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Bahria University, Lahore Campus

Department of Computer Sciences

Lab Journal 04
(FALL 2022)

Data Communication & Networks

Course: Lab Date: 10-24-2022
Course Code: CEL – 222 Max Marks: 40
Faculty’s Name: Mr. Dawood Akram Lab Engineer: Irfan Latif

Name: Sami Haider Enroll No: 03-134211-038

Objective(s) :
To explore some basic concepts related to networking devices e.g. Router

Lab Tasks :

Task 1: Configure and communicate the network topology given below.

Task 2: Configure and communicate the network topology given below.

Task 3: Configure and communicate the network topology given below.
Lab Grading Sheet :
Task Max Obtained Comments(if any)
Marks Marks
1. 10
2. 10
3. 10
4. 10
5. 10
Note : Attempt all tasks and get them checked by your Lab Instructor.

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