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"Clans have special cats.

information about healing herbs," he explained.

"Of course, is it safer to share such information?"
"There's more to it than just being a medical cat.
to know about herbs. He's got special needs. They
Communicate with our dead ancestors."
"Are they talking to the dead?" Moonlight looked
suddenly interested. He rested his front paws.
Floor. "Did he go from mom to kite?"
"Medical cats don't have kits."
The moonlight winked. "Why not?"
"It's forbidden. They dedicated their lives to caring.
for their Clan."
The moonlight frowned. "This must be difficult. Couldn't.
Imagine a life without locks."
"Me too." The squirrel thought of Leafpool.
How hard it must be for your sister to watch.
Sincap, Jayfeather, Lionblaze ve Hollyleaf'i.
She always pretends it's not their mother.
It was very simple here. Kits were born and
The sisters raised them together. They could have taken their wives.
where they like it. There was no rule about falling.
Love with cats from other clans. Or who could?
That's him, but they couldn't. But they still had to send it.
Their son is far away. He looked at Moonlight's belly.
"Are you afraid you're going to have sons?
Do you have to go?"
"We can't keep our loved ones forever."
Moonlight told him.
"What about their father?" Squirrel flight hesitated.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but would you like it?
Is that him?" Moonlight mumbled, as if he thought
The question was funny. "I liked him. But Jack's an everkit.
A cat tied to a cow. It was fun being around and.
Handsome. And I was ready to eat another litter. But
My life is with my sisters."
Squirrel's heart suddenly hurts for garbage.
he dreamed of it. "Will you see him again?"
"I'll visit the barn where he lives and tell him.
when the kits are big enough to travel," Moonlight told me
Him. "They might want to get to know him and.
Even choose to live with him when he's old enough.
To leave our group. We let our young people decide what to do.
I want to live. Not every cat wants a life like ours.
While he was the subject, Pushed Streams and Snow
Ferns at the entrance, long vines drifting behind them.
They left them with deer and stones.
Moonlight was brought in for more and let someone in.
Wall. The squirrel realizes how peaceful cats are.
worked, quietly helped each other until the end of the day and
Furze entered the camp carrying his prey.
As the sun went down, the Nuns finished their work and.
then settled around the opening to eat. Moonlight
The squirrel pushed a young rabbit towards and
he looked at the purple sky where the stars began.
to show. "Look, I'm not going to let you.
The squirrel followed his gaze to the hillside.
The stars seemed to yawn in the right line.
"Claw Stars show the sunset."
Moonlight staring open on the grass
Stone was sitting next to their mother sharing a squirrel.
"It's a beautiful night for our sons.
He's walking around."
"Tonight?" The squirrel's heart hurts the way he sees it.
Stormy nudge Grass lovingly and tear a strip
Stone. "Storm?"
"You'll have seen the stars by now," Moonlight said.
its matter-of-factly. Grey she-cat padded to join
Fırtına ve toms.
Squirrel leaf star carried rabbit and went to bed
Before that. The SkyClan leader was asleep.
He's resting in his barrel. He raised his head.
the squirrel sat next to him and was sleepy as he winked
Rabbit. "Is the cave ready?"
"Not yet, but we've made good progress."
He looked half-finished on the squirrel flight. "We can do this.
Leave the rest of the vines tomorrow. I can
they suggest you lay in a branch throughout the entrance
prevent kits from going out."
Leafstar pushed himself into the seating position and
Let him smell the rabbit. "It's like you're home here. Hsa
Are you planning on staying?" Squirrel eyes.
by the accused.
"No, of course not." The squirrel raised his jaw.
"But I can make myself useful.
It's right here."
"Don't make yourself very useful," Leafstar
Grunting. "They may decide to keep you forever."
Squirrel, smash a piece of rabbit.
And he settled down to eat. The nuns had a good life.
He's here, but he misses his clan friends. He was curious.
What it's like to live without a warrior code. This
The sisters had their own codes, but they were very.

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