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Incorta Partner Environment Demo Script


Version: 1.0

Author: Shaan Mistry

Date: 04/14/2022

Useful Links

Incorta Overview:

Getting started with Incorta:

Using data wizard:

Creating business schema:

Incorta analyzer (visualization):


Thanks for joining me today. I have the pleasure of walking you through the Incorta unified data and
analytics platform

The incorta platform can address the challenges faced by businesses. Typically a lot of etl, data prep
and blend tools are only ever used to work on slices, aggregates or extracts only. With Incorta we are
connecting and ingesting raw data from many source systems as opposed to extracts, without the
need to perform endless ETL. If we desire we can then enrich and curate the data. Ensuring that
when it comes to analyzing, the business users can trust where the data comes from and get
answers to queries in seconds.

Click content tab

Interacting with Incorta is done via the browser portal. It doesn’t matter if you are a DBA , data
scientist or business user. It is the same unified experience for everyone that logs in. The
functionality you are exposed to is dependent on your security preferences.

The content section is a view of everything you have created or that has been shared with you.

So the first step for us is data ingestion.

Click data tab

In this scenario, we are going to be working with sales and product data.

The business challenge we are addressing is to better understand buying patterns of our customers.
Maybe location, seasonality or even the weather is impacting our sales.

Incorta has a vast range of data sources it can work with ( click new > add data source)

Everything from databases, applications, file systems, data lakes. It can also bring data in from API’s.

click on the X (to close out the window)

IT have kindly created the connection to the datasets already.

The first is our POS data (online store)

The second is our weather data (local file)

The next step is to load all the data into the platform.

(click Schema tab)

A schema in Incorta is a logical grouping of tables.

We want to create 2 new physical schemas.

Creating the schema is straightforward, we can launch the schema wizard.

(Click +New > Schema Wizard)

We can give this schema a name (<enter a new schema name>)and select OnlineStore as the

(Click Next, Then ‘OnlineStore’, then Select ALL)

Incorta is inspecting the source system. We can see all the metadata from the source. We also can
change the labels, mapping type, but this is all auto discovered by Incorta.

(Click Next)
For now I will select all to mirror the source system and let Incorta detect all possible joins.

(Click Create Schema)

Traditional approaches would demand IT works with the business to understand all questions about
the data ahead of time. Then go through various reshaping and flattening. We can bypass all the
design and laborious ETL.

Now we have created a schema in Incorta.

Next we can load the data into incorta.

(Click Load > Full Load) (could take 1 minute 45s to load)

Incorta supports both full and incremental loads, as it’s the first time we do a full load.

Incremental loads can be scheduled, this can be set at a minute, hour, day, week, month level.

(post load)

Over 30 tables and 25million rows have now been loaded. By loading we have directly data mapped
all the tables and join indexes. Essentially storing a compressed replication of the source system in
the Incorta data layer. But a key point to note is with the data mappings in place.

(Click Diagram (ERD view))

Here we can see all the relationships between tables in Incorta. We didn’t have to do any
configuration here, based on primary and foreign keys, Incorta inspected and chose these

(Click X to close window)

What we now want to do is incorporate our weather data and then look to join both disparate
schemas into a single view.

(Click Schema tab) then (Click WEATHER_FULL schema)

Ahead of time I already have a schema and loaded the data.

A single table with 74million rows. An important point is the size, nearly 1.5 gb within Incorta. The
raw source file is over 10gb. Which really does highlight Incortas efficient compression. Meaning the
memory footprint of data will always be smaller than the source.

Let’s return back to our POS schema.

(Click Schema tab) then (your new POS schema you created))
We want to create a join across these 2 disparate schemas, so POS data to weather data.

All I need to do is (Click +New > add Join)

Select the ‘sales order header table’

Joining on ‘order date’ to the WEATHER_FULL table, selecting ‘Date’

(Click the ‘+’) to add another join.

We can also add a second join for Sales Order Header zip to WEATHER_FULL zip

(Click Done)
(Press Save Changes)
Now we have the join created we can see the direct data mapping take place. Adding further
information to the incorta data layer and the intelligence about the data is being built across the two

(Click Diagram (ERD view)

If we look at the ERD again we can see the new relationship in place.

(Click on the X to close the window)

Once that’s done we now have our schemas in place, data loaded, Joins identified and intelligence
built across our data.

Business users and consumers tend not to always want or need to see the complexity of joins, nor all
the data tables. Within Incorta we can create a business level abstraction. This allows us to simplify
and organize the data making it easier for business users to understand.

So let's go into (Click Business Schema)

I have already created business schema earlier, so let’s dive in further.

(Click Online_Store)
You can have multiple views within a business schema, here we have views for customers, orders,
revenue detail and also broken down by monthly revenue.

Let’s go further into Order details

(Click to the right of Order details > Edit )

In each view we can add columns.

To now make it more end user friendly we can also tidy up labels. In this case we have tidied up
SalesOrderNumber and abbreviated it to be SO#.

Within the business schema we could also generate or carry out calculations using new formulas but
based on existing columns.

(Click Cancel)
So we now have our business schema ready. This is now a trusted source of data to be able to query
and create visual insights by clicking ( Explore data. )

Incorta understands that once the business view is created, business users may want to use their
own visualization tools such as power bi or tableau, or even look at the trusted data through excel.
We have connectors now in place for all of those 3rd party applications . But incorta comes with its
own comprehensive visualization capabilities which supports a variety of different visualization
types. On the left we have all the columns that have been made available through the incorta
business schema layer we built.

Let’s build a simple visualization. (**or which ever viz you prefer)

(click chart type and select Column)

(add the grouping Dimension as Maximum Temperature)

(add the coloring dimension as Category)

(add the measure as Revenue) (should look like below)

I’ll label this as Temp impact on revenue

What’s interesting is looking at the data we can see as the temperature soars past 60, bike sales
increase so we can identify a direct correlation between. Obviously past 85, it’s not as appealing to
be thinking about purchasing a new bike!

(Click cancel, then Click Content tab)

This was a simple example of building quick visual insights in Incorta.

To show you are more complete dashboard i’ll open up the overview dashboard built on this
business schema.

(Click Overview dashboard) (** note you may need to favorite this, to make it easier to find for
the 1st time)
Here we have our overview dashboard, broken down into various tabs analyzing our products,
margins, customers, transaction detail and warehouse transfers.

If I (click on Transaction details tab)

This gives us a granular view of all the transactions. There's over 9 million transactions.

If i (click on Road bikes (from the heatmap))

We are now querying all those transactions, querying now on road bikes. Same with drill through
and searching. As we query the incorta data layer, we are querying the full set of data. As we have
direct data mapping queries can appear in sub seconds. It is usually here that traditional approaches
struggle so they rely on aggregates or slices of data to have any chance of serving the business

And there we have it, Let’s recap how we got here. We connected to our data sets, built our 2
schemas and joined them together. We loaded them into the Incorta data layer. Then we built our
business friendly schema. Finally we created our visualization insights allowing us to query our data
in sub seconds. All through one single platform interface.


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