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FINAL EXAM 2  Name: Mark: .

Written Comprehension (20 points)

An Article
1 Read the article. Then number the sentences that follow in the correct order. (5 points)

When Andrés Ruzo was a boy, he lived in Lima, Peru. There,
his grandfather told him a fascinating story about a boiling hot
river in Mayantuyacu, in the Peruvian Amazon. People died in
the river because the water was so hot.
Years later, Andrés moved to Texas, in the US. He studied
science, and he did a research project on energy under the
Earth. He remembered his grandfather’s story, so he asked his
professors about hot rivers. According to them, you can only find
hot rivers near volcanoes. The nearest volcano from
Mayantuyacu is 700 km away.

Then, in 2011, on a trip home to Peru, Andrés’ aunt took him
into the forest. There, he discovered something amazing – a
river with water between 80ºC and 100ºC. After his discovery,
Andrés often visited the 6.4-kilometre river. He saw local people
cooking food and making tea in the river, and also washing their
clothes. According to his aunt, you can swim there, but only after
15 heavy rain. This is because the rain water cools the river water.
So how is this river possible? Rain water from the Andes
Mountains slowly enters the Earth. It flows under the ground for
many kilometres, collecting hot energy. Finally, it comes out of
the ground in the Amazon, creating a 25-metre-wide hot river.
20 But today, the river and the area of Mayantuyacu are in danger.
People are cutting down the trees and the government is
building roads. When Andrés travelled to the boiling river in
November 2011, he took a two-hour car ride from Pucallpa, the
largest city in the central Peruvian Amazon. Then, he took a

30-minute motorised canoe ride, and finally, an hour-long hike
through the jungle. But when he travelled to the boiling river
again in May 2014, he made the whole trip from Pucallpa to the
river by car in three hours. The effects of tree cutting and road
building go far into the jungle. Sadly, if these actions continue,
the river will probably become dirty and the forest, with its
mysteries, will soon disappear.

30 a. Andrés studied science in Texas.

b. Andrés took a canoe into the rainforest.
c. Andrés found something amazing.
d. Andrés heard a strange story.
e. Andrés received the opinions of experts.

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2 Answer the questions. (10 points)

1. Why is the story of the boiling hot river hard for scientists to believe?

2. Where does the river water come from and how does it become hot?

3. How did Andrés get to the river the first time?

4. How did he get there the second time and why was this trip different?

5. How does the writer feel about the change? Why?

3 Find words in the text to match the following definitions. (5 points)

1. very interesting (lines 1-4)
2. went to live (lines 5-10)
3. continues going in one direction (lines 18-21)
4. a type of small boat (lines 22-28)
5. the opposite of clean (lines 29-33)

Written Production (10 points)

Task 1: An E-mail
Imagine you’re going to an unusual place on holiday this year.
Write an e-mail to a friend telling him / her about it. Include
the following:
a. how long you are going to be there
b. clothes you must bring
c. type of food there
d. why the place is interesting

Task 2: A Note
Imagine you’re going to a friend’s party and you will probably
arrive home late. Write a note to your mum. Include the
a. where you are going
b. what you are going to do there
c. when you are coming home

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Oral Comprehension (10 points)
1 Listen to the announcements. Then choose the correct answer. (5 points)
1. What time is Hayley Star going to sing?

a. b. c.

2. What sports team is the school starting?

a. b. c.

3. What can you get by showing your ticket for Cinema Day?

a. b. c.

4. What does Tom need to make the pasta sauce?

a. b. c.

5. What is opposite the church?

a. b. c.

2 Listen again and answer the questions. (5 points)

1. What time is it now – during the announcement at Ford Park Festival?

2. How do students begin their sports lesson?

3. Where can you have lunch at Cinema Day?

4. What does Tom want to add to the sauce?

5. Where is Sam at the moment?

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Oral Production (10 points)

A Conversation
Ask your partner questions to complete the chart.
My partner’s answers
1. a place he / she visited last summer
2. a description of the place
3. what he / she did there
4. a place he / she is going to visit this summer
5. what he / she will probably do there

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