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@ present simple P final -5/-e5 Charlotte’s cho Maria Fernanda Faincio Alcantara 1 VOCABULARY describing people a €)9)) Listen toa man describing his girlfriend and tick (/) her picture. ae 2 PI ¥ b Listen again. What two questions does Luke's friend ask him? How does Luke answer the second question? PD) Wot dos she ok ke? What ae ke? | nat does she ook tke?= Teme about er appearance | teshetal/ short? What colour ha doce cha Reve What is she like? = Tell me what kind of person she is (is she friendly? Is she shy?) © >p.150 Vocabulary Bank Describing people. 2 READING Who do you think knows you better, your mother (or father) or your best friend? Why? ly mother b_ Read the introduction and the first paragraph of thearticle knowns KACwS. evrer | CrorloNe 2 Whois Charlotte? A single womor +3 Whoare Aliceand Katie?/8 0 Othe on, wate 4, What do Alize and Katiehave to do Then what happens? fina oo meno, for choniche ana tren Now read What Charlotte says, With 2 partner guess the meaning ofthe highlighted words and phrases 1 Whatis the idea of the experiment? 4 Cover the text. Can you remember? 1 What does Charlotte like doing?Cinemo 07a 1€00 2 Whar'sshelike?She's soupble ard FrunnY 3 What kind of men does / doesn’t she like? 4 Who does she think is going to choose better? Why? WEG fet Ke - Nie siento con ganas de- oft con viel= \Wevarse beh ive tpi V describing people: appearance and personality Hike good books. He doesn't like sport. ice nCOMer IC Tao logue tenga que Ver What does She look LiKe? yyhat!s ne 1 K22 Dermoid Who knows you better - In our weekly experiment, sina looking for a partner ask t friend to help, Tis ents single person is Chavioste Ramirez, a 25-year-old web designer. Her father is Spanish and her mother is English. She lives in Brighton and she doesn’t have a partner at the moment. Her mother, Alice, hooses @ man she thinks is perfect for her —>1 Gaughter and her bestfriend, Katie, chooses another. ‘Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man. Which one does she prefer? G Le s7!9g 10 the cinema, but often fe ike staying at home with a good book; says Charlotte. 'm quite friendly and sociable and 1 get on well with ‘most people. I think I have a good sense ofhhumour.’ ‘What kind of men do 1 like? Wel, {like interesting men who can make me laugh, Physically, | prefer men with a really nice smile who are taller than me. And 1 don't usually like men with beardst I like men who areiinto literature and a geople who are nother and their best |. and classical music’ ‘I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me. Soth my mum and my best friend know me very well, Perhaps Katie could find me a guy who is physically more compatible, but my mother has known me for longer! 9 sense of humour ~ SeNt1A6 de) homoy @ present simple P final -5/-e5 Charlotte’s cho Maria Fernanda Faincio Alcantara 1 VOCABULARY describing people a €)9)) Listen toa man describing his girlfriend and tick (/) her picture. ae 2 PI ¥ b Listen again. What two questions does Luke's friend ask him? How does Luke answer the second question? PD) Wot dos she ok ke? What ae ke? | nat does she ook tke?= Teme about er appearance | teshetal/ short? What colour ha doce cha Reve What is she like? = Tell me what kind of person she is (is she friendly? Is she shy?) © >p.150 Vocabulary Bank Describing people. 2 READING Who do you think knows you better, your mother (or father) or your best friend? Why? ly mother b_ Read the introduction and the first paragraph of thearticle knowns KACwS. evrer | CrorloNe 2 Whois Charlotte? A single womor +3 Whoare Aliceand Katie?/8 0 Othe on, wate 4, What do Alize and Katiehave to do Then what happens? fina oo meno, for choniche ana tren Now read What Charlotte says, With 2 partner guess the meaning ofthe highlighted words and phrases 1 Whatis the idea of the experiment? 4 Cover the text. Can you remember? 1 What does Charlotte like doing?Cinemo 07a 1€00 2 Whar'sshelike?She's soupble ard FrunnY 3 What kind of men does / doesn’t she like? 4 Who does she think is going to choose better? Why? WEG fet Ke - Nie siento con ganas de- oft con viel= \Wevarse beh ive tpi V describing people: appearance and personality Hike good books. He doesn't like sport. ice nCOMer IC Tao logue tenga que Ver What does She look LiKe? yyhat!s ne 1 K22 Dermoid Who knows you better - In our weekly experiment, sina looking for a partner ask t friend to help, Tis ents single person is Chavioste Ramirez, a 25-year-old web designer. Her father is Spanish and her mother is English. She lives in Brighton and she doesn’t have a partner at the moment. Her mother, Alice, hooses @ man she thinks is perfect for her —>1 Gaughter and her bestfriend, Katie, chooses another. ‘Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man. Which one does she prefer? G Le s7!9g 10 the cinema, but often fe ike staying at home with a good book; says Charlotte. 'm quite friendly and sociable and 1 get on well with ‘most people. I think I have a good sense ofhhumour.’ ‘What kind of men do 1 like? Wel, {like interesting men who can make me laugh, Physically, | prefer men with a really nice smile who are taller than me. And 1 don't usually like men with beardst I like men who areiinto literature and a geople who are nother and their best |. and classical music’ ‘I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me. Soth my mum and my best friend know me very well, Perhaps Katie could find me a guy who is physically more compatible, but my mother has known me for longer! 9 sense of humour ~ SeNt1A6 de) homoy Facts(un hecho, nose FUROC Camv10r) we,thev) Pica omer pee Bey < sonic foests nega | don’t — Pamera Persona (1/yor" docsrit “Tercera persona (she, He, HY) Ne) be le agreg es” para tas 4erccias personas ee Tn ike, 7 Do you like. -~ 7 pop eae Pevsera.| Odes =P ForRmuLa: Uo o+ : ate you ne Sne od a @ present simple P final -5/-e5 Charlotte’s cho Maria Fernanda Faincio Alcantara 1 VOCABULARY describing people a €)9)) Listen toa man describing his girlfriend and tick (/) her picture. ae 2 PI ¥ b Listen again. What two questions does Luke's friend ask him? How does Luke answer the second question? PD) Wot dos she ok ke? What ae ke? | nat does she ook tke?= Teme about er appearance | teshetal/ short? What colour ha doce cha Reve What is she like? = Tell me what kind of person she is (is she friendly? Is she shy?) © >p.150 Vocabulary Bank Describing people. 2 READING Who do you think knows you better, your mother (or father) or your best friend? Why? ly mother b_ Read the introduction and the first paragraph of thearticle knowns KACwS. evrer | CrorloNe 2 Whois Charlotte? A single womor +3 Whoare Aliceand Katie?/8 0 Othe on, wate 4, What do Alize and Katiehave to do Then what happens? fina oo meno, for choniche ana tren Now read What Charlotte says, With 2 partner guess the meaning ofthe highlighted words and phrases 1 Whatis the idea of the experiment? 4 Cover the text. Can you remember? 1 What does Charlotte like doing?Cinemo 07a 1€00 2 Whar'sshelike?She's soupble ard FrunnY 3 What kind of men does / doesn’t she like? 4 Who does she think is going to choose better? Why? WEG fet Ke - Nie siento con ganas de- oft con viel= \Wevarse beh ive tpi V describing people: appearance and personality Hike good books. He doesn't like sport. ice nCOMer IC Tao logue tenga que Ver What does She look LiKe? yyhat!s ne 1 K22 Dermoid Who knows you better - In our weekly experiment, sina looking for a partner ask t friend to help, Tis ents single person is Chavioste Ramirez, a 25-year-old web designer. Her father is Spanish and her mother is English. She lives in Brighton and she doesn’t have a partner at the moment. Her mother, Alice, hooses @ man she thinks is perfect for her —>1 Gaughter and her bestfriend, Katie, chooses another. ‘Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man. Which one does she prefer? G Le s7!9g 10 the cinema, but often fe ike staying at home with a good book; says Charlotte. 'm quite friendly and sociable and 1 get on well with ‘most people. I think I have a good sense ofhhumour.’ ‘What kind of men do 1 like? Wel, {like interesting men who can make me laugh, Physically, | prefer men with a really nice smile who are taller than me. And 1 don't usually like men with beardst I like men who areiinto literature and a geople who are nother and their best |. and classical music’ ‘I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me. Soth my mum and my best friend know me very well, Perhaps Katie could find me a guy who is physically more compatible, but my mother has known me for longer! 9 sense of humour ~ SeNt1A6 de) homoy Facts(un hecho, nose FUROC Camv10r) we,thev) Pica omer pee Bey < sonic foests nega | don’t — Pamera Persona (1/yor" docsrit “Tercera persona (she, He, HY) Ne) be le agreg es” para tas 4erccias personas ee Tn ike, 7 Do you like. -~ 7 pop eae Pevsera.| Odes =P ForRmuLa: Uo o+ : ate you ne Sne od a [a pe Patricio Alcantara Nora Ferranaa 3 GRAMMAR present simple 5 PRONUNCIATION final -s/-es ten and repeat a. Frommemory, try tocompletethesentences a (916i) using the present simple. cS Shelikes cats. 1's desir hive lpartnerarthemomeae, 7” (0) Ona OSE 2 She goes onadate with each man, He has brows 3 Which one Goes she prefer?” 9 teh | eee” 4 Whatkindofmen cic __Ilike? ; Biiclor't ustaly ykeenetits beach, 1 ay ‘She relaxes with boxes of chocolates, He uses glasses to read, b_Inpairs, answer the questions. 1 Which letter do you ade to most verbs with he, she, andit? ‘The fina -sis pronounced '/or/.The difference is quite small. 2 How do the verbs below change with he, she, ‘The fina esis pronounced i after ch cg sh, s, z,and x andi? watch [study |go/have b 173) How do you say the he | she / it form of these verbs and the 3 What auxiliary verbs do you use to make plural of these nouns? Listen and check. questions and negatives with...? a I{you]we|they b he/she it ¢ > p.126 Grammar Bank 18, Learn more about the present simple and practise it. ‘verbs: choose cook go live stop teach nouns: boy clacs date friend language parent d Canyou remember the kind of men 6 SPEAKING & WRITING Charlotte likes and doesn’t like? a. Look at the form below and prepare to give this information about your friend € Lookat the photos of Alexander and Oliver. , Find out about them. > Communication i Alexander and Oliver A p.100 B p.106. Du you have a friend who is looking for a partner? Ef amvAem Coca) Nene ( a personality [= Her mother Relationship ‘Separated [in Alexander nes Job in cl £ Which mando you think is better for Charlotte? Why? 4 LISTENING 2 143) Listen to Charlotte talking about ‘what happened when she met Alexander. What did she think of him? Does she want b_ Workin pairs. Askand answer about your people, Compare the again? Pag ee information, Do you think the two people are compatible? b Listen again and write down any adjectives apis or expressions that Charlotte uses to Chats his ther name? describe his appearance and personality. ¢ > p.111 Writing Describing a person. Write a des nofa € @15i) Now repeat for Oliver: person you know. a arlotte decide in the end? ‘ ‘What does Charlotte decide in the ent 7 @1) SONG ‘Ugly 2 Doyyouagree with her? Ar @ present simple P final -5/-e5 Charlotte’s cho Maria Fernanda Faincio Alcantara 1 VOCABULARY describing people a €)9)) Listen toa man describing his girlfriend and tick (/) her picture. ae 2 PI ¥ b Listen again. What two questions does Luke's friend ask him? How does Luke answer the second question? PD) Wot dos she ok ke? What ae ke? | nat does she ook tke?= Teme about er appearance | teshetal/ short? What colour ha doce cha Reve What is she like? = Tell me what kind of person she is (is she friendly? Is she shy?) © >p.150 Vocabulary Bank Describing people. 2 READING Who do you think knows you better, your mother (or father) or your best friend? Why? ly mother b_ Read the introduction and the first paragraph of thearticle knowns KACwS. evrer | CrorloNe 2 Whois Charlotte? A single womor +3 Whoare Aliceand Katie?/8 0 Othe on, wate 4, What do Alize and Katiehave to do Then what happens? fina oo meno, for choniche ana tren Now read What Charlotte says, With 2 partner guess the meaning ofthe highlighted words and phrases 1 Whatis the idea of the experiment? 4 Cover the text. Can you remember? 1 What does Charlotte like doing?Cinemo 07a 1€00 2 Whar'sshelike?She's soupble ard FrunnY 3 What kind of men does / doesn’t she like? 4 Who does she think is going to choose better? Why? WEG fet Ke - Nie siento con ganas de- oft con viel= \Wevarse beh ive tpi V describing people: appearance and personality Hike good books. He doesn't like sport. ice nCOMer IC Tao logue tenga que Ver What does She look LiKe? yyhat!s ne 1 K22 Dermoid Who knows you better - In our weekly experiment, sina looking for a partner ask t friend to help, Tis ents single person is Chavioste Ramirez, a 25-year-old web designer. Her father is Spanish and her mother is English. She lives in Brighton and she doesn’t have a partner at the moment. Her mother, Alice, hooses @ man she thinks is perfect for her —>1 Gaughter and her bestfriend, Katie, chooses another. ‘Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man. Which one does she prefer? G Le s7!9g 10 the cinema, but often fe ike staying at home with a good book; says Charlotte. 'm quite friendly and sociable and 1 get on well with ‘most people. I think I have a good sense ofhhumour.’ ‘What kind of men do 1 like? Wel, {like interesting men who can make me laugh, Physically, | prefer men with a really nice smile who are taller than me. And 1 don't usually like men with beardst I like men who areiinto literature and a geople who are nother and their best |. and classical music’ ‘I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me. Soth my mum and my best friend know me very well, Perhaps Katie could find me a guy who is physically more compatible, but my mother has known me for longer! 9 sense of humour ~ SeNt1A6 de) homoy Facts(un hecho, nose FUROC Camv10r) we,thev) Pica omer pee Bey < sonic foests nega | don’t — Pamera Persona (1/yor" docsrit “Tercera persona (she, He, HY) Ne) be le agreg es” para tas 4erccias personas ee Tn ike, 7 Do you like. -~ 7 pop eae Pevsera.| Odes =P ForRmuLa: Uo o+ : ate you ne Sne od a [a pe Patricio Alcantara Nora Ferranaa 3 GRAMMAR present simple 5 PRONUNCIATION final -s/-es ten and repeat a. Frommemory, try tocompletethesentences a (916i) using the present simple. cS Shelikes cats. 1's desir hive lpartnerarthemomeae, 7” (0) Ona OSE 2 She goes onadate with each man, He has brows 3 Which one Goes she prefer?” 9 teh | eee” 4 Whatkindofmen cic __Ilike? ; Biiclor't ustaly ykeenetits beach, 1 ay ‘She relaxes with boxes of chocolates, He uses glasses to read, b_Inpairs, answer the questions. 1 Which letter do you ade to most verbs with he, she, andit? ‘The fina -sis pronounced '/or/.The difference is quite small. 2 How do the verbs below change with he, she, ‘The fina esis pronounced i after ch cg sh, s, z,and x andi? watch [study |go/have b 173) How do you say the he | she / it form of these verbs and the 3 What auxiliary verbs do you use to make plural of these nouns? Listen and check. questions and negatives with...? a I{you]we|they b he/she it ¢ > p.126 Grammar Bank 18, Learn more about the present simple and practise it. ‘verbs: choose cook go live stop teach nouns: boy clacs date friend language parent d Canyou remember the kind of men 6 SPEAKING & WRITING Charlotte likes and doesn’t like? a. Look at the form below and prepare to give this information about your friend € Lookat the photos of Alexander and Oliver. , Find out about them. > Communication i Alexander and Oliver A p.100 B p.106. Du you have a friend who is looking for a partner? Ef amvAem Coca) Nene ( a personality [= Her mother Relationship ‘Separated [in Alexander nes Job in cl £ Which mando you think is better for Charlotte? Why? 4 LISTENING 2 143) Listen to Charlotte talking about ‘what happened when she met Alexander. What did she think of him? Does she want b_ Workin pairs. Askand answer about your people, Compare the again? Pag ee information, Do you think the two people are compatible? b Listen again and write down any adjectives apis or expressions that Charlotte uses to Chats his ther name? describe his appearance and personality. ¢ > p.111 Writing Describing a person. Write a des nofa € @15i) Now repeat for Oliver: person you know. a arlotte decide in the end? ‘ ‘What does Charlotte decide in the ent 7 @1) SONG ‘Ugly 2 Doyyouagree with her? Ar laria Fermarca Ratncio Alcantara Describing people 1 APPEARANCE @ Match the sentences and pictures What does he / she look like? 2 She has curly red hair. } Shehaslong straight hair./ I Shehas big blue eyes. © She has dark wavy hair. 7 Hehasa beard and a moustache 4 He's bald. ~ f Sivicevcr tails cl He's quite short anda bit overweight.” 6 He's medium heightand quite slim. b 103) Listen and check. thinor slim? fat or overweight? Thinand sim are bath the opposite of fat, but stim = thinin an attractive way. Fatis not very polite. tis more polite to say someone's (a bit) overweight. Using two adjectives together | We often use two adjectives together {without and) to doserive hei or eyes, | eg: She has long cury hair or He has big | brown eyes. adjectives goin this order: >style>colour noun. VOCABULARY BANK 2 PERSONALITY 4 Match the adjectives with the defin What's he like? What's she like? fend’ funny Tani? gensrods nord ees Pcl Kind hain! pey evil shy hw! taleative ikaw Craty (rab, 2) Adjective Opposite 1 Apersonwhoisopenandwarmis friendly utniencily 2 Apperson who talks alot is falfalwe gery 3 Aperson who tikes giving people generous. mean (malo, things is i 4 Aperson whois friendly andgoodto Kind _ Onking, other peopleis ae) Graayo.0o") 5 Aperson who doesn't wantto workis 1C2Y hard-working 6 Aperson who makes people lughis funny eri, 7 Aperson whois quickatlearningand Shy cxhrovert understanding thingsis (synonym inteligent) 8 Aperson who can't talk easily to Eteven ster, people he | she doesn't know is b_ Complete the Opposite column with an adjective from the list extrovert /ekstrovast/_ hard-working (ha:d ‘warkin! peer fmizn! quiet kwarat/_sssious /'sarios stupid ?stjuspnd! _unfiiendly /an'frendli/_unkifé /an'kam ¢ )21)) Listen and check. 4. Inpairs, ask and answer about a member of your family or a good friend, ‘A What does your sister look like? >) aS ig ‘She's quite tall and she has short dark hair. ‘A What's she the? Y ‘ice; funny or fun? \Niceis a very common Zladjective of personality, eg. He'sa very nice ‘person. Nice describes a person who's friendly andiind, ‘Apperson whoiis funny makes you laugh. A person whois Funis a pperson who you have a good time with,

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