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Rozan Chaya B.

Marquez NSTP 1

Role of the Youth in Nation Building

The term "nation building" refers to a constructive process of including all citizens in
the development of social cohesion, economic prosperity, and political stability in a
democratic and inclusive manner. It's a system in which everyone has access to and influence
over the structures and mechanisms that govern their lives. The future, as much as the
present, of our country is in the hands of its young. As a result, youngsters play a vital role in
nation building.

The young of today are in a unique position. He has the potential to help create a
nation by putting others before himself. With the advancement of technology and scientific
breakthroughs, the Filipino youth today has more opportunities to contribute to the nation's
development by selfless service and above self-commitment.

The role of youth is critical.  It has been undervalued in the political arena. It has the
potential to be critical in the fight against terrorism. Because youth constitute the country's
strength, youth engagement is critical. Youth are capable of recognizing and solving issues.
In social movements, youth are powerful powers. They instill in youngsters a sense of their
own rights. They assist other young people in improving their intellectual abilities and
becoming qualified adults.

Education is an important tool in empowering the young which will provide a firm
foundation and framework that will help shape a better Philippines in the long term.
Education entails not just academic excellence but also excellence in the social realm. They
should be spiritually, morally, and ethnically upright so that the learning they get at home and
at school is reinforced by virtues, morals, and standards. Armed with knowledge and values,
they may reach out to the less fortunate members of society and impart knowledge that will
help them improve their life. However, it is equally important to remember that young people
must believe in themselves, that if they work hard, they may become a valuable asset to
national progress both individually and collectively.

The baton is passed down from generation to generation, with the younger generation
waiting in the wings. Young people have more aspirations, passions, and hopes at the same
time. When the nation is in imminent danger, they should be the first to respond. Youth may
play a positive part in protecting a country's national interest, national security, and
ideological position by taking on positive duties and responsibilities.

The nation's backbone is its youth. They made significant contributions to the
advancement of our community. Youths have played an important part in almost every aspect
of the nation's growth, whether it be cultural, social, or economic. As models, actresses,
social workers, prolific authors, and athletes, they make significant contributions to the
community on many levels.

Despite their significant contribution to the development process, they have been
underappreciated by society. Youths have also been left out of major socioeconomic choices
in society. Unemployment, underemployment, and poverty are some of the issues that
prevent young people from reaching their full potential for their own personal and societal
benefit. Unemployment and underemployment are widespread in our society as a result of a
lack of cheap and high-quality education and training.

Women endure discrimination, exclusion, and violence based on their gender, as well
as unequal access to education and leadership possibilities. Young women and girls have
been barred from participating in economic activities due to gender discrimination. It is
critical to give equitable chances to adolescents in order to achieve long-term growth.

Youths' contributions to the country's sustainable growth and development is not fully
appreciated or utilized. In a variety of sectors, our country's youth are making a difference as
leaders, activists, and role models. Young leaders' enthusiasm and motivation are critical for
speeding progress toward our country's long-term development.

Youths are frequently poorly equipped to achieve their full potential due to a lack of
direction, support, and acknowledgment from government and other decision makers, which
has a detrimental impact on their lives and society. Young people are the most important
resources for bringing about positive change in society because they are encouraged and
inspired citizens. They have the capacity to play a key role in the nation's prosperity and

As a result, we must embrace the strengths of our youth for the advancement of our country.
We must harness their boundless energy, creative ideas, and unique views. Youth is without a
doubt the nation's most cherished possession, and the sooner we recognize and harness their
full potential and strength, the faster our country will advance and develop.

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