10th Alg Handwritten Notes (Galaxy of Maths)

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Classloth 1.

innan Eauations in twe Alqebra


Lel's Study
nean Equations in twe vvwiabbep? [Definition] [1:1]
enenal dineax &quations in
kotm twe vasiable [:1]
edimultame ous &inax Equaions [11]
Methods dolving oimultaneou_ linea equations

Eliminaion Method Grraphical tethod Determinant Mehod

Substitut ion Method 121 TCramer's Rule]
ASA Kule [13]
Nen-inea êquations that be transomed in
Eauahions in tuwe vauwalte [14/

Applicaion simultaneous lineax e9juations [15]

Practice set and Problem set 1

11, 1-2, 1:3,14, 15
SHLYd H0 kXU7i9 8vuavd AXH7419
Simultaneous ineax equaBions
hen we think ab out tuo linean quatiens in ivo
Yaniables at the Same time, thes are called
Simultanecus equatons.
Sor Ex. 37-4y=2; 5x + 3y =13
2p+3q-12; 4p-5q 2.

Methods o dolving dimultaneous Equations

41 12 23
¬liminatien Method Crraphical Method determinantMeHed

Substitutien Method TCramer's Rule

AdditHen Subtrackion
Additien ((ASA) Rule

Tn Practice set 11 will solve simultaneous linear

Note: we
equations by Elimioation Method and ASARule
Basic Concepts ef Practice set 1:2

Je solre twe ineax equalions in Juwo vawiableu qaaphically
ollour the ollowing lor chaut.

Ezpess y in terms ox or in terms o y- fer both Eqs

Choose aleast fou Cenvenient values of x/y and find

the corespendiing volues o /x Statis6ying
the given equations

Wite these values andy

andy in thefarr
o a table"

Plot the ordered pairs (xy) rem the table ona

Join the peints by a straight line and extend it in the bath|
the directien

These lines ae
haph the equations a +
and an biy +G =0
+62y +2 oO

Jhe Tntersection point o beth the lines is the
Solutien o qive equatiens
Basic Concepts of Practice Set 13
a is a
dete7 minant o four numbers a,b,c, d.
Ca, b), Cc,d) are 7ows and (e) (&)
aMe columns.

he deqree of the
determinant is 2, because thee
element in each row
2 and column.
J h e determinant siepresent a number which is (ad-b)

ad- bc is the value o the determinant |
eterminan ts are usually uepesented with 'capital
etexs A, B,C, etc
eterminant Method [Cramev's Rule]
Stebs te solve Simult.aneou ineax equations y using
Determinant Metho.
both the equations in the term
Step 1: W?ite
aiX+biy =C and d2+ bay=2

Steb 2 Write D=|a ab2- aa b

|a2 ba T

Here, Replace by
Steb 3: Dx =CC2 b2

Step4: Dy a C aiCa-CiaHere, Replace br|byG|

C2 b C2
Step 5: = Dx and y
Basic o Pracdice Set 14
tquations SHPducible to a pair e linear equations tn two
W e can Create new variables making a proper change
in the given yariableS.
Subs tituting the new vaziables in the given nen-unea y
equations, we Can Convert them in unéar equations

Consider the simultaneeus equations + l , & -=4

(x0,y+0) which are nen-linear Such a
Can be educed to pair o lineav egua tions by
Suitable Subsitutions by using new vaables.

Ex 4+3 8 -9=4 non- lineav

eq uatiemS

Convey ing
Heplace by ym, and2
4m +3n l 8m -9n=4 Lineav
Nou, he above Jinea Equations can be Sole by any me thod.
Basic o Practice set 1:5

Applicaisn of Simultaneou equations

eme e the real life problems Can be expressed in
mathe matical form by using unear equatioms in two
While dealing with Such preblems, ue must fellsw the

sBeps iven belou.

C Make assumptiens, usinq twe(variables Sayx and

(2) rem tho given info7 mation rame
twe equaions
terms o two variables .

(3) olve the equatieng.

Class Ioth 2.uadraBic Equations Alqebra
fet's Stvdy
Quadratic &uationg [defimition] [2:1]
Stand ard oim/enexal fotm a a Quadratic équaien [2:1).
Reels of a Quadralic &quation [2:1]
dolutions ef QuadeaHie Bqjuakien

JactowisaHon Com pleting the Soimula Me thod

Method 22] 6quane ethod [2:47
Natuve of suooi ofa Quadraie Equatien 25]
he Hlaion sebween sueei ehe Quadraic eguation
and Coepicients [2.5]
Te obtain Quodratic equation having qiven
aa A
toet [2.5
Applicaliens o Guoduatic eguatien [2-6]

Proctice set ang roblem set 2

24, 2 5, 2:6
Chp 2. Quadratic Equaliens.

An Equatiem invelving ene vaiable and having 2 as
maximum index (deqree) q the vaviable is a|led as
the uadrabie Equatien.
Joa Example: +3x-5 =o 3-5n =0
Standard form of Quad ratic Equatien
h e qeneral au Standard
form efa quadratic equation is
a +bx+c =0Standard fovm.
whexe, a,b andc ase Heal numbexs amd at0
i s vauable

of a Quod ratic Equation:
h e values e variable which Satisfy the equa tien or
the value fo whi ch beth the Side the
ave equal are called Solutlens a r roofs
ef the
Methods te Solve QuadraBic Equations:
hewe are three methods te solve Quadratic equations.
)Jactorisation Method. [2-2]
() Complebing Square method [2-3]

ITformula Metho. [2:4]

(I) Factevisation Methed 5
factorisa tien Method is dene in 3 hays
a) Spliting the middle term for ar+bu+c =O
Cb)Using abfomula sos a- =0 uheve b=o
¬) Jaking cemmen facbo foa a+ b = O ukeve C= 0

Example o type(a) +4x-5 -0

+5-M-5 =Ob
(x+5)-1 (X+5) = O
Cx+5) Cx-)=0
O or -1=O
+5 =


Example of type Cb)->a-25-


Ca+5) (a-6)=0a-6-(a+6)(a-b)
a+5-0 or a-5 O
a=-5 or a=5

Example af type C)»2m-5 m C2m-5)= 0

m 0 sY 2m-5 =
m0 or m-5/2
TCompleking square Method
Suppose a+bx+C =O is the ghen Quadratic Equation.
hen fotsw the given Steps to solve it by Completing
the square method.

Step1: Wnite the equation in the om, Such that
Cis en the ight side

Steb 2: I a is net equal to 1, divide the Cemplete

equatien by 'a' Such that the Coeicient e
2will be 1.
Step 3: ind the third term
hird term= x CoefPiciento
Steb4: Now.Add the third term en both sides ofthe

Step 5 Gactorize the left side o the equation ay

the Square o the binomial term.
Step 6 1ake the square voot en beth the Sides.

Steb7 Solve o vawialte n and find the 76ots.

1U Fermula Method
Step1: Wnitt the Guadratic fquation in Standard fom,
ax2 t bn+C = O

Steh 2: find the values o a,6,c.

Step3:Wite the Quadratic foTmula. hen Substitude
inthe values oa,6, C
GQuadratic formula: N= - Bt J b-uac

Steb4: Simplify and find

roets. the
Nature ef roots e Quadratic
'erosts oAidraic equatien axtb%c=0
depends on the value e uac.
Hence 6-4ac is called disciminant and is denoted
by eeh leten A CDelta)
-bt 4 a
20 A-6-4ac
Value the A=b-yac Nature of the roots
A = O then Rootb awe Real and Equal
A >o then Rosts ane Heal and UnEqual
A<O then Roots are not Aeal
Jhe Relatien betueen Toots ofthe Quadrabie
Equation and coeffivients.

I and P ax the noots

the quadxabic
equaien ax+b+C =O
then, olt = b
amd p
Sum of the voots = - b coefpicient oln
coetkicient e
PAsduch e the oets C. =
Censtant term
Coefficiont x

Te ebtain a Quad ratic

Equokien having given roots
I and p a the xoets o the Quadratic Equation
in variable , then the uadraic tquakien s gien by,
-(Sum of the ooti)x + product oj the vveti = o

2-(d+p)x t dp =O
Applicakien of Guadratic Equations
Quadratic tquatiens axe used to Selve PHoblems anising
in Bux day te-day ife. he Method o Selving problems
Consist o the following three Steps

Cenvet the wovd pRoblem inBo Symboic lanquaqe
0, J
Mathematical equakion fotm and then forminq the
uadraic Equation.
2 Seve the quadratic Equation thus, formed
3]Tnterpreting the Solutien the equaien into verbal
Class loth 3. Arithme tic
Proqvession Algebra
det's Stvdy:
Introduckion s Sequence [31
Arith metic Proqess ion [3:1]
Definitiem, first term, Common dikkerence, Gen exad terms fan A-P
ntheam am A.P. 3-2]
um o kinst n temg e an A.P. [331
dphlicadien .

A.P. [341

Practice set and Pxob lem &et 3

3:1, 32, 33, 34
Alpebra Avith mebic Kogressionn Class loth SSC

n awithmebic PMoqmemion (A:P) a Sequente in which
DD atweenwo ConsecuHive texms Constont.
h e texm o an AP awe
donoted by ti, tz, ta, ta,
Jo ample m a
, 4,6, 8,
ta =4, , t3 =
6, tu= 8 and so on
Bet wcen ti 4-9 2 =

+Wo 3 2= 6-u Conatont /Same

Consecuh 43 =
8-6 =
ter m
he öeguence 8,4,6,8,..*ian A-P
ommenm ditkune: And that
dikeren a is knouon ap
dukleien o an A P ce

Tn the abovt En ample Commen dieence =2


Commen diklenence i densted by 'd

Cemmen ditena lan &e posiHive, negative or
First ter mthu iut texm is also dencted
oeneial teuma
fos am A:P a=first term, d= Common diglence
AP is a, atd, at2d, at3cl
T e m e a n


an AP [to]
hemh teum oam A:P is qien y,
tn =
a+ (n-D d ee, a first term
o Common dikexen ce
to nh term
m o8i+ien o he term.

Sum o fRrst ' enm an A:P [Sume Tokal] |S

when isut teum and Cemmen whun fiut and last

duerence ase qiven termsde qiven
Sn 2a +Cn-Dd Sn t+ tn
fexe Hene,
a first Herm
t= a >tirst tesum
dCommen dikkeuente
ntotal teams total ters
to n*h 4eum [last texm
Nete hxee Consecudive teum^ which ase in A:P
a-d, a,a+d

toUY (onsecutive texm_ which ase in A:P

a-d, a atd, a+ 2d.
Class 1oth 4 Finan cial Planning Alge bre

Rel's Studuy
GST Intoduction T41]
what is GST Stands fon ?, ypep of toxes undex GST
GST- Tax Invoice [4:1]
Tax Inveice
ogoeds pwchase, Tax Tnveice of senrices
MSN Code, SAC, previded,
GST in trading chain 4:2]
Lnput tax Credit (I TC) [42]

Share [43]
Share, Share Heldx, Stock Enchange, fare Vatlue CFV),
Morket Value CMY), Dividend, Sum Inveuted, Rate o Retun
Bro terage and toxes on hae trading 44
Brokexage , GST en Brekerage Sexvices
Mutual fund CMF) [44
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) [4:4]

PRACTICE SET and oblem se

,42,43,44 4A,48
4inancial Ylanningy
GST- Tntroduction
5HSN code: All aood s are classified by qiving numericad
GST standsor Goods and Service Tax. code called HSN codel[ Harmonized
2] All taxes such as encise duty, custom duty, VAT, Nomenclature]gysem o
Entertainment tax, Sevice tax, ete are subsumed SAC: All Services are classi fied By gíving numerical
Cincluded) under GST Code caled SAc [ Service Actounting code]
3 GST is one natien, one tax, cne mavket. | Rates of GST awe dithoxent fon dieunt pxoducks and services
41 GST is in effect from |5t July 2017. Such as 0% , 5°%, I12%, 18%, 28/
5 GST is indire ct tax. hese stat ey a ixed and prescri bed by government.

|GST-Tax Snvoice 8 8 Haxable price- Value goods en which GST

is called täxable pnte or taxable
is levied Cimpose)
CST and SGST axe the two componenBs o{ GST.
CGST: Cental Goods and Service Tax. his is be paid io the 9] In tax Tnvaice CGST SGST 1_x GsT
Centtal government.
. 10 1otal value is the value e goods with GST.
SGST State Goods and Service Tax. his is to be paid to the
State qovernment
Nete:1Tp taxable value is net given take SP
(Selling pmte)
2] GSTIN: Goods and Service Tax Identificabien Number as taxable price.
GS1IN hos 15 alphanumevic. his includs 40 digit PAN e J Kemem ber that in tax Tnvoice CGST
amount is
the dealer. equal ts SGST amount.
GSTIN is mandatey the dealer whose annual turnoer
in pervious tinantal year enteeds Rs 20lau.
tormat e GSTIN
21 ABCdigitDEI234H
the tim
Check code
Twe digit
e Stätecode 1 Hepresents i regishafon
CMahaasha) Unifovm for all (defaulk) 4
formula reloted to Prachice set 4:1
Rate of CGST = Rate SGST =X Rate e GST

2 Hmovnt eCGST Amount o SGST x Amount of GST

Ameunt GST hate e GSTX Taxable value.

41 Total value (with GST) axablevalue +Amount o GST

Discount Amount deducted from the

Printd price
5 Amount o Discount = Rate - Discount X Printed
6Selling price tem Prinled price - Discount

(taxable price)
Formula Related to Practice set 42
Whole salev
Manufacture OY
(Tax Trvoice o B28
(Tax Invoiel
Manufactue) s Whdesaler)

| Consumer Retailer
(Tax Trvoice of Kekailer
B2B Jrading beBween GSTIN holders(i-e Business ts Business)
B2C Jroding between GSTIN holder and Consumer
Cie Business to consumer) his is last link in
tra ding chain.
What is n putTox Credit (11c)?
GST is levied and Collected at every 9tage orading
from manu fa cturer to consumer

Input tax: GST paid at

the time purchase
Outputtax : GST colleced at the time e Soule
At the time opaying GST to the qoverment a
trader deducts the input tax from the output tax
and pays the
vemaining tax. This deduckion o
Input tax is called nput tax Credit.
GST payable 9utput tax ITC|
= -
fermula Related to Pracice set 43
Comparisen o FV and MV
MV FV Share is atP remium
My FV Sha is at Par
MVPV Share is ot discount

2 Sum nvested : MVX No. o shares

3 No o shares =Sum Tnvested
] Dividend per share -
Rate o Dividend XFv

5 Total dividend No-o shaes X Dividend per share

6ROR CRote el Reburn)= Dividend Intome xI00

Sum Invesko

Note: 1 he shares sold or purchased on Market Value(m


h e Dividend is cal culated on fare value o the share

3] ROR CRale e Return) on Tnvestment is consideved
io percentage.
MV= Market value of share
51 FV Fore value share
Formula Related te Practice set 44
[Brokerage and GST on Brokerage]

broker : We buy or sell the shares throvgh the registere d

members organ izahion( aqenuy) o the shave marker

hese members are called Share Brokers

Brokeraqe : Share brokers charge some amount for

under taking the Service
obuying and selling
The amount they charge is called
The Brokerage
Note: Brekerage is paid the market
value (Mv)
e the share.

.GST en
Brekerage: Share brokers provi de Service for
purchase and Sale os hares for thair
clien ts
These SeTvices are chargedl under GST
the rate o GST is 18. on
At the time
o Buying shares
Buying price o1Share MV+ Brokerag e +GST on Brobernge
A t the time o selling shares:
Selling pice
Selling price o 1 shave M- Bro keraqe GST

1 Brokerage per sha Kate o Brokerage X MV

1Total Brekerage = No o shaksX Brek erage per share

5 GST en Brekerage =
Rate a GSTon Brokerage X Total Brekerage.

Pre bobility
Terms in frebobiliky: o a
Kandem nperiment,
Kandem Experiment Tn randem Experiment all possible yesults an I Sample space is 'S and A am
event then
known in advance but none them can be pre dicted wih cer tainty Mebabibty of 'A' is PCA)
tor xample:TRa coin is tossed, we can't say , whether head tall
PCA) =
No. o sample poinks jo event A
will Ceme. Se it isa random Experiment nCA) =

No o Sample points in Samplespace n9

2 Out come: 7he Hesult s a
Mand em experiment ae called Qutcomu
for Example: Tossing s a "Coin is Random Ex periment and i has two
poss iBle ut comes Head or Tail. PCA) =n CA)
(S) |
3 Sample space: 7he set o all possible outcomes o a random Experiment
is called the Sample space.
i s denoted dy 'S or mega) Note:
he numberef elements in the set'S is denoted by n(S) She robability any event is tnm 0 to1
ter Example: Tn the case tossing a Coin
Somple S {Head, Tai or fH, T} 2]
Spate n( s)= 2. robabilib wri Hen s
4]Event :0)7he outtemu 8diskying particulay (ondiim axe called wri ten as So /,
fovou Yable outcomés
CiA Set writen as 45/.
fovourab le sutcomes oa given sample spau Is an
Event s
Cii) Event is a Subset 1 wri ten s 100.
the Sample Spate
Civ) Event ae
generally deneted by capital Aetters A, B,C, D, eke vachien percentage
5 rebability e an Event: Tn Mathematical language , uhen possibi li y
an Eipelted event GALAXY OF MATHS
npAemd in number it is called"Probabilily
T i tpressed as acien 6Y
ptrentage (yovtube channel)
Example o Random Ex periment and their Sample spote
6] Playing Cords CPach)
Tossing o a Coin

S-fHeadC),Toil CT)
n(s) = 2 Playing cards CPack)
S2 cards
] Tossing of two toins
S-uH, HT, TH,1T}
ncs) =4 26 Red cards 26 8lack cards

] Tossing of three coins

S-fHHM, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, 17 13Heart cards 13 Diamond cards 13
Club cards 13 Spade,
ncs) = 8 Cards

] Throwing of a die
S 2,345,6} a) hene one four Suit => Heart, Diamond, Club, Spade
n(S) =6 (Cb) To each sit (set) there axe 13 cards as
5 Throwing o two dice kiog, Queen, Jack, 10,9,8,1, 6,5, 4, 3, 2 and Ace.
S=f C,),C,), C1, (l,4), (15), ci,6) C Card having num bers is called Ace card.
(21), (22), (2,9 C24), (2159,(2,6) (d) Kinq and Jack
Queen, are knOwn as tace cards.
(3D, C3,2), (3,3), ( 3,4), (3,5), (3,6)
(e) Total fate cards 4king5 + + Gue end +4Jachs =12 tate cards
(41, (2), (4,), (414), (4,5) (446)
(5,0, (5,), (5,3), (5,4), (5,5),(5,6)
(6,1) (62), (6,), (6,4), (6,5) (6,6)
~. S-La!is! ic~

J;ieam, [6·1] MedttYL [6 ·2]

~ J);r-e c:! Me_ t:AC9d
I➔ JA,uam(d .Mea-n .Meff,f)J
~ Skp dev,'a.-h'en rtf eflie9J
1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• {J raphi'caJ
-Hrstl>r o.m.

?rac-hce set o.,,J pr91, /~m st!,

6· 1, 6 ·2, , . 3/ 6· ~,
6 ·S-, 6·6
Chp,. Sltllislies.
Ba5ic I'n•hodu.cJion [ {1'11
➔ Measu.te s£ (enha.l ltndet1tJ &' a,o.,,,J dt4A:
i] (enl-t-al -le.nde;ncf me.aM Hie tencleo l?f -l-he <9b~erva-lf@-T\.
-t& c~ncenl..-aie CJ. -round Some vaJue. tuc h o. va/u e_ ,·~
ca.U.ecJ me_a,gure i
Cenhol lend en cf ·
2] l,.Je wa.nl o. gin3!e value wliich will J1epJ.iewil- l;--h
i,./4 <9-le set i t91>>e.m1.tiMJa .

o]. 'crh oo cme va'ri M me DA uireJ 1> ceri-h--J ,!e;nJe;n ~ ,

1·e _aje~} 0edi½
~., WV 7.W2 •
.~ od;

6·1 ,.2 , 6·J

➔ Basic Coru.tpt &£ Proc~,u ~ i ,.,1_:

*rt\ e.1'.ut r.
CIass if·eJ f-li u.e,n 1cf dis tl'-i-bu. h'6"11 :
➔ Wheio Hie num bu
U~e Some diJfer-en!
j Scote in a dat a is too e, we
ie find -H,e, sum.

&1,e rne-Hwch tfl oJ fi

MEAN a.¥e..

~ If ,~
' II
AssumJ meo.n Slep d,violion 1

Me"ocl Mitt,od
Methods ~8 fnd MEAN rfi ·il
Diml tvltt\ioJ Assvm,d Mto.n MeHiod $Up dtvio..}ion Metf.,J I
Stepi : "In thu rneth~cl 1 table will 'have r "ff\ +h..i..b
Shhi: ('fi et-h<Yd, ta.ble wi'II haw S" 51tbr1: 1n ttw mei-hod, i-a.ble will have 6 I
41 columns Columo.s . Columns .

fr.; t co lumn Stcp.:t: "To St!p~ : rn 1~+column W'l'lte Hie 3"'\ljl cJ~
Slep l : Classes 1G+ co \um n, we_ wri l-e the
8t'~n clcmes
()J{e u.nil-le-n in t-he 1

&ttp 3: 'Hie class rna,J;, ( Xi ) I rnid values( Xi) st, 3: Tu 2" d col um Tu I
r. ~ac.h class " w>iltui in tl,e Second or midvo.Lw ( xi)

w-,i ! , tl,e doss ma,k(lli)Step 3:
~ad, cl(UJ. m,d valu !.! ()<i ) r
C•lu .. n, writ' th' daM mo,!,.
eacJi daM .

Column . 5-leplf: SeJecl- CUU) va.1u~ in the c,lo..-H mo~(~} h~:~ 3"d colurn~ , w-n'+e +h~ v&JJ.e.& C9-l -tt>e
1. ' Ll. · J f_ () d · 1
1 dJ, wf>ei,e oL =~·-A {A: kilftYIJPMe.-i)
•'"ra col umn Trevun! (fi) i's Assume me(V). I~ den~ by • '
S{e.plf . In collll'Vlr'I o.! Lb +¼I
S\ep~. ~ 4 column, WYlt~ f-tie va. /w <) t-h£

urri H,en . A· qenf>(ol½r, mic1.c:Ue Ya.Lue is selecJ.e.d.

.1 cc:- · 'f'_ , ..... d I P.· Ji • LL ' ~e.~ U.i = 'Xi-A - d.;" u;J..
- - -
Steps • ,-_ 5 1.er_ co umn, -rna dev,atio'1S) w,,·ng -q, f,W I

m,J._ di ~ ?li- A
,f_ J...Il

ol •m n: -1:1,e. prod.u d ( ?{i X.fi) D"• G- a.LI val.i',., di

r q is H, C-
U e D O
• .J.fl J our Hi C

enc.I, class 1< WY! u.,,. S~ep, : Tu LjHI c,o!u m n I W')'ite +he fwqprnUJCfi) •
step&. Jn "' 1.
d\ . col.umn1 w11 i e -f:ne J~~4e.nu·lA
1 . J,
a.U ¼, c.la.t-W , A-lso, f," ndth, Su"' "f, oJ1
j . an ;' ,! ' S urns (&f; m- N)
S½tp 6 : 1h/21(1<2 ?uf· .,·s w,-itwl,~J i lb
t1-tqre.nu''-J (&fi· ~r N) Step 1. To 6 Column , f'~
ti)e p-r-oclucl- ~ Lli
w-ritt eJY\ ( ~ ~ s13mo.(Sum/ t~) • ++, . f. Qnd ~~uen1 i·e fiu.i f, fr u.1J M
Siep '1 : 'J-he rlean i1, 1.J.nd 1,1/,ing the.
5-lep1 · 1n s- co lumn, r'" .J-h, pwct.<l
devia~-i'ot1G (cl.i) ond
J1-t~en~~f ) i·• :f,di
1 the c.la11es. !='ind tt,
Yitl.ut! i-e '£.f;u;. e Sum "f,
ft, I
al!\f'u, )
,vi c1 wt ~o.c,h ~ the cia~ses-( A-lsh' ,nd Sum)
1r1 eo.n ex) =21f,'-xi lYr ,~eo-nCi)=~ fi~· D. ~ . i·e fid;" ShpS: tind U=2JF'u.,i
~ti N Sh~S: CoJtuto.±~ _ · ~:ft
__ cf ~d . 'X usin~ tt>e followin8 fotmvl~ kf>S: Calulah !Ylean CTI =A+ u
cl -.8fd., ~ 1'~ eo."c:n ~ At J
Class.~ Class"'°tt
(Xi) _
__{ ·
21 ti
- - t - - - - -- 1

Classes Cla.s s clatses Claes

ma)"tl. mo~
_Ba~ic "6 ftocHct Stt 6·.t ( Mtclian )
•. Oefi oi!ion ( Mec!io..n)
➔ Media.I) is o measure 1 Hie rri\dcLl-t value i o. a''ffn du:fo ·

-----t Tb we +a..ke all vQUlu ,·n o.. list o..nd a.nan? them in
oscend.in8 <Prdtr -Hie number o.1: -tne cen-hre will be ¼e
med iM.
~ lY)ediM 3-ivu. r
-the centra.J rnembeY ~ t-he g-i-oup.
➔ fY!eclian is o. numbev wh,'Ch cLividu daJa int& -l,w19
e,cv,i oJ par ls.
• 5-!eps -le Calculate Medion :
s«p 1. 1n ftst colu mn, wiif-e (OO·/.u'Hc~UO~ daSSt.', [ rt cfassa a~
n&t ce-n +i nu.ow +lien ma!< e. ~em C&ntinuou.J]

Shp a : rn .:1,nd COllL n'l/1 , write -Me f41lUici'tJ Cf)

:rn 2/ J CO Iu n"I
less ~an

ryre ·
C. ct. Icu.I a.J-e the c.u.rn uJ ati I< rr end CC f-)

5-l:tp ~: Dete'Ymine !Yledia.11 c.las ~

Medi c.l a. ss -= Ji.. I ~e i-e N= IO+a.1 f f'eo/Len
QJ) a
Pod +tie c.umula. ftve f111;en~ less -H,a.n 1f"- u4icJ, .i.A j~t
~~CL+u- +hM ~ 1Ltal fo E_ -the C.9Y..upand.i"8 c.la~s rs a._
Med.inn d ossJ
Sltp l.f : Ccdwlole rYle&i/J.,I'(\ = L -t [ 1i--f-c·f] x h.
u.rli eve I L== !19{J.)ut class L'mi ~ 1 the m.e.d..i(J.J() c.l~

N= £urn
1 f1-eremda .
cJ -= (urn v.laHv-e fi-tiutn11 clo.JJ prec.ed,·"!J Hie TYlL&.i<l/r\.
c. las s
; :: 1-1-ei u e,nif' 1 Hie nwJ.iivn cfa.s s ·
i :: hO ,' cU-h ~ the
cla.~ )c{a-i$ Th Je..,vJ sfD fhe medc..la;~.
P' Basic &' fY~diu g t 6·! CM2PE)
• Otfini!ion ( Mode)
~ Mode is the ScQre J.{epea.hn~ maxim um nu mbt Y 1'9-/ fimrs i'n °' ~
~ Clo.~s es has ie be cen-h noot-Ll ~
• S-leps ~ Colw.101,¾e r1rxie :
S¼ep i: J n /:'i')'-5 \; ciJ.umn ,w'Hh the t on-I-in uow dasseJ ( TD dP-M-U
a.~ n ~ U> nt1nut0t.L£ ma.K e -Hum t en-tt·n u.o~ )

S!ep l: J;, Se(J)nd Cetu.Mn , w~ie fre_cv-it1nd Cf)


S4ep 3 . -rden-hw M~dal cJ~~ [-A mod o.1 c.,(ass is ¼e clcu~ w/i,'d-,
~o hav-e roo.1,'('(IIU'fl f~~uenl-lj]

S·hp"t: Ddermine, f1= ~ci,u-enQ 45" rn19dcJ da.ss ·

.fo" ¾cir uit1 i da.ss ptt1.e.alin3 m19da) c. lass
t'-" *vet,~ 1> class
s uceeding fYll9d.o.l clCISS.
i = w,'d_-H-, the cJa,;,s / dass InkrvoJ
L-==- loUJe." class [imi+ 1-fi,e
m©cloJ d aH

S~epS': CoJculol:e, ~~vde. = L +ff, -f 0

) Xh
\ 2;, -! o -f :i

t-lo\e: DA Da.J°' c.o..n haY'e mo-re ¼0-n e-ne. m<9&e

2-) -:r~ f4 u Ul'c/ (ma 'XimU1V1) (9(.Ut"YS {wile in -Hie Jal-a._

~ d o.l- Q w i)I ha w -l-w'9 med cJ cl a ss .
11enu I f'!le9d e hru hi be f0Uncl [<w t)f)-H, mold.al
C (a SS.
.Tnhocluc-lion "f f.,.od·ice sd 6·~, ,-~ 1 ,.,
-i. 1
a-{,e rneo..o I l'YH'~rM ()'Y m~de o. numetic.al dcJ-c._ /9'Y o.n~
1 the daJ.a Lb u.se~ ~ ch·a.w gome useful iope,ye.nu.!·
~ '}lie tcibu.Jo.tiim (ta.bl:) is one , H,e me.f-h19dJ -'U['tt¥"h°ff
n urneY'·c oJ cl al a ,n b,.,~f ·
~ Now, we wi 11:C{va.p~fr.al rneH",d i o.. nume·du.J &_cd-cx.

~e ~ill Sti ... •

TI Hisiooro~ r' '-)

2-] frey,"'j ro'1Jon [, ·5]
!>] Pie clio.jrom r,.,]
SasiG 6£ fr,H-lrice 5et , ....,
•ilis!o ram :
JYfe-tt,o 9t chawit18 a ~ls-h>~>'dM,
Skp .1: u.
JYla.k e ¼e c.lasses CC9-r>+inu.19UA ib ~ o:re ~ C
(e<l ·H (l Ll() l,U .

S!e, ~: l a.Ke Cent-iou.ou.J dass -~ &-n )(-a ~ wr'f h

sui-l--a.b\e Sc a.le . +or
Wl-if -;"8 +he cla.SS<?J we
c.a..n l.).!e g_,¼e't" l c_m o-r 2. c...m -for eac_.h cf ass .

Shp ~: \a.k e f«luend 0Yl '/-~ wiHi <;l.Ufab/e d{l) .scule

S«f 4: lo.\<lna e~Ul at-_ tile brue, d'r-0.W .9-< e~n~
with he.. i~ ro
pei-he'YliJ W fru f~U)(JeJ
'&1ie helt 1" i<>f> Hie ;,ie~-1-anru µ ef c:1 1$ ~ ~~
[ 9b ;wp ecl-i Vi'. cl~ /9l1 ff/\ J
~ fine ¼ e X-OJ>U.! , o YYHl -rk ' - 'v ' call eJ -J-fu
~ 'l1 AA ma. >-ft Is <}9i 19-VJ n bd-we e..n
ua.s s.
'9'l1i n crncl -Hu -?·,.d-
---1 f--t meo.n..! 1 +he~ o. ....-e n e £9--b~"Yva.l-iot'IJ up ft) +fie ffrst
cla.t~ .
,. ';}-h" met ¥k. C: an be w.-e J C911 the 'I- a."/ll..A f
cJ,w, , , nud. J
~ ~ helps ~ tl9 d-rcu,..J (). 9-ro..ph; Cllf'+i m1.1..m s iz.e
Bas~ 9£ PYOdice ~t 6·5

1'tetuu,'<J pol13on
➔ A f1e911encf po1y31n1 is almost f Jen-bi'cal +e a hts+oya.m. ~
~ 1-t is a line 3°7~ w ~~ doto.. ~

S!trs. t"e dtaw +h!f '"O Po'13an. ~

Siep1: 'Prepare Jieci,uen j dfs·h-ibu! 10n +a.hie 1vitn dassma>ks(;x;) O

Cllld te,e-n1Cfo) ~
step~ : Draw x-~m , Y-a?<J.j usi(J p~~ ~co.le.
S,1- t p~ : ICJJ:; e c.l a sGe.s on the X-{).J)(J,J and f1-e.o/1 e.Jr)O eJ (m Y-~
Shp~: Pl&l Hie f°inls (J i, f~
clas~ma* f~d
S.ftp 6 : --:Join all Hie pll!l/-fed poinlt U$io 0: Une <:egme A .

d'W Jiel,UJ.lln(! curre jg called tl,.Q fao/uirr1 0·

Nole: 0-w' c.1~e -Ire polyrn 0Y (..Ll'YV'! 1,ve ho-,e ~ join -the
tr11"dpoinl- , -t"Re da cs bl!f,>e Hie ,fi~I:- do.s~ and
-/:he mid-f° ;Ill- 1
the cla.ts fey -/J,e Lrut- dass.
.. Basic e~ 'Pto~tice se~ 6·6
11e d.·o. t.m:
--? 1n pie dJ'a.ro.mS, e numerrcoJ ifra IS f: wn J/l 0.

til'de .
~ 'D iffe->en± ($YY1f(l)t1etlf s 1o. doJ-o. o-re ~hown i;r
p poTti
yg ori aJ (;ede-r 1o. ch-cl e .
~ d"hD --1: nm~ xi a..Jed t(9 o. p,· e. d.i'1 ra. m o 'l'"(' ~ ec1e-r- o.ri d
Ctfl 1-rJ o..r,d e. .
Steps !o Ow.w P.·, dJ'oo)'O.MS :
S..epi: j1n& ~ the. mea.1~e i9J Cenho.l a_ntp
t1u cf'vM ,nr~ttb'91l .
Ce ) r-
S-4-ep 1 : DrC/..UJ CA cJ-r·d ~ ho.via "rad£w.. bdweui 4 - 5cm

Sff p3: Drc,..w gecto'Y L$'l'4/}f\&.i·~ -W meMui---e 1;-

ant-r al a.n ~ ( e) Din d th ett hle.J 8' e.
ct·~ r;J~ OJ f<?,f bfu_ inshud-ron .

fY! easu.-e ~ Cwt~ = Numbw c,{_ scolctlntk

~De (9) Compl\w- ~ X 360·

{J ======
To+-a./ numbev !)5:c.=o~

---,> GALAXY 0~ MA1tfS

( 1ovfu~t cho.nnel)

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