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All Faith Spiritual Organization (AFSO)

We Practice and Preach the Knowledge of Spiritualism

These are the most turbulent times in human history. The turmoil is primarily being
caused by religious malfunctioning. In this era of disorder, when radicalization is being
hammered into the minds of youths, AFSO is uniting the humanity through God’s love
which leads to mutual human affection and peace. We believe that love of His Divine
Eminence can be and should be achieved through spiritualism and wherever there is
love, peace is not far behind. 

Motto of AFSO

In order to recognize God and to be able to approach His Essence; learn spiritualism,
no matter what religion you belong to.

How to Achieve the Love of God?

As this sacred knowledge of spiritualism became scarce, people forgot it. Hence, they
stopped its pursuit and practice which ultimately detached them from God. Our
intention is to increase the awareness of humanity about the existence of divine
spiritual knowledge. This is to enable the people who are in search of inner purification
and enlightenment to follow it so as to achieve the Divine Love and earn His friendship.

Is AFSO Preaching a Religion?

We are not propagating any religion rather advocate that one must seek spiritual
knowledge. Practical teachings of this godly knowledge will allow its devotees to
achieve the light of God. Thus, through inner purification and enlightenment, they
would get closer to God.

What is the Personal Name of God?

People remember God with different names in different languages like RABB, KHUDA,
OM, IKOANKAR, RAHMAN and many more. All names given to God in all languages
are worthy of respect and any individual who is sincerely searching God, on land or in
the sea is also worthy of respect. However, the original and personal name of the
Essence of God is Allah. This is in the Semitic language, the language which is

spoken in the celestial spheres. Adam spoke it in the paradise and the angels and
God address each other in the same language. The angels call upon God with the
name of ‘Allah’ and this name is attached with the faith declaration motto of every

Is Allah the Islamic Name of God?

The name Allah predates Islam and is not confined to the Muslims or Quran only. It is
found in the scriptures revealed to different prophets including David, Moses and Jesus
(Peace be upon them all). This name surely existed long before the time of Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as his father’s name was Abd-Allah (servant of
Allah). Prior to the advent of Islam the Name Allah was announced with the title of
every Prophet.

What is better; Religion or Love of God?

It is better to have a religion as well as love of God. Should you not have a religion but
have the love of God, this is better than having a religion but not the love of God. By
following the practical teachings of spiritualism, which are universal, one can achieve
inner purification and enlightenment necessary to receive the divine love of God. That
is why AFSO is concerned with those people who are seeking the Essence and love of
God regardless of the religion they belong to.

Which is the True Guided Path?

God dispenses guidance in different ways; however, the recipient of guidance is

human heart. Opening of the Spiritual Heart, through love of God, is the gateway to
spirituality. One cannot possess love of God by simply chanting, “I love God” with
his/her tongue. Love relates to the heart and true love of God is to have the heart say it
and for that it is mandatory to awaken the heart first. The love of God is generated,
found, contained and received by the human heart and there is a spiritual method and
practice by which the heart can be awakened and taught to receive the love of God.
The word ‘Allah’ when synchronized within heartbeats reaches all veins and arteries
through the blood and revives the souls. Then the souls, engulfed by God’s name
(Allah) enter God’s love.

What is ‘Heart’ in Spiritualism?

In spiritualism, heart is not merely the oblong piece of flesh which hangs in the breast
to the left side and pumps the blood into the body. This is but a material abode of that
bright invisible eternal personality of the heart (just like a soul or an angel) in the visible
world. As the life of entire elemental body depends on this piece of flesh and its action;
the esoteric body depends on the bright candle of the heart. This invisible ethereal
body emerges alive from this elemental body like the chicken out of the egg or butter
out of milk. In spiritualistic technology this subtle body perfects the visible man with all
invisible subtle organs and senses.

The revivification of the real heart of a gnostic just resembles the birth of an invisible
luminous child in the esoteric and ethereal next world. Once grown up, it casts aside
the clothes and covering of the physical body and comes and goes into the invisible
world freely.

What is revivification of the Heart?

The revivification of the heart through commemoration of the personal name of God,
Allah, and its real movement is a very great and high thing. Traditionally, perfect holy
saints used to revive the hearts of their pupils through different practices along with
their divine company, blessings and spiritual glance. Now first of all it is very difficult to
find a perfect guide. If one comes across one it is still more difficult to recognize him
because to the best of their capacity the real men of God conceal themselves behind
curtains like houri-faced beauties and fairy-faced beloved and don’t open shops of
lewdism in the streets. Therefore, as an alternative, it behooves the seeker after God
to continue the commemoration of Allah and concentration on His personal name Allah
day and night. The seeker ought to light the lamp of his personal name Allah in his/her
heart and enlighten the entire body with its Light. The heart, by reciting word ‘Allah’
with every heartbeat, is strengthened with the Light, which is made from the continuous
recitation of the name of God; Allah. Further, the remaining spiritual bodies also obtain
sustenance in this way and eradicate the vices which accompany them.

Who is a True Saint of God?

A true saint of God is that person who, speaks with the Essence of God or has seen
the Essence of God. If he has not achieved either of these, then he is an impostor and
should put an end to his fraudulent sainthood.

What if a Person makes false claim of sainthood?

A person who makes a false claim of sainthood is severely misguided, unfortunate and
daft. He has just burdened himself with number of disciples and wasting their lives.
His followers are also unfortunate and deprived of the truth and benevolence.

Which is the right Path?

If you want to discover as to who is truly on the right path and to see who is favoured
by God, then learn to remember God with his original name (Allah) with your heart-
beats. If Allah accepts and loves you then He shall allow your heart beats to proclaim
his personal name. The personal name of the Creator is the means through which one
can attain the proximity of God. The religion that provides you with the teaching of the
communion with God is the true religion.

What is the religion of God?

The religion of God is the Divine Love. The commemoration of the personal name of
God purifies the hearts and enables the individual to receive the inspiration of God.
Once the seeker’s heart is enlightened and illuminated with the light of God he / she
will be enlisted in among those who follow the religion of God ie The Divine Love.

All of the revealed Holy Scriptures and the Commandments are not the religion of God.
In these Books are the rules relating to the worship and austerities. Whereas, God is
free of all these restrictions. These religions were made to illuminate and to purify the
people of the Prophets. When a person becomes light (illuminated) after unification
with the Essence of God, then that person enters the Religion of God which is Love
and affection.

What happen when the Heart is revived?

When the heart is revived, whether it is activated by worship and meditation or by the
spiritual glance and grace of a complete spiritual teacher and guide, in both instances,
this means that the person is destined to be Godly. Further the person develops a
dislike for sins and even if a sinful act is committed the person regrets this deeply and
thinks of ways in which to prevent the recurrence of the sin. The light of the name of
God, Allah, enters the eyes of the aspirant and spiritual inner sight is achieved. The
aspirant then sees the objects of unseen and spirits. He/she may sometimes receive
spiritual hints and good-tidings from the ethereal bodies of saints or angels. There are
times when Satan interferes and the aspirant may as well receive hints from Satan
which is very difficult to distinguish for the aspirant at the early stage. There are some
aspirants who misunderstand these hints and consider themselves saints even without
attaining self-mortification and purification of heart. At this point, to be on the safe side,
one must not follow any hint especially if it’s against the sacred law and common

Are there more soul like spiritual entities in human body?

There are seven different sub-spirits in the human skeleton, and each relates to a
different realm, a different paradise, and different functions in the human body. If these
sub-spirits are empowered with God’s light, they may appear in human form in many
places simultaneously. They may reach the esoteric gatherings of the saints and the
prophets, speak with God, and even see God in person. Just as superior to all the
religions is the Love of God, similarly superior to all types of worship is seeing God.
Besides the Christians and the Jews other religions like Hinduism and Islam also holds
a belief in these spiritual entities.

How to revive the heart if a perfect spiritual guide is not accessible?

There are some of those people who don’t manage to avail the backing of a perfect
spiritual guide. Initially, with each heart beat they must internally, with concentration,
say Allah, Allah…… They, by practicing the following spiritual teachings, with the will of
God, they will be able to convert their heart from simply beating to commemorating the
name of God (Allah). Once this is achieved you will hear the name of God being
commemorating through your heart 24 hours a day.

1. The first method of producing light. Write on a paper in black ink,

and do this exercise for as long as you wish on a daily basis. Soon
thereafter, the word will be transported from the paper and hover over
the eyes. Then with one-pointed concentration, attempt to transport the
word from the eyes to the heart.

2. The second method of producing light. Write on a zero watt bulb, in

yellow. Whilst you are awake or just before sleep, concentrate and try to
absorb it into the eyes. When it appears on the eyes then try to transport it
to the heart.

3. The third method of producing light. This method is for those people who
have perfect spiritual guides and teachers and who due to their spiritual
connection are spiritually assisted by them. They should sit alone and
imagine that their index finger is a pen. Using your finger and with your

concentration, attempt to write on your heart. Call upon your teacher
(spiritually), so that he too may, hold your finger, and write on your heart.
Continue this exercise everyday, until you see written on your heart.
One can always spiritually call upon any spirituall personlity like Lord Jesus
the Crist Peace be upon Him, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Sai Baba or Grand
Sheikh Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani in the absence of a guide / teacher.

4. They should imagine themselves sitting in-front of their respective spiritual /

religious leader (like Lord Jesus the Crist Peace be upon Him, Shri Guru
Nanak Dev Ji, Sai Baba or Grand Sheikh Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani). The seeker
should then visualize the guide writing God’s name Allah on his/her heart.
Success follows very soon when aspirant’s concentration and spiritual
attention of the perfect guide centralize and unite on His personal name
Allah. Here is the sketch of the Holy Name Allah for the purpose of

By the first and second method, the Name Allah becomes inscribed on the heart, just as
it was written and seen by you but when it becomes synchronized with the heartbeat,
then it slowly starts to shine. In the synchronized method, the assistance of the spiritual
teacher is provided and for this reason it is seen shining and well written on the heart
right from the beginning.

Many Prophets and Saints have come into the world, and just for the sake of testing
this, if you feel it appropriate, concentrate or call upon them when you are practicing
your meditation.

Whilst concentrating on any Prophet or Saint, during your meditating practice, if the
rhythms of you heartbeat increases, in its vibration or you feel an improvement then this
means that your destiny (spiritual fruits) lies with that Prophet or Saint.

If any Prophet or Saint appears but does not help or assist you then put Gohar Shahi to
the test.

Many people have received the spiritual grace of Heart meditation from the Moon. This
is obtained when there is a full Moon from the East. Look at it with concentration and
when you see the image of Gohar Shahi on it say Allah, Allah, Allah three times and you
will be blessed with this spiritual grace. Thereafter, without any fear or reservation
practice the meditation as described.

This unique method allows the repetition of God’s name to produce divine energy.
Constant repetition of God’s name Allah produces divine energy which enlightens the
heart eventually.

AFSO don’t convert people into one religion from another; rather it converts their hearts
into divine love.

The Qalb’s meditation is from within and its vibrating rosary is within the human skeleton (the
heartbeat). People that failed to achieve this meditation of the Qalb in this lifetime will be regretful,
even though they may be in paradise. As God has stated regarding those who will go to paradise,
that do they, the inhabitants of paradise think that they will be equal to those who are elevated
(reached higher realms by practicing the spiritual disciplines and becoming illuminated). As those
that have achieved the meditation of the Qalb, they will enjoy its pleasures even in paradise when
their Qalb will be vibrating with the Name of God. After death physical worship ceases to exist and
the people whose Qalb and spiritual entities are not strengthened and illuminated with the light of
God are afflicted and distressed in their graves and their spiritual entities waste away. Whereas the
illuminated and strengthened spiritual entities will go to the realm where the righteous will wait before
the final judgement. After the day of judgement a second body will be given, the illuminated spiritual
entities along with the human soul will enter that body. The people that taught their spiritual entities,
meditation, whereby the entities chanted the Name of God Allah in this life time will find that the
spiritual entities will continue with this meditation even in the hereafter. Such people will continue to
be elevated and exalted in the hereafter.

Those that were “blind of heart” (not illuminated) in this life time will be in darkness in that realm also,
as this world was the place of action and effort. Those in the latter category will become quiescent.
Besides the Christians and the Jews the Hindu faith also holds a belief in these spiritual entities. The
Hindu faith refers to them as Shaktian and the Muslims know them as Lata’if. The Qalb is two
inches, to the left of the heart. This spiritual entity is yellow in colour. When it is illuminated in a
person, that person sees the colour yellow in their eyes. Not only this but there are many
practitioners of alternative medicine who use the colours of these spiritual entities to heal people.
Most people regard their heart’s word, “inner feeling” to be truthful. If the hearts of people were
indeed truthful, then why are all the people of the heart not united? The Qalb of an ordinary person is
in the sleeping or unconscious state and it does not possess any appreciation or awareness. Due to
the dominance of the spirit of the self, the ego, and the Khannas, or due to the individual’s own
simple- mindedness the heart can make judgements in error. Placing trust in a sleeping Qalb is
foolish. Only when the Name of God Allah, does vibrate in the heart does an appreciation of right
and wrong and wisdom follow. At this stage the Qalb is known as the awakened Qalb. Thereafter
due to the increase in the meditation by the Qalb, of the Name of God Allah, it is then known as the
God-seeking Qalb. At this stage the heart is capable of preventing the person from doing wrong but
it is still incapable of making a right or just decision. Thereafter and only when the Light and the rays
of the Grace of God (theophany) start to descend upon that heart, is it known as the purified and
illuminated Qalb that stands in the presence of God (witnessing Qalb).

Thereafter when the heart reaches this stage then one must accept whatever it dictates, quietly
without question because due to the rays of the Light and the Grace of God the spirit of the self,
(ego) becomes completely illuminated, purified and at peace. God is then closer to that individual
than that person’s jugular vein. God then says, “I become his tongue with which he speaks and I
become his hands with which he holds.”

“Whoever is engaged in whatever type of spiritual discipline, the corresponding spiritual entities
inside them will become strong (illuminated) and those who are not occupied (spiritually) their
spiritual entities are senseless and in humility and those who absorbed the Name Allah within

spiritual entities by whatever method, they were then occupied at all times with imperial meditation
(when all the spiritual entities meditate at one time to the extent that the human body splits into
seven separate pieces) and Ishq (love) of God.”

God has said: “ I like those people also, who ponder over ways in which to stay free of

Further the love of the material world decreases and the love of God starts to
dominate. Desire, envy, stinginess and arrogance are felt to be disappearing. Also the
tongue remains free of slander, you feel humble, stinginess is replaced by generosity
and lying disappears.

Unlawful desires change into lawful desires and a dislike develops for acquiring things
in a wrongful or unlawful manner. A dislike for eating forbidden and unlawful foods and
a dislike of doing forbidden and unlawful things.

The extreme recognition (signs of those in this religion)

A complete abstinence from the use of cocaine, opium, heroine and alcohol. Be able to
meet exalted spiritual dignitaries, whether in the dream state, by meditative journey or
vision. Achieve the spiritual purification and illumination of the Nafs, the spirit of the self
so that it is transformed from its base state to that of the “self at peace.” Have the
spiritual entity, Anna standing face to face before God and find that all the veils
between God and the human being have been lifted away.

The Mehdi and Jesus will reign over the hearts of people and peace will be established
in the whole world. All the different religions will cease to exist and transform into one
religion. That will be the religion most liked by God and will be the essence of all the
religions of all the Prophets and their books, and will be accepted by all of humanity.
Superior to all types of worship and even superior to the Love for God will be the Ishq
of God (a stronger, extreme and passionate form of Love for the Divine Essence of

(God) is the Love, the Lover and the Beloved. If any person of God, receives from
God, a share of any of these (three) gifts then that person reaches and goes into the
Religion of God. Then worship, is looking at God and chanting the Name of God
(praise) is that persons desire. Further, the Sight of God absolves the person from the
lack of life-long religious practice and worship. Then the collective worship of all the
genies, angels and human beings cannot reach his status.

It is in relation to such a person that the grand Sheikh Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani has stated:

“Whoever reached the vision of God and still practiced worship or intended to do so, he
has insulted the Grace and Mercy of God.”

The Saint Bhulle Shah has stated:

“After I started the worship of love, I forgot the Temples and the Mosques.”

The poet Iqbal has stated:

“What would the pitiful priests know about this.”

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