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1. Accounting practice _____ by distinct accounting standards, rules, methods and procedures.
A. guide
B. guides
C. is guided
D. was guided
2. Our bodies expect a constant supply of sleep ____ they function best when provided a full
night’s sleep every 24hours.
A. and
B. but
C. or
D. yet
3. ___ and rapid economic growth in recent years have put a large and increasing stress on the
water resources and environment in Ho Chi Mint City Vietnam.
A. Inrease population
B. Inreased population
C. Increasing population
D. Having inreased population
4. The term “medical reversal” refers to the replacement ___ that was widely believed to be
A. of a medical practice
B. to a medical practice
C. by a medical practice
D. with a medical practice
5. Tardigrades also known as water bears, are microscopic animals that live ___watery
environments and feed on juices from plant cells.
A. in
B. on
C. for
D. over
6. History, it is often said __ by the winners a saying that suggests base in historical records.
A. is written
B. was written
C. has been written
D. have been written
7. Foods reach in folate, a form of vitamin B, ___ reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.
A. help
B. helps
C. helped
D. is helping
8. The family went for a two-week cruise on a ___, ___, ___ ocean liner.
a. brand-new, incredible, italian
b. italian,incredible,brand-new
c. incredible, brand-new,italian
d. incredible,italian, brand-new
9. They ___ a few crisis in the past, so they were able to handle this situation fairly well.
A. have managed
B. had managed
C. had been managed
D. have been managed
10. Over the years economic growth __ of greater concern than environmental preservation.
A. has been
B. have been
C. had been
D. will have been
11. The opening ceremony ___ by top officials and national officials if big companies last year.
A. is graced
B. was graced
C. has graced
D. had graced
12. A history of depression, denial, injustice and abuse ___ the greatest detriment to people of
A. Has been
B. Had been
C. Have been
D. Having been
13.________should help you be better informed about potential risks, but it should not be a
source of alarm.
A. Know your family history
B. Knowing your family history
C. To have your family history known
D. Having your family history known
14. We become nervous, doubtful, even fearful _____ we don’t see our good coming as quickly
as we think it should.
A. while
B. when
C. because
D. Therefore
15. The child was advised to stay away ________ because of trauma.
A. completed from his father
B. completely from his father
C. completed with his father
D. completely with his father

16. A. Many medications are safe and effective when taken alone
B. and ineffective or counterproductive
C. when taken in combination
D. with something else.
17. A. Outside of written records,
B. evidence of Philistines’ existence
C. have survived
D. in pottery relics.
18. A. The obligations of the accountant to the client
B. rested upon the agreed scope
C. of the engagement which,
D. in effect represents a contractual agreement.
19. A. The man
B. gives an antidote so powerful
C. that any poison was made harmless
D. after taking it.
20. A. I bought some
B. silver charming Victorian
C. ornaments
D. at the flea market.
21. A. The tale that was told
B. in a low and mystery voice
C. kept us on the
D. edge of seats.
22. A. Researchers are learning to detect changes
B. beyond the huge population
C. of bacteria, viruses, yeast cells and other microbes
D. that thrive in the mouth.
23. A. Sit cramped
B. for a very long period of time
C. in dry conditions
D. can affect our circulatory system.
24. A. You are not always in control
B. of what goes in your mind,
C. because only you can determine
D. what stays there.
25. A.The Philippines
B. has accomodations
C. to suit everyone
D. from five-star hotels to simple hotels.
26. A. As a mode of expository writing,
B. the narrated writing offers writers
C. a chance to think and write
D. about themselves.
27. A. The novel was so popular
B. among teenagers
C. to a point that a movie was made
D. based from the story
28. A. Oncologists are doctors
B. who specialize
C. in treating
D. the cancer.
29. A. To skip meal
B. maximizes
C. the caloric effect
D. of the food we eat.
30. A. Wallow in disappointment
B. over something
C. you did
D. is not productive.
31. A. The majority of scientific evidence
B. showed that, for a healthy adult
C. moderate quantities of caffeine
D. pose no significant in health risk.
32. A. In 1964,
B. the African countries of Tanganyaki and Zanziban
C. has united to form
D. a single country, now called Tanzania.
33. A. The Gleaning Network,
B. an organizer in the United Kingdom
C. is trying to reduce waste
D. and solve farming problem.
34. A. In many cities around the world
B. the number of homeless people
C. have become
D. a big problem.
35. A. A team led by the government agency concerned
B. say that chemicals from the factory
C. had contaminated sediment in the bay
D. and entered the food chain.
36. A. You should make sure
B. your body has get
C. the necessary vitamins and minerals
D. humans need.
37. A. It is often said that
B. lightning never strike twice
C. in the same place,
D. but this isn’t true.
38. A. Public opinion polls have consistently
B. demonstrated the public’s willingness
C. for “tradeoff” economic growth
D. for environmental protection.
39. A. Money is not natural reward of love,
B. that is why we called a man mercenary
C. if he marries a woman
D. for the sake of her money.
40. A. Finance statements
B. are the formal reports
C. prepared
D. by accountants.


KNEE: 1-5

1. The selection emphasizes the value of__

Answer: C. Physical Fitness
2. According to the selection the knee joints lifts like a level and such like a___
Answer: C. Hinge
3. The word "jarring" bones means__
Answer: D. Strong shaking of bones
4. The selection communicates the theme of__
Answer: A. The importance of the knee
5. What type of text is the selection?
Answer: C. Scientific


6. To "eke out of living" means______.

a. Earn in income
b. To live with others
c. To sell in the streets
d. To walk in the streets
7. Based on the selection, what value seems to be missing in the families of street children?
a. Loyalty
b. Honesty
c. Kindness
d. Solidarity
8. What is the most important factor that will equipped rural people to survive in the city?
a. Money
b. Education
c. Food
d. Home
9. This selection is simply about_____.
a. Providing homes for the poor
b. Helping street children get an education
c. Factors why children live in the streets
d. How to lessen pressure on the family
10. Based on the text, we can conclude that street children are______.
a. Independent
b. Malnourished
c. Helpless persons
d. Victims of poverty

BIRDS: 11-13

11. What would be the best title for the article?

a. Birds with jet lags
b. Humans on a plane
c. The difference between birds and human on travel
d. The migration of birds through time zones

12. As used in the selection, the word "inedible" most likely means_____.
a. Appetizing
b. Mouth watering
c. Fit to be eaten
d. Unfit to be eaten
13. Based on the selection, it can be concluded that_______.
a. Birds migrate faster than humans’
b. The migration of birds and that of humans are very different
c. Birds, like humans also experience jet lags
d. Humans, unlike birds, migrate from north to south.


14. What lesson in life can be best derived from the poem?
a. Happiness is always a choice
b. Life offers as many opportunities
c. Death is like thief that comes in the most unexpected time.
d. One can be wealthy but still feel unfulfilled with his/her life.

15. What is the mood of the selection?

a. Ironic
b. Inspiring
c. Surprising
d. Confusing

16. What do you think was the main reason of Richard Cory for shooting himself?
Answer: B. He get tired of living in solitude

17. What is the sensory image of the following lines in the poem?
Answer: A. Sight

CAT: 18-22

18. The word "quarry" as used in the last paragraph means___.

a. hunted
b. target
c. hunter
d. victim
19. Cats have acute hearing except the white cat with blue eyes which do not___.
a. hear well
b. hurt well
c. see well
d. eat well
20. The sentence "the cat is a precision instrument" is a ____
a. Hyperbole
b. Metaphor
c. Simile
d. Irony
21. The selection is mainly about___
a. How the cat differ from a dog
b. How the cat is like a mammal
c. The cat as a hunting machine
d. The cat as a house pet
22. We can conclude from the selection that the cat is an animal which can___
a. Do a lot tricks
b. Be domesticated
c. Be very dangerous
d. Survive on its own

RULES: 23-27

23. From the line "I can hardly breathe or be in bed without their chores in my head" we can
infer that the writer __
a. Often thinks about rules
b. Wants to disobey rules
c. Gets sick with rules
d. Likes having rules
24. The line “without rules..... I couldn't play” is an example of a/an_____.
a. Irony
b. Simile
c. Metaphor
d. Hyperbole

25. The word "dreary" as used in the sentences ''Life would be a dreary plight" most likely
means ____
a. Valuable
b. Invisible
c. Boring
d. Entertaining

26. The author includes the examples of rules to signify the value of_____.
a. Respect
b. Obedience
c. Loyalty
d. Honesty

27. This poem is mainly about______.

a. How to obey rules
b. How to ignore rules
c. The harshness of rules
d. The importance of rules

MRI: 28-31

28. What is the main idea of the article?

a. Different ways to lift depression of bipolar adults
b. Using MRI to lift depression of bipolar adults
c. Effects of doctors at McLean Hospital to help bipolar adults
d. Reaction to electrical pulses to magnetic fields.

29. In the article the line "A funny thing happened" means______.
a. A hilarious thing back place
b. An absurd thing happened
c. An unusual thing occurred
d. A my thing cause about

30. According to the article, depression among bipolar adults can be remedied by?
a. Changing their brain chemistry
b. Putting them into an MRI machine
c. Boosting the patients mood
d. Making the patients laugh
31. What did the doctors at McLean Hospital do to confirm the results of their observation?
a. They studied the cause of depression in patients
b. They also used the MRI machine on non-bipolar adults
c. They exposed brain electrical pulses to electromagnetic fields.
d. They put more bipolar adults through the MRI machine


32. According to the author, which of the following activates the divine laws of abundance?
A. Recalling negative experiences
B. Dwelling on what we can't do
C. Having so much in life
D. Giving thanks

33. Which of these statements from the selection expresses cause-effect relationship?
A. When the universe can see we are grateful for what we have, it is activated to shower
us with more.
B. We walk, talk, see, hear, think and breathe - usually without effort.
C. Perhaps we have too many options from which to choose
D. We have so much in life to be thankful for

34. Why do we always have to be thankful in life?

A. Giving thanks solves most of our problems.
B. Being thankful attracts more blessings.
C. Thanksgiving banishes most of our worries.
D. Thankfulness is rare among the blessed.

35. What is the main idea of the selection?

A. There are people who have so much in life.
B. We have too many choices in life
C. There is good that comes from every thankful.
D. Some people tend to dwell on negative.

WORK: 36-40

36. What is the main idea expressed in the poem?

B. Whatever task we set to do, we must do it the best we can.

37. As used in the selection, the word "loom" means a

D. Machine for weaving

38. It can be concluded that the selection emphasizes_____.

A. Humility for what others work
B. Pride in hard work
C. Sincerity of intention
D. Charity to all

39. The idea of the author about his work is expressed through____.
A. Illustration
B. Exposition
C. Sonnet
D. Poetry

40. It can be inferred that the speaker is _____ the work he does.
A. Tired of
B. Proud of
C. Fed up by
D. Dissatisfied with

SUN: 41-47

41. What is the main idea of the selection?

a. solar energy
b. radiant energy
c. kinetic energy
d. absorptive activity

42. What does the phrase “the sun is our life source” mean?
a. The energy of the sun is alive.
b. The beginning of life is the sun.
c. The life of all living things come from the sun
d. The radiance of the sun is beautiful

43. For mankind, the sun is the source of ______.

a. carbon compounds
b. atmosphere
c. electricity
d. all heat

44. The largest part of the radiant energy directed towards the earth is ______.
a. Turned into fuel
b. harnessed for electric power
c. Stored by the current season’s plant
d. Absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere
45. All useful energy on the surface of the earth comes from the ______.
a. sun directly
b. sun’s activity
c. radiation of the sun
d. energy stored by the sun

46. The author presented the selection about the sun by_____.
a. enumerating details
b. giving examples
c. describing
d. narrating

47. “Let us get to the bottom” in the first paragraph means______.

a. Search for reasons
b. Discover the basic facts or cause
c. Define the meaning
d. Move under the ground

ROSETTA: 48-50

48. It can be inferred that the Rosetta Stone is ____.

A. New
B. Common
C. Useful
D. Experience
49. What would likely happen with the paintings in Egyptian ruins?
A. They would be understood better
B. They would fade gradually
C. They would become useless
D. They would become more puzzling and mysterious
50. It can be concluded from the selection that____.
A. Egypt has a short culture
B. Ancient ruins hide mysteries
C. Hieroglyphics are common everywhere
D. Discoveries can unlock the mysteries of the past

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