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MODULE 04: Activate Prior

Knowledge 4
Relations abound in daily life: people are related to each other in many ways as parents
and children, teachers and students, employers and employees and many others. In
addition, many quantities depend on one or more changing variables. For instance;
plant growth depends on sunlight and rainfall, speed depends on distance traveled and
time taken while voltage depends on current and resistance. These situations, on the
other hand, reflect the concept of functions in mathematics.

Relation and Function

A relation is a correspondence between two sets called the domain and
the range such that to each element of the domain, there is assigned one or
more elements of the range.
Let A = {0,1,2} and B = {1,2,3} and let us say that an element x in A is related to an
element y in B, if and only if, x is less than y. Let us use the notation x R y as a
shorthand for the sentences “x is related to y”. Then
            0 R 1                since               0 < 1
            0 R 2                since               0 < 2
            1 R 2                since               1 < 2 .
On the other hand, if the notation x R y represents the sentence “x is not related to y”,
            1 R 1          since                    1≮1 
            2 R 1          since                    2≮1
A function is a special type of relation. It is denoted by f(x) which is defined as a
correspondence between two sets such that to each element of the domain, there is
assigned exactly one element of the range.

1. The Input – Output System

It may help to view a function as a machine. You put an input value into the machine
and it gives you an output value. 
The system shows that if the input is 2, the output will be 5 given that the function is f(x)
= 2x + 1. The same goes for other values of x which will produce a unique output. The
input values represent the domain while the output values represent the range of the
Take note that all functions are relations but not all relations are functions. To determine
if a relation is a function, the following methods may be employed:
1.1. Mapping Diagram
Figure 1. The elements in the domain are D = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} while the elements in the
range are R =  {d, e, f}.  Notice that two distinct elements of the domain are paired
to exactly one element in the range, that is 1 and 2 are paired
to d and 4 and 5 are paired to f. In this case, the relation is called many-to-one. This
type of relation satisfies the definition of a function.
Figure 2. The elements in the domain are A = {1, 2, 3} while the elements in the range
are B = {5, 6, 7}. Obviously, each element in set A is paired to exactly one element in
set B. This type of relation is called one-to-one. This relation is considered as a
Figure 3. The elements in the domain are A = {1, 3, 5} while the elements in the range
are B = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. In contrast to figure 1, one element in the domain is paired to two
elements in the range. Element 1 is paired to 2 and 3 while element 5 is paired
to 5 and 6. This type of correspondence is called one-to-many. This is a
relation however this relation is NOT a function since an element in the domain is
already assigned to more than one element of the range.
1.2. Ordered Pair or Table of Values
A relation represented through ordered pairs or table of values (x,y) is recognized as a
function if the x values are not repeated.

The domain of Set A is represented by the x values D = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} while the range
consists of R = {12, 15, 18, 21, 24}. Notice that the elements in the domain are distinct,
which means that set A is a function.
In contrast to set B, there are x values that are repeated which include 4 and 5. The
domain of set B are D = {4, 5, 6} while the range includes R = {12, 15, 18, 21, 24}. In
this case, set B is NOT a function. 
Set B is not a function but it is a relation which is one-to-many. We confirm this by
applying the mapping diagram.
In set A, you may have noticed 2 is repeated in the y column. Be mindful that the y
values will not be our concern, we always focus on the x values. Since there are no
repeated values in x, we say that set A is a function.
Set B also contains repeated values in y, however, this is not our concern. We always
check the x values and we notice that 1 is repeated. Thus, set B is NOT a function.
Since ordered pairs can be represented graphically, we identify if a graph is a function
through the vertical line test.

 If any vertical line passes through a graph at exactly one point, then the graph represents a
Application of Equations and
An equation expresses the equality of mathematical expressions. Each of the following
is an equation:
8 + 5 = 13
4y – 6 = 10
x2 – 2x + 1 = 0
Each of the equations below is a first-degree equation in one variable. First degree
means that the variable has an exponent of 1.
x + 11 = 14                              3z + 5 = 8z                   2(6y – 1) = 34
A solution of an equation is a number that, when substituted for the variable, results in a
true equation.

3 is a solution of the equation x + 4 = 7 because 3 + 4 = 7.

9 is NOT a solution of x + 4 = 7 because 9 + 4 ≠ 7.
In solving a first degree equation in one variable, the goal is to rewrite the equation with
the variable alone on one side of the equation and a constant term on the other side of
the equation. The constant term is the solution of the equation.
Example: Solve the equation: 5x + 9 = 23 – 2x
1. There are no fractions or parenthesis. There are no like terms on either side of the
equation. Use Addition property to rewrite the equation with only one variable term. Add
2x to each side of the equation.
5x + 9 = 23 – 2x
5x + 2x + 9 = 23 – 2x + 2x
7x + 9 = 23
7x + 9 – 9 = 23 – 9
7x = 14
The solution is 2.
Application of First Degree Equation
Example 1: Forensic Scientist have determined that the equation H = 2.9L + 78.1 can
be used to approximate the height H, in centimeters, of an adult on the basis of the
length L, in centimeters, of adult’s humerus (the bone extending from the shoulder to
the elbow).

A. Use this equation to approximate the height of an adult whose humerus measures 36
B. According to this equation, what is the length of the humerus of an adult whose height is
168 centimeters.

A. Substitute 36 for L in the given equation. Solve the resulting equation for H
H = 2.9L + 78.1
H= 2.9 (36) + 78.1
H = 104.4 + 78.1
H = 182.5
The adult’s height is approximately 182.5 centimeters.
B. Substitute 168 for H in the given equation. Solve the resulting equation for L.
H = 2.9L + 78.1
168 = 2.9L + 78.1
168 – 78.1 = 29.L + 78.1 – 78.1
89.9 = 2.9 L
31 centimeters = L
In many applied problems, we are not given an equation that can be used to solve
problems. Instead, we must use the given information to write an equation whose
solution answers the question stated in the problem.
Example: The cost of electricity in a certain city is Php 8 each of the first 300
kWh(Kilowatt-hours) and Php 13 for each kilowatt-hour over 300 kWh. Find the number
of kilowatt-hours used by a family that receives a Php 519.5 electric bill.
Let k = the number of kilowatt-hours used by the family. Write an equation and solve the
equation for k.
Php 8.00 for each of the first 300 kWh + Php 13.00 for each kilowatt-hour over 300 = P
8(300) + 13 (k – 300) = 519.50
2400 + 13k – 3900 = 519.50
13k – 1500 = 519.50
13k – 1500 + 1500 = 519.50 + 1500
13 k = 2019.50
k = 155. 35
The family used 155.35 or approximately 156 kWh of electricity. 

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