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                                     THE SIGMA MALE CODEX
                                                          RULES FOR THE SIGMA MALE
                                  Written By Dannell Jone s         
If you are reading this then it means that you are very intelligent and in
search of knowledge and if you are reading this and you are not in search of
knowledge you will have it by the time you are done. So I  know what you
are saying” what exactly is a sigma male?” Well, the sigma male by
definition is a man who does not think or act like everyone else where the
alpha male always wants to be seen the sigma male keeps a low profile as
not to draw attention to himself, also the sigma male is the most valued
prize amongst women because unlike the alpha male the sigma male makes
no effort to chase women rather he “catches” women with his intellect. I am
a sigma male and it took me a long time to come to that realization I knew
that an alpha male because I had no desire to chase every woman that I saw
and I knew that I wasn’t a beta male because they don’t believe that they
can get a woman, so I had to fall somewhere in between which brought me
to the concept of the sigma male it made perfect sense I am educated and
quiet and I am constantly analyzing everything around me. It became very
apparent to me that because I was a sigma male that my tolerance level for
ignorance and foolishness was about as thin as pizza crust and then one day
a light bulb went off in my head why not write about my experiences as a
sigma male a code if you will and share it with others who may be sigma
males and even if they are not it can still be a useful tool in identifying a
sigma male which brings me to the sigma male codex a list of codes and
rules that govern the sigma male from the time he gets up till the time that
he goes to bed. When it’s all said and done I think you will find this to be a
very interesting read indeed never let anyone tell you that the sigma male is
not a high valued prize, quite the opposite he is more valuable than a pot of
gold and if this book is his bible then the codex shall be his gospel.
Codex Number 1- The Sigma Male reads which means he is obsessed with
educating himself and gaining knowledge and
CodexNumber 2-The Sigma Male is very quiet he is always analyzing and
overanalyzing everything 
Codex Number 3-The Sigma Male approach to dealing with women is
different from that of the Alpha Male whereas the Alpha Male believes he
must chase every woman the Sigma Male understands that when you chase
someone it implies that they are running from you and at the end of the day
the goal is to get the individual to run to you
Codex Number 4-The Sigma Male is the most powerful man in the room
because he is the quietest man in the room
Codex Number 5-When the Sigma Male sees his male co-workers hitting
on a female co-worker his approach will be different, rather than hitting on
her he will walk up to her and say hello and walk away which will make
him mysterious in her eyes and spark her curiosity
Codex Number6-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “Treat me the way you
want to be treated and if you can not then I will have to cut you loose”
Codex Number7-The Sigma Male is a loner for the Sigma Male knows he is
his own best friend
Codex Number8-The Sigma Male would never dream of hanging out with a
large group of males for he understands that is a waste of his time
CodexNumber9-The Sigma Male has very high standards when it comes to
women and as such, any woman that he deals with must be a reflection of
the type of man that  he is
Codex Number10-The Sigma Male would never tolerate being told to “Just
let it go” after being mistreated by someone, as a matter of fact, he will plot
his revenge in a manner and timetable of his choosing
Codex Number11-The Sigma Male is a patient man which makes him a
very dangerous man because he has all the time in the world to plan
Codex Number12-The Sigma Male understands that revenge is a long term
goal, not a short term game
Codex Number13-The Sigma Male understands that just the thought of
what he might do to you is far worse than what he actually does
Codex Number14-The Sigma Male does not waste his time with petty
conversation because it adds nothing to his day
Codex Number15-The Sigma Male is very selective when it comes to all
aspects of his life
Codex Number16-The Sigma Male keeps a wall built up around him to
keep certain people out
Codex Number17-The Sigma Male listens to everything that a woman tells
him because he understands details are very important and women love a
man who listens
Codex Number18-The Sigma Male understands that there is a science to
Codex Number19-The Sigma Male shows respect and courtesy to everyone
as long as it is shown back
Codex Number20-The Sigma Male takes life very seriously and can’t
understand why others do not
Codex Number21-The Sigma Male understands that true power comes from
Codex Number22-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “I trust that whatever
will happen happens and I trust everything will be perfect
Codex Number23-The Sigma Male understands he does not need material
things to get a woman all he needs to do is to be different
Codex Number24-The Sigma Male knows that he is a wolf amongst dogs
Codex Number25-The Sigma Male knows that brains always beats brawn
Codex Number26-The Sigma Male knows that research is the key that
destroys all obstacles
Codex Number27-The Sigma Male knows that absence makes the heart
grow fonder for when you are absent from someone’s view only then can
they appreciate you
Codex Number28-The Sigma Male never lets emotion cloud his judgment
Codex Number29-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “A wise man lives
forever but a fool dies young
Codex Number30-The Sigma Male understands that numbers without
power mean nothing
Codex Number31-When dealing with a woman the Sigma Male never
conforms to her way of thinking, rather she must conform to his
Codex Number32-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “calm, cool, and
Codex Number33-The Sigma Male has power because he knows that he is
the power
Codex Number34-The Sigma Male knows that his mission in life is to give
knowledge to those that want it
Codex Number35-The Sigma Male operates on the stealth mentality,
meaning he only makes his presence known when need be
Codex Number36-The Sigma Male understands that his presence can be a
positive or a negative in any situation
Codex Number37-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “revenge is a dish
best served cold”
Codex Number38-The Sigma Male never lets anyone outthink him
Codex Number39-The Sigma Male understands life is short but death is
very long so he lives his life accordingly
Codex Number40-The Sigma Male understands that peace of mind is very
Codex Number41-The Sigma Male understands that a man that does not
read questions nothing but a man that does read questions everything
Codex Number42-The Sigma Male looks for intelligent conversation in any
woman he is interested in
Codex Number43-The Sigma Male looks for women in need of mental
Codex Number44-The Sigma Male rarely smiles because he operates in a
very serious world
Codex Number45-The Sigma Male never allows himself to be
Codex Number46-The Sigma Male is always involved in deep thought
Codex Number47-NO matter how angry the Sigma Male gets he will
always come back to his moment of clarity
Codex Number48-The Sigma Male never places limits on himself
Codex Number49-The Sigma Male never doubts his self worth because at
the end of the day he understands that he is the ultimate prize
Codex Number50-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “I will never stoop to
your level rather I will make you rise to mine”
Codex Number51-The Sigma Male deals with every  situation from a
tactical and strategic perspective
Codex Number52-The three most important qualities that the Sigma Male
looks for in a woman are intelligence, trustworthiness, and reliability
Codex Number53-The Sigma Male understands that you must always bring
balance to any situation
Codex Number54-The Sigma Male understands that one of his greatest
talents is his creative mind
Codex Number55-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “If I can envision it
then I can accomplish it”
Codex Number56-The Sigma Male never forgets those that treat him right
and he always remembers those that treat him wrong
Codex Number57-The Sigma Male does not lose his mind over someone
that does not mind losing you
Codex Number58-The Sigma Male understands that a man that knows how
to treat a woman will always be able to keep one
Codex Number59-The Sigma Male understands that whenever someone
tells him to “Just let it go” what they are really saying is that they don’t
believe that they have the power to punish their enemies
Codex Number60-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “You can do
whatever you wanna do but you can’t do it with me”
Codex Number61-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” You may be cold
but I’m colder
Codex Number62-The Sigma Male is an above-average male and therefore
engages in above-average thinking
Codex Number63-The Sigma Male    understands   that when people hate
him he must be doing something right
Codex Number64-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “Those that fail to
plan plan to fail”
Codex Number65-The Sigma Male understands that before he  can 
stimulate a woman physically  he must first stimulate her mentally
Codex Number66-The Sigma Male believes that if he has to beg for
something then he does not need it
Codex Number67-The Sigma Male keeps conversation to a minimum
Codex Number68-The Sigma Male never tries to explain himself to anyone
Codex Number69-The Sigma Male understands that in order to debate
anyone the person that he is debating must have an intelligence level either
equal to or greater than his
Codex Number70-The Sigma Male is a chameleon because he can adapt to
any environment
Codex Number71-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “When you treat me
like a dog you bring the wolf out of me”
Codex Number72-The difference between the Alpha Male and the Sigma
Male is as follows, The Alpha Male is a dog who chases but the Sigma is a
wolf who hunts
Codex Number73-The Sigma Male understands that the greatest menace is
that which is unseen because you can’t fight what you can’t see
Codex Number74-The Sigma Male understands that the most important
piece of jewelry that a man can wear is a watch because a watch tells time,
time is mathematics, mathematics is numbers, and numbers rule the
Codex Number75-The Sigma Male understands that he is not the exception
but the norm
Codex Number76-The Sigma Male knows that the two most powerful
weapons in his arsenal are his ability to be polite and charming
Codex Number77-The Sigma Male understands that before he can believe
in anyone else he must first believe in himself
Codex Number78-The Sigma Male understands that more he allows
someone to talk the more information he can get out of them
Codex Number79-The Sigma Male knows that the key to winning any
battle is to be able to outthink your opponent
Codex Number80-The Sigma Male understands that revenge and justice are
one and the same
Codex Number81-The Sigma Male understands that he can never miss what
he never had
Codex Number82-The Sigma Male will never let anyone control his
Codex Number83-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “I do not forgive and
I do not forget
Codex Number84- The Sigma Male understands that you never get a
second chance to make a first impression
Codex Number85-The Sigma Male will always pick and choose his words
very carefully
Codex Number86-The Sigma Male understands that words are very
powerful because he knows that the power comes from knowing the
definition of a word
Codex Number87-The Sigma Male understands that in life without balance
you have chaos
Codex Number88-The Sigma Male always looks for the long term potential
in any woman that he is interested in
Codex Number89-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “Why worship a king
when you can be one”
Codex Number90-The Sigma Male understands that jealousy and envy are
for the weak
Codex Number91-The Sigma Male understands that when you control the
mind the body will follow
Codex Number92-The Sigma Male has the ability to assess any situation
very quickly
Codex Number 93-The Sigma Male becomes most dangerous when those
that mistreat him underestimate him
Codex Number94-The Sigma Male understands that the only secret in the
world is the history that you do not know
Codex Number95-The Sigma Male understands that the past is nothing
more than a reflection  of the present
Codex Number96-The Sigma will always trust you until you give him a
reason not to
Codex Number97-The Sigma Male understands that there is a time and
place for everything
Codex Number98-The Sigma Male understands that discipline is the key to
getting what he wants
Codex Number99-If you have gotten to this very last codex then you are
probably a Sigma Male
Bonus Codex Number 1-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” If I want you
I can find you”
Bonus Codex Number 2-The Sigma Male only makes time for women that
are worth his time
Bonus Codex Number 3-The Sigma Male understands that the best way to
teach anyone is to lead by example
Bonus Codex Number4-The Sigma Male understands that in order to
understand where an individual is coming from you have to be where they
are at
Bonus Codex Number5-The Sigma Male will always observe a woman’s
behavior long before he would ever consider approaching her
Bonus Codex Number6-The Sigma Male is very outgoing once you get to
know him
Bonus Codex Number7-The Sigma Male is a man of his word
Bonus Codex Number8-The Sigma Male understands that in life it’s the
little things that mean a lot
Bonus Codex Number9-The Sigma Male will declare war on anyone or
anything that is a threat to his peace of mind
Bonus Codex Number10-The Sigma Male understands that for a lot of
women he is the need that they do not want
Bonus Codex Number11-The Sigma Male understands that no man knows
everything but every man knows something
Bonus Codex Number12-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” I lead you
Bonus Codex Number13-When the Sigma Male sets a goal for himself he
accomplishes it
Bonus Codex Number14-The Sigma Male lives by the motto “confuse them
with your silence shock them with your results”
Bonus Codex Number15-The Sigma Male understands that he must always
be the star of his own movie
Bonus Codex Number16-The Sigma Male understands that that getting into
a woman’s mindset is the first thing you do when getting to know her
Bonus Codex Number17-The Sigma Male understands that for every day
that you are alive you must accomplish at least one new thing
Bonus Codex Number18-When the Sigma Male travels he doesn’t take
vacations he goes on adventures
Bonus Codex Number19-The Sigma Male never likes being the center of
Bonus Codex Number20-The Sigma Male does not argue for it is a waste of
his time
Bonus Codex Number21-The Sigma Male views his brain as being a
weapon and reading as the tool that sharpens it
Bonus Codex Number22-The Sigma Male always carries himself in a
dignified manner
Bonus Codex Number23-The Sigma Male understands that using proper
vocabulary is a sign of extreme discipline
Bonus Codex Number24-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” I will shine
so bright that I will burn your eyes”
Bonus Codex Number25-The Sigma Male will always listen to his inner
voice first
Bonus Codex Number26-The Sigma Male lives motto” speak it into
Bonus Codex Number27-The Sigma Male understands that patience pays
Bonus Codex Number28-The Sigma Male learns from his mistakes and
makes sure not to repeat them
Bonus Codex Number29-The Sigma Male understands that doing for
yourself is the ultimate freedom
Bonus Codex Number30-The Sigma Male understands he is valuable
because he is rare
Bonus Codex Number31-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” Wise  men
plan foolish men plot”
Bonus Codex Number32-The Sigma Male is always dependable
Bonus Codex Number33-The Sigma Male is flexible when need be
Bonus Codex Number34-The Sigma Male is always enthusiastic and
excited when starting new endeavors in his life
Bonus Codex Number35-The Sigma Male understands that if he has to let
you go then you weren’t worth holding onto, to begin with
Bonus Codex Number36-The Sigma Male loves to learn
Bonus Codex Number37-The Sigma Male can be found with a book in his
hand constantly
Bonus Codex Number38-The Sigma Male is extremely passionate about
things that matter to him
Bonus Codex Number39-The Sigma Male only deals with women who can
match him intellectually
Bonus Codex Number40-The Sigma Male values communication
Bonus Codex Number41-The Sigma Male hates secrets
Bonus  Codex Number42-The Sigma Male is very faithful
Bonus Codex Number43-The Sigma Male is very loyal
Bonus Codex Number44-The Sigma Male is very sensitive to the pain of
Bonus Codex Number45-For the Sigma Male words can be a weapon of
Bonus Codex Number46-The Sigma Male understands that a bit of
knowledge has more value than a lot of ignorance
Bonus Codex Number47-The Sigma Male is fascinated by other cultures
Bonus Codex Number48-The Sigma Male never sees himself as being
Bonus Codex Number49-The Sigma Male is the clearest of thinkers
Bonus Codex Number50-The Sigma Male is playful, flirtatious, and funny
when dealing with the object of his desire
Bonus Codex Number51-One of the greatest traits that the Sigma male has
in his arsenal is the ability to think and speak clearly
Bonus Codex Number52-The Sigma Male is fascinated by the world itself
Bonus Codex Number53-The Sigma Male values verbal contact before
physical contact
Bonus Codex Number54-The Sigma Male tries not to dwell on the past but
rather look toward the future
Bonus Codex Number55-The Sigma Male is always in constant search of
Bonus Codex Number56-The Sigma Male must have mental stimulation
Bonus Codex Number57-The Sigma Male is very skillful, inventive, and
extremely smart
Bonus Codex Number58-The Sigma Male loves to spread knowledge
Bonus Codex Number59-The Sigma Male can lose interest very quickly if
there is no compatibility
Bonus Codex Number60-The Sigma Male is very good at multitasking
Bonus Codex Number61-The Sigma Male does not care what others think
of him
Bonus Codex Number62-The Sigma Male is most attracted to a woman that
will challenge him and intrigue him
Bonus Codex Number63-The Sigma Male likes a female who will not allow
others to interfere in her love life
Bonus Codex Number64-The Sigma Male doesn’t like games or mixed
Bonus Codex Number65-The Sigma Male is turned off by women who play
hard to get
Bonus Codex Number66-The Sigma Male will never tolerate jealousy or
clingy behavior
Bonus Codex Number67-The Sigma Male has a dominant personality
Bonus Codex Number68-The Sigma Male spends a lot of time self-
Bonus Codex Number69-The Sigma Male never makes a decision without
thinking it through very thoroughly
Bonus Codex Number70-The Sigma Male never allows himself to get
caught up in the drama of the outside world
Bonus Codex Number71-The Sigma Male is always obsessed with self-
Bonus Codex Number72-The Sigma Male learns from his mistakes and
vows never to repeat them
Bonus Codex Number73-When the Sigma Male tells you something it
always has a deeper meaning
Bonus Codex Number74-The Sigma Male should always be taken seriously
Bonus Codex Number75-Never confuse the Sigma Males silence with
Bonus Codex Number76-The Sigma Male is naturally intelligent
Bonus CodexNumber77-The Sigma Male is very good at analyzing people,
places, and things
Bonus Codex Number78-The Sigma Male is a quick learner
Bonus Codex Number79-The Sigma Male only socializes with those that
understand him
Bonus Codex Number80-The Sigma Male does not play hard to get he
really is hard to get
Bonus Codex Number81-The Sigma Male loves an independent  woman
Bonus Codex Number82-The Sigma Male avoids confrontational women
Bonus Codex Number83-The Sigma Male will retaliate if backed into a
Bonus Codex Number84-The Sigma Male is a loyal lover
Bonus Codex Number85-The Sigma Male has no patience for those that
Bonus Codex Number86-The passions and interests of the Sigma Male are
extremely diverse
Bonus Codex Number87-The Sigma Male is very independent and can’t be
Bonus Codex Number88-The Sigma Male believes in forging his own path
in life
Bonus Codex Number89-The Sigma Male does not believe in living in
someone else’s shadow
Bonus Codex Number90-The Sigma Male lives life on his own terms
Bonus Codex Number91-The Sigma Male investigates something until he
gets to the bottom of it
Bonus Codex Number92-The Sigma Male never allows his manhood to be
questioned by those that are beneath him
Bonus Codex  Number93-The Sigma Male is never afraid to tell you
exactly what he thinks
Bonus Codex Number94-The Sigma Male knows exactly what to say to
make someone feel better
Bonus Codex Number95-The Sigma Male understands that to the
uninitiated he may seem a bit weird
Bonus Codex Number96-The Sigma Male can be extremely persuasive
when need be
Bonus Codex Number97-The Sigma Male has a restless soul that craves
new experiences
Bonus Codex Number98-The Sigma Male operates on highs and lows
Bonus Codex Number99-The Sigma Male is very guarded when it comes to
his personal life
Bonus Codex Number100-Once the Sigma Male commits to a relationship
he is all in
Bonus Codex Number101-The Sigma Male has an adventurous spirit
Bonus Codex Number102-The Sigma Male can be very sarcastic at times
Bonus Codex Number103-The Sigma Male understands that the biggest
obstacle in his life is himself
Bonus Codex Number104-The Sigma Male can sense the hidden agenda in
an individual
Bonus Codex Number105-The Sigma Male understands that not everyone
operates on his moral compass
Bonus Codex Number106-The Sigma Male has emotions like a light
switch, meaning that he can cut them on and off at will
Bonus Codex Number107-The Sigma Male understands that the only
person he can control is himself
Bonus Codex Nuber108-The Sigma Males inner wisdom is rarely wrong
Bonus Codex Number109-The Sigma Male never tolerates cheating
Bonus Codex Number110-The Sigma Male tends to be very family-oriented
Bonus Codex Number111-The Sigma Male understands that he can never
be addicted to someone who is not addicted to him
Bonus Codex Number112-The Sigma Male does not invest his time into
things that don’t work
Bonus Codex Number113-The Sigma Male Understands that success and
accomplishment is its own reward
Bonus Codex Number114-The Sigma Male understands mystery builds
Bonus Codex Number115-The Sigma Male understands that when hanging
around negative people you become what they are
Bonus CodexNumber116-The Sigma Male understands that when a man
becomes what he hates, he hates what he becomes
Bonus Codex Number117-The Sigma Male never loses focus when
Bonus Codex Number118-The Sigma Male by the motto” never get
addicted to sadness”
Bonus Codex Number119-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” you attract
that which you are”
Bonus Codex Number120-The Sigma Males biggest critic is himself
Bonus Codex Number121-The Sigma Male understands that since nothing
lasts forever, he must make the most of what he has now
Bonus Codex Number122-The Sigma Male never let’s pain become his
Bonus Codex Number123-The Sigma Male understands that struggle 
makes the man
Bonus Codex  Number124-The Sigma Male understands that sometimes
when the boy cries wolf it’s not the wolf that you need to look at
Bonus Codex Number125- For the Sigma Male there is nothing fouler than
a foul-mouthed  female
Bonus Codex Number126-The Sigma Male lets his talent speak for him
Bonus Codex Number127-The Sigma Male understands that the uneducated
fear intelligence
Bonus CodexNumber128-The Sigma Male understands that a weak woman
is a dangerous woman
Bonus Codex Number129-The Sigma Male understands that when he does
for himself he will never have to depend on someone else
Bonus Codex Number130-The Sigma Male never tells his business
Bonus Codex Number131-The Sigma Male is suspicious of those that talk
too much
Bonus Codex Number132-The Sigma Male is suspicious of those that lack
Bonus Codex Number133-The Sigma Male understands that the only thing
that separates a man from a monster is compassion
Bonus Codex Number134-The Sigma Male understands that a man
becomes most dangerous when he has nothing to lose therefore he must
operate from the mindset of what can I achieve
Bonus Codex Number135-The Sigma Male understands that whenever
karma strikes it’s always on time
Bonus Codex Number136-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” I will get
over it after I get even”
Bonus Codex Number137-The Sigma Male does not and will not hold on to
anything that doesn’t want to be held
Bonus Codex Number138-The Sigma Male understands that he is his
greatest investment
Bonus Codex Number139-The Sigma Male understands that in life the
game never changes just the players
Bonus Codex Number140-The Sigma Male never puts his energy into
anything that will drain his energy
Bonus Codex Number141-The Sigma Male understands that a man that has
no fear is to be feared
Bonus Codex Number142-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” always be
the book that none can read”
Bonus CodexNumber143-For the Sigma Male it’s not what a woman brings
to the table that is the plus but rather what she doesn’t bring to the table that
is the plus
Bonus Codex Number144-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” think like a
soldier, not a hostage
Bonus Codex Number145-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” I’m in
control you’re just along for the ride”
Bonus Codex Number146-The Sigma Male achieves the possible when he
removes the impossible
Bonus Codex Number147-The Sigma Male lives by the motto” if you do
not want to prosper with me then you shall suffer  without me”
And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, The Sigma Male Codex all
two hundred and forty-six of them to say that this book was a labor of love
would be a complete understatement but after reading it I truly hope that
you will walk away with a better understanding for what a Sigma Male is as
well as giving you much food for thought.
Copyright©2020 All rights reserved

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