Activity No.1 Lab Safety

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Name: Date:

Activity No. 1
Laboratory Safety

Safe practices are an integral part in all laboratory activities. Without it, experimentation
activities, if not fatal, could lead to very serious injuries. To reduce the risks involved in
experimentation, there are certain precautionary procedures that we should follow as individuals
or as a member of a group. It is important that the correct procedures are used in various
situations when handling hazardous materials or laboratory materials, when preparing, executing,
or cleaning up an experiment. It is also important that you understand how to identify warning
hazards and use emergency equipment and protective gears. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
All must work together to ensure the safety of everyone inside the laboratory.

1. To know and understand the different laboratory safety rules
2. Develop a sense of responsibility to oneself and others.

Safe Laboratory Practices:

1. The science laboratory is used for serious work only. No horseplay is allowed inside the
2. Do not perform unauthorized experiments. Always ask for your teacher’s permission
before doing any experiments.
3. Study your laboratory activity carefully. If you are in doubt about a procedure, ask your
4. Follow directions precisely and completely. The directions have been carefully designed
to avoid accidents. Your instructor will point out hazards before the experiment begin so
it is strongly advised to listen attentively.
5. Students must wear proper clothing in the laboratory. Sandals and shorts should not be
worn inside the laboratory. Long hair should be tied up.
6. Smoking and eating inside the laboratory is not allowed to avoid incidents.
7. Chemical wastes should be disposed properly. Some chemicals cannot be disposed on the
sing but on appropriate containers. Make sure you read the labels on waste containers
before disposing.
8. Dispose of broken glass in the boxes provided in the laboratory. Do not place the broken
glass into the trash can. Use dustpan and broom in cleaning up broken glass. Do not use
hands to pick up the glass.
9. Know the location and the use of the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, emergency shower,
and the eye wash in case of emergencies.
10. Never inhale chemicals. When attempting to detect chemical odors, sniff gently.
11. Do not throw paper or other solid material into the sink.
12. Always wash your hands before leaving the laboratory. You may have been exposed or
may have touched some chemicals that are hazardous to your health. Wash hands with
soap and water.
13. In the event of a lab accident, notify your teacher immediately and do not panic.
14. Always remember that safety comes first and clean as you go.

1. List at least five additional laboratory safety rules that were not mentioned in the “Safe
Laboratory Practices.”
2. Draw different hazard labels that you can find inside the laboratory and give the
respective names.
3. List the steps on how to properly use a fire extinguisher.
4. In case of accidents, what are the first aid treatment for the following:
a. Cuts
b. Burns
c. Ingestion of toxic substance
d. Inhalation of toxic substance
e. Skin contact of toxic chemicals
f. Infection
g. Injury from explosion
h. Choking
5. Why is it important to wash your hands regularly or before leaving the laboratory?


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