E1 - Employabilty DS

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Student file

David Sharman
Created February 2009 Reviewed & Updated Next Review Date

Introduction A: Computer parts Introduction B: Computer safety Task 1: Looking for work 1 Task 2: Looking for work 2 Task 3: Job advertisements Task 4: Understanding reading Task 5: Speaking on the telephone 1 Task 6: Speaking on the telephone 2 Task 7: Application forms 1 Task 8: Application forms 2 Task 9: Interview preparation 1 Task 10: Interview preparation 2 Task 11: Zorrans interview list / my interview list Task 12: Listening to an interview Task 13: Interview preparation 3 Teachers notes / answers TAPESCRIPT: The interview 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20

Computer parts
Match the words and pictures.

Introduction A






4. 1. 2. 3.


Fill in the sentences. A ______________ is a machine. A ______________ has a screen. A ______________ has keys. A ______________ prints sheets. A ______________ has a wheel.


Introduction B

Partner work: Look at the list. Match the words with a picture. 3

Computer safety
e. a. clean hands no food b. comfortable chair wear goggles no talking c. check wires no drinks d. a clean office h. g. f.

Four important safety sentences

Now log on to a computer. Type the four safety points above.

Writing and Speaking Looking for work 1


Zorran wants a job. He makes a spidergram. Spidergrams help with ideas. Write places Zorran can find information below.


places to look for job information

Zorran finds a job he wants. He says why he likes it.

responsible job helping people good wages

hotel porter


working in a team

5 weeks

Partner work: Speak about Zorrans job. Write two sentences.

e.g. Its a responsible job.

1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________

Writing and Speaking Looking for work 2

HELP Start the sentences with: He likes... TASK It has...2

Think of people who can give you work information. spidergram.

Make a


people who help me find work

Think of a job you want. Write it below. Say why you want it.

Partner work: Speak about your job. Write two sentences. 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ Group work: Share your ideas. REMEMBER Sentences start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.

Reading and Speaking Job advertisements


Look at the jobs below. Use a dictionary to look up new words.

Sales assistant
Must be reliable Full-time work Monday to Friday 8am 5pm 6.25 per hour Call Dan Green for an interview On 020 7111 967

Retail City
Job opportunities for:
Warehouse staff Must be flexible P/t and F/t work Monday Friday 9am-5pm 7.00 per hr Interviews Saturday 10th May 9-5pm Call Mary for an application form on 020 8906 991

Cleaners wanted
Must be clean & tidy
Part-time work Friday - Sunday 5pm 11.30pm

Porters required
Must be punctual
Part-time and Full-time work Wednesday -Sunday 6am 2pm

6.50 per hour

Contact Grace on 020 8444 558

5.50 per hour

Call Magda for more information

Write new words below:

Partner work: Speak about the jobs.

Understanding reading


Choose a job. 1. Which job did you choose? __________________________ 2. Why did you choose it? _________________________________________________ 3. Where is it? ____________________________________ 4. Is it part-time or full-time work? _____________________ 5. Which qualities do you need? ________________________ 6. When do you work? _______________________________ 7. How much are you paid? ____________________________ 8. Who do you call? _________________________________ 9. What is the phone number? _________________________ Partner work: Ask and answer the questions. Which job did you choose? Where is it? Is it part-time or full-time work?

Why did you choose it?

Which qualities do you need?

Speaking on the telephone 1


Zorran makes a telephone call. He draws a spidergram to help with ideas.

Who do I speak to? Why do I want my the job

hotel porter

What are qualities? What do I

When are the interviews? ask?

Now listen to Zorran make a call. Answer the questions:

1. Who does he ask to speak to? _____________________


Why is he interested in the job? ___________________

3. What are his qualities? __________________________


What does he need to do? ________________________

5. What does he ask? _____________________________

Group work: Share your answers.


Speaking on the telephone 2

You make a telephone call for your job. Draw a spidergram to help with ideas.

Write some notes below. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Make your call.

Reading Application forms 1



Read Zorrans application for a porters job.

JOB Title First name Family name Address

Hotel Porter Mr Zorran Plaznin 13, Queen Street Kingsway London W2 9TP 12/05/64 020 0445 227 08840 663 989 2004-present Hotel waiter 2000-2004 Bar person 1996-2000 Security
John Baker Top Hat and Tails 24 Bloom Street London W2 8HF

Postcode Date of birth Phone number Mobile number Work experience Education Referee (name and address)

London London Bulgaria

2000-2002 Sylhet College Bangladesh

Group discussion question: Do you think Zorran will get an interview? Why?

Reading and Writing Application forms 2

Fill in your details below. Write the job you want.



Application form Please write in CAPITAL LETTERS and black ink JOB Title First name Family name Address

Postcode Date of birth Phone number Mobile number Work experience Education Referee (name and address) Signed Interview preparation 1
Read Zorrans interview notes.




Interview at Queens Hotel High Street Saturday 9.00am

Read the bus timetable. Bus: number 23 Bus Station Long Lane Green Street High Street 7:00 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.30 7.40 7.50 8.00 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.30 8.40 8.50 9.00

Zorran catches a bus from the station. Answer the questions: 1. What is the number of the bus? 2. What time is the best bus? Partner work: Share your answers. __________________ __________________

Interview preparation 2
Read your interview information below.



Interview at Town Street Saturday 11am

Read the bus timetable. Bus: number 39 Bus Station Black Lane Brown Street Town Street Answer the questions: 1. What is the number of the bus? ________________ 10:00 10.05 10.15 10.20 10.15 10.20 10.30 10.35 10.30 10.35 10.45 10.50 10.40 10.45 10.55 11.00

2. What time is the best bus for you? ________________ 3. Why did you choose this bus? Partner work: Share your answers. ________________

Zorrans interview list

Read Zorrans interview list.



Map of hotel Check bus timetable Smart clothes Write questions Set alarm clock
Group discussion: Speak about Zorrans list.

My interview list
Write a list for your interview below.

Listening to an interview
Listen to Zorrans interview.



PART 1 1. What does Grace White do?

_________________________________________________ 2. Why does Zorran want to work at the hotel?

_________________________________________________ 3. Which jobs does he apply for?

_________________________________________________ 4. Does Zorran have experience of hotel work? Where?

_________________________________________________ 5. What are Zorrans qualities?

_________________________________________________ PART 2 6. Which two questions does Zorran ask?

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 7. What are the answers to the questions?

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Interview preparation 3
Now read and follow the script. Write the missing words.



PART 1 Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Zorran: PART 2 Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Zorran: Interviewer: Do you have any questions to ask me? Yes. Do I need to wear a ___________? Yes. Porters wear a white ________ and black ____________. We also give you a tie and jacket. Is it a part-time or full-time ___________. Its full-time - 40 hours a week. Ok. Thats fine. Do you have any more questions. No, thank you. Thank you for attending the _____________, Zorran. Its nice to meet you. Well let you know Good _________, its Mr PlazninZorran Plaznin? Yes, thats right. How are you _________? Im ______ thank you. Good. Im Mrs WhiteGrace. Im the _______ supervisor. ________ take a seat. Thank you. I have a few ___________to ask you. Firstly, why do you want to work at the Kings Hotel? I enjoy working with people and being ________. I also like helping people. The position of _________ sounds great. Have you worked in a hotel before? Yes, I work as a _________ at the Royal Hotel in London. Good. What are your qualities? Im friendly, punctual and __________.

Read the text with a partner. Student 1 = Interviewer Student 2 = Zorran (interviewee) Teachers notes/answers


Tick if passed


Introduction A: The learner has matched the key words with the corresponding computer parts: 1 = keyboard, 2 = mouse, 3 = printer, 4 = computer, 5 = monitor The learners has completed the 5 sentences correctly: A computer is a machine. A monitor has a screen. A keyboard has keys. A printer prints sheets. A mouse has a wheel. Introduction B: The learner has matched the pictures and text: a = comfortable chair, b = clean hands, c = no eating, d = no drinking, e = a clean office, f = no talking, g = wear goggles, h = check wires Ticked the four important safety points: a, c, d, h Word processed a text of the four important safety points. Task 1: The learner has written four places that Zorran can find job information: Job centres, newspapers, shop windows, internet, community centres, agencies, word of mouth. The learner has spoken and written two sentences (with capital letters and full stops) about Zorrans job. Task 2: The learner has listed people who can help them find work: Friends, family, job advisor, librarian, agency staff, careers officer The learner has written a job he/she would like to do and given appropriate reasons. The learner has written two, correctly punctuated sentences. Task 3: The learner has read job ads and used a dictionary for new words and listed any new words in the box provided. Task 4: The learner has chosen a job, answered the questions (in short or long form) and discussed their choice. Task 5: The learner has listened to the telephone call and answered the five questions correctly (in short or long form):


1. (He asks to speak to) Grace White. 2. (He is interested in the job because) he has hotel experience. 3. (He is) friendly, punctual and reliable. 4. (He needs to) fill in an application form. 5. (He asks about) the interview time. Task 6: The learner has created a spidergram, made some notes and modelled a telephone call to find out job information. Task 7: The learner has read and discussed Zorrans application form. Zorran will probably get an interview because he has similar previous experience of hotel / food / bar work. Task 8: The learner has completed the application form with details and followed instructions for capital letters and black ink. The referee can be the teacher / college if the learner cannot provide one. Task 9: The learner has read the information and answers the two questions correctly: Bus number = 23, best bus to catch would be the 8am bus from the bus station thus ensuring plenty of time. Task 10: Bus number: 39 The learner has read the information and answered the questions. The learner could catch the 10:15 or 10:30 bus though the 10:15 is probably better (in case of delays). Task 11: The learner has read and discussed Zorrans interview list. The learner has written an interview list. Task 12: The learner has listened to part 1 and part 2 of the interview and answered the questions: 1. Grace White is the Hotel Supervisor. 2. Zorran enjoys working with people and being busy. 3. He applies for the position of Hoetl Porter. 4. Yes, at the Royal Hotel in London. 5. He is friendly, punctual and reliable. 6. Do I need to wear a uniform? Is it part-time or full-time work?


7. Yes, porters wear a white shirt and black trousers. Its full-time work (40 hours a week). Task 13: The learner has listened and completed the interview. The learner has read the text with a partner, playing both the interviewer and interviewee. Check that learners have completed all the following tasks: Intro. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

6. 13.

Learners name: _________________ Tutors name: _________________ Verifiers name: __________________

Learners signature: __________________ Tutors signature: ___________________ Verifiers signature: __________________

date: _____________ date: _____________ date: _____________

TAPESCRIPT for TASK 5: Speaking on the telephone

Grace: Hello, Kings Hotel.


Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran:

Ah, hello. My names Zorran Plaznin. Id like to speak to Grace, please. Hello, speaking. Hello. Im interested in the hotel porter position. Yes. Why are you interested in the job? I have a lot of hotel work experience. What are your qualities? Im friendly, punctual and reliable. I see. Do you work at the moment? Yes. I work at Top Hat and Tails as a hotel waiter. Oh, okay. You need to fill in an application form. Give me your address and Ill post one. The interviews are on Saturday 9th May. What time are the interviews? From 9am 5pm. Okay, my address is

TAPESCRIPT for TASKS 12 and 13: The interview

Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran:

Good morning, its Mr PlazninZorran Plaznin? Yes, thats right. How are you today? Im fine thank you. Good. Im Mrs WhiteGrace. Im the Hotel supervisor. Please take a seat. Thank you. I have a few questions to ask you. Firstly, why do you want to work at the Kings Hotel? I enjoy working with people and being busy. I also like helping people. The position of porter sounds great. Have you worked in a hotel before? Yes, I work as a waiter at the Royal Hotel in London. Good. What are your qualities? Im friendly, punctual and reliable. Do you have any questions to ask me? Yes. Do I need to wear a uniform? Yes. Porters wear a white shirt and black trousers. We also give you a tie and jacket. Is it a part-time or full-time position. Its full-time - 40 hours a week. Ok. Thats fine. Do you have any more questions. No, thank you. Thank you for attending the interview, Zorran. Its nice to meet you. Ill let you know in a day or two

Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace: Zorran: Grace:


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