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Speaking and Vocabulary
1. In my opinion globalisation is a process of creating a new type of links
between enterprises, countries and societies aiming at the unification of
the world in the cultural, economic, technological and legal spheres.

2. 1) world
2) improvements
3) communications
4) experience
5) life

3. 1) For me the most important cause of globalisation is entertainment

because e.g. when you have the access to YouTube or TV you can find
some videos or someone who has a different culture or live in a different
country than you and see in what ways yours lives are similar. Who
knows maybe you will borrow something from their culture and use it in
your everyday life?
2) The second important cause of globalisation is communication
advances. You can use Omegle, Zoom and other sites to communicate
with people all around the world and share your experience with them.

4. 4a.
1) workers
2) gap
3) poverty
4) understanding
5) cultures
6) environment
7) manufacturing
8) competition
9) standards
10) companies
1) I agree
2) I agree
3) I disagree
4) I agree
5) I agree
6) I disagree
7) I agree
8) I agree
9) I agree
10) I disagree

Reading and Listening

For or against Reasons
1 Marco For Better products,
cheaper to produce,
new opportunities for
travel work and
education, faster rate
of development
2 Cindy Against Sweatshops in poor
countries, destruction
of natural resources,
benefits rich nations
3 Anna For Access to information,
global mobility,
competitiveness and
4 David Against Only good for those
who are economically
strong, big
companies have more
power and influence
than elected
governments, big
companies are richer
than some countries
6. Potrzebny Listening

7. Marco’s view point : Globalisation is a good thing because it leads to

better quality products so we don’t have to spend money on a new
products and we have a new opportunities like student exchange to
travel around world and share experiences.

Anna’s view point: Globalisation is a good thing because we have an

infinite access to information from all around the world from which we
can learn a lot and it increases employment so we don’t have to worry
too much about being unemployed after we finish school.

8. 8a.
1) choice
2) change
3) greed
4) trade
5) rights
6) natural
7) global
8) multinational
9) child
10) free

8b. Brak Audio Script

Child labor in my country is forbidden.
Every person in my country has human rights.
Most of natural resources that re in my country is coal.

Speaking and Writing

1) I can see an impact of globalisation in my own life while I am using my
computer. There are a lot of ads that are from different countries
encouraging me to buy their stuff. I also use computer to
communicate with my friends who are abroad and talk about
everyday life.
2) I am optimistic about my future because I can see that there are a lot
more job opportunities that were several years ago so I don’t worry
about it and if I study hard I will have more opportunities to travel
around the world and meet new people.
3) I think it is a mixture of both good and bad. Everything depends on
how do we like to use globalisation. We can either choose an easy
way of benefiting ourselves at the cost of others or try make the
world better using our knowledge and resources.

10. Zadanie 9 pasuje do zadania 10

Listening and Vocabulary
1. 1) Yes I would. I would meet a lot of new people, maybe even learn a
new language .
2) No I wouldn’t. I am attached to the place where I live. It would be
hard for me not seeing my family eye to eye in a long time.
3) Most important problem is communication. Not every person know
4) One of the most important skills for me is creativity. You have to be
able to create new reality. Also ability to work under pressure is
useful. You have to be immune to stress.

2. 2a.
1) b
2) a
3) c
4) e
5) d

1) intuition
2) adaptability
3) curiosity
4) sensitivity
5) consensus
3. Potrzebny Listening

4. Potrzebny Listening

5. Countries: Mexico, India, China, Germany, USA
Continents: Europe

6. 1) C
2) B
3) A
4) Nothing
5) A,B
6) Nothing
7) B
8) Nothing
9) C
10) Nothing

7. Text A: A group of exchange students from Europe does not respect

Hong Kong Professor Lee.
Advice: Try to be understanding for the Professor and show more

Text B: Group leader called everyone by their first names, didn’t use
any titles, he wasn’t polite, was dressed casually.
Advice: When you go on a meeting try to find on internet how you
supposed to be dressed and how to behave.

Text C: Team members from Mexico, India and China placed value on
building relationships but team members from Germany and USA
placed value on deadlines.
Advice: You should establish from a start what should be your
8. Skills: Quick thinking, body language, communication styles from
different cultures

9. 1) a
2) c
3) d
4) b
5) e

10. 1)
a) Something that happened in past
b) Something that will happen in future

a) Something that happened in past
b) Something that will happen in future

a) Finish of an action
b) Stopped one action, start of another action
a) Experiment if something will happen
b) Trying to do something difficult

a) Something that will about to happen
b) Something that happened in past

11. 1) to respond
2) to talk
3) attending
4) to go
5) hearing
6) buying
7) to bring
12. - I will never forget meeting Norman Reedus while I was on Comic-
Con in New York. He even signed my The Walking Dead poster.
- I recently stopped eating sweets because I started to go to the
gym and I am trying to be healthy.
- Next year I am going to go on a trip to Brazil to see how dangerous
the jungle really is.
- I will never forget seeing the Niagara Fall while I was on vacation in
- I should never forget bringing my CV with me while I am going on
an interview.
- I always remember to make a wish while I am blowing out the
candles on my birthday.

1. F

2. 2

3. 1) d
2) b
3) a
4) c

4. 1) Global cooperation drives innovation.

2) He brings truly interdisciplinary teams together. He invites experts
from all around the world.
4) Harada’s approach relies on sharing ideas in the web for free.

5. 5a.
1) dynamic
2) boundaries
3) cutting edge
4) phenomenon
5) collaborate
6) synergy
7) profound

1) collaborated
2) cutting edge
3) profound
4) synergy
5) boundaries

6. 6a. Potrzebny Listening
6b. Potrzebny Listening

7. 1) The authorities had the protestors removed.

2) We will have three new phone lines installed next month.
3) The photographers had their bags searched at the airport.
4) She is having her new book translated into Japanese.
5) Do you get your hair done at Alleycatz?
6) The demonstrators had their fingerprints taken by the police.
7) He is going to have his eyes tested tomorrow.
8) I have had a copy of the report sent to you.
9) Mu brother had his passport stolen last year.
10) My friend got his tyres slashed by some hooligans.

8. 8a. Brak stron
8b. Brak stron
Page 141
1) allowed us to use
2) We stopped the car to look at
3) Would you consider giving us
4) I forgot to lock
5) The door seems to be locked
6) I’ll try sending him
7) Did you remember to turn off
8) I always try to stay

2. 1)
1)) b
2)) a

1)) a
2)) b

1)) b
2)) a

1)) a
2)) b

3. 1) has had his house searched

2) am having my car washed
3) had his watch repaired
4) have my hair cut
5) has had her contract cancelled
6) had our bags searched

4. 1) d
2) f
3) a
4) h
5) b
6) g
7) e
8) c

5. 1) networking
2) intuition
3) hierarchy
4) adaptability
5) curiosity (poziomo), consensus (pionowo)
6) influence
7) creativity
8) sensitivity
9) collaboration

6. 1) phenomenon
2) profound
3) cutting edge
4) pushing the boundaries
5) dynamic
6) collaborate
7) synergy

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