. To lie
d. To make stronger
44. Fragile
a. Weak
b. Beautiful
c. Ugly
d. Very old
45. Regret
a. To have sympathy
b. To look back
c. To forgive someone
d. To feel sorry for

46. Write a paragraph on ‘Discipline’. (about 200 words)

Note: This is just for an idea.
Discipline entails following a set of rules to live an orderly life. It is the foundation of every
institution- be it a family, a college, or an organisation. The authorities enforce discipline for the
smooth functioning of the institution and safeguarding the rights of all the members. The progress
of any business, social or academic entity depends on the disciplined efforts of its members to
achieve the set goals. Even a great idea is worth nothing until applied in practice. The application of
an idea needs meticulous planning, whereas the execution of the plan requires discipline. Discipline
ensures effective time management, employing proper practices and participation by all. Just like
the organisations, individuals also need self-discipline to lead a fulfilling life. All of us want to
achieve something in our lives. While our ambitions give us a purpose in life, discipline paves the
path to achieve that purpose. Self-discipline is essential in all aspects of our lives-personal, social
and professional. If we lead a disciplined life, we can find time for ourselves, family, friends and
work. If the students are disciplined, they will attend all the lectures, study regularly, participate in
the extracurricular activities and this will result in an all-round development of their personality.
More than any other quality in an individual, it is discipline that ensures success in all his/her

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