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Қысқа мерзімді жоспар Lesson plan

LESSON: 79 Unit 2. Sports. Vocabulary and Quiz

Teacher name:
Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Favourite sport

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and
contributing to objects
5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class
5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of
general topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to :
Perform tasks on vocabulary revision on 80% correctly;
Most learners will be able to:
use visual support to name the places, where people do sports; listen, understand and complete
the tasks without teacher’s support compare and contrast the given kinds of sport
Some learners will be able to:
create extended speech talking about differences and similarities of the suggested sport
activities, spell topic-related words correctly
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

2-3 minutes Class organisation Sts respond to greeting of the Oral Student’s book.
teacher and take their places feedback
Worksheet 1
Beginning Teacher introduces learning and lesson objectives Students write the date, day and
. lesson objectives into their
10 min. 1. Do the adjective treasure hunt. copybooks
CLUES Check the meanings of the
1. An expensive car adjectives.
2. A terrible invention Find the answer to clues 1-10.
3. A popular actor Then write the secret object
4. A boring colour with the red letter in each
5. An interesting country answer.
6. A difficult sport
7. A cheap meal
8. An easy problem
9. A great invention
10. An unpopular animal
Middle PAIRWORK Sts work in pairs 10 Picture
1. Look at the adjectives in exercise 1 and find five pairs of
5 min. opposites. Then listen and check. find five pairs of opposites of Worksheet 1
Expensive –cheap adjectives
Language point: a and an
4. Look at the examples and complete the rules with a and an
An interesting country answer the teacher’s
5 min. A new car questions and discover the
RULES rules
VOWELS (a,e,i, o, u).
CONSONANTS (b, c, d, f, g, etc).
End Reflection (W) Oral
5 min. Teacher asks learners feedback
1) What was difficult to do at the lesson?
2) What do you need to work on?
Feedback (I)
Learners complete an evaluation sheet of what they did
5 min. during the lesson writing a number in each statement or Sts reflect the lesson Evaluation sheet
circling one word:
What is the opposite of expensive?
What is the opposite of difficult?
Evaluation sheet is given to all learners to fill in and all sheets
should be collected for teacher’s reflection and further work
on shortages.
LESSON:80 Unit 2. Sports.
School: School named after S.Gabbasov
Date:________.04.202_____ Teacher’s name: Assylkhanova B.Z
CLASS: 5 A,B Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Clubs for young people

Reading. A web page about clubs for young people
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and
contributing to objects
5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and
curricular topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class
5.R2 read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non-fiction texts
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to :
 Use different characteristics talking about various sport activities. present ideas clearly
in a pair, group and whole class conversation
Most learners will be able to:
use visual support to name the places, where people do sports listen, understand and complete
the tasks without teacher’s supportcompare and contrast the given kinds of sport
Some learners will be able to:
create extended speech talking about differences and similarities of the suggested sport
activities spell topic-related words correctly
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

2-3 minutes Class organisation Sts respond to greeting of the Oral Student’s book.
Teacher introduces learning and lesson objectives teacher and take their places. feedback
Students write the date, day and lesson objectives into their Worksheet 1
Beginning copybooks.
1. Look at the pictures and the names of clubs. Are they
10 min. interesting or boring? Sts names of clubs
(I think) Drama is interesting
Climbing is boring
5 min. This dance club is for young people from 10-15 years old. Sts do ex.1
The classes aren’t expensive. My favourite dance is hip hop.
The music is great. I’m not very good at salsa. SB
2. Read and listen . Match 1-5 with a-e.
1. Salsa and hip hop a. is for young people Worksheet 1
2. Chess b. is on Saturday
5 min. 3. Climbing c. is a new activity
4. The dance club d. are dances
5. The climbing club e. is difficult

3. BUILD YOUR VOCABULARY. Complete the days of the dictionary

week with words from the reading text. Then listen and Write down unknown words
check. into their vocabulary
___ Tuesday Wednesday
___ Friday Write sentences about their
___ Sunday weeks
4. Write sentences about your week. Which days are
interesting, boring, easy, difficult, great, OK or terrible?
Monday is OK. It’s easy.
End Reflection (W) Oral
5 min. Teacher asks learners feedback
1) What was difficult to do at the lesson?
2) What do you need to work on?
Feedback (I)
Learners complete an evaluation sheet of what they did
5 min. during the lesson writing a number in each statement or Sts reflect the lesson Evaluation sheet
circling one word:
What kind of clubs and people’s hobbies do you know?
Are they interesting or boring?
Evaluation sheet is given to all learners to fill in and all sheets
should be collected for teacher’s reflection and further work
on shortages.
Home task: Ex 5. About you. Give your opinion using words
in the box.

LESSON: 81 Unit 2. Sports. Vocabulary and Quiz

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z

Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Language focus. Be: negative
Noun:Favourite things
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects
is contributing to 5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges
5.R2 read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to :

Use different characteristics talking about various sport activities. present ideas clearly in a pair, group
and whole class conversation
Most learners will be able to:
use visual support to name the places, where people do sports listen, understand and complete the tasks
without teacher’s support compare and contrast the given kinds of sport
Some learners will be able to:
create extended speech talking about differences and similarities of the suggested sport activities
spell topic-related words correctly
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Beginning Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the Oral Student’s book.

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are teacher and take their places feedback
2-min you today? I hope you are well. Worksheet 1
I divide you into two groups Students write the date, day and
countable lesson objectives into their
uncountable copybooks
Warm-up (3–4 minutes)
• Books closed. Say to the class I am. Point to a stronger Listen to the teacher.
student and say You are. Gesture for this student to continue Guess the meaning of the verb
with I am and that he / she should point to another student to be
in turn and continue with you are, and so on. Continue
around the class, adding he is, she is, we are and they are.
Get students in turn to point to appropriate individuals or
groups and say the correct form of the verb be.
8-min • Try to go faster as you move from student to student to
make it more fun and competitive.
Middle Task 1 Verbal pictures, active
Focus students on the left-hand column of the table and board
ask what they can see. Elicit that these are the affirmative answer the teacher’s questions Evaluation
forms of the verb be. Ask them what else they notice about and discover the rules blackboard
these verbs and elicit that they are in the short form.
• Point out that the right-hand column contains verbs that
are negative. We form the negative by using the word
not after the verb be. Read each long form out and ask work out the negative form of
8-min the verb “to be”
students to repeat after you.
• Explain that we can also use the short form in the
negative. Ask students to find and underline the negative
short forms in the text on page 14. Then tell them to
complete the table with the missing forms.
• Check answers as a class. Model each short form for the
class and ask them to repeat.
ANSWERS Do the exercises
1 She isn’t 2 We aren’t 3 They aren’t
2-min Task:2
With the students look at the illustration of the pupils
climbing the school building. Ask them what they see and
elicit that there are two students climbing outside the
school. Ask them if the teacher looks happy and elicit that
the teacher doesn’t look happy.
• Explain the task. All students should be able to do this
activity on their own, but circulate while the students are Flashcards, active
working and offer help if necessary. board
• Students check answers in pairs. Check as a class.NSWERS Oral
1 is 2 aren’t 3 are 4 isn’t 5 ’m not 6 are feedback
Exercise 3 $ 1.16
• Tell students to think about their own lives as they
complete the gaps and to decide on the affirmative or
negative accordingly. Check answers as a class.
• If time allows, you could extend the activity by asking
students to work individually to write three sentences,
two true and one false.
• They then work in pairs and read each other their sentences.
Their partner has to guess which sentence is false.
Task 4 Exercise 4
Read the examples together with the class and ask
5-min students to underline the words on and at. Explain that underline the words on and at.
these words are called prepositions and that we need
them to talk about things like time and place.
• Students complete the rules and check answers in pairs.
Check answers as a class.S complete the rules and check
1 on 2 at answers in pairs.
Task 4 Exercise 4 Verbal
Ask the class what they can see in the picture. Elicit that it evaluation
10min is a noticeboard. Write this word on the board. Ask students
what they can normally find on noticeboards and elicit that
they can contain information about things to do.
• Look at the example and explain the task. In pairs,
students write the sentences. In pairs,
• Monitor as the students write, making sure they are using students write the sentences.
on and at correctly. Check answers as a class, putting the
correct sentences on the board if necessary.
• Point out that students have to use another preposition
in to say where the piano classes are and where the guitar
concert is.
1 The Climbing club is on Friday at 5 o’clock.
2 The English exam is on Thursday at 10 o’clock.
3 Piano classes are on Monday and Wednesday at 9 o’clock
room 206.
4 The Chess club is on Tuesday at 3 o’clock.
5 The guitar concert is on Friday at 7 o’clock
End I know and I can speak I need a help Oral stickers
understand feedback

All learners put stickers into three groups according their

understanding of the lesson
7 min Sts reflect the lesson
LESSON: 82 Unit 2. Sports.

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z

Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Nouns: favourite things

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects
is contributing to 5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges
5.R2 read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to :

Use different characteristics talking about various sport activities. present ideas clearly in a pair, group
and whole class conversation
Most learners will be able to:
use visual support to name the places, where people do sports listen, understand and complete the tasks
without teacher’s support compare and contrast the given kinds of sport
Some learners will be able to:
create extended speech talking about differences and similarities of the suggested sport activities
spell topic-related words correctly
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Beginning Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the Oral Student’s book.

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are teacher and take their places feedback
2-min you today? I hope you are well. Worksheet 1
I divide you into two groups Students write the date, day and
countable lesson objectives into their
uncountable copybooks
Warm-up (3–4 minutes)
• Books closed. Write the following words on the board: Listen to the teacher.
chocolate, cake, ice-cream. Ask the class if they know what
these words are and get some feedback. Say: My favourite thing is...
• Write the question What is your favourite? on the board and
8-min explain what it means. chocolate.
• In pairs, students decide what is their favourite thing from
the items on the board. Get feedback from the class by
asking each student to say My favourite thing is ….
Middle Task 1 Verbal pictures, active
Focus on the table and on the words in the left-hand board
column. Read through them with the class, checking for • Students do the task in pairs Evaluation
understanding. blackboard
8-min • Students do the task in pairs. Circulate and monitor, helping Do the exercises
out where necessary. Encourage students to match the
words they recognize first.
1 Blue is a colour. 6 The Simpsons is a TV
2 Angry Birds is a game. 7 CSK Moscow is a team.
3 A dog is an animal. 8 The Hobbit is a film.
4 Basketball is a sport. 9 Angelina Jolie is a film star.
2-min 5 Jessie J is a singer.
Ask students to work individually to think of their own students to work individually to
examples. Circulate, helping with new words where think of their own
necessary. examples.
• Encourage students to use full sentences when guessing
what their partner means, e.g. they should say Pizza is a
food, not just food.
• Monitor students as they speak, listening out for correct
sentence structures.
Exercise 3 $ 1.17 Flashcards, active
• Refer students to the five photos and ask: What do you see board
in photo 1? Elicit Lady Gaga is in photo 1. Continue like this Say what they see on the Oral
with the rest of the photos. feedback
• Explain that this is a quiz about some of the most popular
3-min things in the world. In a stronger class, ask students to
go ahead and do the task in pairs.
• In a weaker class, go through the questions together as
a class, explaining any new vocabulary, before asking the
students to do the task.
• Play the recording for students to check their answers.
Tapescript $ 1.17 .
See Teacher’s Book page 114.S

10min Task 5
In a stronger class, tell students to think about the
quiz they listened to in exercise 3 and ask them to try to In pairs,
answer the questions. students write the sentences.
• In a weaker class, allow students time to read the
questions and play the recording, pausing at the relevant
parts to allow them to check their answers.
• Play the recording straight through for students to check Verbal
their answers. evaluation
Tapescript $ 1.17
See Teacher’s Book page 114.
1 Lisa is ten years old.
2 Lady Gaga is from New York in the United States.
3 Frodo Baggins is a hobbit in a different book.
4 Lisa’s favourite TV programme is The Simpsons.
5 No, she isn’t a football fan.
6 The capital of Spain is Madrid
End I know and I can speak I need a help Oral stickers
understand feedback

All learners put stickers into three groups according their

understanding of the lesson
7 min Sts reflect the lesson
LESSON: 83 Unit 2. Sports.

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z

Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Giving personal information

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects
is contributing to 5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges
5.R2 read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non-fiction texts
Lesson objectives learners will be able to :
 Practise responding to questions.
Learn and practise the letters of the alphabet
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Starts Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the Oral

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are teacher and take their places feedback
2-min you today? I hope you are well.
I divide you into two groups Students write the date, day and
countable lesson objectives into their
uncountable copybooks
Warm-up (2–3 minutes)
• Books closed. Say to the class: My name’s (your name). Listen to the teacher.
Then turn to the student closest to you and say What’s
8-min your name? That student says My name’s (name) and then Answer the questions
turns to the next student asking What’s your name?
• Students continue around the classroom saying their name Students continue around the
and asking the next student what their name is. classroom saying their name
• You could repeat the activity with another question, e.g.
I’m from (Madrid). Where are you from? and asking the next student
what their name is.
Middle Verbal picture, active
Exercise 1
• Focus on the photo and discuss it with the class. Ask the board
students what they can see and elicit that there is a boy at • Students do the task in pairs Evaluation blackboard
the reception of a club. Ask them what kind of club they
8-min think it is and elicit any answers. students say what they can see
in the photo and guess what
kind of club it is
Tom is interested in a sports club.
Exercise 2
. CD 1.20
• In a weaker class, you could pause the recording after Students follow the dialogue as
each line and ask students to repeat. they listen and answer the
• Ask the class what Tom is doing. Elicit that Tom is joining question
the club.
2-min Flashcards, active
Tapescript CD 1.20 board
See Teacher’s Book page 114.
Exercise 3
• Refer students to the key phrases. Explain the task. Do ex.3

• In a weaker class, translate the key phrases together. Ask Students work individually.
stronger students to translate the sentences by themselves Check answers as a class.
into their own language.
• Divide students into pairs to practise the dialogue. You In pairs to practise the dialogue
might like to play the recording once more for them to
help them. Monitor, helping out with pronunciation issues
where necessary.
Can you spell that, please? Oral
What’s your phone number? feedback
Welcome to the club!
Exercise 4
• Focus on the table and on the left-hand column. Students Focus on the table and on the
may not be familiar with phonetic script, so model each CD 1.21
vowel sound for them. If you think it would be useful, ask left-hand column
them to write down the vowel sound as they would in their
own language.
• Explain how the table works. Play the recording and ask
students to repeat. practise pronouncing the letters
• Give the students more practise pronouncing the letters of of the alphabet
the alphabet by having them say one letter each in the
End I know and I can speak I need a help Oral stickers
understand feedback

All learners put stickers into three groups according their

understanding of the lesson
7 min Sts reflect the lesson
LESSON: 84 Unit 2. Sports.

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z

Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: An email

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects
is contributing to 5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges
5.R2 read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non-fiction texts
Lesson objectives learners will be able to :
• Learn the structure of an email.
• Learn key phrases to use in an email.
• Practise writing an email about yourself.
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Starts Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the Oral

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are teacher and take their places feedback
2-min you today? I hope you are well.
I divide you into two groups Students write the date, day and
countable lesson objectives into their
uncountable copybooks
Warm-up (2–3 minutes)
• Books closed. Ask the class: Do you like to email or do answer the question
you like to send text messages? Repeat the question if
8-min necessary and check for understanding.
• Ask a stronger student to answer the question, e.g. I like
to send text messages. Encourage other students in the
class to answer the questions for themselves too.
Middle Verbal pictures, active
Exercise 1
• Focus on the photos and ask the class which photo they board
prefer. Elicit any answers and encourage students to give • Students do the task in pairs Evaluation blackboard
reasons if they can.
8-min • Allow students 2–3 minutes to do the task. They check Focus on the photos and tell the
their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. class which photo they prefer
• Ask the class if they think that Matthew is interesting.
Elicit any feedback the class give, e.g. I think he is
interesting because he likes good music.
Exercise 2
• . Explain the task. students refer to the key
2-min • Students work individually. Check answers as a class. phrases Student’s book
• In a weaker class, translate the key phrases together. Ask Do the exercises individually
stronger student to translate the sentences by themselves
into their own language.
1 like 2 also 3 fan 4 interested 5 Please
Exercise 3
• Read through the different items together and check for Read through the different
understanding. items together and explain
• You could make the activity competitive by telling their understanding.
students that the first student to find an example of each is
the winner.
• Check answers as a class.
Possible answers: . feedback
1 Matthew 2 England 3 Newcastle United 4 Newcastle
3-min 5 English 6 My name’s …
Exercise 4 Model e-mail
• Tell students to look at the email and ask them if it looks
good. Elicit that no, it doesn’t look good because there to look at the email and say
aren’t any capital letters. them if it looks good.
• In a weaker class, students do the task in pairs. In a
stronger class, ask students to do the task individually.
• Check answers as a class.
Giving the home work. Six thinking
W.B. p.13 hats”:
Ending the Green: How can you use today's learning in different
lesson subjects? Students express their attitude
 Red: How do you feel about your work today? to the lesson and give self-
6 min.  White: What have you leant today? assessment using the method:
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work? “Six thinking hats”:
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson?
(Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

LESSON: 85 Unit 2. Sports.

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z

Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: My country: Sports in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects
is contributing to 5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges
5.R2 read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non-fiction texts
Lesson objectives learners will be able to :
• Learn vocabulary for talking about sports.
• Read a text about popular sports in Kazakhstan.
• Learn how to use this, that, these and those.
• Learn and practise using exclamations with what a / an + adjective + noun.
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Starts Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the Oral

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are teacher and take their places feedback
2-min you today? I hope you are well.
I divide you into two groups Students write the date, day and
countable lesson objectives into their
uncountable copybooks
• Books closed. Divide students into pairs and write sports Work in pairs and tell each
on the board. other about their favourite
• Allow students about 2 minutes to tell each other about sport.
their favourite sport.
• Get feedback from the class by asking a few students to
say what sport their partner likes best and why. Student’s book
Exercise 1
• Focus students’ attention on the words in the box. Point
out that some of the words are similar in Kazakh. students focus their attention on
• . Encourage them to try to guess the meaning of all the the words in the box
words before they look them up in a dictionary. Students work in pairs to
• Check answers by asking students to give an example of a identify the words that are
famous sportsperson for each sport. similar in Kazakh and English
• Model and drill the pronunciation of the words.
The following words are similar in Kazakh: football, boxing,
judo, tennis, hockey, golf, gymnastics.

Middle Verbal
Exercise 2
• Focus students’ attention on the photos. Ask them to
identify the sports in the photos (horse riding, cycling and • Students do the task in pairs Evaluation CD 1.28
judo). Then tell students to read the texts quickly and Focus on the photos and tell the
8-min check their answers. class which photo they prefer,
• Read through the questions together and check then answer the questions
• Students check their answers in pairs.
1 12 2 horse riding 3 Inzhu 4 Inzhu’s cousins 5
Almaty 6 the judo club
Exercise 3
• Draw students’ attention to the words in blue.
2-min • Students complete the rules and check answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Draw the following table on the Do the exercises individually
board and asks students to complete it with this, that, these Students pay attention to the
and those: words in blue then work out the Table
near far rule and complete yhe table
singular this that
plural these those

1 point to 2 singular, plural 3 are, aren’t
Exercise 4 Student’s book
• Explain the task and ask students to do it individually.
• Check answers as a class. Oral
Students do the exercise
individually. feedback
3-min 1 this 2 those 3 these 4 that 5 This

Exercise 5
• Make sure students understand what an exclamation is. Students complete the task
(It’s a short word or phrase that you say suddenly because individually.
of a strong emotion, e.g. surprise, pain, anger.)
• Draw students’ attention to the table and read out the
examples from the text. If necessary, give some more
examples, e.g. What an expensive camera! What a great
city! What a fast car! Point out or elicit that exclamations check their answers in pairs
usually end with an exclamation mark, then model and before checking as a class.
10min drill the intonation.
• Allow them to check their answers in pairs before Oral
checking as a class.
• Remind students that we use a before words which begin feedback
with consonants (b, c, d, g, etc.) and an before words
which begin with vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
1 what 2 a / an 3 adjective 4 noun
Giving the home work. Six thinking
W.B. p.14 hats”:
Ending the Green: How can you use today's learning in different
lesson subjects? Students express their attitude
 Red: How do you feel about your work today? to the lesson and give self-
6 min.  White: What have you leant today? assessment using the method:
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work? “Six thinking hats”:
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson?
(Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

LESSON: 86 Unit 2. Sports.

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z

Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Time and activities

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges
is contributing to 5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information
5.UE2 use numbers to practise asking for and telling the time
5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and
curricular topics
5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics
5.C3respect differing points of view
Lesson objectives learners will be able to :
• Learn how to ask for and tell the time.
• Understand a conversation about activities.
• Practise asking for and telling the time.
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Starts Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are teacher and take their places
2-min you today? I hope you are well.
I divide you into two groups Students write the date, day and
countable lesson objectives into their
uncountable copybooks
• Write some times on the board in digital format, e.g. 11:35,
14:05, 12:00, 16:30, 20:20. Ask students to decide which
8-min are in the afternoon (p.m.) and which are in the morning
• Ask students to work in pairs and draw the times as they Work in pairs and tell the time. Oral
feedback Student’s book
would appear on a clock face. Check answers as a class by
drawing the clock faces on the board.
Exercise 1
• Focus students’ attention on the times in the box and on
the six clock faces. Divide students into pairs and ask them students focus their attention on
to do the task. the times in the box and on
• Check answers as a class. Point out the words half, quarter, the six clock faces
past and to. Explain that half means thirty minutes and Students work in pairs to dothe
quarter means fifteen minutes. Explain that we use past for task
times within the first thirty minutes after an hour and that
we use to when talking about times in the thirty minutes
1 quarter past two 2 quarter to ten 3 eight o’clock
4 five past eleven 5 half past three 6 twenty to six
Middle Exercise 2 Verbal
• Draw students’ attention to the empty clock faces and
explain the task. • Students do the task Evaluation CD 1.25
• Play the recording. Pause after each time to allow students individually
8-min time to fill in the clock faces. Listen to the recording and fill
• Students compare their clock faces in pairs. Check answers in the clock faces
as a class.
1 half past eight 2 ten to two 3 quarter past ten
4 eleven o’clock 5 quarter to one 6 twenty five past three

Exercise 3
• Ask the students to work in pairs to rank the clubs
2-min according to how interesting they think they would be. CD 1.26
Get some feedback from each pair. Do the exercises individually
• Explain the task and draw students’ attention to the Students pay attention to the
question. question and answer it.
• Play the recording. Students check their answers in pairs.
Check answers as a class. Elicit that the other activity
mentioned is basketball.
Lily is interested in the music club.

Exercise 4
• Refer students to the key phrases and read through them Students drill the key words CD 1.26
together as a class. Point out the two different ways to ask Students complete the task
when something is happening. individually. Oral
• Draw students’ attention to the web page and ask what
kind of information it contains. Elicit that it contains the
3-min day and time for five different activity clubs. check their answers in pairs Student’s book
• Explain the task and play the recording. Students check before checking as a class.
their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class.
1 Tuesday 2 Saturday 3 12.15 4 2.30

Exercise 5
• Ask students to close their books and play the recording. CD 1.27
Ask them to identify what activity Jim is interested in. Listen to the recording and
• Check answers as a class. identify what activity Jim is
interested in.
10min • Instruct students to open their books again and draw their
attention to the dialogue. Play the dialogue once again
and ask students to follow it. Work pairs and role play the Oral
• Divide students into pairs and allocate each student the dialogue feedback
role of Jim or Flora. Ask them to practise the dialogue.
Monitor, checking pronunciation of the times.
Jim is interested in the baseball club.

Exercise 6 Make up their own dialogues,

• Divide students into pairs and explain the task. Point out work in pairs
that they can use the different activities from exercise 4 in
their new dialogues and ask them to use different times
from exercises 1 and 2.
• Circulate, helping out with vocabulary or ideas as
necessary as students write their dialogues.
• Choose one or two pairs to act out their dialogues for the
rest of the class.
Giving the home work. Six thinking
W.B. p.14 hats”:
Ending the Green: How can you use today's learning in different
lesson subjects? Students express their attitude
 Red: How do you feel about your work today? to the lesson and give self-
6 min.  White: What have you leant today? assessment using the method:
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work? “Six thinking hats”:
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson?
(Now I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
LESSON: 87 Unit 2. Sports.

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z

Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: A club poster
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges
contributing to 5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal
5.UE2 use numbers to practise asking for and telling the time
5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and
curricular topics
5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics
5.C3respect differing points of view
Lesson objectives learners will be able to :
• Learn how to read information on a poster.
• Make a poster for a club.
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Starts Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are you teacher and take their places
2-min today? I hope you are well.
I divide you into two groups Students write the date, day and
countable lesson objectives into their
uncountable copybooks
• Books closed. Tell students to work in pairs and tell each
other what club they would join if they could Work in pairs and tell each
choose one. other what club they would
8-min join if they could choose
• After about 1–2 minutes, get some feedback from the class
by asking a few students to tell you about their partner’s one.
chosen club. Students to tell about their Oral
partner’s chosen club. feedback Student’s book
Exercise 1 Poster about
• Focus students’ attention on the information in the box and photography
read through it with the class, checking for understanding.
Model the words members and instructor for pronunciation.
• Refer students to the poster and ask them if they like it.
Elicit any feedback they give you and encourage them to
give reasons for their opinions. students focus their attention on
• Ask them what the poster is about and elicit it is about a a poster
photography club. Students work in pairs to do the
• Explain the task and divide students into pairs. Ask them to task: skim read the
information and underline
skim read the information, i.e. they should look for the the information on the poster
information quickly without reading for detail. Encourage as they find it.
students to underline the information on the poster as they
find it.
• Check answers as a class.
The poster tells us about the cost, the place, the time and the
age of the club members.

Middle Verbal
Exercise 2
• Draw students’ attention to the questions and allow them a
moment to read through them. • Students do the task Evaluation Student’s book
• Students do the task individually and check their answers in individually, read the questions
8-min pairs. Check answers as a class. and answer them in pairs.
• Alternatively, you could make the exercise more Ss find the information on the
competitive and ask students to work in pairs to find the poster. The first pair to
information on the poster. The first pair to answer all the answer all the questions
questions wins. wins.
1 The club is for young people from ten to sixteen years old.
2 The club is on Tuesdays.
3 The club takes place between four and seven o’clock.
2-min 4 The club is at the youth centre in Orynbor Street.
5 Roza Rymbayeva is the instructor at the club.
Exercise 3
• Divide students into pairs or small groups of three, Students divide into pairs or
whichever you think will work best. Read through the small groups of three
instructions for making a poster with them and check that
they understand what they have to do. Read through the instructions
• Firstly, allow them some time to agree with each other on for making a poster
what type of club they are going to put on their poster.
Monitor and help with ideas if necessary. If possible, try to Make posters in groups
avoid two groups choosing the same type of club so that CD 1.26
there can be some variety.
• Once students have settled on their club, instruct them to
create answers for the questions in exercise 2 and point out
that this will form the basis of the information they should
include on their poster. Encourage students in a stronger write their information together Oral
class to think of more relevant information to include. Student’s book
• Students write their information together in their groups.
3-min Circulate, checking that they are including the relevant in their groups feedback
information and remind them to check their work for
mistakes in spelling and grammar.
• You might find it necessary to ask the students to research
some photos or images for their clubs for homework.
• In the next class, give students the materials they will need students to research some
for their posters, e.g. A3 paper, markers, scissors, glue, and photos or images for their clubs Student’s
ask them to work together to create an attractive design. for homework posters
Monitor, offering suggestions and help where necessary.
• When students are ready, ask them to check their work
again carefully before they decide they are finished.
10min ANSWERS.
Students’ own answers
Exercise 4
• If possible, put the posters on the wall of the classroom so Oral
that everybody can see them. If not, ask students to lay feedback
them out on their desks and tell the students to mingle
around to look at each other’s work.
• Have a class vote on which poster looks the best and on
which poster has the most popular club.
Students’ own answers

Giving the home work.

W.B. p16 make a poster
Ending the Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects? Six thinking
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today? hats”:
Students express their attitude
6 min.  White: What have you leant today? to the lesson and give self-
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work? assessment using the method:
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now “Six thinking hats”:
I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"
LESSON: 88 Unit 2. Sports.

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z

Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Reading for pleasure
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts
contributing to ( a poem) on general and curricular topics
5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal
information on the poem
5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of
general and curricular topics
5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range
of general topics
5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges
Lesson objectives learners will be able to :
• Learn how to read poems and tongue twisters.
• Recite the poems and tongue twisters.
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Starts Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are you teacher and take their places
2-min today? I hope you are well.
I divide you into two groups Students write the date, day and
countable lesson objectives into their
uncountable copybooks
• Books closed. Write zebra on the board. Ask the class what
it is. Elicit A zebra is an animal. Work in pairs prepare a very
• In pairs, students have two minutes to prepare a very short short description of a zebra.
8-min a few students read out their
description of a zebra. When they have finished, ask a few
students to read out their descriptions, e.g. A zebra is an descriptions
animal. It is black and white. It lives in Africa. Oral
feedback Student’s book
Exercise 1 Poster about
• Students do the task in pairs. Encourage them to first work photography
on the words that they know before moving on to those Students do the task in pairs
they don’t.
• All words should be familiar to students except for sloppy
and neat. You could explain these by putting an example of
very sloppy writing on the board neat to an example of very
neat writing.
1d 2b 3c 4a
happy E good C sloppy writing F quiet G noisy H
bad B neat writing A sad D
Middle Verbal
Exercise 2
• Explain the word stripe to the class. Ask them to read the
first four lines of the poem. Ask the class whether they • Students do the task Evaluation Student’s book
understand the questions Are you black with white stripes? individually, read the questions
8-min Or white with black stripes? and explain that they are and answer them in pairs. CD 1.23
pointless questions as they mean the same thing.
• Students do the task. In a weaker class, ask students to
work together in pairs. In a stronger class, students can do
the questions individually.
• Play the recording for students to check their answers. Listen to the recording and
• Go through the poem and check that the students check their answers
understand what it is about. Ask the class: Is the girl happy
she asked the zebra the questions? And elicit: No she isn’t
because the zebra goes on and on!
2-min • Get some feedback from the class about the poem. Did they
like it?
1 good 2 quiet 3 noisy 4 sad 5 happy 6 sloppy 7
Exercise 3 students practise saying the CD 1.23
• Ask the students to practise saying the poem in pairs. If you poem in pairs, listen to
like, play the recording once again for them to have another recording once again and
listen to help them. then perform the poem for
• Monitor, helping out with pronunciation where necessary. the whole class.
3-min • Choose a couple of stronger students to perform the poem
for the whole class.
Exercise 4 CD 1.24
• Write the word tongue-twister on the board and explain
what it is. A tongue-twister is a phrase or group of phrases students to listen to the tongue Oral Student’s book
that are designed to be difficult to say – they twist your twisters and try to do the feedback
tongue. tongue-twister
• Play the recording for students to listen to the tongue
twisters. You could pause after each one and try to do the
tongue-twister yourself for the students. Don’t worry if you students divide into pairs and
get stuck as that is the point of them. take turns saying the tongue-
10min • Divide students into pairs and ask them to take turns saying twisters
the tongue-twisters.
• You could have a quick competition by seeing which
student can repeat the phrases the longest before twisting
their tongue.
Giving the home work.
W.B. p17
Ending the Green: How can you use today's learning in different subjects? Six thinking
lesson  Red: How do you feel about your work today? hats”:
Students express their attitude
6 min.  White: What have you leant today? to the lesson and give self-
 Black: What were the weaknesses of your work? assessment using the method:
 Blue: How much progress have you made in this lesson? (Now “Six thinking hats”:
I can, I still need to work on, I've improved in, Today I
Yellow: What did you like about today's lesson?
Slide (Homework)
Slide "Six thinking hats"

LESSON: 89 Unit 2. Sports.

Teacher name: Assylkhanova B.Z
Grade: 5 A,B Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: SA Unit 8
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is 5.R1 Understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics.
contributing to 5.W4 Write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal
Lesson objectives learners will be able to :
• Read and identify the main idea in the text.
• Write answers for personal questions connecting extended sentences into a paragraph
Lesson structure
Planned Teacher activities Student activities Ass-t Resources

Starts Greeting. Sts respond to greeting of the

T: Good morning, students! I am glad to see you. How are you teacher and take their places
2-min today? I hope you are well.
T introduces the objectives of the lesson Students write the date, day and
lesson objectives into their Oral
copybooks feedback
5-min Warm-up
•Recite the poem from the previous lesson
25 min Task 1 Reading Do the reading task 6 points worksheets
Read the text and mark sentences T (True) or F (False). Read the text and mark
No pain, no gain sentences T (True) or F (False).
David Simmons comes from London, but he is in China now
for three months. He’s a student at the Dengfeng Kung Fu
School. David speaks Chinese a little but he has no problem
with this because teachers can speak English too. At this
school he gets up at five o’clock and starts training
immediately. The students of the school do not have time to
have breakfast. If they late, the teachers hit them with
sticks. First they train their legs, arms and stomachs. They
run up and down 1,0000 steps and do press ups. The
training is very, very hard. At half past seven they have rice
and soup for breakfast. They have a short rest and training
starts again at nine o’clock. They practice hitting with their
hands and kicking with their feet. Then they have lunch and
a long rest. In the afternoon they train with sticks and
swords. It is not dangerous because they do not fight. At six
o’clock they have a shower, and have dinner at half past six
- rice and soup again – then they go to bed. When David
goes back to Britain he wants to start a Kung Fu school in
London and teach people Kung Fu. He also wants to appear
in films as Kung Fu fighter!
Are the sentences true or false?
1. David Simmons works in China. ____
2. He has breakfast before he starts training. ____
3. David speaks a little Chinese. ____
4. In the morning they practice fighting. ____
5. They have a rest before lunch. ____
6. David wants to teach Kung Fu when he goes back to
Britain. ____

Task 2 Writing

Write an e-mail to your friend about you and your sporting 6 points
interests ask some questions about your friend’s sporting Write an e-mail to their friends
interests. Use the following questions:
What is your favourite sport?
Is the sport popular in your country?
Is it difficult or easy?
What is your sporting interest and why?
Do you prefer individual sport or team sport? Why?
What sports are you good at?
Giving and explaining the home work.
Ending the All learners put stickers into three groups according their Smiles and
lesson understanding of the lesson stickers
6 min. Smiles

I know and I can speak I need a help


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