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“Stig Of The Dump” - by Clive King

Chapter 4
Gone A-Hunting

How did Barney try to help Stig to understand about hunting?

By drawing a fox, hounds, horses & a rider on the wall

What did they take with them?

A spear and bow & arrow
Why did Stig drop to the ground?
Because he was stalking birds that were enjoying nature (wood pigeons)
What do you think Stig was hunting for?
Stig was hunting for pigeons
Why was Barney unsure about killing the pheasant?
Because Barney thought the pheasant was bound to be poaching or probably the
wrong time of the year to hunt them; he felt it wasn’t really the sport of hunting to
kill pheasants except maybe to shoot it with a gun
Why did the two boys hide?
Drawing because of the sound of the horn of the hunters were near & Barney
thought they’d get into trouble for killing the pheasant
Why do you think Stig did not kill the fox?
Because Stig only kills things you can eat & he felt that the fox didn’t taste good
thus was not food

What did Stig do to get rid of the hound?

by making dog noises from his throat & biting the hound’s ear
What do you think Stig was thinking when he heard the hunt?

Why could Stig move so quickly through the undergrowth and Barney could not?
Stig didn’t have as much clothes as Barney & didn’t care about scratching himself
in the woods; Barney had his rain coat which kept getting caught & ripped; his
rain hat & boots were all in the way as well
Describe the scene when the white horse came out of the wood.
The white horse came out of the wood, riderless. All the other horses went wild,
backing, rearing & turning in spite of their riders, snorting & neighing. It was a
stampede. Riders fell off their horses & into the puddles & mud.
What had Lou really seen?
Lou caught a glimpse of an arrow in the white horse & also a “creature” coming
out of the woods that was naked & muddy, had bushy hair & was wearing rabbit
skin. It was really Stig.
Why didn’t Lou say anything when Barney had told her about hunting with Stig?
Lou started to suspect maybe the “creature” she saw was the “Stig” that Barney
described so she didn’t say anything & felt that Grandma wouldn’t believe in what
she said anyway.

Chapter 5
The Snargets

What could Barney see from the window of his Grandma’s?

Yellow fog hanging over the trees outside, with the smoke from the back kitchen
What did Barney hear & see in the pit?
He heard voices & saw three boys, a little older than he was; Snargets

What were they doing?

They were building a shack from dead branches

What did adults always say about the Snarget brothers?

That they were “always in trouble”
Why did Barney throw clay at the shelter?
Barney threw clods of clay hoping to scare them away
Who do you think Albert is?
Albert could possibly be a neighbour or a school mate of the Snargets, who was
their enemy
What were the Snargets doing inside the shack before they all walked away?
The Snargets were whispering, discussing a plan to lure their attacker out
Would you have gone into the shack if you were Barney?
I wouldn’t have gone into the shack just yet but waited for a much longer time
after they had gone.
Did the Snargets believe that Stig was real?
The Snargets didn’t believe Stig was real because they “Cackled” at Barney’s
story & when they heard Stig was a caveman, they were “scornful” & “jeered” at
How did Barney describe Stig?
Heard Barney said that Stig was a cave man who made bows out of TV aerials &
arrows out of flint
Why did Barney suddenly feel sorry for the Snargets once he had gone into Stig’s cave?
Stig was making a club fitting in bits of flint, broken glass & rusty nails, so
Barney was feeling sorry for the Snargets if Stig used that club on them
Why didn’t Stig move back when Barney did?
Flint Stig didn’t move back because he heard noise at the entrance & wasn’t afraid
to find out what it was
Why do you think Stig took the young Snarget to his den after he had fallen?
Stig had wanted to help the youngest Snarget & take care of him after his fall
What did the “white flag” mean?
White flag meant they were surrendering & came in peace
What did the older Snarget boys bring for Stig?
Paper packets with jelly babies, fizzy sherbet & cigarettes
What did Stig do with the jelly babies at first?
At first he put the jelly baby in the light to examine then put it in a niche in the
chalk & looked at it, as if it were like some decoration
What did Stig do with his cigarette?
Stig put the whole cigarette in his mouth & chewed and swallowed it
Why do you think Barney wasn’t sure whether to have a cigarette?
I think Barney wasn’t sure whether to have a cigarette or not because he knew it
was not the right thing to do for children to be smoking & he had never had one

What did the Snargets think of the den

They thought the den was very interesting & they the weapons/spears that Stig had
What did the Snargets do to prove they would not tell the secret to anyone?
They made an oath & buried a beheaded jelly baby, showing that that is what
would happen if any one told the secret about the den.

By the end of the chapter, what does Barney think of the Snargets?
He thinks that they are not “that rough” & that they are “all right”

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