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 Computer are such an integral part of our everyday life.

 Computer is an electronic machine which performs mathematics and logical
 Charles Babbage is called the Father of computers.
 Now, in this chapter, we are trying to describe the types of computers and
elaborate classification of computers.
 Computers can be classified in various ways depending on their generation,
working, size and use.

Generations of Computer
 The term ‘Generations’ means improvement in the development of
aproduct (computer).
 With Every new generation, the circuitry has gotten smaller and
moreadvances than the previous generation.
 New discoveries are constantly being developed that effect the wayof we
live, work and play.

The first generation: 1946- 1958 (Vacuum Tubes

 The Ist generation computers were huge, slow, expansive and often
 In 1946 two Americans, Presper Eckert and John Mauchly built the
 ENIAC was made up of 18,000 vacuum tubes and occupied a 30 * 50 feet
 ENIAC stands for Electronic Numeric Integration and Calculator.

Key Features
Vacuum tubes based, punched tape input or output, about 1,000 circuits per
cubic foot.
Examples- ENIAC, IBM models 604,650(drum memory), 701,702,704,705,709
Note:ENIACwas the world’s first successful electronic computer.

The Second generation: 1959-1964 (Transistors)

 As the development moved further, the second generation computer
knocked the door.
 In 1947, three scientists, John Bardeen William Shockley and Walter
Brattain working at AT& T’s Bell Labs invented transistor.
 It was faster, more reliable, smaller& much cheaper to build than a
 One transistor replaced the equivalents of 40 vacuum tubes.
 The size of computer also decreased and it became much smaller than
that of earlier computer.
 Therefore, they were very cheap to produce

Key Features
 Low electricity consumption.
 Mare reliable and faster.
 Used transistors, about 1,00,000 circuits per foot.
Examples – UNIVAC – III, IBM 7070, 7080,7090,1400,1600 series etc

Third generation: 1965-1970 (Integrated Circuits IC)

 Invented in the year 1965.
 In this generation of computer, IC (Integrated Circuits) was used as the
electronic component for computers.
 The development of IC gave birth to a new felid of microelectronics.
 It is small in size, superior performance and reliability than the previous
 Robert Noyce of Fairchild Corporation & Jack Kilby of Texas
Instruments discovered the integrated circuits.
Key Features
 Low power consumption.
 Large scale IC, 10 million circuits per square foot.
Examples – IBM 360 series, GE 235 etc…

The Fourth generation: 1971- today (Microprocessors)

 This is the generation where we are working today. The computers which
we see around us belong to the fourth generation computers.
 By putting millions of transistors onto one single chip more calculation
and faster speeds could be reaches by computers.
 Ted Hoff, employed by Intel invented a chip.
 The size of a pencil eraser that could so all the computing and logic of a
 It is evident that he next generation of computer i.e. fifth generation will
be developed soon.
 In that generation, computer will possess artificial intelligence and it
would be able to take self-decisions like a human beings.
Key Features
 Very large scale integration billions of circuits per cubic foot.
 Portable computer developed.
Examples- IBM system 3090, HP 9,000 etc…
Analog computer
An analog computer is a computer that represents data by measurable quantities,
as voltages than by expressing the data as numbers.
Example- Thermometer, speedometer, petrol pump indicator, multimeter etc.

Digital computer
A digital computer is the most commonly used type of computer and is used to
process information with quantities using digits, usually using the binary
number system.
Hybrid (analog + digital) computer
A combination of computers those are capable of inputting and outputting in
both digital and analog signals. A hybrid computer system setup offers a cost
effective method of performing complex simulations.

On the basis of size

A supercomputer is a computer that performs at or near the currently highest
operational rate for computers.
It is mainly used for scientific and engineering applications that must handle
very large databases or do a great amount of computation.
For example, weather forecasting requires a supercomputer.

Mainframe computer
It is very large and expensive computer capable of supporting 100 or even 1,000
of users at a time.
Mini computer
A computer with processing and storage capabilities smaller than those of
mainframe but larger than those microcomputer.
What is Data?
Data is a collection of raw, unorganised facts and details like text, observations,
figures, symbols and descriptions of things etc. In other words, data does not
carry any specific purpose and has no significance by itself. Moreover, data is
measured in terms of bits and bytes – which are basic units of information in the
context of computer storage and processing.

What is Information?
Information is processed, organised and structured data. It provides context for
data and enables decision making. For example, a single customer’s sale at a
restaurant is data – this becomes information when the business is able to
identify the most popular or least popular dish.
Characteristics of computers:

The characteristics of the computer system are as follows −

A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while
performing mathematical calculations. Computers can process millions (1,000,000)
of instructions per second. The time taken by computers for their operations is
microseconds and nanoseconds.

Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to data
inconsistency or inaccuracy.

A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency
and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Its memory also
makes it superior to that of human beings.

Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works
with same accuracy and efficiency.

A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we
give same set of input any number of times, we will get the same result.
Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without manual

A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data.
Secondary storage are removable devices such as CDs, pen drives, etc., which are
also used to store data.

Basic Applications of Computer

Computers play a role in every field of life. They are used in homes, businesses,
educational institutions, research organizations, the medical field, government
offices, entertainment, etc.

Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment,
watching movies or shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing
games, internet access, etc. They provide communication through electronic mail.
They help to avail work from home facility for corporate employees. Computers help
the student community to avail online educational support.

Medical Field
Computers are used in hospitals to maintain a database of patients’ history,
diagnosis, X-rays, live monitoring of patients, etc. Surgeons nowadays use robotic
surgical devices to perform delicate operations, and conduct surgeries remotely.
Virtual reality technologies are also used for training purposes.

Computers help to watch movies online, play games online; act as a virtual
entertainer in playing games, listening to music, etc. MIDI instruments greatly help
people in the entertainment industry in recording music with artificial instruments.
Videos can be fed from computers to full screen televisions. Photo editors are
available with fabulous features.

Computers are used to perform several tasks in industries like managing inventory,
designing purpose, creating virtual sample products, interior designing, video
conferencing, etc. Online marketing has seen a great revolution in its ability to sell
various products to inaccessible corners like interior or rural areas. Stock markets
have seen phenomenal participation from different levels of people through the use
of computers.

Computers are used in education sector through online classes, online
examinations, referring e-books, online tutoring, etc. They help in increased use of
audio-visual aids in the education field.

In government sectors, computers are used in data processing, maintaining a
database of citizens and supporting a paperless environment. The country’s defense
organizations have greatly benefitted from computers in their use for missile
development, satellites, rocket launches, etc.

In the banking sector, computers are used to store details of customers and conduct
transactions, such as withdrawal and deposit of money through ATMs. Banks have
reduced manual errors and expenses to a great extent through extensive use of

Nowadays, computers are totally integrated into business. The main objective of
business is transaction processing, which involves transactions with suppliers,
employees or customers. Computers can make these transactions easy and
accurate. People can analyze investments, sales, expenses, markets and other
aspects of business using computers.

Many organizations use computer-based training to train their employees, to save
money and improve performance. Video conferencing through computers allows
saving of time and travelling costs by being able to connect people in various

Computers are extensively used in dance, photography, arts and culture. The fluid
movement of dance can be shown live via animation. Photos can be digitized using
Science and Engineering
Computers with high performance are used to stimulate dynamic process in Science
and Engineering. Supercomputers have numerous applications in area of Research
and Development (R&D). Topographic images can be created through computers.
Scientists use computers to plot and analyze data to have a better understanding of

Concept of Hardware and Software

The term hardware refers to mechanical device that makes up computer. Computer
hardware consists of interconnected electronic devices that we can use to control
computer’s operation, input and output. Examples of hardware are CPU, keyboard,
mouse, hard disk, etc.

Hardware Components
Computer hardware is a collection of several components working together. Some
parts are essential and others are added advantages. Computer hardware is made
up of CPU and peripherals as shown in image below.
A set of instructions that drives computer to do stipulated tasks is called a program.
Software instructions are programmed in a computer language, translated into
machine language, and executed by computer. Software can be categorized into two
types −

 System software
 Application software
System Software
System software operates directly on hardware devices of computer. It provides a
platform to run an application. It provides and supports user functionality. Examples
of system software include operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.

Application Software
An application software is designed for benefit of users to perform one or more
tasks. Examples of application software include Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Oracle, etc.
Sr.No. Software Hardware

Differences between Software and Hardware are sorted out below −

1 It is a collection of programs to bring It includes physical components of
computer hardware system into operation. computer system.

2 It includes numbers, alphabets, It consists of electronic components like

alphanumeric symbols, identifiers, ICs, diodes, registers, crystals, boards,
keywords, etc. insulators, etc.

3 Software products evolve by adding new Hardware design is based on architectural

features to existing programs to support decisions to make it work over a range of
hardware. environmental conditions and time.

4 It will vary as per computer and its built-in It is mostly constructed for all types of
functions and programming language. computer systems.

5 It is designed and developed by The hardware can understand only low-

experienced programmers in high-level level language or machine language.

6 The hardware works only on binary codes

1’s and 0’s.

It is represented in any high-level language

such as BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, JAVA,

7 The software is categorized as operating The hardware consists of input devices,

system, utilities, language processor, output devices, memory, etc.
application software, etc.

Advantages of Computer:-
1. Multitasking Multitasking – Multitasking Multitasking is one among the
main advantage of computer. Person can do multiple task, multiple
operation at a same time, calculate numerical problems within few
seconds. Computer can perform millions or trillions of work in one second.
2. Speed – Now computer isn’t just a calculating device. Now a day’s
computer has vital role in human life. One of the most advantages of
computer is its incredible speed, which helps human to finish their task in
few seconds.
3. Cost/ Stores huge – Amount of knowledge it’s a coffee cost solution.
Person can save huge data within a coffee budget. Centralized database
of storing information is that the major advantage which will reduce cost.
4. Accuracy – One among the basis advantage of computer is which will
perform not only calculations but also with accuracy.
5. Data Security – Protecting digital data is understood as data security.
6. Task completer – Completes tasks that might be impossible for humans
to complete.
7. Communication – Computer helps the user in better understanding and
communication with the other devices.
8. Productivity – The level of productivity gets automatically doubled as the
computer can done the work at very fast.
9. Reduces work load – Information are often accessed by more than one
person with the necessity for work to be duplicated.
10. Reliability – Computers can perform same sort of work repeatedly
without throwing up errors thanks to tiredness or boredom, which are
quite common among humans.
11. Storage – The pc has an in-built memory where it can store an
outsized amount of knowledge . You can also store data in auxiliary
storage devices.

Disadvantages of computer:
1. Virus and hacking attacks – Virus may be a worm and hacking is just
unauthorized access over computer for a few illicit purpose. Virus can go
to other system from email attachment, viewing an infected website
advertisement, through removable device like USB etc.
2. Online Cyber Crimes – Online cyber-crime means computer and
network may have utilized in order to commit crime. Cyberstalking and
fraud are the points which comes under online cyber-crimes.
3. Reduction employed opportunity – Mainly past generation wasn’t used
of the pc or they need the knowledge of computer they faced an
enormous problem when computer came in field.
4. High cost – Computers are expensive. Even the foremost affordable
computers are still very expensive for the typical person in South Africa.
Since computers empower people.
5. Distractions/disruptions – If you’ve got ever spent hours browsing the
web or watching videos on YouTube, then you recognize how distracting
computers can be! Because of their high entertainment value.
6. Increases waste and impacts the environment – With the speed that
computers and other electronics get replaced, all of the old devices that
get thrown away have a big impact on the environment.
7. Health Problems: – Prolonged use of computers can lead to various
health Hazards. Too much sitting near the screen results in eye strain and
drying up of the eyes. Also, prolonged sitting leads to neck and back

Computer Block Diagram System

Mainly computer system consists of three parts that are central processing unit
(CPU), Input Devices, and Output Devices. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
is divided into two parts again: arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit
A large amount of data is stored in the computer memory with the help of
primary and secondary storage devices. The CPU is like the heart/brain of the
computer. The user does not get the desired output, without the necessary option
taken by the CPU. The Central processing unit (CPU) is responsible for the
processing of all the instructions which are given by the user to the computer
(Block Diagram of the computer)
The data is entered through input devices such as the keyboard, mouse, etc. This
set of instruction is processed by the CPU after getting the input by the user, and
then the computer system produces the output. The computer can show the
output with the help of output devices to the user, such as monitor, printer, etc.
 CPU (Central Processing Unit)
 Storage Unit
 ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit)
 Control Unit
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The computer system is nothing without the Central processing Unit so, it is
also known as the brain or heat of computer. The CPU is an electronic hardware
device which can perform different types of operations such as arithmetic and
logical operation.
The CPU contains two parts: the arithmetic logic unit and control unit. We have
discussed briefly the arithmetic unit, logical unit, and control unit which are
given below:
Control Unit
The control unit (CU) controls all the activities or operations which are
performed inside the computer system. It receives instructions or information
directly from the main memory of the computer.
When the control unit receives an instruction set or information, it converts the
instruction set to control signals then; these signals are sent to the central
processor for further processing. The control unit understands which operation
to execute, accurately, and in which order.
Arithmetic and Logical Unit
The arithmetic and logical unit is the combinational digital electronic circuit
that can perform arithmetic operations on integer binary numbers.It presents the
arithmetic and logical operation. The outputs of ALU will change
asynchronously in response to the input. The basic arithmetic and bitwise logic
functions are supported by ALU.
Storage Unit
The information or set of guidelines are stored in the storage unit of the
computer system. The storage unit provides the space to store the data or
instruction of processed data. The information or data is saved or hold in
computer memory or storage device. The data storage is the core function and
fundamental of the computer components.
Components of Computer System
The hardware and software exist on the computer. The information which is
stored through the device is known as computer software. The hardware
components of the computer system are related to electronic and mechanical
parts, and the software component is related to data and computer programs.
Many elements are connected to the main circuit board of the computer system
called a "motherboard."

 Processor.
 Main Memory.
 Secondary Memory.
 Input Devices.
 Output Devices.
These are mainly five components of the computer system. The computer
hardware, computer software, and liveware exist in the element of the computer
The processor is an electric circuitry within the computer system. The Central
processing unit is the central processor or main processor of the computer
system. The processor carries out the instructions of the computer program with
the help of basic arithmetic and logic, input/output operations.
Main Memory
The Random Access Memory is the main memory of the computer system,
which is known as RAM. The main memory can store the operating system
software, application software, and other information. The Ram is one of the
fastest memory, and it allows the data to be readable and writeable.
Secondary memory
We can store the data and programs on a long-term basis in the secondary
memory. The hard disks and the optical disks are the common secondary
devices. It is slow and cheap memory as compare to primary memory. This
memory is not connected to the processor directly.
It has a large capacity to store the data. The hard disk has a capacity of 500
gigabytes. The data and programs on the hard disk are organized into files, and
the file is the collection of data on the disk. The secondary storage is direct
access by the CPU; that's why it is different from the primary storage.
The hard disk is about 100 times the capacity of the main memory. The main
difference between primary and secondary storage is speed and capacity. There
are several large blocks of data which are copied from the hard disk into the
main memory.
Input Devices
The user provides the set of instruction or information to the computer system
with the help of input devices such as the keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc. The
data representation to the computer system is in the form of binary language
after that the processor processes the converted data. The input unit implements
the data which is instructed by the user to the system.
We can enter the data from the outside world into the primary storage as the
input through input devices. The input devices are the medium of
communication between the outside world and the computer system.
There are some important features of input devices which are given below:
1. The input devices receive or accept the data or instruction from the user,
who exist in the outside world.
2. These devices convert the data or instruction into the machine-readable
form for further processing.
3. The input device performs like the connection between the outside world
and our computer system.
4. The keyboard and mouse are common examples of input devices.
5. When the whole procedure is finished, we get the desired output from the
output devices such as monitor, printer, etc.
Output Devices
The output devices produce or generate the desired result according to our
input, such as a printer, monitor, etc. These devices convert the data into a
human-readable form from binary code.
The computer system is linked or connected to the outside world with the help
of output devices. The primary examples of output devices are a printer,
projector, etc.
These devices have various features which are given below:
1. These devices receive or accept the data in the binary form.
2. The output devices convert the binary code into the human-readable
3. These devices produce the converted result and show to the user.

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