Inventory Presets

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Your mongoose leather purse contains a copper vial with a tuft of wildcat hair in it, a iron staff

topped with a green crystal, a can of chicken noodle soup and a copper cooking pot.

Your bear leather purse contains a gray cotton t-shirt, a blue cotton shirt, a dress made of
Plain-brown woodcreeper feathers and a toad bone amulet.

Your impala leather backpack contains a rusty zinc spear, a jar containing ladybugs, a old brass
key and a blue crystal.

Your donkey leather knapsack contains a piece of cheese, a bag of tomatoes, a pair of pants
made out of lizard leather and a pair of pants made out of bison leather.

Your jackal leather bag contains a shirt made of Chestnut-capped puffbird feathers, a
Bloodgood London Planetree wood staff topped with a red crystal, a piece of cheese and a gold
flask of orange juice.

Your mule leather rucksack contains a paperbound book, a tin of spinach leaves, a pair of socks
made of rhinoceros leather and a dress made of hamster leather.

Your dog leather bag contains a hempbound book, a pair of gray cotton leggings, a Japanese
Flowering Crabapplewood vial with a tuft of Mountain Gorilla hair in it and a blue crystal.

Your mynah bird leather backpack contains a polished lion claw, a pair of socks made of canary
leather, a dress made of Black-backed thornbill feathers and a jar containing ladybugs.

Your marmoset leather bag contains a cloak of Bare-legged swiftlet feathers, a polished copper
spear, a small Amur Maackia wood cage containing a hamster and a old gold key.

Your lizard leather bag contains a pillow stuffed with White-bellied woodstar feathers, a Popcorn
Tree wood vial containing bear blood, a can of chicken noodle soup and a shirt made of Cory's
shearwater feathers.

Your mule leather backpack contains a Tolleson's Green Weeping Rocky Mountain Juniper
wood staff topped with a red crystal, a small goat bone cage containing a robin, a toy camel
stuffed with Crowned sandgrouse feathers and a shirt made of African fish eagle feathers.

Your goat leather purse contains a bag of walnuts, 20 poisoned darts fletched with Arabian
bustard feathers, a Tricolor Tree Ligustrumwood scepter and a tin of McCord's Box Turtle

Your koala leather pack contains a piece of cheese, a jar containing blue water, a lynx figurine
made of bull bone and a silver flask of dwarven beer.
Your rabbit leather pack contains a copper box with 2 matches in it, a cloak of Black-banded
barbet feathers, a Fairmont Maidenhair Tree wood vial containing armadillo blood and a bag of
mustard greens.

Your leopard leather knapsack contains a pair of socks made of parakeet leather, a toy
cloudberry stuffed with Lava gull feathers, a copper box with 20 torches in it and a dress made
of chimpanzee leather.

Your lynx leather purse contains a bronze cooking pot, a Summer Snow Japanese Tree Lilac
wood vial containing ram blood, a old copper key and a pillow stuffed with Snares penguin

Your mountain goat leather purse contains a glass vial with a tuft of Sloth Bear hair in it, a
bronze crossbow, a cap made of iguana leather with a Tropical kingbird feather in it and a cap
made of kangaroo leather with a Mauritius blue pigeon feather in it.

Your bull leather rucksack contains a redcurrant, a brass blowgun, a bottle of poison and a
bottle of liquid silver.

Your lizard leather purse contains a copper vial with a tuft of Spectacled Bear hair in it, a shirt
made of Bronze-tailed plumeleteer feathers, a bottle of poison and a tin of South American
Yellow-foot Tortoise scales.

Your dromedary leather purse contains a gold flask of dwarven beer, a polished tiger claw, a
Autumn Applause White Ashwood amulet and a tin of cheese balls.

Your sheep leather backpack contains a pair of brown cotton leggings, a blue cotton shirt, a toy
crocodile stuffed with Reunion ibis feathers and a pair of socks made of chinchilla leather.

Your hyena leather pack contains a pair of socks made of leopard leather, 20 poisoned darts
fletched with Reeves's pheasant feathers, a holy sword and a step cut goethite.

Your cow leather backpack contains a cap made of panther leather with a Brown-cheeked rail
feather in it, a toy grape stuffed with Rough-legged buzzard feathers, a bottle of leopard blood
and 20 darts fletched with Dickcissel feathers.

Your wolverine leather knapsack contains a rat tooth earring, a jar containing ladybugs, a can of
chicken noodle soup and a dress made of otter leather.

Your bear leather bag contains a copper box with 4 candles in it, a copper vial containing toad
blood, 20 poisoned darts fletched with Australasian hobby feathers and a glass vial with a tuft of
Asian Elephant hair in it.
Your skunk leather knapsack contains a toy chimpanzee stuffed with American goldfinch
feathers, a shirt made of Pygmy eagle feathers, a toy gooseberry stuffed with Crested drongo
feathers and a sheep leatherbound book.

Your hedgehog leather knapsack contains a polished steel dagger, a can of chicken noodle
soup, a iron staff topped with a red crystal and a can of chicken noodle soup.

Your skunk leather pack contains 20 poisoned bolts fletched with Plumed guineafowl feathers, a
holy club, a hempbound book and a bag of rock melons.

Your hog leather knapsack contains a polished leopard claw, a iron staff topped with a red
crystal, a Down's tiger snake in a Canadian Gold Giant Cedar wood cage and a moose figurine
made of Mountain Cedar wood.

Your weasel leather backpack contains a green cotton shirt, a Red-tailed pipe snake in a hyena
bone cage, a jaguar bone ring and 20 poisoned bolts fletched with Black-tailed gnatcatcher

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