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SRELES AaTh Re Rimuru- sama has I wonder if what Tim saying is any easier to under Everyone has received a gift... That is They've received a share of their master's evolution Those who are linked to Rimurue sama's lineage Hence, the acquired slumbering a gift evolution, T believe fg FIDBE SEEN http: /,j/siius I LU] 4 a | current situa- But more SHUNPAVNONCRR NA | importantly, Will Shion- Mone gan and else who the others rave died? come back to life!? “a4 "se\tunoo ‘seperd ‘uosteziueSs0 ‘soweu s.9\doed jo soueveedde oun Yaim sdiysuoneies jemve OU ove o104n “WeUoay #1 eSUEW SUL It was a But it’s part of be revived still 00 \ the secret without 2 early to be ‘\ ‘ceremony problem at ease { } of Rimuru- ] sama who became a Demon Lord ae i Having There's no had died “| guarantee once that their already memory Righ| recollection a9 will remain For as long as I've lived, that was Shall wie the first time| transport T've seen everyone under a Z, the work of shelter? god to that The sight of Kleiman Eurazania is also involved with Tempest so perhaps I should tell them... = 3] =) oe i Be Cry Se fe 3 *—Aep sty} Jog Aysnoixue BulzieM 7 re, A tWth Original: FUS@ Manga:Kawakami Taiki SORT Reincarnated to Slim Character Design: Mitz Vah . _ Tempest ES & Resurrection Chapter Festival ELESAZ SALE We've all {| survived 4 F EN A FREWESAS ThE ae I was worried y that the success rate of the Great ‘Sage was about the same as the value of pi... There are Thank Pardon th various ness s. Meets ‘goed intrusion to inform Have you you about awaken already? Benimaru = after waking up, do you remember the promise? Yeah If Ihave loss all sense of That was Itwasa __ reasoning the case, promise When becom- huh? epromise ing a Demon with a ede =] passphrase Well then And Til Confirm giaiat z BAX | it to me extremely. k one sore bad) Till ask you, [what do you think of Shion’s Don't worry about it, it's Fine If she happens to gets engry and starts complaining when she wakes up... Calm down For a time like this, that’s what the [Great Sage] is here for Damn it Benimaru, this guy set me up!! WZ] twhat do you think of Shion’s cooking? Til ask you now Ba...bad! This situation is very bad!! $0 what you're saying is that he wants me to cook, right? thats The Great Sage isn’t here!? For the sake of this urgent matter, Raphael proposes 2 counter- measure. 50 that’s itt Unique skit! CHR] has evolved into the ultimate skill, [Raphael} Tt looks to me like he wants to confirm your every- day endea- vors like he wants to eat your cooking ‘after such 2 long time oi LEE RI ALE I fF = yy OF course, Os About = Till refrain A since it's eet ree od eoee | gi making For e Rimuru- ct Please sama course I pees y Seen: Benimaru- a ber pis AY | } K se fe \ Ww y a we f ss fe \ i. Oz € tS Z Nee Se 2 fe If I'm not mistaken, the passphrase Benimaru-kun -—} decided on Was... [Shion’s cooking is extremely bad], am T right? AKA HOR BEDI NEOT TY <7 SP} a | Rimuru- Wait, sama only Shion! just woke up 50 he’s still probably confused! take that back Benimaru iz =e L Tt & #t 2 % Le) & t¥ (SRA) bs Since I report directly But more * oe to Rimurue importantly, sama, it’s you sounded ‘ unnecessary like you really 4 to have a wanted to eat |, my cooking... Sue Sam no need to hold back $0 please enjoy yourself while T serve you until your stomach is completely Filled Ea This time around was a natural evasion, a perfect counterblow if I might add, such a splendid Rimuru- We'd like to convey our greet- No matter eth Their know!- ESRI A BE how many times I die, Til just come back edge and personality are the same They've a Ike before acquired the extra skill, (Perfect Memory] That time with the Great Sage, I sacrificed an innocent Gobuta and forcibly evaded the situation Hahaha... oh well, good luck with thet I get it now, Raphael My reliable partner became even more reliable It seems like every- one has Furthermore, received a it’s a skill gift while based on Twas their desire sleeping that they've acquired Al ee os ye) oe The 2 feeling of if ee happiness sama:? 2 is con- stricting my chest It's true awaken I get it, T get it Again, it's me, It's me, Riguldo! ELESAS 4b EF Don't be ridiculous!! |< It's amazing that most of the debris and wreckage has already Ie this Deen cleared... preparation for a festival? fe floorsesem hit: kc,p/sirus I LN }S 4 a | A IZy, Because of thet, we are preparing emergency food for them For them to host a festival in such a (hurry) is pretty amazing Let's hurry on to the festival! In addition, it won't be long before éurazania arrives: Now that Rimurue sama has awaken, There are some that have just awaken SO they're not in a good state of being That’s right Millim did declare war ‘on them, didn’t she? Thad my hands full with my own country that I had to think about it for a second Regarding Eurazania’s situation, I'l have to talk to the evacuee representative afterwards iow Y= The food |- Please |= 1 ii} ==] is already = : take your =~ K iH ~~ prepared! |= ~— seat 2, yy) \ a [a= ie y y Seo aS S Lee, ZVA y \ Xs SS oe ~ ati After at she has togethe: been working her best, 50 maybe it might be miraculously delicious! Hold ont! Why do I still have “i Wy c Oh sure, as if miracles Tim ould going happen 1 just like that!! Sat eda OS ME ora webs It’s not good putting in the ingredients in its entirety like that Why did you have to go Ahhh... this far for, : Ni It still Benimaru? - ended up like this... to leave the hassle of cooking to Shion? really have | Since I was a kid, I've thought nothing was What is this ouy talking : about? 5 going to impossible I think we're Find out AIF HOU AOI wpoz eva ASI Ms ens 10 It can't be helped After having come this far, I might as well prepare for the worst _RELESA ST. a oie (ee why T got this skill SE AHIETE Ww http: //, DER a It doesn't matter how she cooks, I wonder itl end up whether or i tasting like not your Y'mso how she desire had 4 amazed imagines it to be at by it that to be, which the critical } T don't to me isa moment of i \ know what ridiculous reviving ae < else to say _—Skll to have That's = ) But, just like R oh well what But next time, at It tastes ee oe good but Peccats oe wey the ingre- ! a dients and the texture is awFul BOER EOVFYIV—VHAI AREF HOR BAIN) x fi : With you ecoming the demon lord I'd like to express. my deepest gratitude NN We "Y You can go home already It must AR have been awful to 4 have kept —| you from MT VT Just before Tell asleep, Idid sum- mon some greater daemons of trouble with you helping me in all sort of ways Ohh Iremem- ber now | He must've |> had been troubled of wanting to return since I didn’t give him permis- sion to do so person is erying Huh? By any chance was the compensation ineufficient? I wish to humbly accept the lowest of seat asa you please consider? under your command subordinate have had requested of you a suggestion some time ago SaSELE think of it, he did wanted to work for me right after I summoned There Answer. They were |" were consumed No two other to compen- matter Greater sate for the how you Daemons energy look at that used to this guy, came out rejuvenate there's together the secret more to with him arts of him than. reviving the that dead. He seems However You're strong and pretty It's like dependable Since that's _relent- adouble- but also the case, less, edged dangerous Tilfeel bad Raphael ae if he were if I were to - to rebel just send him back -] Tunder- stand Well then, how should I refer to Sil ea Being an unnamed devil is more then satisfactory for me My lord, T can't stop feeling uneasy Rimuru is fine Thank you very much for your kind- ness, my This guy is over exagger- ating Well then From now on, you're part of our group It has a pleasant ring to it... GEELEEAS 4 LER He looks like a dignified being, but doesn’t have a Well then Your name will be “Diablo” For you to be worthy of that name, be of service to me By the way, did Raphael's speaking pattern some- how became more fluent? Like cating me master That guy took halt of it \ Incidentally, due to the demon lord- fication, the imopie alernat fas hicreseed er cemrelee, | Wouldn't that mean he’s going to turn into a completan) absurd monster? Ahh..the evolution I'm very thriled and Impressed Rimuru- sama great to hear I will serve you sincerely from this day forward | 1s thet person a new com- How should T put it...? T just can't shake this feeling about him This is Diablo Please get along well with him Kufufu- fufufu By the way, Benimmaru Please to meet you, Benimaru- Did you for some- Well actually, they were refraining to talk to you until the party had settled down Eurazania’s three beastke- teers Please listen Lord Milirm= sama Versus Demon The Lord Callion- story ‘sama of the | battle BELLOASA LKR Tensei Shitara slime Datta Ren Regarding Reincarnated 40 Slime Chapter 69 - Tempest Resurrection Festival Shion's back and still the same 2s she was before! Actually, she’s even better! She acquired a new unique kill, BUDA, read a6 ‘ryouri nin, meaning cook/chef. The furigana has it set as 4/87€7 CBR < 48), which is read a6 'sabaku mono’, meaning a person who judges. Judgement sounds pretty cool and matches to her skill in which it doesn’t matter what or how she cooks, a6 long a6 she imagines what it should be, that is what it will taste like! Although she got complimented by Rimuru on the taste, she still needé to work on the presentation. So does that mean it's safe to eat her cocking? Seems like only the taste is affect, not necessarily the content... But T guess it doesn’t matter, T'll eat her cocking anytime! Besides her, every other Tempest resident seem to have gain 2 unique skill. Wonder what the might be since it’s based on their desire at that time. Well, for those who are ahead in the Light Novel, try not to spoil it for the other readers, okay? Well, enough about Shion, everyone is celebrating their resurrection! And we get to see the three dryad sisters all together in the same frame!! OF course, we have our devil waiting patiently for Rimuru’s attention. And he get's what he wished for and became a subordinate under Rimuru's command. As well as a name, Sebasti...I mean, Diablo! ‘Oh, the butler-type... Unfortunately, the Fun won't last as there's another problem at hand. The fight between Millim and Callion, Seeing that Albus, Phobio, and Sphia are all there together, something bad must have happened...dun dun dun. Other than that, there's a whole lot of tiny details and it’s fun to keep an eye out and take notice of. Hope you all enjoyed the read and see you all in the next chapter! anejlek - Shion's back, oppai! READ THE NEXT CHAPTER ONLY AT Ald MANGAFREAK Pris ict Lei ig

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