05b Vae notes-BarbaraDeAngelis-CreatingAbundancefromtheInsideOut

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Creating Abundance from the Inside Out

“Everything begins with abundance inside of our consciousness.”

-Barbara DeAngelis

Definition of Abundance
 Spiritual Wealth
 Service
 Fulfillment

Ways to Create Abundance from Inside Out

 Invest in Self
 Invest in Inner Consciousness
 Love
 Abundance
 Service
 Not about the money
 Must receive and feel deserving for Abundance
 Vibration
 People don’t listen to words as much as feeling your energy

 Want to GET mentality
 Unable to RECEIVE mentality
 People feel disconnected instead of connected with Source
 Channel to receive is closed
 Emotional Doors closed
 Lack of Trust
 Fear and Negative Mindset
Overcoming Obstacles
 Allow the energy flow in
 Power of Circulation
 Become a great giver and receiver

Remember: Everything is energy!

Mantra: “Shift from what I GET consciousness to what I can RECEIVE


Scarcity Mentality
 Concept of “Get” mentality
 Too many goals
 Feeling that you need to GET more than GIVE

Points to Remember to Achieve more Abundance

 Many laws interact with other laws
 How powerful is the thinker?
 Which vibration are you putting out?
 How powerful is your transmitter?
 Shifting the energy

48-Hour Energy Shift Test: Every hour to honor self and someone else

Benefits of Creating Abundance from Inside Out:

 Make energy shifts
 More relaxed/Less Stress
 More attractive
 Ability to shift quickly in energy
 Vibrate what you want
 Personal inner mastery
 Sense of confidence

Final Comment:

Remember that we make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves

strong, but amount of work is the same. Nothing is missing within you.

Carry-Over Notes

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