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TERM  TEST  1 Level 2 Name: Mark: .

Vocabulary and Grammar (50 points)

1 Choose the word or phrase that doesn’t belong. Then add a word to each group. (5 points)
1. tall • long • narrow • old
2. fantasy • adventure • documentary • science-fiction
3. shopping centre • café • train station • supermarket
4. chat online • ride a bike • play computer games • download songs
5. leg • eye • nose • ear

2 Match A to B to form sentences. (3 points)

1. He loves watching comedies a. so his teachers get angry with him.
2. David often forgets to do his homework, b. so don’t eat it.
3. I like sleeping in my armchair c. in the park behind the school.
4. The banana is green, d. so I’m going home now.
5. It’s late, e. because they’re always funny.
6. They often meet their friends f. in the living room.

3 Change the words in bold to correct the sentences. (4 points)

1. John has got a shower in the bedroom.
2. Zombies and vampires are usually in crime films.
3. Friday is the first day of the week.
4. Our family have breakfast together every evening.
5. People often put lamps on their windows.
6. We put books on a rug.
7. We use a chair to make hot food.
8. I go to bed at 7 o’clock in the morning and get ready for school.

4 Complete the sentences with suitable words. (4 points)

1. In an exam, I write with a and use a rubber when I want to change the answer.
2. Do you see my sister? She’s sitting Ryan and Tony.
3. You wash your hands in the .
4. There is a big in our town. We play tennis and football there.
5. Sometimes I get a little hungry after school, so I – often a small sandwich.
6. My friend Reece loves watching and he sings along during the films.
7. My father’s sister is my .
8. Today, many people download books from the Internet, so they don’t go to the to get books.

 Advanced Think Ahead 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

TERM TEST 1: Level 2

5 Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you need. (4 points)
department store • young • post office • desks • hotel • dining room
cute • restaurant • maths • action • bank • French • sofas

You’re in a town in the USA. Like in all towns, there’s a main street with shops. However, you can’t put
money into the 1. , you can’t stay for a night at the 2. and you can’t
send letters at the 3.
. There’s a 4.
, but it doesn’t sell any meals.
There are also criminals in this town, but they’re really just actors. So, what is this town? Is it part of a new
film? No, it isn’t. It’s actually a classroom with students, but they aren’t sitting at
and they aren’t trying to do 7. exercises. Students are of different
ages – some are 8.
and some are middle-aged, but they’re all learning to be FBI agents
or special police officers.

6 Complete the sentences. Write one, two or three words in each space. (6 points)
1. a market opposite the famous church.
2. Are there old library books under your bed?
3. I a red pen, but do you want a green one?
4. Debbie’s hair light or dark?
5. Are pencils here yours or mine?
6. Sammy a dog because he doesn’t like pets.
7. How often you the guitar?
8. some science books on the table.
9. We rarely shopping.
10. Why you still ? It’s time to get up and get ready for school.
11. The girls football. They’re riding their bikes.
12. I’ve got orange pencil case.

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TERM TEST 1: Level 2

7 Write sentences with the words below. Add any necessary words. (5 points)
1. any / interesting articles / in that magazine / ?

2. Tom / not want / fish for dinner / .

3. George / a big desk / in his bedroom / ?

4. Anna / read / a book / in the library / right now / .

5. where / the / train station / in this town / ?

6. not / a post office / near our home / .

7. these flowers / not smell / good / .

8. why / you / surf / the web right now / ?

9. Brian / watch TV / every afternoon / .

10. I / not sit / on the sofa / now / .

8 Write questions for the answers in bold. (3 points)

I live in one of the houses behind the department store.
I’m sitting here because I’m waiting for a friend.
Charles studies maths on Monday and Thursday.
Yes, they have. Jenny and Rachel have got long hair.
No, that desk isn’t Johnny’s.
Yes, there are. There are two banks on Main Street.

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TERM TEST 1: Level 2

9 Correct the sentences. (6 points)

1. That pencil case isn’t yours, it’s my.

2. They are knowing the answer.

3. Sarah is doing his homework in the library.

4. How do Kate get to school – by car or by bus?

5. Tom brother doesn’t like playing computer games.

6. I watching my favourite TV programme right now.

10 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. (10 points)

Abraham Smith looks ordinary, but he is 1. unusual boy. He 2. short

hair and 3.
eyes are brown. Like other children in Year 8, Abraham 4.

to school every day. Right now, Abraham and his twin brother Johnny 5. computer games
on their new Xbox. This isn’t unusual, but Abraham and Johnny are different from other students. They
live in a house with their parents. They live in their own caravan and they
a car, although they are young. 8. is a silver Smart car. They
horses, too. Their uncle, Tony, is a champion fighter and he 10.
them to fight now. You can see Abraham and Johnny on the TV programme Gypsy Kids.

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