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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.

0 for Apollo and Galileo

Getting Started with Travelport Smartpoint

This section includes:

Launching Travelport Smartpoint

Signing in
Signing out
Minimizing Travelport Smartpoint
Re-launching Travelport Smartpoint
Changing Local Language
Creating a Password
Setting Your GDS Language
What's New


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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Launching Travelport Smartpoint

Travelport Smartpoint launches automatically when you open Galileo Desktop.

Signing on to Travelport Smartpoint also signs you into Galileo Desktop.

Travelport Smartpoint provides the following:

The Terminal Window on the right in which to enter formats and obtain general responses
The PNR Viewer Windowon the left that automatically refreshes the PNR/Booking File

Switching between Travelport Smartpoint and Galileo Desktop

After you sign on to Travelport Smartpoint, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F12 to switch to
and from Galileo Desktop, if required.
If Travelport Smartpoint has been closed, you can re-launch it by clicking the Travelport Smartpoint icon

on the Galileo Desktop Custom Toolbar. This icon is automatically installed on the toolbar when
Travelport Smartpoint is successfully installed.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Signing In
You can sign in to Smartpoint in three ways:

The Sign On dialog box. By default, the Sign On dialog box displays when Smartpoint launches.
Terminal formats. You must disable the Sign On dialog box to use terminal formats.
PKeys, if you have a PKey assigned with your sign on and password. You must disable the Sign On
dialog box to use a PKey.

If applicable, you can also emulate a PCC using either the Emulate dialog box or a terminal format.
Note: If you do not use your Galileo workstation for a period of 120 minutes, Galileo automatically signs
you out and you lose any unfinished transactions. The automatic sign out time can be adjusted to 30
minutes or 60 minutes.

Signing In Using the Sign On Dialog Box

If you are not signed on to Galileo Desktop when you launch Travelport Smartpoint, the Sign On dialog
box is displayed:

1. Enter your Galileo Desktop sign on and password.

Note: You do not need to include the format SON/ in the Sign-on box.
If your Client ID requires you to emulate, the Emulate dialog box opens. 

1. In PCC, enter the Pseudo City Code that you want to emulate.
2. Click Emulate. Or, click Cancel if you do not want to emulate.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Signing In Using a Terminal Format

If your computer is set up to not display the Sign On dialog box, you can sign on using the terminal
format. If the Sing On dialog box is disabled, the Terminal Window automatically displays the SIGN IN

1. In the Terminal Window, at the SIGN In prompt, enter SON/YourClientID.

2. At the PASSWORD prompt, enter your password. Your password is hidden with asterisks (*) as you
3. If you need to emulate a PCC, enter SEM/PCC/AG, where PCC is the emulated Pseudo City Code.

Enabling and Disabling Sign On and Emulate Dialog Boxes

You can set the Sign On and Emulate dialog boxes to display or not display when Travelport Smartpoint

To select your dialog box settings:

1. From the Application menu, select Application Settings to display the Application Settings dialog
2. Choose your display preference for the Sign On dialog box in the auto-display emulate dialog
check box.

Select the check box to display the Sign On dialog box when you launch Smartpoint.
Clear the check box to not display the Sign On dialog box.

1. Choose your display preference for the Emulate dialog box in the auto-display emulate dialog
check box.

Select the check box display the Emulate dialog box when you launch Smartpoint.
Clear the check box to not display the Emulate dialog box.

See Setting General Application Preferences for more information.

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Signing Out
To sign out of Travelport Smartpoint, enter: SOF or SOF/<Client ID> and Password com-
The response is: SIGN-OFF COMPLETE.
Note: This entry also signs you out of Galileo Desktop.

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Minimizing Travelport Smartpoint

To minimize Travelport Smartpoint and return to Galileo Desktop, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F12. 
Use Ctrl + F12 to bring Travelport Smartpoint back to the forefront when required.
Alternatively, click ‘Quit Application’ on the APPLICATION menu to close Travelport Smartpoint.

Show Screen

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Re-launching Travelport Smartpoint

To re-launch Travelport Smartpoint in the event you close the application, click the Travelport Smart-

point icon shown on the Galileo Desktop Custom Toolbar.

Note: On successful installation, the Travelport Smartpoint icon automatically installs onto the toolbar.

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Changing Local Language

You can customize the local language displayed:

Click the Application menu.

Select Application Settings.
Select the Language drop-down box to change the local language.
Click Save.

The new language will appear after restarting Travelport Smartpoint.

Show Screen

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Creating a Password
Passwords must be:

Seven to ten characters in length.

Alpha numeric (at least one letter and one number)
Changed every 90 days

The Galileo system prompts you when you need to assign yourself a new password. You cannot use the
same password for five consecutive changes and you cannot use the following as your password:

Agent sign-on
Agent name
Days of week
Names of months

When you sign on for the first time, you use a temporary password. You are then prompted to change it
to a permanent one and to set a keyword.

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Setting Your GDS Language

The translation feature supports a primary and secondary language.

To configure the GDS language:

Click on the Connection box at the top of the screen.
Select your primary cryptic language.
Select a secondary cryptic language.

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Setting TCP/IP Connections

TCP/IP connections allow you to add, change, or delete your Smartpoint connections.
Note: The TCP/IP Configuration screen is available only if Hide Galileo Desktop is selected in the Applic-
ation Settings. If Galileo Desktop is not hidden, you need to manage your connections through the Focal-
point Configuration Viewer.

To add, change, or delete connections:

From the Tools menu, select Connection TCP/IP.

The Smartpoint TCP/IP Configuration screen displays all of your current connections.

To delete a connection, select connection and click Delete. At the warning prompt, click Yes to
confirm the deletion.
To create a new connection, you can:
Click New to display a Connection screen.
Or, select a connection and click Copy to display the existing connection settings. You can
then rename the new connection.
To change an existing connection, select the connection and click Edit.

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After any changes are made, Smartpoint must be restarted to allow the connection changes to take

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Selecting Your Connection

Each terminal window can use a different Client ID or connect to a different host GDS if required. You
can use the Connection Switcher to select available connections in Galileo Desktop (if applicable).

Show Screen

Click on the drop-down to make the appropriate selection and click Save to save your selection.

Other Features
The Application menu also allows you to:

Save Window Positions/Settings

Restore Window Positions/Settings

Reset Window Positions/Settings

Reset All Settings to Factory Defaults

Menu display:

Show Screen

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Note: Select Reset All Settings to Factory Defaults if Travelport Smartpoint does not open up correctly.
It is possible that the configuration files may have become corrupted in some way.

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Accessing Smartpanel
Smartpanel is a component of Travelport Smartpoint. Smartpanel applies pre-set parameters, such as
classes of service, departure time windows, or account code, via a fill-in format to perform a fares-led
search. Multiple sectors and multiple passengers can be added, published, net and private fares can be
searched individually or jointly as well as a range of availability and fare modifiers can be used. Results
are returned in the terminal window and can be easily viewed and booked.
The Smartpanel can be accessed by:
Clicking on the FS icon at the bottom right hand corner of the screen
Clicking on the Tools menu and then Smartpanel.

Click on the button located at the bottom of the active Window, and the following pop-up box

Show Screen

Note: Alternatively, you can launch Smartpanel via the Search menu or by entering the quick command

Show Screen

Smartpanel contains a Basic and Advanced tab.

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Switching Between Windows

This drop-down menu allows you to switch between windows if you have created additional windows.
Example menu display:

Show Screen

If you select Show all windows, Window 1 plus any additional windows you have created display.
Example response:

Show Screen

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Using QuickCommands
QuickCommands is an easy way to access Relay, which is a series of Windows-based tools that quickly
accomplish complex and time-consuming tasks. QuickCommands provides you with several productivity
tools with an easy-to-use interface. When you want to perform daily tasks, use one or more of the Relay
You may have several types of QuickCommands available:

Default QuickCommands that are installed with Smartpoint.

Company QuickCommands that are added by your agency to support your corporate processes.
Custom QuickCommands that you can add and manage to meet your individual needs.

Accessing QuickCommands
To open the QuickCommands menu, you can either:

Click the QuickCommands icon on the right side of the Terminal Window.

Show Screen

From the Tools menu, select QuickCommands.

Show Screen

Apollo Tools Menu

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Galileo Tools Menu

Relay QuickCommands
The following table lists Relay tools and their description.

This tool: Does this:

Relay Itinerary Capture Collects itinerary data and sends it to other destinations.
Relay Queues Helps monitor and maintain agency queues.
Relay PNR Creates a Business File or a Personal File from data stored in a
Relay Client File Provides the ability to cut, copy, and paste information to and
from Windows-based applications to create or update a profile.
Relay Ticket Exchange Determines exchange type based on booking information. Provides
graphic of ticket coupon to identify additional information on cur-
rent ticket.
Relay Recovery Simplifies linking and de-linking printers, clearing printer buffers,
and managing TINS tables.
Relay Rules Provides the ability to copy and change rules for point-of-sale
booking quality control check.
Relay E-Status Automated way to track status of unused electronic tickets.

Searching for QuickCommands

This option enables you to search for a specific topic for which there is a QuickCommand.
Refer to the following example to search for queues:

Show Screen

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Click on a topic or type #QUEUES and enter to display Relay Queue Manager.

Example Response Screen

Adding or Editing Custom QuickCommands

You can create your own custom QuickCommands that can be added, edited, or removed.

To add a new custom QuickCommand:

1. From the Tools menu, select QuickCommands, and then click Configuration to display the
Travelport QuickCommands dialog box.

Show Screen

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2. In the QuickCommands Management section, click Add below the QuickCommands list to display
the New Quick Command fields. Note that the new QuickCommand is added to the Quick-
Commands list.

Show Screen

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3. In Name, enter a name for the new QuickCommand.

4. In Keyword, enter a search keyword.
5. In Type, select from ViewpointCOM, Browser, or Execute.
6. Complete the data for the QuickCommand Type that you selected.
7. If you want to display the new QuickCommand in your QuickCommand menu, be sure to select
Create a menu item in the Tools menu.
8. In Terminal Command, add a custom terminal/cryptic command for the QuickCommand, if

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9. In Favorite Menu, select Level 1 to Level 4 to indicate the level for this QuickCommand in your
Category list.
10. In Add to Category, select an existing QuickCommand category or a enter a new category.
11. Save the new custom QuickCommand.

Click Save to store the QuickCommand in the General Settings section of your Application Set-
tings (your default QuickCommandsTriggers.xml file).
Click Save As to store the QuickCommand to an another XML file.

To edit an existing custom QuickCommand:

Note that you can edit custom QuickCommands, but you cannot edit the default QuickCommands in
Smartpoint or corporative QuickCommands added by your agency.

1. From the Tools menu, select QuickCommands, and then click Configuration to display the
Travelport QuickCommands dialog box.
2. Select the custom QuickCommand and make the desired changes.

3. Save the edited custom QuickCommand.

Click Save to store the QuickCommand in the General Settings section of your Application Set-
tings (your default QuickCommandsTriggers.xml file).
Click Save As to store the QuickCommand to an another XML file.

To remove a custom QuickCommand:

Note that you can remove custom QuickCommands, but you cannot remove the default QuickCommands
in Smartpoint or corporative QuickCommands added by your agency.

1. From the Tools menu, select QuickCommands, and then click Configuration to display the
Travelport QuickCommands dialog box.
2. Select the desired custom QuickCommand and click Remove.
3. When the warning box displays, click Yes to confirm the removal.

Show Warning

4. Save the new QuickCommand configuration.

Click Save to store the QuickCommand in the General Settings section of your Application Set-
tings (your default QuickCommandsTriggers.xml file).
Click Save As to store the QuickCommand to an another XML file.

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Checking for Updates

Select Automatic Update Options, then click the Check now button to verify you are running the latest
version of Travelport Smartpoint.

Show Screen

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Accessing Help
Help gives you access to the Travelport Smartpoint User Guide and the eNett Virtual Account Number
(VAN) User Guide.
Help also provides a link to a series of training videos, to What’s New in Smartpoint! and to ASK Travel-

Show Screen

Note: Click About… to check which version of Smartpoint you are running.

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What's New
After upgrading your existing version of Travelport Smartpoint, a pop-up box displays with information to
describe the new features and functionality available with the latest release. You have the option to hide
this box by selecting the Don't show me the message again check box.

You can access this information at any time by selecting Help > What's New in Smartpoint!

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Personalizing the Work Area

The topics in this section include:

Adding, Deleting, and Renaming Windows

Accessing the Four Window View
Creating a Floating Window to View Applications
Creating Additional Work Area Tabs
Creating Native or Interactive Windows
Personalizing the Window Color, Font, and Theme
Configuring Quick Command Keys
Setting Queue Count Options
Accessing Drop Through Carriers

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Accessing Drop Through Carriers

Drop through carriers and drop through entries can be accessed by disabling plug-ins.

Click the plug-in button in the upper right hand corner of the screen and verify it is set to OFF.

Note: The button is located between your office ID and the connection name

Switch plug-ins back to ON to use the full range of features Travelport Smartpoint provides.

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Accessing the Four Window (Grid) View

The four window view, also known as a grid view, allows you to display four windows at once. In this
view, you can continue to access applicable Terminal and Smartpoint menu options.

To access a four window display:

1. From the Terminal menu, select Grid View Mode. Or, click CTRL + ALT + F10.
2. To switch back to the standard view, click the gray arrow in the top left corner.

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Adding, Deleting, and Renaming Windows

The windows in Smartpoint can be renamed, added, or removed to assist with managing the windows dis-
played using these steps:

Click the Application menu.

Select Application Settings.
In the Manage Your Windows box, select the window you want to rename.
Type in the new name in the Name of Selected Window text box.
Click Save.

The new name will appear at the top of each terminal window within Travelport Smartpoint.

Show Screen

Adding a Window
You can easily create additional windows if required.

Click Add and specify a unique name if required in the Name of selected window box.
Click Save.

Removing a Window
To remove a window, simply highlight it and click Remove.

Show Screen

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Click Save at the bottom of the screen for changes to take effect.

Example display of three windows:

Click on WINDOW on the Toolbar and select the window in which you wish to work.

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Application Settings
The Application Settings dialog box enables you to:

Customize display options including language, theme, and color scheme in General settings.
Create additional terminal windows in Windows management. These windows can be configured
independently to:
Change font type and font size.
Select a GDS connection.
Add an Auto Receive field, which is automatically entered on End Transaction.

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Configuring Quick Command Keys

Create Quick command keys to provide fast access to websites, executable applications or Viewpoint dia-

Click Tools > Quick Commands > Configuration to access the Management menu.
Modify one of the existing QuickCommands or use the Add button to create a new one.
After selecting Type from the drop-down list, the fields will change to allow you to provide the
required information.

Existing quick commands can be viewed and launched by clicking on the ‘#’ symbol at the right hand
side of the screen (or ALT+F12).

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Configuring QuickCommands
The Travelport QuickCommands Configuration dialog allows you to create, modify, or delete Quick-
Commands in Travelport Smartpoint.
You are able to define the name, the type of resource, the terminal command, and also generate a menu
Refer to the following example to create a QuickCommand to access the website for IATA (www.i-

1. Launch the QuickCommand dialog box.

2. Click Add.

Show Screen

Depending on the Type, the different fields are displayed.

Show Screen

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Complete and specify the following items:

Select ViewpointCOM to launch a Viewpoint dialog box
Select Browser to launch a web site
Select Excute to launch an executable file

Viewpoint Method
Terminal Command
Checkboxes to -
Refresh PNR after the action is executed.
Refresh Viewpoint before the action is executed.
Create a menu item in the Tools menu.
Favorite Menu
Add to Category

Browser Method
Terminal Command
Checkboxes to
Refresh PNR after the action is executed.
Refresh Viewpoint before the action is executed.
Create a menu item in the Tools menu.
Favorite Menu
Add to Category

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Execute Method
Terminal Command
Checkboxes to -
Refresh PNR after the action is executed.
Refresh Viewpoint before the action is executed.
Create a menu item in the Tools menu.
Favorite Menu
Add to Category

Terminal Command

Completed screen example for the Browser Type:

Show Screen

Click Save to save the quick command.

Show Screen

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Adding to the Favorite Menu

You can identify an item as a favorite by adding it to the Favorite menu. There are four levels:

Show Screen

Refer to the following example to specify the QuickCommand for IATA as a Level 1 favorite and add to
category Air.

1. Select IATA from the list on the left of the display.

2. Select Level 1 from the Favorite menu drop-down list.
3. Select Air from the Add to Category drop-down list.

Completed screen example:

Show Screen

Note: Click Save to save the settings.

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When you open the QuickCommands panel, IATA is flagged in red as a ‘favorite’:

Show Screen

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Creating a Floating Window to View Applications

You can configure a floating window which will open alongside other applications such as email.

Click the Application menu.

Select Application Settings.
Uncheck Embed Smartpoint in Galileo Desktop.
Click Save.

These changes will take effect when Travelport Smartpoint is restarted.

Show Screen

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Creating Additional Windows

You can easily create additional windows if required. Click Add and specify a unique name if required in
the Name of selected window box.

Show Screen

Click Save at the bottom of the screen for changes to take effect.

Removing a Window
To remove a window, simply highlight it and click Remove.

Show Screen

Click Save at the bottom of the screen for changes to take effect.
Example display of three windows:

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Show Screen

Click on WINDOW on the Toolbar and select the window in which you wish to work.

Show Screen

Changing the Font and Font Size

Select the required Font, Font Weight, and Font Size.

Show Screen

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Click Save to save your required settings.

Note:You can select the Font icon at the bottom of the PNR Viewer Window to amend the font size in the
PNR Viewer Window.

Show Screen

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Creating Additional Work Area Tabs

From the terminal window you can create additional work area tabs:
Click on the + symbol to add additional work area windows
Select the Terminal menu > New Terminal in Tab (or press Alt+N)

To remove a tab
Click on the X symbol to close a work area tab.
Select the desired tab to be deleted
Click Terminal > Remove Current Terminal Tab (or press Alt+R)

Show Screen

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Creating Native or Interactive Windows

You can create interactive and traditional native work areas within Travelport Smartpoint.

Click Terminal menu > Native/Interactive mode (or CNTRL+N)

Native windows are identified with an orange band at the top of the window tab as shown in the

Note: The PNRViewer will not refresh automatically while using the native mode in the current terminal.

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Personalizing the Window Color, Font, and Theme

Customize the screen colors, font, font size, font weight and theme using the following steps:

Click the Application menu.

Select Application Settings.
Select the desired theme, color scheme, font, font size and font weight.
Click Save.

The new theme, font, font size, font weight or color scheme will appear after restarting Travelport

Show Screen

Note:You can select the Font icon at the bottom of the PNR Viewer Window to amend the font size in the
PNR Viewer Window.

Show Screen

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Personalizing the Work Area

The topics in this section include:

Adding, Deleting, and Renaming Windows

Accessing the Four Window View
Creating a Floating Window to View Applications
Creating Additional Work Area Tabs
Creating Native or Interactive Windows
Personalizing the Window Color, Font, and Theme
Configuring Quick Command Keys
Setting Queue Count Options
Accessing Drop Through Carriers

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Programmable Keys (PKeys) Editor

You can set up and edit Programmable Keys, also known as PKeys, in Travelport Smartpoint.

1. From the Tools menu, select Programmable Keys Editor.

Show menu

The Programmable Keys Editor dialog box is displayed.

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1. In the Key list, select a key.

2. In Type, select the type of function for the Programmable Key.


Hot Key

SW+ Script

Browser Script

Most Programmable Keys work in Travelport Smartpoint, but some do not work if they contain com-
mands that are specific to the Focalpoint multi-window terminal emulation environment. 

For example, you can create a Programmable Key that contains the command <ReDir3>,
which redirects the entry to Window 3. However, this key does not work in Travelport
Smartpoint because Smartpoint has no concept of Window 3. The <ReDir3> command is
ignored by Travelport Smartpoint.

In Release 6.5, there is a known issue in which both Galileo Desktop and Smartpoint must be
enabled for Programmable Keys to work. If Galileo Desktop is hidden, Programmable Keys do not
function and the list in the Programmable Keys Editor is blank.

To correct this issue, show Galileo Desktop:

1. From the Application menu, select Application Settings.

2. In the General Settings section of the Application Settings screen, clear the Hide
Galileo Desktop check box.
3. Restart Smartpoint.

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Setting General Application Preferences 

You can customize display options, including language, theme, and color scheme in General settings sec-
tion of the The Application Settings dialog box.

To select your General Settings:

1. From the Application menu, select Application Settings to the display the dialog box.

2. Make the desired changes to the General settings and Windows management sections.
3. Click Save to confirm your changes.

General Settings
Click the Language drop-down arrow to select one of the languages supported for Smartpoint. When
Smartpoint restarts, the product displays in the selected language.

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Color Scheme
Click the Color scheme drop-down arrow to select an available color scheme for Smartpoint. When
Smartpoint restarts, the product displays in the selected color scheme.

Show Screen

Other Options
The following features are also available.

Check Box If the box is selected:

Apply color scheme to PNR Applies the color scheme that you selected to the PNR Viewer.
Refresh Viewpoint PNR Automatically refreshes the Viewpoint PNR to when PNR/Book-
ing File content changes.

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Check Box If the box is selected:

Display Separator Lines Adds separator lines in host results such as flight availability.
Auto-display sign on dialog Displays the Sign On dialog box when you launch Smartpoint.
Auto-display emulation dialog Displays the Emulation dialog box when you are not emulating a
PCC. If the Sign On dialog box is disabled (not selected), the
Emulation dialog box is also disabled automatically.
Embed Smartpoint in Galileo Desktop Makes Galileo Desktop windows and menu items not visible.
Hide Galileo Desktop Hides Galileo Desktop when launched on start up.
Show reset option when resolution Indicates whether you want a dialog box displayed when your
changes screen resolution changes.

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Setting Queue Count Options

Up to ten frequently used queues including categories can be automatically polled or set to be polled at a
defined time. Proactive notifications are received when queues are updated.

Click on the ‘O’ symbol at the bottom right hand side of the screen.
Enter the PCC, queue number, and/or queue category.
Select which queues you would like visible (up to five can be selected).
Select the polling frequency.
Click Save

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Switching on Work Areas

To access alternate work areas:
Click on one of the five work area letters at the top of the screen.

You can also type in SA, SB, SC etc in the active window
An orange underscore under the work area letter identifies that area is active and contains data.
A blue underscore under the work area letter identifies that area is active but contains no data.

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Terminal and Window Configuration Options

The Application Menu provides access to terminal and window configuration options.

Show Screen

From this drop-down menu, you can customize the appearance of the Terminal Window.

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Screen Icons in the Terminal Window

The following icons are available in the Terminal Window.


Replay entries


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QuickCommands Icon

The QuickCommands icon launches the QuickCommands search panel to enable you to search for a spe-
cific topic.
Note: QuickCommands are explained in the Menu Items — Quick Commands section.

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Screen Icons in the Terminal Window

The following icons are available in the Terminal Window.


Replay entries


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Replaying Terminal Entries

To save time, you can capture commonly used entries and replay them. You can capture a maximum of
999 entries, and you can either permanently store the entries or clear the entry list each time you open
Travelport Smartpoint.
Note: You can also create a SOM (Start of Message) to initiate a terminal entry from anywhere in the Ter-
minal Window.

Working with the replay list:

1. From the Terminal Window, click on the Replay icon to display the list of replayed entries.

2. From the replay list, click on the desired entry. You can either click:

Send to send the selected entry.

Options to manage your replay list.
Delete Selected to delete the entry from your replay list.

Selecting options for your replay list:

Click Options to locate the file location. You can export the entry to list and save to a file location if

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Note: You are permitted to capture a maximum of 999 entries. Check the box if you wish the list to be
cleared each time you start up Travelport Smartpoint. Click Save to save your settings.

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Working with SOM (Start of Message) Entries

You can create a SOM (Start of Message) to initiate a terminal entry from anywhere in the Terminal Win-
dow. The SOM can be added at any place in the text area between the start SOM and the end SOM, includ-

The blank space between lines.

The text of a line.
In a link.

Note: Smartpoint does not support adding a SOM entry on an empty screen. SOM entries can only be
added to a screen with existing text.

See example

A SOM can be added in any highlighted location in the following example of an Air Availability

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Actions for Using SOM Entries

SOM keys can be entered for both Standard and 1V/1G Mapped keyboard modes. The key for creating a
SOM entry is:

GREATER THAN (>.) key in Galileo.

TILDE (~`) key in Apollo.

There are also several keyboard shortcuts that can be used to move the cursor within a line, within the
screen, or between screens to place the SOM entry.

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Mouse Click or Key Combination Action

Left Mouse Click Places the cursor at the current pointer position or activates a
selected link.
TAB key Moves the cursor to the next tab stop, link, or SOM.
SHIFT + TAB Moves the cursor to the previous tab stop, link, or SOM.
ARROW keys Incrementally moves the cursor to the left, right, up, or down.
HOME (pressed once) Moves the cursor to the previous SOM.
HOME (pressed twice) Moves the cursor to the Home position at the top of the screen.
END (pressed once) Moves the cursor to the end of the line.
END (pressed twice) Moves the cursor to the end of the screen.
INSERT Toggles between inserting text or over-writing text.
ENTER Depending on the position of the cursor:

Sends a selected entry.

Sends a tab stop entry.
Activates a link.
ALT + ENTER Sends an entry to the host and shows the interactive response in
a new tab.
ALT + [TAB NUMBER] Sends an entry to the host and shows the interactive response in
the specified tab number.

The following sample shows several key options for moving the cursor.

You retrieve a traveler profile that contains a terminal entry. To send the entry you can:

1. Press the UP ARROW key to move the cursor to the profile entry.
2. Place a SOM at the beginning of the entry, by pressing either:

The GREATER THAN SIGN (>.) key in Galileo.

The TILDE (~`) key in Apollo.
1. Press END to move to the end of the entry text on that line.
2. Press ALT + ENTER to send the profile entry.

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Printing Window Content

The Print icon enables a variety of print options.

Show Screen

Refer to the following examples:

Take a window snapshot

Show Screen

Copy content as Image

Show Screen

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Copy content as Text

Show Screen
SAT 01FEB14      LONDON/AMSTERDAM    01/0000 01/2359

1 LGW AMS 0620 0835  U28869 WA BA YA                      319   E 2 LHR AMS 0635 0905 @CI9362 J4 C4 M7 V4 K7 R4 N7 L7 X7    737 C E 3 LHR AMS
0635 0905  KL1000 J2 CC DC IC ZC Y9 B9 M9 U9 K9 73J C*E

H9 L5 Q5 TC EC NC RC VC GC   4 LTN AMS 0645 0900  U22151 WA BA YA                      320   E 5 LHR AMS 0655 0915  BA 428
J9 C9 D9 R9 IC Y9 B9 H9 K9 M9 767 C E

L9 V9 N9 Q9 O9 S9 G9   6 LHR AMS 0655 0915 @AA6726 J7 D7 R0 I7 Y7 B7 H7 K7 M7 L7 767 C*E

V7 G7 S7 N7 Q7 O7   7 STN AMS 0700 0910  U23001 WA BA YA                      319   E 8 SEN AMS 0730 0930  U27401 WA
BA YA                      319   E 9 LGW AMS 0740 0955  BA2758 J9 C9 D9 R9 I5 Y9 B9 H9 K9 M9 734 C E

L9 V9 N9 Q9 O9 S9 G9  10 LHR AMS 0825 1045  BA 430 J9 C9 D9 R9 IC Y9 B9 H9 K9 M9 320 C E

L9 V9 N9 Q9 O9 S9 G9  11 LHR AMS 0825 1045 @AA6502 J7 D7 R0 I7 Y7 B7 H7 K7 M7 L7 320 C*E

V7 G7 S7 N7 Q7 O7  12 LHR AMS 0840 1110  KL1002 J5 C1 D1 IC Z1 Y9 B9 M9 U9 K9 73H C*E

H9 L9 Q9 T9 E9 N9 R6 VC GC  13 LCY AMS 0925 1135 @AF5183 J2 CC DC IC ZC OC W9 S9 A9 Y9 AR8 C*E

B9 M9 U9 K9 H9 L9 Q9 T9 E9 N9 

R9 X2 GR  14 LCY AMS 0925 1135 @KL2454 J2 CC DC ZC W9 S9 A9 Y9 B9 M9 AR8 C*E

U9 K9 H9 L9 Q9 T9 E9 N9 R9 G2  15 LCY AMS 1135 1350 @AF5185 J2 CC DC IC ZC OC W9 S9 A9 Y9 AR8 C*E

B9 M9 U9 K9 H9 L9 Q9 T9 E9 N9 

R9 X4 GR  16 LCY AMS 1135 1350 @KL2456 J2 CC DC ZC W9 S9 A9 Y9 B9 M9 AR8 C*E

U9 K9 H9 L9 Q9 T9 E9 N9 R9 G4

«More Flights» 

Print This window

This option allows you to send the window content to an appropriate printer.

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Reviewing Terminal History Menu

This menu option allows you to review the terminal responses that have been displayed. Response history
can be retrieved for the previous five responses.

Use Alt + Up arrow to go back to previous interactive response from the response history.

Use Alt + Down arrow to go the next interactive response from the response history.

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Understanding Queues
You can manage work to be done on PNRs/Booking Files by performing various queue counts. In addition,
you may view a list of PNRs/Booking Files in a queue. These functions are important factors in increasing
office productivity.
The following icons are available in the Terminal Window to allow you to work with, and manage


Poll queue count

Display count for all queues

Display more queues

Show Screen

This section describes:

Listing booking files in a specific queue

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Listing Booking Files in a Specific Queue

Click on one of the queue numbers to display the PNRs/Booking Files on that queue in a separate win-

Show Example Screen

Note: Click Show in Terminal to display the list in the Terminal Window. 
Open the PNR Viewer window, then click a PNR/Booking File record locator to display the record in

Show Example Screen

When you access a PNR/Booking File on queue, new buttons become available at the bottom of the act-
ive window. These enable you to work the queue quickly and easily.

Click the QP button to retrieve the previous PNR/Booking File on queue.

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Click the I button to ignore the current PNR/Booking File and retrieve the next one.

Click the QR button to remove the booking from queue.

Click the QXI button to ignore the booking and sign out of the queue.

Click the ßQ button to take you back to the queue buttons.

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Managing Queues
To help you manage your queues, you can set up a maximum of 10 Quick View queues or queue cat-

Select the Options icon: 

Show Screen

Note: You can select Queue Count Options from the Tools menu if required.
Refer to the following completed example, specifying pseudo EA7 and queues 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, and
36 with queue category JU.

Show Screen

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Check the Visible box so that queues 16, 22, and 25 are visible at the bottom of the Travelport Smart-
point Terminal Window. 
If you check Display queue change notifications, Travelport Smartpoint automatically advises you when
PNRs/Booking Files are added to a queue.
Check the box to Enable queue count polling and specify that you wish your queues to be polled every 30
Points to note:

The minimum polling time is 15 minutes

You can select a maximum of five visible queues

When you click Save, the MQ button at the bottom of the screen is activated:

Show Screen

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The three queues that you made visible (16, 22, and 25) show the numbers of PNRs/Booking Files that
are currently on those queues highlighted in an orange box.

Click on the icon to display the numbers of PNRs/Booking Files on your selected queues.

Show Screen

Poll queue count

You can click the P icon if you wish to poll your queues at any time.

Counting all Queues

You can click on the QCT icon to display the queue count for all queues.

Example screen response:

Show Screen

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A queue number with an asterisk identifies a queue with categories.

Show Screen

Click on the blue asterisk to display the categories and the Booking File count. 

Show Screen

Note: Click on the asterisk again to close the display.

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Launching Smartpanel
Smartpanel is a component of Travelport Smartpoint. Smartpanel applies pre-set parameters, such as
classes of service, departure time windows, or account code, via a fill-in format to perform a fares-led

Click on the button located at the bottom of the active Window, and the following pop-up box

Show Screen

Note: Alternatively, you can launch Smartpanel via the Search menu or by entering the quick command

Show Screen

Smartpanel contains a Basic and Advanced tab.

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Availability Searches Using the Menu

This section explains the various availability searches that you can access from the menu bar. 
They are:

Air Availability
Hotel Availability
Car Availability
Flight Shopping
Flight Shopping and Hotel
Searching for Availability using the Calendar Tool

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Flight Shopping and Hotel Search

The Flight Shopping and Hotel Search screen enables you to search for pricing and itinerary options and
hotel availability in one transaction.

Accessing Flight Shopping and Hotel Search

There are two ways to display the Flight Shopping and Hotel Search screen:

From the Search menu, select Flight Shopping and Hotel Search.

Show Screen

From the Tools menu, select Calendar. Then, right-click on a date in the Calendar Tool and
select FS + Hotels.

Show Screens

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Using Flight Shopping and Hotel Search

The Flight Shopping and Hotel Search screen is a combination of the Flight Shopping Search and Hotel
Availability Search screens. See those topics for more detailed information about entries for each screen.

1. Enter your flight information in the FLIGHT tab.

2. If desired, select the HOTEL tab and add any modifiers to your Hotel Search request. The City,
Check-In Date, and Check-Out Date are automatically pre-populated based on the city and dates
entered in the Flight tab, so this step is optional.

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3. After you complete all flight and hotel search information, click SEARCH.

The Flight Shopping and Hotel Search response displays the price and itinerary options in the upper par-
tition and the hotel availability options in the lower partition.

See the Flight Shopping Search and Hotel Availability Search for more detailed information about entries
for each screen.
The following example shows the response for a request with:

Fares from London to Amsterdam for two passengers traveling on KLM.

A hotel located near Haarlem.

Example request

Flight Request

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Hotel Request

Example response

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Searching for Availability Using the Calendar Tool

You can search for availability by using the calendar tool. 
Access the calendar by selecting Tools > Calendar.
Note: When you have opened the calendar, scroll down to display the maximum number of months that
you can book in advance.
To shop:

Select a range of dates by left clicking on the first date and then left clicking on the last date.
Right click the selection of dates to display the calendar shop options.
Select how you wish to shop.

Flights and hotels can be shopped together.

Note: To ensure the calendar remains open on startup, check the open on startup box.

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Air Availability Search Using the Calendar

Search for availability using the calendar. You can access this from the TOOLS option on the tool bar and
select Calendar.
Note: When you have opened the calendar, scroll down to display the maximum number of months that
you can book in advance.
Click on the required outbound date. If you also require return availability, click on the relevant date.
The duration of the trip will be shown on the calendar.
Right-click to access the context-sensitive menu. 

Example Screen Display

Note: There are two air options from which to choose: Availability and Last Air.

Availability Option
If you choose Availability, the fill in format is presented, with the dates pre-populated. The routing is
pre-populated with the last routing you searched for. You can over type this with the city name or code
that is now required, along with other search criteria. 
The default is to search for round trip.

Example Screen Response

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Last Air Option

If you need to search for different dates for the same last routing used, then select the Last Air option.
This will apply the new date range to that same routing and present the relevant availability display.
Note: If the last routing was for a one-way journey and you now select a date range, the results will not
present the return availability. Return availability will only be displayed if the last availability displayed
was for a round trip.
Once availability is displayed, close the Calendar by clicking the red X.

Frequently Used Availability Formats

The following table lists frequently used formats.

Item Use this format

Redisplay previous availability A
Display Return availability departure time (1700) same day AR1700
Display opposite availability Date (November 15) and departure time (1700) AR15NOV1700

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Air Availability Search

Another way of searching for availability is to use the Air Availability Search option from the toolbar.

Show Screen

Example Screen Response

Note: Round Trip is the default. You can select a one way journey if required.
You can enter either city codes or the city name. The required option will appear at the bottom of the
list. Hit enter to populate the fill in box or arrow down in the list to select a city and enter.
To enter dates either over type or click the calendar icon. You can select a specific carrier by typing in
either the carrier code or carrier name. The required option will appear at the bottom of the list. Hit
enter to select it.
It is also possible to select the number of passengers, preferred departure times and the preferred book-
ing class code. The results returned will show only the booking class code requested.
Refer to the following completed example for travel from Seattle to San Francisco departing 1 September
and returning 6 September for two passengers.

Origin and Destination

You can enter either city codes or the city name. The required option displays at the bottom of the list.

Show Screen

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Press enter to populate the fill-in box or arrow down in the list to select a city and enter.

Departure Date and Return Date

To enter a date, either over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.

Show Screen

Note: The current date is highlighted in green.

Departure Time and Return time

To enter a time, either over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.

Show Screen

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You can select a specific carrier by typing in either the carrier code or carrier name. The required option
displays at the bottom of the list. Press enter to select it.

Show Screen

Passengers and Booking Code

Show Screen

It is also possible to select the number of passengers and the booking class code. The results returned
show only the booking class code requested. 
Refer to the following completed example for travel from Seattle to Tokyo departing 1 March and return-
ing 16 March for two passengers for travel on Delta Air Lines.

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Show Screen

Example Screen Response

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Note: Outbound flights are displayed in the upper partition and return flights in the lower partition.
Scroll down in each partition to see all availability.

Show Screen

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The More Flights link at the bottom of the display returns more air availability.
You can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + M if you wish, instead of clicking with the mouse.
Note: Clicking on the More Flights link or using Alt + M does not remove the original 16 flight options. 
You can scroll up and down to view all availability options that have been displayed.

Additional Search Modifiers

The following search modifier are available in Smartpoint using terminal commands.

Modifier Format Example
Include Connections/Midpoints A21JULSINLAX.SYD.HNL
Includes connections through SYD and HNL.
Exclude Con- A21JULSINLAX.SYD-
Excludes connections through SYD.
Exclude Alliance Carriers A21JULLONLAX//*A-
Excludes Star Alliance members.
Preferred Carriers for Specific A23APRSINHNL/SQ/QF./UA
SQ or QF is preferred to the first midpoint, then UA is preferred on the
The midpoint is indicated with the dot (.) A maximum of three midpoints
can be requested.
Noon Modifier A25MARLAXNYC12N or A25MARLAXNYC.12N
Specifies 12:00 noon for the request.
Three-Digit Time Formats A21DECJNBLHR800 or A21DECJNBLHR.800
Exclude Ground Trans- A23MARLONPAR/G-
/G- cannot be combined with other modifiers except time modifiers.
Excludes Rail Content A23MARLONPAR/T-
/T- cannot be combined with other modifiers except time modifiers.

Modifier Format Example
Maximum Permitted Ground A23APRMIASEA9AATLORD120
120 minutes is the maximum amount of time at a connection point.
Fare and Schedule Display A[]10OCTSANMSP+DL
Returns both a fare display and an availability in the same request. DL is
the preferred carrier.
Included and Excluded Car- A23AUGATLLAX+DL.UA.AA
The plus (+) sign limits the response to flights on the requested carriers:
DL, UA, and AA. A maximum of three carriers can be requested.

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Modifier Format Example

The minus (-) sign excludes the first carrier, DL, from the response. The
second and third carriers, US and AA, are present in the response.
Noon Modifier A25MARLAXNYC12N or A25MARLAXNYC.12N
Specifies 12:00 noon for the request.

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Airline Participation Levels

Airlines can offer their flights and services through Apollo/Galileo at different participation levels.
These levels are:


The participation level determines the degree of access you have in Galileo to an airline’s flight invent-

Full Participation
Applies to Apollo and Galileo. Airlines that have full participation in Galileo offer the best level of
Being a Full Participation carrier, allows an airline to make real time changes.
Full participation airlines can offer other services to you such as special service requests and advance
seat assignments.
It is possible to identify these carriers by the presence of a “C” link indicator in the availability display.
Indicator: C

Booking Participation
Applies to Apollo and Galileo. Airlines that have booking participation in the Galileo system offer booking
capabilities without providing access to current availability.
When you request availability, the Galileo system sends a message to the airline’s system requesting
seats on a flight. The airline’s system then returns a message to the Galileo system, either accepting or
rejecting the request.
Booking participation level carriers can also handle other airline services, such as wheelchair requests.
It is possible to identify these carriers by the presence of a “B” link indicator in the availability display.
Indicator: B

Basic Booking
Applies to Galileo. Basic booking level supports those carriers who operate in a ticketless environment.
These carriers typically do not participate in BSP or other Bank Settlement Plans nor do they issue any

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travel documents.
They are sometimes referred to as “ticketless carriers”, and no electronic tickets are issued.
Basic Booking carriers do not display a link indicator on the availability display.

Guaranteed Payment
The Travelport Smartpoint returns the segment a guarantee if the Sell entry has returned seats. Airlines
that display with a “B” or “C” will return the Sell with an “O” indicating guaranteed sell.
The carrier sends a confirmation message to the PNR containing the amount charged to the customer’s
credit card and their record locator. The passenger can check in online or at the carrier’s airport loc-

Record Locator Return

Applies to Galileo. Record Locator Return allows the airline to return its record locator to Galileo once
the PNR appears in their system. The record locator is a unique series of letters and/or numbers that iden-
tifies a PNR/Booking File in a computer reservation system – and then attaches itself to the Galileo Book-
ing File.

Schedule Participation
Applies to Apollo. Airlines that have schedule participation in Apollo™ are generally those with limited
processing capabilities. At this level, there is no provision for exchange of availability status messages or
electronic booking messages.
Other airline services do not exist for this level of participation.

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Availability Modifier Toolbar and More Flights

In Galileo, the Availability Modifier toolbar allows you to change dates and the number of passengers
after an initial availability has been performed.
This allows quick access to the same availability request for the day before or the day after, or for a dif-
ferent number of passengers up to a maximum of nine. 

Show Screen

Each partition has the previous and next day date choices, and number of passengers. As you select the
number of passengers for the outbound flight, the return alters accordingly.

To minimize the toolbar, simply click on the on the left.

To minimize the toolbar, simply click on the calendar on the right of the toolbar.
The “More Flights” link at the bottom of the display returns more air availability.

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You can use the keyboard shortcut ALT + M, instead of clicking with the mouse.
Note: Clicking on the More Flights link or using ALT + M does not remove the original 16 flight options.
You can scroll up and down to view all availability options that have been displayed.

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Branded Fares
Fare types and fare families are displayed in the GDS and identified as Branded Fares.
If an airline has filed their fares with branding information, the indicator <<B>> is displayed below the
line of flight information. Click on the indicator to display Branded Fare information.

Note: For multi-segment flights, the indicator will only appear once for the first line of the group.
Flight availability from New York to Boston.

Show Screen

Click on the indicator <<B>> to view Branded Fares.

Show Screen

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Note: Smartpoint will be unlocked and accessible, even when the Branded Fares Window is open. The
Branded Fares window can be dragged to another location.
The display may vary depending on the way the airline files or associates their booking codes to brands,
and booking classes may be grouped differently.
If the airline did not associate any codes to their brands, they will appear above the brand information,
as shown as Unbranded in the red highlighted square below. When fares have been branded, it will be
easy to identify which booking class relates to which cabin class.
If the flights are connecting flights, the screen will display two tabs.

Show Screen

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As each Brand is selected, information relevant to the service included will be displayed in the middle of
the screen. The example below refers to the Brand type ‘Basic Economy’.
Information is displayed on the right of the screen detailing Ancillaries available for each brand, if applic-
able. However, these cannot be selected at this time.

Click the tab at the top right of the screen to display a matrix view of what is included for the high-
lighted fare family/type. Each column header has an icon over which you can hover to show a tool tip to
explain the icon. A green tick indicates items are included in the ticket price, a red cross means that the
item is not available for that brand, and a currency code indicates this is an item which can be pur-

Show Screen

To exit this screen, click on either CLOSE or X.

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Note: Occasionally the indicator <<B>>branded fares will display but Branded Fares may not be available
at that time. In this case you will see the following message:

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Changing or Deleting the Name Field

Each carrier has their own policies and procedures regarding name changes, and most of them require
approval or authorization to process a name change.
From the screenshot below, names display in green, this means they are interactive. When you click on a
name, it launches the Create/Edit Customer Information dialog box.
Alternatively click on the icon at the bottom of the PNR viewer window or click on PNR from the tool
bar & select the menu option Create/Edit Customer Information.

To change the name simply select the passenger and overtype the data in the name field boxes.
Should the passenger be no longer required in the Booking File, highlight the passenger and click the
Remove button:

Name change on an Ended Booking File

The majority of airlines do not permit name changes to be made after a Booking File has been ticketed.
Check in Ask Travelport for guidelines. If the airline does not permit a name change, the system will
respond as follows:

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Checking Flight Availability and Selling Flights

Availability responses in Travelport Smartpoint, are displayed through a direct carrier link. This auto-
matically populates the availability screen with last seat availability for over 300 participating airlines.
It is not necessary to request a Direct Access availability display to validate last seat availability before
This section covers:
Airline Participation Levels

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Direct Payment Carrier

If the airline is a Direct Payment/Travelport API Connect airlines a different path for completing
the purchase is required. Most airlines will require payment at the time of the booking. In some
cases additional information may be required to complete the booking.
Direct Payment Carriers may be booked in Travelport Smartpoint using traditional availability and
shopping requests.
All low fare search and TAS (Travelport Aggregated Search) searches will be routed by Smartpoint
to the SOA Shared Services.
Direct Payment Carriers load their own data and agents can access this content alongside the Tra-
ditional GDS carrier fares through Travelport Smartpoint.
All fares are obtained directly from the carrier during the shopping and pricing process. When a
shop request is sent to a Direct Payment Carrier, the carrier will return available flights and fares.
They do not return flights that are not available.
Modify and cancel are supported through Travelport Aggregated Shopping, if the carrier supports
them via their API. The form of payment is sent to the carrier for purchase, the agency does not
issue the ticket. Direct Payment Carriers and full service carriers may be booked in the same PNR,
but must be purchased and ticketed separately.

Direct Payment airlines are indicated by a pound sign/hash tag # symbol just left of the carrier code in
the Fare Shop Response screen. This symbol is color-coded:

Green #, the segment is priced.

Blue #, the segment is not priced.

The same # indicator is displayed to the left of the carrier code in the PNR Viewer.

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If you choose a Direct Payment carrier from The Fare Shop Response, you must use Travelport Aggreg-
ated Shopping (TAS) commands to price and shop for ancillary services. You will see an alert message on
the bottom left of the screen indicating that you must use FS or ZFS entries to access the Interactive Seat

From the Fare Shop Response screen, click on the # symbol next to the airline code to display the Name
tab of the Customer Information screen. Use the Customer Information tabs to add passengers and addi-
tional required and optional data for the PNR/Booking File.

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Displaying Air Availability

The following example contains an explanation of an Air Availability display for travel from Paris to New
York for 12 April.

The following table lists the components of the availability display and the components of line 1 of the

Component: Description:
Header line Shows the day of week, date and origin and destination and the 24
hour period for which availability is displayed.

Click this icon to divide the window into two partitions if

1 Line reference number.
CDG JFK Airport codes
0820 1050 Flight departure and arrival times (in local time for each city)
@DL 1200 Airline two-character code and flight number.
Note: @ indicates a code share.
J9 C9 D9 I9 etc. Classes of service (booking codes) and number of seats available to sell

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Component: Description:
in each class.
332 Code for type of aircraft (equipment). 
C Carrier Specific Display – Full Participation Carrier
* The carrier is able to identify where the request has come from and
return the most up to date and appropriate availability to the display.
E e-ticket available
<<B>> Branded Fares available

Travelport Smartpoint availability responses come from the direct carrier link, and automatically pop-
ulate the availability screen with last seat availability for over 300 participating airlines.
Depending on the selected colors in the Application settings, the display is interactive.

Black: Items in black on the availability display indicate static information with no interactive
Green: Class available. Green also indicates a click-able or actionable field. You can sell the seg-
ment simply by clicking on the booking code.
Grey: Closed or zero seats available.
Orange: Waitlist.
Blue: Click on or hover for more information.

Decoding Items
You can hover the mouse over items in blue to decode them and to provide further information. You can
also click to expand an item.
Hover over a 3-letter code to decode an airport.

Show Screen

Hover the mouse over the carrier code to decode the carrier.

Show Screen

Hover the mouse over the flight number to display the terminal information, elapsed flying time, and on-
time performance. For connecting flights, the ground time for the layover is also displayed.

Show Screen

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The @ symbol in front of a flight number indicates the flight is a codeshare.  Hover the mouse over the
symbol to identify the operating carrier.

Show Screen

Hover the mouse over the equipment code to identify the aircraft type. 

Show Screen

Seat Availability
Seat availability is color-coded to enable you to distinguish between:

Available seats shown in green

Waitlist closed shown in grey
Seats on request or available to waitlist shown in orange

Connecting Flights and Flying Times

Refer to the following flight availability display from London to Sydney for 1 March.

Show Screen

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Sponsored flights are displayed on lines 1 and 2.

Direct flights are displayed on lines 3, 4, and 5.
Connecting flights via Singapore (SIN) are displayed on lines 6 and 7. 
A number (1) between the departure and arrival airports indicates that the flight stops once en route.
Click on the number for more information. 

Show Screen

In this example the flight touches down in Dubai. The display shows the flying time from London to Dubai
and from Dubai to Sydney.
Click on the number again to close the information display.

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The asterisk (*) between the departure and arrival time indicates that the flight arrives two days after
An end item between the times indicates that the flight arrives the following day, and a minus symbol
indicates the flight arrives the day before the departure date.

Follow-On Entries
These follow-on entries can be made using terminal formats to further narrow the response results.

Follow-On Entry Description Example
A//XX- Display availability for all but the participants of A//*S-
the designated carrier alliance.
A/CX-./CX Display availability to the first connection for all A/HA-./UA
but the first designated carrier, then on the second
designated carrier onwards.
A/CX.. Display availability for the designated carrier to A/QF..
the first and second connections points.
A/CX/CX./CX Display availability for the first and second des- A/SQ/QF./UA
ignated carriers to the first connection point, then
the third carrier onwards.
A/CX-./CX Exclude the first designated carrier from the avail- A/SQ-./UA
ability results to the first connection point, then
return the second designated carrier onwards.
A/CX.. Display availability for the designated carrier A/SQ..
through the first and second connection points.
A/CX. Display availability for the designated carrier to A/UA.
the first connection point
A/CX./CX Display availability for the first designated carrier A/UA./QF
to the connection point, then return results for the
second carrier onwards
FDA Creates a Fare Display from the most recent Air
Availability display.

Follow-On Entry Description Example
A*D+CX.CX.CX D - direct. Return availability for the carriers des- A*D+UA.QF.DL
ignated. One to three carriers may be entered in
this follow-on.
A*D-CX.CX.CX D - direct. Return availability, excluding the car- A*D-UA.QF.DL
riers designated. One to three carriers may be
entered in this follow-on.
A*SI+QF.DL.UA SI - single interline. Return availability for the car- A*SI+QF.DL.UA
riers designated. One to three carriers may be

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Follow-On Entry Description Example

entered in this follow-on.
A*SI-QF.DL.UA SI - single interline. Return availability, excluding A*SI-QF.DL.UA
the carriers designated. One to three carriers may
be entered in this follow-on.
A*XCTYCTY999 X - connect at. Return availability, connecting at A*XDFWCDG240
the designated city(s) and with a maximum ground-
time at each, provided in minutes.
A*XCTYCTY X - connect at. Return availability, connecting at A*XDFWCDG
the designated city(s).
A*CTY/CTY / - either or. Return availability, showing con- A*DFW/ORD
nections at the city(s) designated. As many as three
city/airport codes can be entered.
A*XCTY+CX Display availability, connecting at a specific point A*XDFW+AA
and returning flights for a specific carrier.
A*X-CTY/CTY/CTY Display availability, excluding the designated city A*X-DFW/ORD/MSP
(s) as a connection point. As many as three city/air-
port codes can be entered.
$DL* Creates a Fare Display from the most recent Air
Availability displa, where * is the number of the
line to display.

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Fare Display (Air Tariff)

A basic fare display entry returns all published fares between two cities. By default, the fare display
shows both return and one way adult fares for participating airlines.
Fares are displayed in low-to-high order, with round trips assessed at their half-value. If one carrier’s
fare is identical to another carrier's fare, the displays are random in subsequent entries.

Requesting a Fare Display

To request a Fare Display:

1. Enter the Galileo or Apollo format for Fare Display in the Terminal Window.

Fare Display Formats in Galileo

The basic input to display fares from one city to another is FD, followed by the city
pair/airport code and date of travel, which may be entered in any order.
See ASK Answer ID 8598 for more information about Galileo Fare Display formats.

Fare Display Formats in Apollo

The basic input to display fares from one city to another is $D, followed by the city
pair/airport code and date of travel, which may be entered in any order.
The Fare Display response screen is displayed.

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For some Fare Display requests, the response screen is interactive. You can:

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Hover over each item to see a text description.

Click any text that not white to see more information.
Click the currency code to change the currency for the Fare Display results.

Support for Interactive Response Screens on Galileo

Interactive responses are returned for the following types of Fare Displays on Galileo:

No Fares with Minimum Stay (FD20SEPLONATL:NM)

No Fares with Maximum Stay (FD20SEPLONATL:NX)
No Fares with Minimum or Maximum Stay (FD20SEPBOMDEL:MM)
Advance Purchase (FD20OCTDENATL:AP)
Via Eastern Hemisphere ( FDBOMDEL20SEP.EH)
Long Display (FDBOMDEL20SEP/L::INR)
Net Fare Display with Account Code (FDLONNYC10SEP/VS-PRI-:CODE:C)

Fare Display responses are not interactive on Galileo for:

Validated Fare Displays (.V)

Fare Display with Estimated Taxes (/A)
Net Fare Display with Account Code and Non-Interactive Modifier

Support for Interactive Response Screens on Apollo

Interactive responses are returned for the following types of Fare Displays on Apollo:

With Date Flavour 2 $DLON20OCTPAR

No Fares with Minimum Stay $DBOMDEL/NM
No Fares with Maximum Stay " $D20SEPBOMDEL/NX"
No fares with Minimum or Maximum Stay $D20SEPBOMDEL/MM
No Restrictions $D20SEPPHLFRA/NR
With Carrier Code $D20SEPBOMDEL|AI
Long Display $DPHLFRA:L
Dual Currency $DBOMDEL::INR
Global Indicator/Direction $DTYOLON:AP
Ticket By Date $DTLVATH17OCTT17SEP
Carrier-Specific Fares $DDELBOM20NOV@Y|AI
Carrier-Specific Booking Code $DLONPAR1DEC|BA-Y

If no additional fares are available, the Fare Display displays the text END.

2. Click on a fare line number to get flight availabilities for the selected fare.

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If additional flight options are available for the selected fare, you can click More Flights.

Requesting a Fare Display from an Air Availability

You can request a Fare Display from your most recent Air Availability display.
To request a follow-on Fare Display in:

Galileo: FDA
Apollo: $DL*, where * is the number of the line to display.

This follow-on Fare Display is the same as a stand-alone Fare Display. However, any Air Avail-
ability modifiers that are also supported by Fare Display will not be ignored.

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Flight Sell Screen

You can direct sell a flight using the Flight option on the SELL menu.

Show Screen

Example screen response

Select the airline by typing in either the carrier code or carrier name. The required option displays at the
bottom of the list. Press enter to select it.

Show Screen

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Flight Number
Specify the flight number. Check the Open box if you wish to enter an open segment.

Booking Code
Enter the required booking code.

Enter the required number of passengers or select the number from the drop-down list.

Request Code
Click on the drop-down list and click to select the required action code. 

Show Screen

To enter a date, either over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.

Show Screen

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Note: The current date is highlighted in green.

From and To
You can enter either city codes or the city name. The required option displays at the bottom of the list.

Show Screen

Hit enter to populate the fill-in box or arrow down in the list to select a city and enter.

To enter a time, either over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.

Show Screen

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Refer to the following example to sell two Y class seats from JFK to PTY on UA 7069.

Completed screen example

Note: Click Sell to sell the flight, or click Cancel to discontinue the process.

Example screen response

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Tip: If hover over the segment number of a booked flight, Car Search and Hotel Search options display.

If you click Car Search, a Car Availability Search screen displays with the city and dates pre-pop-
ulated from the flight segment.
If you click Hotel Search, a Hotel Availability Search screen displays with the city, dates, and
number of guests pre-populated from the flight segment.

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Travelport Sponsored Flights

Sponsored Flights display above the neutral response options. Typically, participating airlines use Travel-
port Sponsored Flights to promote a new service or promotional fares in the availability display to high-
light flights that you may not otherwise notice.
Sponsored Flights may be returned in:

Availability Displays
Shopping Displays: Fare Shopping (FS), Smartpanel, Flight Shopping Search, and Flight Shopping
with Hotel Search

Sponsored Flights in Availability Displays

ASK Answer ID 27494

The Sponsored Flights section of the Air Availability display automatically appears above the neutral
availability display.
The neutral display remains separate and lists the same number of flights as it did previously.
There may be a maximum of three Sponsored Flights in a display.

Example of an Air Availability display with Sponsored Flights

Sponsored Flights in Shopping Displays

Sponsored Flights are returned in the following types of Shopping displays:

Fare Shopping (FS)

Flight Shopping Search
Flight Shopping with Hotel Search

Sponsored Flights are not supported for Aggregated Shopping (ZFS) displays.

Example of a Fare Shopping Response

Other types of Shopping responses return similar displays of Sponsored Flights.

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If available for the requested itinerary, the first option is returned as a Sponsored Flight, which displays
with an AD logo. A dotted gray line below the Sponsored Flight also indicates the end of the Sponsored
Flight option and the beginning of the neutral shopping options.
Each response returns a maximum of one Sponsored Flight option, while the following options are neutral
responses. The AD logo indicates that the Sponsored Flight is an advertised option. As such, a
Sponsored Flight option may be returned even in that option does not fulfill all of the requested search
modifiers or results filters.
Sponsored Flights are returned:

Only for PCCs (Pseudo City Codes) that are currently enabled for Sponsored Flights.
For one-way, round-trip, and open jaw itineraries. Sponsored Flights are not returned for other
types of itineraries such as circle itineraries.
For Network (GDS) carriers. Direct Payment Carriers support Sponsored Flights in Availability
responses, but do not support Sponsored Flights from Shopping responses.

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Map Information

Click on the icon to display routing information for the selected fare..

Show Screen

Note: You can drag the bars on the bottom middle of the map in order to re size the map window.

Show Screen

Screen explanation:

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Component: Description:
Click the back arrow at the top-left of the window
to return to the Fare Shopping results screen.

Click on the + or – to zoom or un-zoom the map dis-


Sort by:
Click the drop-down list to sort by price, departure
time, or journey time.

Click the drop-down list to specify the numbed of


Click the drop-down list and drag the slide-rule to

vary the departure time and arrival time windows.

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Component: Description:

Click the Airlines drop-down list to select or

deselect displayed airlines.

Click the Airports drop-down list to select or

deselect displayed airports.

The display detail on the right of the screen vary

according to the selected fare and itinerary option

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Component: Description:
on the left.
Click to hide the map display.

Click on Details to display the fare breakdown.

Click on Rules to display the fare components.

Click on Book to book the required option.

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Outbound and Return Availability

Travelport Smartpoint enables you to search for outbound and return flights in a single transaction. Out-
bound and return availability displays are shown using the upper and lower Terminal partitions.
Outbound and Return Availability is displayed from a single entry using “++”.
If you require the same routing in reverse for the return there is no need to add the routing after the ++.
Just add the return date.
Refer to the example to display flight availability for travel from Los Angeles to New York on 1 August
and returning 8 August.
This will display availability for 1 August from LAX to NYC in the upper partition and availability for 8
August NYC to LAX in the lower partition.

Show Screen

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Each partition has the previous and next day date choices, and number of passengers. As you select the
number of passengers for the outbound flight, the return alters accordingly.

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Note: If you wish to display a specific carrier on both the outbound and return journey, you must add it
to each leg.
For example, enter: A1AUGLAXNYC+UA++8AUG+UA

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Selling a Flight From a Branded Fare

Seats can be sold from the Branded Fares window, by clicking on the required class on the display.
Remember to select the number of passenger required from the drop down within the window before
selecting the seats.

Sell results look no different than if sold from an availability display.

Seats can also be selected from within the Matrix view of the Branded Fares window. Select number of
passengers from the drop down before selecting the required booking class.

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Using Inside Link

In Apollo, Travelport offers a product called Inside Link to those airlines that have full participation.
Inside Link provides access to information stored in the airline’s reservation system by connecting Apollo
directly to that system on an interactive basis.
Features of Inside Link are:

Inside Availability
Last Seat Sell
Display Option Link
Positive Acknowledgment

Inside Availability
With Inside Availability, an airline can display its actual inventory in an Apollo availability display
without requiring extra formats or keystrokes. When you request availability, Apollo sends a message to
the airline requesting current inventory status on the flights to display.
When you sell a seat on an Inside Availability airline, actual airline inventory decreases and an asterisk
(*) appears at the end of the segment.
The asterisk indicates it was sold through the link with the airline.

Last Seat Sell

With Last Seat Sell, an airline reduces its actual inventory when you sell a seat in Apollo. When you sell a
seat on a flight in Apollo, the request immediately goes to the airline for confirmation.
The airline guarantees the booking as long as an asterisk (*) appears at the end of the segment and a pos-
itive acknowledgment appears in the PNR.

Display Option Link

Display Option Link lets you view data in the airline’s reservation system using additional formats. The
data available includes some or all of the following:

Seat maps
Fare information
Flight information

Positive Acknowledgment
Positive Acknowledgment allows the airline to return its record locator to Apollo once the PNR appears in
their system. The record locator is a unique series of letters and/or numbers that identifies a PNR in a
computer reservation system – and then attaches itself to the Apollo PNR.
Refer to ASK Answer ID 5289.

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Using Smartpanel
Smartpanel is a component of Travelport Smartpoint. Smartpanel applies pre-set parameters, such as
classes of service, departure time windows, or account code, via a fill-in format to perform a fares-led

Launching Smartpanel
Click on the button located at the bottom of the active Window, and the following pop up box
will launch.

Show Screen

Note: You can also launch Smartpanel via the Search menu or by entering #FS.
Smartpanel contains a Basic and Advanced tab.

Basic Tab

Use the Basic tab to enter travel parameters such as the departure and destination points and outbound
and return travel dates.

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Component: Function:
Depart Month view select date
From Type name or city code
Multi Select to apply multiple airports for the associated met-
ropolitan area. Clear to request only the specified departure
To Destination city name or code
Multi Select to apply multiple airports for the associated met-
ropolitan area. Clear to request only the specified destination
Time Arrow down to select time
Cabin Arrow down to select cabin
Direct Y for direct blank displays all
I/E/O Include, Exclude or Only
Carriers Specific Carriers
I/E/S Include, Exclude or Via Specific city
CNX Connections via cities
Insert after Segment Option to add to existing itinerary

Click the icon to add a new segment. You can add a max-

imum of eight.
Fare Type Options to select fare options
Account code Add in the account code for Private fare
Process as one ways Option to calculate fare as round trips using one way pricing
Passengers Select the number of passengers

Click the icon to add further passengers. Click the

icon to remove a passenger.


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You may check the appropriate boxes to specify the following parameters:
Fare Modifiers

Agency Private
Airline Private
Account Code Only
Tax Exempt
No Cabin Downgrade
Exclude Economy Unbundled Fares (FXD)

More Information

ATPCO created two fare types to support unbundled fares:

EOU (Economy Unbundled One-Way)

(Economy Unbundled Round-Trip)

The intent of these fare type codes is to allow airlines to distribute lower-priced
fares that do not include additional services (e.g., advance seat assignment) and
may have restrictions on other fare-related data such as change and cancellation
Travelport’s Best Buy/Low Fare Finder ($BB/FQBB/4PLF) and e-Pricing Shopping
search logic (FS/$P) seek to provide the lowest available fare for any given itin-
erary. Therefore, these searches automatically consider economy unbundled fares.
While unbundled fares often represent the lowest available fare (subject to avail-
ability), their restrictive nature may not be the desired fare result for all customers.
This modifier excludes economy unbundled fares for Best Buy/Low Fare Finder and
e-Pricing shopping transactions to allow travel agency users to exclude these fares
from consideration when searching for lowest fare information.
Terminal Entry: /FXD
Penalty Modifiers

No minimum Stay
No maximum stay
No Advanced Purchase
Specify a Penalty Tolerance (click the drop-down)

Discount Modifiers
Click the drop-down to make a selection.

Show Screen

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Stop Direct
Non-Stop Direct
Single Connection
Double Connection
Online Connection
Interline Connection

Availability Modifiers

Reduce Flight Times to

Reduce Overnights to
Multi Airport Connections
Discount Code

Refresh, Search, Save As and Cancel Buttons

Button Description
Refresh Reset the segment list. For example, you may have retrieved a PNR/Booking File
and want to refresh the segment list to match the PNR.
Alternatively you may wish to clear the listed segments.
Search Search for fare following set criteria
Save As Option to save search for future use
Cancel Cancel the process

Completed Basic Tab screen example:

Show Screen

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Example response:

Show Screen

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Completed Basic Tab Process as One Ways screen example:

To request a round trip using one way pricing, select the Process As One Ways check box and click the
Search button.

Show Screen

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Two one way searches appear in the divided Travelport Smartpoint window.
Example screen response:

Show Screen

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Viewing Seat Maps Before Booking

The availability to view seat maps before a PNR/Booking File is end transacted depends on the carrier,
and whether a price is associated with the seat.

Viewing Free Seats Before Booking

For all carriers, you can view and also assign free seats from a seat map before booking. An end transact
is not required before displaying a seat map.

Viewing Paid Seats Before Booking

Seat map access to paid seats may vary by carrier.

Direct Carriers
Availability of seat maps before booking varies by carrier. Messages at the top of the seat map indicate
the specific availability of seating options for that carrier. For example, the message may indicate that
seats are free for exit rows or for passengers with a loyalty membership.

Network (CDS) Carriers

As of Smartpoint v6.5, you can view seat maps for paid seats for Network (GDS) carriers before booking.
This feature:

Allows viewing only for seat maps. You cannot assign a paid seat before end transacting the
PNR/Booking File.

If you attempt to assign a paid seat before the PNR/Booking File is end transacted, a warning
message is returned: Paid seats can only be booked after end transact.

Returns approximate prices for paid seats.

Because the cost of the paid seat may be affected by booking information such as a loyalty
membership, the prices in the seat map are approximate. A warning is displayed at the top of
the seat map: Note: Pricing for paid seats is approximate. Some paid seats may be available
for purchase only after the PNR has been end transacted. Free seats can be requested any-
You can access pre-booking seat maps in the same way as post-booking seat maps. A PNR/Booking File is
required; however, for viewing the PNR/Booking File does not need to be end transacted.
To display seat maps for your itinerary, you can either:

Click the Edit PNR/Booking File icon in the PNR Viewer Action Bar and select Assign/Edit
Seat Assignments.

Show Screen

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Click the class of service for the required segment.

Show Screen

See Assign or Edit Seat Assignments for more information about working with seat maps.

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PNR Viewer Window Icons

The PNR Viewer Window provides the following icons:


Click this icon to display current advertisements in the Agent Alerts panel.

Click this icon to launch a search panel at the bottom of the PNR Viewer window to search for
content in a PNR.

Edit PNR

Click this icon to launch the following menu options: 

Recent PNRs

Click this icon to display a list of recently viewed PNRs/Booking Files.

PNR Tools

Click this icon to display a window to enable you to hide certain PNR/Booking File fields.

Click this icon to refresh the PNR/Booking File content.

Font Size

Click this icon to display a slide-rule to enable you adjust the font size in the PNR Viewer window.

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Click this icon to print the PNR.

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Printing, Copying and Pasting Content

Click on the icon at the bottom of the PNR Viewer Window or at the right hand side of the ter-
minal window
Select to:
Take a window snapshot
Copy content as an image
Copy content as text
Print the window

Information displayed in the terminal window can be printed by:

Clicking on the Terminal menu
Selecting Print (or Ctrl+B).

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Recent PNR/Booking File Options

Show Screen

Click on Options to display the settings.  You can save the PNR list to an XML file and specify the PNR
recording limit, up to a maximum of 999.
Check the ‘Clear Replay PNRs when Smartpoint starts up’ box to clear the list each time you launch
Travelport Smartpoint.
Click ‘Clear’ to clear the list of PNRs.
Click Undock to undock the window. 
Select the PNR/Booking File you wish to look at, and the display will show you the first few lines of the
PNR/Booking File.

Example screen response:

Note: When you have finished click on the Dock button to take you back to the list view display.

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Setting PNR/Booking File Fields

The PNR Tools Icon is located at the bottom of the PNR Viewer window.

Show Screen

Click on the icon to display the following window:

Show Screen

It gives you the option to remove certain PNR fields displayed in the PNR Viewer window.
When you uncheck ‘Single View Mode’, you can select the PNR fields that will be displayed in an auto-
matic and unhidden mode.
Except for passenger names and itinerary, you can display all PNR/ Booking File fields at any time via
the configurable PNR Quick Access buttons.
Click on a Quick Access button to display all of the PNR / Booking File data applicable to that PNR field.
Refer to the following example PNR:

Show Screen

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The Phone field and Filed Fare field are highlighted.

If you uncheck the box in the PNR Tools window, those items are removed from the PNR display.

Show Screen

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You also have the options of ‘Single View Mode’ and displaying the PNR field buttons at the top of the
PNR Viewer window. By default, name and itinerary are automatically retrieved.  Other buttons must be
clicked to retrieve other fields
Example Galileo screen display:

Show Screen

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Viewing Agent Alerts

Agent Alerts contain relevant advertisements depending on what you are doing in Smartpoint. These
alerts can help you identify great offers. You can click on an offer to open the advertisement within

Opening the Agent Alerts Panel

The Agent Alert panel opens automatically when a new message within Smartpoint is received.

You can also open the Agent Alert panel by clicking the Agent Alerts icon in the PNR Viewer
Action bar.

Using the Agent Alerts Panel

If your Terminal screens are in the four-window grid view, the Agent Alerts Panel is displayed either to
the left of your Terminal screen or in the lower left corner of the screen, depending on the size of your

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A new message is indicated with an orange bar to the left of the message. The panel displays a maximum
of 10 messages.
Click the blue button or text within the message to view the alert. After you read the message, the indic-
ator to the left of the message turns gray.

Closing the Agent Alerts Panel

You can close the open Agent Alerts panel by clicking anywhere on the screen.
If you do not click on the Agent Alerts messages, the panel eventuallys close automatically. You can re-

open the Agent Alerts panel by clicking on the Agent Alerts icon.

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Viewing Recent PNRs/Booking Files

Travelport Smartpoint allows you to view and subsequently display recently viewed and created PNRs.
Click on TOOLS on the menu bar and select Recent PNRs.

Show Screen

You can also click on the Recent PNRs icon at the bottom of the PNR Viewer window:

Show Screen

Example screen response:

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The display shows the record locator and first named passenger in the PNR.
You can scroll down and select a name and double-click to open the PNR in the PNR Viewer window.

Show Screen

Screen explanation:

Note: Storing options like the number of PNRs displayed can be configured by clicking on the options but-

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Ancillary Service Shopping

There are several ways to shop for ancillary services in Smartpoint. If you are:

Selling a direct payment carrier from an Air Availability response, use the terminal entry:

For more details on booking direct payment carriers, please refer to the Travelport Aggreg-
ated Shopping User Guide in ASK Travelport.

Shopping for ancillary services from a Flight Shopping response, use the Shopping Cart in
PNR/Booking File Viewer.
Shopping for ancillary services for a direct payment carrier from a Fare Shopping response, use the
Shopping Cart in PNR/Booking File Viewer.

Shopping for Ancillary Services from the PNR/Booking File Viewer

Tip! The price of ancillary services can be affected by the passenger's frequent flyer status. So be sure to
add your passengers' frequent flyer numbers before shopping for ancillary services.

To shop for ancillary services from the PNR/Booking File Viewer:

1. From the PNR/Booking File Viewer Window in the Flight Shopping or Fare Shopping response, click
the Shopping Cart icon.

Show screen

Help! Where is the Shopping Cart icon?

The Shopping Cart icon displays for all retrieved PNRs and during booking for direct
payment carriers. If you not see the Shopping Cart icon, confirm that your PNR:

Is priced.

For direct payment carriers, the color of the pound sign/hash tag indicator for
the flight segment indicates if the segment has a fare quote. If the indicator is

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green #, the segment is priced. If the indicator is blue #, the segment is not
priced and a warning is returned if you attempt shop for ancillary services.

Show Example

Contains a Name field. If the passenger names are not added in the PNR, a
warning is returned.

Show Example

The Ancillary Services Currency screen displays the default currency for the ancillary ser-

Show Screen

2. Confirm the default currency for the ancillary services, or enter an override currency code in the
Currency text box.

For ticketed carriers, the currency for the ancillary services must be the same as the

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currency for the ticket.

If your agency uses dual currencies, you can use currency override to the price ancil-
lary services in an alternate currency.

3. Click the Continue to display the Ancillary Services screen.

Show Screen

4. For the desired ancillary services, enter the quantity of the service in the appropriate columns.
Depending on the type of service, an ancillary service can apply to individual flight seg-
ments or to more than one segment. For example, in the preceding sample screen:
The First Extra PC service displays in the column for Segment 1-2, which indicates
that the service can be purchased once to apply to the first two flights.
The Comfort Seat service displays for each flight, so three purchases are necessary
if the passenger wants a Comfort Seat for all three flights in the itinerary.
The Ancillary Total in the lower right corner applies to all segments in the itinerary.

Tip! Click the Filter drop-down in the upper right corner to limit the displayed ancillary ser-
vices to a selected group code (type). Available group codes vary depending on the services
available for the itinerary.

Show Screen

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5. If you select ancillary services that require additional text remarks, click the Free-Form Text
icon in the upper right corner to enter additional remarks.

Show Screen and Instructions

1. In the Add Free Form Text dialog box, click the Ancillary drop-down box
to select each service. If applicable, the associated SSR (Special Service
Request) displays.
2. In Select included segments, select the desired flight segments, if
3. In the text box, enter the required or optional free text for the ancillary.
Note that some airlines require specific free-text formats for some SSRs.

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6. After ancillary services and applicable free-form text are entered for all passengers and flights,
click Review to view the Ancillary Services Summary. The Summary screen displays a subtotal for
all selected ancillaries in the PNR.

Show Screen

This example below shows a Summary for multiple passengers.

7. After you review the Ancillary Services Summary, click Apply to book the selected ancillary ser-
vices. If you selected an alternate currency in Step , the Ancillary Total displays in your specified

You can also click Modify to return to the Ancillary Services screen or click Cancel to exit the
Ancillary Services feature and return to the Smart Panel.

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Quick Access Buttons in the PNR Viewer Window

Except for passenger names and itinerary, all Booking File fields can be displayed at any time via the con-
figurable PNR Quick Access blue buttons. Click on a Quick Access button to display all of the data applic-
able to that Booking File field.
Once a specific field is retrieved, it can be closed by clicking on the same Quick Access button again or
by hovering over the data field and clicking the Close button.
Your PNR Viewer buttons will pick up what GDS you are using, either Galileo or Apollo.  For example:

This button displays complete PNR/Booking File information with all fields.

This button displays Phone Field information.

Blue buttons indicate that content for the PNR/Booking File field is visible in the current display. 
Note: The abbreviations on some Quick Access buttons are displayed differently in the Galileo and Apollo
systems.  Hover your mouse over a button to check the content. The examples in this guide feature but-
tons displayed in the Galileo system.
Some Apollo buttons are displayed below:

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Using the PNR Viewer Window

The PNR Viewer Window provides an instant view of the PNR/Booking File.  It shows all relevant
PNR/Booking File information and is grouped in sections that can be accessed via a simple mouse click
on the associated Quick Access Button.

Example Booking File

Note: Hover the cursor over a Quick Access button to see which Booking File field it will access:

This section includes:

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Quick access buttons in the PNR viewer window

PNR viewer window icons

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Assign or Edit Seat Assignments

Depending on the airline and flight, you have the option to:

Assign or edit seats for your passengers using the seat map.
Request an airline-assigned seat assignment. This feature is available for GDS airlines only.

Using the Seat Map to Assign or Edit Seats

If the carrier offers a seat map option for a flight, you can change or assign seats for each passenger in
the itinerary.

To assign or change seats for passengers:

1. To display seat maps for your itinerary, you can either:

Click the Edit PNR/Booking File icon in the PNR Viewer Action Bar and select
Assign/Edit Seat Assignments.

Show Screen

Click the class of service for the required segment.

Show Screen

The Select Seats dialog box displays the flight and traveler detail for the booked cabin. By
default, the first passenger on the first flight in the itinerary displays.
Tip: If the airline is unable to offer a seat map, a message displays: Seat map data not
available. Depending on the carrier, Smartpoint may also automatically make a second
seat map request if the first request fails.
A key at the bottom of the seat map explains the color-coding for each seat. The map also
includes the location of the wings, tail, cockpit, galleys and lavatories, if available from the

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Show Screen

2. Select or confirm that the Seat Maps radio button is selected.

3. Optional. Click the Filter by drop-down arrow in the Seat Map to display only free or paid seats, if
4. Hover the mouse over a seat icon to view seat details, which display in a box and include: the seat
number, characteristics, and seat product name, if provided by the airline.

If the seat has an associated fee, the seat cost displays in the seat details and also as a sub-
total at the bottom of the screen.
If Seat Guru recommendations are available for the selected seat, the Seat Guru

icon displays. A seat rating and comments are also included in the seat

More Information

Seat Guru includes information such as seat ratings, seat characteristics,

and amenities such as available power and video options.

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You can click the Seat Guru icon on the lower right pane to display a key
for the Seat Guru rating system.

3. Click the desired Available or Handicapped seat icon to select that seat to the first pas-
senger. The icon color for the seat changes to Selected and the Seat box in the right pane is
updated with the assigned seat number.

Show Screen

4. If there are additional passengers in the PNR/Booking File, the next passenger's name auto-
matically displays. The selected passenger's name is highlighted in green in the Seat box.
5. If there additional flights in the PNR/Booking File, the next flight automatically displays after all
seats are assigned to the preceding flight. Or, you can click the flight itinerary drop-down arrow
above the seat map to select the desired flight.
6. Repeat the seat assignment or change for each passenger in each available flight in the PNR/Book-
ing File.

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7. After all of the seats on all flights in the itinerary are assigned, the total cost displays at the bot-
tom of the screen. Click APPLY to confirm the seat assignments.

Requesting an Airline-Assigned Seat

If an airline does not offer a seat map, you can choose to make a generic seat request, to allow the air-
line to assign seating. This feature is available for GDS airlines only.
To request airline-assigned seating:

1. Select the Airline Assigned radio button.

Show Screen

2. In the Airline Assigned window, click the Seat Preference drop-down arrow to select the pas-
senger’s seating preference: Aisle, Window or Any available.
3. If there are additional passengers in the PNR/Booking File, the next passenger's name auto-
matically displays. The selected passenger's name is highlighted in green the Seat box.
4. If there additional flights in the PNR/Booking File, the next flight automatically displays after all
seats are assigned to the preceding flight. Or, you can click the flight itinerary drop-down arrow
above the seat map to select the desired flight.
5. Repeat the seat assignment or change for each passenger in each available flight in the PNR/Book-
ing File.
6. Click X to deselect a chosen seat.

Canceling Seats After Booking

Terminal entries must be used to cancel seats after the air segment has been end transacted.

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Creating and Editing Customer Information

To finalize your traveler's reservations, you must use the Customer Information screen to create a
PNR/Booking File that contains information about your agency and travelers.
You can also use the same screen to edit customer information for an existing PNR/Booking File.

Accessing the Customer Information Screen

There are two ways to display the Customer Information screen:

From the PNR Action Bar, click the Edit icon and select Create/Edit Customer

From the PNR menu, select Create/Edit Customer Information.

Creating Customer Information

The Customer Information screen contains seven tabs. Tabs that display a red asterisk (*) contain
required customer information. Within each tab, required fields are also noted with a red asterisk(*).
Required information may vary depending on the types of travel bookings in the itinerary.

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Tab Description
Name The names of the passengers in the PNR/Booking File.
Loyalty Loyalty membership and cross accrual information.
Contact Contact information for the primary traveler.
Address Customer and delivery addresses.
Ticketing Ticketing and queue information.
Payment Form of payment options.
Security Secure Flight Passenger Data, also known as APIS Information.

Editing Customer Information

Editing Customer Information varies by carrer.

Network (GDS) Carriers
To change existing Customer Information, display the Customer Information screen, then complete,
apply, and save any changes to the existing content.

Direct Payment Carriers

Modification to Customer Information is not allowed for PNRs/Booking Files that include a Direct Pay-
ment Carrier. A message is displayed in the Customer Information screen to use Smartpoint terminal
formats for Passenger Name and other PNR/Booking File modifications.

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Adding Customer Information: Passenger Names

To add traveler names for your PNR/Booking File:

1. Select the Name tab of the Customer Information screen to display the Customer Information

Note: A red asterisk*next to an item indicates that this information is required to complete the
PNR/Booking File.

2. In the Passengers section click the Add icon to create a new passenger information screen.

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This tab enables you to create or edit the content of a PNR/Booking File. If a PNR/Booking File is active
in the PNR Viewer window, relevant fields are populated with the PNR/Booking File content.
If a child and/or infant is being booked, ensure that the first name field is an adult. If an Adult is not in
the first name field, some Direct Payment/Travelport API Connect airlines will fail the booking.

Name Remarks

You may add name remarks to a passenger name, these name remarks print on the ticket,
required for certain tickets such as a date of birth for senior citizen fares.
A name remark may be added to any passenger name. Other examples could be the date of
birth for a youth passenger, DOB 10JUN98 or accounting details regarding a corporate

Children and Infants

The IATA definition of a child is a person who has reached their second birthday but not
their 12th birthday.
On adding a child’s name, include the title MSTR for a boy, or MISS for a girl. Add the age
of the child to the Name remarks section in the following format: P-CNN (replace NN with
the age of the child, for example 08).\
For an infant, add the date of birth to the Name remarks section.

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When an infant is added to a PNR/Booking File, a servicing message is automatically

sent to all airlines included in the itinerary. Click in the box marked Infant without
a seat to have this properly recognized and fare quoted within the booking file.
The child will initially display as an ADT. Once the save button has been pressed the
child PTC will change to CHD as long as the correct name remark is present.

3. Click Apply after the information for the passenger is completed.

4. Repeat the steps for each passenger in the itinerary.
5. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE.

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Adding Customer Information: Address

You can add the primary traveler's address for your PNR/Booking File in the Address tab of the Customer
Information screen.
Air and rail segments may also require a delivery address, which may or may not be the same as the cus-
tomer address.

Adding Address Information

To add address information to the PNR/Booking File:

1. In the Customer Information screen, click the Address tab to display the Address screen.

2. In Customer Address, click the Add icon to display the address fields for the primary traveler.

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3. Complete the primary traveler's address information.

4. If a delivery address is required, and is the same as the customer address, select the Also use this
for the Delivery Address check box.
5. Click Apply to store the customer address information.

6. If a delivery address is required, and is NOT the same as the customer address, click the Add
icon to display the delivery address fields for the primary traveler.

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7. Click Apply to store the delivery address information.

8. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE.

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Adding Customer Information: Contact

You can add required and optional contact information for your PNR/Booking File in the Contact tab of
the Customer Information screen.

Required fields are noted with a red asterisk(*)

Adding Contact Information

To add contact information to the PNR/Booking File:

1. In the Customer Information screen, click the Contact tab to display the Contact screen.

2. In the Phone section, click the Add icon to display Phone fields for the primary traveler's tele-
phone number. For some PNRs/Booking Files, the Primary Contact number may be an agency num-

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3. Click the Phone Type arrow to select from the phone type for this phone number.
4. In City Code, enter or scroll for the city code associated to the phone number.
5. In Number, enter the telephone number.
6. Click Apply.

7. Optional. Click the Add icon to enter additional phone numbers for the PNR/Booking File, such
as the agency phone number, hotel numbers, or fax numbers.

8. Optional. In the Email section, click the Add icon to display the fields for an email address.

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9. Click the Email Type arrow to select To or From.

10. In Email, enter the email address.
11. Click Apply.

12. Optional. Click the Add icon to enter additional email addresses for the PNR/Booking File.
13. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE.

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Adding Customer Information: Loyalty

Loyalty membership information can be added for Air and Rail suppliers (vendors).

Adding Loyalty Memberships

To add Loyalty Membership information for air bookings:

1. Confirm that a flight booking is added to the PNR/Booking File.

2. Confirm that Passenger information was entered in the Name tab for each passenger in the
PNR/Booking File.
3. In the Customer Information screen, click the Loyalty tab to display the Air and Rail Loyalty

4. Click the arrow next to the first passenger. Please note that all information marked with a red
asterisk (*) is required to add a loyalty membership.

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5. In Supplier, enter the two-character code for the air or rail supplier (vendor). Or, click the arrow
and scroll to find the supplier code and name.
6. In Loyalty Program Number, enter the traveler's loyalty number for the selected supplier.
7. Click Cross Accrual, if there is a cross accrual between the entered loyalty program and a sup-
plier in the booking.
8. Click Apply to store the loyalty program.

9. If needed, click the Add icon to enter additional loyalty memberships for this traveler.
10. If needed, click the arrow for each additional traveler to add the their loyalty membership inform-
11. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE.

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Adding Customer Information: Form of Payment

You can add payment information for your PNR/Booking File in the Payment tab of the Customer Inform-
ation screen.

Required fields are also noted with a red asterisk(*). Required information may vary depending on the
types of travel bookings in the itinerary.

Adding Form of Payment Information

To add Form of Payment information to the PNR/Booking File:

1. In the Customer Information screen, click the Payment tab to display the Form of Payment

2. Click the Add icon to display the Form of Payment field.

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3. Click the Form of Payment arrow to select a form of payment option.

4. Complete the required fields for your selected form of payment and click Apply.


Select Cash to confirm a cash form of payment. No additional fields are required.


Select Check/Cheque to confirm a check form of payment. No additional fields are


Credit Card

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eNett VAN

eNett VAN (Virtual Account Number) is a payment solution that automatically generates a
MasterCard account number to facilitate payments to travel suppliers. Each VAN is 16-digit
virtual MasterCard that can be issued as a payment (FOP) to any supplier that accepts
MasterCard. A unique number is automatically generated for each new transaction.
See the eNett Virtual Account Number (VAN) topic for more information. More detailed
information is also available in the User Guide; from the Help menu, click eNett Van User

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By default, eNett VANs are available only for a single use. For multi-use VANs,
select the Allow VAN to be used multiple times check box.
In Amount, enter the amount for the VAN.
In Currency, enter the currency associated with the amount.
By default, VANs remain active for 90 days after they are created. However, you
can specify a different Activation Date and Expiration Date.
By default, VANs support a tolerance set for your agency. To change this tolerance
level for an individual VAN, select the Allow Tolerance check box.

Select Percent or Amount and enter the flat amount or percentage. This
amount or percentage occurs as a range. For example: 10 Percent indicate a
tolerance of 10 percent above or below the specified VAN amount.
Note: If you select the multi-use option, a tolerance range is not supported.

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If desired, enter any additional comments in the Remarks text box. These remarks
are sent to eNett but are not stored in the PNR/Booking File.
For single-use VANs, select the default Add VAN FOP to PNR is selected.
For multi-use VANs, select display Display VAN FOP so that the number can be
copied and pasted.


5. If additional forms of payment are desired, click the Add icon to a new Form of Payment field.
6. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE.

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Customer Information: Security

You can add Secure Flight Passenger Data, also known as APIS Information, in the Security tab of the Cus-
tomer Information screen.
This information is required for all flights with an origin or destination in the United States, as well as for
all flights that travel in US air space.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has
issued the Secure Flight Final Rule. The TSA will determine if the information provided on a passenger
matches a person on their "No Fly" or "Selectee" lists and will transmit results back to airlines. This rule
requires airlines, not travel agencies, to send passenger information on existing bookings 72 hours prior
to departure, to be vetted against the TSA watch list.

Adding Secure Flight Passenger Data

To add Secure Flight Passenger Data for applicable flights:

1. Confirm that a flight is added to the PNR/Booking File. Secure Flight Information cannot be added
to a PNR/Booking File that does not contain at least one air segment.
2. Confirm that Passenger information was entered in the Name tab for each passenger in the
PNR/Booking File.
3. In the Customer Information screen, click the Security tab to display the Secure Flight Passenger
Data/APIS Information screen.

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4. Click the arrow next to the first passenger. Please note that all information marked with a red
asterisk (*) is required.

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5. Click the Add icon to display the Secure Flight Information (DOCS) section.

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6. If additional documentation, such as a passport is required, click the Add icon to display the
Primary Document Information (DOCS) section.
7. Complete the data in this section. The traveler's name, gender, and birth date must match exactly
to the identification information on their documents.
8. Click Apply.

9. If additional documentation is required, click the Add icon to display the Primary Document
Information (DOCS) section.

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10. Click the Document Type arrow to select from Passport, Crew Certification, Identity Card, and
other applicable forms of identication.
11. Enter the Document ID Number, Expiration Date, and other relevant information for the ID doc-

12. If additional Primary Document Information is needed, click the Add icon to enter information
for another document.
13. Click Apply.

14. If additional documentation is required, click the Add icon to display the Secondary Docu-
ment Information (DOCO) section.

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15. In Document Type, select from V - Visa, R - Redress, or K - Known Traveller Number.

For Secondary Document Information, the requirements for visa information may vary by airline.
However, for all airlines, the Document Type and Document ID Number fields must both be com-
pleted if Secondary Document Information is added.
This data is confirmed by the airline.
When date of birth and gender are provided, Travelport Smartpoint saves this information so it is
available for future transactions with the Direct Payment/Travelport API-connect airlines. The Pass-
port, Nationality and Issue Country are also saved.

16. Click Apply.

17. If additional Secondary Document Information is needed, click the Add icon to enter inform-
ation for another document.
18. If Destination and Home Address information are applicable, click Show Address Information.

19. Click the Add icon to display the Destination Address Information (DOCA) section.

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20. Complete the required and optional address content for the passenger's destination and click

21. Click the Add icon to display the Home Address Information (DOCA) section.

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22. Complete the required and optional address content for the passenger's home address and click
23. Click the drop-down arrow for any additional passengers in the PNR/Booking File and complete
the Secure Passenger Information, as needed.

24. When all PNR/Booking File information is completed, click SAVE. As applicable, new DOCS and
DOCA SSRs are added to the PNR/Booking File with security information for each passenger.

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Create or Edit PNR/Booking File Remarks

There are some differences between working with Booking File Remarks in Galileo and PNR Remarks in
Note: If a PNR/Booking File is active in the PNR/Booking File Viewer window, relevant fields are pop-
ulated with the PNR/Booking File content.

To create or edit PNR/Booking File Remarks

Select the Remarks menu item.

Apollo. From the PNR menu, select Create/Edit PNR Remarks.

Galileo. From the Booking File menu, select Create Booking File Remarks.

Show Screen

This screen shows the menu for Galileo.

ID Remarks
The ID tab of the PNR/Booking File Remarks screen displays as the first tab.

Show Screen

This screen is the same for both Apollo PNRs and Galileo Booking Files.

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In the ID tab, you can enter Customer and Corporate ID information.

Review PNR/Booking File

Click the Review BF tab (Galileo) or Review PNR tab (Apollo) to add review dates and times, as well as
queue, category, and Pseudo City Code (PCC) information.

Show Screen

This screen is the same for both Apollo PNRs and Galileo Booking Files.

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Associated Remarks
Click Associated Remarks to add remarks associated to a specific segment.

Show Screen

This screen is the same for both Apollo PNRs and Galileo Booking Files.

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Other Remarks
Click Other Remarks to add or change other types of remarks associated to a PNR/Booking File.

Show Screen

This screen is the same for both Apollo and Galileo. However, the options available in the
drop-down lists vary by system.

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To view Other Remark types:

Click View arrow and select All or a specific Other Remark type:

Confidential Note (Galileo only)
Historical Note (Galileo only)
Unassociated Remark
Invoice Remark

To add Other Remarks:

1. In the Add New section, click the Note arrow to select the Other Remark type.
2. If you select Invoice Remark, click the Select Invoice Remark type arrow to
3. Click the Insert after selected arrow to choose a location in the PNR/Booking File for the new

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Insert after selected adds the new remark after an existing remark that is selected in the
remarks list.
Insert at Top adds the new remark at the beginning of the PNR/Booking File.
Insert at Bottom adds the new remark at the end of the PNR/Booking File.

4. Enter the new remark in the text box

5. Click Add.
6. Click Save to store the new remark.

To delete Notes, Invoice Remarks, or Unassociated Remarks:

1. In the View list, select a remark. Or, to select more than one remark, press the CTRL or SHIFT key
while you select the remarks.
2. Click Remove.
3. Click Save to update the Remarks file.

To manage historical Notes, Invoice Remarks, or Unassociated Remarks:

You can add historical notes and remarks back into a PNR/Booking File or delete the remark entirely.

1. Click the History button in the lower right corner of the Other Remarks tab. The Notes History dia-
log box displays.

Show Screen

2. In the View list, select the remark.

3. Click Add to PNR to add the remark back to the PNR/Booking File or click Remove to completely
delete the remark from PNR/Booking File history.

To create your own notepad qualifiers:

You can add new notepad qualifiers for Note, Historical Note, and Confidential Note Remarks.

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1. In the Add New section, click New notepad qualifier. The Notepad with Qualifiers screen dis-

2. In Category, click the arrow to select from Note, Historical Note, or Confidential Note.
3. In Qualifier, enter the notepad qualifier code.
For Confidential Notes and Historical notes, a one-character qualifier code is allowed. For
example, "X".
Other qualifier codes must be two upper-case letters.

4. Notepad name, enter a name for the notepad qualifier.

5. Click Add. The new notepad qualifier is now added as a list option for viewing and adding new
6. Click Save to store the remark.

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Create or Edit Special Services

Edit Special Services

Click this option to display the Special Services dialog box:

This dialog box enables you to create or edit Special Service Information –SSRs and OSIs.
Note: If a Booking File is active in the PNR Viewer window, relevant fields are populated with the Book-
ing File content.

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Editing the PNR/Booking File

Click this icon to launch the following menu options: 

Create/Edit Customer Information

Create/Edit Booking File Remarks
Create/Edit Special Services
Assign/Edit Seat Assignments
Paid Seat Upgrades from Delta Air Lines

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Purchasing Seat Upgrades

You are able to purchase seat upgrades from multiple carriers using the seat map. The booking must have
been ended and a record locator must be present.
Refer to the Booking File example for travel on Delta Air Lines and British Airways.
Click on the class of service to display the seat map for the segment.

Show Screen

When you select a seat, the cost for the seat is shown on the right side of the screen.  The ‘Total Seat
Price’ is shown at the bottom.

Example screen display:

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When you select a seat for the second Delta Air Lines flight, the Total Seat Price is adjusted to show the
total price for both seats.

Show Screen

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Assigning Seats for the Remainder of the Itinerary

Once the paid seat upgrade has been made for the flight, you can continue to select seats for the remain-
ing flights without having to return to the itinerary in the PNR Viewer window.
This can be done in one of two ways:

Select the next flight from the drop down list. 

Show Screen


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Tab to the next flight in the panel on the right-hand side.

Show Screen

The seat map for the next flight will be retrieved.

Paying for Paid Seats

When you have submitted your seat assignments, Travelport Smartpoint will display a form of payment

Example screen response:

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Completed screen example:

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Click ‘SUBMIT’ to submit the information.

The seats will not show in the seat assignment section of the Booking File.. Instead, the seat assignments
will be documented in the Notepad field/General Remarks.
Refer to the following example:

Show Screen

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Partial booking
When at least one seat is booked but at least one seat has failed to book, Travelport Smartpoint will dis-
play an error message. You must select alternative seats.

Canceling a Paid Seat

To cancel a paid seat, click on the X next to the seat number for the appropriate flight.

Show Screen

When the seat has been removed, click on APPLY at the bottom of the Seat Map screen.
Important note: If you cancel a paid seat, the credit card payment that you made previously will not
automatically be refunded.  You must contact the carrier and ask them to process the refund.

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Fare Shopping
Fare Shopping provides access to the wealth of Travelport 360 Fares and searches for low fares and avail-
able flights incorporating a wide variety of options to customize and streamline the search.

Fare Shopping is able to integrate all public, private and net fare content housed within the Travel-
port 360 Fares database
Both Direct Payment Carriers and GDS carriers are returned in the same response.
A maximum of 8 flight segments may be handled by a single request
A maximum of 9 passengers can be included in each transaction
One-way, round-trip, circle trip, single and double open-jaw itineraries are supported
Low fare searches can be performed with or without a booked itinerary
Pricing and Availability modifiers can be used to influence the search process and provide cus-
tomized results

Fare Shopping merges the manual comparison of tariff data and seat availability in a single request.  You
can search for low fares and available flights and make reservations in three easy steps:

Search for low fares

Book the itinerary
File the fare in the Booking File

Using Focalpoint Shopping with a Booked Itinerary

Focalpoint Shopping prices a booked itinerary at the lowest available fare and searches schedules and
fares to find the lowest priced alternative itineraries.
All agents in registered pseudo city codes have unlimited access to Focalpoint Shopping.
To price a booked itinerary using Focalpoint Shopping, enter the function identifier FS
Example Booking File:

Note:  FS quotes a total fare for all passengers in the Booking File instead of quoting a fare for each pas-
The Fare Shopping screen displays.  In this example, it is showing 81 pricing options and 189 itinerary
Screen example

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The following table lists the key components of the Fare Shopping screen information for the first option:

Component: Description:
TTL OF 81 PRICING Total number of pricing options and itinerary options.
PRICING OPTION 1 – Pricing option 1 header.
Note: Option 1 is always your booked itinerary.  Option 2 and the following
options are from the lowest price to highest, regardless of the airline.
LOWER FARE Alert that varies depending on the classes of the itinerary currently booked.
TOTAL AMOUNT  Total amount for all passengers including tax.
ADT    Adult fare. 
TAX  INCLUDED Tax included.
EK162 L 10JUN Option 1 itinerary with applicable booking codes.
EK161 T 20JUN
Prompt to rebook this itinerary.
+TQ Add to trip quote
Prompt to view the fare breakdown.
Prompt to view rules text.  You can then enter FN1/ALL to see full rules text for
RULES first fare component or click.
$ The flight does not have an associated fare quote. The symbol changes to a
pound sign/hash tag # after the fare is quoted.

Details Display

To view the fare details click on the details will then be displayed below the pricing option giving
you the journey time of each flight sector and a breakdown of the fare including taxes.
If you click on the ‘D’ in option 1 that is the booked itinerary, further details such as the last day to pur-
chase the fare and the linear fare construction are also displayed.
Example screen display:

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Note: Click on Details again to close the display.


To view the rules on the pricing option click on the rules icon 
The fare components for the journey appear.  The rules do not display at this stage. 

Click on one of the fare components to view the rules for that component.  The rules of a Traditional
GDS carrier will appear in the smart screen, the screen is scrollable and the most frequently used para-
graphs are highlighted in orange.

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Scroll down to view all the rule information. 

Note: There may have been two separate pricing modifiers used.  Click on “Back to Pricing Options” to
return to the fare component screen in order to select rules for the second fare component
The full Focalpoint Shopping display is shown on the following page.  Scroll up and down using the scroll
bar on the right to view more options.
Note:  The first pricing option performs an FQBB entry and displays the best fare for the itinerary already
held.  It will only show a rebook option as the flights and dates for this option are booked already.

Component Description
BOOK Book the selected pricing option without canceling the existing reservation.
REBOOK This will cancel the existing booking and rebook in the new class.
+8 Pricing options are returned in low-to-high fare order and may involve the same fare with
several different itineraries.  These itineraries are known as itinerary options within the pri-
cing option group.  Click the link to view alternative itinerary options for the fare.

Additional itinerary options (+)

When the option + appears on the display this indicates that there are other itinerary options for the same
price available.  This could mean that the passenger can choose a more suitable flight time for the same
Example screen display:

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Note: The price is the same as that in the previous screen.

Decoding Items
You can hover the mouse over items in blue to decode them and to provide further information. You can
also click to expand an item.
Hover over a 3-letter code to decode an airport.

Show Screen

Hover the mouse over the carrier code to decode the carrier.

Show Screen

Hover the mouse over the flight number to display the terminal information, elapsed flying time, and on-
time performance.

Show Screen

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The @ symbol in front of a flight number indicates the flight is a codeshare.  Hover the mouse over the
symbol to identify the operating carrier.

Show Screen

Hover the mouse over the equipment code to identify the aircraft type. 

Show Screen

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Branded Fares

Branded Fares will display in the fare shopping results with the Fare color coded in Green are interactive.
Non-Branded Shopping results are displayed in white.
Example of a non-Branded Shopping result:

Show Screen

Example of a Brand participating airline within the fare shopping result:

Show Screen

Note: Results will contain both GDS and direct payment airlines if available, but not mixed in the same
pricing option.
From the Fare Shopping Results you can also click the links for Flight Details and Fare Rules. Clicking on
Details, displays the Base Fare, Tax/Fee total, and the Ticket Total. Refer to Flight Shopping Search.
Note: If the airline is an Direct Payment airline, it will follow a different booking path. These airlines
are indicated by a pound sign/hash tag symbol # to the left of the carrier. This symbol is color-coded:

Green #, the segment is priced.

Blue #, the segment is not priced.

Click on the green code fare amount to display the Brands and Ancillaries screen.

Show Screen

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The Brands and Ancillaries response displays for the first sector in the results.
The screen may include details from the airline on other fares (Fare Family) and the Ancillaries services
which are offered. Information from the airline regarding the type of fare is shown in the center of the

Fare Family is the name given to the hierarchical grouping of branded fares. Fare families will be
listed on the left side of the screen with the currently selected details highlighted.

In the example above, the additional fare to upgrade to Atlantic's Best Luxury fare is 3421.10 USD
for this sector. The names of the families may differ from airline to airline. As of Smartpoint v6.5,
the price for the branded fare includes taxes.

On the right side of the screen you have a list of the Ancillaries which are available after booking.
The information is applicable to the "Currently Selected Fare" family. In this example there is an
additional charge second and third checked bags, snacks and soft drinks, and WiFi for the
LHR>SFO segment. 
Private Fares are indicated by a Lock icon to the left of the fare. For example:
A Private Fare can be an Airline Private Fare, Agency Private Fare, Net Fare, any other loaded
Private Fare.

If fares that cannot be combined are selected, such as a Private Fare for an outbound flight
and a Public Fare for an inbound flight, a warning message displays:

2. Select the Matrix button.

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3. Clicking on an Ancillary displays additional information.

Legend for symbols:

Not Available

Included with Brand

Not Included with Brand, but available on Flight for purchase. Currency of POS will display.
4. Click the Details tab to return to Branding Information.
5. Click the Fare Quote button to display the Summary Screen.
6. Click the Cancel button to return to Fare Shop Response

Click on the Product icon to expand the information. Click again to collapse:

Show Screen

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1. Select All Options to get access to further fare families that may be available..
2. To view the Inclusive Fare, click Fare Quote and the Detail Summary Screen will display:

Show Screen

3. If you want to return to the Fare Shop Response, click Cancel.

Points to note:

The cost of the Ancillaries may change or may be included with the new fare. For example, with
the Business Fare, 1st checked bag is included.

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If a Flexi Fare is also available to view details of the fare click the box to the left of the fare and the
details will display on screen with an updated Ancillary display.

Points to note:

The First Business Fare is now highlighted with the ‘Currently Selected Fare’ of 2823.06.00 GPB
which includes the 1540.00 GPB to upgrade for the return sector.
Information from the airline regarding the type of fare is shown in the center of the screen.
The cost of the Ancillaries may change or may be included with the new fare. For example,two
checked bags are now included with the Business fare.

At the top right side of the screen the tab DETAIL is highlighted showing that this is the screen you are
viewing. To display a list of what is included in each of the fares, click on MATRIX
The fare details are shown at the bottom of the screen together with the Total amount, including tax.
Click on Fare Quote for a Summary of the details:
The response shows the system is “Processing Branded fares and ancillaries”. The screen displayed is the
Fare Shopping Summary screen. If the price has been updated from the original fare message will appear
on the screen.
For Network (GDS) Carriers, a name is required to store the fare quote. If a traveler's name is not present
in an associated PNR, a warning is displayed at the top of the screen.

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At the bottom of the screen, you have buttons to:

Confirm – Books the selected flights

Modify – Returns you to the Brands and Ancillaries screen
Cancel – Returns you to the shopping results screen

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Fare Shop and Direct Payment Carriers

Release 5.1
When a direct payment carrier is booked, you will receive an alert message to use FS or ZFS entries to
access the interactive seat maps, ancillary shopping cart, and branded fare.
Search for a flight using availability.

Example screen response

Note that Direct Payment Carriers are indicated by a pound sign/hash tag symbol # to the left of the car-
rier. This symbol is color-coded:

Blue # indicates the segment is not priced.

Green # indicates the segment is priced.

To book a direct payment carrier from availability search

From the booked itinerary enter F5.

From the results, click REBOOK the direct payment carrier flights.
Add the passenger names.

The Shopping Cart icon and seat map will become available.

Example screen response

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Note: If you use a FS/ZFS entry to get outbound flight results and then choose a direct payment carrier
and make an availability entry and then sell an inbound direct payment carrier you will receive the fol-
lowing message.

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Filtering Fare Shopping Results

You may change the requirements for the shopping results using the Filter icon. Click on the icon
on the right side of the Fare Shop Response screen to filter the Fare Shopping results.
You can select multiple filters before selecting to Apply for more refined results.
By default results will only include fare options for flights with the same departure and arrival airport.
You can remove this option by deselecting the check box as indicated in the following screen.

Example screen response:

Note: Check or uncheck a box to select or unselect an item.

Screen explanation

Component: Description:
Click the Sort by drop-down list to order by departure time, price,
or journey time.

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Component: Description:
Click the drop-down list to specify the number of stops.

Component: Description:
Click RESET to clear selected filters.

Click the X at the top-right to close the filter window.

There are two drop-down menu items:

Sort By

Sort By allows you to sort the results by Price, Departure Time or Journey Time

Show Screen

Option Description
Price Selected by default, sorted from low to high
Departure Time Outbound time for the first segment in the trip, sorted from low to high
Journey Time Journey time for first segment in the trip, sorted from low to high

Stops allows you to sort by No Stops, 1 Stop or 2 Stops with options based on the shop results, number of
city pairs in each trip (one connection is one stop).

Show Screen

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Option Description
Blank Default, no selection, displays all stops
No Stops Display only non stop trips
1 Stop Displays no stops and up to 1 stop trips
2 Stops Displays no stops and up to 2 stop trips

Show Screen

The Depart and Arrive check box may be disabled (grayed out) if the shop results contain only one depar-
ture airport for the starting point and one arrival airport for the final point.
In the example above the request in the initial e-pricing script was for IAD, so the check box has been
disabled.  If the request in the initial e-pricing script had been WAS, the check boxes for Depart would be
enabled as shown in the screen below:

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Show Screen

Note: As the Depart/Return same airport has been selected the Return to WAS has been disabled, and
the two airports IAD and BWI are selected automatically.
When the Depart/Return same airport is not selected, the Return is also enabled to allow you to select
a specific return airport, IAD and/or BWI.

Show Screen

Use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen to move down in the display to view the Airlines
and time of departure and arrival

Show Screen

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The Airlines option displays a check box for each airline found in the shop results.  If there is only one air-
line, the check box will be selected and disabled.
Note: To determine airlines, Smartpoint will use the plating carrier for each trip if available.  For ACH
and for some GDS trips, the plating carrier may not be returned.  In this case Smartpoint will use the car-
rier of the first segment of the trip.
Depart and Arrive display a slider with minimum and maximum times for each leg of the trip.

Option Description
DefaultBlank No time selected
Min Time Will be 12:00 AM
Max Time Will be 11:59 PM

Points to note:

Moving the slider to the left or right increases or decreases the time range.
Selecting a departure minimum and maximum will display only results which are in the range of
the times selected.
If the shop results includes multiple destinations, there will be a DEPART time section for each out-

At the top of the Filters you have the options to APPLY or RESET.

Show Screen

Points to note:

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Clicking on APPLY will close the Filters and the search results will display with the updated selec-
ted filter options completed
Clicking RESET will set all the selections to the default, close the Filters and apply the changes to
the results.

Note: When filters have been applied the alert FILTERS APPLIED will be displayed at the top of Fare Shop-
ping screen.

Show Screen

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Flight Shopping
Flight Shopping enables you to search for pricing and itinerary options in the same request.

Accessing the Flight Shopping Search Screen

There are two ways to access the Flight Shopping Search screen:

From the Search menu, select Flight Shopping Search.

Show screen

From the Tools menu, select Calendar. Then, right-click on a date and select Shopping.

Example screen

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Using the Flight Shopping Search Screen

Note: Round Trip is the default. You can select a one way journey if required.

Origin and Destination

You can enter either city codes or the city name. The required option displays at the bottom of the list.

Show Screen

Press ENTER to populate the fill-in box or arrow down in the list to select a city and enter.
Select Multiple Airports if you want to include all airports in the metropolitan area of the Origin or
Destination. See City/Airport Logic for a description of the response if Multiple Airports option is not

City/Airport Logic for Galileo

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For the origin or destination, if the code is:

Both a city code and an airport code, but has a different metro code, Smartpoint searches by the
airport code. For example: SNA, EWR,BUR.
A city/airport code and also metro code, Smartpoint searches by the city code. For example: LAX,
A city code, Smartpoint searches by the city code. For example: LON, NYC.

If the Multiple Airport option is selected for either or both a city code or airport code, Smartpoint
searches by the both city code and airport code, with the city code preferred. For example: JFK, BUR,

Terminal Equivalents

Format Description Example

++/RMA Disables multi-airport processing. FSLAX12JANATL++/RMA
++/M Multiple airport for both origin and FSLAX12JANATL++/M
++/M[CODE] Multiple airport only for specified FSLAX12JANEWR++/MLAX
Multiple airport only for the origin airport (LAX).

City/Airport Logic for Apollo

For the origin or destination, if the code is:

Both a city code and an airport code, Smartpoint searches by the airport code. For example: LAX,
A city code, Smartpoint searches by the airport code. For example: LON, CHI, NYC.

If the Multiple Airport option is selected for either or both a city code or airport code, Smartpoint
searches by the both city code and airport code, with the city code preferred. For example: LAX, JFK,

Terminal Equivalents

Format Description Example

/RMA Disables multi-airport processing. FSLAX12JANATL//RMA
//M Multiple airport for both origin and FSLAX12JANATL//M
//M[CODE] Multiple airport only for specified FSLAX12JANEWR//MLAX
Multiple airport only for the origin airport (LAX).

Departure date and Return date

To enter a date, either over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.

Show Screen

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Note: The current date is highlighted in green.

Departure time and Return time

To enter a time, either over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.

Show Screen

You can select a specific carrier by typing in either the carrier code or carrier name. The required option
displays at the bottom of the list. Hit enter to select it.

Show Screen

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Passengers and Booking Code

Show Screen

It is also possible to select the number of passengers and the booking class code. The results returned
show only the booking class code requested. 


Show Screen

Enter the three-letter currency code, or click on the drop-down list to select the required currency.
Refer to the following example for travel from Johannesburg to Rome for two passengers traveling on
South African Airways in Economy class, departing 14 November and returning 19 November. Fares are
requested in euro.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Completed Screen Example

The following is an explanation of a Flight Shopping search for fares from London to Amsterdam, depart-
ing 10 June and returning 16 June.

Example screen response:

Refer to Fare Shop and Direct Payment Carriers for additional details.

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Shopping for Cars

You can shop for cars using the Car Availability Search screen.

Accessing the Car Availability Search Screen

There are three ways to shop for cars:

Using the Calendar Tool.

Show Instructions

To open the Smartpoint calendar, click the Tools menu at the top of the terminal window
and select the Calendar option from the dropdown list.
Specify which dates the car hire is required for, by using the mouse to highlight the rental
Right click and select Cars.

Clicking on a booked Air Segment number within a PNR.

From the Search menu, select Car Availability Search.

Show Screen

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Using the Car Availability Search Screen

To search for car availability:

1. In Pick-Up City, enter the city code or city name where the traveler wants to pick up the rental
car. Click the selected city or press ENTER.


The closest match to your entry displays at the bottom of the list. If the code is unknown,
Smartpoint displays a name list when you type in the full city name.
If you are training or testing, and do not want to use actual inventory, you can enter XXX
for the Test City code in place of an actual city code.

2. Optional. Click the Pick-Up Location drop-down arrow to select from a specific location and loc-
ation code in the requested city. Click the selected location or press ENTER.

Note: If a Pick-Up Location is not specified, the main airport associated with the city is

3. In Pick-Up Date, enter the desired pick-up date or click the Calendar icon to select a date from
the drop-down calendar. The current date is highlighted in green.

Show Screen

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4. In Pick-Up Time, enter the desired pick-up time or click the Calendar icon to select a time from
the drop-down list. The current date is highlighted in green.
You can enter any time format accepted by the host, including formats such as 1A, 1P, 13, and

Show Screen

5. Optional. The Drop-Off City automatically displays the selected Pick-Up City. To change the Drop-
Off City, enter the city code or city name where the traveler wants to drop off the rental car.
Click the selected city or press ENTER.

Note: If a Drop-Off City is not specified, the requested Pick-Up City is used.

6. Optional. The Drop-Off Location automatically displays the selected Pick-Up Location. To
change the Drop-Off Location, click the Drop-Off Location drop-down arrow to select from a spe-
cific location and location code in the requested city. Click the selected location or press ENTER.
7. In Drop-Off Date and Drop-Off Time, select the date and time that the traveler wants to drop off
the rental car.

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8. Enter any of the desired Additional Search Options. Additional search options allow you to submit a
rate code associated to a specific supplier as well as a corporate discount number, a loyalty num-
ber and/or a promotional code, again specifying the supplier code.

Completed Screen Example

The following example shows a Car Availability request with:

A pick up in Miami and drop off in Orlando.

A selected Car Type of EMBR, which automatically populates the Size, Category,
Transmission/Drive, and Fuel/AC fields.
A specified rental car vendor.
A promotional rate code.

9. Click SEARCH to display the car availability to the Terminal Window.

Additional Search Options

The Car Availability Search screen allows you to search by a number of optional modifiers.

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The following optional modifiers can be added to a search.

Search Option Description

Car Type Car Type codes combine other Car Search Options, such as categories, classes,
door counts, and fuel types. For example: CBMN = 2-Door Compact Manual No
When you select a Car Type, the fields for the corresponding Car Search Options
automatically populate.
Car Size Requests a car size, such as Mini, Compact, or Full Size. Car sizes may also be
combined with car classes, such as Elite Economy or Luxury Intermediate.
Category Requests a car category, such as 2-door, 4-door, Convertible, Passenger Van, or
Transmission Drive Requests a specific transmission type, such as manual, automatic, four-wheel
drive (4WD), and all-wheel drive (AWD).
Fuel/AC Requests fuel types and air conditioning options.
Rate Code Select a Vendor (supplier) from the drop-down list of car rental companies. Then
enter the applicable rate Code for that supplier in the Rate Code field.

You can only enter one rate code within a search request.
Once you enter a rate code, you must also select a vendor.
Rate Category Requests availability by rate category, such as Association, Business, Corporate,
and Government.
Vendor Select a vendor (supplier) to limit the car availability display to that vendor only.

Click the Add icon to add more vendors. A total of four vendors can be
included in the request.
Corporate Discount Select a Vendor and enter an associated Corporate Discount code.
Frequent Renter Select a Vendor and enter an associated Frequent Renter Number.
If you have already created a PNR/Booking File, any frequent renter numbers
associated to the primary traveler in the PNR are pre-populated. If more than one
frequent renter number is associated to the selected rental company, click the
drop-down arrow to select the desired number.

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Search Option Description

If frequent renter numbers do not pre-populate

The pre-population assumes that your frequent renter numbers use the following
aa/ID-nnnnnnn, where aa is 2-character alphabetic code for the car rental
company and nnnnnnn is alphanumeric characters for the loyalty number.
If your format does not follow this format, frequent renter numbers will not pre-
populate. Contact your Travelport representative to request a configuration
change to match your agency's format.
Promotional Code Select a Vendor and enter an associated Promotional Code.
Tour Code Select a Vendor and enter an associated Tour Code.

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Example screen response

Refer to the following example to search for availability for pickup at Sydney Airport with Avis (ZI).

Completed screen example

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Click Search.

Example screen response

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Car Availability Display

When a Car Search request is made, the response is returned in a Car Availability display.
The following example shows Car Availability display for Miami for 15 – 19 November.

The following table lists the components of the low-to-high availability screen.

Component Description
Header Line:
MIAMI INTNL FL Pick-up location. If a separate drop-off city and/or location is not
indicated in the search, the response uses the pick-up location as
FRI 15NOV 12:00 – 19NOV
the drop-off location. (/L-)
Period for which availability is displayed
Standard and promotional rates in USD

Click this icon to divide the window into two partitions if


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Component Description
1 Line Number
Component Description
+ + = Inside Availability ® participant.
(Economy Rent a Car)
O/T/C Location of the car rental company:
T = Terminal     O = Off-terminal C= City
S or N Availability status:
S = Available to sell.   N = On request.
G or Q or ³ Rate guarantee indicator:
G = Rate guaranteed.
Q = Quoted rate subject to change.
³= Rate converted from currency originally displayed (estimate
ECAR Car type code (click or hover to decode)
22.18 D (RW / RD / D / W) Rate. Shown in local currency can be weekly or daily
rate depending on the length of rental.
FM Free mileage or kilometers:
UNL= Unlimited mileage.
150 = Specific mileage allowance.
CHG Charge for additional mileage or kilometers:
.25 = Additional mileage or kilometer charges.
.00 = No charge.
APPROX TOTAL Estimated applicable car rental charges including base rate, taxes,
surcharges, mandatory fees, any applicable drop charges for car
rental duration.

Returning Multiple Rate Types

If the availability response contains rate modifiers in the request, such as corporate discount (CD) rates
or other negotiated rates, the rates that meet the rate modifiers are listed first. If the vendor also returns
rates outside of the request modifiers, these rates are listed next, with a header line between each set of

Updating Availability
The Car Availability Modifier toolbar allows you to change dates and the number of nights after an initial
availability has been performed.

Click on the icon to display the toolbar.

Show Screen

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This allows quick access to the same availability request for the day before or the day after, or for a dif-
ferent number of days up to a maximum of eight.  

To minimize the toolbar, simply click on the icon on the left.

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Car Vendor Location Description

Car vendor location descriptions contain information such as age requirements, car types, and insurance
To view this information, simply click on the car vendor name. In this screen example the color is green
which means it is interactive.

Show Screen

Example screen response:

To display information, click on the relevant keyword category.

Show Screen

Example screen response:

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Click on the Back to Location Description link to return to the list of description keywords.

Show Screen

You can go back to results at any time by clicking on the Back to Cars link at the top of the page.

Show Screen

Display the Rate Rules

To display rate rules click on the interactive rate.

Show Screen

Example screen response:

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The following table lists the rate rule components and their description.

Component Description
** INSIDE AVAILABILITY RULES DISPLAY  **  Rules display header line and sell prompt.
*SUMMARY INFORMATION* Confirmation of car rental pickup/return date, times,
and location. Includes car type description and
approximate total.
*RATE DETAIL* Day/hour charges, recap of unit rate, breakdown of
approximate total amount, drop charge, rate guar-
antee period, rate code, rate type and category.
Note: Weekend rates appear as a daily rate e.g.
‘Wkend Daily.’
*TAXES* All applicable taxes and amounts.
*SURCHARGES* All applicable mandatory charges.
*COVERAGE* Types of insurance coverage.
*ADVANCE BOOKING AND PICKUP/RETURN Rules for advance booking and pickup/return.
*PICKUP / RETURN LOCATION SUMMARY* Summary information on pickup and return location.
*SPECIAL TEXT COMMENTS* Free form text of additional rules.

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Sell Screen Car

You can direct sell a car using the Car option from the SELL menu.
You have the choice of a direct or passive segment.

This section covers:

Car Direct
Car Passive

Selling the Car Segment

Travelport Smartpoint provides two options when selling. The quick sell option and advanced sell
option. The sell options are available on the car rate rules screen.

Show Screen

Click on Sell Car(s) to sell the car or click or Advanced Sell to display the Advanced Sell window.

Show Screen

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Advanced sell options explained:

Item: Explanation:
Warranty Reservation guarantee, e.g. credit card or Agency IATA/ARC number
Name override Main driver name if more than one passenger in reservation
Special Information Special Requests, e.g. Red car
Item: Explanation:
Frequent Traveler Frequent Traveler Number
Special Equipment Request for special equipment such as child seats or satellite navigation systems.
For a list of codes refer to HELP CARS

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Item: Explanation:
Corporate Discount Corporate discount code if applicable
Customer ID Customer identification number
Drop off location If different from the pick up
E-Voucher Value Total value of pre-paid E-voucher
Billing Number Billing number, if applicable.
Billing Reference Billing reference, if applicable.
Booking Source If the original booking source needs to be overridden, enter the IATA number for
the override.

Car Delivery Information

Delivery If the car will be delivered to specific location, indicate the delivery address
and contact information in the Car Delivery tab.
The availability of delivery varies depending on the agency and car supplier.
Site ID Enter a location code, if applicable for your agency.
The Site ID fills in the corresponding Address, Telephone Number, and Location
Name for that site.
Address Enter delivery address details.
Postal Code
Customer Phone Enter a telephone number for the delivery address.
Location Enter the location name.
Collection Click the Collection tab to specify collection address details, if different
from delivery address details.
The availability of collection varies depending on the agency and car sup-

Car Direct
The Car Direct Sell dialog box provides three tabs: Reservation, Payment, and Other.

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Reservation Tab
Screen explanation:

Reservation Inform- Explanation:

Reservation Inform-
Pick-Up Enter the pick-up date and time. Over type or click the calendar icons and
make a selection.
You can enter any time format accepted by the host, including formats such
as 1A, 1P, 13, and 1300.
Drop-Off Enter the drop-off date and time. Over type or click the calendar icons and
make a selection
You can enter any time format accepted by the host, including formats such
as 1A, 1P, 13, and 1300.
Pick-Up City Enter the city code or city name where the traveler wants to pick up the
rental car. Click the selected city or press ENTER.

The closest match to your entry displays at the bottom of the list. If
the code is unknown, Smartpoint displays a name list when you type
in the full city name.
If you are training or testing, and do not want to use actual inventory,

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Reservation Inform- Explanation:

you can enter XXX for the Test City code in place of an actual city
Pick-Up Location Optional. Click the Pick-Up Location drop-down arrow to select from a spe-
cific location and location code in the requested city. Click the selected loc-
ation or press ENTER.
Drop-Off City Optional.The Drop-Off City automatically displays the selected Pick-Up
City. To change the Drop-Off City, enter the city code or city name where
the traveler wants to drop off the rental car. Click the selected city or press
Drop-Off Location Optional.The Drop-Off Location automatically displays the selected Pick-
Up Location. To change the Drop-Off Location, click the Drop-Off Location
drop-down arrow to select from a specific location and location code in the
requested city. Click the selected location or press ENTER.
Flight Number Enter the arriving flight number if applicable.
Car Rental Company

Corporate Discount Enter any corporate discount number.

Promotional Code Enter any promotional code.

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Reservation Inform- Explanation:

Car Type

First Name Enter the first name of the traveler in whose name the car is being booked.
Last Name Enter the last name of the traveler in whose name the car is being booked.
Loyalty Number If applicable, enter the traveler's loyalty number for the selected car rental
If you have already created a PNR/Booking File, the frequent renter number
is pre-populated. If more than one frequent renter number is associated to
the selected rental company, click the drop-down arrow to select the
desired number.

If frequent renter numbers do not pre-populate

The pre-population assumes that your frequent renter numbers use the fol-
lowing format:
aa/ID-nnnnnnn, where aa is 2-character alphabetic code for the car
rental company and nnnnnnn is alphanumeric characters for the loyalty
If your format does not follow this format, frequent renter numbers will not
pre-populate. Contact your Travelport representative to request a con-
figuration change to match your agency's format.
Frequent Renter Number Enter an airline frequent flyer number (if applicable).
Direct Sell Click Direct Sell to sell the car or click Cancel to discontinue the process.

Payment Tab
Show Screen

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Screen explanation:

Rate Code Enter the rate code for the required car.
Tour Number Enter any applicable tour number.
Booking Source The booking source box is populated with your agency IATA num-
ber. You can over type this if appropriate.
Pre-Payment Information Enter any pre-payment information if applicable.
Currency Enter the required currency code or click the drop-down list and
Guarantee Enter credit card details to guarantee the booking.
eVoucher Type

Billing Number Enter any billing number.

Billing Reference Enter any billing reference.
Drop-Off Charge Enter any drop-off charge.
Direct Sell Click Direct Sell to sell the car or click Cancel to discontinue the

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Other Tab
Show Screen

Screen explanation:

Special Service Enter any required special service.
Special Equipment Codes

Delivery Address If the car will be delivered to specific location, indicate the deliv-
ery address and contact information.

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The availability of delivery varies depending on the agency and
car supplier.
Site ID Enter a location code, if applicable for your agency.
The Site ID fills in the corresponding Address, Telephone Number,
and Location Name for that site.
Address Enter delivery address details.
Zip Code
Telephone Number Enter a telephone number for the delivery address.
Location Name Enter the location name.
Specify Collection Address Specify collection address details, if different from delivery
address details.
The availability of collection varies depending on the agency and
car supplier.

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Car Passive

Screen explanation:

Field Explanation
Reservation Details
Pick-Up City Enter the city code or city name where the traveler wants to pick
up the rental car. Click the selected city or press ENTER.

The closest match to your entry displays at the bottom of

the list. If the code is unknown, Smartpoint displays a name
list when you type in the full city name.
If you are training or testing, and do not want to use actual
inventory, you can enter XXX for the Test City code in
place of an actual city code.
Pick-Up Location Optional. Click the Pick-Up Location drop-down arrow to select
from a specific location and location code in the requested city.
Click the selected location or press ENTER.
Note: If a Pick-Up Location is not specified, the main airport asso-
ciated with the city is used.
Pick-Up Date Enter the desired pick-up date or click the Calendar icon to select
a date from the drop-down calendar. The current date is high-
lighted in green.

Show Screen

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Field Explanation

Pick-Up Time Enter the desired pick-up time or click the Calendar icon to select
a time from the drop-down list. The current date is highlighted in
You can enter any time format accepted by the host, including
formats such as 1A, 1P, 13, and 1300.

Show Screen

Drop-Off City Optional.The Drop-Off City automatically displays the selected

Pick-Up City. To change the Drop-Off City, enter the city code or
city name where the traveler wants to drop off the rental car.
Click the selected city or press ENTER.
Note:If a Drop-Off City is not specified, the requested Pick-Up
City is used.
Drop-Off Location Optional.The Drop-Off Location automatically displays the selec-
ted Pick-Up Location. To change the Drop-Off Location, click the
Drop-Off Location drop-down arrow to select from a specific loc-
ation and location code in the requested city. Click the selected
location or press ENTER.

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Field Explanation
Drop-Off Date Select the date that the traveler wants to drop off the rental car.
Drop-Off Time Select the time that the traveler wants to drop off the rental car.
You can enter any time format accepted by the host, including
formats such as 1A, 1P, 13, and 1300.
Vendor Enter the two-character vendor code or click the arrow to select a
vendor from the drop-down list.
Car Type and Quantity Car Type codes combine other Car Search Options, such as cat-
egories, classes, door counts, and fuel types. For example: CBMN =
2-Door Compact Manual No Air.
Enter the car type and corresponding quantity of rental cars for
that type.
Status Code Specify the status code:
AK – Confirmed (Passive)
AL – Wait listed (Passive)
BK – Confirmed (Passive)
HK - Confirmed
Confirmation Number Enter the car confirmation number from the vendor.
Rate Information
Rate Type Select Daily Rate, Weekly Rate, or another rate increment.
Amount Enter the rate amount based on the selected Rate Type.
Currency Enter the currency code or click the drop-down list to select cur-
Mileage Click the drop-down list to select the appropriate mileage allow-

Remarks Enter any remarks text associated with the passive car seg-

Click PASSIVE SELL to create a passive segment, or click CANCEL to discontinue the process.

Displaying Hotel Complete Availability

After choosing a hotel from availability, click on the rate range to display complete availability to get
the best rate for your customer. Complete availability provides rates, room types, and the approximate
total cost for the stay. From this display, you can determine the best room rate for your customer.

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To view complete availability, click on the hotel rate.

Example screen response:

Hotel Complete Availability Screen

The following screen is an example of complete availability.

The following table lists the complete availability screen components including the components of line 1.

Component Description
1 Line Number 1
180.00 Local currency (USD) nightly rate

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Component Description
@ Indicates there is a rate change during the period of the requested
D Indicates that a deposit is required
G Indicates a guarantee is required
USD Currency code
426.80 USD Total for the period of the requested availability.
AP Approximate price. Indicates that the total for the period is not
BEST AVAILABLE RATE etc… Room and rate description
COM:YES-10 Commission (YES or NO). If YES, includes percentage.
RF:YES Refundable rate. YES (refundable) or NO (not refundable).
CAT:N/A Category

R- Standard/Rack
C - Corporate
W - Weekend
P - Package
S - Senior Citizen
G - Government
M - Military
B - Club
A - Association
F - Family Plan
T - Tour
I - Travel Industry
V - Convention
l - Special
N - Negotiated
CR:NO Credentials required. YES (credentials required) or NO (credentials
not required).
GT:YES-D Required guarantee. YES-[TYPE] or NO
(not shown in sample)
Required Guarantee Types

D - Deposit required
G - Guarantee required
P - Prepayment required

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Component Description
Blank - not applicable

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Hotel TripAdvisor Ratings and Reviews Release 5.0

TripAdvisor ratings and reviews are available for any hotel property that has TripAdvisor data available.
You can request TripAdvisor reviews from either a:

Hotel Availability Search (HOA) response for hotel properties.

Hotel Complete Availability (HOC) response for a selected property.

Working with TripAdvisor Reviews

TripAdvisor displays a Ratings range from 1 to 5.

Symbol Key
Rating Value Display Image
To view TripAdvisor ratings:

1. If available for the hotel property, TripAdvisor Ratings display in the third line below the hotel

Note: If a hotel property does not have TripAdvisor ratings, the TripAdvisor symbol is not

2. Hover over the rating to display a pop-up box that indicates how many times the property has
been reviewed.

Show Hotel Availability Search (HOA) Response

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Show Hotel Complete Availability (HOC) Response

To view TripAdvisor reviews:

1. Click the review pop-up box to display the view the five most recent ratings

2. If the review is long, click the ...[more} link to expand the information.

Show Review Screen

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Hotel Availability Display

You can display hotel availability using interactive links, menus and the calendar either with or without
air segments. With hotel search you can view:

Hotel Availability
Hotel Description
Hotel Availability Map
Viewing Hotel Images

The following example shows a Hotel Availability display for Amsterdam for 15 – 17 January.

Points to note:

The # symbol identifies a Lowest Public Rate program participant

The ! symbol identifies a Best Available Rate Program participant

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The following table lists the components of the availability screen and the components of line 1 of the

Component: Description:
Component: Description:
Header line:
SCHIPOL AIRPORT Specified location.
15JAN-17JAN Period for which availability is displayed.
2NT Two nights.
1ADULT Availability for one adult.
MI Column header.  Distance and direction in MILES of the hotel
from the specified location.

Click this icon to divide the window into two partitions if


Promotional headline from hotel vendor.

Click on HL1 to view the information.

Hover over or click on the two-letter vendor code to decode the hotel vendor.

Show Screen

Hotel Availability Map

When you display hotel availability, the following Hotel Availability Map icon is available to the right of
the display:

Show Screen

Click on this icon to display the Hotel Availability Map.

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Show Screen

Screen Explanation:

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Note: You may see a maximum of 50 hotels on a map. If you have selected MORE at the bottom of the
screen, you can then click on the LESS button at bottom of the display to reduce the number of hotel pins
on the map.

Component: Description:
Click on the + or – to zoom or un-zoom the map display.

The map displays the location of the 1-14 hotels listed in

the availability display.
Click on MORE at the bottom-right of the display to display
additional hotels.
Click on a numbered hotel to display availability and
details for that hotel.
Blue and green items are interactive, as they are from the
availability listing.
Click on AMSTERDAM AIRPORT  in green to display the
Hotel Description.
Click on VUURSTEEN1 in blue to display Hotel Images.

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Component: Description:
Click on the rates in green to display Complete Avail-
Click on the X at top-right to close the window.

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Hotel TripAdvisor Ratings and Reviews Release 5.0

TripAdvisor ratings and reviews are available for any hotel property that has TripAdvisor data available.
You can request TripAdvisor reviews from either a:

Hotel Availability Search (HOA) response for hotel properties.

Hotel Complete Availability (HOC) response for a selected property.

Working with TripAdvisor Reviews

TripAdvisor displays a Ratings range from 1 to 5.

Symbol Key
Rating Value Display Image
To view TripAdvisor ratings:

1. If available for the hotel property, TripAdvisor Ratings display in the third line below the hotel

Note: If a hotel property does not have TripAdvisor ratings, the TripAdvisor symbol is not

2. Hover over the rating to display a pop-up box that indicates how many times the property has
been reviewed.

Show Hotel Availability Search (HOA) Response

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Show Hotel Complete Availability (HOC) Response

To view TripAdvisor reviews:

1. Click the review pop-up box to display the view the five most recent ratings

2. If the review is long, click the ...[more} link to expand the information.

Show Review Screen

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Hotel Availability Search

To search for hotel properties:
Click the Search menu and select Hotel Availability Search.

Show Screen

The Hotel Availability Search screen displays. Certain fields in the screen may be pre-populated if:

If you added a profile added for an active PNR.

Search Location
For the location, you can search using one of these location options:

An airport code, city code, or city name.

Reference points for landmarks or places of interest.

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A full or partial address for the hotel property, if available for the country.
Postal code, if available for the country.
The hotel property number (hotel code), which overrides all other search options.

Search by airport code, city code, or city name

1. In City, enter an airport code, city code, or city name. As you type, the closest match displays at
the bottom of the list.

For city/airport codes that apply to both an airport and a city, such as DEN for both Denver
and Denver International Airport, the search is based on the airport location.
For city codes and city names, the search is based on the central/downtown area of the

Note: If you are training or testing, and do not want to use actual inventory, you can enter
XXX for the Test City code in place of an actual city code.

2. Press enter to populate the fill-in box or arrow down in the list to select the city and enter.
Note: If the code is unknown, Travelport Smartpoint displays a name list when you type in the full
city name.
3. Optional. You can use Distance to include a search radius around your selected city or airport.

Search by reference points

You can search hotel properties based on landmarks or places of interest. Travelport Smartpoint lists ref-
erence points for the city you have entered, if available for that city.

1. In City, enter a city code or city name. As you type, the closest match displays at the bottom of
the list.
2. Click the Reference point drop-down arrow to select a location.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

3. Optional. You can use Distance to include a search radius around your selected reference point.

Search by full or partial address

1. In City, enter an airport code, city code, or city name. As you type, the closest match displays at
the bottom of the list.
2. Click the Country drop-down arrow, and enter or scroll to select the desired country.
3. In Address (Full or Partial), enter the address.

Note: Search by address is not available for all countries. An error is displayed if you search in an
unsupported country.
Terminal Equivalent: /AD-

Search by postal code

1. Click the Country drop-down arrow, and enter or scroll to select the desired country.
2. In Postal Code, enter a postal or zip code in the selected country.

If you are searching for a hotel property by postal code, certain search options cannot be combined with
postal code.
Note: Search by postal code is not available for all countries. An error is displayed if you search in an
unsupported country.

Check-In Date and Check-Out Date

To enter a date, either over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.

Show Screen

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Note: The current date is highlighted in green.

Optional. You can select a maximum of nine guests per room. If you do not select the number of guests,
Smartpoint defaults to one adult guest for the room.
Click the Guests drop-down arrow to select the number of travelers for the hotel stay. Scroll down the
list and click or press ENTER to make your selection.

Show Screen

Hotel Location
Optional. Click the Hotel Location drop-down arrow to display the choice of locations.
Select the location where the traveler wishes to stay from the drop-down list. Scroll down and click or
hit enter to make your selection.

Show Screen

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Optional. You can search for a hotel property in a radius around your selected city, airport, hotel loc-
ation, or reference point. You can search within a 250-mile or 250-kilometer radius.

1. In the Distance box, enter or use the arrows to select a number between 1 and 250.
2. Click the Miles drop-down arrow to select miles or kilometers.

Show Screen

Optional. To limit your search response to hotel properties in a specific supplier/hotel chain:

1. Click the Supplier drop-down arrow.

2. Enter the two-letter supplier/chain code or scroll to select the code. As you type, the closest
match displays for the supplier name.

Additional Search Options

In the Additional Search Options section, you can add other optional search modifiers.

Show Screen

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Frequent Guest Number

To add a frequent guest number:

1. Click the Select Supplier drop-down arrow.

2. Enter the two-letter supplier/chain code. As you type, the closest match displays for the supplier
3. In Number, enter the frequent guest code for the selected supplier.

Property Number
To search for a specific hotel property:
In Property Number, enter the unique number for the property assigned by RoomMaster.
Note: Search by property number overrides all other search options.

Property Name
To search for a hotel property by name:

1. Select a property location by entering either:

A city or airport location in City, or

A postal code using Country and Postal Code.

2. In Property Name, enter the specific property name or the first three characters of a word to
search for properties. For example, entering:

PARK displays a list of hotels with the word "park" in the name of the property.
CEN for hotels in New York City (NYC) displays a list of hotels that includes Park Central,
Convention Center, and Hotel Central Park.

NTM Rating
To search for hotel by an NTM (Northstar Crown) rating:

In the first NTM Rating text box, enter a rating from 1 to 5.

Or, to request a range of ratings, enter a rating from 1 to 4 in the first NTM Rating text box and a
rating from 2 to 5 in the second NTM Rating text box.

The property crown ratings are received directly from Northstar Travel Media.
Note that NTM and AAA ratings are mutually exclusive. If you enter an NTM rating, the AAA rating option
is disabled.

AAA Rating
To search for hotel by a AAA rating:

In the first AAA Rating text box, enter a rating from 1 to 5.

Or, to request a range of ratings, enter a rating from 1 to 4 in the first AAA Rating text box and a
rating from 2 to 5 in the second AAA Rating text box.

Note that NTM and AAA ratings are mutually exclusive. If you enter an AAA rating, the NTM rating option
is disabled.

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Rate Access Codes

Rate access codes are generally given to corporate companies for negotiated rates from a specific hotel
To search for hotel properties by using rate access codes:
Enter one to four rate access codes by entering the code in each Rate Access Code text box.

Rate Categories
A maximum of three rate categories can be requested in a Hotel Search.
To search for hotel properties by rate category:
Click on a Rate Category drop-down arrow, and scroll to select the desired rate category.

Example of Hotel Availability Search Request and Response

In the following example, availability is requested for Hotel Intercontinental (IC) hotel properties within
a 10-kilometer radius from downtown Tokyo for a hotel room with one guest. The hotel properties must
have a AAA rating between 3 and 5 stars.

Click Search to display the response screen.

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Note that:

UNMATCHED:AAA3-5 indicates that the requested range of AAA ratings was not included in
the hotel search responses.
If a distance is not specified in the request, the response displays hotels in distance buckets
from the center of the requested location after any Featured Properties that may be
returned for this location.

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Hotel Description
Hotel property descriptions contain information such as directions to the hotel, facilities, and room
To view this information, simply click on the hotel name. In this screen example the color is green which
means it is interactive.

Show Screen

Example screen response:

To display information, click on the relevant keyword category.

Show Screen

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Click on the Back to Hotel Description link to return to the list of hotel description keywords.

Show Screen

You can go back to results at any time by clicking on the Back to Hotels link at the top of the page.

Show Screen

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Updating Hotel Availability

You can update an initial Hotel Availability request in two ways:

Changing dates and the number of nights using the Hotel Availability Modifier toolbar.
Replaying the hotel entry to make other updates in either a terminal entry or through the Hotel
Availability Search screen.

Changing dates and the number of nights using the Hotel Availability Modifier toolbar

The Hotel Availability Modifier toolbar allows you to change dates and the number of nights after an ini-
tial availability has been performed.

Click on the icon to display the toolbar.

This allows quick access to the same availability request for the day before or the day after, or for a dif-
ferent number of nights up to a maximum of eight.  

To minimize the toolbar click on the icon on the left.

Modifying the Hotel Search request by replaying the entry

If you want to modify your previous Hotel Search request, you can replay the Hotel Search entry to dis-
play as a terminal entry. Then, you can either:

Modify the Hotel Search entry in terminal format.

Re-open the Hotel Availability Search screen, which pre-populates the previously entered fields
based on the replayed entry. As a result, you can still use the screen to update without having to
re-type your search information.

If you decide not to use the data from the previous search, you can click RESET to clear the pre-pop-
ulated fields.

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Viewing Hotel Images

Hotel Images is an application that is integrated within Travelport Smartpoint.
Clicking on the street name from the hotel availability display or map display automatically launches spe-
cific hotel images and 360 virtual tours for the selected property. This is designed to help save time
searching websites for information and enables you and your traveler to make a more informed choice at
time of booking. To view hotel images , click on the

Show Screen

The response screen will contain a large image, thumbnails, picture labels, and descriptive text
(optional). Some hotels may also load virtual tours.

Example screen response:

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Display Room Rate Rules

Click on the selected rate and room type to view the rules.

Show Screen

Example Screen Response:

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Request Hotel Rates for Frequent Guests Release 5.0

If a traveler is a frequent guest at a particular hotel, their guest number can be added to the rate search
request. Once the number is added, participating suppliers will return qualified availability and rate
ranges based on the frequent guest number.
The hotels are listed alphabetically by code in the Hotel Loyalty drop-down.

After selecting a hotel code, enter the hotel loyalty number.

Once entered, FREQUENT GUEST RATE is displayed on the HOA screen.

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Hotel Booking Reminder Release 5.0

If you create a booking that includes an overnight stay but does not have a hotel booked an agent alert
message will display and ask if you would like to check hotel availability. If you choose to select a hotel
the Hotel Availability Search screen displays with data pre-populated from the PNR.
Note: An overnight stay is defined as a pair of consecutive flights when one arrives on one date and the
next departs on a different date and there is at least six hours between the flights

Show Screen

An alert will occurs once per booking, even if the reservation record has multiple legs where there
is an overnight stay or 6 hours between flights
If there is already an active or passive hotel segment in the booking, the Alert will not appear

Once you click the Search button, Travelport Smartpoint will launch the Hotel Availability Search
screen. The Hotel Availability Search screen fields will pre-populated with the following information
from the PNR:

City (Airport code of the destination immediately preceding the first overnight stay)
Check in date (from the previous arrival date)
Check out date (from the next departure date)
Number of adults

Show Screen

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You can modify any of the data and add and additional information if needed.

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Hotel Direct
Example screen response

The Hotel Direct Sell dialog box provides two tabs: Reservation and Other.

Reservation Tab
Screen explanation:

Hotel: Explanation:
Check-In Enter the check-in date. Over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.
Check- Enter the check-out date. Over type or click the calendar icon and make a selection.
Hotel Enter the two-letter vendor code or click the drop-down and make a selection.
Rooms Click the drop-down to specify the number of rooms, adults, and children.
Room Enter the unique Room Master property ID number.

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Hotel: Explanation:
Booking Enter the booking code for the room type.
First Enter the first name of the traveler in whose name the room is being booked.
Last Enter the last name of the traveler in whose name the room is being booked.
Loyalty Enter the hotel loyalty number (if applicable).
Frequent Enter an airline frequent flyer number (if applicable).
Air Trav-
eler Num-
Special Enter any special request, such as REQUEST GROUND FLOOR ROOM.
Rate Guar-
Rate Guar- Click the drop-down and select the appropriate guarantee:

Guarantee Click the appropriate radio button to indicate if a credit card has been taken as a guarantee
or deposit.
Hotel Billback

To support Travelport's new Hotel Billback solution, two new payments options
are available in the Form of Payment drop-down list: Conferma — New Deploy-
ment and Conferma — Add Deployed Card.
The Hotel Billback solution allows Travel Management Companies the ability to
provide their customers with an end-to-end payment alternative using virtual
credit cards through the Conferma Settlement Platform. Conferma also supports
automated hotel fax notification which replaces the manual effort undertaken by

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Hotel: Explanation:

For more information, see Hotel Billback User Guide in AN14543 in ASK Travel-
Please Note:
Hotel Billback is available to agencies that have contracted for Billback with
Travelport, and completed the onboarding and provisioning process.
For more information on the Travelport Conferma bill-back/direct-bill solution,
please speak to your Travelport Account Manager or Hospitality Business Devel-
opment Manager. Alternatively, e-mail with
your contact details and your Travelport Account Manager will be in contact.

Credit Click the drop-down list to select the credit card type:
Card Type

Single Use Select to specify a credit card is for a single use. The PRN will be updated with an
Card SU indicator to show the credit card used has a single use. This option applies to Credit Card
and Advance Payment Rate Guarantee types. Release 5.0

Card- Enter the cardholder name.

Card Num- Enter the credit card number.
Security Enter the CCV/CVV number for the credit card. Field displays when Advance Payment or
Code Credit Card as a Guarantee is selected. Once the security code information has been input
and the hotel booked, an indicator in the PNR viewer will show, CCV-Y. If no security code

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Hotel: Explanation:
information has been entered, then no indicator is shown.
Expiration Enter the expiry date of the credit card.

After the advance payment has been made, there is an indicator in the PNR viewer to show an advance
payment as the rate guarantee. This is indicated as G-PAY in front of the guarantee.

If the hotel supplier does not accept advance payment, you will receive a message indicating the sup-
plier does not accept advanced payment.

Other Tab
Show Screen

Screen explanation:

Rates: Explanation:
Corporate Discount Enter a corporate discount number if applicable.
Negotiated Rates Enter any negotiated rate details.
Booking Source The booking source box is populated with your agency IATA

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Rates: Explanation:
number. You can over type this if appropriate.
Optional Address Lines Add optional address information
Infant Crib Click on the drop-down arrows to select the number of additional
extras required.
Extra Child
Extra Adult
Child Rollaway
Adult Rollaway
Direct Sell Click Direct Sell to sell the room or click Cancel to discontinue the

Hotel Passive
Show Screen

Screen explanation:

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Hotel: Explanation:
Check-in Enter the check-in date. Over type or click the calendar icon and
make a selection.
Check-out Enter the check-out date. Over type or click the calendar icon and
make a selection.
City Enter the city code or click the drop-down arrow and select from
the list.
Status Code Specify the status code – BK or MK as appropriate.
Hotel Chain Enter the two-letter vendor code or click the drop-down list and
make a selection.
Rooms Click the drop-down list to specify the number of rooms.

Rate Information:
Room Type Enter the room type code.
Daily Rate Enter the daily rate.
Currency Enter the currency code or click the drop-down list and select
from the list.
Confirmation Number Enter the hotel confirmation number.
Booking Reason Click the drop-down list and select the reason for making the book-

Associated Remarks Enter any associated remarks

Hotel Address:
Hotel Name or Property Code Enter the hotel name and relevant address details.
Alternatively click the Property Code radio button and enter the
unique Room Master property ID number.
Passive Sell Click Passive Sell to create a passive segment, or click Cancel to
discontinue the process.

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Hotel Sell Screen

You can direct sell a hotel using the Hotel option on the SELL menu.
You have the choice of a direct or passive segment.

This section covers:

Hotel Direct
Hotel Passive

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Selling Hotels
When selling a hotel follow these steps:
1. Display hotel availability.
2. Display complete availability.
3. Display room rate rules and policies.
4. Sell the hotel room.

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Modifying a Hotel
To launch the Hotel Modify form, click on the ‘HHL’ link within the PNR viewer.

Once launched, Travelport Smartpoint will take the hotel information in the PNR and populate it into the
form. From this screen, users will also see Advance Payment as a guarantee type, single use check box,
and a security code field.

From here you can make changes to the hotel information. These changes are reflected in the PNR. If
additional information is added, it is also shown in the PNR.

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Sell the Hotel Segment

Travelport Smartpoint provides two options when selling. The quick sell option and advanced sell
option. The sell options are available on the hotel rate rules screen.

Show Screen

Click Sell Room to sell the room or click or Advanced Sell to display the Advanced Sell window.

Show Screen

Replace graphic.

Hotel Billback

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To support Travelport's new Hotel Billback solution, two new payments options are available
in the Form of Payment drop-down list: Conferma — New Deployment and Conferma — Add
Deployed Card.
The Hotel Billback solution allows Travel Management Companies the ability to provide their
customers with an end-to-end payment alternative using virtual credit cards through the Con-
ferma Settlement Platform. Conferma also supports automated hotel fax notification which
replaces the manual effort undertaken by agents.
For more information, see Hotel Billback User Guide in AN14543 in ASK Travelport.
Please Note:
Hotel Billback is available to agencies that have contracted for Billback with Travelport,
and completed the onboarding and provisioning process.
For more information on the Travelport Conferma bill-back/direct-bill solution, please speak
to your Travelport Account Manager or Hospitality Business Development Manager. Altern-
atively, e-mail with your contact details and your
Travelport Account Manager will be in contact.

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Client Files/Profiles
If you attempt to retrieve a Client File/Profile and get a similar name list you can click on the green
access link to retrieve the required item.

Screen example:

Example screen response:

You can click and display the required Personal File, return to the Client File/Profile lists or ‘hide line

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Identifying If the Insert Key is Active

You can easily Identify whether a keyboard insert key is active.
If the cursor flashes red the insert key is active. If the cursor flashes yellow, the insert key is inactive.

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Keyboard Mapping
Travelport Smartpoint is designed to accommodate non-standard keyboards including Sabre keyboard
mapping which uses special characters including the cross of Lorraine, and also Swiss keyboards.
Click ‘My Connection’ at the top of the Terminal Window, and click the ‘Keyboard Mapping’ drop-down:

Select the required keyboard mapping and save the settings.

Note: If you use Apollo, you may select the Apollo keyboard mapping in your Galileo TCP/IP settings in
the Control Panel. This enables you to use special characters including the pillow ([]) end item (+), dis-
play (*) dollar sign ($) and colon (:).

Keyboard Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts are available:

Shortcut: Description:
Alt+B Move to the previous interactive response (move back to the previous screen).
Alt+C Copies the Terminal content as text and for the entire host content.
For example, enter: HELP A and then use the shortcut Alt+C.
Alt+D Changes from the upper (1) to the lower (2) Terminal Partition.
If you repeat this keystroke, this sub-window is zoomed in and out.
Alt+E Hides the Next/Previous toolbar.
ALT+H Goes to the current terminal.
Alt+L Swap terminal/PNR Viewer Window.
Alt+M Host entries such as availability or Fares Shopping provide a link at the end for
“More” results.  You can use this shortcut as an alternative to clicking on the link
with the mouse.
Alt+N Creates a new Tab in the current Terminal Window.
Alt+R Removes the current terminal Tab.
Alt+S Stores the current window positions.
Alt+U Changes from the lower (2) to the upper (1) sub-window.
If you repeat this keystroke, this sub-window is zoomed in and out.

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Shortcut: Description:
Alt+V Show/Hide PNR Viewer window.
Alt+W Shows the Next/Previous Day toolbar.
Alt+X If windows positions are changed but not saved, this option returns to the pre-
vious layout.
Alt+'n' Move the keyboard focus to Tab ‘n’. For example, ALT +1 moves to Tab 1. Also
move output content from one terminal to another.

In the grid view, you can move content from one terminal to another.
In the tab view, you can move content to the first terminal in another
Known issue for Smartpoint v6.5. Follow-on entries for an Air, Hotel, or Car Sell
(such as N1Y1) cannot be redirected to another terminal window. The following
error or a similar error is returned: CVAD0004E 12.40.01 INVALID DELIMITER.
Alt+Down Arrow Go to the next interactive response from the response history
Alt+Up Arrow Go back to previous interactive response from the response history.
Alt+F11 Go to full screen mode.
Ctrl+B Prints current Terminal Partition content.
Ctrl+C Copies the selected text/data in the clipboard.
Ctrl+M Opens the Calendar widget.
Ctrl+Q Moves through all Travelport Smartpoint windows.
Each time this shortcut is used it moves to the next window.
Ctrl+S Clears all Terminal Partitions in the current Tab.
Ctrl+W Clears the active Terminal Partition (upper or lower).
Ctrl+Alt+F10 Go to grid view mode.
Ctrl+Down Arrow Repeats previous entries (forward).
Supports the last 200 entries.
Ctrl+ Up Arrow Repeats previous (back) entries.
Supports the last 200 entries.
CTRL+Enter Sends a format/entry to the host and shows the interactive response in a new
Ctrl+Tab Navigates through all Tabs in the current terminal window.
Ctrl+F12 Hides/Shows Travelport Smartpoint.
Ctrl+Shift+A Show all windows
Page Up Moves the cursor to the top of the page
Page Down Moves the cursor to the bottom of the page.
Tab Moves the cursor to the next tab stop.
You can also click on tabbed entries.
Shift+Tab Moves the cursor to the previous tab stop.
Greater Than Sign Creates a SOM entry in Galileo.

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Shortcut: Description:

TILDE (~`) Creates a SOM entry in Apollo.

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Language Translations
Travelport Smartpoint provides a valuable feature that can help you transition from one GDS system to
another.  It enables you to mix and operate multiple system languages in the same record.
The translation feature supports a Primary and Secondary Language and you can configure it by clicking
on ‘My Connection’ at the top of the Terminal Window.
The following dialog window will be displayed:

Show Screen

Travelport Galileo and Apollo host systems are the choices available as the primary languages.
Galileo, Apollo, Worldspan, Amadeus, Sabre and Abacus are available as the Secondary Cryptic Language
Select the required language from the drop-down menu:

Show Screen

Select the required secondary cryptic language and save the settings.
Note: Travelport Smartpoint cannot translate all entries, but is designed to assist you in the transition
from a competitor GDS to Travelport. Therefore a limited subset of entries on each GDS system is sup-
Refer to answer AN8538 in ASK Travelport for a list of entries.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Other Travelport Smartpoint Features

This section covers:

Keyboard shortcuts
Quick commands
Language translations
Keyboard mapping
Client files/profiles

Quick Commands
The following Quick Commands are available:

Quick Commands
#DC Direct car segment sell
#PC Passive car segment sell
#DF Direct sell flight segment
#PH Passive hotel segment sell
#DH Direct hotel segment sell
#SEAT Displays seat for booked flights
#SEATGURU Opens up SEATGURU web page
#TRAM Launches Travelport rooms and More
#VT Launches View Trip for a completed PNR/Booking File
#VTETR Shows e-ticket via View Trip for a completed PNR/Booking File
#@2 Change to second listed Galileo TCP/IP system settings

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Replaying Entries
To display a list of entry:

Click on the Tools menu.

Select Replay Entries.
Click on the entry you want to replay (multiple entries can be selected by holding down the con-
trol key while clicking on each entry).
Click Send to transmit the entry.

You can also click on the circle arrow symbol on the right hand side of the screen to launch reply entries.
Storing options, for example, the number of entries can be configured by clicking on the Options button.

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Sending a Trip Quote Release 5.0

Trip Quote is a quick and easy way to send quotes from the agency to travelers with all the details of
their trip. Trip Quote is available from Air Shop (FS), Hotel Availability and Car response screens. You
can add up to ten quotes from air, car, and hotel.
Add the selection to the Trip Quote by selecting the green +TQ indicator.

Show Screen

As selections are added to the quote, Smartpoint counts the selections and indicates the number that
have been selected.

Show Screen

To access Trip Quote from the smartbar:

Select the TQ indicator in the Smartbar.

A pop-up will display showing the trip quote basket.

Show Screen

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Select the items to send by either choosing the Select All Options check box or choosing individual
items from the list.
Once items are selected, select the Send or Copy button.
You can send the information using email or copy it to the clipboard.
Enter an email address. The quote can be sent to multiple address by separating address with a
semi colon.
Enter a message if desired in the Custom Message box.
Select the Include Rules check box to rules that apply to the air segments.

A confirmation message will display.

Show Screen

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Note: Once a Trip Quote is closed the information is not saved.

Refer to Trip Quote Settings for configuration options.

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Trip Quote Settings Release 5.0

There are three options to set:

Time format: 12 or 24 hours

Rules format - detail of information: Summary, Detail, or showing All Penalties
Email configuration

NOTE: Email configuration needs to be completed before any Trip Quotes can be emailed to a traveler.
To access the Trip Quote settings, select the Settings icon on the top-right corner of the Trip Quote bas-

Email Configuration
Click on the cog wheel on the right side of the Trip Quote Screen and then clicking on Email Con-

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Complete the Email Configuration screen.

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Note: If configuring email is problematic, you can always copy the TripQuote to the Clipboard and paste
into your regular email client such as Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo or whatever email client you use.

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Viewing Graphical Maps

Interactive maps allow you to obtain a clear graphical view of shopping options as well as flight routes
and hotel locations that are available. There is also the option to sell from the map view.

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eNett Virtual Account Number (VAN)

eNett VAN (Virtual Account Number) is a payment solution that automatically generates a MasterCard
account number to facilitate payments to travel suppliers.
This is available from the HELP menu:

VANs are available to IATA and non-IATA agents, and are a secure and widely accepted means of paying
suppliers, whether they are around the corner or across the globe.
Each VAN is a 16-digit virtual MasterCard that can be issued as a payment (FOP) to any supplier that
accepts MasterCard. A unique number is automatically generated for each new transaction.
All customers on Galileo Desktop (Focalpoint), Travelport Smartpoint on Apollo and Galileo (Version 3.0
and above) and Travelport Smartpoint on Worldspan Go! (Version 5.3 and above) will see the eNett VAN
as a new FOP entry on all payment drop-down menus. 
Example screen display:

Show Screen

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Note:  Each agency customer must sign up for a eNett VAN account and credit money to their account. 
Only customers in eNett -supported countries with an active account are able to use the eNett VAN ser-
When the eNett VAN option is selected, the following screen is displayed:
The following fields may be completed. See Customer Information: Form of Payment for details.

Amount – the amount of money for which the VAN will be created
Currency – the currency in which the VAN should be issued 

Note: You must have funds available in the currency you are requesting.

Activation and Expiration Dates

Allow Tolerance
Adding the VAN form of payment to the PNR or displaying the form of payment

Free Text – a field for any special notes

Add VAN FOP to PNR or Display VAN FOP – an option to add the VAN details to the PNR or to dis-
play the generated VAN details without adding to the PNR FOP

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When the VAN request fields have been completed, the system will return the VAN (16 digit MasterCard
Number), CVV security code, and Expiry Date. 
If you select the option to add the VAN details to the PNR, all VAN details will be automatically added to
the PNR FOP field.  The system also adds a VAN transaction remark to the History Remarks of the book-
Galileo example:
Apollo example:
Note: For more information, refer to:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

General Overview
Travelport Smartpoint has been created as an add-on to Galileo Desktop that infuses the cryptic envir-
onment with a hybrid of native and point and click navigation, plus graphical user interfaces designed to
speed up the booking process, reduce call handling time and improve the user experience.
Travelport Smartpoint effectively reduces keystrokes, contributes to increased efficiencies and speeds up
the agent booking process.
Travelport Smartpoint is an example of how the technology of an XML API Desktop product can be integ-
rated with the Galileo Desktop platform to supplement cryptic and point and click navigation with graph-
ical user interfaces and to seamlessly guide an agent through the booking process. Travelport Smartpoint
support both Galileo and Travelport Smartpoint core systems and allows agents to work on both systems
using either system language.
Travelport Smartpoint further improves and streamlines point & click navigation and allows the agent to
enter either Galileo or Travelport Smartpoint terminal emulation transaction commands to invoke any
GDS function, returning highlighted items (an interactive response) that the user can click on to transmit
core transaction, book and complete reservation

To assist when reporting any Travelport Smartpoint issues please confirm the version of Travelport
Smartpoint that is being used. You can gain this information by asking the user to click on Help >

Note This Version must be the Global Launched version (V. XXXX ADD VERSION) or higher

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Automatic Opening of Travelport Smartpoint

Travelport Smartpoint is automatically launched when a user opens Galileo Desktop.
When a user logs into Travelport Smartpoint, it will also log the user into Galileo Desktop.
By default Travelport Smartpoint provides a basic layout that consists of:

The Terminal  Window  to enter formats and obtain general responses

The PNR Viewer automatically refreshes the booking file

When a user selects <CTRL>+<F12> keys they will still see the sign on box for Galileo Desktop.

Please select cancel and then select Terminals to work on Galileo Desktop or select one of the other but-
tons to work in Smartpoint.

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Synchronization Error
Travelport Smartpoint and Galileo Desktop use the same session and occasionally they can get out of
synch and the following error is returned:

Resolution: Have user toggle to Galileo Desktop and enter <Ctrl> + <R > keys, which should resolve the

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Relay Productivity Tools

Travelport Smartpoint had been developed for Relay Productivity Tools to work in Travelport Smartpoint.
Relay Itinerary Capture is for Travelport Smartpoint(Apollo) customers only, but the icon is downloaded
to GalileoCustomers and this function will not work for a Galileo customer.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Galileo Desktop and Smartpoint Connection

A user that may have multiple GTID Connections to the Apollo and/or Galileo host(s).  The need for mul-
tiple GTID connection could be due to but not limited to the following:

Relationship with another customer or supplier requiring a “Fifth Window” setup

Relationship with independent contractors
Require access to a core in a GUI Desktop (note: Smartpoint does support Switchable Access)

Prior to Travelport Smartpoint, the tool a user utilized to switch between GTID connections was through
the Host/Galileo Desktop TCP/IP Configuration tool.

With Travelport Smartpoint, GTID connections can be managed through the connections drop down

A user switching between multiple GTID connection may log into Galileo Desktop and then launch/toggle
to Travelport Smartpoint and receive a log in box again. After entering their User and Password and click-
ing okay, the log in prompt may appear again.  And the process just keeps repeating.
Resolution:  Most likely cause is their GTID connection from the Galileo Desktop TCP/IP is set to one
GTID connection and this did not synch to Travelport Smartpoint which is set to a different GTID
connection.  Have the user change their GTID Connections to match.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Keyboard Mapping
Travelport Smartpoint accommodates non-standard keyboards, including:

Swiss keyboards.
Sabre keyboard mapping, which includes special characters such as the cross of Lorraine.
Galileo/Apollo keyboard mapping, which includes special characters such as pillow ([]) end item
(+), display (*) dollar sign ($), and colon (:).

If you do not see the expected keyboard mapping as you type:

1. Click the Connection drop-down in the top right corner of the Travelport Smartpoint screen to
select the host system.

2. In Cryptic Languages, click the Keyboard Mapping drop-down arrow to select the required key-
board mapping.

3. Click Save to store the settings.

4. For Galileo and Apollo keyboard mappings, from the Windows Control Panel, select the Galileo
TCP/IP icon to display the Host/Galileo Desktop TCP/IP Configuration tool.

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5. Confirm that the Apollo/Galileo Mapped radio button is selected for each Client ID.

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Fare Issues
When an user tries to view a fares display (e.g. FD20JANCDGLON/BA) Travelport Smartpoint may return
the following Error "AGENT NOT AUTHORISED"
This is not a Travelport Smartpoint Error. Please check the users AAT field PFII. Travelport Smartpoint
requires that the PFII field in the AAT is set to Y in order for the Fare Display requests to function prop-
This message is not an error, but actually means that the modifier being used has not been implemented
in Travelport Smartpoint. It is important to remember that not all modifiers supported by Travelport
Smartpoint/Galileo are implemented in Travelport Smartpoint. Travelport continues to enhance Travel-
port Smartpoint as a result of the feedback provided by customers.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Apps That Have Been Downloaded

If in a previous version of Travelport Smartpoint if a user had created some quick commands to link to
local applications, when 3.0 of Travelport Smartpoint is downloaded the quick command information is
not being saved. The file will still be on the device in the same location,i.e. - C:\Program Files\Travel-
port\Travelport EMDGenerator\XMLs .
Please contact your account manager or regional support manager if you need further assistance with

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Structured Data Issues That Affect Travelport Smartpoint

Travelport Smartpoint has a reliance on structured data, and some of the issues experienced are due to
gaps in the structured data which mean that Smartpoint  is unable to show some information as it is not
being presented in the Key Logic Records (KLRs) and exposed to the XML API desktop.
The Travelport Smartpoint product and development teams have identified these issues and are now reli-
ant on other areas of the business making changes so that these fixes can then be implemented into
Travelport Smartpoint.
Known issues to date reliant on structured data:

When FEX is used as a form of payment, the exchange ticket number is missing
Creating initials appear as numeric in PNR retrieve
Car avail results discrepancy between Travelport Smartpoint and Galileo Desktop Focalpoint
Ticketing agency modifier not shown/ And VC mod not being shown
Name not correctly shown in SVC segment when booing containing an EMD is displayed in Travel-
port Smartpoint

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Fare Map

Route is incorrect for certain journeys going across the International Date Line. The map is for
illustration only and is not a true reflection of the route the journey will take

Note: Targeted for fix in Travelport Smartpoint v5.0

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Hotel Maps
Not all hotels are shown on the new map display - This is a limitation of the current geo-location
data that is available from the host for hotels.

In the example below, 12 hotels are returned in Hotel Availability but only 7 are plotted on the map.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Limited Access Drop Through

Limited Access Drop Through is not supported in Travelport Smartpoint. 
Limited Drop Through allows a user to "drop through" into an airline’s system to update group bookings.
The functionality also allows a user to subsequently issue a ticket using a passive Booking File in the
Galileo system.
Participating Carriers:  AF, BA, LH, SV, IB, OS

Format Example: @@XX/GROUP   XX=airline code

Resolution: User can switch to native mode from the terminal menu to remain in Travelport Smartpoint
and access limited access drop through.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Switchable Access
Switchable Access is not supported in Travelport Smartpoint. This feature allows a user to switch
between Galileo and Apollo Hosts with the need for separate GTIDS.
For Apollo: 6C1V is the format to switch to Apollohost, 6C1G is the format to switch to
Galileo host
For Galileo:  ##1V is the format to switch to Apollo host, ##1G is the format to switch to
Galileo host

If a user utilizes Switchable Access while in Galileo Desktop Terminal and then launches or toggles
to Travelport Smartpoint, they will receive the following error message dialog box:

Resolution:  Either Switch to Native mode from the Terminal drop-down menu or type <CTRL>+<N> 
keys or toggle back to Galileo Desktop Terminal and switch back to primary GDS host.
Note: Switching to Native mode will disable interactive click-able links and colors in Travelport Smart-

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Unsupported Entries
Unsupported entries- some entries are not supported in Travelport Smartpoint – this will result in a
warning triangle being shown.

If there is no data returned in Travelport Smartpoint and it is a valid entry then the user can retry
using the semi colon ( ; ) for Galileo or exclamation ( ! ) for Apollo and send a standard cryptic

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Air Asia – AK and Air Asia Thailand – FD and Air Asia Indonesia –
QZ and Air Asia Philippines – PQ and Air Asia Japan – JW

Customer information:
First and Last Name: Required
Name Prefix Required: Required
Name Prefixes Supported: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Master, Child. 
Email Address:  Required
Phone Number: Required
Mailing Address: Not Required
Gender: Required
Date of Birth: Required
Nationality: Required
Passport Information: (international Flights): Required
Frequent Flyer Information: Not Required
Maximum Destinations: 2

Passenger Type Support:

Maximum Adults: 9
Maximum Children: 8
Child Age Range: 2-12 years old.
Adult Required with Child: Yes
Maximum Infants: 4
Infant Age Range: 0-24 months old.
Maximum Total Passengers: 13

Fulfillment Support:
Hold Booking: No
Split Payment: No
Partial Payment: No
Credit Cards Supported: AX, VI, MC.
CVV Required: Yes

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Amtrak Direct Access

Amtrak direct access entries through Apollo are not supported by Travelport Smartpoint interactive mode
through Apollo.
Format example: L[]2V/A11AUGCHIWAS

Resolution: User either switches to Native Mode in Travelport Smartpoint <CTRL>+<N> keys or uses a !
after every Amtrak entry.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Booking Information for API Connected Airlines aka ACH/TAS/Dir-

ect Payment Carriers

easyJet – U2
Customer information:
First and Last Name: Required
Name Prefix Required: Required
Name Prefixes Supported: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, CHD, Mr. +Infant, Mrs. +Infant, Ms. +Infant, Miss +Infant.
Email Address:  Required
Phone Number: Required
Mailing Address: Required
Gender: Not Required
Date of Birth: Required for Children and Infants.
Nationality: Not Required
Passport Information: (international Flights): Not Required
Frequent Flyer Information: Not Required
Maximum Segments: 8
Maximum Destinations: 8

Passenger Type Support:

Maximum Adults: 40
Maximum Children: 39
Child Age Range: 2-16 years old.
Adult Required with Child: Yes
Infants:Maximum Infants: 40
Infant Age Range: 0-23 months old.
Maximum Total Passengers: 80

Fulfillment Support:
Hold Booking: No
Split Payment: NoPartial
Payment: No
Credit Cards Supported: AX, VI, DN, SW, MC, EL, EV, CB, DL, DM, TP.
CVV Required: Yes

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Jet2 – LS

Customer information:
First and Last Name: Required
Name Prefix Required:Required
Name Prefixes Supported: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Master.
Email Address:  Not Required
Phone Number: Not Required
Mailing Address: Not Required
Gender: Required
Date of Birth: Required for Children and Infants.
Nationality: Not Required
Passport Information: (international Flights): Not Required
Frequent Flyer Information: Not Required
Maximum Destinations: 8

Passenger Type Support:

Maximum Adults:9
Maximum Children:4
Child Age Range: 2-14 years old.
Adult Required with Child: Yes
Maximum Infants: 4
Infant Age Range: 0-23 months old.
Maximum Total Passengers: 13

Fulfillment Support:
Hold Booking: No
Split Payment: No
Partial Payment: No
Credit Cards Supported: AX, VI, MC, MA, SO, VE.
CVV Required: Yes

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Tigerair Australia – TT

Customer information:
First and Last Name: Required
Name Prefix Required: Required
Name Prefixes Supported: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr., Mstr.
Email Address:  Required
Phone Number: Required
Mailing Address: Required
Gender: Required
Date of Birth: Required
Nationality: Required on international flights.
Passport Information: (International Flights): Required
Frequent Flyer Information: Not Required

Passenger Type Support:

Maximum Adults: 9
Maximum Children: 9
Child Age Range: 2-11 years old.
Adult Required with Child: Yes
Maximum Infants: 9
Infant Age Range: 0-24 months old.
Maximum Total Passengers: 9

Fulfillment Support:
Hold Booking: No
Split Payment: No
Partial Payment: No
Credit Cards Supported: VI, MC, DN.
CVV Required: Yes

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Transavia – HV and Transavia France - TO

Customer information
First and Last Name: Required
Name Prefix Required: Required
Name Prefixes Supported: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Master.
Email Address:  Required
Phone Number: Required
Mailing Address: Required
Gender: Required
Date of Birth: Required
Nationality: Not Required
Passport Information: (international Flights): Not Required
Frequent Flyer Information: Not Required
Maximum Destinations: 8

Passenger Type Support:

Maximum Adults: 9
Maximum Children: 8
Child Age Range: 2-11 years old.
Adult Required with Child: Yes
Maximum Infants: 9
Infant Age Range: 0-24 months old.
Maximum Total Passengers: 18

Fulfillment Support:
Hold Booking: No
Split Payment: No
Partial Payment: No
Credit Cards Supported: AX, VI, MC, VE, TP
CVV Required: Yes, No for TP.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Custom Plug-ins
Custom plug-ins are features that are not part of the core product and can be acquired through various
channels; more information is available under each plug-in topic. We are consolidating help here so you
can find the information you need to use each of the plug-ins offered. This list will grow. The plug-ins
offered include:

Quick Menu

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The Quick Menu is a floating toolbar/menu that allows an agent to assign actions/functions to each tool-
bar button.  This menu allows an agent to follow a specific workflow or to simply have easy access to
commonly used Smartpoint features.  The supported custom actions include launching the Smartpoint
PNR, Profile, Traveler, Air, Car, Hotel, SSRs, Finish Info windows and sending Smartpoint terminal

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Travelport Smartpoint version 3.0 or later must be loaded prior to using the Quick Menu plugin.

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Accessing Quick Menu

Once the Quick Menu is loaded into the Smartpoint application folder on your computer (see Installation
Guide for details), the Quick Menu toolbar will automatically appear whenever Smartpoint is launched.
You can close the Quick Menu by clicking the arrow in the lower-right corner and then selecting “Close”

If you have closed the Quick Menu, you can reopen it again later by typing the command #MENU in the
Smartpoint Terminal Window.  The Quick Menu will also automatically appear the next time Smartpoint
is launched.

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Using Quick Menu

The Quick Menu will automatically appear once Smartpoint is launched.  To change the default position
of the toolbar, click and drag the grip control which can be found on the left side of the toolbar:  The
toolbar can be moved anywhere within the Terminal Window or PNR Viewer Window, and the position
will be remembered the next time Smartpoint is launched. 

Once the toolbar is moved, it will no longer be docked to the Smartpoint Terminal Window and will stay
where it was moved even when the terminal window is moved.  To reset and re-dock the toolbar to the
terminal window in the default location, click the arrow in the lower-right corner and then select “Reset

The toolbar can also be reset and re-docked to the terminal window in the default location by typing the
command #MENU RESET in the terminal window.  This is useful when the menu has been moved off the
screen where it can no longer be accessed.

To add, modify, or remove buttons click the arrow in the lower-right corner and then select “Add or
Remove Buttons”

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The Menu Management screen will appear.  Use the appropriate buttons to Add, Remove or Reorder the

To restore the Quick Menu toolbar to the factory defaults, click on the “Restore to defaults” button.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Quick Menu Actions/Functions

To use the toolbar buttons, simply click the button and the associated action/function will be launched.

Below is a brief description for each of the default buttons

Clicking on this Action will launch the Galileo Desktop Retrieve PNR screen.

Clicking on this Action will launch the Galileo Desktop Retrieve PRO-file screen.

Clicking on this Action will launch the Smartpoint Customer Information screen.

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Clicking on this Action will launch the Smartpoint Air Availability Search screen.

Clicking on this Action will launch the Smartpoint Car Availability Search screen.

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Clicking on this Action will launch the Hotel Availability Search screen.  Please note that if an agent
enters any Rate Access Codes, Quick Menu will remember these Rate Access Codes and will prepopulate
the fields the next time the Hotel Action is clicked on from the Quick Menu toolbar.

Also note that the Rate Access Codes will prepopulate from the agency MAR record if a hotel line is
present that says “HOTEL PREF” followed by up to 3 Rate Access Codes.  This can be added to the MAR
by a user with proper permissions making the following commands:

Display the MAR on Apollo by entering the command >S* (on Galileo the command is >C*).
Add the hotel pref line.  For example, to add 3 Rate Access Codes for SONY, IBM, and ACME enter
To remove the line added in step 2 for line 50, enter the command >RC:50

Also note that Rate Access Codes will prepopulate from the Travelscreen hotel preferences of the cur-
rently retrieved PRO-file (to view these preferences on Apollo, type >SP*HB for the business preferences
or >SP*HP for the personal preferences, and on Galileo use the commands >CP*HB or CP*HP).
Rate Access Codes will prepopulate first from the MAR.  If there aren’t at least 3 codes present in the
MAR then current PRO-file Travelscreen preferences will be used for the remaining codes.  If there still
aren’t at least 3 codes in the MAR or Travelscreen then previously entered Rate Access Codes will be used
(as mentioned above).

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Clicking on this Action will launch the Galileo Desktop Save PNR screen.

Custom Commands:
Any command that can be entered in the Terminal Window can be assigned to a button.  For example, to
create a button that sends the command >#SEAT, do the following:

Click the arrow in the lower-right corner of the toolbar and select Add or Remove buttons.
Click the Add button on the Menu Management screen, for Name enter Seat, for Type select Com-
mand, and for Action enter the command #SEAT
Press the Save button

Now, when you press the newly added Seat button on the toolbar, the command #SEAT will be sent to the
Terminal window which will launch the Smartpoint Seat screen.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Passive Features
Additionally this plugin bundle includes the Passive Car and Hotel features.
The PASSIVE Plugin is designed to assist the agent in the creation of passive segments in the PNR. The
PASSIVE Plugin uses a dialogue box to prompt the agent to fill in the required information for the passive
segment. This user guide covers the passive segment creation for Air, Car, Hotel, and Limousine.

Passive Car

To add a passive car segment to an itinerary use the following steps.

Click the Car button on the Passive Segment Menu.

The Create Passive Segments – Car dialog box displays.

Enter the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk* and any optional fields.

City Code
Pick-up Date
Drop-off Date
Vehicle Type
Supplier Code
Confirmation Number

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Commission Percentage

Choose the appropriate action from the buttons:

You may need to select a segment to insert after if you have other itinerary items present.

Click the segment and choose to insert After or Before and click OK.

You will see the passive segment in the PNR viewer in your itinerary.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Passive Hotel

To add a passive hotel segment to an itinerary use the following steps.

Click the hotel button on the Passive Segment Menu.

The Create Passive Segments – Hotel dialog box displays.

Enter the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk* and any optional fields.

Confirmation Number
Check-in Date
Check-out Date
Rate Type
City Code

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Reason Description

If the hotel participates in Apollo, click the down arrow next to Hotel List.

A list of hotels with similar names will appear.

Click on the ID of the desired hotel and the address and contact info will be com-
pleted automatically.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Note: You may need to make adjustments depending on how the vendor has entered their data.

Choose Guarantee and enter cancellation policy.

Add any additional remarks to print on the itinerary.
Click Add and Close or Add and Create Another

You will see the passive segment in the PNR viewer in your itinerary.

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Should you encounter any problems, please contact

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If the toolbar is not working the way you expect, the first thing to check is the configuration screen.  To
open the Menu Management screen:

Press the arrow on the toolbar in the lower-right corner

Then choose Add or Remove Buttons

On the Menu Management screen, make sure each button shows the desired assignment.  To view
each assignment, click each item in the list and confirm that the properties on the right are cor-

To reset the toolbar/menu to the default buttons, press the “Restore to defaults” button and then press
the “Save” button.
If you are still having trouble with toolbar, you can delete the configuration file located at  C:\User-
s\nnnnn\AppData\Roaming\Travelport\Common\QuickMenu.xml (where nnnnn is your username in Win-
If you can’t see the Quick Menu toolbar with Smartpoint running, try the following steps:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

From the Smartpoint terminal window, type #MENU.

If you still can’t see the toolbar, try typing the command #MENU RESET.  By doing this, the tool-
bar should place itself over the bottom of the terminal window.
If you still can’t see the toolbar, check that the DLL is present in the folder:   
C:\Program Files (x86)\Travelport\Smartpoint\Extensions                     
(if you are running 32-bit Windows the folder name is C:\Program Files\Travelport\Smartpoint). 
The DLL to look for is: Travelport.Smartpoint.Extensions.QuickMenu.dll.
If the DLL is present but the toolbar doesn’t display at startup, confirm that the version of the DLL
is or later.  You can confirm the version by right-clicking on the DLL mentioned above,
and selecting the option that says “Properties”.  Then, on the Properties window click on the
“Details” tab.
If the correct version of the DLL is present but the toolbar doesn’t display at startup, try resetting
the Smartpoint plugin cache by typing the command #DELETEPLUGINCACHE and then restart

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 355

Travelport Smartpoint Timatic Plugin
User Guide
For Version: Timatic Plugin Version 5

Developed By: Technical Sales Support - Americas

Contact Email:

Page 1
Timatic User Guide


Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 

Considerations ............................................................................................................................................... 3 

Requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 3 

Installation ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 

Timatic Agency Remarks ................................................................................................................................. 6 

Accessing Manual Request ........................................................................................................................... 11 

Manual Request ........................................................................................................................................... 12 

PNR View ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 

PNR View Form Input Storage ...................................................................................................................... 19 

Support ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 

Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................... 21 

Page 2
Timatic User Guide

The Timatic Plugin is used to request and display information from the Timatic 3 Query Interface using a
web service. There are two modes of use; PNR View and Manual Request. PNR View works within the
PNRViewer to display Timatic data, such as “Passport, Visa, and Health” requirements, for a destination
based on information from a booking file. Manual Requests are created via an input form in which
required data is entered before a request is submitted.

The Timatic Auto Check service used by this plugin only provides visa requirements for the three
scenarios controlled by Stay Type selection:

- Tourism / Vacation

- Business

- Duty

“This parameter is used to indicate passenger’s intended purpose of travel. Timatic AutoCheck contains
border control regulations for airline passengers travelling only for touristic, business or duty purposes.
The term “business” implies those coming to attend meetings, conferences, exhibitions, etc. The term
“duty” applies to government officials, merchant seamen, crew or military.” - IATA Timatic Implementation
Guide v 3.8 - Date: 1st May 2014

This means that entry requirements (Visas, Permits) for travelers intending to work in destination country
are not be considered and therefore not included in response. For example, a Canadian employee of
multi-national company traveling to United States to perform “work” (defined by destination country)
requires a valid visa (TN-1, 1-HB,…). These requirements are not part of Auto Check response.

GDS: Galileo or Apollo

Smartpoint: 5.0 and higher (tested on

Extension Libraries (included in installer):




The Timatic plugin is installed via a Windows Installer, SmartpointTimaticInstaller.msi. Obtain archive
file, extract to local folder and run installer. Current archive:

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Timatic User Guide

Plugin Setup
Prerequisite: Timatic Plugin installed.
1. Open Smartpoint and navigate menu Tools > Timatic > Timatic Parameters

Note: If you do not see Timatic menu item under tools Timatic plugin is not installed

2. Set default parameters for plugin and save.

Parameters entered here are used in both

Manual and PNR View requests as the default

You can leave country values empty to default

to no selected country.

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Timatic User Guide
3. (Optional) Create Timatic Agency Remarks by navigating menu Tools > Timatic > Timatic
Remarks or entering format #TIMRMK in the Terminal Window to open the remarks list.

4. The Timatic Agency Remarks list view allows creation of new remarks, editing of existing remarks
and moving remarks to the PNR.

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Timatic User Guide

Timatic Agency Remarks

What are Timatic Agency Remarks?
Timatic Agency Remarks are remarks that your agency uses frequently that can be moved to a PNR
(Booking File) Itinerary Remarks in the Timatic PNR View, or by Terminal Window format (e.g.
#TIMRMK/VISA) or in the Timatic Agency Remarks list view. Both associated and unassociated remarks
are supported.

Add a Remark
1. Open Timatic Agency Remarks list view and click New

 Either use Terminal format #TIMRMK or Menu Tools > Timatic > Timatic Remarks

2. Enter the remarks data and Save.

 Code – Alpha character code uses to select remark

 Type – Type of remark to create

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Timatic User Guide
 Description – Short text describing remark for list view

 Remark Text – Remark to be added to the PNR. This text can be entered directly in the
textbox or copy/pasted from other applications (e.g. MS Word). Formatting rules are
automatically applied when the remark is saved. The formatting rules ensure only allowed
characters are used and that each line does not exceed maximum character length for
itinerary remarks (70 characters in Apollo and Galileo).

After saving remark lines are formatted for your environment.

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Timatic User Guide

Using Timatic Agency Remarks

Timatic Agency Remarks can be added to the PNR by entering a Terminal format, directly from the
Timatic Agency Remarks window or in PNR View.

NOTE: Once Timatic Agency Remarks are added to the PNR they are maintained in the Booking file
Remarks window where they can be edited or deleted.

NOTE: When a Timatic Agency Remark is added to the PNR a check for duplicate entries is made. If
there is an existing Itinerary Remark that matches the Timatic Agency Remark it will not be added.

Add Remark with Terminal Format

To add a remark to the PNR enter format in one of two ways:


- Adds unassociated itinerary remark using lines from Timatic Agency Remarks where identifier is


- Adds associated itinerary remark using lines from Timatic Agency Remarks where identifier is
“CODE” and “1” is the segment number to associate.

Add Remark Using Timatic Agency Remarks Window

- Enter #TIMRMK (or toolbar menu) to open Timatic Agency Remarks Window.

- Select the remark to add to PNR and then click “Move” button.

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Timatic User Guide

Note: The Move Button and Segment slection are context sensitive. Move is only enabled when remark is
selected and a segment is selected for associated remarks.

Note: Associated Remarks can not be moved as unassociated remarks, nor vice versa.

Adding Remark in PNR View

Remarks can be added from the PNR View by clicking the “Add Remarks” button. This opens the Select
Remarks Window where both Timatic Agency Remarks and Timatic response data can be moved to the
PNR as itinerary remarks.

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Timatic User Guide

To add an Agency Remark that was previously saved in Timatic Agency Remarks select it from the drop
down list and click “Add Remarks” button. If slected remark is an associated remark type a segment must
also be selected.

Note: Selecting “No Agency Remarks” skips any Timatic Agency Remark from being included in the
move operation.

The Timatic Response are data sections returned from the Timatic service in the PNR View. When data
sections exist for Passport, Visa or Health the checkbox will be enabled. To move a data section to the
PNR select the appropriate checkbox, select segment if desired and then click on “Add Remarks”.

Once a remark is moved to the PNR any subsquent attempts to move first check is remark exists. If
remark exist move operation is aborted. The check for duplicates starts with agency remarks, then
passport, then visa and finally health. Once duplicate is found operation is aborted.

Tip: If you first add an agency remark and then try to add Timatic Response as remark be sure to change
Agency Remarks selection to “No Agency Remarks” before clicking “Add Remarks”. Otherwise a
duplicate will be found on previously added agency remark.

Tip: Adding Timatic Response as remarks can take a few seconds. Please wait until confirmation or error
notification displays before attempting to navigate away from remarks window.

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Timatic User Guide

Accessing Manual Request

There are two ways to open the Manual Request form:

 Enter #TIMREQ in the Terminal Window

 Access via Tools > Timatic > Timatic Request menu item

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Timatic User Guide

Manual Request
Manual requests are not linked to a booking file, therefore passenger information must be entered into to
form before submitting the request. When a response is successfully returned from Timatic the response
data is displayed to the right of the input form in tabs for each type of data returned.

Busy Indicator
When the plugin is communicating with the Timatic web service a busy indicator is displayed. This
temporarily blocks input to the form and should not take more than a few seconds.

Note: The busy indicator display when the form is first loaded because plugin is automatically logging into
the Timatic service.

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Timatic User Guide

Request Form
The Manual Request form is comprised of three areas; (1) Notifications, (2) Input Form, and (3) Tabbed

1 ‐ Notifications
The Notifications area displays messages for Timatic service repsonses and input requirements. Timatic
Service repsonses can be:

 Auto Check Response: Conditional

o Means passenger appears to meet Passport / Visa requirements – read response for
additional information.

 Auto Check Response: Yes

o Means passenger meets Passport / Visa requirements – read response for additional

 Auto Check Response: No

o Means passenger does not meet Passport / Visa requirements – read response for
additional information.

 Connection message stating reason for failed connection to Timatic service

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Timatic User Guide
Input requirements messages can be:

 Missing mandaory input field

 General messages (e.g. Return date unknown)

2 – Input Form
The input form is used to enter traveller and trip information needed by the Timatic service to determine
whether traveller has suffiennt documentation for the destination and provide general information
(Geographical, Health, Airport Tax, Customs and Currency).

The form has validation logic built in to ensure only valid requests are send and apply certain logic (e.g.
GB nationals are only allowed GB passport types, Countries Visited is only enabled for Health

Note: All fields are not required.

NOTE: Default values are set in Timatic Parameters

3 – Tabbed Response
The tabbed response area displays the Timatc service response grouped by request type (e.g. Passport).
Within the tab each transit and destination country requirements are listed.

NOTE: The plugin does not alter the contents of the Timatic service response.

Each tab may have more text than displayed. When this ocurrs the page navigation at the bottom of each
tab will indicate the total number of pages within the tab. Click on the page navigation buttons to view

The tab text font size can be changed by dragging the slider in the lower right corner of the tab.

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Timatic User Guide

PNR View
The PNR View is only available when the Timatic Icon displays in the PNR. In order for the icon to display
the booking file (PNR) must have air segments, in which the origin and destination countries of at least
one segment are not the same and at least one passenger in the booking file.

Timatic icon:

Tip: User can modify the Smartpoint layout is such a way to have terminal view overlapping the PNR
view, which can have the unpleasant effect of covering the PNR Contextual Toolbar Button area where
Timatic Icon displays. If icon is not displaying (when it should be) try resetting factory default settings in
Smartpoint. Go to Application toolbar menu and click “Reset all settings to factory default”.

What is difference between Manual and Timatic PNR View?

 Manual view is not associated with a Booking File (PNR)

 Manual view cannot add remarks

 PNR View is linked to Booking File air segments – therefore origin / destination / transit cannot be
maintained in request form

 PNR View is only available when Timatic Icon displays – Manual view is always available

 PNR View stored request from inputs in General Remark

Timatic Icon displaying indicates that Timatic PNR View is available. Click icon to open view.

Determining Destination

Air Segment 1 origin location is considered the embarkation point. The destination is determined by
checking each segment in the order shown in the PNRViewer for a final destination.

If the difference between arrival time of segment “n” and departure time of segment “n+1” is greater than
24 hours, segment “n” destination is considered the final destination.

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Timatic User Guide

BOS > LHR > BCN sets destination to Spain, because difference between segment 3 departure from
BCN and segment 2 arrival at LHR is greater than 24 hours.

In this case LHR is considered a transit point.

PNR View
In this view a request for Timatic “data sections” can be sent based on form input values.

1 – Notifications (same as Manual Request)

The Notifications area displays messages for Timatic service repsonses and input requirements. Timatic
Service repsonses can be:

 Auto Check Response: Conditional

o Means passenger appears to meet Passport / Visa requirements – read response for
additional information.

 Auto Check Response: Yes

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Timatic User Guide
o Means passenger meets Passport / Visa requirements – read response for additional

 Auto Check Response: No

o Means passenger does not meet Passport / Visa requirements – read response for
additional information.

 Connection message stating reason for failed connection to Timatic service

Input requirements messages can be:

 Missing mandaory input field

 General messages (e.g. Return date unknown)

2 – Input Form
The input form is used to enter traveller and trip information needed by the Timatic service to determine
whether traveller has suffiennt documentation for the destination and provide general information
(Geographical, Health, Airport Tax, Customs and Currency).

The form has validation logic built in to ensure only valid requests are send and apply certain logic (e.g.
GB nationals are only allowed GB passport types, Countries Visited is only enabled for Health

Note: All fields are not required.

Note: Default values are set in Timatic Parameters

The PNR View form is similar to the Manual Request from except:

 PNR form uses passenger information to set default form values (nationality, DOB, gender,

 PNR form pulls origin, destination and transits from the booking file

 Changing origin, destination and transits must be done via the PNR

 Remarks can be added from the PNR view

 Passengers must have secure flight information entered in SSRDOCS

3 – Passenger Select
The Passenger select area contains a drop box to select the type of Timatic request and set the
passenger. The request type determines what information is displayed in the Tabbed Response area.

Passengers in the booking file they are automatically added to the list of passengers. There is a default
passenger, “Any Passenger” is always available to use for adhoc Timatic requests.

When the Timatic PNR View loads and passengers exist in the booking file the selected passenger
defaults to passenger number one. The selected passenger is used to set request values for, nationality,
gender, DOB, and travel documents.

4 – Function Links
The Function Link area has buttons that open input forms for SSRDOCS entry, Passenger entry and
adding Remarks. SSRDOCS entry is only available when passengers are present in the booking file. Both
SSRDOCS and Passengers input form as standard Smartpoint forms (not part of Timatic plugin).

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Timatic User Guide
Add Remarks button opens the following window for remarks handling:

In this window select either an Agency Remark (1) or check type of Timatic Remark (2) then click on “Add
Remarks” to insert the remark lines into the PNR. Agency Remarks are remarks you have entered via
Tools >Timatic > Timatic Remarks menu. Timatic Remarks are the content from the Tabbed Response
area for Passport, Visa or Health.

Note: Once a remark is added to the PNR it can only be maintained (edit/delete) using Smartpoint normal
remark handling.

5 – Tabbed Response(same as Manual Request)

The tabbed response area displays the Timatc service response grouped by request type (e.g. Passport).
Within the tab each transit and destination country requirements are listed.

Note: The plugin does not alter the contents of the Timatic service response.

Each tab may have more text than displayed. When this ocurrs the page navigation at the bottom of each
tab will indicate the total number of pages within the tab. Click on the page navigation buttons to view

The tab text font size can be changed by dragging the slider in the lower right corner of the tab.

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Timatic User Guide

PNR View Form Input Storage

When the submit button is clicked in the PNR View the form input values are stored as a General
Remark. The remark text value is a formatted string that the Timatic plugin can parse to restore previous
form input for a passenger. Example:


This string will be parsed on “/” character to obtain an array of values:

Position Value Meaning

1-3 TIM/01/01 Unique identifier for remark that indicates Timatic

plugin remark for passenger 1, request 1

4 CA Nationality

5 CA Birth Country

6 CA Residency Country

7 02151964 DOB

8 2 Gender (List index)*

9 1 Ticket (List index)*

10 1 Stay Type (List index)*

11 5 Document Group (List index)*

12 4 Document Type (List index)*

13 No value given Document Series

14 No value given Document Expiry

15 CA Document Issue Country

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Timatic User Guide

16 No value given Document Issue Date

17 0 Residency Document (List index)*

18 0 Visa (List index)*

19 No value given Countries Visited

20 3 Request Type

* List index refers a value in the form select boxes.

Storing the form input values in this way allows the form to be reset to previous values when form is

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Timatic User Guide

Should you encounter any problems, please contact

Here are some troubleshooting tips
1. Timatic Icon does not display in PNRViewer

 Timatic Icon only displays when origin country and destination country are different

 A passenger exists in the booking file.

 Air Segments must be in booking file

 Air segments must be in sequential order of actual trip (segment 1 sets the origin)

 Terminal view is overlapping PNR contextual toolbar button area.

Page 21
User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Use Cases
Business Use Cases
eLearning Simulations
Car Use Cases
Hotel Use Cases
Rapid Reprice Use Cases

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Business Use Case Samples

Business Use Cases and cue cards are available for the topics below.

1. Airline Expertise Script 1: US Trip with Upgrade

2. Airline Expertise Script 2: Europe Trip with Paris and London
3. Airline Expertise Script 3: Around the World
4. Airline Expertise Script 4: LA via Honolulu for a Qantas Frequent Traveler
5. Airline Expertise Script 5: Around the World, Flexible Fare, Five Stops
6. Airline Expertise Script 6: To Sydney for Two, One in the Aisle
7. Airline Expertise Script 7: Two Flights with Infant
8. Airline Expertise Script 8: Snowboarder: Best Flights, Flexible Dates
9. Airline Expertise Script 9: Discover Americas with Best Fare
10. Airline Expertise Script 10: Sydney to New York Anniversary: Best Prices
11. Profile Script 11: Father-Son Ski Trip with Dietary Restrictions
12. Workflow End to End Script 12: Family of Four Vacation
13. CT GDS Company and Profile Creation Test 1
14. CT GDS Review Test 2a
15. CT GDS Review Test 2b
16. CT GDS Review Test 3a
17. CT GDS Review Test 3b
18. CT GDS Review Test 4a: Quote Script
19. CT GDS Review Test 4b: Quote Shopping Script
20. CT GDS Review Test 5a: Hotel
21. CT GDS Review Test 5b: Hotel
22. CT GDS Review Test 6a: Car
23. CT GDS Review Test 6b: Car
24. CT GDS Review Test 7
25. Wild Card Product: LCC with Hotel Quote

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Quick Reference Guide

To print the Quick Reference Guide, use the PDF version of the guide.
This guide includes quick reference for common Smartpoint tasks, as well as an overview of Smartpoint

Smartpoint Workflow
Air Shop/Smartpanel
Encode City/Airport
Fare Display
Itinerary, including Sell from Availability
Fare Quote
Filed Fares
Flown mileage
Mandatory PNR fields, including agency details, names, passenger phone/email, ticket time limit,
frequent flyer, and secure flight
Ignore PNR
Receive, End, Retrieve PNR
Optional PNR fields, including SSR and OSI, Booking File/PNR remarks, seating
Steps to move a Client File (BAR and PAR)
Steps to sell a hotel
Steps to sell a car, including car direct segment sell
Cancel itinerary
Modify/Delete PNR data

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Select the hyperlink to move to that section of the guide.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Passenger names OR Client file

- to add filed fare –
Agency details
Air Shop / Smartpanel OR / AND Fare Display
Fare quote
Passenger contacts incl. afterhours
Secure Flight/APIS
Ticket Time Limit
Receive, end and retrieve (optional)
Meals and other service requests
Receive and End

Air Shop / Smartpanel


Establish available flights and fares using the Travelport Smartpoint user-friendly graphical interface,
Top Tip: Add names first, so your fare is stored.

Press located bottom-right of the terminal window:

Complete the screen, example:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

To add segments press Insert segment after icon.

Ensure you add the child’s age in Passengers description box, e.g.,
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive results display to access details, rules and book the pricing solu-

Encode City/Airport


.CELE MANS Encode single city
.CENADI/PHUKET/DENPASAR Encode multiple cities (max.3)

Fare Display

Fare display options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


FD1MAYSYDMAD Basic entry, date and city pair
FDSYDMSPV08AUG21AUG/VA/A Validated outbound/return dates
including specified airline (max.
3) adding approx. taxes
FD1MAYSYDPAR/AY.AP@QLSV2AU*ADT Outbound date, specific airline
(max. 3), global indicator, fare

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 382

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


basis and passenger type code
FD10AUGSYDSYD-RTW/QF Round-the-world specify airline
(max. 3)
FD15AUGBNEZQN-RT Outbound date, return fares only

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access rules, routing and class information.  Hover
the cursor over the display.
Example screen display:


Availability Follow-up: H/AVFU

For the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface, use Search menu item and select Air Availability
Alternatively, use Tools menu item and select Calendar:

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 383

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Availability options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


A10AUGBNEMEL Basic availability, add search options to the end in any order
A10AUGBNEMEL.0900 Specify time, searches 2 hours prior
A10AUGBNEMEL0900 Add # to the end to search from exact time
AF 7-day search, direct flights, number of seats required in a specified class, on
1MAYSYDHNL.D@2Q/QF# specified airline # only
A10AUGSYDSCL@L//*O Specified class on Alliance carriers
DCA lists Alliance carrier codes
DCA/*O lists carriers in specified Alliance code
A10APRBNELAX/VA@T.D On specified airline (max. 3), class and direct services
AR20APR/VA@T.D Follow up entry for return flights on specified date and airline (max. 3),
class and direct services
Follow up entry for return flights add number of days to initial entry in
place of a date, adding options specified airline (max. 3), class and direct
A Return availability entry, combining the two-step process listed above
AF 7-day search return availability, specifying airline (max. 3), class and direct
10APRBNELAX services
A1MAYSYDHNL/QF.D On specified airline (max. 3), direct services

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 384

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


AN10MAYLAX/AA.D Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination city is required fol-
lowed by options
Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination city is required fol-
lowed by options
A Onward availability entry, combining the two-step process listed above
AF 7-day search onward availability, stipulating number of seats in a specific
1MAYSYDHNL class and airline
A10MARBNESYD.0700*QF Carrier specific (only 1 airline permitted), specifying approx. time
AR15MAR.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry to return on specified date and approx. time
Or, Or,
AR#5.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry for return flights add number of days to ini-
tial entry in place of a date, adding approx. time
A Carrier Specific return availability entry, combining the two-step process lis-
10MARBNESYD ted above

Sell from Availability

From a Travelport Smartpoint interactive display, use your cursor to select the required class(es).
To change the number of seats when you have not yet entered passenger names, press the calendar icon
at the bottom of the availability display:

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 385

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


N2Q3 Need two seats in Q class on line 3 from single availability
N2Q1++N2Y3 Dual availability – need two seats in Q class on line 1 from first screen
and Q class on line 3 from second screen
N2B3M4 Connecting flights – different class of service
N2B3* Connecting flights – same class of service

Fare Quote

Top Tip: Travelport Smartpoint reads passenger types from the name field, e.g. *P-C09
The default is to quote all segments for all passengers in a PNR.
To quote specific passengers/segments, use options.

FQ Fare quote classes booked, all passengers, all segments
FQA Fare quote alternatives for classes booked
FS Fare shop.  Compares different airlines for dates booked.
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to BOOK or REBOOK the itinerary
FQBB Fare quote best buy
Use FQBBK to rebook and file the fare
FQBA Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability.  Lowest fare for booked itinerary for
information only – not filed
FQBC Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability.  Compares booked itinerary classes with
lowest fare for booked itinerary.  For information only – not filed
FQBBS1.4 Specific segments e.g. 1 and 2 using fare quote best buy.  Use any fare quote entry, e.g.
FSS2–6 Specific segments, e.g. 2 through to 6 using fare shop.  Use any fare quote entry, e.g.
FQP1.4 Specific passengers, e.g. 1 and 4 using fare quote for classes booked.  Use any fare quote
entry, e.g. FQBAP1.4
FQAP2–4 Specific passengers, e.g. 2 through to 4 using fare quote alternatives.  Use any fare quote
entry, e.g. FQP2–4
FQBBP Combination of passengers and segments
FQOCAY Quote a specific airline’s fare, override plating carrier logic
FQ@ Quote a specific fare to validate rules

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Filed Fares


*FF Display a summary of all filed fares
*FF2 Expand summary of a specified filed fare
FXALL Cancel all filed fares
FX1 Cancel specified filed fare

Flown Mileage


FLS1-7 Display flown (ticketed point) mileage for specified segments, e.g. 1 through to 7

Mandatory PNR Fields

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Customer Information to add:

Names H/NAME
Frequent flyer (optional) H/FREQUENT

Passenger phone/email H/PHONE

Address (optional) H/ADDRESS
Ticket time limit H/T.
Form of payment (optional) H/F.
Secure Flight/APIS data (optional) H/APIS

Agency Details


CM/+*LARNA Move your agency details, adding your own name to the phone field

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo



PTC for a list of passenger
N.I/BARTON/COLINMSTR*08JAN16 Infant add date of birth

Passenger Phone/Email



P.BNEM*61 4 21436587 MR BARTON Mobile number, adding city
P.H*61 7 3367 3353 MR BARTON Home number, using default city
Use - - for underscore

Ticket Time Limit



T.TAU/11JAN Ticket arrangement for specified date

Frequent Flyer / Mileage Membership (Optional)



M.P1/VA1029384756 Frequent flyer number for specified passenger

Secure Flight / APIS (Optional)


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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


SI.P Secure flight data, include mandatory slash for omitted data, YY
1 represents all carriers in the itinerary

Receive, End, Retrieve PNR



Top Tip: Add an auto-receive, so you don’t have to use the received from entry each time.  Here’s

1. From the Application menu, select Application Settings:

2. Add your received data in the AutoRecieve field and press SAVE:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

R.P+E Received from and end

R.P+ER Received from, end and retrieve

E End (receive already entered)

EM End and email a plain text itinerary (receive already entered).  Add *HTM to the end of
the entry to send a ViewTrip itinerary (HTML)
ER End and retrieve (receive already entered)
ERM*HTM End, retrieve and email a ViewTrip itinerary (receive already entered)

Retrieve a PNR by surname.

Use Recent PNRs icon:

Note: Ensure there is not a PNR already retrieved on your screen.

Ignore PNR
I Ignore.  If the PNR has not been ended, you lose all data

IR Ignore and retrieve, any data added to the PNR is lost.  Only on ended/completed

Optional PNR Fields

SSR and OSI – Generates Messages to Airlines
Special Service Requirements H/SSR


Other Supplementary Information H/OSI

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Special Services to add, delete or modify:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


SI.YY*CTCM BNE 61 4 21436587 MR BARTON OSI Passenger afterhours contact to airline

SI.P3/BBML Baby meal on all segments, relate to infant name

Booking File/PNR Remarks – Does Not Generate Messages to Airlines

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Booking File Remarks to add, delete or modify:

Customer ID H/CI.
Corporate ID ASK AN1216
Review Booking File/PNR H/RB.
Associated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.S
Note Pad H/NP.
Unassociated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.
Invoice/Accounting Remarks H/DI.

Unassociated Itinerary Remarks


RI.VA TOTAL FARE AUD274.00 AND QF Unassociated itinerary remarks, display at the bottom of the
TOTAL FARE AUD270.02 itinerary.  Maximum 70 characters

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive seat map obtained by selecting the class in the segment.

Select the seat using your cursor.  If supported by the airline, SeatGuru information displays.  Use the
menu to the right to select further passengers and segments.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Steps to Move a Client File


Business File (BAR)

C*ABC Display BAR using name, e.g. ABC

CM/+*JILL Move BAR, adding your name to agency phone

Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move BAR, adding your name and moving optional (O) line numbers.
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving reference data

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 393

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists in the PNR

Personal File (PAR)

C*ABC–SMITH Display PAR for passenger, e.g. SMITH, associated to BAR, e.g. ABC

Or, Or,
SCFSMITH Search Client file for a passenger, e.g. SMITH
Using the SCF entry, select from the following options to move into a PNR:

CM/+*JILL Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your name to agency phone
Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your name and moving optional
(O) line numbers
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving reference data
Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists in the PNR

TI-DFT/US/CS/BC Travel information for specified country’s customs baggage clearance policy

Steps to Sell – Hotel

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.
Step 1: Display hotel availability.
When there is no PNR present, from the Search menu, select Hotel Availability Search.  Example:

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 394

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Hotel Search.  Example:

Complete the Hotel Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH.  Example:

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access hotel description, images and TripAdvisor
reviews.  Press the Maps icon, to the right, to access an interactive map.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 395

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Step 2: Select the approximate room rates to access the complete availability.

Step 3: Select the required room rate to validate the rate rules.

Step 4::  Select the link to open the Hotel Sell Options screen.  Complete as required
and press Sell Room(s)

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 396

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Step 6: Receive and end the PNR.  Example entry: R.MRS+E

Steps to Sell – Car

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.
Step 1: Display car availability.
When there is no PNR present, from the Search menu, select Car Availability Search.  Example:

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Car Search.  Example:

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 397

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Complete the Car Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH.  Example:

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access the car vendor description.

Step 2: Select the required rate to validate the rules.


© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 398

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Step 3: Select the link to book the car.

Step 4: Receive and end the PNR.  Example entry: R.MRS+E

Car Direct Segment Sell


Car Sell Options H/CAR/


ØCCRZENN1MEL2MAY–4MAYFCAR/ARR–1135/DT–1500/ID–F348I/BS–0236634 ZE = car vendor
NN1 = need one car
MEL = city
2MAY = pick-up date
4MAY = drop-off date
/ARR- = pick-up time
/DT- = drop-off time
Options (in any order):
/ID- = Customer ID
/BS- = booking source

Alternatively, use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface available from the Sell menu, Car
and Car Direct.  Example:

Complete the Car Direct Sell screens as appropriate.  Example Reservation screen:

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 399

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Example Payment screen:

Example Other screen:

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 400

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Modify / Cancel / Delete

Cancel Itinerary


X1 Cancel segment one
X1.4 Cancel segments 1 and 4
X1–4 Cancel segments 1 through to 4

Modify / Delete PNR Data

Use the PNR viewer window, selecting the interactive (green) item of the data you need to change.
Example screen display:

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 401

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Example, selecting the Fone item 2. opens the Customer Information screen, press the edit icon to open
the information.  Make the required changes and press Apply and Save.
To delete, press the delete icon and Save.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 402

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 403

Travelport Smartpoint
Flight Centre

Quick Reference Guide

Navigation Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Workflow ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Air Shop / Smartpanel ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Encode City/Airport ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Fare Display ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Availability ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Itinerary ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Sell from Availability .................................................................................................................................... 10
Fare Quote............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Filed Fares.............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Flown Mileage ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Mandatory PNR Fields ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Agency Details ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Names .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Passenger Phone/Email ............................................................................................................................... 13
Ticket Time Limit ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Frequent Flyer / Mileage Membership (Optional) ...................................................................................... 13
Secure Flight / APIS (Optional) .................................................................................................................... 13
Receive, End, Retrieve PNR ................................................................................................................................... 14
Ignore PNR ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Optional PNR Fields ............................................................................................................................................... 15
SSR and OSI – Generates Messages to Airlines ........................................................................................... 15
Booking File/PNR Remarks – Does Not Generate Messages to Airlines ..................................................... 15
Seating ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Steps to Move a Client File .................................................................................................................................... 17
Business File (BAR) ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Personal File (PAR) ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Steps to Sell – Hotel............................................................................................................................................... 18
Steps to Sell – Car .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Car Direct Segment Sell ............................................................................................................................... 23
Modify / Cancel / Delete ....................................................................................................................................... 25

©2016 Travelport 2
Cancel Itinerary ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Modify / Delete PNR Data ........................................................................................................................... 25

©2016 Travelport 3
Navigation Overview

©2016 Travelport 4
Select the hyperlink to direct you to each topic.

Passenger names
- to add filed fare – Client file
Agency details

Fare Display
Air Shop / Smartpanel
Fare quote

Passenger contacts incl. afterhours

Secure Flight/APIS
Ticket Time Limit
Receive, end and retrieve (optional)
Meals and other service requests
Receive and End

©2016 Travelport 5
Air Shop / Smartpanel
Establish available flights and fares using the Travelport Smartpoint user-friendly graphical interface, Smartpanel.
Top Tip: Add names first, so your fare is stored.
Press located bottom-right of the terminal window:

Complete the screen, example:

To add segments press Insert segment after icon.

Ensure you add the child’s age in Passengers description box e.g.
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive results display to access details, rules and book the pricing solution.

Encode City/Airport
.CELE MANS Encode single city
.CENADI/PHUKET/DENPASAR Encode multiple cities (max.3)

©2016 Travelport 6
Fare Display
Fare display options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


FD1MAYSYDMAD Basic entry, date and city pair
Validated outbound/return dates including specified
airline (max. 3) adding approx. taxes
Outbound date, specific airline (max. 3), global
FD1MAYSYDPAR/AY.AP@QLSV2AU*ADT indicator, fare basis and passenger type code (PTC)
FD10AUGSYDSYD-RTW/QF Round-the-world specify airline (max. 3)
FD15AUGBNEZQN-RT Outbound date, return fares only

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access rules, routing and class information. Hover the cursor
over the display.
Example screen display:

©2016 Travelport 7
Availability Follow-up: H/AVFU
For the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface, use Search menu item and select Air Availability Search.
Alternatively, use Tools menu item and select Calendar:

Availbility options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


Basic availability, add search options to the end in any
A10AUGBNEMEL.0900 Specify time, searches 2 hours prior
A10AUGBNEMEL0900 Add # to the end to search from exact time
7-day search, direct flights, number of seats required
in a specified class, on specified airline # only
Specified class on Alliance carriers
A10AUGSYDSCL@L//*O DCA lists Alliance carrier codes
DCA/*O lists carriers in specified Alliance code
A10APRBNELAX/VA@T.D On specified airline (max. 3), class and direct services
AR20APR/VA@T.D Follow up entry for return flights on specified date and
airline (max. 3), class and direct services
Or, Or,
AR#10/VA@T.D Follow up entry for return flights add number of days
to initial entry in place of a date, adding options
specified airline (max. 3), class and direct services
Return availability entry, combining the two-step
process listed above

©2016 Travelport 8
7-day search return availability, specifying airline (max.
3), class and direct services
A1MAYSYDHNL/QF.D On specified airline (max. 3), direct services
AN10MAYLAX/AA.D Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination
city is required followed by options
Or, Or,
AN#9LAX/AA.D Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination
city is required followed by options
Onward availability entry, combining the two-step
process listed above
7-day search onward availability, stipulating number of
seats in a specific class and airline
Carrier specific (only 1 airline permitted), specifying
approx. time
AR15MAR.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry to return on specified
date and approx. time
Or, Or,
AR#5.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry for return flights add
number of days to initial entry in place of a date,
adding approx. time
Carrier Specific return availability entry, combining the
two-step process listed above

©2016 Travelport 9

Sell from Availability

From a Travelport Smartpoint interactive display, use your cursor to select the required class(es).
To change the number of seats when you have not yet entered passenger names, press the calendar icon at the
bottom of the availability display:


N2Q3 Need two seats in Q class on line 3 from single availability
Dual availability – need two seats in Q class on line 1 from first screen and Q class on
line 3 from second screen
N2B3M4 Connecting flights – different class of service
N2B3* Connecting flights – same class of service

©2016 Travelport 10
Fare Quote

Top Tip: Travelport Smartpoint reads passenger types from the name field, e.g. *P-C09
The default is to quote all segments for all passengers in a PNR.
To quote specific passengers/segments, use options.


FQ Fare quote classes booked, all passengers, all segments
FQA Fare quote alternatives for classes booked
Fare shop. Compares different airlines for dates booked.
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to BOOK or REBOOK the itinerary
Fare quote best buy
Use FQBBK to rebook and file the fare
Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability. Lowest fare for booked itinerary for
information only – not filed
Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability. Compares booked itinerary classes
with lowest fare for booked itinerary. For information only – not filed
Specific segments e.g. 1 and 2 using fare quote best buy. Use any fare quote entry,
e.g. FQS1.4
Specific segments, e.g. 2 through to 6 using fare shop. Use any fare quote entry, e.g.
Specific passengers, e.g. 1 and 4 using fare quote for classes booked. Use any fare
quote entry, e.g. FQBAP1.4
Specific passengers, e.g. 2 through to 4 using fare quote alternatives. Use any fare
quote entry, e.g. FQP2–4

FQBBP1.4/S2–6 Combination of passengers and segments

FQOCAY Quote a specific airline’s fare, override plating carrier logic

FQ@LGLOB26 Quote a specific fare to validate rules

Filed Fares
*FF Display a summary of all filed fares
*FF2 Expand summary of a specified filed fare
FXALL Cancel all filed fares
FX1 Cancel specified filed fare

©2016 Travelport 11
Flown Mileage
FLS1-7 Display flown (ticketed point) mileage for specified segments, e.g. 1 through to 7

Mandatory PNR Fields

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface. From the PNR Viewer window, select Create/Edit
Customer Information to add:
Names H/NAME
Frequent flyer (optional) H/FREQUENT
Passenger phone/email H/PHONE
Address (optional) H/ADDRESS
Ticket time limit H/T.
Form of payment (optional) H/F.
Secure Flight/APIS data (optional) H/APIS

Agency Details
Move your agency details, adding your own name to the phone

2 adults, 2 children
PTC for a list of passenger types
N.I/BARTON/COLINMSTR*08JAN16 Infant add date of birth

©2016 Travelport 12
Passenger Phone/Email
P.BNEM*61 4 21436587 MR BARTON Mobile number, adding city
P.H*61 7 3367 3353 MR BARTON Home number, using default city
Mail to
Use - - for underscore

Ticket Time Limit

T.TAU/11JAN Ticket arrangement for specified date

Frequent Flyer / Mileage Membership (Optional)

M.P1/VA1029384756 Frequent flyer number for specified passenger

Secure Flight / APIS (Optional)

Secure flight data, include mandatory slash for
SI.P1/SSRDOCSYYHK1/////17SEP77/M//HURLEY/ROBERT omitted data, YY represents all carriers in the

©2016 Travelport 13
Receive, End, Retrieve PNR

Top Tip: Add an auto-receive, so you don’t have to use the received from entry each time. Here’s how:
From the Application menu, select Application Settings:

Add your received data in the AutoRecieve field and

press SAVE:


R.P+E Received from and end
R.P+ER Received from, end and retrieve
E End (receive already entered)
End and email a plain text itinerary (receive already
EM entered). Add *HTM to the end of the entry to send a
ViewTrip itinerary (HTML)
ER End and retrieve (receive already entered)
End, retrieve and email a ViewTrip itinerary (receive
already entered)
Retrieve a PNR by surname.
Use Recent PNRs icon:
Note: Ensure there is not a PNR already retrieved on
your screen.

©2016 Travelport 14
Ignore PNR
I Ignore. If the PNR has not been ended, you lose all data
Ignore and retrieve, any data added to the PNR is lost. Only on ended/completed

Optional PNR Fields

SSR and OSI – Generates Messages to Airlines

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface. From the PNR Viewer
window, select Create/Edit Special Services to add, delete or modify:
Special Service Requirements H/SSR
Other Supplementary Information H/OSI


SI.YY*CTCM BNE 61 4 21436587 MR BARTON OSI Passenger afterhours contact to airline
SI.P3/BBML Baby meal on all segments, relate to infant name

Booking File/PNR Remarks – Does Not Generate Messages to Airlines

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface. From the PNR Viewer
window, select Create/Edit Booking File Remarks to add, delete or modify:
Customer ID H/CI.
Corporate ID ASK AN1216
Review Booking File/PNR H/RB.
Associated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.S
Note Pad H/NP.
Unassociated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.
Invoice/Accounting Remarks H/DI.

Unassociated Itinerary Remarks

Unassociated itinerary remarks, display at
RI.VA TOTAL FARE AUD274.00 AND QF TOTAL FARE AUD270.02 the bottom of the itinerary. Maximum 70

©2016 Travelport 15
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive seat map obtained by selecting the class in the segment.

Select the seat using your cursor. If supported by the airline, SeatGuru information displays. Use the menu to
the right to select further passengers and segments.

©2016 Travelport 16
Steps to Move a Client File

Business File (BAR)

C*ABC Display BAR using name, e.g. ABC
CM/+*JILL Move BAR, adding your name to agency phone
Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move BAR, adding your name and moving optional (O)
line numbers.
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving
reference data
Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists
in the PNR

Personal File (PAR)

C*ABC–SMITH Display PAR for passenger, e.g. SMITH, associated to
BAR, e.g. ABC
Or, Or,
SCFSMITH Search Client file for a passenger, e.g. SMITH
Using the SCF entry, select from the following options
to move into a PNR:

CM/+*JILL Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your
name to agency phone
Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your
name and moving optional (O) line numbers
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving
reference data
Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists
in the PNR

©2016 Travelport 17
TI-DFT/US/CS/BC Travel information for specified country’s customs baggage clearance policy

Steps to Sell – Hotel

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.

Step 1: Display hotel availability.

When there is no PNR present, from the Search
menu, select Hotel Availability Search. Example:

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Hotel Search. Example:

Complete the Hotel Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH. Example:

©2016 Travelport 18
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access hotel description, images and TripAdvisor reviews.
Press the Maps icon, to the right, to access an interactive map.

Step 2: Select the approximate room rates to access the complete availability.

Step 3: Select the required room rate to validate the rate rules.

©2016 Travelport 19
Step 4: Select the link to open the Hotel Sell Options screen. Complete as required and press
Sell Room(s)

Step 6: Receive and end the PNR. Example entry: R.MRS+E

©2016 Travelport 20
Steps to Sell – Car
Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.
Step 1: Display car availability.
When there is no PNR present, from the Search
menu, select Car Availability Search. Example:

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Car Search. Example:

Complete the Car Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH. Example:

©2016 Travelport 21
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access the car vendor description.

Step 2: Select the required rate to validate the rules.


Step 3: Select the link to book the car.

Step 4: Receive and end the PNR. Example entry: R.MRS+E

©2016 Travelport 22
Car Direct Segment Sell
Car Sell Options H/CAR/
ØCCRZENN1MEL2MAY–4MAYFCAR/ARR–1135/DT–1500/ID–F348I/BS–0236634 ZE = car vendor
NN1 = need one car
MEL = city
2MAY = pick-up date
4MAY = drop-off date
/ARR- = pick-up time
/DT- = drop-off time
Options (in any order):
/ID- = Customer ID
/BS- = booking source

Alternatively, use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface available from the Sell menu, Car and Car
Direct. Example:

Complete the Car Direct Sell screens as appropriate. Example Reservation screen:

©2016 Travelport 23
Example Payment screen:

Example Other screen:

©2016 Travelport 24
Modify / Cancel / Delete

Cancel Itinerary


X1 Cancel segment one
X1.4 Cancel segments 1 and 4
X1–4 Cancel segments 1 through to 4

Modify / Delete PNR Data

Use the PNR viewer window, selecting the interactive (green) item of the data you need to change.
Example screen display:

©2016 Travelport 25
Example, selecting the Fone item 2. opens the Customer Information screen, press the edit icon to open the
information. Make the required changes and press Apply and Save.
To delete, press the delete icon and Save.

©2016 Travelport 26
User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 1: US Trip with Upgrade

Robert Hurley picked up a little bit of money at the Melbourne Cup and now has more than enough funds
to visit family in Minneapolis over in USA around August. He’s flown with Virgin before and knows that
they partner with Delta Airlines. He is a Velocity member.
After you have quoted him a price for economy travel, he asks how much it would cost to fly premium
economy as he wouldn’t mind the upgrade. Upon hearing the price he agrees to the upgrade. Please read
the cue card from end to end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 430

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 2: Europe Trip with Paris and London

Jane Cook wants options to fly to Europe for the summer. She intends to travel to Paris and London and
plans to be away from around the 10th of June till the end of August (around the 28th). She is somewhat
flexible around the dates. Jane is travelling on her own.

1. Choose how to find the fares.

2. Use the GUI.

We will not make a profile or booking for this scenario. Please read the cue card from end to end before

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 431

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 3: Around the World

A couple in their 50’s have seen an advertised price with FCTG for a "Round The World" fare for $2344.
Their preferred itinerary (which was advertised) is Sydney – Honolulu – Los Angeles – New York – Paris –
making their own way to Madrid – Bangkok – Singapore – Sydney. They would like to know if this is avail-
able in May.
You look up the widest choice of fares to discover this is a Finnair (AY) published fare using half the AY
fare via America (AP) and half the AY fare via Asia (EH).
The fare basis for low season is QLSV2AU.
You may use the GUI or Native for this scenario or any combination. Please read the cue card from end
to end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 432

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 4: LA via Honolulu for a Qantas Frequent


Suzanne Long and John Cook are travelling to the US. Originally, they were stopping in Honolulu on the
way to Los Angeles. However, after some discussion they decide to stop in both directions.
John is a Qantas Frequent Flyer. You will consider this in addition to convenience and pricing. You will
need to inform John of change fees. Moreover, you will re-check options when the itinerary changes
regarding stops.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 433

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 5: Around the World, Flexible Fare, Five


Doug Flowers is celebrating his recent university graduation with a Round the World trip that his parents
are paying for.

He wants a fare that is flexible with changes, as he may be away for a long time.
He is after 5 stops including Santiago, Madrid, London, Phuket, and Sydney.
He mentions that he is a Qantas frequent flyer member. This leads to offering the ONEWORLD
LGLOB26 RTW fare.
He is not keen on travelling via the Middle East.

You may use the GUI or native or a combination to complete this scenario. Please read the cue card from
end to end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 434

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 6: To Sydney for Two, One in the Aisle

Fred and Ginger Thompson are off to Sydney for a wedding in April. With Fred just having surgery in Janu-
ary, their budget is tight. So although they are Qantas and Virgin frequent flyer members, they want to
go with the cheapest option in each direction to save money on the trip. They would prefer to arrive
around 2pm and leave around noon. However they are flexible if this affects the pricing too much. They
always prefer to be seated next to each other and as far forward as available, as long as Fred is on the
aisle. Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 435

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 7: Two Flights with Infant

Andrew and Christy Barton are travelling with their infant son to see relatives in Italy. They are hiring a
car and making their own way to Paris.

Brisbane - Rome (1st Sept)

Paris - Brisbane (16th Sept)

Provide 2 options for these customers. You may use any searches or combinations of searches in the GUI
to find options. Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 436

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 8: Snowboarder: Best Flights, Flexible


Angie Dawn is a snowboarder unsure of which ski fields outside of Australia in the southern hemisphere to
go to this ski season. She is flexible with dates to get the best price.

Cairns - Unknown (20th June)

Unknown - Cairns (18th July)

You will check 3 countries and consider price, travel time, and baggage in order to determine the best
option. You will also check interline agreements for baggage.
You may use whatever functions/searches to construct the fare including ex Cairns or, for example, a
domestic add-on. Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 437

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 9: Discover Americas with Best Fare

Murray Hill has come along to the “Discover the Americas” Travel Expo and has seen the special with Vir-
gin Australia. He wants to check availability and get a price on the Virgin Fare. Since Murray is retired,
he is flexible with his dates and can leave on any day of the first week of August and return the last week
of August.

We know finding dates on specials can take time so are using forward availability equivalent to
find the seats.
You want to ensure that the VA fare is the best for Murray so you will check the itinerary you have
against the best marketed fare regardless of availability.

You may use the GUI or native functions OR any combination. Please read the cue card from end to end
before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 438

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Airline Expertise Script 10: Sydney to New York Anniversary: Best


Steven and Mary Johnston are heading to New York for their wedding anniversary.

Sydney – New York (13th March)

New York – Sydney (30th March)

Provide the best priced flights suited to the customers' needs. Please read the cue card from end to end
before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 439

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Profile Script 11: Father-Son Ski Trip with Dietary Restrictions

Phillip Jones is wanting to take his 10 yr old son, Daniel, on a one week father/son skiing trip to Queen-
stown, New Zealand in July. He is flexible with his dates but cannot leave before the 7th of July and
must be back by the 21st.

Phillip has not booked with FCTG before so we will need to create a profile for him and his son.
Both have dietary needs, with Phillip being a vegetarian and Daniel having a gluten allergy.
As Daniel is a keen flyer, he prefers to sit in a window seat to see the takeoff and landing.

Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 440

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Workflow End to End Script 12: Family of Four Vacation

The Jonze Family (Vincent, Madison, and their 2 kids, Cory [11] and Sally [9]) wish to go on a holiday dur-
ing the school holidays to a beach destination and heard from friends that Nadi, Denpasar, and Phuket
are good options. They are open to options, but are primarily looking for the best fare since they are a
family of 4.
You need to give them options for a week's holiday departing on or around the 24th of March 2016 (they
are flexible but must be during school holidays).
You may use the GUI or native and any searches to find options. Please read the cue card from end to
end before commencing.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 441

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Wild Card: LCC with Hotel Quote

James and Julie Smith have booked a ticket to London but have decided whilst they are there they would
like to take a side trip to Paris. They are both One world Sapphire members but understand that some
Low Cost Carriers fly to Paris as well. They would like two options:

1. Quote with a One World carrier, including a bag and a seat

2. Quote with a LCC with a bag and a seat

On both options they would like a hotel near the Eiffel Tower.
Please read the cue card end to end before commencing.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

CT GDS Company and Profile Creation Test 1

In this scenario, you create a company profile and add a travel booker to the profile. You then create a
traveller profile and attach it to the Company Profile.

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CT GDS Review Test 2a: Specific Arrival Time

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile.
The traveller created in Test Script 1 wishes to travel:
BNE to SYD 4th Aug
SYD to BNE 8th Aug
They are required to be at SYD airport by 10am and will return any time after 1700.
Company policy is to always travel Qantas best fare; however, we need to provide the best fare for the
ticketed flights on VA for the itinerary.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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CT GDS Review Test 2b: Specific Arrival Time

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile.
The traveller created in Test Script 1 wishes to travel:
SYD to MEL 10th May
MEL to SYD 15th May
They are required to be at MEL airport by 10am and will return any time after 1700.
Company policy is to always travel Qantas best fare; however, we need to provide the best fare for the
ticketed flights on VA for the itinerary.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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CT GDS Review Test 3a: Two Flights, Hotels, and Car

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile.
The traveller created in Test Script 1 wishes to travel:
Flight: BNE to SYD 01May 0600
Accommodation: 1 night SYD - Sheraton on the Park - Queen bed or King where not available
Flight: SYD to MEL 2 May 1000
Car Hire: Car hire pick up airport and drop off airport with Hertz - FCAR
Accommodation: 2 nights MEL - Crown Southbank - Queen bed
Flight: MEL to BNE 4 May 1500
Make the reservation for the lowest fare on either QF or VA.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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CT GDS Review Test 3b: Two Flights, Hotel, and Car

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile.
The traveller created in Test Script 1 wishes to travel:
Flight: SYD to TSV 15May after 0600
Accommodation: 1 night TSV - The Ville Jupiter’s - Queen bed or King where not available
Flight: TSV to BNE 16 May after 1000
Car Hire: Car hire pick up BNE airport and drop off BNE airport with Hertz - FCAR
Accommodation: 2 nights BNE - Sofitel - queen bed
Flight: BNE to SYD 18 May 1500
Make the reservation for the lowest fare on either QF or VA.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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CT GDS Review Test 4a: Quote Script

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile.
The traveller created in Test Script 1 wishes to travel:
BNE to SYD 10May 0900
SYD to BNE 10May 1700
Please provide an email quotation on QF and VA for this travel. Please read the cue card from end to end
before commencing.

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CT GDS Review Test 4b: Quote Shopping Script

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile.
The company has decided to review their travel policy and they are requesting to have 2 quotes for ALL
domestic travel. They travel best fare on the day for the requested flight times.
SYD to SIN 20Apr
SIN to SYD 25Apr
Please provide email quotation for 3 possibilities (1. preferred - direct SQ, 2. cheapest, 3. recommended)
of economy travel.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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CT GDS Review Test 5a: Hotel Availability and Information

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile.
Your traveller (created profile) will be travelling to Melbourne to meet with a client. They are attending
a corporate function at the MCG to watch the AFL game on the night of the 1 April for 1 night.
They require a hotel within walking distant from the MCG with free WIFI. The budget per night is $300
per room.
Make the reservation and note the record locator for use in scenario 6a.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

CT GDS Review Test 5b: Hotel Availability and Information

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile.
Your traveller will be travelling to Sydney to meet with a client. They are attending a corporate function
at the Convention Centre on the night of the 1 May for 1 night.
They require a hotel within walking distance from the convention centre with free WIFI. The budget per
night is $300 per room.
Make the reservation and note the record locator for use in scenario 6b.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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CT GDS Review 6a: Car

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile and Test Script 5a
- Hotel.
Traveller is now requested they will need a car to pick up at the airport and drop off at the airport, and
the hotel (if not already a inclusion) will need car parking arranged.
The request is for the most economical car company for a FCAR. Retrieve the PNR created for scenario
5a, make the reservation, and save the PNR.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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CT GDS Review Test 6b: Car

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile and Test Script 5b
- Hotel.
Traveller is now requested they will need a car to pick up at the airport and drop off at the airport and
the hotel (if not already a inclusion) will need car parking arranged.
The request is for the most economical car company for a FCAR. Retrieve the PNR created for scenario
5b, make the reservation, and save the PNR.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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CT GDS Review Test 7: Air with Frequent Flyer

Scenario prerequisite: Complete Test Script 1 - Create a Company and Traveller profile. The travel is for
(traveller you created profile for in test 1).
BNE to SIN 10 Apr
SIN to LON 11 Apr – Direct flight with EK/QF where possible
They will travel over land LON to PAR
PAR to DXB 15 Apr – Direct flight with EK/QF where possible
DXB to BNE 20 Apr
They will be flying business class and are QF club members. Make a reservation for the lowest fare
in Business class.
Please read the cue card from end to end before commencing.

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eLearning Simulations
Simulation scenarios and cue cards are available for topics below. A PDF version is available to view or

0. Create Company and Traveller Profile

1. Plan a Round-the-World Trip
2. Fare Shop Create Multi PTC PNR
3. Locate Lowest Possible Fare
4. Book Hotel Accommodation
5. Book Car Accommodation

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Quick Reference Guide

To print the Quick Reference Guide, use the PDF version of the guide.
This guide includes quick reference for common Smartpoint tasks, as well as an overview of Smartpoint

Smartpoint Workflow
Air Shop/Smartpanel
Encode City/Airport
Fare Display
Itinerary, including Sell from Availability
Fare Quote
Filed Fares
Flown mileage
Mandatory PNR fields, including agency details, names, passenger phone/email, ticket time limit,
frequent flyer, and secure flight
Ignore PNR
Receive, End, Retrieve PNR
Optional PNR fields, including SSR and OSI, Booking File/PNR remarks, seating
Steps to move a Client File (BAR and PAR)
Steps to sell a hotel
Steps to sell a car, including car direct segment sell
Cancel itinerary
Modify/Delete PNR data

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Select the hyperlink to move to that section of the guide.

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Passenger names OR Client file

- to add filed fare –
Agency details
Air Shop / Smartpanel OR / AND Fare Display
Fare quote
Passenger contacts incl. afterhours
Secure Flight/APIS
Ticket Time Limit
Receive, end and retrieve (optional)
Meals and other service requests
Receive and End

Air Shop / Smartpanel


Establish available flights and fares using the Travelport Smartpoint user-friendly graphical interface,
Top Tip: Add names first, so your fare is stored.

Press located bottom-right of the terminal window:

Complete the screen, example:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

To add segments press Insert segment after icon.

Ensure you add the child’s age in Passengers description box, e.g.,
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive results display to access details, rules and book the pricing solu-

Encode City/Airport


.CELE MANS Encode single city
.CENADI/PHUKET/DENPASAR Encode multiple cities (max.3)

Fare Display

Fare display options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


FD1MAYSYDMAD Basic entry, date and city pair
FDSYDMSPV08AUG21AUG/VA/A Validated outbound/return dates
including specified airline (max.
3) adding approx. taxes
FD1MAYSYDPAR/AY.AP@QLSV2AU*ADT Outbound date, specific airline
(max. 3), global indicator, fare

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basis and passenger type code
FD10AUGSYDSYD-RTW/QF Round-the-world specify airline
(max. 3)
FD15AUGBNEZQN-RT Outbound date, return fares only

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access rules, routing and class information.  Hover
the cursor over the display.
Example screen display:


Availability Follow-up: H/AVFU

For the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface, use Search menu item and select Air Availability
Alternatively, use Tools menu item and select Calendar:

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Availability options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


A10AUGBNEMEL Basic availability, add search options to the end in any order
A10AUGBNEMEL.0900 Specify time, searches 2 hours prior
A10AUGBNEMEL0900 Add # to the end to search from exact time
AF 7-day search, direct flights, number of seats required in a specified class, on
1MAYSYDHNL.D@2Q/QF# specified airline # only
A10AUGSYDSCL@L//*O Specified class on Alliance carriers
DCA lists Alliance carrier codes
DCA/*O lists carriers in specified Alliance code
A10APRBNELAX/VA@T.D On specified airline (max. 3), class and direct services
AR20APR/VA@T.D Follow up entry for return flights on specified date and airline (max. 3),
class and direct services
Follow up entry for return flights add number of days to initial entry in
place of a date, adding options specified airline (max. 3), class and direct
A Return availability entry, combining the two-step process listed above
AF 7-day search return availability, specifying airline (max. 3), class and direct
10APRBNELAX services
A1MAYSYDHNL/QF.D On specified airline (max. 3), direct services

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AN10MAYLAX/AA.D Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination city is required fol-
lowed by options
Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination city is required fol-
lowed by options
A Onward availability entry, combining the two-step process listed above
AF 7-day search onward availability, stipulating number of seats in a specific
1MAYSYDHNL class and airline
A10MARBNESYD.0700*QF Carrier specific (only 1 airline permitted), specifying approx. time
AR15MAR.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry to return on specified date and approx. time
Or, Or,
AR#5.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry for return flights add number of days to ini-
tial entry in place of a date, adding approx. time
A Carrier Specific return availability entry, combining the two-step process lis-
10MARBNESYD ted above

Sell from Availability

From a Travelport Smartpoint interactive display, use your cursor to select the required class(es).
To change the number of seats when you have not yet entered passenger names, press the calendar icon
at the bottom of the availability display:

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N2Q3 Need two seats in Q class on line 3 from single availability
N2Q1++N2Y3 Dual availability – need two seats in Q class on line 1 from first screen
and Q class on line 3 from second screen
N2B3M4 Connecting flights – different class of service
N2B3* Connecting flights – same class of service

Fare Quote

Top Tip: Travelport Smartpoint reads passenger types from the name field, e.g. *P-C09
The default is to quote all segments for all passengers in a PNR.
To quote specific passengers/segments, use options.

FQ Fare quote classes booked, all passengers, all segments
FQA Fare quote alternatives for classes booked
FS Fare shop.  Compares different airlines for dates booked.
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to BOOK or REBOOK the itinerary
FQBB Fare quote best buy
Use FQBBK to rebook and file the fare
FQBA Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability.  Lowest fare for booked itinerary for
information only – not filed
FQBC Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability.  Compares booked itinerary classes with
lowest fare for booked itinerary.  For information only – not filed
FQBBS1.4 Specific segments e.g. 1 and 2 using fare quote best buy.  Use any fare quote entry, e.g.
FSS2–6 Specific segments, e.g. 2 through to 6 using fare shop.  Use any fare quote entry, e.g.
FQP1.4 Specific passengers, e.g. 1 and 4 using fare quote for classes booked.  Use any fare quote
entry, e.g. FQBAP1.4
FQAP2–4 Specific passengers, e.g. 2 through to 4 using fare quote alternatives.  Use any fare quote
entry, e.g. FQP2–4
FQBBP Combination of passengers and segments
FQOCAY Quote a specific airline’s fare, override plating carrier logic
FQ@ Quote a specific fare to validate rules

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Filed Fares


*FF Display a summary of all filed fares
*FF2 Expand summary of a specified filed fare
FXALL Cancel all filed fares
FX1 Cancel specified filed fare

Flown Mileage


FLS1-7 Display flown (ticketed point) mileage for specified segments, e.g. 1 through to 7

Mandatory PNR Fields

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Customer Information to add:

Names H/NAME
Frequent flyer (optional) H/FREQUENT

Passenger phone/email H/PHONE

Address (optional) H/ADDRESS
Ticket time limit H/T.
Form of payment (optional) H/F.
Secure Flight/APIS data (optional) H/APIS

Agency Details


CM/+*LARNA Move your agency details, adding your own name to the phone field

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PTC for a list of passenger
N.I/BARTON/COLINMSTR*08JAN16 Infant add date of birth

Passenger Phone/Email



P.BNEM*61 4 21436587 MR BARTON Mobile number, adding city
P.H*61 7 3367 3353 MR BARTON Home number, using default city
Use - - for underscore

Ticket Time Limit



T.TAU/11JAN Ticket arrangement for specified date

Frequent Flyer / Mileage Membership (Optional)



M.P1/VA1029384756 Frequent flyer number for specified passenger

Secure Flight / APIS (Optional)


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SI.P Secure flight data, include mandatory slash for omitted data, YY
1 represents all carriers in the itinerary

Receive, End, Retrieve PNR



Top Tip: Add an auto-receive, so you don’t have to use the received from entry each time.  Here’s

1. From the Application menu, select Application Settings:

2. Add your received data in the AutoRecieve field and press SAVE:

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R.P+E Received from and end

R.P+ER Received from, end and retrieve

E End (receive already entered)

EM End and email a plain text itinerary (receive already entered).  Add *HTM to the end of
the entry to send a ViewTrip itinerary (HTML)
ER End and retrieve (receive already entered)
ERM*HTM End, retrieve and email a ViewTrip itinerary (receive already entered)

Retrieve a PNR by surname.

Use Recent PNRs icon:

Note: Ensure there is not a PNR already retrieved on your screen.

Ignore PNR
I Ignore.  If the PNR has not been ended, you lose all data

IR Ignore and retrieve, any data added to the PNR is lost.  Only on ended/completed

Optional PNR Fields

SSR and OSI – Generates Messages to Airlines
Special Service Requirements H/SSR


Other Supplementary Information H/OSI

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Special Services to add, delete or modify:

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SI.YY*CTCM BNE 61 4 21436587 MR BARTON OSI Passenger afterhours contact to airline

SI.P3/BBML Baby meal on all segments, relate to infant name

Booking File/PNR Remarks – Does Not Generate Messages to Airlines

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Booking File Remarks to add, delete or modify:

Customer ID H/CI.
Corporate ID ASK AN1216
Review Booking File/PNR H/RB.
Associated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.S
Note Pad H/NP.
Unassociated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.
Invoice/Accounting Remarks H/DI.

Unassociated Itinerary Remarks


RI.VA TOTAL FARE AUD274.00 AND QF Unassociated itinerary remarks, display at the bottom of the
TOTAL FARE AUD270.02 itinerary.  Maximum 70 characters

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Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive seat map obtained by selecting the class in the segment.

Select the seat using your cursor.  If supported by the airline, SeatGuru information displays.  Use the
menu to the right to select further passengers and segments.

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Steps to Move a Client File


Business File (BAR)

C*ABC Display BAR using name, e.g. ABC

CM/+*JILL Move BAR, adding your name to agency phone

Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move BAR, adding your name and moving optional (O) line numbers.
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving reference data

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Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists in the PNR

Personal File (PAR)

C*ABC–SMITH Display PAR for passenger, e.g. SMITH, associated to BAR, e.g. ABC

Or, Or,
SCFSMITH Search Client file for a passenger, e.g. SMITH
Using the SCF entry, select from the following options to move into a PNR:

CM/+*JILL Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your name to agency phone
Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your name and moving optional
(O) line numbers
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving reference data
Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists in the PNR

TI-DFT/US/CS/BC Travel information for specified country’s customs baggage clearance policy

Steps to Sell – Hotel

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.
Step 1: Display hotel availability.
When there is no PNR present, from the Search menu, select Hotel Availability Search.  Example:

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Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Hotel Search.  Example:

Complete the Hotel Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH.  Example:

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access hotel description, images and TripAdvisor
reviews.  Press the Maps icon, to the right, to access an interactive map.

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Step 2: Select the approximate room rates to access the complete availability.

Step 3: Select the required room rate to validate the rate rules.

Step 4::  Select the link to open the Hotel Sell Options screen.  Complete as required
and press Sell Room(s)

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Step 6: Receive and end the PNR.  Example entry: R.MRS+E

Steps to Sell – Car

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.
Step 1: Display car availability.
When there is no PNR present, from the Search menu, select Car Availability Search.  Example:

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Car Search.  Example:

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Complete the Car Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH.  Example:

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access the car vendor description.

Step 2: Select the required rate to validate the rules.


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Step 3: Select the link to book the car.

Step 4: Receive and end the PNR.  Example entry: R.MRS+E

Car Direct Segment Sell


Car Sell Options H/CAR/


ØCCRZENN1MEL2MAY–4MAYFCAR/ARR–1135/DT–1500/ID–F348I/BS–0236634 ZE = car vendor
NN1 = need one car
MEL = city
2MAY = pick-up date
4MAY = drop-off date
/ARR- = pick-up time
/DT- = drop-off time
Options (in any order):
/ID- = Customer ID
/BS- = booking source

Alternatively, use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface available from the Sell menu, Car
and Car Direct.  Example:

Complete the Car Direct Sell screens as appropriate.  Example Reservation screen:

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Example Payment screen:

Example Other screen:

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Modify / Cancel / Delete

Cancel Itinerary


X1 Cancel segment one
X1.4 Cancel segments 1 and 4
X1–4 Cancel segments 1 through to 4

Modify / Delete PNR Data

Use the PNR viewer window, selecting the interactive (green) item of the data you need to change.
Example screen display:

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Example, selecting the Fone item 2. opens the Customer Information screen, press the edit icon to open
the information.  Make the required changes and press Apply and Save.
To delete, press the delete icon and Save.

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Travelport Smartpoint
Flight Centre

Quick Reference Guide

Navigation Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Workflow ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Air Shop / Smartpanel ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Encode City/Airport ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Fare Display ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Availability ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Itinerary ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Sell from Availability .................................................................................................................................... 10
Fare Quote............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Filed Fares.............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Flown Mileage ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Mandatory PNR Fields ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Agency Details ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Names .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Passenger Phone/Email ............................................................................................................................... 13
Ticket Time Limit ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Frequent Flyer / Mileage Membership (Optional) ...................................................................................... 13
Secure Flight / APIS (Optional) .................................................................................................................... 13
Receive, End, Retrieve PNR ................................................................................................................................... 14
Ignore PNR ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Optional PNR Fields ............................................................................................................................................... 15
SSR and OSI – Generates Messages to Airlines ........................................................................................... 15
Booking File/PNR Remarks – Does Not Generate Messages to Airlines ..................................................... 15
Seating ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Steps to Move a Client File .................................................................................................................................... 17
Business File (BAR) ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Personal File (PAR) ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Steps to Sell – Hotel............................................................................................................................................... 18
Steps to Sell – Car .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Car Direct Segment Sell ............................................................................................................................... 23
Modify / Cancel / Delete ....................................................................................................................................... 25

©2016 Travelport 2
Cancel Itinerary ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Modify / Delete PNR Data ........................................................................................................................... 25

©2016 Travelport 3
Navigation Overview

©2016 Travelport 4
Select the hyperlink to direct you to each topic.

Passenger names
- to add filed fare – Client file
Agency details

Fare Display
Air Shop / Smartpanel
Fare quote

Passenger contacts incl. afterhours

Secure Flight/APIS
Ticket Time Limit
Receive, end and retrieve (optional)
Meals and other service requests
Receive and End

©2016 Travelport 5
Air Shop / Smartpanel
Establish available flights and fares using the Travelport Smartpoint user-friendly graphical interface, Smartpanel.
Top Tip: Add names first, so your fare is stored.
Press located bottom-right of the terminal window:

Complete the screen, example:

To add segments press Insert segment after icon.

Ensure you add the child’s age in Passengers description box e.g.
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive results display to access details, rules and book the pricing solution.

Encode City/Airport
.CELE MANS Encode single city
.CENADI/PHUKET/DENPASAR Encode multiple cities (max.3)

©2016 Travelport 6
Fare Display
Fare display options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


FD1MAYSYDMAD Basic entry, date and city pair
Validated outbound/return dates including specified
airline (max. 3) adding approx. taxes
Outbound date, specific airline (max. 3), global
FD1MAYSYDPAR/AY.AP@QLSV2AU*ADT indicator, fare basis and passenger type code (PTC)
FD10AUGSYDSYD-RTW/QF Round-the-world specify airline (max. 3)
FD15AUGBNEZQN-RT Outbound date, return fares only

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access rules, routing and class information. Hover the cursor
over the display.
Example screen display:

©2016 Travelport 7
Availability Follow-up: H/AVFU
For the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface, use Search menu item and select Air Availability Search.
Alternatively, use Tools menu item and select Calendar:

Availbility options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


Basic availability, add search options to the end in any
A10AUGBNEMEL.0900 Specify time, searches 2 hours prior
A10AUGBNEMEL0900 Add # to the end to search from exact time
7-day search, direct flights, number of seats required
in a specified class, on specified airline # only
Specified class on Alliance carriers
A10AUGSYDSCL@L//*O DCA lists Alliance carrier codes
DCA/*O lists carriers in specified Alliance code
A10APRBNELAX/VA@T.D On specified airline (max. 3), class and direct services
AR20APR/VA@T.D Follow up entry for return flights on specified date and
airline (max. 3), class and direct services
Or, Or,
AR#10/VA@T.D Follow up entry for return flights add number of days
to initial entry in place of a date, adding options
specified airline (max. 3), class and direct services
Return availability entry, combining the two-step
process listed above

©2016 Travelport 8
7-day search return availability, specifying airline (max.
3), class and direct services
A1MAYSYDHNL/QF.D On specified airline (max. 3), direct services
AN10MAYLAX/AA.D Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination
city is required followed by options
Or, Or,
AN#9LAX/AA.D Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination
city is required followed by options
Onward availability entry, combining the two-step
process listed above
7-day search onward availability, stipulating number of
seats in a specific class and airline
Carrier specific (only 1 airline permitted), specifying
approx. time
AR15MAR.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry to return on specified
date and approx. time
Or, Or,
AR#5.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry for return flights add
number of days to initial entry in place of a date,
adding approx. time
Carrier Specific return availability entry, combining the
two-step process listed above

©2016 Travelport 9

Sell from Availability

From a Travelport Smartpoint interactive display, use your cursor to select the required class(es).
To change the number of seats when you have not yet entered passenger names, press the calendar icon at the
bottom of the availability display:


N2Q3 Need two seats in Q class on line 3 from single availability
Dual availability – need two seats in Q class on line 1 from first screen and Q class on
line 3 from second screen
N2B3M4 Connecting flights – different class of service
N2B3* Connecting flights – same class of service

©2016 Travelport 10
Fare Quote

Top Tip: Travelport Smartpoint reads passenger types from the name field, e.g. *P-C09
The default is to quote all segments for all passengers in a PNR.
To quote specific passengers/segments, use options.


FQ Fare quote classes booked, all passengers, all segments
FQA Fare quote alternatives for classes booked
Fare shop. Compares different airlines for dates booked.
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to BOOK or REBOOK the itinerary
Fare quote best buy
Use FQBBK to rebook and file the fare
Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability. Lowest fare for booked itinerary for
information only – not filed
Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability. Compares booked itinerary classes
with lowest fare for booked itinerary. For information only – not filed
Specific segments e.g. 1 and 2 using fare quote best buy. Use any fare quote entry,
e.g. FQS1.4
Specific segments, e.g. 2 through to 6 using fare shop. Use any fare quote entry, e.g.
Specific passengers, e.g. 1 and 4 using fare quote for classes booked. Use any fare
quote entry, e.g. FQBAP1.4
Specific passengers, e.g. 2 through to 4 using fare quote alternatives. Use any fare
quote entry, e.g. FQP2–4

FQBBP1.4/S2–6 Combination of passengers and segments

FQOCAY Quote a specific airline’s fare, override plating carrier logic

FQ@LGLOB26 Quote a specific fare to validate rules

Filed Fares
*FF Display a summary of all filed fares
*FF2 Expand summary of a specified filed fare
FXALL Cancel all filed fares
FX1 Cancel specified filed fare

©2016 Travelport 11
Flown Mileage
FLS1-7 Display flown (ticketed point) mileage for specified segments, e.g. 1 through to 7

Mandatory PNR Fields

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface. From the PNR Viewer window, select Create/Edit
Customer Information to add:
Names H/NAME
Frequent flyer (optional) H/FREQUENT
Passenger phone/email H/PHONE
Address (optional) H/ADDRESS
Ticket time limit H/T.
Form of payment (optional) H/F.
Secure Flight/APIS data (optional) H/APIS

Agency Details
Move your agency details, adding your own name to the phone

2 adults, 2 children
PTC for a list of passenger types
N.I/BARTON/COLINMSTR*08JAN16 Infant add date of birth

©2016 Travelport 12
Passenger Phone/Email
P.BNEM*61 4 21436587 MR BARTON Mobile number, adding city
P.H*61 7 3367 3353 MR BARTON Home number, using default city
Mail to
Use - - for underscore

Ticket Time Limit

T.TAU/11JAN Ticket arrangement for specified date

Frequent Flyer / Mileage Membership (Optional)

M.P1/VA1029384756 Frequent flyer number for specified passenger

Secure Flight / APIS (Optional)

Secure flight data, include mandatory slash for
SI.P1/SSRDOCSYYHK1/////17SEP77/M//HURLEY/ROBERT omitted data, YY represents all carriers in the

©2016 Travelport 13
Receive, End, Retrieve PNR

Top Tip: Add an auto-receive, so you don’t have to use the received from entry each time. Here’s how:
From the Application menu, select Application Settings:

Add your received data in the AutoRecieve field and

press SAVE:


R.P+E Received from and end
R.P+ER Received from, end and retrieve
E End (receive already entered)
End and email a plain text itinerary (receive already
EM entered). Add *HTM to the end of the entry to send a
ViewTrip itinerary (HTML)
ER End and retrieve (receive already entered)
End, retrieve and email a ViewTrip itinerary (receive
already entered)
Retrieve a PNR by surname.
Use Recent PNRs icon:
Note: Ensure there is not a PNR already retrieved on
your screen.

©2016 Travelport 14
Ignore PNR
I Ignore. If the PNR has not been ended, you lose all data
Ignore and retrieve, any data added to the PNR is lost. Only on ended/completed

Optional PNR Fields

SSR and OSI – Generates Messages to Airlines

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface. From the PNR Viewer
window, select Create/Edit Special Services to add, delete or modify:
Special Service Requirements H/SSR
Other Supplementary Information H/OSI


SI.YY*CTCM BNE 61 4 21436587 MR BARTON OSI Passenger afterhours contact to airline
SI.P3/BBML Baby meal on all segments, relate to infant name

Booking File/PNR Remarks – Does Not Generate Messages to Airlines

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface. From the PNR Viewer
window, select Create/Edit Booking File Remarks to add, delete or modify:
Customer ID H/CI.
Corporate ID ASK AN1216
Review Booking File/PNR H/RB.
Associated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.S
Note Pad H/NP.
Unassociated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.
Invoice/Accounting Remarks H/DI.

Unassociated Itinerary Remarks

Unassociated itinerary remarks, display at
RI.VA TOTAL FARE AUD274.00 AND QF TOTAL FARE AUD270.02 the bottom of the itinerary. Maximum 70

©2016 Travelport 15
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive seat map obtained by selecting the class in the segment.

Select the seat using your cursor. If supported by the airline, SeatGuru information displays. Use the menu to
the right to select further passengers and segments.

©2016 Travelport 16
Steps to Move a Client File

Business File (BAR)

C*ABC Display BAR using name, e.g. ABC
CM/+*JILL Move BAR, adding your name to agency phone
Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move BAR, adding your name and moving optional (O)
line numbers.
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving
reference data
Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists
in the PNR

Personal File (PAR)

C*ABC–SMITH Display PAR for passenger, e.g. SMITH, associated to
BAR, e.g. ABC
Or, Or,
SCFSMITH Search Client file for a passenger, e.g. SMITH
Using the SCF entry, select from the following options
to move into a PNR:

CM/+*JILL Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your
name to agency phone
Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your
name and moving optional (O) line numbers
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving
reference data
Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists
in the PNR

©2016 Travelport 17
TI-DFT/US/CS/BC Travel information for specified country’s customs baggage clearance policy

Steps to Sell – Hotel

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.

Step 1: Display hotel availability.

When there is no PNR present, from the Search
menu, select Hotel Availability Search. Example:

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Hotel Search. Example:

Complete the Hotel Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH. Example:

©2016 Travelport 18
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access hotel description, images and TripAdvisor reviews.
Press the Maps icon, to the right, to access an interactive map.

Step 2: Select the approximate room rates to access the complete availability.

Step 3: Select the required room rate to validate the rate rules.

©2016 Travelport 19
Step 4: Select the link to open the Hotel Sell Options screen. Complete as required and press
Sell Room(s)

Step 6: Receive and end the PNR. Example entry: R.MRS+E

©2016 Travelport 20
Steps to Sell – Car
Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.
Step 1: Display car availability.
When there is no PNR present, from the Search
menu, select Car Availability Search. Example:

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Car Search. Example:

Complete the Car Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH. Example:

©2016 Travelport 21
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access the car vendor description.

Step 2: Select the required rate to validate the rules.


Step 3: Select the link to book the car.

Step 4: Receive and end the PNR. Example entry: R.MRS+E

©2016 Travelport 22
Car Direct Segment Sell
Car Sell Options H/CAR/
ØCCRZENN1MEL2MAY–4MAYFCAR/ARR–1135/DT–1500/ID–F348I/BS–0236634 ZE = car vendor
NN1 = need one car
MEL = city
2MAY = pick-up date
4MAY = drop-off date
/ARR- = pick-up time
/DT- = drop-off time
Options (in any order):
/ID- = Customer ID
/BS- = booking source

Alternatively, use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface available from the Sell menu, Car and Car
Direct. Example:

Complete the Car Direct Sell screens as appropriate. Example Reservation screen:

©2016 Travelport 23
Example Payment screen:

Example Other screen:

©2016 Travelport 24
Modify / Cancel / Delete

Cancel Itinerary


X1 Cancel segment one
X1.4 Cancel segments 1 and 4
X1–4 Cancel segments 1 through to 4

Modify / Delete PNR Data

Use the PNR viewer window, selecting the interactive (green) item of the data you need to change.
Example screen display:

©2016 Travelport 25
Example, selecting the Fone item 2. opens the Customer Information screen, press the edit icon to open the
information. Make the required changes and press Apply and Save.
To delete, press the delete icon and Save.

©2016 Travelport 26
Click Pen icon on menu bar and click Create/Edit Customer TT Convert availability into timetable
Information. TTL2 Specific flight Flight information
TTQF3/Ø1OCT Specific flight Flight information
TTB2 Timetable of seg 2 of booking file
General Availability display for outbound plus return travel
For further Smartpoint support, register or log on A16SEPMELHKG/QF+25SEPHKGSYD/QF
to our online support site, Ask Travelport. General Availability display for outbound plus return travel
from different board point.
Answer ID AN9631 for manual.
General Availability display for outbound plus return travel 5
Travelport Help Desk OR as an example to add 3 passengers including a child days later
New Zealand: Ø8ØØ 425 453 Fiji: 008 003 291 This is correct format to auto-quote as child and also add SSR for
child into the booking. Click on date before or after to change availability
Name change procedures refer to ASK Travelport #23689
Handover procedures refer to ASK Travelport #2271 Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Customer Cryptic entry: AR15jun return date 15Jun
Information and go to Contact tab
Meal Codes refer to ASK Travelport #1987 Click the mouse on the desired class(s) in availably response(s)
Misc SSR Codes refer to ASK Travelport #1988
SIGNING ON TO GALILEO….H/SON Cryptic entry: Ø1Y1 or N1Y1 Sell 1 Y class from line 1

Cryptic entry: P.BNEH*Ø7 7123 4567 Add home phone

ZXX = Sign On (XX = your initials)
TICKETING….H/T. Double click the mouse on desired class on first flight to book
PASSWORD Enter your password
Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Customer both flights. You Can click on each flight separately if required.
SOF Sign off
Information - select ticketing Cryptic entry: Ø1Y1* or N1Y1* Sell 1 Y class on connecting flts
ONLINE HELP….H/HELP N1J1Y2 Sell multiple classes
H/ Help after invalid entry Y or 0A Sell ARNK (Arrival Not Known)
@1.3-5/3 Change segment 1.3-5 to 3 seats
SABRE or AMADEUS Click on I to change @A/2 Change all segments to 2 seats
keyboard to accept Sabre or Amadeus entries. To Direct Sell a flight - click on Sell-Flight and complete mask
ENCODE & DECODE….H/ENCODE Cryptic entry: T.TAU/2ØJUN set ticketing for 2ØJUN
To decode - hover mouse over BLUE character TICKETING DATE CALCULATOR….H/DATE
Cryptic entry: ØBA16Y19FEBSYDLHRNN1 Direct sell
*TAA/15JUL/+6Ø Add 6Ø days to 15JUL
Cryptic entry : .LE INDONESIA Encode Country X1 Cancel segment 1
R.JO SMITH Add received field
XI Cancel itinerary
X1-4.7 Cancel segments 1 to 4 & segment 7
DCT Minimum connecting fill in format R.PSGR+ER Received / end and re-retrieve
XA Cancel air segments only
@MT Minimum connecting on Itinerary END TRANSACTION….H/END INSERT AFTER….H/INSERT
/3 Insert after segment 3
ER End and re-retrieve
/0S1 Insert after segment 0 segment 1
Click on then to move MARN IR Ignore and re-retrieve
@1/12JUN Modify segment 1 date to 12 June Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Booking File Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Special Services
@3-4/25MAY Modify segments 3 – 4 to 25 May Remarks and select
@4/J Modify segment 4 to J class
@2HK Update segment 2 to HK
@ALL Update TK, TL, KL, KK, to correct status
Remove all HX/UC/UN/NO from booking OSI….H/OSI
@1XK Remove segment 1 from itinerary
Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Special Services
Click on flight number in availability display in PNR Viewer to
open inflight services
Click on class in booking display in PNR Viewer to open seat
NOTEPAD….H/NP. Cryptic entry: SI.BA*TKNM125123456789Ø3
Advise ticket number in OSI Format
Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Booking File
Remarks and select SSR….H/SSR
Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Special Services

Cryptic entry: NP.INS DECLINED Add notepad

NP.H**FREE FORM Add historical notepad Click any tab to open up detail
Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Customer Cryptic entry: SI.S1-2P1/TKNM*Ø81123456789Ø3
Cryptic entry: *H Display history
Information. Advise ticket number SSR format
*Q4TMVA Retrieve booking file by record locator
Retrieve booking file by name
Click QCT button on bottom right hand corner of Terminal
Window to open queue listings.
Cryptic entry: M.KL1234567893 Cryptic entry: RB.12JUN/Ø9ØØ/Q4Ø*text
SCROLLING….H/SCROLLING Place booking on queue 4Ø on 12JUN3
MU Move up one screen Click PNR on menu bar and click Create/Edit Booking File
MU1Ø or MD5 Move up 1Ø lines or down 5 lines Remarks and select
V.AQF*text Remark to airline QF Click on queue number to open queue OR click on number
V.2@ Delete 2nd vendor remark adjacent to Queue number open list to view list of all bookings
in that queue.
HMCT@24/LT Display times in 24 hours HMCT@12/LT FD12NOVMELBNE Display all fares from MEL to BNE
Display times in 12 am/pm FD12NOVMELBNE/VA Display fares from MEL to BNE on VA This version 4/2015
@LTLAX Local time in Los Angeles FS Fare shop an existing booking. All Travelport logos and marks as well as all other propriety materials depicted
FSPER12NOVSYD22NOVPER herein are the property of Travelport and/or its subsidiaries.
Fare shop itinerary with no bookings made Authored by Travelport Learning & Development, Australia
Booking File Checklist

This is a quick summary of how to access fields using Travelport Smartpoint Desktop when creating a
booking file.

Booking File Smartpoint – Smartpoint

Point and click menus Cryptic entries
Agency File (MAR) – Click on # tag then Select Move Mar CM/+*YOUR NAME/ (F4)
Mandatory add name Move Agency only
Name - Mandatory PNR Create/Edit Customer Information N.JONES/MARY MS
Add enter names save
Phone - Mandatory PNR Create/Edit Customer Information P.MELH*+91 3 9879 2222
Select Contact Tab add and save
Ticketing Arrangement - PNR Create/Edit Customer Information T.TAU/31DEC
Mandatory Select Ticketing add date save
including Received field E or ER to redisplay booking E or ER to redisplay booking
- Mandatory
Frequent Flyer / Mileage PNR Create/Edit Customer Information M.QF12344567
Membership Select Millage Membership save OR to passenger relate to pax 2
Address PNR Create/Edit Customer Information W.MS M JONES*29 ST PAULS
Select Address AVE*CARLTON*VIC*P/3001

Form of Payment PNR Create/Edit Customer Information F.AX373912345678901/D1219

Select Form of Payment save
Special Meal Requests - PNR Create/Edit Special services SI.VGML
SSR’s Select name segments and meal, save SI.P2/LSML to select pax 2
Passport Notification - PNR Create/Edit Special services SI.P1/SSRDOCSQFHK1/P/AU/
SSR’s Select Miscellaneous then DOCS 123456/AU/12JAN90/F/31DEC19/
Ticket number PNR Create/Edit Special services SI.BA*TKNM125123456789Ø3
notification – OSI or Select Miscellaneous then Manually Or
SSR (Check GC*200/5) add ticket number, save SI.S1-2P1/TKNM*Ø81123456789Ø3

Passenger contact PNR Create/Edit Special services Select SI.QF* MELH*+91 3 9879 2222
numbers - SSRor OSI information r and mobile SI.P1/SSRCTCMBAHK1/020812345678
OSI’s/SSR’s number, email and save SI.P1/SSRCTCEYYHK1/J.DEAN//YAHO
Notepad Remarks PNR Create/Edit Booking File Remarks NP.HAVD PAX FARE NONREF CHNGS
Select Notepad add remarks and save AUD200.00 PP

Associated / PNR Create/Edit Booking File Remarks RI.THANKS FOR BOOKING WITH
Unassociated Remarks Select add and save TRAVELPORT TRAVEL

Review Booking File PNR Create/Edit Booking File Remarks RB.12JUN/Ø9ØØ/Q4Ø*CHECK

Remarks Select Review booking add date save PASSPORT DETAILS

Travelport Smartpoint Desktop Training Updated 18DEC15

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Create Company and Traveller Profiles

Create Company and Traveller profiles to save time and increase accuracy. Profiles allow you to transfer
key customer data to build comprehensive and customised booking files, and provide you with the cus-
tomer information you need.
This scenario will show you how to:

1. Enter #COMPANY to start creating profiles

2. Create Company Profiles
3. Create Traveller Profiles
4. Search for Profiles
5. Move Profiles to the booking file
6. Create the booking

Begin Company Profile

To create Company and Traveller profiles, enter the command #COMPANY.

Create Company Profile

1. Complete the Create Company Profile form.
Company Name is mandatory. It must be unique, with no spaces.
2. Press Enter when you have completed the form to automatically create the profile.

Create Traveller Profile

1. Complete the Create Traveller Profile form.
The Traveller Profile displays automatically when the Company Profile is completed.
2. Use an existing Company Profile name, which can be the one you just created.
3. Date of Birth must be in ddMMyy format.
4. Press enter when you have completed the form to automatically create the profile.

Search for Profile

Apply the new profiles by entering SCF followed by the Traveller Profile name (no spaces). Example
shown: >SCFKING

Move Profile
Smartpoint searches for the Traveller profile and displays the results.
You can MOVE the desired data into your booking by selecting one of:

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 510

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Company Profile <<BAR>>

Traveller Profile <<PAR>>
Both <<BOTH>>

Build Booking File

This example moved <<BOTH>>.
Note how much information is now available in the booking file.

View Profile Info

This sample profile includes:

Traveller name
Mileage Membership numbers
Telephone numbers and email addresses

Selecting *CF provides easy access to Client File information directly from the booking. The profile
names appear as interactive links that you can select to view the Company or Traveller profiles. You are
now ready to make bookings using stored profile data!

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 511

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Plan a Round-the-World Trip

Douglas Flowers has just graduated from college. As a gift, his parents are giving him a year-long, round-
the-world trip. Doug would like a flexible fare that is changeable. He would like to depart on 10 August
to visit Santiago, Madrid, London and Phuket before returning home to Sydney.
Since Douglas is a Qantas frequent flyer, you suggest Oneworld Alliance. You advise him of the rules
regarding change and cancellation penalties and book a provisional itinerary. He asks you to email the
itinerary and price including taxes. Based on your conversation with Doug, you perform the following

1. Retrieve a round-the-world fare display.

2. Establish the penalties, maximum stay and complete fare rules for the LGLOB26 fare.
3. Open a new terminal tab.
4. Add a name field in preparation for the itinerary and fare.
5. Display availability using approximate dates for the city pairs and book the flights for each leg.
6. Obtain a fare quote to establish the routing qualifies for the LGLOB26 fare.
7. Email the itinerary to

Cue Card
1. Type the entry to retrieve the Fare Display:  FD10AUGSYDSYD-RTW/QF
2. Select the MIN/MAX stay: /12M
Note the maximum stay.
3. Select Close to close the maximum stay information.
4. Select the lowest fare to view the penalties: 3299.00
5. Scroll down to view all penalties for changes.
Note the change of reservation, cancellation and refund policies.
6. Scroll up.
7. Select Close to close the penalties information.
8. Select the FARE BASIS to view all fare rules: LGLOB26
9. View the rules information:
Permitted airlines
Baggage regulations
Maximum permitted mileage
Maximum segments
Code share flights permitted/not permitted
Permitted affiliate airlines

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 512

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Ticketing date
Policy regarding open sectors
Class of service
10. Select + to open a new terminal window tab so that you can return to the rules easily.
11. Type the entry to add the name field: N.FLOWERS/DOUGLASMR
12. Type the entry to obtain an availability in the required class on Oneworld: A10AUGSYDSCL@L//*O
13. Select the class of service to book the flight: L on QF27
You continue to search availability in the required class on Oneworld for each leg of the journey
until you have booked a provisional itinerary for Douglas.
14. Type the entry to validate the routing applies for the fare: FQ@LGLOB26
Note rule validation met.
15. Press *FF to display the filed fare.
16. Select FQ1 to expand the filed fare details.
Note the fare, taxes, total, and last date to purchase the ticket.
17. Do not use Ctrl+W. Press the Clear button to clear the screen.
18. Type the entry to obtain a fare shop for the itinerary booked: FS
19. Select +TQ to add the pricing option to Trip Quote.
Note that Galileo has supplied lower fare options for this itinerary.
20. Press TQ to access the Trip Quote.
21. Select the flight option: 01
22. Press SEND OR COPY to send the email.
23. Enter the passenger’s e-mail address:
24. Press SEND EMAIL.

Conclusion: You have successfully quoted a year-long, round-the-world trip for your customer and send
the itinerary via email.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 513

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Fare Shop Create Multi-PTC PNR

Andrew and Christy Barton are traveling with their infant son, Colin, to see relatives in Italy. They would
like to fly from Brisbane to Rome on 1 September and return from Paris on 16 September. They will rent
a car and drive to Paris. Mr. Barton would like to fly on Star Alliance carriers, allowing him to earn fre-
quent flyer miles, preferably with less than 5 hours transit. He requests a baby meal and bassinet seat for
Colin. Based on your conversation with Mr. Barton, you perform the following steps:

1. Establish the Star Alliance carriers.

2. Obtain air shop results using Smartpanel and filter to include Star Alliance airlines only.
3. Identify the price per person and the travel time for the Star Alliance option.
4. Establish the cost of a stopover on the lowest Star Alliance option.
5. Filter the results for all airlines by journey time.
6. Identify the price per person and the travel time for the option with the shortest journey time.
7. Book the appropriate itinerary.
8. Add your agency details.
9. Add customer details, including the secure flight information.
10. Request a fare for the itinerary.
11. Complete and retrieve the PNR.
12. Request a bassinet from the airline.
13. Complete the reservation and email the itinerary to your customer.

Cue Card
1. Type the entry to list the Star Alliance carriers: DCA/*A
2. Select TERMINAL from the menu.
3. Select Copy Terminal Content as Text.
Note: Copying also allows pasting to a different application such as Notepad.
4. Press Yes.
5. Select + to open a new terminal window tab.
This enables you to go back and view the list of Star Alliance carriers displayed on this tab.
6. Press FS to open Smartpanel.
7. Enter the departure date: 01Sep
8. In From, enter the departure city code: BNE
9. In To, enter the arrival city code: ROM
10. Press + to add another segment.
11. Place cursor in the Depart box.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 514

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

12. Press the calendar icon.

13. Select the departure date: 16SEP
14. In From, enter the departure city code: PAR
15. Drop down the Passengers list.
16. Select the number of adults: 2
17. Press + to add another passenger.
18. Place the cursor in the Passenger Type box.
19. Enter the code for an infant: INF
20. Select the Advanced tab.
The Advanced tab offers modifiers to refine your search
21. Press SEARCH.
22. Close the Smartpanel.
Keeping Smartpanel open in the background makes it easy to retrieve and make changes.
Note the number of pricing options and itinerary options returned.
23. Pricing Option 1 is the lowest fare returned for the requested dates.
24. Press the Filter icon.
25. In the Airlines section, choose Unselect All.
26. Return to the first terminal tab containing the Star Alliance carriers.
27. Select the Star Alliance carriers:
Singapore Airlines
Thai Airways Intl Public Co Ltd
Austrian Airlines
Deutsche Lufthansa AG
28. Return to the second terminal window.
29. Press APPLY.
30. Close the Filters window.
Pricing Option 1 is the lowest fare of the Star Alliance carriers.
31. Select D to display the details.
Note the journey time and fare per adult and infant.
32. Press Filter icon.
33. Drop down Sort by list.
34. Select the Sort by criterion: Journey Time
35. Press APPLY.
36. Close Filters window.

© 2016 Travelport. All rights reserved. 515

User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Pricing Option 1 is the lowest fare of the journey time fare options.
37. Select D to display the details.
Note the journey time and fare per adult and infant.
38. Press Book for Pricing Option 1.
You are reminded that you need to enter names.
39. Type the entry to add your agency details and your name to the PNR: CM/+*HARRY
40. Press *ALL to display all PNR data.
Note the agency phone, note pad and agency after hours OSI.
41. Select PNR from the menu.
42. Select Create/Edit Customer Information.
43. Press + to add passenger names.
44. Select Use this last name for all passengers.
45. Drop down the Title list.
46. Select the first passenger’s title: MR - Mister.
47. Enter the first passenger’s first name: ANDREW
48. Enter the first passenger’s last name: BARTON
49. Press Apply.
You have already added Mrs. Christy Barton’s name. Now add the infant’s details.
50. Press + to add passenger names.
51. Drop down the Title list.
52. Select the third passenger’s title: MSTR - Master
53. Enter the third passenger’s first name: COLIN
54. Position cursor in the Name Remarks box.
55. Enter the infant’s date of birth: 08JAN16
56. Select Infant without a seat.
57. Press Apply.
58. Select the CONTACT tab.
59. Press + to add phone numbers.
60. Drop down the Phone Type list.
61. Select the Phone Type: Mobile
62. Enter the City Code: BNE
63. Select the City Code: BNE
64. Enter the phone number and name: 61 4 21436587 MR BARTON
65. Press Apply.
66. Press + to add Email addresses.

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67. Drop down the Email Type list.

68. Select the Email Type: To
69. Enter the Email address: ABAUSSIE@MAIL.COM
70. Press Apply.
71. Select the TICKETING tab.
72. Press + to add Ticketing.
73. Drop down the Ticketing list.
74. Select the Ticketing Type: TAU - Arrange ticketing date
75. Press the calendar icon.
76. Select the next day: 07Feb
77. Press Apply.
78. Select the SECURITY tab.
You have already entered the Secure Flight Information for Mr. and Mrs. Barton. Now add it for
the infant.
79. Select the third passenger’s name: MSTR COLIN BARTON
80. Press + to add Secure Flight Information (DOCS).
81. Drop down the Gender list.
82. Select the passenger’s Gender: MI - Male Infant
83. Enter the third passenger’s Birth Date: 08JAN16
84. Press Apply.
85. Press SAVE.
86. Type the entry to fare quote all passengers on all segments: FQ
87. Press *FF to display the filed fare.
88. Select FQ1 to expand the filed fare details.
89. Type the entry to receive, end and retrieve the PNR: R.P+ER
G = Fare Guaranteed by Travelport. Fare, taxes and total per adult.
B = Baggage allowance per adult. Fare, taxes and total per infant.
B = Baggage allowance per infant.
CSQ = Auto-plating carrier logic (minimizing ADM’s).
90. Re-type the entry to end the PNR: ER
91. Press *ALL to display all the PNR data.
92. Select PNR from the menu.
93. Select Create/Edit Special Services.
94. Select the first passenger’s name: BARTON, ANDREWMR
95. Select the first flight segment.

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96. Press Shift key and scroll down to last segment.

97. Drop down the SSR Type list.
98. Select the required SSR Type: Miscellaneous
99. Position cursor in the SSR code box.
100. Type B to locate the desired SSR Code: BSCT - Bassinet
101. Select the required SSR Code: BSCT - Bassinet/Carrycot
102. Press Add.
103. Press SAVE.
104. Press *SI to display the Service Information.
105. Type the entry to receive, end and email the itinerary: R.P+EM

Conclusion: You have successfully performed a fare shop and created a multi-passenger PNR with special
service requests.

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Locate Lowest Possible Fare

Phillip Jones plans to take his 10-year old son, Daniel, on a 7-day skiing trip from Brisbane to Queen-
stown, New Zealand. His dates are flexible; they can depart the week commencing 15 August, but must
be back by 3 September. Mr. Jones favors direct flights, but is also mindful of price. On hearing the jour-
ney time of connecting flights compared to the prices of direct flights, Mr. Jones asks you to find the low-
est possible direct flight itinerary. You advise Mr. Jones of the baggage allowance and cost and check
brands and ancillaries for a fare inclusive of baggage. You have a Client file for Phillip and his son which
you have already moved in preparation for the reservation. Using the information from the Client file in
the PNR, you request the preferred seats.

1. Display the reservation to establish what has been moved from the Client file.
2. Perform a Smartpanel search and establish the fare per person for the lowest fare option.
3. View additional itinerary options for the lowest fare option.
4. Filter the results for direct flight options and establish the fare per person.
5. Obtain a fare display to establish other fares.
6. Open a new terminal tab and perform a 7-day availability search for a lower direct fare.
7. Sell the flights.
8. Establish whether there is a lower fare for the flights booked, irrespective of availability.
9. Access brands and ancillaries and select the upgraded fare on both sectors.
10. Add the ticket time limit, receive, end and retrieve the PNR.
11. Obtain a seat map and book the preferred seats.
12. Display all information in the Client file to add the optional customer information.
13. Complete the reservation and email a ViewTrip itinerary.

Cue Card
1. Press *ALL to display all of the data in the PNR.
Moving the Client file has added:
Names - with the *P-C10 for Daniel
Agency phone
Passenger phone
OSI with agency after hours contact
Passenger email address
2. Press FS to open Smartpanel.
3. Place cursor in the Depart box.
4. Enter the departure date: 15Aug

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5. In From, enter the departure city code: BNE

6. Enter the arrival city code: ZQN
7. Press + to add another segment.
8. Place cursor in the Depart box.
9. Press the calendar icon.
10. Select the departure date: 22Aug
Note the child’s age (mandatory) populates from the name field.
11. Press SEARCH.
12. Close the Smartpanel.
Keeping Smartpanel open in the background makes it easy to retrieve to make changes.
Note the number of pricing and itinerary options returned.
13. Pricing Option 1 is the lowest available fare.
14. Select D to display the fare details. Your customer asks about direct flights.
15. Select D to close the fare details.
16. Select the number of itinerary options for the lowest pricing option: +7.
No direct flights.
17. Scroll down.
No direct flights.
18. Scroll up.
19. Select Back to Pricing Options.
20. Press the Filter icon.
21. Drop down the Stops list.
22. Select No stops.
23. Press APPLY.
24. Close the Filters window.
The fares returned are in green meaning brands and ancillaries information is available for these
25. Select D to display details for the lowest direct pricing option. The fare is much more reasonable.
26. Type the entry to obtain a fare display for return fares: FD15AUGBNEZQN-RT
27. The lowest return fare is in U class.
28. Select R to establish the route.
Note the fare is valid on BNE-ZQN direct flights.
29. Select + to open a new terminal window tab.
30. Type the 7-day search availability entry requesting: direct flights, the number of seats in the

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required class and airline, adding the return date on direct flights, the number of seats in the
required class and airline: AF16AUGBNEZQN.D@2U/VA#++23AUG.D@2U/VA#
Note that there are no seats on the return for the 7-day search 23AUG to 30AUG.
31. Use the Replay key command: Ctrl+arrow up
32. Place cursor on first day to be changed: 16
Change the dates to 7 days later.
33. Enter new day: 23
34. Place cursor on second day to be changed: 23
35. Enter new day: 30
36. Press Enter.
37. Select the class of service on the required outbound flight: U on VA116 on 25AUG
38. Select the class of service on the required return flight: U on VA117 on 01SEP
39. Close the second terminal tab.
40. Type the entry to fare quote best buy irrespective of availability: FQBA
You have found the lowest fare and a child’s fare is returned for Daniel.
The carry on allowance is supplied. You decide to check brands and ancillaries for a fare inclusive
of baggage.
41. Select the total fare in green to display branded fares and ancillaries: 1200.32
42. Select the MATRIX tab.
Use the matrix to quickly see the amenities included in the fares and available for purchase.
Hover over the icons to see more information.
43. Select the DETAILS tab.
44. Select the upgrade option for the outbound flight: Economy Saver (V)
The Economy Saver (V) option includes checked baggage and is only AUD50 more.
45. Select tab for return flight: ZQN>BNE
46. Select the upgrade option for the return flight: Economy Saver (V)
47. Press FARE QUOTE.
The fare now includes one checked bag per person for only AUD100.00 more.
48. Press REBOOK.
Note the class has changed and a filed fare exists.
49. Press *FF to display the filed fare.
50. Select FQ1 to expand the filed fare.
You have saved your customer a total of AUD380.00 for checked baggage.
Note last day to purchase ticket.
51. Select the FARE BASIS to view the rules.

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52. Press SEARCH.

53. Select the FARE to view the penalties.
You can also select the FARE BASIS to view the full rules.
54. Scroll down.
55. Scroll up.
56. Type the entry to add the ticket time limit, receive, end and retrieve the PNR:
57. Type the entry to end and retrieve: ER
The Agent Alert reminds you to ask the customer if he or she would like to add a hotel.
58. Close the Agent Alert pop-up.
59. Select the booking class on segment 1 to display a seat map for the outbound flight.
60. Hover over and then select the preferred seat for passenger 1: 17B
61. Hover over and then select the preferred seat for passenger 2: 17A
62. Select the return flight.
63. Hover over and then select the preferred seat for passenger 1: 15E
64. Hover over and then select the preferred seat for passenger 2: 15F
65. Press APPLY.
66. Press *SD to display seat data.
Note the seats are confirmed (HK).
67. Press *CF to display Client file information.
68. Select C*JONES to display the Client file.
Note the VA and QF frequent flyer numbers.
The entries to move the optional and reference data from the Client file are completed for you.
69. Press Enter to continue.
70. Press *ALL to display all PNR data.
71. Scroll down.
72. Type the entry to receive, end and email a ViewTrip itinerary: R.P+EM*HTM
Note the meal requests, after hours contact number, secure flight data and Mileage Membership
number for VA.

Conclusion: You successfully booked the lowest priced direct itinerary for your customer with a baggage-
inclusive upgrade.

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Book Hotel Accommodation

You have made a reservation for Susan King of SEK Investment to travel to Melbourne where she is meet-
ing with a client. They are attending a corporate function at ‘The G,’ the Melbourne Cricket Ground, to
watch the AFL game on the night of 1 April. Mrs. King requires a hotel within walking distance from the
’G with free Wi-Fi and a room rate of no more than AUD300.00 per night. She will be using her corporate
American Express card. Mrs. King decides to book the hotel with the best reviews and the lowest rate.

1. Retrieve the PNR for Mrs. King.

2. Display hotel availability for hotels within walking distance of Melbourne Cricket Ground.
3. Display a hotel availability map.
4. Display complete hotel room rates and the TripAdvisor reviews for each property.
5. Display hotel images for the hotel with the lowest rate and best reviews.
6. Book the hotel with AMEX credit card 3700 0000 0028, expiry October 2018.
7. Complete the reservation and email a ViewTrip itinerary.

Cue Card
1. Press the Recent PNRs icon.
2. Press UNDOCK.
3. Select the most recent PNR for your customer: KING, SUSANMRS
4. Double-click to retrieve the PNR.
5. Press CLOSE.
6. Press *ALL to display all PRN data.
7. Hover cursor over the first segment.
8. Select Hotel Search.
The Hotel search window is pre-filled with the Destination City plus Check-In Date and Check-Out
Date from the PNR.
9. Place cursor in the Reference Point box.
10. Type the first letter of the reference point: M
11. Scroll or arrow down.
12. Select Reference Point: MELBOURNE CRICKET GROUND
13. Select the arrow up to display Distance: 0
14. Press SEARCH.
15. Press the map icon.
Note the following information:

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Distances: 0NW and 0N

Rates: under AUD300
TripAdvisor ratings: 4 bubbles
16. Zoom out.
Note the Melbourne Cricket Ground.
17. Hover over the drop pins to display hotel information.
18. Select first hotel on the map: 1
19. Select the room rates: 225.00 - 470.00 AUD
Best available rate includes wireless Internet, no cancellation penalty and commission at 10% - all
for AUD 225.
20. Select the TripAdvisor icon to read reviews.
21. Press CLOSE.
22. Select Back to Hotels.
23. Select the room rates for the next hotel.
Best available rate includes wireless Internet, no cancellation penalty and commission at 10% - all
for AUD 250.
24. Press the TripAdvisor icon to read reviews.
25. Select [more] to read the rest of the review.
26. Press CLOSE.
27. Select first hotel on the map: 1
28. Select the hotel address: EAST MELBOURNE AU
29. Scroll down.
30. Select photo of preferred room: Studio
31. Close the Hotel Info window.
32. Select first hotel on the map: 1
33. Select the room rates: 225.00 - 470.00 AUD
34. Select the lowest available rate: 225.00AUD
35. Close the Hotel Availability Map.
Note the following information:
Approximate total including all taxes and fees
Accepted credit cards include AMEX
Cancellation policy (CXL)
Check-in and check-out times
36. Select Advanced Sell.
37. Drop down the Card Type list.

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38. Select the Card Type: AmericanExpress

39. Position the cursor in the Card Number box.
40. Enter the Card Number: 370000000000028 (11 zeros)
41. Position the cursor in the Expiration Date box.
42. Enter the Expiration Date: 1018
43. Press SELL ROOM(S).
44. Type the entry to receive, end and email a ViewTrip itinerary: R.P+EM*HTM

Conclusion: You have successfully booked a hotel for a customer with an existing PNR, comparing rates,
distance and TripAdvisor ratings.

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Book Car Hire

You have made a reservation for Susan King of SEK Investment to travel to Melbourne, she now requests a
car to pick up and drop off at the airport. She asks for the most economical full-size, automatic car with
air-conditioning. Mrs. King wants to know if the hotel you have booked for her has parking facilities and
asks you to email a final itinerary. Based on your conversation with Mrs. King, you perform the following

1. Retrieve the PNR for Mrs. King.

2. Request car availability.
3. Access the rate information.
4. Book the car.
5. Establish the new approximate total from the booked car segment.
6. Establish whether the hotel you have booked has parking facilities.
7. Complete the reservation and email a ViewTrip itinerary.

Cue Card
1. Type the entry to retrieve the PNR by surname: *-KING
2. From the similar name list select the appropriate name: KING/SUSAN
3. Hover cursor over the first segment.
4. Select Car Search.
The Car search window is pre-populated with the Destination City, Pick-Up Date and Time, and
Drop-Off Date and Time from the PNR.
5. Place cursor in the Car Type box.
6. Type the first letter of the required car type: F
7. Press down arrow 5 times to locate the required Car Type: FCAR
8. Press Enter to select the required Car Type: FCAR
Note that the Size, Category, Transmission, and Fuel/AC populate based on your selection.
9. Press SEARCH.
Note the following:
Terminal Location
Guaranteed Rate
Daily Rate
Unlimited Mileage
Approximate Total
Including Fees/Taxes

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10. Select the most economical rate: 58.85

Note the FCAR description and that all taxes, surcharges, and fees are included in the approximate
11. Scroll down.
12. Select Sell Car(s).
Note the pick-up location, office hours and contact telephone number.
13. In the PNR viewer window, select the guaranteed rate: AUD55.75
14. Close the rate information.
Note the new approximate total cost of rental.
15. To display a hotel description, select the property number in the hotel segment: 40374
16. Select FACI to open the facilities paragraph.
17. Type the entry to receive, end and email a ViewTrip itinerary: R.P+EM*HTM
Note that parking is available, although there is a fee.

Conclusion: You have successfully booked a car for your customer and confirmed parking access at her

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Car Use Cases

Use Cases are available for the following car topics:

1. Enquiry — Lowest Rate Intermediate Car

2. Enquiry — Lowest Rate Full-Size Car
3. Enquiry — Specific Car / Specific Rental Car Company / Special Request
4. Book Car — Customer Loyalty Number
5. Cancel Car Reservation
6. Modify Car Reservation
7. Book Car — Pick-up in City/Drop-off at Airport
8. Enquiry — Compare Different vs. Same Pick-up/Drop-off Location
9. Car Direct Sell

Pick-Up/Drop-Off City
City and Airport codes are 3-letter codes designating many cities and airports around the world, defined
by IATA. These are used in Travelport’s Travel Commerce Platforms to uniquely identify cities and air-
ports. Enter the city code or name where the traveler wishes to pick-up and drop off the car. You can
enter either city codes or the city name. The required option displays at the bottom of the list.
Decode: .CD KGL
See ASK Travelport AN545: What are the format entries for Encode/Decode?

Pick-Up/Drop-Off Locations; Postal Code, City Name

Displays a list of providers and their locations relevant to the City/Airport code. Select a pick-up location
if you wish to specify one provider in a specific location.

Pick-Up/Drop-Off Dates
Car rentals are stored for 331 days in the future. Pick-up/drop-off dates must be within the 331 day time

Supplier (Rental Car Company)

2-alphabetic character identifiers are used in Travelport’s Travel Commerce Platforms to uniquely
identify providers. The Supplier list is in alphabetic order using the provider code. Up to 4 suppliers can
be used in the request, to do this select the plus (+).
Encode format: GC*12/CAR/HERTZ Decode format: GC*12/CAR/ZI

Rental Car Type

Car type codes consist of four letters in which each character denotes specific information about the car:

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Car size
Car type
Fuel/Air Conditioning

Car Availability: On the command line enter:

Decode a car type code:
Enter: CAR/xxxx, where
xxxx represents car type code.

Car Results: Hover or select to decode. For more detail refer to the car rules or car description pages
and select CARS keyword.

See also ASK Travelport answer AN4470, Where can I find a Car Type Matrix Quick Reference?

Sell Menu — Car > Direct Sell

When a traveler has preferences and books the same provider and car type frequently, you can use Direct
Sell to sell the car allowing you to bypass the availability search.Direct bookings are common when a cor-
poration has an agreement with a car rental provider. The booking may or may not include a Corporate
Discount number.
Direct bookings do not include or require a rules review. Rates and insurance are pre-arranged so no dis-
cussion of rates takes place when using Direct Sell.

Car Results — Rental Provider's Name

View a car rental provider’s description pages to display information about their corporate policies.
Select from the list of keywords. Items may include drop charges, age requirements, insurance and car
types. These are specific to the location specifed in the availability search.

Car Results — Location LOC Column

Location of the car rental provider:
T = Terminal
O = Off-terminal
C= City

Car Results — Rate

Shown in local currency, can be weekly (RW or W) or daily (RD or D) rate depending on the length of
rental. You can access the rate rules by selecting the rate.

Car Results — Approx Total

Estimated total car rental charge including base rate, taxes, surcharges, mandatory fees, and any applic-
able drop charges for car rental duration.

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Car Results — Calendar

The Car Availability Modifier toolbar allows you to change dates and the number of days after an initial
availability has been performed.

Car Results — Mileage Charge FM column (free mileage)

Rental rates will either include a free mileage/kilometers allowance or a charge. Examples:

UNL - Unlimited mileage

150 - Specific mileage allowance

If there is a charge, the amount will display in the Charge column.

Car Results — Availability Status Indicator A column

Availability Status indicator

S = Rate and car size available to Sell

N = On Request
C = Closed or Sold out

Car Results — Rate guarantee indicator: R column

Rate guarantee indicator

G = Guaranteed Rate
@ = A converted rate (stored in currency di erent from the displayed currency when displaying the
Q = Quoted rate, subject to change

Car Results — Trip Quote

Trip Quote (+TQ) is a powerful tool that allows you to send itinerary quotes to customers without actu-
ally booking the segments. This feature is available within Flight Shopping, Hotel Availability and Car
Availability. You can add up to ten quotes from air, car, and hotel.

Car Results Smart Bar : Indicates the number of selections made; e.g. 2 indicates that two
selections have been added to Trip Quote.

Trip Quote — Selecting Options, Selecting All Options/Individual check boxes

Select the options to send by either choosing the Select All Options check box or choosing individual
items from the list. Once items are selected, select the Send or Copy button.

Trip Quote — Custom Message

You can enter a message to the customer if desired. This will appear above the quotes.

Trip Quote — Close

Once a Trip Quote is closed the information is not saved.

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Rate Rules — Sell car(s) link

The PNR must contain a name field before you sell a car. Use this link to sell the car and only if the car
rental provider does not require a guarantee and you do not wish to add further information to the sell
message. Always check rate rules to verify information about the rate before preceeding to sell. Depend-
ing on the vendor participation, an instant confirmation will be made prior to end transaction.

Rate Rules — Advanced sell link

The PNR must contain a name field before you sell a car. Use this link when you wish to sell the car and
add additional information, e.g. guarantee or special request. Selecting Sell will send a message to the
car rental provider and will include items such as special requests and frequent renter ID numbers.

Rate Rules — Rate Detail

Rate detail is shown in the currency of the rental location and includes day/hour charges, recap of unit
rate, breakdown of approximate total amount, drop charge, rate guarantee period, rate code, rate type
and category. Charges associated with the base rate are those which are applicable at the time of book-
ing and could be subject to change.
Note: Weekend rates appear as a daily rate e.g. Wkend Daily.

Rate Rules — Summary Information

Confirmation of car rental pick-up/drop-off date, times, and location. Includes car type description,
estimated base rate and approximate total. The rates are quoted in the currency of the car rental loc-

Rate Rules — Guarantee

Guarantee is used to hold a reservation. Rental car companies require different forms of guarantee;
check the rate rules to display the required form of guarantee.

PNR Viewer — Segment

For example 1, 2, .... A hotel search requires a check-in and check-out date. When you access the Hotel
Availability Search from the flight segment the itinerary dates automatically populate the check-in and
check out date boxes.

Car Description — Drop charge

When a customer returns the car to a location different from it was rented, a drop-off charge, also
known as a one-way rental charge, may be required. Inside Availability car rental providers include the
drop-off charge in the approximate total cost of rentals. Drop charge is shown in the PNR as DC-.

PNR Viewer — Car Segment, Special Information SI-

Special requests are shown in the PNR as SI-.

PNR Viewer — Car Segment, Confirmation Number CF-

A confirmation number must be received to show the reservation is confirmed. Shown in the PNR as CF-.

PNR Viewer — Car Segment, Special Information SI-

Special requests are shown in the PNR as SI-.

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PNR Viewer — Car Segment, Status

Status codes indicate the status of the reservation and are identified by 2 letter alpha code. HK = appears
on the segment in the PNR, means confirmed.
Note: Car segment must also contain a confirmation number before the segment is actually confirmed.

PNR Viewer — Car Segment, Customer ID ID-

Car rental providers often offer and issue a frequent traveler program which enables customers to collect
points to gain rewards. The customer identification number is shown in the PNR as ID-.

PNR Viewer — Car Segment, Rate Rules

Although not required, it is good practice to review the rules before you modify or delete a transaction
to determine if any penalties are associated with the change.

PNR Viewer — Car Segment, Pick-up code (PUP-) and Drop-off code (DO-)
You can view a car rental provider’s description pages from the car segment when you wish to to display
information about corporate policies. Select from the list of keywords. Items may include drop charges,
age requirements, insurance and car types. These are specific to the location specifed in the availability

PNR Viewer — Car Segment, Modify Reservation (CCR)

Although not required, it is good practice to check availability for the new details before making the
modify request to ensure the new requirements can be met.
If the requested change violates a rule and the rate cannot be recalculated, you may receive a message
to that effect. If that is the case, your only option is to cancel and rebook the car.
You can modify most of the elements in a car segment. When the modify takes place, the canceled seg-
ment will display with a XX (canceled) status and the new segment will display with a SS (sold) status.
This information only appears before you End Transact.

Format — End and Redisplay PNR (ER)

End-transact refers to the validation, finalization, and storing of the Passenger Name Record (PNR).
See also ASK Travelport AN13615

Format — PNR History *H

Once a segment is deleted from the itinerary it no longer appears in the active PNR. You can view it in
PNR History. History stores the actions taken on a PNR. Actions are identified by a two letter code; e.g.,
AS – (added segment) or XS – (cancelled segment). You can select Enhanced View to display an easier to
read layout or select Standard View to view the standard view.

Format — Cancel Xn, where n = segment number

Always check the cancellation policy prior to making the cancellation format. All hotels are required to
return the cancellation policy in the sell response and these details are stored as Other Supplemental
Information (OSI).
Make sure you receive a cancellation number, depending on the hotel participation level you may
receive this before you end transact. An OSI (Other Supplemental Information) message is added to the
PNR which includes the hotel company code, airport or city code, check-in date, and cancellation

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number. When you cancel the hotel, make sure you End Transact the PNR right away. Never use I to
ignore transaction as the reservation may still be held in the hotel system.

Car Sell Options — Special Service

Communicate customer special request to the car rental provider in advance to enable the provider to
try accommodate it. Shown in the PNR as SI-.

Car Sell Options — Customer ID (ID-)

The customer identification number is shown in the PNR as ID-.

Car Sell Options — Special Equipment (SQ-)

Special equipment options vary by car rental provider and location. Check the specific location for
details and price options, you can do this by first selecting the car rental provider’s name from the avail-
ability display and then select EQUIP keyword.Shown in the PNR as SQ-.

Car Direct Sell — Rate Code

A rate code identifies a car rental rate. If you know the rate code, add it during the sell process to
request the specific rate.

PNR Viewer Button — Notepad (*NP)

Customer information can be stored as a Notepad. This information can be stored and moved from a Cli-
ent File. It is best practice to use a secondary qualifier to group items relating to a particular subject,
such as C* for car hire or H* for hotel accommodation. Notepads can be added to a PNR via the Edit PNR
icon and select Create/Edit booking File Remarks.
A historical notepad item may be stored in the Booking File history by using the qualifier H**. A con-
fidential item may be created by using the qualifier C**.
See also ASK Travelport answer AN806 (Client File), and AN574 (Notepad).

PNR Viewer Button — Itinerary (*I)

Displays additional itinerary information including approximate total.

PNR Viewer Button — All PNR (*ALL)

Displays all PNR fields.

PNR Viewer Button — Vendor Remarks (*VR)

Vendor remarks are used by agents, car, hotel and air providers to send messages to each other regarding
the booking. Vendor Outgoing (VO) remarks are sent from the agent to the provider and Vendor Incoming
(VI) remarks are sent by the provider to the agent.

PNR History — Cancellation Details (XS)

Check the history of the PNR to ensure the cancellation has been processed correctly. Cancellation
details are shown with XS.

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Note: The cancellation number is not stored in the PNR history.

Car Modify (Reservation tab) — Pick-up/Drop-off date

Car rentals are stored for 331 days in the future, pick-up/drop-off dates must be within the 331 day time

Car Modify (Payments tab) — eVoucher Type

Participation in eVouchers is optional for car rental providers.
Car rental providers only allow eVoucher prepayment of car rental by agencies that have a specific
billing arrangement with the car rental provider.
To request payment by eVoucher add the eVoucher detail during the sell. In some cases, the car rental
provider may require the car to be booked first and then the car segment modified to add the eVoucher
Three types of vouchers are supported:

Full Credit Voucher

A full credit voucher covers the cost of the entire rental, including any extra fees such as
special equipment, upgrades and extra days.
The entire value of the voucher is billed to the agency or corporate account.
The characters 'FC' are used in the eVoucher request to identify a Full Credit voucher type.
Group/Day Voucher
A group/day voucher covers the cost of the car rental for a certain number of days.
The amount is billed to the agency or corporate account.
Any extra days, upgrades, or special requests will be charged to the renter at time of drop-
GDA is used in the eVoucher request to identify a Group/Day voucher type.
Specified Value Voucher
A specified value voucher covers a fixed value amount used toward payment of the car
The specified value is billed to the agency or corporate account.
Charges in excess of the specified value amount are charged to the renter at the time of
A 3-character currency code plus the fixed amount are used in the eVoucher request to
identify a Specified Value voucher type. Shown in the PNR as EVV-.

Car Modify (Payments tab) — Billing Number

Car rental providers only allow eVoucher prepayment of car rental by agencies that have a specific
billing arrangement with the car rental provider. A unique Billing Number will be issued to identify the
Shown in the PNR as BN-.

Sell Response — Status (SS)

Status codes indicate the status of the reservation and are identified by two letter alpha code. SS = Sold.

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PNR Viewer — Edit PNR

Select this icon to launch the following menu options:

Create/Edit Customer Information

Create/Edit Booking File Remarks
Create/Edit Special Services
Assign/Edit Seat Assignments

Script — Edit PNR icon or PNR drop down

There are five mandatory items required to create a Passenger Name Record (PNR): Phone, Itinerary, Pas-
senger Name, Received field and Ticketing information. These can be added in any order.
Note: You may select an Auto Receive in Application Settings.

Customer Information — Name Tab, Last Name

Press the Add button and enter the last name of the traveler. The default Passenger Type Code (PTC) is
Adult (ADT). A PTC is used to designate the type of traveler or type of fare used on a ticket. For other
PTCs add as a Name field remark.

Customer Information — Name Tab, First Name (required), Title (optional)

Enter first name and title with no hyphens or spaces; e.g., JAYNEMRS

Customer Information — Ticketing Tab, Ticketing Field

Ticketing information is required for all PNRs. The main types of ticketing entries are: Passenger already
ticketed (minimum entry), Arrange ticketing date, Arrange follow-up date, and Time limit. Only one
ticket entry is permitted in a PNR.

Customer Information — Contacts Tab, City Code

A Phone field includes a city code to identify the location. Press the Add button and either select the 3-
letter city code from the drop down menu or enter the 3-letter city code in the City Code box.

Customer Information — Contacts Tab, Phone Type

Specify the contact phone number type, e.g. agency, home, or business phone.
You must enter your agency phone number and your reference as the first phone item in the PNR, and
this is automatically transmitted to all airlines in the PNR for information purposes.
In addition, you should include home or business contact numbers for your customers. These may also be
transmitted to the airlines in the PNR, depending on the agreement that each airline has with Galileo.

Customer Information — Contacts Tab, Phone Number

Enter the phone number and optionally a comment. Note: Your agency phone number should include
your agency name and contact; e.g., 01753 288000 YOUR TRAVEL REF JAYNE.

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Enquiry: Lowest Rate Intermediate Car

Enquiry — Lowest Rate Intermediate Car: Scenario

Ms. Joan Kindler is traveling to Tampa, Florida on business and would like some information on renting a
car for the duration of her stay. Her company policy allows her to have an intermediate-sized car and
she is to book the lowest rate with either Budget or Alamo. She would like to know if there is a shuttle to
the car rental stand. Based on the conversation with Ms. Kindler:

1. Obtain car availability from Ms. Kindler’s itinerary.

2. Identify the car types for the preferred car rental companies.
3. Obtain shuttle information for the rental company o ering the lowest rate.
4. Determine the total rental rate for the car that best meets Ms. Kindler’s requirements.

Enquiry — Lowest Rate Intermediate Car: Cue Card

1. Start
2. From the PNR, select segment 1
3. Select Car Booking Tool
4. Select first Rental Car Companies
5. Hold Ctrl and select additional Rental Car Companies
6. Select Car Type
7. Continue
8. Select the Car Type
9. Describe Car Type information to the caller
10. Select another Car Type
11. Describe Car Type information to the caller
12. Select Details for the preferred car
13. Select CRD*SHTTL
14. Provide shuttle information to caller
15. Return to search results
16. Select Rules for the preferred car
17. Inform caller of Total Rate and mandatory charges
18. Inform caller of optional charges
19. End

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Enquiry: Lowest Rate Full Size Car

Enquiry — Lowest Rate Full-Size Car: Scenario

Mr. Peterson calls, he is enquiring about how much it would cost to rent a car in Atlanta, Georgia on the
10th of May for 5 days. He has a preference for a full-sized car and prefers Thrifty or Enterprise car
rental companies. Based on the conversation with Mr. Peterson:

1. Find car rental rates that satisfy Mr. Peterson’s criteria.

2. Identify the car types for the car rental companies requested.
3. Compare the lowest full-sized car rate for any car company.
4. Identify the car type for the lowest rate.
5. Determine how Mr. Peterson would get to the rental counter for the car company with the lowest

Enquiry — Lowest Rate Full-Size Car: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Enter the Pick-Up/Drop-Off Location
3. Enter the Pick-Up Date/Time
4. Enter the Drop-Off Date/Time
5. Select Rental Car Company
6. Select the Car Type
7. Continue
8. Quote lowest total rate for full size car
9. Describe Car Type information to caller
10. Quote second lowest total rate
11. Modify search
12. Select All Car Companies
13. Continue
14. Quote new lowest total rate for full size car
15. Describe Car Type information to caller
16. Select Rules for lowest rate car
17. Inform caller of Pickup Details, Total Rate and Mandatory Charges
18. Inform caller of optional charges
19. End

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Enquiry: Specific Car, Specific Rental Company, Special Request

Enquiry — Specific Car/Specific Rental Car Company/Special Request: Scen-

John Gallant is going on a business trip to Montreal, Canada (YUL) and needs a car for the duration of his
stay. He does not want a small car, but something like a Toyota Corolla with 4 doors. He has used Hertz
before and would like to use them again. He is allergic to smoke and wants to request a non-smoking car.

1. Obtain availability for a car that meets Mr. Gallant’s specific requirements.
2. Determine the type of car.
3. Determine the total rate for the car that best meets Mr. Gallant’s requirements.
4. Determine the pick-up location details.
5. Determine reservation guarantee requirements.
6. Sell the appropriate car, adding the special request.
7. Verify the booking and ensure the non-smoking request has been communicated to Hertz.

Enquiry — Specific Car/Specific Rental Car Company/Special Request: Cue

1. Start
2. From the PNR, select segment 1
3. Select the Car Booking Tool
4. Select the Rental Car Company
5. Select More Options
6. Enter Supplemental Information
7. Continue
8. Select SCAR – Standard
9. Determine if car meets caller's requirements
10. Select ICAR – Intermediate
11. Determine if car meets caller's requirements
12. Select Rules for ICAR
13. Provide pickup location and total rate
14. Return to search results
15. Sell ICAR – Intermediate
16. Decline upgrade prompt
17. Close the script
18. Select the PNR Viewer tab

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19. Click in the command box

20. Enter format to end and redisplay PNR
21. Note Confirmed status, Supplemental Info, and Confirmation Number
22. End

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Book Car: Customer Loyalty Number

Book Car — Customer Loyalty Number: Scenario

Mrs. McAteer is a frequent traveler; information has already been copied from her World File into a PNR.
She would like to pick-up a car at Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) on the October 4th at 9:00 AM and drop-o
at Detroit Metro Airport on October 6th at 9:00 AM. As she will be driving a lot of miles, she would like a
rate that includes unlimited mileage and would like to know the cost for the Collision Damage Waiver

1. Determine if Mrs. McAteer has any car preferences.

2. Perform an availability search using Mrs. McAteer’s car preferences.
3. Determine the type of car.
4. Determine the booking policy.
5. Establish the total rate including mandatory charges.
6. Confirm whether the rate includes unlimited mileage.
7. Identify the optional charge for Collision Damage Waiver.
8. Sell the car that best meets Mrs. McAteer’s requirements.
9. Verify the reservation and check that a confirmation number has been received.
10. Verify the loyalty ID number has been sent to the car rental company.
11. Complete the PNR.

Book Car — Customer Loyalty Number: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Select *U to display customer preferences
3. From RESERVATIONS menu, select Car Booking Tool
4. Enter Pick-Up/Drop-Off Location
5. Use calendar to select Pick-Up Date
6. Enter the Pick-Up Time
7. Use calendar to select Drop-Off Date
8. Select the Rental Car Company
9. Select the Car Type
10. Continue
11. Select FCAR - Full Size car
12. Describe car type information to caller
13. Select Details for FCAR
14. Select CRD*ALLFACTS to view policy
15. Return to search results

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16. Select Rules for FCAR

17. Provide total rate mandatory charges
18. Provide optional charges and guarantee policy
19. Return to search results
20. Sell FCAR - Full Size
21. Select Continue
22. Close the script
23. Select the PNR Viewer tab
24. Click in the command box
25. Enter format to end and redisplay PNR
26. Note the confirmed status and confirmation number
27. End

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Cancel Car Reservation

Cancel Car Reservation: Scenario

Mr. Gallant calls to say that his colleague with whom he is traveling has also booked a car, so he no
longer requires the reservation.

1. Cancel the car reservation.

2. Verify the cancellation in the PNR history.

Cancel Car Reservation: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Select Create/Modify PNR
3. Select Car to display car segments
4. Select the Delete check box
5. Continue
6. Close Create/Modify PNR script
7. Click in the command box
8. Enter command to update and redisplay PNR
9. Select PNR Viewer tab
10. Click in the command box
11. Enter * HC to display history of car segment
12. Note canceled segment and date/time canceled
13. End

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Modify Car Reservation

Modify Car Reservation: Scenario

Mrs. McAteer calls as she needs to change her car rental reservation. She now has a meeting on the 6th
and requires the car for an extra day.

1. Modify the active car segment.

2. Verify the new details have been received by the car rental company.
3. Save the changes.

Modify Car Reservation: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Click in the command box
3. Enter CRRS1 to display car rules
4. Determine if there is penalty for change
5. Close the Car Rules window
6. Click in the command box
7. Enter CR@1/D-07OCT to modify car segment 1
8. Enter format to update and redisplay PNR
9. Enter *HC to display car history
10. Note canceled and newly added segments
11. End

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Book Car: Pick-up in City, Drop-off at Airport

Book Car — Pick-up in City/Drop-off at Airport: Scenario

Mr. Carson Van wants to rent a car in Englewood, Colorado, outside of Denver, and return it to Denver air-
port (DEN). He wants to pick up the car on May 1st at 9:00 AM and return it on May 3rd at 4:00 PM. He
asks whether he can get a navigational system with the car and how much it will cost. The car needs to
be big enough for 5 passengers. Mr. Van would like to know which car companies are available nearby.
After reviewing the list of car rental companies, Mr. Van chooses Budget on West Dartmouth Street.

1. Obtain a list of car rental companies in the requested location.

2. Sort the pick-up locations by city code.
3. Find a car that satisfies Mr. Van’s criteria.
4. Determine the lowest rental rate.
5. Determine if a navigational system is available and how much it will cost.
6. Determine if there is a drop-off charge.
7. Sell the car.
8. Display the pick-up location address.
9. Verify the booking.

Book Car — Pick-up in City/Drop-off at Airport: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Select pick-up/drop-off dates from Calendar tab
3. Right-click on the drop-off date
4. Select Car to open the Car Booking Tool
5. Search for Pick-up Location by City
6. Enter Drop-Off Location
7. Enter Pick-Up Time
8. Enter Drop-Off Time
9. Select More Options link
10. Select Navigational System from Special Equipment list
11. Continue
12. Sort pick-up location by City Code
13. Select Map to view first pick-up location
14. Select Map to view second pick-up location
15. Select desired Car Rental Company
16. Select ICAR – Intermediate
17. Select Rules for ICAR

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18. State Total Rate, mileage and drop-off charge

19. State charge for navigational system and guarantee policy
20. Return to search results
21. Sell ICAR – Intermediate
22. Close script
23. Select PNR Viewer tab
24. Confirm requirements
25. Click in command box
26. Enter format to end and redisplay PNR
27. Enter CRRS1 to display Car Rules
28. Confirm pick-up location address
29. Note the confirmed status and confirmation number
30. End

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Enquiry: Compare Different vs. Same Pick-up/Drop-off Location

Enquiry — Compare Different vs. Same Pick-up/Drop-off Location: Scen-

Mr. George Henry wants to explore the areas south and north of the Grand Canyon for a week. He wants
to pick up a car at the airport in Phoenix, Arizona (PHX) on September 15th and return it to the airport in
Las Vegas, Nevada (LAS) on September 22nd. He would like prices for an automatic SUV with air con-

1. Obtain availability for a car that meets Mr. Henry’s specific requirements.
2. Determine what type of SUV is available for the lowest rate.
3. Compare the drop-off charges for the rental companies offering the lowest rates.
4. Determine what the drop-off charge would be if the car is returned to the same location as pick-
5. Obtain a list of rates for pick-up and drop-off in the same location.

Enquiry — Compare Different vs. Same Pick-up/Drop-off Location: Cue

1. Start
2. Select the Car Booking Tool
3. Search for Pick-Up Location by Airport
4. Search for Drop-Off Location by Airport
5. Enter Pick-Up Date and Time
6. Enter Drop-Off Date and Time
7. Select specific car code link
8. Enter Car Type
9. Continue
10. Select Car Type of the lowest total rate car
11. Select next lowest total rate car type
12. Select Rules for lowest rate car
13. Return to search results
14. Select Rules for next lowest rate car
15. Return to search results
16. Select Modify Search
17. Make drop-o location same as pick-up
18. Continue

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19. Compare new total rates

20. End

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Car Direct Sell

Car Direct Sell: Scenario

Sandra Monroe has called to add a car rental booking to her current itinerary. She wants to book a stand-
ard 2/4 door automatic car with air conditioning (SCAR) from National Car Rental for the duration of her

1. Direct sell a car that satisfies Ms. Monroe’s criteria.

2. Verify sold segment information.

Car Direct Sell: Cue Card

1. Start
2. From the PNR, select segment 1
3. Select Car Booking Tool
4. Select Direct Sell
5. Select Rental Car Company
6. Enter the Car Type Car Code
7. Continue
8. Select Use First Name Field in PNR
9. Close the script
10. Select PNR Viewer tab
11. Confirm requirements
12. Click in command box
13. Enter format to end and redisplay PNR
14. Verify confirmed status and confirmation number
15. End

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Hotel Use Cases

Use Cases are available for the following hotel topics:

1. Search for AAA 4-Diamond Hotel

2. Search for Hotel by Reference Point Name
3. Search for Hotel by Property Name
4. Search for Hotel by Reference Point — Suburb
5. Search for Hotel by Reference Point — Resort
6. Cancel Hotel Reservation
7. Modify Hotel Reservation
8. Customize Hotel Default Record

Airport and City Codes

City and Airport codes are three-letter codes designating many cities and airports around the world,
defined by IATA. These are used in Travelport’s Travel Commerce Platform to uniquely identify cities
and airports.
Encode: .CEKIGALI Decode: .CD KGL
See also ASK Travelport answer AN545

Hotel Location
Specify a preferred location for your search, including city, airport, resort, suburb and beach.

Reference Point (Name)

Hotel properties are indexed using reference points. Reference points can be city codes, airport codes,
specific locations or attractions, or can be listed under a general classification (e.g. National Park, U.S.
Government Facility, etc.) tied to a city.

Property Number
Each property is identified by a RoomMaster property ID code. Search for a hotel using the property code
when you wish to search for a specific hotel property and you know the code.

Property Name
Search for a hotel using the property name when you wish to search for a specific hotel property.

Check-in/out Dates
Properties are stored for 331 days in the future, check-in/out dates must be within the 331 day time
Note: Some hotel chains allow 363 day processing.

NTM Crown Rating

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The Star icon displays the hotel’s Northstar Crown Rating. Also: Northstar Travel Media Hotel Crown Rat-

AAA Diamond Rating

The star icon displays the hotel's AAA Diamond Rating. Also: AAA Diamond Rating Definitions

Hotel Chain Code Vendor

Hotel Chain Codes are two alphanumeric identifiers used in Travelport’s Travel Commerce Platforms to
uniquely identify hotel chains. When the chain code is added here, only this chain will be considered for
the list display.

Decode: See ASK Travelport AN1936


Encode: See ASK Travelport AN1937


Rate Access Codes

Rate Access codes are used to access special negotiated/multilevel rates. They are identified by a 3-6 let-
ter code. These may be at an agency or customer level. Up to 3 rate access codes can be added or 1
multi-level rate access code.

Hotel Loyalty (Frequent Guest FG)

The Frequent Guest Number (FG) notifies the hotel of a guest’s status in advance of their arrival. Hotel
chains participating in the Inside Shopper program use the frequent guest number to provide point of sale
information before the sale takes place. Participants are then able to provide special amenities based on
the level of participation in their frequent guest program.

Distance and Direction

Distance/Direction numerics indicate distance from the reference point. Hotel List returns properties in a
distance bucket order. That means, properties that are within the first distance bucket will display
before those in the second distance bucket.

All Reference Points, except airports Airport Codes

0-2 miles away 0-3 miles away
3-5 miles away 4-6 miles away
6-10 miles away 7-10 miles away
11-30 miles away 11-30 miles away
Greater than 30 miles away Greater than 30 miles away

Display Available Hotels Only

You may select Display Available Hotels Only to view available properties of Integrated Hotel Source par-
ticipants. Enter HC-INTEGRATED or INFO HINTEGRATED in command box.

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Hotel Ratings
Ratings are displayed as numbers 1-5 in a format such as this: . Depending on the destination you
may see one or two numbers, the first of which is the NTM rating, and the second number is the AAA rat-

Trip Advisor

TripAdvisor ratings/scores for hotel properties help you make informed decisions while booking a hotel
based on traveler/customer requirements. TripAdvisor is an American travel website, comprised of trav-
eler reviews, and interactive travel forums, linked to Travelport’s Travel Commerce Platforms.
Also: TripAdvisor Fact Sheet

Hotel Address
Images and videos enables you and your customer to experience what a hotel offers through vitual tours
and photos. Both images and media are loaded directly by the vendor and this information assists in mak-
ing a more informed choice.

Hotel name
Hotel Description displays facts and information about a specific hotel. Data is supplied by the hotel sup-
plier and can be accessed by selecting the property keyword. Keywords may vary for different prop-

Lowest Public Rate icon

The Lowest Public Rate (LPR) program is an agreement with participating hotels to offer their lowest and
unrestricted rate available to the general public. LPR participation is indicated by the symbol #.

Room Rate Range

The rate range is shown in the currency in which they were loaded, regardless of the currency of your
location. Selecting the rate range displays the complete availability which provides information on room
rates, room types, and the approximate total cost for the stay.

Calendar icon

Selecting the calendar icon displays the Hotel Availability Modifier toolbar. You can update check-
in/check-out dates and the number of nights after an initial availability has been performed.

Hotel Complete Availability (HOC), Ratings

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TripAdvisor ratings/scores for hotel properties help you make informed decisions while booking a hotel
based on traveler/customer requirements. TripAdvisor is a travel website, comprised of traveler reviews,
and interactive travel forums, linked to Travelport’s Travel Commerce Platforms.

Rate change symbol @

When you make a hotel reservation for more than one night, there is the possibility that the rate may
change during the stay. Check the rate rules before making the booking to identify the details of the rate
change during the period of the stay. You do this by selecting the room rate.

Nightly Room Rate

Rate amounts are shown in the currency in which they were loaded, regardless of the currency of your
location. Selecting the nightly room rate displays the rate rules. Check rate rules to obtain information
about booking policy and cancellation charges.

Trip Quote icon +TQ

Trip Quote is a quick and easy way to send quotes from the agency to travelers with all the details of
their trip. Trip Quote is available from Air Shop (FS), Hotel Availability and Car response screens. You
can add up to ten quotes from air, car, and hotel.

A guarantee is used to hold a reservation. Hotels require different forms of guarantee; check the Rate
Rules to display the required form of guarantee. Only one guarantee is required for each hotel segment.

Cancellation Policy
Hotels have different cancellation policies. Business travelers often require a flexible rate, ensure you
check the cancellation policy so that you can make an informed choice and determine if there will be a
charge if the reservation is canceled.

Advanced sell
The PNR must contain a name field before you sell a room. Use this link when you wish to sell the room
and add additional information e.g. guarantee or special request.

Sell Room
The PNR must contain a name field before you sell a room. Use this link to sell the room and only if the
hotel does not require a guarantee and you do not wish to add further information to the sell message.
NB: Most hotels require a guarantee, in this instance use the Advanced Sell link.

Room Rate Range

The rate range is shown in the currency in which they were loaded, regardless of the currency of your
location. Selecting the rate range displays the complete availability which provides information on room
rates, room types, and the approximate total cost for the stay.

Hotel name
Hotel Description displays facts and information about a specific hotel. Data is supplied by the hotel sup-
plier and can be accessed by selecting the property keyword. Keywords may vary for different prop-

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Frequent Guest FG-

Hotel chains often offer a frequent guest program which enables customers to collect points to gain
rewards. Frequent guest IDs are issued by individual hotel chains. Frequent guest card information is
shown in the PNR hotel segment as /FG-.

Special Service
Communicate customer special request to the hotel in advance to enable the hotel to try accommodate
it. Shown in the PNR hotel segment as /SI-.

PNR Viewer — Segment

For example 1, 2, .... A hotel search requires a check-in and check-out date. When you access the Hotel
Availability Search from the flight segment the itinerary dates automatically populate the check-in and
check out date boxes.

PNR Viewer — Agent Alert

If you create an air booking that includes an overnight stay but does not have a hotel booked an agent
alert message will display and ask if you would like to check hotel availability. If you choose to select a
hotel the Hotel Availability Search screen displays with data pre-populated from the PNR.
Note: An overnight stay is defined as a pair of consecutive flights when one arrives on one date and the
next departs on a different date and there is at least six hours between the flights.
An alert will occur once per booking, even if the reservation record has multiple legs where there is an
overnight stay or 6 hours between flights.

PNR Viewer — Edit PNR

Select this icon to launch the following menu options:

Create/Edit Customer Information

Create/Edit Booking File Remarks
Create/Edit Special Services
Assign/Edit Seat Assignments

PNR Viewer — Service Information *SI

Check Service Information of the PNR to ensure the cancellation number has been received. NB: Hotels
may return the cancellation number as a Vendor Remark (*VR) Cancellation number is preceded by CX.

PNR Viewer — Itinerary *I

Displays additional itinerary information including approximate total.

PNR Viewer — Notepad *NP

Customer information can be stored as a Notepad. This information can be stored and moved from a Cli-
ent File. It is best practice to use a secondary qualifier to group items relating to a particular subject,
such as C* for car hire or H* for hotel accommodation. Notepads can be added to a PNR via the Edit PNR
icon and select Create/Edit booking File Remarks.

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A historical notepad item may be stored in the Booking File history by using the qualifier H**. A con-
fidential item may be created by using the qualifier C**.
For more information about the Client File, see ASK Travelport: AN806
For more information about Notepad, see ASK Travelport: AN574

Status SS
Status codes indicate the status of the reservation and are identified by 2 letter alpha code.
SS = Space was available at the time of booking as "free sell."
See also ASK Travelport AN566.

Status HK
Status codes indicate the status of the reservation and are identified by 2 letter alpha code.
HK = appears on the segment in the PNR, means confirmed. Note: Hotel segment must also contain a con-
firmation number.
See also ASK Travelport AN566.

Confirmation Number CF-

A confirmation number must be received to show the reservation is confirmed. Shown in the PNR hotel
segment as /CF-.

Frequent Guest FG-

Hotel chains often offer a frequent guest program which enables customers to collect points to gain
rewards. Frequent guest IDs are issued by individual hotel chains. Frequent guest card information is
shown in the PNR hotel segment as /FG-.

Corporate Discount CD-

Hotel chains often offer special rates to corporate customers. Corporate Discount numbers are issued by
individual hotel chains to qualifying customers. Add the Corporate Discount number to ensure your cus-
tomer is charged the correct rate. Corporate Discount numbers is shown in the PNR hotel segment as

Special Information SI-

Communicate customer special request to the hotel in advance to enable the hotel to try accommodate
it. Shown in the PNR hotel segment as /SI-.

Create/Rate Rules — Nightly Rate

Hotel Rate rules offer information on the cancellation policy and should be checked prior to cancellation
or modification.

Modify HHL
Before modifying a hotel segment, display the rate rules to check for modify/cancel information, you
can do this by selecting the room rate in the hotel segment. Then perform an availability check to verify
that the hotel can accommodate the new requirement. The modify process generates a message to can-
cel and rebook the hotel using the new information.

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Cancellation Details XS
Check the history of the PNR to view the canceled segment. Cancellation details are shown with a XS
Note: The cancellation number is not stored in the PNR history.

Script — Edit PNR icon or PNR drop down

There are five mandatory items required to create a Passenger Name Record (PNR): Phone, Itinerary, Pas-
senger Name, Received field and Ticketing information. These can be added in any order.
Note: You may select an Auto Receive in Application Settings.

Customer Information — Name Tab, Last Name

Press the Add button and enter the last name of the traveler. The default Passenger Type Code (PTC) is
Adult (ADT). A PTC is used to designate the type of traveler or type of fare used on a ticket. For other
PTCs add as a Name field remark.

Customer Information — Name Tab, First Name (required), Title (optional)

Enter first name and title with no hyphens or spaces; e.g., JAYNEMRS

Customer Information — Ticketing Tab, Ticketing Field

Ticketing information is required for all PNRs. The main types of ticketing entries are: Passenger already
ticketed (minimum entry), Arrange ticketing date, Arrange follow-up date, and Time limit. Only one
ticket entry is permitted in a PNR.

Customer Information — Contacts Tab, City Code

A Phone field includes a city code to identify the location. Press the Add button and either select the 3-
letter city code from the drop down menu or enter the 3-letter city code in the City Code box.

Customer Information — Contacts Tab, Phone Type

Specify the contact phone number type, e.g. agency, home, or business phone.
You must enter your agency phone number and your reference as the first phone item in the PNR, and
this is automatically transmitted to all airlines in the PNR for information purposes.
In addition, you should include home or business contact numbers for your customers. These may also be
transmitted to the airlines in the PNR, depending on the agreement that each airline has with Galileo.

Customer Information — Contacts Tab, Phone Number

Enter the phone number and optionally a comment. Note: Your agency phone number should include
your agency name and contact; e.g., 01753 288000 YOUR TRAVEL REF JAYNE.

Format — PNR History *H

Once a segment is deleted from the itinerary it no longer appears in the active PNR. You can view it in
PNR History. History stores the actions taken on a PNR. Actions are identified by a two letter code; e.g.,
AS – (added segment) or XS – (cancelled segment). You can select Enhanced View to display an easier to
read layout or select Standard View to view the standard view.

Format — Received R.[variable], e.g., R.P

A received from field is required in a PNR when it is originated, and also each time it is retrieved from
the Galileo system and subsequently amended. The field should contain the name or reference of the

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

person who gave you the instruction to make the booking or to make any changes to it.
Only one received from field is permitted in a PNR. You may add an Auto Receive in the Application Set-

Format — End and Redisplay PNR (ER)

End-transact refers to the validation, finalization, and storing of the Passenger Name Record (PNR).
See also ASK Travelport AN13615

Format — Cancel Xn, where n = segment number

Always check the cancellation policy prior to making the cancellation format. All hotels are required to
return the cancellation policy in the sell response and these details are stored as Other Supplemental
Information (OSI).
Make sure you receive a cancellation number, depending on the hotel participation level you may
receive this before you end transact. An OSI (Other Supplemental Information) message is added to the
PNR which includes the hotel company code, airport or city code, check-in date, and cancellation num-
ber. When you cancel the hotel, make sure you End Transact the PNR right away. Never use I to ignore
transaction as the reservation may still be held in the hotel system.

Hotel Direct Sell — Hotel Chain

Hotel Chain Codes consist of two alphabetic identifiers used in Travelport’s Travel Commerce Platforms
to uniquely identify hotel chains. Specify a hotel chain code in your search when you only wish this chain
to be considered. You can also search for All Brands which will inlude all properties that are under a spe-
cific umbrella. e.g. EM - Every Marriott, EH - Every Hilton.
Decode: ASK Travelport AN1936
Encode: ASK Travelport AN1937

Hotel Direct Sell — Room Master Property ID

Each property is identified by a RoomMaster property ID code. Search for a hotel using the property code
when you wish to search for a specific hotel property and you know the code.

Hotel Direct Sell — Booking Code

Rooms and beds are identified by a booking code e.g. B1K is a Superior room with 1 king size bed. Note:
Some hotel suppliers return unique booking codes that do not include the number of beds or type of bed.

Hotel Direct Sell — Guarantee

A guarantee is used to hold a reservation. Hotels require different forms of guarantee; check the Rate
Rules to display the required form of guarantee. Only one guarantee is required for each hotel segment.

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Hotel Direct Sell — Corporate Discount

Hotel chains often offer special rates to corporate customers. Corporate Discount numbers are issued by
individual hotel chains to qualifying customers. Add the Corporate Discount number to ensure your cus-
tomer is charged the correct rate. Corporate Discount numbers is shown in the PNR as CD-.

Hotel Direct Sell — Special Information

Communicate customer special request to the hotel in advance to enable the hotel to try accommodate
it. Preceded in the PNR by SI-.

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Search for AAA 4-Diamond Hotel

Search for AAA 4-Diamond Hotel: Scenario

Ms. Suzanne Jones will be attending a meeting in Washington, D.C. and requires a AAA 4- diamond hotel
room at the lowest rate, close to center of city, for a single night, on June 12th, 2015. She wants to
know if she can obtain a better rate by booking directly with the hotel. Based on the conversation with
Ms. Jones:

1. Find a AAA 4-diamond hotel that satisfies Ms. Jones’s criteria.

2. Obtain a map that indicates the location of the hotel.
3. Obtain TripAdvisor information about the hotel for Ms. Jones.
4. Determine if Ms. Jones can get a better rate by contacting the hotel directly.

Search for AAA 4-Diamond Hotel: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Use menu to select Hotel Booking Tool
3. Enter the City Code
4. Use calendar to select Check-In Date
5. Enter number of Guests and Rooms
6. Enter the Distance
7. Continue
8. Sort by Ratings AAA
9. Hover over stars to view AAA diamond rating
10. Select hotels with 4 diamond AAA rating
11. Compare hotels
12. Sort by Price Low-High
13. Select hotel with lowest room rate range
14. View TripAdvisor reviews
15. Return to search results
16. View the map
17. Confirm Lowest Public Rate Participant
18. End

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Search for Hotel by Reference Point Name

Search for Hotel by Reference Point Name: Scenario

You receive an email from Mr. Davis with an enquiry for a hotel near Times Square in New York for 2
nights from the 15th May. He has a frequent guest card for Inter-Continental Hotels and qualifies for both
AMX and AAA rates. As he is hosting a business lunch meeting he would like the hotel to have a res-
taurant. His wife is joining him for the trip and would like a nice room as it is their anniversary.

1. Find a hotel that best meets Mr. Davis’s criteria.

2. Determine the available rooms and the rates Mr. Davis qualifies for.
3. Determine if the room rate is the same for both nights.
4. View the photo of the restaurant.
5. Take a virtual tour of the king deluxe room.

Search for Hotel by Reference Point Name: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Select TOOLS from menu
3. Select Calendar
4. Select check-in date
5. Select check-out date
6. Right click on highlighted dates
7. Select Hotels
8. Position cursor in City box
9. Enter City Code
10. Select City from list
11. Drop down Adults list
12. Select number of Adults
13. Drop down Reference point list
14. Locate Reference Point
15. Select Reference Point
16. Position cursor in Hotel Loyalty box
17. Enter hotel chain code
18. Select hotel chain from list
19. Position cursor in number box
20. Enter Hotel Loyalty number
21. Position cursor in Vendor box
22. Enter 2-letter Vendor code

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23. Position cursor Rate access code box

24. Enter first Rate access code
25. Position cursor Rate access code box
26. Enter second Rate access code
27. Press Search
28. Select hotel name link
29. Select FACI Facilities
30. Select Back to Hotel Description link
31. Select Back to Hotels link
32. Select hotel's room rate range link
33. Scroll down to view more rooms
34. Scroll down to view more rooms
35. Scroll up to view AAA rate rooms
36. Select rate link for preferred room
37. Select Back to Room Rates link
38. Scroll up to top of page
39. Select Back to Hotels link
40. Select address to view hotel images
41. Locate tabs at bottom of page
42. Select FEATURES tab
43. View restaurant photo
44. Select ROOMS tab
45. Select King Deluxe Virtual Tour
46. Watch virtual tour
47. Close window
48. Communicate to client
49. End

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Search for Hotel by Property Name

Search for Hotel by Property Name: Scenario

You receive a call from Mr. Jackson who explains he has flights already booked for himself and his wife
for his trip to Philadelphia on August 1st. He would like you to check to see if the Rittenhouse Hotel on
West Rittenhouse Square has availability for the duration of their 2-night stay. He asks if you could con-
firm that this hotel is near Moravian Street where he is attending a meeting and if the room has a safe. As
he is traveling on business, he requires a flexible rate that can be canceled.

1. Perform an availability search for the hotel Mr. Jackson has requested.
2. Determine the address of the hotel.
3. Establish whether the hotel has the amenity Mr. Jackson has requested (safe).
4. Obtain a map to check the location of the hotel.
5. Review the cancellation policy.
6. Identify the lowest rate for which Mr. Jackson qualifies.

Search for Hotel by Property Name: Cue Card

1. Start
2. From PNR, select segment 1
3. Position cursor in Property name box
4. Enter Property Name
5. Press Search
6. Select first hotel name
7. Select Back to Hotels link
8. Select hotel name on line 4
9. Select ROOM to view room amenities
10. Select Map icon
11. Zoom in
12. Click corner to resize map window
13. Select marker number of hotel
14. Select room rate range
15. Scroll down to view more rooms
16. Scroll back up to top of page
17. Select the first lowest room rate
18. View all rate rules information
19. Select Back to Room Rates link
20. Select the next lowest room rate

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21. Select Back to Room Rates link

22. Communicate choices to customer
23. End

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Search for Hotel by Reference Point: Suburb

Search for Hotel by Reference Point-Suburb: Scenario

Mrs. Davids is a frequent traveler and her WorldFile has already been copied into the PNR. She is trav-
eling to Wembley, London on March 15th for a business trip. She has a Quality Inn (QI) frequent guest
card and would like to see if there is a Quality Inn within a mile of Wembley town center. She would like
to book a hotel for the first two nights and will stay with friends on the third night. She would like break-
fast to be included in the rate.

1. Display the unique remarks to determine if Mrs. Davids has any hotel preferences.
2. Perform an availability search using Mrs. Davids’s hotel preferences.
3. Determine the best flexible rate for which Mrs. Davids qualifies.
4. Determine the booking policy.
5. Establish the total amount of stay including tax.
6. Sell the room and guarantee the reservation to the credit card number stored in the PNR.
7. Verify the reservation, including: confirmed status, frequent guest number, confirmation number,
room description and supplemental information.

Search for Hotel by Reference Point-Suburb: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Display unique remarks
3. Review caller’s preferences
4. Select segment 1 from PNR
5. Select Hotel Booking Tool
6. Search hotels by Reference Point
7. Select Type
8. Select Reference Point Type
9. Change the Check-Out Date
10. Enter the preferred Hotel Chain Code
11. Continue
12. Select the Reference Point Name
13. View the first hotel’s details
14. Select Property Description
15. Return to search results
16. Select the hotel to view rooms and rates
17. Sort rooms by Rate
18. View the rate rules for the first suitable room

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19. Book the room

20. Select the PNR Viewer tab
21. View unique remarks
22. Copy the credit card number
23. Select the Smart Panel tab
24. Enter the Card code
25. Paste the credit card number
26. Enter the credit card expiration date
27. Enter Supplemental Information
28. Continue
29. Verify booking; close the script
30. Select the PNR Viewer tab
31. Click in the command box
32. Type ER and then press Enter
33. Select *IH to view supplemental information
34. Verify the supplemental information
35. End

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Search for Hotel by Reference Point: Resort

Search for Hotel by Reference Point-Resort: Scenario

Mrs. Helen Tempest is a new customer and does not have a WorldFile. She is traveling on business to Den-
ver and would like to extend her stay and go skiing. Her trip will be four nights from February 5th and
her husband will be joining her. She asks which ski resorts are accessible from Denver. After reviewing
the list with Mrs. Tempest, she chooses Breckenridge as she has heard Peak 9 is a spectacular place to
ski. As there is a possibility the business trip may be canceled she would prefer not to pay for the hotel in
advance. She states a preference for a hotel with an indoor pool and Jacuzzi.

1. Obtain a list of ski resorts close to Denver.

2. Perform an availability search using Mrs. Tempest’s hotel preferences.
3. Compare the hotels o ering the lowest room rates.
4. Identify which hotels do not require a deposit or pre-payment.
5. Select the hotel that best meets your customer’s requirements.
6. Determine the best flexible room rate for which Mrs. Tempest qualifies.
7. Determine the booking policy.
8. Determine the total amount for the stay including tax.
9. Book a room with a king size bed and guarantee the reservation to c/c AX370000000000028 EXP
10. Verify the reservation and check that a confirmation number has been received.
11. Complete the PNR.

Search for Hotel by Reference Point-Resort: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Select Reservations from menu
3. Select Hotel Booking Tool
4. Search for hotel by Reference Point
5. Select Type
6. Enter Airport/City Code
7. Select Resort/Ski Area
8. Enter Check In/Check Out Dates
9. Add Distance
10. Display more options
11. Select Property Amenities
12. Continue
13. Select Reference Point Name

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14. Sort hotels by Price Low-High

15. View hotels' guarantee and cancellation policies
16. Sort the rooms by Rate
17. View rate Rules for the selected room
18. Confirm guarantee and cancellation policies
19. Select See more
20. Select Property Description
21. Confirm desired amenities; press OK
22. Return to the list of available rooms
23. Book room that meets caller's requirements
24. Enter guest's First and Last Name
25. Enter Card code
26. Enter Card number
27. Enter Card expiration date
28. Continue
29. Verify booking and close script
30. Select the PNR Viewer tab
31. Select the Create/Modify PNR icon
32. Select Names
33. Enter first guest's Surname
34. Enter first guest's First name.title
35. Select Passenger Type
36. Press Add
37. Enter second guest's Surname
38. Enter second guest's First name.title
39. Select Passenger Type
40. Press Add
41. Continue
42. Select Ticketing Date
43. Select Ticketed - 7T/ in the Ticketing Field
44. Continue
45. Select Phone
46. Enter Agent's Name
47. Enter Phone number
48. Select Phone Type

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49. Press Add

50. Enter format to end and redisplay PNR
51. Close the script
52. Select the PNR Viewer tab
53. Verify confirmation status and confirmation number
54. End

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Cancel Reservation

Cancel Hotel Reservation: Scenario

It is the 5th of February and Mrs. Tempest calls to advise you that she no longer requires the hotel reser-
vation in Breckenridge on March 5th. Based on the conversation with Mrs. Tempest:

1. Determine the cancellation charge.

2. Determine whether the hotel will respond with a cancellation number.
3. Cancel the reservation.
4. Ensure the PNR is updated with the cancellation number.

Cancel Hotel Reservation: Cue Card

1. Start
2. View the hotel’s cancellation policy
3. Enter format to view cancellation policy
4. Review the full cancellation policy
5. Click in the command box
6. Enter format to view info for hotel chain
7. Select the Create/Modify PNR icon
8. Select Hotel
9. Select Delete checkbox
10. Continue
11. Verify update and close the script
12. Click in the command box
13. Enter format to update and redisplay PNR
14. Select the PNR Viewer tab
15. Click in the command box
16. Enter format to view history of hotel segments
17. Confirm cancellation details and confirmation number
18. End

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Modify Reservation

Modify Hotel Reservation: Scenario

Mrs. Davids contacts you, her plans have changed and she now needs to extend the number of nights of
the hotel reservation from two to three nights as she can no longer stay with her friend.

1. Check whether the reservation can be amended.

2. Modify the active hotel segment.
3. Verify the new details have been received by the hotel.
4. Save the changes.

Modify Hotel Reservation: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Click in the command box
3. Enter format to display hotel rules
4. Verify reservation can be amended
5. Enter format to modify check-in/out dates
6. Enter format to save and update PNR
7. Enter format to view hotel segment history
8. Confirm canceled and new segments
9. End

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Customize Hotel Default Record

Customize Hotel Default Record: Scenario

You have been asked to work on the IBM team who require frequent hotel bookings. Most employees have
AAA membership. The preferred hotel chain is Holiday Inn (HI) and to obtain their negotiated rates you
must use the Plan code IBM.

1. Customize the Hotel Default Record so that this information is always used in the search.
2. Perform an availability to check that the Hotel Default Record is updated correctly

Customize Hotel Default Record: Cue Card

1. Start
2. Select Smart Tools
3. Select Default Records
4. Select Hotel Default Record
5. Enter default hotel Chain Code(s)
6. Enter the default Plan Code(s)
7. Continue
8. Exit the script
9. Check defaults. Select Hotel Booking Tool
10. Search by City Code
11. Enter the Check-in Date
12. Continue
13. Check search results for default chain code
14. Select first hotel to check for default plan codes
15. End

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Rapid Reprice Use Cases

Use Cases are available for the following Rapid Reprice topics:

1. Exchange a Non-Changeable Ticket

2. Perform an Even Exchange
3. Change fee collected as EMD Issue Later
4. Multiple Reissue
5. Exchange on a Partially Flown Itinerary
6. Rapid Reprice Pricing Methods
7. Additional Collection and Change Fee Collected as Tax
8. Exchange Tickets with Multiple Passenger Type Codes
9. Exchange with Multiple Filed Fares
10. Exchange with a Refund in Multi Currency
11. Refund and a change fee collected as EMD

PNR Viewer *HTE

Displays the Electronic Ticket.
Travelport Rapid Reprice Exchange requires a valid e-Ticket with a status of OPEN or ARPT for reissues
Flight coupons are honored in sequence. Travelport Rapid Reprice can be used on tickets that are par-
tially flown.
The e-Ticket can also be associated to the currently retrieved PNR (where the itinerary will be changed
and the new flights booked)
If there are more than one passenger or ticket records, the e-Tickets are displayed in a Ticket list. To
View individual e-Tickets either select *TE00# in the PNR or type *TE00# at the command prompt.
After using Travelport Rapid Reprice, *HTE displays the new e-Ticket details with the new amended itin-
erary. All the original ticket details are added to the ticket. If the change fee was to be collected as tax
this will also be part of the *HTE display.

PNR Viewer *DI

View Document Information to verify refunds or change fees.
Document Information is also known as Document Itinerary or Document Invoice. DI lines are added to a
PNR when there is a refund or a change fee.


The Ticket and Invoice Numbering System (TINS) payment report for the office displays. It lists ticketed
transactions and also EMD –S (Standalone Electronic Miscellaneous Document) and any processed refunds.
In a typical report e-Tickets are identified by an “E” after the airline BSP code and EMDs are identified
with a “D”.

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Rapid Reprice Summary

Travelport Rapid Reprice is an automated process used to reissue an electronic ticket. It automatically
compares the new and old fares of the itinerary and re-calculates the new fare, including any additional
collections (fare and/or taxes) and change or penalty fee amounts.
Travelport Rapid Reprice is used when a customer makes a voluntary change to their itinerary, Airlines
need to be participating carriers and also need to use public and private fares (cat 15/25/35) distributed
by ATPCO and SITA. The ticket needs to be within a 13 month historical database of public and private
fares and rules, BSRs and ROEs.
Travelport Rapid Reprice processes multi-currency transactions for all points of sale as long as the
exchange is processed by the original ticketing agency, the currency code of the base fare is the same on
both tickets or the EQV currency is the same on each ticket
Note: When using Travelport Rapid Reprice, change the itinerary but do not END the PNR until the cus-
tomer confirms they want the change. An IR will ignore the booking and retain the original itinerary.
For more information visit ASK Travelport and view the Rapid Reprice User Guide
Check if the airline is a participant.

Rapid Reprice Pricing Options

Price as Best Buy in same cabin
Price as booked
Price with no penalty
Exclude Unbundled Fares

Three options are available for pricing. Additionally, Exclude Unbundled Fares is available. .
Economy Unbundled Fares are very restrictive fares that customers may not want to purchase. This
option excludes those fares from Rapid Reprice. It cannot be used with the Price with no Penalty option.
Price as Best Buy in same cabin (lowest available fare). This option is the default. The reprice response
includes any rebook information and segments are automatically rebooked.
Price as booked (booking class). This option quotes the reprice exactly as the booked itinerary. There
must be a valid fare for the booking codes.
Price with no penalty (lowest available unrestricted fare). The reprice will be calculated at the lowest
unrestricted fare for the booked itinerary. The reprice response indicates if flight segments need to be
rebooked in a different booking code.
Note: The pricing method is always displayed in the status

Rapid Reprice — Segments

Each segment has a green tick. Untick any segments not in the new itinerary.
Selection/de-selection of segments is required with:

Segments that are not associated to the filed fare you are exchanging.
A partially flown itinerary when the flown segments are still in the PNR. Rapid Reprice calculates
the fare from the point of origin on the ticket and return the results, considering Cat 31 rules. The
result is for the entire new ticket, including the flown segments or
Multiple filed fares/tickets in the PNR. Deselect the unwanted filed fares.

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New segments have been added and the old segments have not yet been deleted.

Rapid Reprice — Change Fee Collection Method


Airlines can choose from 3 different methods on how to collect a change fee. Each airline provides the
codes and the agent is responsible to apply the correct method.
Tax – The change fee is collected as a Tax. Once selected, it is mandatory to add the airline tax code.
EMD-S – (Standalone Electronic Miscellaneous Document) Soon the system will verify that that the carrier
is EMD ready for change fees and automatically select that choice if it is supported by the carrier.
Other – A change fee is to be added manually by the agent to the new stored fare as a Q surcharge. When
“Other” is selected, the Change Fee only displays on the response screen. The Change Fee is not pro-
cessed by the application.
View EMD Airline fact sheet.

Rapid Reprice Results — Summary

Travelport Rapid Reprice applies the Category 31 Rules for the fare(s) on the original ticket, analyzes the
requested change and return the results.
The Results displayed on this screen include the total additional collection and change fee. If there are
multiple passengers the totals display. If an airline has not filed Cat 31 Rules the results will error.
The Results that are displayed on this screen include:

The original base fare (and EQV fare if applicable)

The total taxes collected on the original ticket
The new base fare
The total of the taxes that apply to the new ticket
Any Add-Collect or Refund Amount (the title of the field changes accordingly)
Change fee amount
Change fee collection method from the user on the request screen
PCC and any applicable Account Code
Pricing option from the request screen
Any rebook information processed by the application
Any waiver information
Full Baggage Allowance information
To view complete details (for each passenger) click on the “Details” button.

Rapid Reprice Results — Per Passenger

Travelport Rapid Reprice applies the Category 31 Rules for the fare(s) on the original ticket, analyzes the
requested change and return the results.

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The Results displayed on this screen include the total additional collection and change fee. If there are
multiple passengers the totals display. If an airline has not filed Cat 31 Rules the results will error.
The Results that are displayed on this screen include:

The original base fare (and EQV fare if applicable)

The total taxes collected on the original ticket
The new base fare
The total of the taxes that apply to the new ticket
Any Add-Collect or Refund Amount (the title of the field changes accordingly)
Change fee amount
Change fee collection method from the user on the request screen
PCC and any applicable Account Code
Pricing option from the request screen
Any rebook information processed by the application
Any waiver information
Full Baggage Allowance information
To view complete details (for each passenger) click on the “Details” button.

Rapid Reprice Results — Tax Breakdown

Tax breakdown displays the breakdown of the old and new tax and any refunds or additional tax to be

Rapid Reprice Results — Receive From

If the passenger / booker name is added in the receive from box the name, date and time are added to
the Rapid Reprice Historical notepad.

Rapid Reprice Results — Ticket Modifiers


Ticket modifiers may be added to the prompt. For example type: EBNONREF
Multiple modifiers may be added using a forward slash (/) to separate the items: EBNONREF/Z0
ZO zero commission modifier
DTD issue ticket only, don’t send the accounting message or the passenger itinerary

Exchange Issue Confirmation Pop-up

When the Exchange / Issue Confirmation pop up appears the:

Fare has been filed

Historical notepads updated

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Seats may have been changed, and

Booking is ended and retrieved.


Issue Now to indicate automatic ticketing as part of the Rapid Reprice process. Choose Issue Now
If the change fee is to be collected on an EMD-S since it requires the reissued ticket number.
Issue Later to save the exchange data for later ticketing.

Ticket modifiers can be added.

If you only needed the fare, terminate the script by closing this box.
Once this box is closed, you have an accurate filed fare. To adjust the Filed Fare use the FBU entries and
perform a manual exchange.

Issue Now / Issue Later Pop-up

When the Issue Now / Issue Later Pop-up appears the:

Fare has been filed

Historical notepads updated
Seats may have been changed, and
Booking is ended and retrieved. Once Receive From and Continue are selected, the results are


Issue Now to indicate automatic ticketing as part of the Rapid Reprice process. Choose Issue Now
If the change fee is to be collected on an EMD-S since it requires the reissued ticket number.
Issue Later to save the exchange data for later ticketing.

Even Exchange Pop-Up

The Even Exchange pop-up displays when old and new fares are the same. There is no additional col-
lection amount. In some instances it displays if the original fare was higher than the new fare but there is
no refund.
Note that the Taxes appear with PD. This information populates the new ticket original exchange details.

Terminal Window *HNP

Travelport Rapid Reprice generates and stores a Historical Notepad for each transaction taken beyond
the Results screen. The Historical Notepad for a Rapid Reprice transaction appears only in the PNR his-
tory and is "locked" so it cannot be changed or deleted.
Examples of the codes used in the HNP:

AC or RF – Net Additional Collection or Net Refund due (includes the currency code and amount).
A net result mean the final financial impact to the customer.
CF – Change fee (includes the currency code and amount)
PTC (Passenger type code)
BB, FQ, etc. – Pricing Method

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PRT – Pricing Tag

FCI – Fare Calculation Indicator
FTC – Fare Type Code
REBOOK – Rebooking information
PCC – Pseudo City Code
New Base Fare – currency code and amount
EQ – New Base Fare Equivalent Amount

Rapid Reprice Results — RFIC Sub Code

Airlines use Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) to identify why an EMD was issued. For example, airlines
may have different codes for refunds and change fees.
The RFIC code is automatically populated for many airlines. If the carrier supports more than one RFI Sub
code, a drop-down is displayed. The RFIC Sub codes are hard coded and updated in each release of Rapid
Reprice for new carriers.
If the field does not automatically fill, click on look up to find the correct code.

Rapid Reprice Results — EMD Issue Pop-up

The EMD Issue prompt is largely pre-populated. Optional fields include: Tax codes, Tax amounts and com-
mission. Commission can be collected as an amount or a percentage. The airline can request other mod-
ifiers to be added for the EMD.
If a credit card was used for the original ticket the choice is available. If you tick this option, the same
credit card will be used for the EMD. Otherwise select the form of payment options. Credit Card, Cheque,
Cash, etc.

Refundable EMD
This screen opens after pressing continue on the Refundable warning.
The amount and RFIC code is already populated. Agents have the option to add up to 3 lines of endorse-
A fill-in free form area is provided to be able to enter an Endorsement on the EMD. No other information
can be edited.
The Endorsements can include:

Alpha characters
Numeric characters
Special characters like hyphen (-), slash (/), period or a dot (.) and spaces
Minimum 1 character
Maximum 147 characters

Terminal Window *EMDL

EMDL displays the Electronic Miscellaneous Document List. It lists all the EMD’s issued for this PNR. Most
common are EMD’s for a change fee or Baggage. If a refund EMD is issued it must be processed. The
status must not be open. A completed refund has a Settlement Authorization Code (SAC) from the airline.

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Rapid Reprice PTC

Passenger Type codes (PTC)
Rapid Reprice returns fares based on Passenger type code. Rapid Reprice adds the PTC to the screen. Up
to four PTC can be used in a booking. Examples include:

ADT – Adult
CNN - Child
INF – Infant

Any passenger type code other than an adult (ADT PTC) returns a warning message. This alert is to ensure
the PTC is correct and the rules applied.

Rapid Reprice Results — Additional Collection

Information regarding an Additional, Collection appears when the new fare is more than the original fare
or the change fee is collected as a Tax. Additional amounts can use up to three different forms of pay-
ment. The Default form is CASH. If a credit card was used in the original ticket it can be used by ticking
the box Use Original Credit card FOP
Other forms of payment include:

NONREF (free text)
MS (free text)
Government Requisition
Invoice Number (free text)

Carefully check the details before proceeding as this information populates the new e-ticket.
Multiple currency tickets can be exchanged if there is no change to the currency of the country of origin
and the exchange takes place in the same currency as originally issue.

Add Collect and Refundable Balance Prompt

Travelport Rapid Reprice does not support a refund when there is an additional collection (due to a
Galileo limitation which impacts Rapid Recovery). For example if there is an extra tax to pay when there
is also a refund due in the same transaction. The ticket can be reissued but the refund will need to be col-
lected outside of Travelport Rapid Reprice.

No Residual Amount / Non-Changeable Fare

Rapid Reprice processes according to the rules loaded by the airline in Cat 31. If the fare is Non Change-
able the prompt shows the fare has no residual value and a new e-ticket must be issued. There are cases
where the original fare is higher than the new fare but there is no refund due to the restriction.

No Residual Amount / Non-Changeable Fare — Service Segments

Create SVC Segment
A service segment must be created to issue an EMD. The mandatory items on the segment pre populate.
The Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) is supplied by the airline. If the RIFC is not added use the LOOK UP
option to select the correct code. If there is more than 1 passenger in the PNR, the application will auto-
matically apply the same RFI Sub Code to each passenger. Keeping the service segments is optional. Tick

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individual segments to keep them in the PNR. You can cancel the segments at any time using the manual
entry X#-# where # is the segment number.

Delete SVC Segments

It is optional to allow the service segments to remain in the PNR. Tick individual segments to keep them.

Terminal Window — EMD Fact Sheet

This link will take you to the EMD information page

Terminal Window — Fare Amount

To find the penalties for a fare, select the fare.

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Exchange a Non-Changeable Ticket

Exchange a Non-Changeable Ticket — Scenario

1. Verify the status of the issued e-Ticket.
2. Request an Exchange for the new itinerary.
3. Determine the Penalties of the original ticketed fare.
4. Determine the best solution for Mr. Mugabu.

Exchange a Non-Changeable Ticket — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select TOOLS from the menu
4. Select Rapid Reprice
5. Drop down the Change Fee Collection Method list
6. Select Collect As EMD-S
7. Press Continue
8. Press OK
9. Select Fare Basis display Find Fare Rules
10. Press Search to Find Fare Rules
11. Press OK
12. Select FARE amount to view penalties
13. Position cursor at command line
14. Type format to display Paragraph 31
15. Position cursor at command line
16. Type IR to return to the original itinerary
17. Confirm with customer
18. End

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Perform an Even Exchange

Perform an Even Exchange — Scenario

Mr. King’s tickets have been issued for his trip to Johannesburg. He now needs to change his return flight
to two days later, keeping the same fare if possible. You have successfully rebooked the return date in
the same booking class. You have determined South African Airways require any change fee to be col-
lected as a TAX using tax code DU. He advises to go ahead and make the change if there is no extra to

1. Verify the status of the issued e-Ticket.

2. Perform an Exchange for the new itinerary.
3. Determine if there is a change fee or additional collection.
4. Issue the new e-Ticket.5.Verify the new e-Ticket: status, travel date, exchange details.

Perform an Even Exchange — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select TOOLS from the menu
4. Select Rapid Reprice
5. Select Price as booked
6. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
7. Select Collect As TAX
8. Position cursor in Enter Tax Code box
9. Enter Tax Code specified by airline
10. Press CONTINUE
11. Position cursor in Receive From box
12. Enter passenger in Receive From box
13. Press CONTINUE
14. Press ISSUE NOW
15. Press CONTINUE
16. Press OK
17. Press OK
18. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
19. Select the new e-Ticket
20. Review the e-Ticket information
21. End

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Change fee collected as EMD Issue Later

Change fee collected as EMD Issue Later — Scenario

Mr. Dundon’s business meeting in Marseille has been extended and he would like to change the return
date to the 9th November. He would like the same flight time and the same fare if possible. Mr. Dundon
would like to know the cost to change it. He will pay any additional cost by check. You have successfully
changed the return flight. You determine that the British Airways collection method for a change fee is a
Standalone EMD (EMD-S). Your office operates a quality check on each booking prior to issuing tickets or
EMDs, therefore any Document Production will be performed at a later stage.

1. Verify the e-Ticket can be changed.

2. Reprice the new itinerary in the booking class booked.
3. Choose the appropriate collection method for any change fee.
4. Determine if there is a change fee or additional collection.
5. Prepare the PNR for the ticket and EMD to be issued at a later stage.

Change fee collected as EMD Issue Later — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select TOOLS from menu
4. Select Rapid Reprice
5. Select Price as booked
6. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
7. Select Collect As EMD-S
9. Press DETAIL
10. Press CLOSE
11. Position cursor in Receive From
12. Enter information in Receive From
13. Press CONTINUE
15. Press CONTINUE
16. Press OK
17. Press OK
18. Press *FF to review filed fare details
19. Select FQ1 to review filed fare details
20. Press *DI display Document Itinerary

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21. Position cursor at command line

22. Type *HNP to display Historical Notepad
23. Review Historic Notepad
24. End

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Multiple Reissue

Multiple Reissue — Scenario

Iqbar Elson, an engineer with Stobar Shipping, is traveling to Jakarta to join his ship. He has previously
changed the departure date and now needs to change it again. You have successfully rebooked the new
date in the same booking class. Stobar Shipping have special fares and require the ticket endorsement
MARINE ESSO 2332222. KLM Airlines (KL) has instructed that the change fee be processed as a Standalone
EMD (EMD-S). Any change fee will be collected by the company credit card Visa 4444333322221111,
expiry 12 15, and Authorization code 521. Based on the information:

1. Verify the status of the issued e-Ticket.

2. Determine if there is a change fee or additional collection.
3. Issue the exchange ticket with ticket endorsement.
4. Issue the Standalone EMD.
5. Verify the SVC segment: status, EMD number and amount.
6. Identify the issued documents on the Payment Report.

Multiple Reissue — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select latest e-Ticket
4. Select TOOLS from the menu
5. Select Rapid Reprice
6. Select Price as booked
7. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
8. Select Collect As EMD-S
10. Press DETAIL
11. Press CLOSE
12. Position cursor in Receive From box
13. Enter Receive From initials
14. Press CONTINUE
15. Enter Ticketing Modifier
16. Press ISSUE NOW
17. Press CONTINUE
18. Press OK
19. Press OK

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20. Press OK
21. Select Credit Card radio button
22. Position cursor in Card Type box
23. Enter Card Type
24. Position cursor in Card Number box
25. Enter Card Number
26. Position cursor in Expiry Date MM box
27. Enter Expiry Date month
28. Enter Expiry Date year
29. Enter Authorization Code
30. Press OK
31. Press OK
32. Press EXIT to return to PNR
33. Type IR and press Enter
34. Press *HTE to display the e-Ticket File
35. Select most recent e-Ticket record
36. Press *HTE to close e-Ticket File
37. Press *DI to view Document Itinerary
38. Press *DI to close Document Itinerary
39. Press *EMDL to view EMD list
40. Select second issued EMD
41. Select first issued EMD
42. View EMD issued for penalty fee
43. Type HMPR and press Enter
44. Type MD and press Enter
45. Type MD and press Enter
46. End

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Exchange on a Partially Flown Itinerary

Exchange on a Partially Itinerary — Scenario

Ms. Villanueva has called you from Madrid. She has used her flight ticket from London and wishes to
change her return flight to April 29th.  You have successfully rebooked the return date in the same book-
ing class. You determine that Iberia Airline’s (IB) collection method for a change fee is a Standalone EMD

1. Verify the status of the issued e-Ticket.

2. Issue an Exchange ticket for the new itinerary.
3. Determine if there are additional charges for changing the flight.
4. Review the new e-Ticket record.
5. Review the Historical Notepads.
6. Determine why Document Itinerary remarks are not created.

Exchange on a Partially Itinerary — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Select TOOLS from the menu
3. Select Rapid Reprice
4. Select Price as booked
5. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
6. Select Collect As EMD-S
8. Press DETAIL
9. Press CLOSE
10. Position cursor in Receive From box
11. Enter Receive From initials
12. Press Continue
13. Press ISSUE NOW
14. Press Continue
15. Press OK
16. Press OK
17. Position cursor at command line
18. Type *HTE to display e-Ticket File
19. Select latest e-Ticket
20. Position cursor at command line
21. Type *HNP and press Enter

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22. Position cursor at command line

23. Type MD and press Enter
24. Position cursor at command line
25. Type *DI and press Enter
26. Closing statement
27. End

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Rapid Reprice Pricing Methods

Rapid Reprice Pricing Methods — Scenario

Laura St. Ledger booked her flights three months ago to travel from Paris to Singapore via Dubai with
Emirates. Laura calls to say she may need to change the outbound date and depart a few days earlier.
There is also the possibility that she may need to change the date again. She wants to know what her
options are and how much the changes will cost.

1. Determine the fare in the class you have booked.

2. Determine the fare using the Best Buy in same cabin.
3. Determine the fare with no penalty.
4. Present all options to Laura for her consideration.

Rapid Reprice Pricing Methods — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select TOOLS from the menu
4. Select Rapid Reprice
5. Select Price as booked
6. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
7. Select Collect As TAX
8. Position cursor in Enter Tax Code box
9. Enter Tax Code specified by airline
10. Press CONTINUE
11. Press CANCEL
12. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
13. Select Collect As TAX
14. Position cursor in Enter Tax Code box
15. Enter Tax Code specified by airline
16. Press CONTINUE
17. Press CANCEL
18. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
19. Select Collect As TAX
20. Position cursor in Enter Tax Code box
21. Enter Tax Code specified by airline
22. Press CONTINUE
23. Press CANCEL

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24. Select Price with no penalty

25. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
26. Select Collect As TAX
27. Position cursor in Enter Tax Code box
28. Enter Tax Code specified by airline
29. Press CONTINUE
30. Press CANCEL
31. Type format to Ignore and Retrieve PNR
32. Closing statement
33. End

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Additional Collection and Change Fee Collected as Tax

Additional Collection and Change Fee Collected as Tax — Scenario

Ms. Surtees calls to see if she can extend her trip by a week. You checked availability for the new date
and the same booking class is no longer available.  You book the next available booking class and do not
End Transact the PNR. Ms. Surtees would like to know the cost to change the ticket. After advising Ms.
Surtees of the additional charges, she confirms she wishes to go ahead and will pay by cash. You determ-
ine South African Airways require any change fee collected as a tax using Tax Code DU.

1. Verify the status of the issued e-Ticket.

2. Determine if there is a change fee or additional collection.
3. Issue the exchange ticket with appropriate form of payment.
4. Verify the new e-Ticket: travel date, additional payment and exchange details.
5. Identify the issued documents on the Payment Report.

Additional Collection and Change Fee Collected as Tax — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select TOOLS from the menu
4. Select Rapid Reprice
5. Select Price as booked
6. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
7. Select Collect As TAX
8. Position cursor in Enter Tax Code box
9. Enter Tax Code specified by airline
10. Press CONTINUE
11. Press DETAIL display complete results
13. Press CLOSE
14. Press CLOSE
15. Position cursor in Receive From box
16. Enter passenger in Receive From box
17. Press CONTINUE
18. Press ISSUE NOW
19. Press CONTINUE
20. Press ISSUE NOW
21. Press CONTINUE

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22. Press OK
23. Press OK
24. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
25. Select the new e-Ticket
26. Position cursor at command line
27. Type HMPR and press Enter
28. Closing statement
29. End

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Exchange Tickets with Multiple Passenger Type Codes

Exchange Tickets with Multiple Passenger Type Codes — Scenario

Ann Goldstein and her 8-year-old daughter have booked a trip from Dublin to Philadelphia. The outbound
flight is direct and the inbound flights connect via Charlotte. Ann has called to request a date change to
return two days later and there is now a direct flight from Philadelphia to Dublin. You have rebooked the
two passengers to return on their preferred date on a direct flight. You determine that US Airways (US)
collection method for a change fee is a Standalone EMD (EMD-S).

1. Add the change fee collection method.

2. Reprice the itinerary.
3. Determine the change fee.
4. Compare the details for the child fare with the adult.
5. Ticket both the child and the adult.
6. Issue now and there are no extra modifiers.
7. Use original form of payment.
8. Note the different amounts for adult and child.
9. Delete the SVC Segments.

Exchange Tickets with Multiple Passenger Type Codes — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select adult fare
4. Select Back to Electronic Ticket List
5. Select child fare
6. Select Back to Electronic Ticket List
7. Select TOOLS from the menu
8. Select Rapid Reprice
9. Select Price as booked
10. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
11. Select Collect As EMD-S
12. Press Continue
13. Press OK
14. Press DETAIL
16. Press CLOSE
17. Select the child passenger

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19. Press CLOSE
20. Press CLOSE
21. Position cursor in Receive From
22. Enter information in Receive From
23. Press CONTINUE
24. Press ISSUE NOW
25. Press CONTINUE
26. Press OK
27. Press OK
28. Press CONTINUE
29. Press OK
30. Press OK
31. Press OK
32. Press OK
33. Press OK
34. Press OK
35. Press OK
36. Press OK
37. Press Refresh
38. Type *HTE to display e-Ticket File
39. Select most recent adult ticket
40. Select Back to Electronic Ticket list
41. Select most recent child ticket
42. Select Back to Electronic Ticket list
43. Type *DI and press Enter
44. Type HMPR and press Enter
45. Need action
46. Cancel service segments
47. Closing statement
48. End

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Exchange with Multiple Filed Fares

Exchange with Multiple Filed Fares — Scenario

John Olsen booked and paid for his transatlantic tickets during a US Airways seat sale. Later, he booked
some internal US Airways flights. All filed fares have been ticketed and John has requested a change to
both the outbound and inbound dates of his transatlantic flights. His internal flights and fares will remain
the same. You have successfully rebooked the new dates in the same booking class. US Airways (US) has
instructed that the change fee be processed as a Standalone EMD (EMD-S). Any change fee will be paid for
by invoice number 12345.

1. Verify the status of the issued e-Ticket.

2. Determine if a lower fare exists for the new dates.
3. Determine if there is a change fee or additional collection.
4. Issue the exchange ticket for the lower fare.
5. Issue the Standalone EMD with appropriate form of payment.
6. Review the Historical Notepads.
7. Review the Document Itinerary remarks.
8. Identify the issued documents on the Payment Report.

Exchange with Multiple Filed Fares — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select Transatlantic e-Ticket
4. Select TOOLS from menu
5. Select Rapid Reprice
6. De-select e-Ticket that needs no change
7. De-select segments not part of fare
8. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
9. Select Collect As EMD-S
10. Press Continue
11. Press DETAIL
13. Press Close
14. Press CLOSE
15. Position cursor in Receive From
16. Enter information in Receive From
17. Press CONTINUE

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18. Press Yes

19. Press ISSUE NOW
20. Press CONTINUE
21. Press OK
22. Press OK
23. Press OK
24. Select Other
25. Drop down Other list
26. Select Invoice Number (Free Text)
27. Position cursor in Free Text box
28. Enter Invoice Number
29. Press OK
30. Press OK
31. Press Refresh
32. Type *HTE and press Enter
33. Select the latest ticket
34. Type *DI and press Enter
35. Type *HNP and press Enter
36. Type HMPR and press Enter
37. Type MD (move down) and press Enter
38. Closing statement
39. End

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Exchange with a Refund in Multi Currency

Exchange with a Refund in Multi Currency — Scenario

Sam French has booked a business class trip from London to Helsinki on Finnair (AY) and now wishes to
return two days later. He asks if he can lower his fare if he downgrades to economy. You have rebooked
in economy for his required date. The change fee can be collected as EMD. This ticket involves multiple
currencies because it was booked and ticketed in a Euro country (DUB) for an origin point in the UK

1. Establish if there is a lower fare.

2. Determine if the passenger is due a refund.
3. Establish if Rapid Reprice can process the transaction (refunds/additional collection cannot be pro-
4. Determine if the refundable balance can be collected via EMD with the carrier.
5. Determine the refund calculation.
6. Reissue the ticket.
7. Add endorsement remark “TEST” to the refund EMD and issue EMD refund.
8. Process the refund for the difference in fare.
9. Verify the HMPR.

Exchange with a Refund in Multi Currency — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select TOOLS from menu
4. Select Rapid Reprice
5. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
6. Select Collect As EMD-S
7. Press Continue
8. Press DETAIL
10. Press Close
11. Press CLOSE
12. Position cursor in Receive From
13. Enter initials of person requesting change
14. Press CONTINUE
15. Press CONTINUE
16. Press ISSUE NOW

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17. Press CONTINUE

18. Press CONTINUE
19. Position cursor in Endorsement1 box
20. Enter Endorsement text
21. Press OK
22. Press OK
23. Press OK
24. Press REFRESH
25. Enter *HTE to display e-Ticket File
26. Select newly issued e-Ticket
27. Press *EMDL display Electronic Misc Document List
28. Select EMD list number
29. Position cursor EMD REFUND prompt
30. Enter F and press Enter
31. Press *EMDL to view EMD list
32. Type HMPR and press Enter
33. Type MD (move down) and press Enter
34. Type *DI and press Enter
35. Type *HNP and press Enter
36. Closing statement
37. End

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Refund and a change fee collected as EMD

Refund and a change fee collected as EMD — Scenario

Alan Noyer has booked to fly from Berlin to Delhi. You have booked him a lower priced restricted busi-
ness class ticket. He has called to request that you change the flight to depart from Berlin 2 days
later. You have tried to get the same fare in business but it is unavailable. You need to downgrade to eco-
nomy for the trip to.  You have booked in Y class as Mr. Noyer now prefers a fully flexible ticket on the
outbound. EMD change fee for LHUse Credit card: vi 4444333322221111 exp1215 auth code 8712 for any
change fee.

1. Establish the lower fare

2. Establish change fee
3. Compare the final refundable amount with the fare break down
4. Determine tax breakdown
5. Determine the Document itinerary remarks
6. Suppose LH is not EMD ready how would you issue the refund
7. Issue New E ticket
8. Create EMD for refund.
9. Create EMD for Change fee
10. Process the refund

Refund and a change fee collected as EMD — Cue Card

1. Start
2. Press *HTE to display e-Ticket File
3. Select TOOLS from menu
4. Select Rapid Reprice
5. Select Price as booked
6. Drop down Change Fee Collection list
7. Select Collect As EMD-S
9. Press DETAIL
11. Press CLOSE
12. Press CLOSE
13. Position cursor in Receive From
14. Enter initials of person requesting change
15. Press CONTINUE

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16. Press CONTINUE

17. Press ISSUE NOW
18. Press CONTINUE
19. Press CONTINUE
20. Position cursor in Endorsement1 box
21. Enter Endorsement text
22. Press OK
23. Press OK
24. Press OK
25. Press OK
26. Select Credit Card radio button
27. Position cursor in Card Type box
28. Enter Card Type
29. Position cursor in Card Number box
30. Enter Card Number
31. Position cursor in Expiry Date MM box
32. Enter Expiry Date month
33. Position cursor in Expiry Date YY box
34. Enter Expiry Date year
35. Position cursor in Authorization Code box
36. Enter Authorization Code
37. Press OK
38. Press OK
39. Press EXIT to return to PNR
40. Type *HTE to display e-Ticket File
41. Select newly issued e-Ticket
42. Type IR and press Enter
43. Press *EMDL to view EMD list
44. Select first EMD from list
45. Position cursor EMD REFUND prompt
46. Type F and press Enter
47. Select second EMD from list
49. Type MD (move down) and press Enter
50. Type MD (move down) and press Enter

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

51. Type *DI and press Enter

52. Type HMPR and press Enter
53. Type MD (move down) and press Enter
54. Closing Statement
55. End

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Quick Reference Guide

To print the Quick Reference Guide, use the PDF version of the guide.
This guide includes quick reference for common Smartpoint tasks, as well as an overview of Smartpoint

Smartpoint Workflow
Air Shop/Smartpanel
Encode City/Airport
Fare Display
Itinerary, including Sell from Availability
Fare Quote
Filed Fares
Flown mileage
Mandatory PNR fields, including agency details, names, passenger phone/email, ticket time limit,
frequent flyer, and secure flight
Ignore PNR
Receive, End, Retrieve PNR
Optional PNR fields, including SSR and OSI, Booking File/PNR remarks, seating
Steps to move a Client File (BAR and PAR)
Steps to sell a hotel
Steps to sell a car, including car direct segment sell
Cancel itinerary
Modify/Delete PNR data

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Select the hyperlink to move to that section of the guide.

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Passenger names OR Client file

- to add filed fare –
Agency details
Air Shop / Smartpanel OR / AND Fare Display
Fare quote
Passenger contacts incl. afterhours
Secure Flight/APIS
Ticket Time Limit
Receive, end and retrieve (optional)
Meals and other service requests
Receive and End

Air Shop / Smartpanel


Establish available flights and fares using the Travelport Smartpoint user-friendly graphical interface,
Top Tip: Add names first, so your fare is stored.

Press located bottom-right of the terminal window:

Complete the screen, example:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

To add segments press Insert segment after icon.

Ensure you add the child’s age in Passengers description box, e.g.,
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive results display to access details, rules and book the pricing solu-

Encode City/Airport


.CELE MANS Encode single city
.CENADI/PHUKET/DENPASAR Encode multiple cities (max.3)

Fare Display

Fare display options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


FD1MAYSYDMAD Basic entry, date and city pair
FDSYDMSPV08AUG21AUG/VA/A Validated outbound/return dates
including specified airline (max.
3) adding approx. taxes
FD1MAYSYDPAR/AY.AP@QLSV2AU*ADT Outbound date, specific airline
(max. 3), global indicator, fare

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basis and passenger type code
FD10AUGSYDSYD-RTW/QF Round-the-world specify airline
(max. 3)
FD15AUGBNEZQN-RT Outbound date, return fares only

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access rules, routing and class information.  Hover
the cursor over the display.
Example screen display:


Availability Follow-up: H/AVFU

For the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface, use Search menu item and select Air Availability
Alternatively, use Tools menu item and select Calendar:

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Availability options may be used in any order after the date/city pair.


A10AUGBNEMEL Basic availability, add search options to the end in any order
A10AUGBNEMEL.0900 Specify time, searches 2 hours prior
A10AUGBNEMEL0900 Add # to the end to search from exact time
AF 7-day search, direct flights, number of seats required in a specified class, on
1MAYSYDHNL.D@2Q/QF# specified airline # only
A10AUGSYDSCL@L//*O Specified class on Alliance carriers
DCA lists Alliance carrier codes
DCA/*O lists carriers in specified Alliance code
A10APRBNELAX/VA@T.D On specified airline (max. 3), class and direct services
AR20APR/VA@T.D Follow up entry for return flights on specified date and airline (max. 3),
class and direct services
Follow up entry for return flights add number of days to initial entry in
place of a date, adding options specified airline (max. 3), class and direct
A Return availability entry, combining the two-step process listed above
AF 7-day search return availability, specifying airline (max. 3), class and direct
10APRBNELAX services
A1MAYSYDHNL/QF.D On specified airline (max. 3), direct services

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AN10MAYLAX/AA.D Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination city is required fol-
lowed by options
Follow up entry to the next city; only the destination city is required fol-
lowed by options
A Onward availability entry, combining the two-step process listed above
AF 7-day search onward availability, stipulating number of seats in a specific
1MAYSYDHNL class and airline
A10MARBNESYD.0700*QF Carrier specific (only 1 airline permitted), specifying approx. time
AR15MAR.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry to return on specified date and approx. time
Or, Or,
AR#5.1700*QF Carrier specific follow up entry for return flights add number of days to ini-
tial entry in place of a date, adding approx. time
A Carrier Specific return availability entry, combining the two-step process lis-
10MARBNESYD ted above

Sell from Availability

From a Travelport Smartpoint interactive display, use your cursor to select the required class(es).
To change the number of seats when you have not yet entered passenger names, press the calendar icon
at the bottom of the availability display:

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N2Q3 Need two seats in Q class on line 3 from single availability
N2Q1++N2Y3 Dual availability – need two seats in Q class on line 1 from first screen
and Q class on line 3 from second screen
N2B3M4 Connecting flights – different class of service
N2B3* Connecting flights – same class of service

Fare Quote

Top Tip: Travelport Smartpoint reads passenger types from the name field, e.g. *P-C09
The default is to quote all segments for all passengers in a PNR.
To quote specific passengers/segments, use options.

FQ Fare quote classes booked, all passengers, all segments
FQA Fare quote alternatives for classes booked
FS Fare shop.  Compares different airlines for dates booked.
Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to BOOK or REBOOK the itinerary
FQBB Fare quote best buy
Use FQBBK to rebook and file the fare
FQBA Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability.  Lowest fare for booked itinerary for
information only – not filed
FQBC Fare quote best buy, irrespective of availability.  Compares booked itinerary classes with
lowest fare for booked itinerary.  For information only – not filed
FQBBS1.4 Specific segments e.g. 1 and 2 using fare quote best buy.  Use any fare quote entry, e.g.
FSS2–6 Specific segments, e.g. 2 through to 6 using fare shop.  Use any fare quote entry, e.g.
FQP1.4 Specific passengers, e.g. 1 and 4 using fare quote for classes booked.  Use any fare quote
entry, e.g. FQBAP1.4
FQAP2–4 Specific passengers, e.g. 2 through to 4 using fare quote alternatives.  Use any fare quote
entry, e.g. FQP2–4
FQBBP Combination of passengers and segments
FQOCAY Quote a specific airline’s fare, override plating carrier logic
FQ@ Quote a specific fare to validate rules

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Filed Fares


*FF Display a summary of all filed fares
*FF2 Expand summary of a specified filed fare
FXALL Cancel all filed fares
FX1 Cancel specified filed fare

Flown Mileage


FLS1-7 Display flown (ticketed point) mileage for specified segments, e.g. 1 through to 7

Mandatory PNR Fields

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Customer Information to add:

Names H/NAME
Frequent flyer (optional) H/FREQUENT

Passenger phone/email H/PHONE

Address (optional) H/ADDRESS
Ticket time limit H/T.
Form of payment (optional) H/F.
Secure Flight/APIS data (optional) H/APIS

Agency Details


CM/+*LARNA Move your agency details, adding your own name to the phone field

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo



PTC for a list of passenger
N.I/BARTON/COLINMSTR*08JAN16 Infant add date of birth

Passenger Phone/Email



P.BNEM*61 4 21436587 MR BARTON Mobile number, adding city
P.H*61 7 3367 3353 MR BARTON Home number, using default city
Use - - for underscore

Ticket Time Limit



T.TAU/11JAN Ticket arrangement for specified date

Frequent Flyer / Mileage Membership (Optional)



M.P1/VA1029384756 Frequent flyer number for specified passenger

Secure Flight / APIS (Optional)


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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


SI.P Secure flight data, include mandatory slash for omitted data, YY
1 represents all carriers in the itinerary

Receive, End, Retrieve PNR



Top Tip: Add an auto-receive, so you don’t have to use the received from entry each time.  Here’s

1. From the Application menu, select Application Settings:

2. Add your received data in the AutoRecieve field and press SAVE:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

R.P+E Received from and end

R.P+ER Received from, end and retrieve

E End (receive already entered)

EM End and email a plain text itinerary (receive already entered).  Add *HTM to the end of
the entry to send a ViewTrip itinerary (HTML)
ER End and retrieve (receive already entered)
ERM*HTM End, retrieve and email a ViewTrip itinerary (receive already entered)

Retrieve a PNR by surname.

Use Recent PNRs icon:

Note: Ensure there is not a PNR already retrieved on your screen.

Ignore PNR
I Ignore.  If the PNR has not been ended, you lose all data

IR Ignore and retrieve, any data added to the PNR is lost.  Only on ended/completed

Optional PNR Fields

SSR and OSI – Generates Messages to Airlines
Special Service Requirements H/SSR


Other Supplementary Information H/OSI

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Special Services to add, delete or modify:

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SI.YY*CTCM BNE 61 4 21436587 MR BARTON OSI Passenger afterhours contact to airline

SI.P3/BBML Baby meal on all segments, relate to infant name

Booking File/PNR Remarks – Does Not Generate Messages to Airlines

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.  From the PNR Viewer window, select
Create/Edit Booking File Remarks to add, delete or modify:

Customer ID H/CI.
Corporate ID ASK AN1216
Review Booking File/PNR H/RB.
Associated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.S
Note Pad H/NP.
Unassociated Itinerary Remarks H/RI.
Invoice/Accounting Remarks H/DI.

Unassociated Itinerary Remarks


RI.VA TOTAL FARE AUD274.00 AND QF Unassociated itinerary remarks, display at the bottom of the
TOTAL FARE AUD270.02 itinerary.  Maximum 70 characters

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive seat map obtained by selecting the class in the segment.

Select the seat using your cursor.  If supported by the airline, SeatGuru information displays.  Use the
menu to the right to select further passengers and segments.

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Steps to Move a Client File


Business File (BAR)

C*ABC Display BAR using name, e.g. ABC

CM/+*JILL Move BAR, adding your name to agency phone

Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move BAR, adding your name and moving optional (O) line numbers.
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving reference data

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo


Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists in the PNR

Personal File (PAR)

C*ABC–SMITH Display PAR for passenger, e.g. SMITH, associated to BAR, e.g. ABC

Or, Or,
SCFSMITH Search Client file for a passenger, e.g. SMITH
Using the SCF entry, select from the following options to move into a PNR:

CM/+*JILL Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your name to agency phone
Or, Or,
CM/+*JILL/+4.6-7 Move all Client file data (BAR and PAR), adding your name and moving optional
(O) line numbers
Add flights using Smartpanel results or Availability
CM/R Move related (R) lines, e.g. meals
Note: Ensure flights are booked before moving reference data
Or, Or,
CM/R/P–1 Passenger relate where more than one passenger exists in the PNR

TI-DFT/US/CS/BC Travel information for specified country’s customs baggage clearance policy

Steps to Sell – Hotel

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.
Step 1: Display hotel availability.
When there is no PNR present, from the Search menu, select Hotel Availability Search.  Example:

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User Guide: Travelport Smartpoint v7.0 for Apollo and Galileo

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Hotel Search.  Example:

Complete the Hotel Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH.  Example:

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access hotel description, images and TripAdvisor
reviews.  Press the Maps icon, to the right, to access an interactive map.

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Step 2: Select the approximate room rates to access the complete availability.

Step 3: Select the required room rate to validate the rate rules.

Step 4::  Select the link to open the Hotel Sell Options screen.  Complete as required
and press Sell Room(s)

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Step 6: Receive and end the PNR.  Example entry: R.MRS+E

Steps to Sell – Car

Use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface.
Step 1: Display car availability.
When there is no PNR present, from the Search menu, select Car Availability Search.  Example:

Where you have a PNR, hover the cursor over the segment number and select Car Search.  Example:

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Complete the Car Search screen as appropriate and press SEARCH.  Example:

Use the Travelport Smartpoint interactive display to access the car vendor description.

Step 2: Select the required rate to validate the rules.


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Step 3: Select the link to book the car.

Step 4: Receive and end the PNR.  Example entry: R.MRS+E

Car Direct Segment Sell


Car Sell Options H/CAR/


ØCCRZENN1MEL2MAY–4MAYFCAR/ARR–1135/DT–1500/ID–F348I/BS–0236634 ZE = car vendor
NN1 = need one car
MEL = city
2MAY = pick-up date
4MAY = drop-off date
/ARR- = pick-up time
/DT- = drop-off time
Options (in any order):
/ID- = Customer ID
/BS- = booking source

Alternatively, use the Travelport Smartpoint graphical user interface available from the Sell menu, Car
and Car Direct.  Example:

Complete the Car Direct Sell screens as appropriate.  Example Reservation screen:

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Example Payment screen:

Example Other screen:

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Modify / Cancel / Delete

Cancel Itinerary


X1 Cancel segment one
X1.4 Cancel segments 1 and 4
X1–4 Cancel segments 1 through to 4

Modify / Delete PNR Data

Use the PNR viewer window, selecting the interactive (green) item of the data you need to change.
Example screen display:

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Example, selecting the Fone item 2. opens the Customer Information screen, press the edit icon to open
the information.  Make the required changes and press Apply and Save.
To delete, press the delete icon and Save.

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