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No. of Topics Name Page
Chapter Number

Chapter 1 Introduction to Concepts of Computer+ 126 3-24


Chapter 2 Classification of Computers +126 Quiz 6-24

Chapter 3 Main Parts of computer (Hardware, Input, 24-42

Output) + 90 Quiz

Chapter 4 Software + 92 Quiz 43-58

Chapter 5 Memory + 80 Quiz 59-74

Chapter 6 Network and Internet+ 84 Quiz 75-92

Chapter 7 Computer Security +157 Quiz 93-116

Chapter 8 Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint) + 117-164

300 Quiz

Chapter 9 Computer terminology 165-171

Chapter 10 Important computer abbreviation+ 21 Quiz 172-176

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Concepts of


A computer is an electronic machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences

of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming.
Commonly consisting of digital circuitry, that accepts (inputs), stores, and generates
(outputs) data as numbers, text, graphics, voice, video files, or electrical signals.

• Father of the computer - Charles Babbage

• Father of the modern computer - Alan Turing

• Basic Architecture of Computer: John Von Neumann (1947-49)

• First Programmer: Lady Ada Lovelace (1880)

• First Electronic Computer: ENIAC (1946) - J.P. Eckert & J.W. Mauchly

• A first computer for the home user introduced - IBM in 1981

Generation of Computer
There are five generations of computers.
1946-1959 is the period of the first-generation computer.
J.P. Eckert and J.W. Mauchy invented the first successful electronic computer called ENIAC,
ENIAC stands for “Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer”.
i)It made use of vacuum tubes which are the only electronic component available during
those days.
ii) These computers could calculate in milliseconds.
i)These were very big in size, weight was about 30 tones.
ii) These computers were based on vacuum tubes.
iii) These computers were very costly.
iv) It could store only a small amount of information due to the presence of magnetic

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v) A large amount of energy consumption.

1959-1965 is the period of a second-generation computer.
Second-generation computers were based on Transistors instead of vacuum tubes.
Example : Honeywell 400, IBM 7094, CDC 1604, CDC 3600, UNIVAC 1108
i)Due to the presence of transistors instead of vacuum tubes, the size of the electron
component decreased. This resulted in reducing the size of a computer as compared to
first-generation computers.
ii) Less energy and not produce as much heat as the first generation.
iii) Assembly language and punch cards were used for input.
iv) Low cost than first-generation computers.
v) Better speed, calculate data in microseconds.
i)A cooling system was required.
ii) Constant maintenance was required.
iii) Only used for specific purposes.
1965-1971 is the period of the third-generation computer.
These computers were based on Integrated circuits.
IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby In 1958-1959. IC was a single component
containing a number of transistors.
Examples: PDP-8 ,PDP-11, ICL 2900, IBM 360
i)These computers were cheaper as compared to second-generation computers.
ii) They were fast and reliable.
iii) The use of IC in the computer provides the small size of the computer.

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iv) IC not only reduces the size of the computer but it also improves the performance of the
computer as compared to previous computers.
v) This generation of computers has a big storage capacity.
i)IC chips are difficult to maintain.
ii) The highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacturing of IC chips.
1971-1980 is the period of the fourth-generation computer.
This technology is based on Microprocessor.
A microprocessor is used in a computer for any logical and arithmetic function to be
performed in any program.
Graphics User Interface (GUI) technology was exploited to offer more comfort to users.
Examples: IBM 4341
i)Fastest in computation and size get reduced as compared to the previous generation of
ii) The heat generated is negligible.
iii) Small in size as compared to previous generation computers.
i) Microprocessor design and fabrication are very complex.
ii) Air conditioning is required in many cases due to the presence of ICs.
The period of the fifth generation in 1980-onwards.
This generation is based on artificial intelligence.
The aim of the fifth generation is to make a device that could respond to natural language
input and are capable of learning and self-organization.
This generation is based on ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology resulting in
the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic components.
Examples: Desktop, Laptop, Note-Book

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Chapte 2: Classification of Computers

1. Digital computer -Digital computer is the most commonly used type of computer and is
used to process information with quantities using digits, usually using the binary number
system. Ex - MacBook.
2. Analog Computer - A computer that operates with numbers represented by directly
measurable quantities (as voltages or rotations) — compare digital computers, hybrid
3. Hybrid Computer - A computer that combines the characteristics of a digital computer
and an analog computer by its capacity to accept input and provide output in either digital
or analog form and to process information digitally.

Classification on size
1. Mainframe computer - A mainframe computer is a very large computer capable of
handling and processing very large amounts of data quickly. They are used by large
institutions, such as government agencies and large corporations.
2. Mini Computer - a computer with processing and storage capabilities smaller than
those of a mainframe but larger than those of a microcomputer.
3. Micro computer - A microcomputer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and is
generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer or PC , a computer
designed for an individual.
4. Personal computer - A personal computer (PC) is a small, relatively inexpensive
computer designed for an individual user. In price, All are based on the microprocessor
technology that enables manufacturers to put an entire CPU on one chip.
5. Supercomputer - The fastest type of computer. Supercomputers are very expensive and
are employed for specialized applications that require immense amounts of calculations.

Q1. A/An ……….. system is a small, wireless handheld computer that scans an item’s tag and
pulls up the current price (and any special offers) as you shop.
(a) PSS
(b) POS
(c) inventory
(d) data mining
(e) None of these
Q2. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a

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(a) gathering data

(b) processing data into information
(c) analyzing the data or information
(d) storing the data or information
(e) None of these
Q3. Surgeons can perform delicate operations by manipulating devices through computers
instead of manually. This technology is known as
(a) robotics
(b) computer forensics
(c) simulation
(d) forecasting
(e) None of these
Q4. ……….. is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of
intelligence that humans do.
(a) Nanotechnology
(b) Nanotechnology
(c) Simulation
(d) Artificial intelligence (AI)
(e) None of these
Q5. ……….. are specially designed computers that perform complex calculations extremely
(a) Servers
(b) Supercomputers
(c) Laptops
(d) Mainframes
(e) None of these
Q6. Which of the following is the correct order of the four major functions of a computer
(a) Process Output Input Storage
(b) Input Output Process Storage
(c) Process Storage Input Output
(d) Input Process Output Storage
(e) None of these
Q7. In analog computer
(a) Input is first converted to digital form
(b) Input is never converted to digital form
(c) Output is displayed in digital form
(d) All of above
(e) None of these
Q8. In the latest generation computers, the instructions are executed
(a) Parallel only
(b) Sequentially only
(c) Both sequentially and parallel
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q9. Who designed the first electronics computer – ENIAC?

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(a) Van–Neumann
(b) Joseph M. Jacquard
(c) J. Presper Eckert and John W Mauchly
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q10. Modern Computer are very reliable but they are not
(a) Fast
(b) Powerful
(c) Infallible
(d) Cheap
(e) None of these
Q11. IBM launched its first personal computer called
IBM-PC in 1981. It had chips from Intel, disk drives
from Tandon, operating system from Microsoft, the
printer from Epson and the application software
from everywhere. Can you name the country which
contributed to the video display?
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Germany
(d) Taiwan
(e) None of these
Q12. What is meant by a dedicated computer?
(a) Which is used by one person only
(b) Which is assigned one and only one task
(c) Which uses one kind of software
(d) Which is meant for application software
(e) None of these
Q13. A computer which CPU speed around 100 million instruction per second and with the
word length of around 64 bits is known as
(a) Super computer
(b) Mini computer
(c) Micro computer
(d) Macro computer
(e) None of these
Q14. The storage subsystem in a microcomputer consists mainly of ………… or ………… media
with varying capacities.
(a) Memory or video
(b) Magnetic or optical
(c) Optical or memory
(d) Video or magnetic
(e) None of these
Q15. A hybrid computer
(a) Resembles digital computer
(b) Resembles analog computer
(c) Resembles both a digital and analog computer

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(d) None of the above

(e) None of these
Q16. The personal computer industry was started by
(a) IBM
(b) Apple
(c) Compaq
(d) HCL
(e) None of these
Q17. In the IBM PC-At, what do the words At stand for
(a) Additional Terminals
(b) Advance technology
(c) Applied technology
(d) Advanced terminology
(e) None of these
Q18. Which “was” the most popular first generation computer?
(a) IBM 1650
(b) IBM 360
(c) IBM 1130
(d) IBM 2700
(e) IBM 650
Q19. One millisecond is
(a) 10 seconds
(b) 10 seconds
(c) 1000 seconds
(d) 10000 seconds
(e) 1/1000 seconds
Q20. Number crunchier is the informal name for
(a) Mini computer
(b) Super computer
(c) Microcomputer
(d) Mainframe computer
(e) None of these
Q21. Which company is the biggest player in the microprocessor industry?
(a) Motorola
(b) IBM
(c) Intel
(d) AMD
(e) None of these
Q22. Symbolic logic was discovered by
(a) George Boole
(b) Herman Hollerith
(c) Van Neumann
(d) Basic Pascal
(e) None of these
Q23. What was the nick name of the computer used by the Americans in 1952 for their H-
bomb project?

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(e) None of these
Q24. Computer operators
(a) writes computer programs for specific problems
(b) operate the device which input and output data from the computer
(c) normally require a college degree in computer science
(d) all of the above
(e) None of these
Q25. The first electronic computer in the world was
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Q26. Which was the computer conceived by Babbage?
(a) Analytical engine
(b) Arithmetic machine
(c) Donald Knuth
(d) All of above
(e) None of these
Q27. Offline device is
(a) A device which is not connected to CPU
(b) A device which is connected; to CPU
(c) A direct access storage device
(d) An I/O device
(e) None of these
Q28. Microprocessors can be used to make
(a) Computer
(b) Digital systems
(c) Calculators
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q29. Which American Computer Company is called big blue?
(a) Microsoft
(b) Compaq Corp
(c) IBM
(d) Tandy Sevenson
(e) None of these
Q30. The first electronic general-purpose digital computer built by Motley and Accrete
called ENIAC did not work on the stored program concept. How many numbers could it
store in its internal memory?
(a) 100
(b) 20

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(c) 40
(d) 80
(e) None of these
Q31. The digital computer was developed primarily in
(a) USSR
(b) Japan
(c) USA
(d) UK
(e) None of these
Q32. The subject of cybernetics deals with the science of
(a) Genetics
(b) Control and communications
(c) Molecular biology
(d) Biochemistry
(e) None of these
Q33. Most of the inexpensive personal computer does not have any disk or diskette drive.
What is the name of such computers?
(a) Home computers
(b) Diskless computers
(c) Dedicated computer
(d) General computer
(e) None of these
Q34. Which of the following required large computer memory?
(a) Imaging
(b) Graphics
(c) Voice
(d) All of above
(e) None of these
Q35. A term associated with the comparison of processing speeds of different computer
system is
(a) EFTS
(b) MPG
(c) MIPS
(d) CFPS
(e) None of these
Q36. Who invented the microprocessor?
(a) Marcian E Huff
(b) Herman H Goldstein
(c) Joseph Jacquard
(d) All of above
(e) None of these
Q37. One computer that is not considered a portable computer is
(a) Minicomputer
(b) A laptop computer
(c) Micro computer
(d) All of the above

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(e) None of these

Q38. When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom?
(a) Hewlett-Packard
(b) Epson, 1981
(c) Laplink traveling software Inc. 1982
(d) Tandy model-2000, 1985
(e) None of these
Q39. The first microprocessor built by the Intel Corporation was called
(a) 8008
(b) 8080
(c) 4004
(d) 8800
(e) None of these
Q40. Who built the world’ first electronic calculator using telephone relays, light bulbs and
(a) Claude Shannon
(b) Konrard Zues
(c) George Stibits
(d) Howard H. Aiken
(e) None of these
Q41. IBM 7000 digital computer
(a) Belongs to second generation
(b) Uses VLSI
(c) Employs semi conductor memory
(d) Has modular constructions
(e) None of these
Q42. In the third Generation of computers
(a) Distributed data processing first became popular
(b) An operating system was first developed
(c) High level procedural language were first used
(d) Online real time systems first become popular
(e) None of these
Q43. The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a
personal computer was
(a) IBM
(b) Super UNIVAC
(c) Radio Shack
(d) Data General Corporation
(e) None of these
Q44. A digital computer did not score over an analog computer in terms of
(a) Speed
(b) Accuracy
(c) Reliability
(d) Cost
(e) None of these

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Q45. Who is credited with idea of using punch cards to control patterns of a weaving
(a) Pascal
(b) Hollerith
(c) Babbage
(d) Jacquard
(e) None of these
Q46. Which was the world’s first minicomputer and when was it introduced?
(a) PDP-I, 1958
(b) IBM System/36, 1960
(c) PDP-II, 1961
(d) VAX 11/780, 1962
(e) None of these
Q47. The proper definition of a modern digital computer is
(a) An electronic automated machine that can solve problems involving words and
(b) A more sophistic and modified electronic pocket calculator
(c) Any machine that can perform mathematical operations
(d) A machine that works on binary code
(e) None of these
Q48. A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for
(a) Doing quick mathematical calculations
(b) Input, storage, manipulation and outputting of data
(c) Electronic data processing
(d) Performing repetitive tasks accurately
(e) None of these
Q49. Most important advantage of an IC is its
(a) Easy replacement in case of circuit failure
(b) Extremely high reliability
(c) Reduced cost
(d) Lower power consumption
(e) None of these
Q50. Where was India’s first computer installed and when?
(a) Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1977
(b) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1971
(c) Indian Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., 1968
(d) Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1955
(e) None of these
Q51. Chief component of first generation computer was
(a) Transistors
(b) Vacuum Tubes and Valves
(c) Integrated Circuits
(d) None of above
(e) None of these
Q52. Second Generation computers were developed during
(a) 1949 to 1955

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(b) 1956 to 1965

(c) 1965 to 1970
(d) 1970 to 1990
(e) None of these
Q53. The computer size was very large in
(a) First Generation
(b) Second Generation
(c) Third Generation
(d) Fourth Generation
(e) None of these
Q54. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
(a) First Generation
(b) Second Generation
(c) Third Generation
(d) Fourth Generation
(e) None of these
Q55. Which generation of computer is still under developments
(a) Fourth Generation
(b) Fifth Generation
(c) Sixth Generation
(d) Seventh Generation
(e) None of these
Q56. Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?
(a) First Generation
(b) Second Generation
(c) Fifth, Generation
(d) Sixth, Generation
(e) Fourth Generation
Q57. Which operation is not performed by computer
(a) Inputting
(b) Processing
(c) Controlling
(d) Understanding
(e) None of these
Q58. Fifth generation computer is also known as
(a) Knowledge information processing system
(b) Very large scale integration (VLSI)
(c) Both of above
(d) None of above
(e) None of these
Q59. The computer that process both analog and digital is called
(a) Analog computer
(b) Digital computer
(c) Hybrid computer
(d) Mainframe computer
(e) None of these

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Q60. Most of the commonly used personal computers/laptops do not have a command key
known as
(a) Turnover
(b) Shift
(c) Alter
(d) Delete
(e) Insert
Q61. PARAM and ANURAG are super computers developed in
(a) China
(b) USSR
(c) England
(d) India
(e) None of these
Q62. To access a mainframe or super computer, users often use a
(a) Terminal
(b) Node
(c) Desktop
(d) Handheld
(e) None of these
Q63. Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as
(a) super computers
(b) laptops
(c) mini computers
(d) file servers
(e) None of these
Q64. The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical
operations was
(b) Mark–I
(c) Analytic Engine
(d) UNIVAC-1
(e) None of these
Q65. Analog computer works on the supply of
(a) Continuous electrical pulses
(b) Electrical pulses but not continuous
(c) Magnetic strength
(d) None of the above
(e) None of these
Q66. Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer are operating and
connected properly?
(a) Booting
(b) Processing
(c) Saving
(d) Editing
(e) None of these
Q67. When you turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform this test ……….. .

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(a) RAM test

(b) disk drive test
(c) memory test
(d) power-on-self-test
(e) None of these
Q68. What is output?
(a) What the processor takes from the user
(b) What the user gives to the processor
(c) What the processor gets from the user
(d) What the processor gives to the user
(e) None of these
Q69. Which is not a basic function of a computer?
(a) Copy text
(b) Accept input
(c) Process data
(d) Store data
(e) None of these
Q70. A computer cannot “boot” if it does not have the
(a) Compiler
(b) Loader
(c) Operating System
(d) Assembler
(e) None of these
Q71. Input, output, and processing devices grouped together represent a(n)
(a) mobile device
(b) information processing cycle
(c) circuit board
(d) computer system
(e) None of these
Q72. The subsystem of the kernel and hardware that cooperates to translate virtual to
physical addresses comprises
(a) Process Management Subsystem
(b) Memory Management Subsystem
(c) Input/output Management Subsystem
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q73. The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the
(a) mouse
(b) logo
(c) hand
(d) palm
(e) cursor
Q74. A ……….. is an electronic device that process data, converting it into information.
(a) Processor
(b) Computer
(c) Case

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(d) Stylus
(e) None of these
Q75. ………… is when the more power hungry components, such as the monitor and hard
drive, are put in idle.
(a) Hibernation
(b) Power down
(c) Standby mode
(d) The shutdown procedure
(e) None of these
Q76. The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as the screen ………… .
(a) resolution
(b) colour depth
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size
(e) None of these
Q77. The person contributing the idea of the stored program was
(a) John Neumann
(b) Charles Babbage
(c) Howard Aiken
(d) Daniel Thomas
(e) Dennis Ritenie
Q78. Which is the smallest of the following computers?
(a) Notebook
(b) Laptop
(c) Desktop
(d) Workstation
(e) None of these
Q79. A computer system includes ……… .
(a) hardware
(b) software
(c) peripheral devices
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Q80. A ……….. is a large and expensive compute capable of simultaneously processing data
for hundreds or thousands of users.
(a) handheld computer
(b) mainframe computer
(c) personal computer
(d) tablet computer
(e) None of these
Q81. Screen that comes on when you turn on your computer that shows all the icons ………..
(a) Desktop
(b) Face to face
(c) Viewer
(d) View space

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(e) None of these

Q82. Processing information involves.
(a) Accepting information from the outside world
(b) Communication with another computer
(c) Performing arithmetic or logical operations on information that is input
(d) All of these answers are forms of processing information
(e) None of these
Q83. Producing output involves
(a) Accepting information from the outside world
(b) Communication with another computer
(c) Moving and storing information
(d) Communicating information to the outside world
(e) None of these
Q84. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of a computer?
(a) Actual Intelligence
(b) Speed
(c) Versatility
(d) Automation
(e) None of these
Q85. Jon Von Neumann developed
(a) The first electronic computer
(b) First electronic chip flip flop
(c) Stored-program concept
(d) None of the above
(e) None of these
Q86. Which of the following are mandatory parts of complete PC system?
(a) Hardware and software
(b) Input and output
(c) Keyboard and printer
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q87. Which of the following groups consist on only input devices?
(a) Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor
(b) Mouse, Keyboard, Printer
(c) Mouse, Keyboard, Plotter
(d) Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner
(e) None of these
Q88. Which of the following is not the major function of a computer?
(a) Processing data into information
(b) Storing data or information
(c) Gathering data
(d) Analyzing Data or information
(e) None of these
Q89. When your computer stops working suddenly, it is referred to as a ………… .
(a) crash
(b) die

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(c) death
(d) penalty
(e) None of these
Q90. The benefit of using computers is that ……….. .
(a) Computers are very fast and can store huge amounts of data
(b) Computers provide accurate output even when input is incorrect
(c) Computers are designed to be inflexible
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Q91. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into ……….
(a) information
(b) tables
(c) files
(d) graphs
(e) None of these
Q92. A UPS ………… .
(a) limits damage caused by fluctuating levels of electricity
(b) provides battery backup for a limited time
(c) delivers electronic messages via a bus
(d) conducts a power-on self-test, or POST
(e) None of these
Q93. Lets you leave a screen or program ……….. .
(a) boot
(b) programs
(c) exit
(d) text
(e) None of these
Q94. Start or restart the computer
(a) exit
(b) kick
(c) boot
(d) kick-start
(e) None of these
Q95. A light-sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital
form is
(a) Keyboard
(b) Plotter
(c) Scanner
(d) OMR
(e) None of these
Q96. The “desktop” of a computer refers to ………. .
(a) the visible screen
(b) the area around the monitor
(c) the top of the mouse pad
(d) the inside of a folder
(e) None of these

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Q97. A personal computer is designed to meet the computing needs of a (n)

(a) individual
(b) department
(c) company
(d) city
(e) None of these
Q98. Computer systems are comprised of
(a) hardware, programs, processors, procedures and people
(b) hardware, programs, information, people and procedures
(c) hardware, programs, information, people and network
(d) hardware, software, procedures, data and people
(e) None of these
Q99. The ………… on the keyboard enables you to enter numbers quickly.
(a) alphabetic keys
(b) numeric keypad
(c) control keys
(d) function keys
(e) None of these
Q100. Which of the following controls the manner of interaction between the user and the
operating system?
(a) User interface
(b) Language translator
(c) Platform
(d) Screen saver
(e) None of these
Q101. The most common keyboard uses the ………… layout.
(a) Dvorak
(b) numeric
(d) Alpha
(e) None of these
Q102. The restart of computer is called ……….., when the computer is already on.
(a) Cold Booting
(b) Warm Booting
(c) Shut Down
(d) Logging off
(e) None of these
Q103. Which of the following is an appropriate method to shut down the computer?
(a) Click ‘Start’, then select ‘Shut Down’ and finally select ‘Shut Down’
(b) Click ‘Start’, then select ‘Restart the Computer’
(c) Switch off the Power
(d) Switch off Monitor and Printer
(e) None of these
Q104. The part of the CPU that accesses and decodes program instructions and coordinates
the flow of data among various system components is the ………...
(a) ALU

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(b) Control Unit

(c) Megahertz
(d) Motherboard
(e) None of these
Q105. Every component of your computer is either …………. .
(a) hardware or software
(b) software of CPU/RAM
(c) application software or system software
(d) input devices or output devices
(e) None of these
Q106. …….. is processed by the computer into information.
(a) numbers
(b) processor
(c) input
(d) data
(e) None of these
Q107. What happens when you boot up a PC?
(a) Portions of the operating system are copied from disk into memory
(b) Portions of the operating system are copied from memory onto disk
(c) Portions of the operating system are compiled
(d) Portions of the operating system are emulated
(e) None of these
Q108. ………... processes data which is also called brain of the computer.
(a) Motherboard
(b) Memory
(c) RAM
(d) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
(e) None of these
Q109. The rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data and/or information
is a …………
(a) title bar
(b) button
(c) dialog box
(d) window
(e) None of these
Q110. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into
(a) files
(b) tables
(c) information
(d) graphs
(e) None of these
Q111. A(n) ……….. is a device that electronically processes data, converting it to
(a) algorithm
(b) computer
(c) software

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(d) program
(e) None of these
Q112. Which of the following computers that can be carried around easily?
(a) Minicomputers
(b) Supercomputers
(c) PCs
(d) Laptops
(e) None of these
Q113. One of the oldest calculating devices was?
(a) Arithmometer
(b) Ready reckoner
(c) Abacus
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q114. Who amongst the following is called the father of modern computing?
(a) Charales Babbage
(b) Hollerith
(c) Gottfried Von Leibnitz
(d) Joesph. M. Jacquared
(e) None of these
Q115. The first generation computers had?
(a) Vacuum tubes and magnetic drum
(b) Magnetic tap and transistors
(c) ICs
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q116. The keyboard shortcut to restart your computer is
(a) Alt + F4
(b) Ctrl + F4
(c) Ctrl + Alt + Del
(d) Alt + Del
(e) None of these
Q117. The third generation of the computer were in
(a) 1959 – 1964
(b) 1965 – 1971
(c) 1971 – 1981
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q118. Platform” in computer world means
(a) Computer hardware used
(b) Operating systems used
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these
Q119. Third generation of computers have
(a) High-level procedural languages for the first time
(b) An operating system for first time

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(c) Distributed data processing

(d) On-line real time systems
(e) None of these
Q120. The program which takes user input, interprets it and takes necessary action is
………… .
(a) Kernel
(b) System calls
(c) Shell
(d) Scheduler
(e) None of these
Q121. A computer is a ……….. device.
(a) Calculating
(b) Electrical
(c) Electronic
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q122. The data flow diagram is for analysing.
(a) How to do a function efficiently
(b) Restrict the number of times a function can be
(c) Requirements of user
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q123. The elements of computer processing system are
(a) Hardware, Software, Information and People
(b) Hardware, Programs and People
(c) Hardware, Data, Users and Procedures
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q124. During boot-up, the memory test
(a) Checks and verifies that contiguous memory is installed
(b) Displays what memory is installed, but nothing else
(c) Is an operational error
(d) Is a superfluous step that should be ignored
(e) None of these
Q125. Digital means that computer information is discrete and countable, subdivided into
(a) Digits
(b) Analog units
(c) Input
(d) Bytes
(e) None of these
Q126. A _________ contains, specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an
(a) Syntax
(b) Programming structure
(c) Programming language

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(d) Logic chart

(e) None of these

Answer Sheet
1 A 27 A 53 A 79 D 105 D
2 C 28 D 54 D 80 B 106 D
3 A 29 C 55 B 81 A 107 A
4 D 30 B 56 C 82 C 108 D
5 B 31 C 57 D 83 D 109 D
6 D 32 B 58 A 84 A 110 C
7 B 33 B 59 C 85 C 111 B
8 C 34 D 60 A 86 A 112 D
9 C 35 C 61 D 87 D 113 C
10 C 36 A 62 A 88 D 114 A
11 D 37 A 63 B 89 A 115 A
12 B 38 B 64 B 90 A 116 C
13 A 39 C 65 A 91 A 117 B
14 B 40 C 66 A 92 B 118 C
15 C 41 D 67 D 93 C 119 D
16 A 42 D 68 D 94 C 120 C
17 B 43 C 69 A 95 C 121 C
18 E 44 B 70 C 96 A 122 C
19 E 45 D 71 D 97 A 123 C
20 B 46 A 72 B 98 D 124 A
21 C 47 A 73 E 99 B 125 A
22 A 48 B 74 B 100 A 126 C
23 C 49 B 75 C 101 C
24 B 50 D 76 A 102 B
25 C 51 B 77 A 103 A
26 A 52 B 78 A 104 B

Chapter 3: Main Parts of computer

Hardware - Computer hardware is what you can physically touch, it includes the computer
case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It also includes all the parts inside the computer case,
such as the hard disk drive, motherboard, video card, and many others.

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Hardware topics

Mouse, keyboard, joystick, image

scanner, webcam, graphics tablet, microphone

Peripheral device
Output Monitor, printer, loudspeaker

Floppy disk drive, hard disk drive, optical

disc drive, teleprinter

Short-range RS-232, SCSI, PCI, USB

Computer buses
(computer Ethernet, ATM, FDDI

Input Devices
In computing, an input device is a peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment)
used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a
computer or information appliance.
Computer keyboard
Digital camera
Digital video
Graphics tablet
Image scanner
Overlay keyboard

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Real-time clock
Keyboard – A keyboard is the most fundamental input device for any computer system. It
helps to enter data on the computer.
Mouse - A mouse is used to input data by sending a signal to the computer, based on
hovering the cursor and selecting with the left mouse button. The left mouse acts as an
'enter' button. The right mouse button can be selected and will often pop up a window of
choices. The scrolling wheel is used to move the view of the screen up or down. By moving
your mouse to a location in a document, on a digital photo or over a choice of music, you
can click the left mouse button to place the cursor.
Trackball - A trackball is an input device used to enter motion data into computers or
other electronic devices. It serves the same purpose as a mouse but is designed with a
moveable ball on the top, which can be rolled in any direction. Instead of moving the whole
device, you simply roll the moveable ball on top of the trackball unit with your hand to
generate motion input.
Barcode reader - A barcode reader (or barcode scanner) is an electronic device that can
read and output printed barcodes to a computer. Like a flatbed scanner, it consists of a light
source, a lens and a light sensor translating optical impulses into electrical ones.
Digital camera - A camera is a device which produces digital images that can be stored in a
computer and displayed on the screen.
Gamepad - A handheld controller for video games.
Joystick – A lever that can be moved in several directions to control the movement of an
image on a computer or similar display screen. It mainly used in playing games.
Microphone - An instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy variations
which may then be amplified, transmitted, or recorded.
Scanner - A device that scans documents and converts them into digital data.
Webcam - A video camera connected to a computer, allowing its images to be seen by
Internet users.
Optical character recognition (OCR) - It is the mechanical or electronic conversion of
images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.
Digitizer - It converts analog information into digital form.
Optical Mark Reader (OMR) - Optical Mark Readers reads pencil or pen marks made in
pre-defined positions on paper forms as responses to questions or tick list prompts.

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Output devices
An output device is any device used to send data from a computer to another device or
user. Most computer data output that is meant for humans is in the form of audio or video.
Example: Computer monitor, Printer, PC speaker, headphone, Projector, Sound card,
Video card.
Monitor - A Monitor is a TV-like display attached to the computer on which the output can
be displayed and viewed. It can either be a monochrome display or a colour display.
Two types of monitors:
1)CRT (Cathode ray tube) - The cathode ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube containing one
or more electron guns, and a phosphorescent screen used to view images.
2) Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display (TFT LCD) - A thin-film-transistor
liquid-crystal display (TFT LCD) is a variant of a liquid-crystal display (LCD) that uses thin-
film transistor technology to improve image qualities such as addressability and contrast.
Printer - Printer is an output device for printing text or pictures.
Two types of Printer:
1) Impact printer - An impact printer is a printer that strikes a print head against an ink
ribbon to mark the paper. Common examples include Dot-matrix and daisy-wheel
2) Non-Impact printer - Non-impact printers print the characters without using ribbon.
Two common types of non-impact printers include inkjet printers, which spray small
drops of ink onto each page, and laser printers, which roll ink onto the paper using a

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

A Central Processing Unit (CPU), also called a central processor or main processor, is the
electronic circuitry within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer
program by performing the basic arithmetic, logic, controlling, and input/output (I/O)
operations specified by the instructions. The computer industry has used the term "central
processing unit" at least since the early 1960s. Traditionally, the term "CPU" refers to a
processor, more specifically to its processing unit and control unit (CU), distinguishing
these core elements of a computer from external components such as main memory and
I/O circuitry.

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Q1. The computer gathers data, which means that they allow users to ………… data.
(a) present
(b) input
(c) output
(d) store
(e) None of these
Q2. After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the
actual print of the picture is considered
(a) data
(b) output
(c) input
(d) the process
(e) None of these

Q3. ……….. is any part of the computer that you can physically touch.
(a) Hardware

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(b) A device
(c) A peripheral
(d) An application
(e) None of these
Q4. The components that process data are located in the
(a) input devices
(b) output devices
(c) system unit
(d) storage component
(e) None of these
Q5. All of the following are examples of input devices EXCEPT a
(a) scanner
(b) mouse
(c) keyboard
(d) printer
(e) None of these
Q6. Which of the following is an example of an input device?
(a) scanner
(b) speaker
(c) CD
(d) printer
(e) None of these
Q7. All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT
(a) hard disk drives
(b) printers
(c) floppy disk drives
(d) CD drives
(e) None of these
Q8. The CPU and memory are located on the
(a) expansion board
(b) motherboard
(c) storage device
(d) output device
(e) None of these
Q9. ……………….. are specially designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such
as your car or your electronic thermostat.
(a) Servers
(b) Embedded computers
(c) Robotic computers
(d) Mainframes
(e) None of these
Q10. Which of the following devices can be processed to directly image printed text?
(a) OCR
(b) OMR
(c) MICR
(d) All of these

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(e) None of these

Q11. The output quality of a printer is measured by
(a) Dot per inch
(b) Dot per sq. inch
(c) Dots printed per unit time
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q12. An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer
jargon for it?
(a) Leech
(b) Squid
(c) Slug
(d) Glitch
(e) None of these
Q13. ……….. was the first output device to print graphics and large engineering drawings.
(a) Plotter
(b) Laser Printer
(c) Inkjet Printer
(d) Impact Printer
(e) None of these
Q14. Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on the main circuit board. What
is the common name for such boards?
(a) Daughterboard
(b) Motherboard
(c) Fatherboard
(d) Breadboard
(e) None of these
Q15. The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except
(a) Microprocessor
(b) Disk controller
(c) Serial interface
(d) Modem
(e) None of these
Q16. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from
(a) Primary memory
(b) Control section
(c) External memory
(d) Cache memory
(e) None of these
Q17. What is the latest write-once optical storage media?
(a) Digital paper
(b) Magneto-optical disk
(c) WORM disk
(d) CD-ROM disk
(e) None of these

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Q18. Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide
the record’s disk address. What information does this address specify?
(a) Track number
(b) Sector numbers
(c) Surface number
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q19. As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are
(a) More expensive
(b) More portable
(c) Less rigid
(d) Slowly accessed
(e) None of these
Q20. Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called?
(a) Hard disks
(b) High-density disks
(c) Diskettes
(d) Templates
(e) None of these
Q21. Regarding a VDU, which statement is more correct?
(a) It is an output device
(b) It is an input device
(c) It is a peripheral device
(d) It is hardware item
(e) None of these
Q22. What is the name of the computer terminal which gives paper printout?
(a) Display screen
(b) Soft copy terminal
(c) Hard copy terminal
(d) Plotter
(e) None of these
Q23. A kind of serial dot matrix printer that forms characters with magnetically ink sprayed
dots is called
(a) Laser printer
(b) Inkjet printer
(c) Drum printer
(d) Chan printer
(e) None of these
Q24. Which printer is very commonly used for desktop publishing?
(a) Laser printer
(b) Inkjet printer
(c) Daisywheel printer
(d) Dot matrix printer
(e) None of these
Q25. An output device that uses words or messages recorded on a magnetic medium to
produce audio response is

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(a) Magnetic tape

(b) Voice response unit
(c) Voice recognition unit
(d) Voice band
(e) None of these
Q26. Perforated paper used as input of output media is known as
(a) paper tapes
(b) magnetic tape
(c) punched papers tape
(d) card punch
(e) None of these
Q27. A/n …………. Device is any device that provides information, which is sent to CPU
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) CPU
(d) Memory
(e) None of these
Q28. Current SIMMs have either ……… or ……… connectors (pins)
(a) 9 or 32
(b) 30 or 70
(c) 28 or 72
(d) 30 or 72
(e) None of these
Q29. Which of the following is not an input device?
(a) VDU
(b) Speakers
(c) Keyboard
(d) (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Q30. Which is considered a direct entry input device?
(a) Optical scanner
(b) Mouse and digitizer
(c) Light pen
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q31. Which used for manufacturing chips?
(a) Bus
(b) Control unit
(c) Semiconductors
(d) 1 and 2 only
(e) None of these
Q32. Which of the following printers are you sure will not to use if your objective is to print
on multi carbon forms?
(a) Daisy wheel
(b) Dot matrix
(c) Laser

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(d) Thimble
(e) None of these
Q33. Which of the following printing devices an output composed of a series of data?
(a) Wire matrix printer
(b) Band printer
(c) Wang image printer
(d) Both 1 and 3
(e) None of these
Q34. Magnetic tape can serve as
(a) Secondary storage media
(b) Output media
(c) Input media
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q35. What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer?
(a) To produce result
(b) To compare numbers
(c) To control flow of information
(d) To do math’s works
(e) None of these
Q36. The secondary storage devices can only store data but they cannot perform
(a) Arithmetic operation
(b) Logic operations
(c) Fetch operations
(d) Either of the above
(e) None of these
Q37. Which of the printers used in conjunction with computers uses dry ink powder?
(a) Daisy wheel printer
(b) Line printer
(c) Laser printer
(d) Thermal printer
(e) None of these
Q38. Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?
(a) Laser printer
(b) InkJet printer
(c) Plotter
(d) Dot matrix printer
(e) None of these
Q39. Which most popular input device is used today for interactive processing and for the
one line entry of data for batch processing?
(a) Mouse
(b) Magnetic disk
(c) Visual display terminal
(d) Card punch
(e) None of these

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Q40. User programmable terminals that combine VDT hardware with built-in
microprocessor is
(a) Kips
(b) PC
(c) Mainframe
(d) Intelligent terminals
(e) None of these
Q41. The storage capacity of a disk system depends on the bits per inch of track and the
tracks per inch of
(a) Cylinder
(b) Hum
(c) Cluster
(d) Surface
(e) None of these
Q42. The disk drive component used to position read/write heads over a specific track is
known as
(a) Acoustic couples
(b) Access arm
(c) Cluster
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q43. An online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is
(a) CPU
(b) Memory
(c) Mass storage
(d) Secondary storage
(e) None of these
Q44. Which is an item of storage medium in the form of circular plate?
(a) Disk
(b) CPU
(c) Printer
(d) ALU
(e) None of these
Q45. Another word for a daisy wheel printer
(a) Petal printer
(b) Golf ball printer
(c) Laser printer
(d) Line printer
(e) None of these
Q46. An input/output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system is
(a) Keyboard
(b) Terminal
(c) Printer
(d) Plotter
(e) None of these

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Q47. A group of magnetic tapes, videos or terminals usually under the control of one
master is
(a) Cylinder
(b) Surface
(c) Track
(d) Cluster
(e) None of these
Q48. Which of the items below are considered removable storage media?
(a) Removable hard disk cartridges
(b) Magneto-optical disk
(c) Flexible disks cartridges
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q49. Which of the following are (is) considered to be video component?
(a) Resolution
(b) Color depth
(c) Refresh rate
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q50. Which of the following items are examples of storage devices?
(a) Floppy/hared disks
(b) CD-ROMs
(c) Tape devices
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q51. Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be ……… .
(a) Formatted
(b) Reformatted
(c) Addressed
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q52. A high-quality CAD system uses the following for printing drawing and graphs
(a) Dot-matrix printer
(b) Digital plotter
(c) Line printer
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q53. What are the decisions making operations performed by the ALU of a computer?
(a) Greater than
(b) Less than
(c) Equal to
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q54. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing?
(a) Disk unit
(b) Control unit

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(c) ALU
(d) Modem
(e) None of these
Q55. Which one of the following input device is user-programmable?
(a) Dumb terminal
(b) Smart terminal
(c) VDT
(d) Intelligent terminals
(e) None of these
Q56. Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and
(a) Buffer size
(b) Resolution
(c) Vertical dimensions
(d) Intelligence
(e) None of these
Q57. The number of records contained within a block of data on magnetic tape is defined by
(a) Block definition
(b) Record contain clause
(c) Blocking factor
(d) Record per block factor
(e) None of these
Q58. Which of the following memory medium is not used as the main memory system?
(a) Magnetic core
(b) Semiconductor
(c) Magnetic tape
(d) Both 1 and 2
(e) None of these
Q59. One of the main features that distinguish microprocessors from microcomputers is
(a) Words are usually large in microprocessors
(b) Words are shorter in microprocessors
(c) The microprocessor does not contain I/O devices
(d) Exactly the same as the machine cycle time
(e) None of these
Q60. An integrated circuit is
(a) A complicated circuit
(b) An integrating device
(c) Much costlier than a single transistor
(d) Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
(e) None of these
Q61. Most important advantage of an IC is its
(a) Easy replacement in case of circuit failure
(b) Extremely high reliability
(c) Reduced cost
(d) Low power consumption
(e) None of these

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Q62. Which of the following are the two main components of the CPU?
(a) Control Unit and Registers
(b) Resisters and Main Memory
(c) Control unit and ALU
(d) ALU and bus
(e) None of these
Q62. Different components in the motherboard of a PC are linked together by sets of
parallel electrical conducting lines. What are these lines called?
(a) Conductors
(b) Buses
(c) Connectors
(d) Consecutive
(e) None of these
Q63. The basic architecture of the computer was developed by
(a) Charles Babbage
(b) John Von Neumann
(c) Blaise Pascal
(d) Garden Moore
(e) None of these
Q64. Magnetic disks are the most popular medium for
(a) Direct access
(b) Sequential access
(c) 1 and 2
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q65. Reading data is performed in the magnetic disk by
(a) Read/write heads
(b) Sectors
(c) Track
(d) Lower surface
(e) None of these
Q66. The hard disk is coated in both side above
(a) Magnetic metallic oxide
(b) Optical metallic oxide
(c) Carbon layer
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q67. Binary circuit elements have
(a) One stable state
(b) Two stable state
(c) Three stable state
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q68. Microprocessors can be used to make
(a) Computers
(b) Digital systems

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(c) Calculators
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q69. A characteristic of card systems is
(a) Slowness in processing data
(b) Using cards as records of transactions
(c) Needing a larger DP staff
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q70. The speed of minicomputer is
(a) 1 (MIPS)
(b) 2 (MIPS)
(c) 100 (MIPS)
(d) 1000 (MIPS)
(e) None of these
Q71. A hard copy of a file created on a computer refers to data
(a) saved on a floppy disk
(b) printed on a printer
(c) backed up on tape drive
(d) sent as an e-mail
(e) None of these
Q72. When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice, you are ……….. .
(a) Primary – clicking
(b) Pointing
(c) Double-clicking
(d) Secondary–clicking
(e) None of these
Q73. A series 100 POST error code indicates a problem with the
(a) hard drive
(b) ram or rom
(c) system board
(d) video adapter
(e) None of these
Q74. The time it takes a device to locate data and instructions and make them available to
the CPU is known as ……… .
(a) clock speed
(b) a processing cycle
(c) CPU speed
(d) access time
(e) None of these
Q75. Hard disk drives are considered ……….. storage.
(a) Flash
(b) Nonvolatile
(c) Temporary
(d) Nonpermanent
(e) None of these

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Q76. The most common input devices are the ………… and the ………… .
(a) microphone, printer
(b) scanner, monitor
(c) digital camera, speakers
(d) keyboard, mouse
(e) None of these
Q77. The ………… performs simple mathematics for the CPU.
(a) ALU
(b) DIMM
(c) BUS
(d) Register
(e) None of these
Q78. You can use the tab key to
(a) Move a cursor across the screen
(b) indent a paragraph
(c) move the cursor down the screen
(d) Only (1) and (2)
(e) None of these
Q79. The best reason that computer needs to have a hard disk is because
(a) it can then use the same programs as other computers
(b) it would not work without one
(c) it can store information when it is switched off
(d) it can store information while it is working
(e) None of these
Q80. What is the name of the logic circuit which can add to binary digits?
(a) half adder
(b) full adder
(c) parallel adder
(d) serial adder
(e) None of these
Q81. The speed at which the monitor accepts data is called
(a) Bandwidth
(b) Interlacing
(c) Response time
(d) Scanning
(e) Maximum speed
Q82. Data going into the computer is called
(a) output
(b) algorithm
(c) input
(d) calculations
(e) flowchart
Q83. Transformation of input into output is performed by
(a) Peripherals
(b) Memory
(c) Storage

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(d) The Input-Output unit

(e) The CPU
Q84. Codes consisting of bars or lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer-
readable are known as
(a) an ASCII code
(b) a magnetic tape
(c) an OCR scanner
(d) a bar code
(e) None of these
Q85. The ………… key and the ………. Key can be used in the combination with other keys to
perform shortcuts and special tasks.
(a) Control, Alt
(b) Function, toggle
(c) Delete, insert
(d) Caps Lock, Num Lock
(e) None of these
Q86. To make a notebook act as a desktop model, the notebook can be connected to a-----
which is connected to a monitor and other devices.
(a) bay
(b) docking station
(c) port
(d) network
(e) None of these
Q87. ……….. Keyboards are more compact and generally have fewer keys.
(a) Laptop
(b) Windows
(c) Macintosh
(e) None of these
Q88. A ………… allows you to capture sound waves and transfer them to digital format on
your computer.
(a) speaker
(b) microphone
(c) keyboard
(d) stylus
(e) None of these
Q89. …………. Printers have tiny hammer-like keys that strike the paper through an inked
(a) Inkjet
(b) Impact
(c) Non impact
(d) Laser Moderate
(e) None of these
Q90. Inkjet printer and laser printers are examples of ……….. printers.
(a) non impact
(b) impact

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(c) dot matrix

(d) thermal
(e) None of these
Q91. ………….. are large printers used to produce oversize pictures that require precise
continuous lines, such as maps and architectural plans.
(a) Dot matrix printers
(b) Thermal printers
(c) Multifunction printers
(d) Plotters
(e) None of these
Q92. It is better to copy a file from a floppy disk to a hard disk, then open the copy on the
hard disk because.
(a) a floppy disk is easily moved from one computer to another
(b) you can store more on a hard disk
(c) the computer cannot open a file stored on a floppy disk
(d) reading a hard disk is much faster and safer
(e) None of these
Q93. The best reason that a computer needs to have a hard disk is because
(a) it can then use the same programs as other computers
(b) it would not work without one
(c) it can store information when it is switched off
(d) it can store information while it is working
(e) None of these
Q94. The most common type of storage devices are …………. .
(a) persistent
(b) optical
(c) magnetic
(d) flash
(e) None of these
Q95. When you save to ………….. your data will remain intact when the computer is turned
(a) RAM
(b) motherboard
(c) secondary storage device
(d) primary storage device
(e) None of these
Q96. With a CD you can ………… .
(a) Read
(b) Write
(c) Read and Write
(d) Either Read or Write
(e) None of these
Q97. What type of device is a computer printer?
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) Software

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(d) Storage
(e) None of these
Q98. The contents of ………….. are lost when the computer turns off.
(a) storage
(b) input
(c) output
(d) memory
(e) None of these
Q99. Physical components that make up your computer are known as ………….
(a) Operating System
(b) Software
(c) Hardware
(d) Web Browsers
(e) None of these
Q100. Which of the following peripheral devices displays information to a user?
(a) Monitor
(b) Keyboard
(c) Secondary storage devices
(d) Secondary storage media
(e) None of these

Answer Sheet

1 B 46 B 91 D

2 B 47 D 92 D

3 A 48 D 93 C

4 C 49 D 94 B

5 D 50 D 95 C

6 A 51 A 96 C

7 B 52 B 97 B

8 B 53 D 98 D

9 B 54 C 99 C

10 A 55 D 100 A

11 A 56 B

12 D 57 C

13 A 58 C

14 B 59 C

15 D 60 D

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16 B 61 B

17 D 62 B

18 D 63 B

19 A 64 C

20 C 65 A

21 C 66 A

22 C 67 B

23 B 68 D

24 A 69 D

25 B 70 A

26 A 71 B

27 A 72 C

28 D 73 C

29 D 74 D

30 D 75 B

31 C 76 D

32 C 77 A

33 D 78 D

34 D 79 C

35 B 80 A

36 D 81 A

37 C 82 C

38 C 83 E

39 C 84 D

40 D 85 A

41 D 86 B

42 B 87 A

43 C 88 B

44 A 89 B

45 B 90 A

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Chapter 4: Software
The programs and other operating information used by a computer.

Types of software
System software Application software Programming software
Operating software Educational software Text editor
Loader Spreadsheet software Compiler
Data driver Word processors Interpreter

•Operating system software -An operating system (OS) is system software that manages
computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer
programs. The operating system is a component of the system software in a computer
•Functions of an operating system - The basic functions of an operating system are:
Booting the computer. Performs basic computer tasks, e.g. managing the various peripheral
devices, e.g. mouse, keyboard. Provides a user interface, e.g. command line, graphical user
interface (GUI).
•Spreadsheet software - A software interface consisting of an interactive grid made up of
cells in which data or formulas are entered for analysis or presentation.
•Word processors - A program or machine for storing, manipulating, and formatting text
entered from a keyboard and providing a printout.
•Compiler - A compiler is a computer program (or a set of programs) that transforms
source code written in a programming language (the source language) into another
computer language (the target language), with the latter often having a binary form known
as object code.
•Interpreter - A program that can analyze and execute a program line by line.
•Database management system – It is a software that handles the storage, retrieval, and
updating of data in a computer system.
•Antivirus Software - Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are
designed to prevent, search, detect, and remove viruses, and other malicious software like
worms, trojans, adware, and more.

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•Boot - The boot process is the name for the various steps that a computer takes after you
turn it on, all the way until the operating system is loaded.
•Cold Boot - The start-up of a computer from a powered-down, or off, state. Also called a
hard boot.
•Warm Boot - The restarting of a computer via the operating system.


Unix and BSD UX, Solaris (SunOS), IRIX, List of BSD operating

List of Linux distributions, Comparison of Linux


Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows

Microsoft NT, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows
8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Software 86-DOS (QDOS), IBM PC DOS, MS-DOS, DR-

Macintosh Classic Mac OS, macOS (previously OS X and Mac

operating systems OS X)

Embedded and re
List of embedded operating systems

Amoeba, Oberon/Bluebottle, Plan 9 from Bell


Library Multimedia DirectX, OpenGL, OpenAL, Vulkan (API)

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C standard library, Standard Template Library

Protocol TCP/IP, Kermit, FTP, HTTP, SMTP

File format HTML, XML, JPEG, MPEG, PNG

Graphical user
Windows, GNOME, KDE, QNX Photon, CDE, GEM,
interface (WIMP)
User interface

Text-based user
Command-line interface, Text user interface

Word processing, Desktop

publishing, Presentation program, Database
Office suite
management system, Scheduling & Time
management, Spreadsheet, Accounting software

Browser, Email client, Web server, Mail transfer

Internet Access
agent, Instant messaging

Computer-aided design, Computer-aided

Application Softwa Design and
manufacturing, Plant management, Robotic
re manufacturing
manufacturing, Supply chain management

Raster graphics editor, Vector graphics editor, 3D

Graphics modeller, Animation editor, 3D computer
graphics, Video editing, Image processing

Digital audio editor, Audio

Audio playback, Mixing, Audio synthesis, Computer

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Compiler, Assembler, Interpreter, Debugger, Text

editor, Integrated development
environment, Software performance
analysis, Revision control, Software configuration

Edutainment, Educational game, Serious

game, Flight simulator

Strategy, Arcade, Puzzle, Simulation, First-person

Games shooter, Platform, Massively
Multiplayer, Interactive fiction

Artificial intelligence, Antivirus

Misc software, Malware scanner, Installer/Package
management systems, File manager

Q1. Word processing spreadsheet and photo-editing are an example of
(a) application software
(b) system software
(c) operating system software
(d) platform software
(e) None of these
Q2. ………….. is a set of computer programs used on a computer to help perform tasks.
(a) An instruction
(b) Software
(c) Memory
(d) A processor
(e) None of these
Q3. The system software is the set of programs that enables your computer’s hardware
devices and …………. software to work together.
(a) management
(b) processing
(c) utility
(d) application
(e) None of these
Q4. The two broad categories of software are
(a) word processing and spread-sheet

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(b) transaction and application

(c) Windows and Mac OS
(d) system and application
(e) None of these
Q5. Personnel who design, program, operate and maintain computer equipment refers to
(a) Console-operator
(b) Programmer
(c) Peopleware
(d) System Analyst
(e) None of these
Q6. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called
(a) Interpreter
(b) Simulator
(c) Compiler
(d) Commander
(e) None of these
Q7. A computer program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine
language is called a/an
(a) Interpreter
(b) CPU
(c) Compiler
(d) Simulator
(e) None of these
Q8. Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as
(a) system software
(b) application software
(c) utility programs
(d) operating system
(e) None of these
Q9. Each model of a computer has a unique
(a) Assembly of a computer
(b) Machine language
(c) High level language
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q10. On a PC, how much memory is available to application software?
(a) 1024 KB
(b) 760 KB
(c) 640 KB
(d) 560 KB
(e) None of these
Q11. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called
(a) Machine language
(b) Application software
(c) System program

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(d) All of the above

(e) None of these
Q12. The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking
an icon, are called
(a) instructions
(b) the operating system
(c) application system
(d) the system unit
(e) None of these
Q13. Which statement is valid about computer program?
(a) It is understood by a computer
(b) It is understood by programmer
(c) It is understood user
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q14. Software in computer
(a) Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
(b) Increase the speed of central processing unit
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above
(e) None of these
Q15. Which of the following is not computer language?
(a) High level language
(b) Medium level language
(c) Low level language
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q16. Which language is directly understood by the computer without translation program?
(a) Machine language
(b) Assembly language
(c) High level language
(d) None of the above
(e) None of these
Q17. Instruction in computer languages consists of
(c) Both of the above
(d) Either 1 or 2
(e) None of these
Q18. Machine language is
(a) Machine dependent
(b) Difficult to program
(c) Error prone
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q19. The translator program used in assembly language is called

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(a) Compiler
(b) Interpreter
(c) Assembler
(d) Translator
(e) None of these
Q20. Easily understood language by user is
(a) Machine language
(b) Assembly language
(c) High level language
(d) Medium level language
(e) None of these
Q21. Which of the following is called low level languages?
(a) Machine language
(b) Assembly language
(c) Both of the above
(d) Either 1 or 2
(e) None of these
Q22. Which of the following is problem oriented language?
(a) High level language
(b) Machine language
(c) Assembly language
(d) Low level language
(e) None of these
Q23. A compiler is a translating program which
(a) Translates instruction of a high level language into machine language
(b) Translate entire source program into machine language program
(c) It is not involved in program’s execution
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q24. Which of the following is machine independence program?
(a) High level language
(b) Low level language
(c) Assembly language
(d) Machine language
(e) None of these
Q25. Which statement is valid about interpreter?
(a) It translates one instruction at a time
(b) Object code is saved for future use
(c) Repeated interpretation is not necessary
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q26. Which is the limitation of high level languages?
(a) Lower efficiency
(b) Machine dependence
(c) Machine level coding
(d) None of the above

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(e) None of these

Q27. High level language is also called
(a) Problem oriented language
(b) Business oriented language
(c) Mathematically oriented language
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
(a) File Translation
(b) Format Translation
(c) Formula Translation
(d) Floppy Translation
(e) None of these
Q29. Which of the following is NOT a computer programming language?
(a) C
(b) C + +
(c) Java
(e) Microsoft
Q30. What kind of software would you most likely use to keep track of a billing account?
(a) Word processing
(b) Electronic publishing
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Web authoring
(e) None of these
Q31. What is correcting errors in a program called?
(a) Interpreting
(b) Translating
(c) Debugging
(d) Compiling
(e) None of these
Q32. …………… software allows users to perform calculation on rows and columns of data.
(a) Word Processing
(b) Presentation graphics
(c) Database Management System
(d) Electronic spreadsheet
(e) None of these
Q33. In UNIX, command “!$” is used to
(a) repeat the last word of last command line
(b) repeat entire last command line
(c) count the number of arguments
(d) match to unknown values
(e) None of these
Q34. Which type of software manages the computer's processes, functioning as an
interface, connecting the user, the application software, and the hardware?
(a) System software

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(b) Utility program

(c) Translator program
(d) Operating System
(e) None of these
Q35. All of the following terms are associated with spreadsheet software except.
(a) worksheet
(b) cell
(c) formula
(d) virus detection
(e) None of these
Q36. ………….. are words that a programming language has set aside for its own use.
(a) Control words
(b) Reserved words
(c) Reserved keys
(d) Control structures
(e) None of these
Q37. The primary purpose of the software is to turn data into
(a) Web sites
(b) information
(c) programs
(d) objects
(e) None of these
Q38. …………. Is the process of finding errors in software code.
(a) Compiling
(b) Testing
(c) Running
(d) Debugging
(e) None of these
Q39. A ………… contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an
(a) syntax
(b) programming structure
(c) programming language
(d) logic chart
(e) None of these
Q40. A single application that combines the major features of several types of applications
is called
(a) integrated software
(b) a suite
(c) a combo package
(d) high-end
(e) None of these
Q41. Application software
(a) is used to control the operating system
(b) is designed to help programmers
(c) performs a specific task for computer users

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(d) is used for making design only

(e) All of the above
Q42. A program embedded in a semiconductor chip during their manufacture is called
(a) humanware
(b) firmware
(c) liveware
(d) hardware
(e) software
Q43. In the “C” language the function scanf () reads
(a) single character
(b) character and strings
(c) any possible number
(d) any possible variable type
(e) limited variable types
Q44. An image editing software in which we can draw and edit images is
(a) PageMaker
(b) MS-Paint
(c) Photo Image
(d) Frontpage
(e) Corel Draw
Q45. The sequence of events that occurs in the computer when it is interpreting and
executing an instruction is known as
(a) Execution cycle
(b) Instruction cycle
(c) Working cycle
(d) Machine cycle
(e) None of these
Q46. Which of the following computer language is a mathematically oriented language used
for scientific problems?
(c) LISP
Q47. What is the purpose of Software Documenting?
(a) Use and maintenance of software
(b) To sell software to handsome price
(c) To sell software to many customers
(d) To show its importance
(e) None of these
Q48. What is the process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to
the hard disk called?
(a) configuration
(b) download
(c) storage
(d) upload

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(e) installation
Q49. How can the user determine what programs are available on a computer?
(a) Checking the hard disk properties
(b) Viewing the installed programs during the booting process
(c) Checking the operating system for a list of installed programs
(d) Checking the existing files saved on the disk
(e) None of these
Q50. The first computers were programmed using
(a) assembly language
(b) machine language
(c) source code
(d) object code
(e) spaghetti code
Q51. Instructions that tell the computer what to do. Another name for software
(a) Programs
(b) CPU
(c) Options
(d) Folder
(e) None of these
Q52. A single application that combines the major features of several types of application is
(a) integrated software
(b) a suite
(c) a combo package
(d) high-end
(e) None of these
Q53. ……….. , printed information, exists in the real sense and is a more permanent form of
output than the output existing on a display device.
(a) Soft copy
(b) Carbon copy
(c) Hard copy
(d) Desk copy
(e) None of these
Q54. The earliest software was developed using
(a) The Waterfall model
(b) Spiral Model
(c) Spiral model
(d) Incremental model
(e) None of these
Q55. A(n) ………… is software that helps a computer control itself to operate efficiently and
keep track of data.
(a) application system
(b) hardware system
(c) software system
(d) operating system
(e) None of these

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Q56. A set of computer programs that helps a computer monitor itself and function more
efficiently is a/an
(a) Windows
(b) System Software
(c) DBMS
(d) Application Software
(e) None of these
Q57. The instructions that tell a computer how to carry out the processing tasks are
referred to as computer
(a) programs
(b) processors
(c) input devices
(d) memory modules
(e) None of these
Q58. Device drivers are
(a) tiny power cords for external storage devices
(b) experts who know to maximise the performance of devices
(c) small, special-purpose programs
(d) the innermost part of the operating system
(e) substitutes for operating systems
Q59. Which of the following displays programs that are currently running? A single click on
one of the program icons will bring the window up.
(a) Menu bar
(b) Taskbar
(c) Title bar
(d) Status bar
(e) None of these
Q60. Different applications and documents of windows desktop are represented by
(a) Symbols
(b) Labels
(c) Graph
(d) Icons
(e) None of these
Q61. Programs designed specifically to address general-purpose applications and special-
purpose applications are called ……….. .
(a) operating system
(b) system software
(c) application software
(d) management information systems
(e) None of these
Q62. The device that assembles groups of characters into complete messages prior to their
entering the CPU is called
(a) An Interpreter
(b) A Compiler
(c) A Communication processor
(d) An Editor

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(e) A Translator
Q63. Application software
(a) is used to control the operating system
(b) is designed to help programmers
(c) performs a specific task for computer users
(d) is used for making design only
(e) All of the above
Q64. A (n) ……….. is a program that makes the computer easier to use.
(a) Operating system
(b) Application
(c) Utility
(d) Network
(e) None of these
Q65. Document reader is
(a) A device that is used to operate games
(b) A device that arrange the documents
(c) A device that is used to edit document
(d) An optical input device used to read documents
(e) None of these
Q66. Which of the following is a popular DOS-based spreadsheet package?
(a) Word
(b) Smart Cell
(c) Excel
(d) Lotus 1-2-3
(e) None of these
Q67. ……………. is the process of finding errors in software code.
(a) Compiling
(b) Testing
(c) Running
(d) Debugging
(e) None of these
Q68. A program in execution is called
(a) Procedure
(b) Instruction
(c) Function
(d) Process
(e) None of these
Q69. The type of software that controls the internal operations in the computer and
controls how the computer and controls how the computer works with all its parts is
which of the following?
(a) Shareware
(b) operating system software
(c) application software
(d) public domain software
(e) None of these
Q70. One who designs, writes, tests and maintains computer programs is called a

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(a) User
(b) Programmer
(c) Designer
(d) Operator
(e) None of these
Q71. The primary purpose of the software is to turn data into
(a) Web sites
(b) information
(c) programs
(d) objects
(e) None of these
Q72. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are example of …………..
(a) application software
(b) system software
(c) operating system software
(d) platform software
(e) None of these
Q73. The process of finding and correcting errors in a program is a process called
(a) Debugging
(b) Compiling
(c) Executing
(d) Run
(e) None of these
Q74. In any software package, which of the following version represents a major
improvement on the earlier version?
(a) 1.1 version
(b) 2.0 version
(c) 2.3 version
(d) 1.1 version
(e) None of these
Q75. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called:
(a) BASIC interpreter instructions
(b) flowchart instructions
(c) assembly language programme
(d) firmware
(e) None of these
Q76. The software tools that enable a user to interact with a computer for specific purposes
are known as
(a) Hardware
(b) Networked Software
(c) Shareware
(d) Application
(e) None of these
Q77. In Photoshop software we can …………..the image.
(a) modify
(b) delete

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(c) edit
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q78. A ………… contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an
(a) programming language
(b) syntax
(c) programming structure
(d) logic chart
(e) None of these
Q79. Manipulating data to create information is known as
(a) feedback
(b) programming
(c) processing
(d) analysis
(e) None of these
Q80. Information on a computer is stored as
(a) analog data
(b) programming
(c) processing
(d) analysis
(e) None of these
Q81. What is output?
(a) Processor takes from user
(b) User gives to processor
(c) Processor gets from user
(d) Processor gives to user
(e) None of these
Q82. Developing sets of instructions for the computer to follow and to do the task the same
way as many times as needed is called ………….. .
(a) listing
(b) sequencing
(c) programming
(d) directing
(e) None of these
Q83. Any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer are considered ………..
(a) storage
(b) output
(c) input
(d) information
(e) None of these
Q84. During processing data, programs and processed information are held temporarily in
……….. .
(a) secondary storage
(b) ROM

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(c) RAM
(d) CPU
(e) None of these
Q85. The sequence of events that occurs in the computer when it is interpreting and
executing an instruction is known as a (n)
(a) execution cycle
(b) instruction cycle
(c) working cycle
(d) machine cycle
(e) None of these
Q86. The software tools that enable a user to interact with a computer for a specific
purpose are known as …………. .
(a) Hardware
(b) Networked Software
(c) Shareware
(d) Applications
(e) None of these
Q87. Processing involves
(a) inputting data into a computer system
(b) transforming input into output
(c) displaying output in a useful manner
(d) providing relevant answers
(e) None of these
Q88. Which of the following software can’t be categorized application software?
(a) DBMS
(b) Spreadsheet
(c) MS-DOS
(d) Word Processing
(e) None of these
Q89. …………. are graphical objects used to represent commonly used application.
(a) GUI
(b) Drivers
(c) Windows
(d) Application
(e) Icons
Q90. The two major categories of the software include
(a) operating system and utility
(b) personal productivity and system
(c) system and application
(d) system and utility
(e) None of these
Q91. A repair for a known software bug, usually available at no charge on the internet, is
called a(n)
(a) version
(b) patch
(c) tutorial

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(d) FAQ
(e) None of these
Q92. Which is the best definition of a software package?
(a) An add-on for your computer such as additional memory
(b) A set of computer programs used for a certain function such as word processing
(c) Protection you can buy for a computer
(d) The box, manual and licence agreement that accompany commercial software
(e) None of these

Answers Sheet
1 A 20 A 39 A 58 C 77 D
2 B 21 A 40 A 59 B 78 A
3 D 22 A 41 C 60 D 79 C
4 D 23 D 42 B 61 C 80 B
5 B 24 A 43 D 62 C 81 D
6 C 25 A 44 E 63 C 82 C
7 A 26 A 45 B 64 A 83 C
8 B 27 A 46 A 65 D 84 C
9 B 28 C 47 A 66 D 85 B
10 C 29 E 48 C 67 D 86 D
11 A 30 C 49 D 68 D 87 B
12 A 31 C 50 B 69 C 88 C
13 D 32 D 51 A 70 B 89 E
14 A 33 B 52 A 71 B 90 C
15 B 34 D 53 C 72 A 91 B
16 A 35 D 54 A 73 A 92 B
17 C 36 B 55 D 74 B
18 D 37 B 56 B 75 C
19 C 38 D 57 A 76 D

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Chapter 5: Memory
Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily
like RAM (random access memory), or permanently, like ROM (read-only memory).
Memory devices utilize integrated circuits and are used by operating systems, software,
and hardware.

Types of Memory

Primary Memory
RAM (Random access memory) - Random Access Memory (RAM) is a type of data storage
used in computers that are generally located on the motherboard. This type of memory is
volatile and all information that was stored in RAM is lost when the computer is turned off
There are two types of Random access memory
•Dynamic RAM - Dynamic indicates that the memory must be constantly refreshed
(reenergized) or it will lose its contents.
•Static Memory - A computer memory that contains fixed information and retains its
programmed state as long as the power is on.
Virtual memory is a feature of an operating system (OS) that allows a computer to
compensate for shortages of physical memory by temporarily transferring pages of data
from random access memory(RAM) to disk storage.

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ROM (Read only memory) - Once data has been written onto a ROM chip, it cannot be
removed and can only be read. Unlike main memory (RAM), ROM retains its contents even
when the computer is turned off. ROM is referred to as being nonvolatile.
There are three types of Read only memory (ROM)
•PROM - PROM stands for Programmable Read Only Memory. This form of ROM is initially
blank. The user or manufacturer can write data/program on it by using special devices.
However, once the program or data is written in PROM chip, it cannot be changed. If there
is an error in writing instructions or data in PROM, the error cannot be erased. PROM chip
becomes unusable.
•EPROM - EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. This form of
ROM is also initially blank. The user or manufacturer can write program or data on it by
using special devices. Unlike PROM, the data written in EPROM chip can be erased by using
special devices and ultraviolet rays. So program or data written in EPROM chip can be
changed and new data can also be added. When EPROM is in use, its contents can only be
•EEPROM - EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
This kind of ROM can be written or changed with the help of electrical devices. So data
stored in this type of ROM chip can be easily modified.

A cache is a place to store something temporarily in a computing environment. Cache
memory, also called CPU memory, is random access memory (RAM).

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Memory units
Nibble<Bit < Byte < KB < MB < GB < TB < PB < XB < ZB < YB

1 4 bit Nibble
2 8 bit 1 byte
3 1024 B 1 KB
4 1024 KB 1 MB
5 1024 MB 1 GB
6 1024 GB 1 TB
7 1024 TB 1 PB
8 1024 PB 1 XB
9 1024 XB 1 ZB
10 1024 ZB 1 YB

Secondary memory
Secondary memory - Secondary memory is computer memory that is not directly
accessed by the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer and is usually available as non-
volatile memory. One of the most common forms of this memory is the hard drive of a
computer, which is used to store the operating system (OS) and other programs. Example:
DVD, CDs, Floppy Disk etc.

•Hard Drive - a rigid non-removable magnetic disk with a large data storage capacity.
•Floppy disk- A floppy disk, also called a diskette or just disk is a type of disk storage
composed of a disk of thin and flexible magnetic storage medium, sealed in a rectangular
plastic carrier lined with fabric that removes dust particles. Floppy disks are read and
written by a floppy disk drive (FDD).
•Magnetic Tape – Magnetic tape used in recording sound, pictures, or computer data.
•Flash memory - a kind of memory that retains data in the absence of a power supply.
•Optical disk - an electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read using a
low-powered laser beam.

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CD-ROM: "Read Only" (used for distribution of commercial software, for example)Standard
storage capacity is 640MB.
CD-R (or CD-WORM): "Write Once, Read Many" times
CD-RW: rewritable multiple times
DVD: similar to CD, but with significantly larger storage capacity (4.7GB)

Motherboard - A motherboard is the main circuit board inside a computer that connects
the different parts of a computer together. It has sockets for the CPU, RAM and expansion
cards (e.g. discrete graphics cards, sound cards, network cards, storage cards etc) and it
also hooks up to hard drives, disc drives and front panel ports with cables and wires. Also
called as the mainboard, system board.

Q1. The two kinds of main memory are
(a) Primary and secondary
(b) Random and sequential
(c) ROM and RAM
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q2. Which of the following will happen when data is entered into a memory location?
(a) It will add to the content of the location
(b) It will change the address of the memory location
(c) It will erase the previous content
(d) It will erase the previous content
(e) None of these
Q3. A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which
the different units can handle data is
(a) Memory
(b) Buffer
(c) Accumulator
(d) Address
(e) None of these
Q4. To locate a data item for storage is
(a) Field
(b) Feed
(c) Database
(d) Fetch
(e) None of these
Q5. Time during which a job is processed by the computer is
(a) Delay times
(b) Real time

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(c) Execution time

(d) Down time
(e) None of these
Q6. A directly accessible appointment calendar is a feature of a …………… resident package.
(a) CPU
(b) Memory
(c) Buffer
(d) ALU
(e) None of these
Q7. The memory that cannot be processed directly by CPU is
(a) Internal Memory
(b) External Memory
(c) Cache Memory
(d) System Memory
(e) None of these
Q8. If in a computer, 16 bits are used to specify the address in a RAM, the number of
addresses will be
(a) 216
(b) 65,536
(c) 64k
(d) Any of the above
(e) None of these
Q9. As compared to the secondary memory, the primary memory of a computer is
(a) Large
(b) Cheap
(c) Fast
(d) Slow
(e) None of these
Q10. Which of the following is a way to access secondary memory?
(a) Random access memory
(b) Action Method
(c) Transfer method
(d) Density method
(e) None of these
Q11. Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and writer operations?
(a) ROM
(b) RAM
(d) None of the above
(e) None of these
Q12. Which of the following memories has the shortest access times?
(a) Cache memory
(b) Magnetic bubble memory
(c) Magnetic core memory
(d) RAM
(e) None of these

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Q13. A 32-bit microprocessor has the word length equal to

(a) 2 byte
(b) 32 byte
(c) 4 byte
(d) 8 byte
(e) None of these
Q14. A set of information that defines the status of resources allocated to a process is
(a) Process control
(b) ALU
(c) Register Unit
(d) Process description
(e) None of these
Q15. Any method for controlling access to or use of memory is known
(a) Memory map
(b) Memory protection
(c) Memory management
(d) Memory instruction
(e) None of these
Q16. A type of core store that has a lower access time than the devices used for working
store in the same processor is known as
(a) Core memory
(b) Buffer
(c) Fast core
(d) Address register
(e) None of these
Q17. Which of the following is a form of semiconductor memory in which it is possible to
change the contents of selected memory locations by applying suitable electrical
(a) CAM
(b) ROM
(d) Abacus
(e) None of these
Q18. How many address lines are needed to address each machine location in a 2048 X 4
memory chip?
(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 8
(d) 12
(e) None of these
Q19. A memory that is capable of determining whether a given datum is contained in one of
its address is
(a) ROM
(b) PROM
(c) CAM
(d) RAM

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(e) None of these

Q20. A method of implementing a memory management system is
(a) Buddy system
(b) Bridgeware
(c) Broadband coaxial system
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q21. A plastic card similar to a credit card but having some memory and a microprocessor
embedded within it is
(a) Punched paper tape
(b) Chip card
(c) Card punch
(d) Magnetic tape
(e) None of these
Q22. The use of spooler programs and/or …………. Hardware allows personal computer
operators to do the processing work at the same time a printing operation is in
(a) Registered mails
(b) Memory
(c) CPU
(d) Buffer
(e) None of these
Q23. Which chips using special external equipment can reprogram?
(a) ROM
(b) PROM
(c) SAM
(d) RAM
(e) None of these
Q24. Interface electronic circuit is used to interconnect I/O devices to a computer’s CPU or
(a) ALU
(b) Memory
(c) Buffer
(d) Register
(e) None of these
Q25. ………….. storage media stores data on magnetically sensitive material.
(a) optical
(b) magnetic
(c) floppy disk
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q26. Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
(c) ERAM
(d) RW/RAM
(e) None of these

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Q27. A typical personal computer used for business purposes would have …………… of RAM.
(a) 4 KB
(b) 16 K
(c) 64 K
(d) 256 K
(e) None of these
Q28. Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being
processed by the CPU?
(a) Mass memory
(b) Internal memory
(c) Non-volatile memory
(d) PROM
(e) None of these
Q29. Which of the following is a secondary memory device?
(a) Keyboard
(b) Disk
(c) ALU
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q30. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is …………. and storage is
………….. .
(a) Temporary, permanent
(b) Permanent, temporary
(c) Slow, fast
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q31. Which of the following registers is used to keep track of the address of the memory
location where the next instruction is located?
(a) Memory Address register
(b) Memory data register
(c) Instruction register
(d) Program counter
(e) None of these
Q32. How many address lines are needed to address each memory location in a 2008 × 4
memory chip?
(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 8
(d) 12
(e) None of these
Q33. The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured
(a) ROM
(b) RAM
(c) PROM
(e) None of these

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Q34. Registers, which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional, are known
(a) PC
(b) Memory address registers
(c) General purpose register
(d) Flags
(e) None of these
Q35. The two basic types of record access methods are
(a) Sequential and random
(b) Sequential and indexed
(c) Direct and immediate
(d) Online and real time
(e) None of these
Q36. Which of the following memories needs refresh?
(a) SRAM
(b) DRAM
(c) ROM
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q37. Access time is
(a) seek time + latency time
(b) seek time
(c) seek time – latency time
(d) latency time
(e) None of these
Q38. Seek time is
(a) time to position the head over proper track
(b) time to position the head over proper sector
(c) time to position the head over proper cylinder
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q39. A name or number used to identify a storage location devices?
(a) A byte
(b) A record
(c) An address
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q40. Which of the following registers is loaded with the contents of the memory location
pointed by the PC?
(a) Memory address registers
(b) Memory data registers
(c) Instruction register
(d) Program counter
(e) None of these
Q41. Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as
(a) volatile storage

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(b) non-volatile storage

(c) sequential storage
(d) direct storage
(e) None of these
Q42. The person contributing the idea of the stored program was
(a) John Neumann
(b) Charles Babbage
(c) Howard Aiken
(d) Daniel Thomas
(e) Dennis Ritenie
Q43. Which of the following refers to the memory in your computer?
(a) RAM
(b) DSL
(c) USB
(d) LAN
(e) CPU
Q44. …………. Is a form of permanent memory that holds all the instructions the computer
needs to start up does not get erased when the power is turned off.
(a) The Network Interface Card (NIC)
(b) The CPU
(c) RAM
(d) ROM
(e) None of these
Q45. What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM) makes it useful?
(a) ROM information can be easily updated
(b) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it remains there even without electrical power
(c) ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive data storage
(d) ROM chips are easily swapped between different brands of computers
(e) None of these
Q46. What is the permanent memory built into your computer called?
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
(c) CPU
(d) CD-ROM
(e) None of these
Q47. RAM can be thought of as the ………… for the computer’s processor.
(a) factory
(b) operating room
(c) waiting room
(d) planning room
(e) None of these
Q48. An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is
(a) CPU
(b) Memory
(c) Storage
(d) File

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(e) None of these

Q49. Which type of memory is closely related to the processor?
(a) Main Memory
(b) Secondary Memory
(c) Disk Memory
(d) Tape Memory
(e) None of these
Q50. Where are programs and data kept while the processor is using them?
(a) Main memory
(b) Secondary memory
(c) Disk memory
(d) Program memory
(e) None of these
Q51. When you are working on a document on PC, where is the document on PC, where is
the document temporarily stored?
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
(c) The CPU
(d) Flash memory
(e) The CD-ROM
Q52. When SHADOWING is enabled in a computer BIOS
(a) Instructions stored in various ROM chips are copied into
(b) Values are stored twice in the memory for redundancy
(c) The conventional memory is re-mapped to the top of the
(d) Data stored in RAM chips on adapter cards are shadowed
(e) None of these
Q53. Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?
(b) ROM
(c) Static RAM
(d) Dynamic RAM
(e) None of these
Q54. What is a backup?
(a) Adding more components to your network
(b) Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination
(c) Filtering old data from the new data
(d) Accessing data on tape
(e) None of these
Q55. ……….. is the maximum amount of data that can be stored on a storage medium.
(a) Magnetic storage
(b) Optical storage
(c) Solid-state storage
(d) Storage capacity
(e) None of these
Q56. When cutting and pasting, the item cut is temporarily stored in
(a) ROM

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(b) Hard drive

(c) Diskette
(d) Dashboard
(e) Clipboard
Q57. If a user needs information instantly available to the CPU, it should be stored
(a) In the CPU
(b) In RAM
(c) In secondary storage
(d) On a CD
(e) None of these
Q58. The contents of …………. are lost when the computer turns off.
(a) storage
(b) input
(c) output
(d) memory
(e) None of these
Q59. A place in the computer system where data and programs are temporarily stored
(a) Paste
(b) Open
(c) Memory
(d) Pocket
(e) None of these
Q60. …………. Is a form of permanent memory that holds all the instructions the computer
needs to start up does not get erased when the power is turned off.
(a) The Network Interface Card (NIC)
(b) The CPU
(c) RAM
(d) ROM
(e) None of these
Q61. Memory, also called random access memory, or RAM,
(a) contains the electronic circuits that cause processing to occur
(b) makes the information resulting from processing available for use
(c) allows data, programs, commands, and user responses to be entered into a computer
(d) consists of electronic components that store data
(e) None of these
Q62. Permanent instructions that the computer uses when it is turned on and that cannot
be changed by other instructions are contained in
(a) ROM
(b) RAM
(c) ALU
(d) REM
(e) None of these
Q63. Which type of memory holds only the program and data that the CPU is presently
(a) CMOS
(b) ROM

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(c) RAM
(e) None of these
Q64. What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM) makes it useful?
(a) ROM information can be easily updated
(b) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it remains there even without electrical power
(c) ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive data storage
(d) ROM chips are easily swapped between different brands of computers
(e) None of these
Q65. A disk’s content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be
changed or erased by the user is
(a) memory-only
(b) write-only
(c) read-only
(d) run-only
(e) None of these
Q66. Where are programs and data kept while the processor is using them?
(a) Main memory
(b) Secondary memory
(c) Disk memory
(d) Program memory
(e) None of these
Q67. What is the permanent memory built into your computer called?
(a) RAM
(b) ROM
(c) CPU
(d) CD-ROM
(e) None of these
Q68. What is the difference between a CD-ROM and a CD-RW?
(a) They are the same just two different terms used by different terms used by
different manufactures
(b) A CD-ROM can be written to and a CD-RW cannot
(c) A CD-RW can be written to, but a CD-ROM can only be read from
(d) A CD-ROM holds more information than a CD-RW
(e) None of these
Q69. Which of the following is not true about RAM?
(a) RAM is a temporary storage area
(b) RAM is the same as hard disk storage
(c) RAM is volatile
(d) Information stored in RAM is gone when you turn the computer off
(e) None of these
Q70. When you make graph and picture in document, then your computer holds the data in
(a) Restore file
(b) Backup drive
(c) Clipboard
(d) Memory

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(e) None of these

Q71. What contains the computer BIOS and maintains its data with the use of a battery for
periods when the system is powered down?
(a) CMOS
(b) RAM
(c) DRAM
(d) CPU
(e) None of these
Q72. Virtual memory is
(a) Memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses as an extended RAM
(b) in RAM
(c) Only necessary if you do not have any RAM in your computer
(d) A back up device for floppy disks
(e) None of these
Q73. Which of the following statements is true concerning?
(a) Virtual memory is the space on the hard drive where the operating system begins
to store data when it becomes memory-bound
(b) Accessing data from RAM is a slower than accessing data from virtual memory
(c) When it is using virtual memory, the operating system builds a file called the RAM
(d) If a computer is memory bound, adding more RAM will not solve the problem
(e) None of these
Q74. To avoid the wastage of memory, the instruction lengths should be
(a) Multiple of character size only
(b) Of word size only
(c) Of file size only
(d) Of word size which is multiple of character size
(e) None of these
Q75. The instruction of a program which is currently being executed are stored in
(a) Secondary memory
(b) Main memory
(c) Read only memory
(d) WORM
(e) None of these
Q76. EPROM is
(a) Permanent storage device
(b) Temporary storage device
(c) Not a storage device
(d) Volatile
(e) None of these
Q77. Which of the following statements is true about RAM?
(a) RAM stands for Random Access Memory
(b) RAM does not store any information permanently
(c) RAM is also known as main memory of a computer
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

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Q78. Memory allocation at the run time is known as

(a) Static memory allocation
(b) Dynamic memory allocation
(c) Paging
(d) Demanding
(e) None of these
Q79. The term gigabyte refers to
(a) 1024 bytes
(b) 1024 kilobytes
(c) 1024 megabytes
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above
Q80. ………… is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion.
(a) Process
(b) Software
(c) Storage
(d) Information
(e) None of the above

Answer Sheet
1 C 17 C 33 A 49 A 65 C
2 C 18 B 34 C 50 A 66 A
3 B 19 C 35 A 51 A 67 B
4 D 20 A 36 B 52 A 68 C
5 C 21 C 37 A 53 D 69 B
6 B 22 D 38 A 54 B 70 D
7 B 23 B 39 C 55 D 71 A
8 B 24 B 40 C 56 E 72 A
9 C 25 B 41 B 57 B 73 A
10 A 26 B 42 A 58 D 74 D
11 B 27 D 43 A 59 C 75 B
12 A 28 B 44 D 60 D 76 B
13 C 29 B 45 B 61 D 77 D
14 D 30 A 46 B 62 A 78 B
15 B 31 D 47 B 63 C 79 C
16 C 32 B 48 B 64 B 80 D

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Chapter 6: Network and Internet

Computer Network: A computer network is a set of connected computers. Computers on a
network are called nodes. The connection between computers can be done via cabling,
most commonly the Ethernet cable, or wirelessly through radio waves. Connected
computers can share resources, like access to the Internet, printers, file servers, and others.
Server - A computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other (client)
computers over a local network or the Internet.
Receiver - a hardware module or device used to receive signals.
Channel – The physical connection between Server & Receiver.
Network Channel

Simplex channels - simplex is a communications channel that operates in one direction at

a time. Example: Keyboard and traditional monitors.

Half-duplex channel - A half-duplex channel can send and receive data, but not at the
same time. Example: Walkie- talkie

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Full-duplex channel - Refers to the transmission of data in two directions simultaneously.

Example: Telephone Network

Network devices
i) Network adapter is a device that enables a computer to connect with another
computer/network using MAC Address.
ii) Hub is a device that splits a network connection into multiple computers
iii) Switch is a telecommunication device grouped as one of computer network
iv) The cable is one way of transmission media which can transmit communication signals.
v) Repeaters are used to regenerate or replicate signals that are weakened or distorted by
transmission over long distances.
vi) A bridge is used to connect two LANs with the same standard but using different types
of cables.

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vii) Routers are used to join multiple computer networks together via either wired or
wireless connections.
viii) Gateways is a key stopping point for data on its way to or from other networks.
ix) MODEM - Modulator-demodulator. An electronic device that allows computers to
communicate over telephone wires or cable-TV cable.

Types of Network
•Local Area Network (LAN) - a computer network that links devices within a building or
group of adjacent buildings. Ex – Star LAN, Ring LAN, Bus LAN
•Wide Area Network (WAN) - a computer network in which the computers connected
may be far apart.
•Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)- A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network
that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic area or region larger
than that covered by even a LAN but smaller than the area covered by WAN. Ex- Public
Networks Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN), Public Service Digital Network
(PSDN) etc.
•Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a set of communication standards for
simultaneous digital transmission of voice, video, data.

Network Topology
•Mesh topology - Mesh is a network topology in which devices are connected with many
redundant interconnections between network nodes.
•Star topology - Star topology is a network topology where each individual piece of a
network is attached to a central node.
•Ring topology - Ring topology refers to a specific kind of network setup in which devices
are connected in a ring and pass information to each other according to their adjacent in
the ring structure.
•Bus topology - Bus topology is a specific kind of network topology in which all of the
various devices in the network are connected to a single cable or line.
•Tree topology – It is a combination of characteristics of linear bus and star topologies.

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OSI: The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI Model) is a conceptual model that
characterizes and standardizes the communication functions of a telecommunication or
computing system without regard to their underlying internal structure and technology.

Seven layers of OSI Model

1.Physical layer - The physical layer is the first layer of the OSI Model that deals with bit-
level transmission between different devices and supports electrical or mechanical
interfaces connecting to the physical medium for synchronized communication.
2. Data Link Layer - The data link layer is the second layer of the OSI model. This layer is
the protocol layer that transfers data in the form of frames between adjacent network
nodes in a wide area network or between nodes on the same local area network segment.
3.Network Layer - The network layer is the third level of the OSI Model and the layer that
provides data routing paths for network communication. Data is transferred in the form of
packets via logical network paths in an ordered format controlled by the network layer.
4. Transport Layer - The transport layer is the layer in the OSI model responsible for end-
to-end communication(in the form of segments) over a network. It provides logical
communication between application processes running on different hosts within a layered
architecture of protocols and other network components.
5. Session Layer - In the OSI model, the session layer is the fifth layer, which controls the
connections between multiple computers. The session layer tracks the dialogues between
computers, which are also called sessions.
6.Presentation Layer - The presentation layer is layer 6 in the OSI model. It is used to
present data to the application layer (layer 7) in an accurate, well-defined and standardized
format. The presentation layer is sometimes called the syntax layer.
7.Application Layer - The application layer is a layer in the OSI model and the TCP/IP
protocol suite. It consists of protocols that focus on process-to-process communication
across an IP network and provides a firm communication interface and end-user services.

Data transmission
•NIC-Network interface card - A network interface card (NIC) is a computer circuit board
or card that is installed in a computer so that it can be connected to a network.

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•Wireless technology - Wireless communications is a type of data, a wireless signal

through wireless communication technologies and device.

Network Related Terms

i)Protocol - It is a set of rules and standards which is used by computers to exchange data
or information with each other across a network.
ii) Nodes - It is a connecting point where either data transmission ends or redistribution of
data starts.
iii) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) - basic communication
language or protocol of the Internet.
IPV4 - 32 bits numeric address IPV6 - 128 bits hexadecimal address
iv) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer
computer files between a client and server on a computer network.
v) An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides services for
accessing and using the Internet.
vi) Network Service Provider (NSP) is a company that provides backbone services to an
Internet service provider (ISP).
vii) Web server is a program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve the
files that form Web pages to users, in response to their requests, which are forwarded by
their computers' HTTP clients.
viii) Website is a collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically
identified with a common domain name.
ix) Web Page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web.
x) Home page - the introductory page of a website.
xi) A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a new
document or a new section within the current document.
Xii) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed,
collaborative, hypermedia information systems.
xiii) Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a technical standard for accessing
information over a mobile wireless network.
xiv) URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a form of URI and is a standardized naming
convention for addressing documents accessible over the Internet and Intranet.

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•Internet- a global computer network providing a variety of information and
communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized
communication protocols.
•Modem - a combined device for modulation and demodulation, for example, between the
digital data of a computer and the analogue signal of a telephone line.
•Web Browser - Web browser is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display
content on the World Wide Web, including Web pages, images and video.

Q1. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the
microcomputer is known as
(a) Path
(b) Address bus
(c) Route
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q2. Smaller and less expensive PC-based services are replacing ………….. in many
(a) supercomputers
(b) clients
(c) laptops
(d) mainframes
(e) None of these
Q3. DSL is an example of a(n) ……………. connection.
(a) network
(b) wireless
(c) slow
(d) broadband
(e) None of these
Q4. A term used to describe interconnected computer configuration is
(a) Multiprogramming
(b) Modulation
(c) Multiprocessing
(d) Micro program sequence
(e) None of these
Q5. What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same
(a) Light pen
(b) Mouse
(c) Digitizer

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(d) Terminal
(e) None of these
Q6. Multi-user systems provided cost savings for small business because they use single
processing unit to link several
(a) Personal computers
(b) Workstations
(c) Dumb terminals
(d) Mainframes
(e) None of these
Q7. A dumb terminal has
(a) An embedded microprocessor
(b) Extensive memory
(c) Independent processing
(d) A keyboard and screen
(e) None of these
Q8. The hardware device that acts as both a switching and connecting unit is called an
(a) RS-232 C Port
(b) Concentrator
(c) Independent processing
(d) A keyboard and screen
(e) None of these
Q9. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be
(a) distributed
(b) wireless
(c) centralized
(d) open source
(e) None of these
Q10. A …………. is a collection of computer and device connected together.
(a) protocol
(b) memory card
(c) network
(d) central processing unit
(e) None of these
Q11. Multiplexing involves ……………. Path and ……………. Channel.
(a) one, one
(b) one, multiple
(c) multiple, one
(d) multiple, multiple
(e) None of these
Q12. Which one amongst them is not an internetwork?
(a) MAN
(b) WAN
(c) LAN
(d) All are internetworks
(e) None of these
Q13. A proxy server is used for which of the following?

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(a) To provide security against unauthorized users

(b) To process client requests for Web pages
(c) To process client requests for database access
(d) To provide TCP/IP
(e) None of these
Q14. The ability to easily add additional users means that a network is
(a) scalable
(b) dedicated
(c) decentralized
(d) secure
(e) None of these
Q15. If you wish to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade, you
would use a
(a) repeater
(b) router
(c) gateway
(d) switch
(e) None of these
Q16. A(n) …………… is a private corporate network, used exclusively by company
(a) Internet
(b) local area network
(c) peer-to-peer
(d) intranet
(e) None of these
Q17. A characteristic of a file server is which of the following?
(a) Manages file operations and is shared on a network
(b) Manages file operations and is limited to one PC
(c) Acts as a fat client and is shared on a network
(d) Acts as a client and is limited to one PC
(e) None of these
Q18. Which of the following terms is just the collection of networks that can be joined
(a) Virtual private network
(b) Internet
(c) Intranet
(d) Extranet
(e) None of these
Q19. Servers are computers that provide resources to the other computers connected to a
(a) Network
(b) Mainframe
(c) Super computer
(d) Client
(e) None of these
Q20. The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is

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(a) desktop
(b) network client
(c) network server
(d) network station
(e) None of these
Q21. A set of rules that computer on a network use to communicate with each other are
(a) Rules
(b) Regulations
(c) Protocol
(d) Netiquettes
(e) None of these
Q22. Which of the following refers to a small, single-site network?
(a) LAN
(b) DSL
(c) RAM
(d) USB
(e) CPU
Q23. Computer connected to a LAN (Local Area Network) can
(a) run faster
(b) go on line
(c) share information and/or share peripheral equipment
(d) E-mail
(e) None of these
Q24. The sharing of a medium and its path by 2 or more devices is called ………….. .
(a) Modulation
(b) Encoxing
(c) Line discipline
(d) Multiplexing
(e) None of these
Q25. Which multiplexing technique transmits analog signals?
(a) FDM
(b) Synchronous TDM
(c) Asynchronous TDM
(d) Both (2) and (3)
(e) None of these
Q26. Network components are connected to the same cable in the …………. topology.
(a) star
(b) ring
(c) bus
(d) mesh
(e) mixed
Q27. Two or more computers connected to each other for sharing information form a
(a) network
(b) router

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(c) server
(d) tunnel
(e) pipeline
Q28. Office LANs that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected
using a corporate …………
(a) CAN
(b) LAN
(c) DAN
(d) WAN
(e) TAN
Q29. For separating channels in FDM, it is necessary to use
(a) Time slots
(b) Bandpass filters
(c) Differentiation
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q30. Encryption and decryption are functions of
(a) Transport layer
(b) Session layer
(c) Presentation layer
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q31. Which type of switching uses the entire capacity of a dedicated link?
(a) Circuit switching
(b) Virtual Circuit Packet Switching
(c) Datagram packet Switching
(d) Message Switching
(e) None of these
Q32. A permanent virtual circuit involves
(a) Connection establishment
(b) Data transfer
(c) Connection release
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q33. X. 21 protocol consists of
(a) Physical and frame levels
(b) Frame and packet levels
(c) Physical, frame and packet levels
(d) Only physical level
(e) None of these
Q34. Which type of resource does have greater probability to become shared resource in a
computer network?
(a) Printers
(b) Speakers
(c) Floppy Disc Drivers
(d) Keyboards

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(e) None of these

Q35. A device operating at the physical layer is called a
(a) Bridge
(b) Router
(c) Repeater
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q36. A central computer that holds collections of data and programs for many PCs,
workstations, and other computers is a(n) …………
(a) supercomputer
(b) minicomputer
(c) laptop
(d) server
(e) None of these
Q37. A ………….. shares hardware, software, and data among authorised users.
(a) network
(b) protocol
(c) hyperlink
(d) transmitter
(e) None of these
Q38. Personal computer can be connected together to form a …………… .
(a) server
(b) supercomputer
(c) enterprise
(d) network
(e) None of these
Q39. In …………… each packet of a message follows the same path from sender to receiver.
(a) Circuit switching
(b) Message switching
(c) The virtual approach to packet switching
(d) The datagram approach to packet switching
(e) None of these
Q40. A permanent virtual circuit involves
(a) Connection establishment
(b) Data transfer
(c) Connection release
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q41. Which of the following cannot be a wireless network?
(a) LAN
(b) WAN
(c) MAN
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q42. The protocol for sharing hypertext information on the World Wide Web is
(a) HTTP

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(b) HTML
(c) FTP
(d) TCP
(e) None of these
Q43. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be
(a) Distributed
(b) Centralised
(c) Open source
(d) Wireless
(e) None of these
Q44. …………. are devices used to transmit data over telecommunications lines.
(a) Drives
(b) Drive bays
(c) Modems
(d) Platforms
(e) None of these
Q45. The process of trading goods over the Internet is known as………… .
(a) e-serve
(b) e-trading
(c) e-commerce
(d) e-finance
(e) None of these
Q46. What type of resource is most likely to be a shared common resource in a computer
(a) Printers
(b) Speakers
(c) Floppy disk drives
(d) Keyboards
(e) None of these
Q47. The vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world is
called ………… .
(a) LAN
(b) Web
(c) Hypertext
(d) Internet
(e) None of these
Q48. The communications device that allows the computer to access a network is called a
…………… card.
(a) modem
(b) video
(c) sound
(d) network
(e) None of these
Q49. The word FTP stands for
(a) File Translate Protocol
(b) File Translate Protocol

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(c) File Typing Protocol

(d) File Transfer Protocol
(e) None of these
Q50. A …………. Shares hardware, software, and data among authorized users.
(a) network
(b) protocol
(c) hyperlink
(d) transmitter
(e) None of these
Q51. A(n) ………… is a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of
information between computing devices.
(a) Network
(b) Peripheral
(c) Expansion board
(d) Digital device
(e) None of these
Q52. The …………… also called the Web, contains billions of documents.
(a) World Wide Web
(b) HTTP
(c) Web Portal
(d) Domain
(e) None of these
Q53. Which of the following is the communication protocol that sets the standard used by
every computer that accesses Web-based information?
(a) XML
(b) DML
(c) HTTP
(d) TML
(e) None of these
Q54. Which of the following layers of OSI reference model provides the service of error
detection and control to the highest layer?
(a) Data Link
(b) Application
(c) Presentation
(d) Session
(e) None of these
Q55. Which of the following is not a network?
(a) Local area network
(b) Wide area network
(c) Optical fibre
(d) All are networks
(e) None of these
Q56. Which of the following layers of an ISO-OSI reference model is for networking
(a) Network layer
(b) Application layer

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(c) Session layer

(d) Physical layer
(e) None of these
Q57. A network that spreads over cities is
(a) WAN
(b) MAN
(c) LAN
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q58. A topology of computer network means.
(a) Arrangement of PCs in certain pattern
(b) Cabling between PCs
(c) Way the server connects to PCs
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q59. Which of the following makes a network insecure?
(a) Encryption
(b) Network Interface Card (NIC)
(c) Static keys
(d) Password Capture
(e) None of these
Q60. Fibre optics cable supports data rate upto
(a) 100 mpbs to 2 gbps
(b) 2 gbps to 4 gbps
(c) 100 mbps to 10 gbps
(d) 10 gbps to 100 gbps
(e) None of these
Q61. A Bridge recognizes addresses of
(a) Layer 1
(b) Layer 2
(c) Layer 3
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q62. In a ………….. network, the Host computer is connected to local computers
(a) Star network
(b) Hybrid network
(c) Ring network
(d) Complete network
(e) Multipoint network
Q63. The most popular network protocol whose routing capabilities provide maximum
flexibility in an enterprise wide network is known as
(a) TCP
(b) FTP
(c) IP
(d) TCP/IP
(e) None of these

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Q64. Which of the following is a network where a huge computer does all computing and
front end PCs are dumb terminals?
(a) Mainframes
(b) Client Server
(c) Master Slave
(d) Internet
(e) None of these
Q65. A modem that cannot be moved from its position is called
(a) Intelligent Modem
(b) Acoustic coupler
(c) fixed modem
(d) Direct connect
(e) None of these
Q66. Router functions in the …………. Layer.
(a) Physical
(b) Data link
(c) Network
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Q67. In a ………… topology, if there are n devices in network, each device has n-1 ports for
(a) Mesh
(b) Bus
(c) Star
(d) Ring
(e) None of these
Q68. The physical layer is concerned with transmission of …………. Over the physical
(a) Programs
(b) Dialogs
(c) Protocals
(d) Bits
(e) None of these
Q69. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a
(a) network
(b) mainframe
(c) supercomputer
(d) client
(e) None of these
Q70. Smaller and less expensive PC-based servers are replacing …………. in many
(a) supercomputers
(b) clients
(c) laptops
(d) mainframes
(e) None of these

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Q71. ………….. is a method in which multiple communication devices are connected to one
another efficiently.
(a) Switching
(b) Redundancy
(c) Capacity
(d) Detecting
(e) None of these
Q72. Frame Relay technique uses
(a) circuit switching
(b) connection oriented packet switching
(c) message switching
(d) hybrid switching
(e) None of these
Q73. For optical fibre used in point to point transmission, the repeater spacing is
(a) 10 – 100 km
(b) 2 – 10 km
(c) 1 – 10 km
(d) 100 – 1000 km
(e) None of these
Q74. The server on the internet is also known as
(a) Repeater
(b) Host
(c) Gateway
(d) AND Gate
(e) None of these
Q75. The 1st network that initiated the Internet was
(b) NSF net
(c) Vnet
(d) Inet
(e) None of these
Q76. HUB is
(a) layer 1 device
(b) central device
(c) dumb device
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q77. Which of the following combines signals from different sources into one and sends on
a faster channel?
(a) Simplex
(b) Half duplex
(c) Full duplex
(d) Multiplexing
(e) None of these
Q78. Which of the following chooses correct data path for an incoming message and
forwards it to relevant line?

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(a) Remote concentrator

(b) Message switcher
(c) Front end processor
(d) Demux
(e) None of these
Q79. Which of the following is wrong?
(a) Clients can store information
(b) Wan is faster than LAN
(c) Servers only provide network resources
(d) Peer-to-peer networks have poor securing
(e) None of these
Q80. ……………. connects millions of people all over the world.
(a) LAN
(b) Web
(c) Internet
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q81. In a computer network, a computer that can control a group of other computers for
sharing information as well as hardware utilities is known as
(a) Client
(b) Hub
(c) Switch
(d) Server
(e) Control Panel
Q82. In a network with 25 computers, which topology would require the more extensive
(a) Mesh
(b) Star
(c) Bus
(d) Ring
(e) None of these
Q83. Dialogue control is a function of the ………… layer.
(a) Transport
(b) Session
(c) Presentation
(d) Application
(e) None of these
Q84. The ………… determines how many bits of data can be sent along a given bus at any one
(a) control unit
(b) bus width
(c) bus speed
(d) amount memory
(e) None of these

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Answer Sheet

1 B 18 B 35 C 52 A 69 A

2 D 19 A 36 D 53 C 70 D

3 D 20 C 37 A 54 A 71 A

4 A 21 C 38 D 55 C 72 B

5 D 22 A 39 D 56 A 73 A

6 C 23 C 40 B 57 A 74 B

7 D 24 D 41 E 58 D 75 A

8 B 25 A 42 A 59 D 76 D

9 B 26 C 43 D 60 A 77 D

10 C 27 A 44 C 61 C 78 B

11 B 28 D 45 C 62 A 79 B

12 D 29 B 46 A 63 D 80 C

13 B 30 C 47 D 64 A 81 D

14 A 31 A 48 A 65 C 82 A

15 A 32 B 49 D 66 C 83 B

16 D 33 D 50 A 67 A 84 B

17 A 34 A 51 A 68 D

Chapter 7: Computer Security

Computer Security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your

Internet Security Threats

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1) A virus is a type of malicious software program (malware) that, when executed,

replicates by reproducing itself (copying its own source code) or infecting other computer
programs by modifying them.
Ex: Code Red, Nimda, SirCam, Melisa, Ripper, MDMA, One _Half
2) Spyware: It is a software that secretly collects user information while on the internet.
Spyware can capture information like Web browsing habits, email messages, usernames
and passwords, and credit card information.
3) Adware: This program launches the advertisements in the form of pop-ups. Usually,
AdWords is based on the internet behaviour of the user.
4) Spam: These are unwanted emails. In other words, we can call them as unsolicited
promotional mail.
5) Pharming: More advance method of Phishing in which the attackers create duplicate or
similar looking website of other companies, to attract the customers and steal the data.
6) Cookies: These are program or information secretly stored in a computer especially an
internet browser, which allows other users to monitor the internet activities of a person.
These programs usually monitor the browsing nature of a person so that the companies
can create better marketing strategies.
7) Mail Bomb: An excessively large email (typically many thousands of messages) or one
large message sent to a user’s email account. This is done to crash the system and prevent
genuine messages from being received.
8) Scareware: A common trick cybercriminals use to make users think that their computer
has become infected with malware to get them to purchase a fake application.
9) Sniffers: A software program used to monitor the traffic in a network. The hackers may
use the sniffed data to access important confidential data.
10) Rootkit: A program designed to hide objects such as processes, files or Windows
registry entries (often including its own).
11) Phishing: This is acquiring the personal and sensitive information of a person through
official-looking emails. Users of online banking and e-commerce websites are more prone
to this attack.
12) Spoofing: It is a type of scam where an intruder attempts to gain unauthorized access
to a user's system or information by pretending to be the user.

A Firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and
outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

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Adware, or advertising-supported software, is any software package that automatically

renders advertisements to generate revenue for its author.
Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search
for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans,


Q1. All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT
(a) hackers
(b) spam
(c) viruses
(d) identity theft
(e) None of these
Q2. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is
an example of a law enforcement specialty called
(a) robotics
(b) simulation
(c) computer forensics
(d) animation
(e) None of these
Q3. The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those
without this access is known as the
(a) Digital divide
(b) Internet divide
(c) Web divide
(d) Broadband divide
(e) None of these
Q4. Which of the following is a Web browser?
(a) Paint
(b) Power Point
(c) Fire fox
(d) Word
(e) All are Web browsers
Q5. Internet allows you to
(a) send electronic mail
(b) view Web pages
(c) connect to servers all around the world
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q6. Junk e-mail is also called
(a) spam

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(b) spoof
(c) sniffer script
(d) spool
(e) None of these
Q7. What is the most common way to get a virus in your computer’s hard disk?
(a) By installing games from CD-ROMs
(b) By uploading pictures from mobile phones to the computer
(c) By opening e-mails
(d) By sending e-mails
(e) None of these
Q8. What is an E-mail attachment?
(a) A receipt sent by the recipient
(b) A separate document from another program sent along with an E-mail message
(c) A malicious parasite that feeds off of your message and destroys the contents
(d) A list of CC: or BCC: recipients
(e) None of these
Q9. Which of the following are all considered advantages of e-mail?
(a) Convenience, speed of delivery, generality and reliability
(b) Printable, global and expensive
(c) Global, convenience and Microsoft owned
(d) Slow delivery, reliable, global and inexpensive
(e) None of these
Q10. Sending an E-mail is similar to
(a) writing a letter
(b) drawing a picture
(c) talking on the phone
(d) sending a package
(e) None of these
Q11. The …………., also called the Web, contains billions of documents.
(a) World Wide Web
(b) HTTP
(c) Web Portal
(d) Domain
(e) None of these
Q12. Choose the web-browser among the following:
(a) MSN messenger
(b) Yahoo messenger
(c) Rediffbal. Net
(d) Netscape Navigator
(e) None of these
Q13. The …………. Shows all the Web sites and pages that you have visited over a period of
(a) status bar
(b) task bar
(c) history list
(d) tool bar

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(e) None of these

Q14. In the URL, the portion labelled http is the ……… .
(a) host
(b) domain name
(c) protocol
(d) top-level domain
(e) None of these
Q15. A repair for a known software bug, usually available at no charge on the internet, is
called a (n) ………. .
(a) version
(b) patch
(c) tutorial
(d) FAQ
(e) None of these
Q16. A Web site address is a unique name that identifies a specific ………….. on the Web.
(a) Web browser
(b) PDA
(c) Website
(d) Link
(e) None of these
Q17. A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document is called ………….. .
(a) anchor
(b) hyperlink
(c) reference
(d) URL
(e) None of these
Q18. When sending an e-mail, the ………… line describes the contents of the message.
(a) to
(b) subject
(c) contents
(d) CC
(e) None of these
Q19. Which of the following is an example of connectivity?
(a) Internet
(b) floppy disk
(c) power cord
(d) data
(e) None of these
Q20. The process of connecting to the Internet account is
(a) LOG IN
(e) None of these
Q21. A commonly used graphic format for the web is
(a) GIF

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(b) bmp
(c) text
(d) Imp
(e) TIF
Q22. The HTML code written in a text editor to make web-pages, is
(a) HTML coding tags
(b) Source code
(c) Source element
(d) tags
(e) None of these
Q23. If you receive an e-mail from someone you don’t know, what should you do?
(a) Forward it to the police immediately
(b) Delete it without opening it
(c) Open it and respond to them saying you don’t know them
(d) Reply and ask them for their personal information
(e) Reply and tell them you want to keep in touch with them
Q24. ……….. is collection of web-pages and ……….. is the very first page that we see on
opening of a website.
(a) Home-page, Web-page
(b) Web-site, Home-page
(c) Web-page, Home-page
(d) Web-page, Web site
(e) None of these
Q25. When we run a program in HTML, coding, …………. Is used as backend and …………
works as frontend.
(a) Notepad-Internet-Explorer
(b) Notepad-Msn-messenger
(c) MS-word-Internet Explorer
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Q26. One advantage of dial-up Internet access is …………. .
(a) it utilizes, broadband technology
(b) it utilizes existing telephone service
(c) it uses a router for security
(d) modem speeds are very fast
(e) None of these
Q27. What is the term for unsolicited e-mail?
(a) newsgroup
(b) usenet
(c) backbone
(d) flaming
(e) spam
Q28. The code for a Web page is written using ………… .
(a) a fifth generation language
(b) Win Zip
(c) Perl

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(d) Htypertext Markup Language

(e) URL
Q29. Small application programs that run on a Web page and may ensure a form is
completed properly or provide animation are known as …………. .
(a) flash
(b) spiders
(c) cookies
(d) applets
(e) sparks
Q30. When the pointer is positioned on a ………….. it is shaped like a hand.
(a) grammar error
(b) hyperlink
(c) screen tip
(d) spelling error
(e) formatting error
Q31. Internet is
(a) a local computer network
(b) a world wide network of computers
(c) an interconnected network of computers
(d) a world wide interconnected network of computers which use a common protocol
to communicate with one another
(e) None of these
Q32. The facilities available in the internet are
(i) electronic mail
(ii) remote login
(iii) file transfer
(iv) word processing
(a) i, ii
(b) i, ii, iii
(c) i, ii, iv
(d) ii, iii and iv
(e) None of these
Q33. Internet requires
(a) an international agreement to connect computers
(b) a local area network
(c) a commonly agreed set of rules to communicate between computers
(d) a World Wide Web
(e) None of these
Q34. Each computer connected to the Internet must
(a) be an IBM PC
(b) have a unique IP address
(c) be internet compatible
(d) have a modern connection
(e) None of these
Q35. IP address is currently
(a) 4 bytes long

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(b) available in plenty

(c) 6 bytes long
(d) not assigned as it is all used
(e) None of these
Q36. IP addresses are converted to
(a) a binary string
(b) alphanumeric string
(c) a hierarchy of domain names
(d) a hexadecimal string
(e) None of these
Q37. Internet addresses must always have at least
(i) a country name or organization type
(ii) internet service provider’s name
(iii) name of organization
(iv) name of individual
(v) type of organization
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, iii
(d) ii, iii, iv, v
(e) None of these
Q38. Internet uses
(a) Packet switching
(b) Circuit switching
(c) Telephone switching
(d) Telex switching
(e) None of these
Q39. Internet data is broken up as
(a) fixed length packets
(b) variable length packets
(c) not packetized
(d) 64 bytes packets
(e) None of these
Q40. Internet packet data structure consists of
(i) source address
(ii) destination address
(iii) serial number of packets
(iv) message bytes
(v) Control bits for error checking
(vi) Path identification bits
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) i, ii, iii, iv
(c) iii, iii, iv,
(d) ii, iii, iv, v
(e) None of these
Q41. The packets of an internet message

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(a) take a predetermined path

(b) take a path, based on packet priority
(c) go along different paths based on path availability
(d) take the shortest path from source to destination
(e) None of these
Q42. By an intranet we mean
(a) a LAN of an organization
(b) a Wide Area Network connecting all branches of an organization
(c) a corporate computer network
(d) a network connecting all computers of an organization and using the internet protocol
(e) None of these
Q43. By an extranet we mean
(a) an extra fast computer net Work
(b) the intranets of two co-operating organizations inter-connected via a secure leased line
(c) an extra network used by an organization for higher reliability
(d) an extra connection to internet provided to co-operating organization
(e) None of these
Q44. World Wide Web
(a) is another name for internet
(b) world wide connection for computers
(c) a collection of linked information residing on computers connected by the internet
(d) a collection of world wide information
(e) None of these
Q45. Among, services available on the World Wide Web are
(i) Encryption
(ii) HTTP
(iii) HTML
(iv) Firewalls
(a) i and ii
(b) ii and iii
(c) iii and iv
(d) i and iv
(e) None of these
Q46. A world wide web contains web pages
(a) residing, in many computers
(b) created using HTML
(c) with links to other web pages
(d) residing in many computers linked together using HTML
(e) None of these
Q47. A web page is located using a
(a) Universal Record Linking
(b) Uniform Resource Locator
(c) Universal Record Locator
(d) Uniformly Reachable Links
(e) None of these
Q48. A URL specifies the following

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(i) protocol used

(ii) domain name of server hosting web page
(iii) name of folder with required information
(iv) name of document formatted using 1 HTML
(v) the name of ISP
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) ii, iii, iv, v
(c) i, iii, iv
(d) i, ii, iii, v
(e) None of these
Q49. A search engine is a program to search
(a) for information
(b) web pages
(c) web pages for specified index terms
(d) web pages for information using specified search
(e) None of these
Q50. HTML is similar to a
(a) word processing language
(b) screen editor
(c) scripting language
(d) search engine
(e) None of these
Q51. Desirable properties of a website are
(i) a meaningful address
(ii) Help and search facilities
(iii) Links to related sites
(iv) Features to allow users to give feedback
(v) Hosting on a mainframe
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) i, ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iii, iv, v
(d) i, ii, iii, v
(e) None of these
Q52. HTML uses
(a) pre-specified tags
(b) user defined tags
(c) tags only for linking
(d) fixed tags defined by the language
(e) None of these
Q53. HTML tags define
(a) The data types of elements of document
(b) Presentation of specified elements of a document
(c) The contents of the document
(d) The structure of the document
(e) None of these
Q54. SGML stands for

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(a) Standard Generalized Markup Language

(b) Structured General Markup Language
(c) Standard Graphics Mapping Language
(d) Standard General Markup Link
(e) None of these
Q55. HTML and XML are markup language
(a) Specially development for the web
(b) Are based on SGML
(c) Are versions of SGML
(d) Independent of SGML
(e) None of these
Q56. XML stands for
(a) Extra Markup Language
(b) Excellent Markup Links
(c) Extended Markup Language
(d) Extended Marking Links
(e) None of these
Q57. XML uses
(a) user define tags
(b) predefined tags
(c) both predefined and user-defined tags
(d) Extended tags used in HTML and makes them powerful
(e) None of these
Q58. In order to interpret XML documents one should
(a) Use standardized tags
(b) Have a document type definition which defines the tags
(c) Define the tags separately
(d) Specify tag filename
(e) None of these
Q59. The advantage of XML over HTML are
(i) It allows processing of data stored in web-pages
(ii) It uses meaningful tags which aids in understanding the nature of a document
(iii) Is simple then HTML
(iv) It separates presentation and structure of document
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(b) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(c) (ii), (iii), and (iv)
(d) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(e) None of these
Q60. XSL definition is used along with XML definition to specify
(a) The data types of the contents of XML document
(b) The presentation of XML document
(c) The links with other documents
(d) The structure of XML document
(e) None of these
Q61. XLL definition is used along with XML to specify

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(a) The data types of the contents of XML document

(b) The presentation of XML document
(c) The links with other documents
(d) The structure of XML document
(e) None of these
Q62. DTD definition is used along with XML to specify
(a) The data types of the contents of XML document
(b) The presentation of XML document
(c) The links with other documents
(d) The structure of XML document
(e) None of these
Q63. What does HTML stand for?
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language
(b) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
(c) Hyperlink Tool Makeup Language
(d) Home Tool Markup Language
(e) Both (b) and (c)
Q64. HTML markup language is a set of Markup ___________.
(a) sets
(b) attributes
(c) groups
(d) tags
(e) None of these
Q65. W-mail addresses separate the user name from the ISP using the ……….. symbol.
(a) &
(b) @
(c) %
(d) 
(e) None of these
Q66. Antivirus software is an example of ………… .
(a) business software
(b) an operating system
(c) a security system
(d) an office suite
(e) None of these
Q67. When sending an e-mail, the ……… line describes the contents of the message.
(a) subject
(b) to
(c) contents
(d) cc
(e) None of these
Q68. An e-mail account includes a storage area, often called a(n) ……….. .
(a) attachment
(b) hyperlink
(c) mailbox
(d) IP address

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(e) None of these

Q69. Computer language used on the Internet is …………. .
(c) Java
(d) Pascal
(e) None of these
Q70. A web site’s main page is called is ………… .
(a) Home Page
(b) Browser Page
(c) Search Page
(d) Bookmark
(e) None of these
Q71. Most Web sites have a main page, the ……….. , which acts as a doorway to the rest of
the Web site pages.
(a) search engine
(b) home page
(c) browser
(d) URL
(e) None of these
Q72. A MODEM is connected in between a telephone line, and a ………… .
(a) Network
(b) Computer
(c) Communication Adapter
(d) Serial Port
(e) All of these
Q73. The most popular Internet activity is …………. .
(a) downloading music
(b) watching movie trailers
(c) shopping for books
(d) e-mailing
(e) None of these
Q74. Which device is used to access your computer by other computer or for talk over
(a) RAM
(b) CD ROM Drive
(c) Modem
(d) Hard Drive
(e) None of these
Q75. In order to save a Word document as a web page you need to
(a) put the appropriate graphics and links on the document
(b) save the document in simple text format
(c) use your web browser as an editor and save as URL
(d) save as HTML
(e) None of these
Q76. Which type of switching uses the entire capacity of a dedicated link?

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(a) Circuit switching

(b) Virtual Circuit Packet Switching
(c) Datagram Packet Switching
(d) Message Switching
(e) None of these
Q77. Which of the following can handle most system functions that aren’t handled directly
by the operating system?
(a) Vertical market applications
(b) Utilities
(c) Algorithms
(d) Integrated software
(e) Compilers
Q78. The network connecting several computers all over the world is ………. .
(a) Intranet
(b) Internet
(c) ARPAnet
(d) Network
(e) LAN
Q79. The code for a Web page is written using ………. .
(a) a fifth-generation language
(b) Win Zip
(c) Perl
(d) Hypertext Markup Language
(e) URL
Q80. Firewalls are used to protect against ………….
(a) Uauthorised Attacks
(b) Virus Attacks
(c) Data Driven Attacks
(d) Fire Attacks
(e) None of these
Q81. Which protocol provides e-mail facility among different hosts?
(a) FTP
(b) SMTP
(d) SNMP
(e) None of these
Q82. ………… allows voice conversations to travel over the Internet.
(a) Internet telephony
(b) Instant messaging
(c) E-mail
(d) E-commerce
(e) None of these
Q83. What is a modem connected to?
(a) processor
(b) motherboard
(c) printer

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(d) phone line

(e) None of these
Q84. A …………. is software program used to view Web pages.
(a) site
(b) host
(c) link
(d) browser
(e) None of these
Q85. The process of computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known
as ………..
(a) pulling
(b) pushing
(c) downloading
(d) transferring
(e) None of these
Q86. A web site address is a unique name that identifies a specific ………….. on the Web.
(a) Web browser
(b) Web site
(c) PDA
(d) link
(e) None of these
Q87. To navigate to a new Web page for which you know the URL, type that URL in the
browser’s ………… and press Enter.
(a) Address bar
(b) Domain bar
(c) Address button
(d) Name button
(e) None of these
Q88. To protect organization from virus or attacks
(a) All mails sent and received should be monitored
(b) All messages should be encrypted
(c) E-mails should be used only for official purpose
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q89. Documents converted to ……….. can be published to the Web.
(a) A doc files
(b) http
(c) machine language
(d) HTML
(e) None of these
Q90. In case of a virus getting into computer. Which of the following will help?
(a) encryption
(c) Police complaint
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

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Q91. Which of the following statements is true about computer viruses?

(a) It can come with data
(b) It can be attached to an executable program
(c) It can be attached to a data file
(d) It can be attached to a data record
(e) None of these
Q92. Firewall is used in PC for
(a) Security
(b) Authentication
(c) Data transmission
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q93. For locating any document on the WWW, there is a unique address known as
(a) Domain name
(b) E-mail account
(c) Home-page
(d) URL
(e) None of these
Q94. Most mail programs automatically complete the following two parts in an e-mail
(a) From : and Body :
(b) From : and date :
(c) From : and To :
(d) From : and Subject :
(e) None of these
Q95. Choose the web-browser among the following
(a) World Wide Web
(b) HTTP
(c) Web Portal
(d) Safari
(e) None of these
Q96. To take information from one source and bring it to your computer is to ………… .
(a) download
(b) upload
(c) transfer
(d) move
(e) None of these
Q97. The “home page” of a web site is
(a) the largest page
(b) the last page
(c) the first page
(d) the most colourful page
(e) None of these
Q98. The Internet is a system of
(a) Software bundles
(b) Web page
(c) Web site

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(d) Interconnected Networks

(e) None of these
Q99. Which of the following is a general-purpose programming language, designed by Sun
Microsystems and well suited for use on the Web?
(a) VB Script
(b) Java Script
(c) CSS
(d) Java
(e) None of these
Q100. Specialized programs that assist users in locating information on the Web are called
(a) information engines
(b) search engines
(c) web browsers
(d) resource locators
(e) None of these
Q101. Computers send and receive data in the form of ………… signals.
(a) Analog
(b) Digital
(c) Modulated
(d) Demodulated
(e) All of these
Q102. Most World Wide Web pages contain commands in the language
(a) NIH
(b) URL
(c) HTML
(d) IRC
(e) FTP
Q103. Which is the slowest internet connection service?
(a) Digital Subscriber Line
(b) T1
(c) Cable modem
(d) Leased Line
(e) Dial-up Service
Q104. An example of a telecommunications device is a
(a) keyboard
(b) mouse
(c) printer
(d) modem
(e) None of these
Q105. …………. are devices used to transmit data over telecommunications lines.
(a) Drives
(b) Drives bays
(c) Modems
(d) Platforms
(e) None of these
Q106. Which one of the following is a key function of a firewall?

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(a) Monitoring
(b) Deleting
(c) Copying
(d) Moving
(e) None of these
Q107. …………. are often delivered to a PC through an email attachment and are often
designed to do harm.
(a) Viruses
(b) Spam
(c) Portals
(d) Email message
(e) None of these
Q108. A half byte is known is
(a) Data
(b) bit
(c) byt
(d) nibble
(e) None of these
Q109. A chat is
(a) an Internet standard that allows users to upload and download files
(b) a typed conversation that takes place on a computer
(c) an online area in which users conduct written discussions about a particular
(d) the transmission of messages and files via a computer network
(e) None of these
Q110. E-mail (electronic mail) is
(a) an Internet standard that allows users to upload and download files
(b) a real-time typed conversation that takes place on a computer
(c) an online area in which users conduct written discussion about a particular
(d) the transmission of messages and files via a computer network
(e) None of these
Q111. A …………… is a computer attached to the Internet that runs a special Web server
software and can send Web pages out to other computers over the Internet.
(a) web client
(b) web system
(c) web page
(d) web server
(e) None of these
Q112. The standard protocol of the Internet is …………… .
(a) TCP/IP
(b) Java
(c) HTML
(d) Flash
(e) None of these

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Q113. A Program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to “infect”
other computers is called a ……………... .
(a) disease
(b) torpedo
(c) hurricane
(d) virus
(e) None of these
Q114. A medium for transferring data between two locations is called
(a) network
(b) modem
(c) communication channel
(d) BUS
(e) None of these
Q115. A computer checks the ………… of user names and passwords for a match before
granting access.
(a) Website
(b) Network
(c) Backup file
(d) Database
(e) None of these
Q116. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called
(a) Entry codes
(b) Passwords
(c) Security commands
(d) Code words
(e) None of these
Q117. Which of the following is not an e-mail service provider?
(a) bing
(b) outlook
(c) gmail
(d) yahoo
(e) None of these
Q118. The WWW standard allows programmers on many different computer platforms to
show the information on a server. Such programmers are called
(a) ISP
(b) Web Browsers
(c) Web servers
(d) Web Modular
(e) None of these
Q119. Outlook Express is a
(a) E-Mail Client
(b) Scheduler
(c) Address Book
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q120. Telnet helps in

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(a) Remote login

(b) Connecting to television
(c) Transferring files across net
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Q121. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of E-mail?
(a) Low cost
(b) Record maintenance in data-base
(c) High speed
(d) Waste Reduction (writing paper)
(e) None of these
Q122. A stored link to a web page, in order to have a quick and easy access to it later, is
(a) WP-link
(b) Bookmark
(c) Field
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q123. Which of the following search engines continuously sends out that starts on a
homepage of a server and pursue all links stepwise?
(a) Spiders
(b) Packets
(c) Cookies
(d) Paddle
(e) None of these
Q124. Which of the following has been created by research facility of Digital Equipment
Corporation of USA?
(a) Yahoo !
(b) Alta Vista
(c) Web Crawler
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q125. What do you need to put your web pages on the WWW?
(a) a connection to internet
(b) a Web-Browser
(c) a Web server
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q126. Find the odd term out
(a) Stageful inspection
(b) Alta vista
(c) Proxy firewalls
(d) Packet filtering firewalls
(e) None of these
Q127. DHTML stands for
(a) Dynamic hyper text markup language

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(b) Dynamic hyper text main language

(c) Digital hyper text main language
(d) Digital hyper text markup language
(e) None of these
Q128. Internet is
(a) a complex system
(b) decentrailised system
(c) dynamic system
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q129. Most common channel used by networks today is
(a) Internet
(b) Telephone lines
(c) Satellite
(d) Mail
(e) None of these
Q130. A policy on firewalls needs not
(a) Include log reports of database
(b) include guidelines for assessment of logs
(c) ensure that it is physically secured
(d) ensure that it is logically secured
(e) None of these
Q131. The script which is designed to receive value from the web users is
(a) Web script
(b) Power C91 script
(c) Java script
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q132. Which of the following is a component of Internet?
(a) Routers to strengthen the attenuated signals
(b) Repeaters to establish physical connection between various LAN’s
(c) Gateways to allow a network to use the resources of another main frame
(d) Bridges to optimise the transmission path of messages
(e) None of these
Q133. In HTML coding which out of the following attribute of HR tag suppresses the
shading effect and fields a solid line
(a) Noshade
(b) Nocolor
(c) Nohr
(d) Either (a) to (b)
(e) None of these
Q134. Internet domains are classified by their functions. In that regard “.com” represents
(a) Government
(b) Commerical
(c) Non-profit organisation
(d) Internet service provider

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(e) None of these

Q135. HTTP in URL stands for
(a) Hyper Text to Point
(b) Hyperlink for Tiny Text Protocol
(c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
(d) Highlighted Text Through Pictures
(e) None of these
Q136. For security we should consider …………. in internet.
(a) Local data reduction
(b) Event correction
(c) Low resource utilization
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q137. A modem that cannot be moved from its position is called
(a) Intelligent Modem
(b) Acoustic coupler
(c) Direct connect
(d) Fixed modem
(e) None of these
Q138. An image in a web-page can be aligned ………… using HTML coding.
(a) Left
(b) Right
(c) Centre
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Q139. Which of the following is not a type of firewall?
(a) packet filtering firewall
(b) proxy firewall
(c) stateful inspection
(d) Both (a) and (c)
(e) None of these
Q140. Most news readers present newsgroups articles in
(a) threads
(b) mail
(c) column
(d) row
(e) None of these
Q141. The sharing of a medium and its path by two or more devices is called
(a) modulation
(b) demodulation
(c) multiplexing
(d) demultiplexing
(e) None of these
Q142. Which one is the method of sending messages, voice, video and graphics files over
digital communication link?
(a) Connectivity

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(b) PING
(c) E-mail
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Q143. Which are online resources that enable you to communicate with other Microsoft
windows user about issues and concerns with your computer?
(a) News channel
(b) News group
(c) News online
(d) Internet explorer
(e) None of these
Q144. Which conversion type needs sampling of a signal?
(a) digital – digital
(b) analog – digital
(c) digital – analog
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q145. How many types of heading are available in HTML?
(a) Two
(b) Four
(c) Six
(d) Eight
(e) None of these
Q146. Which of the following is not a type of HTML pages?
(a) Static
(b) Dynamic
(c) Directory listing
(d) Normal
(e) None of these
Q147. HTML is basically used to design
(a) Web-page
(b) Web-browser
(c) Graphics
(d) Tables and frames
(e) None of these
Q148. In HTML coding, Dynamic web pages are created in advance of the user’s request
(a) True
(b) False
(c) Depends upon demand
(d) Depends upon service available
(e) None of these
Q149. Which of the following is not done by modem?
(a) Transmission speed
(b) Data Accuracy
(c) Error detection and correction
(d) Data compression

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(e) None of these

Q150. AM and FM are examples of ………….. modulation.
(a) digital – digital
(b) digital to analog
(c) analog to analog
(d) analog to digital
(e) None of these
Q151. What is the name of the software that allows us to browse through web pages called?
(a) Browser
(b) Mail Client
(c) FTP Client
(d) Messenger
(e) None of these
Q152. Which of the following technique is used in high speed modem?
(a) PCM
(b) FDM
(c) TDM
(d) QAM
(e) None of these
Q153. MIME is
(a) A transport agent for E-mail
(b) An interface between the mail client and the web server
(c) A compressor that packages different formats into SMTP compatible type
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q154. Using anti-virus software is
(a) Detective measure
(b) Preventive measure
(c) Corrective measure
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
(a) Several digital signals are multiplied
(b) A digital signal changes some characteristic of a carrier wave
(c) Digital signal is amplified
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Q156. Antivirus software is an example of
(a) Business software
(b) An operating system
(c) A security utility
(d) An office suite
(e) None of these
Q157. Messenger mailbox is present in
(a) Internet Explorer
(b) Netscape communicator

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(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(e) None of these

Answer Sheet
1 B 33 C 65 B 97 C 129 B
2 C 34 B 66 C 98 D 130 C
3 A 35 A 67 A 99 B 131 C
4 C 36 C 68 C 100 B 132 C
5 D 37 C 69 C 101 B 133 A
6 A 38 A 70 A 102 C 134 B
7 C 39 B 71 B 103 E 135 C
8 B 40 C 72 B 104 D 136 D
9 A 41 C 73 D 105 C 137 D
10 A 42 D 74 C 106 A 138 D
11 A 43 B 75 D 107 A 139 E
12 D 44 C 76 A 108 D 140 A
13 C 45 B 77 B 109 B 141 C
14 C 46 D 78 B 110 D 142 C
15 B 47 B 79 D 111 D 143 B
16 C 48 A 80 A 112 A 144 B
17 B 49 D 81 B 113 D 145 C
18 B 50 A 82 A 114 C 146 D
19 A 51 B 83 D 115 D 147 A
20 A 52 D 84 D 116 B 148 A
21 A 53 B 85 C 117 A 149 B
22 B 54 A 86 B 118 D 150 C
23 B 55 B 87 A 119 D 151 A
24 B 56 C 88 D 120 A 152 C
25 A 57 A 89 D 121 B 153 C
26 B 58 B 90 B 122 B 154 B
27 E 59 B 91 B 123 C 155 B
28 D 60 B 92 A 124 B 156 C
29 A 61 C 93 D 125 D 157 B
30 B 62 A 94 B 126 B
31 D 63 A 95 D 127 A
32 B 64 D 96 C 128 D

Chapter 8: Microsoft Office

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MS Office: Microsoft Office or Microsoft Office System is a collection of computer programs

made by Microsoft. The programs are created for all users. There are different versions of
the software for home users and business users.
•It was first announced by Bill Gates of Microsoft on August 1, 1988, at COMDEX in Las
•MS office primarily includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook. It also
includes OneNote, Groove, InfoPath and Publisher.

MS Word
•Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft.
•It is used for creating, editing, formatting, storing, retrieving and printing of a text
•Microsoft Word's native file formats are denoted either by a .doc or .docx file extension.

Some Important Tools in Microsoft Word -

Header and Footer option is used to display information such as title and page number of
the document.
Title Bar -The bar at the top of the window that bears the name of the window.
Menu Bar - A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below the title bar that
provides categorised options.
Thesaurus - is used for finding a synonym for a word in the document.
Style - Changes the style of the selected text
Font - Changes the font for the selected text
Font Size - Changes the point size of the selected text
Bold - Makes the selected text bold
Italic - Makes the selected text italic
Underline - Underlines the selected text
Align Left,Align Right,Center - Aligns the selected text/paragraph
Justify - Justifies the selected text/paragraph
New - Creates a new, blank document

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Open - Displays the Open dialog box so that you can retrieve an existing document
Save, Print, Print Preview - Saves the active document to a specified location, Prints
active document Displays what the document will look like when you print it
Spell Checker - Checks active document for spelling and grammatical errors
Cut, Copy, Paste - Cuts the selected text and places it on the clipboard then Copies Select
text and Pastes the contents of the clipboard to a new location
Undo - Undoes the last document change
Redo - Redoes the last action that was undone
Insert Hyperlink - Creates a hyperlink from the selected text.
Short cut keys and Function keys

Shortcut keys Functions

Ctrl + Shift Create a non-breaking space
Ctrl + B Make letters bold
Ctrl + I Make letters italic
Ctrl + U Make letters underline
Ctrl + Shift+ < Decrease font size one value
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase the font size one value
Ctrl + Spacebar Remove paragraph or character
Ctrl + C Copy the selected text or object
Ctrl + X Cut the selected text or object
Ctrl + V Paste text or an object
Ctrl + Alt + V Paste special
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste formatting only
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action
F1 Get help or visit Microsoft Office Online.
F4 Repeat the last action
F7 Choose the spelling command
F5 Choose the Go To command
F12 Choose the Save As command

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MS Excel
•Microsoft Excel is a software program developed by Microsoft Corp. that allows users to
organize, format and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system. The exact
number of rows and columns are 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns.
•It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language
called Visual Basic for Applications.
Some Important Terms used in Excel :
Cell – A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. A cell can contain a label, a numeric
value, or a formula.
Cell address - A cell address is the location of a cell on a worksheet and is defined by the
column letter and the row number.
Active Cell - Cell in which we are currently working.
Formula bar - The formula bar is located under the toolbars at the top of the working
screen. It contains the edit line for working with formulas and provides information
regarding cell addresses.
Functions - A function is a preset formula. Functions consist of the function name and its
arguments. The function name tells Excel what calculation you want to perform.
PivotTable Wizard - The PivotTable Wizard is a series of dialog boxes that guides you
step-by-step through the process of creating a PivotTable.
Print Preview Controls - Print Preview mode offers a set of control buttons to make the
feature more useful. Click Close to exit Print Preview mode.
Spreadsheet - Spreadsheet is the generic term for applications, such as Excel, that you can
use to enter, analyze, and calculate data. It performs mathematical calculations and
projections based on data entered. The common spreadsheet uses include analysis,
charting, and budgeting.
Syntax - The syntax of the function refers to the order of the function's arguments. In some
functions, the order of the arguments determines how Excel solves the function.
Worksheet - A worksheet is an electronic spreadsheet that lets you enter, analyze, and
calculate data. Within a workbook, worksheets can share information, and calculations
pertaining to several worksheets can be performed at one time. The default number of
worksheets in a new workbook is three.

Shortcut keys of Ms Excel

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Shortcut keys Functions

Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time
Ctrl + ; Enter the current date
Ctrl + Space/Shift + Space Select entire column/Select entire row
Alt + = Create a formula to sum all of the above cells
Ctrl + ’ Insert the value of the above cell into the cell
currently selected.
Ctrl + Arrow key Move to the next section to text
F2 Edit the selected cell
F5 Go to a specific cell
Ctrl + F6 Switch between open workbooks/window
F7 Spell check selected text and/or document
F11 Create a chart

•The application software that can create professional-looking visual aids is called
Presentation Graphics Software.
•MS-PowerPoint can be started by clicking at Start—Program---Microsoft PowerPoint.
•A slide can contain one or more of these components: Titles, Graphs, Drawing objects,
ClipArt, and Pictures.
•The slide components that are used for reference are Handouts, Notes, Outlines.

A new presentation can be created through one of these methods:

(i)Auto content Wizard (ii) Design Templates (iii) Sample Presentation and (iv) Blank
Presentation Some important terms :
Animations - Animations are effects that allow you to reveal the points on a slide one by
AutoClipArt - Use the AutoClipArt command to begin a concept keyword search of your
slideshow. PowerPoint searches your slideshow for keywords that relate to the keywords
associated with clip art images in the Clip Gallery.
Background - The Background dialog box provides various options that let you change the
background look of a single slide or every slide in the presentation.

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Presentation - A presentation is a collection of slides, handouts, speaker's notes, and an

outline, all combined into a file that can be printed onto transparencies or projected from a
Slides - Slides are the individual pages of your presentation. Slides can be designed with
different titles, graphics, text, and much more.
Slide Sorter Toolbar - The Slide Sorter toolbar is available only in Slide Sorter view, and
allows quick access to special PowerPoint effects such as transitions, builds, rehearse
timing, and hide slides.
Slide Sorter View - Slide Sorter View displays a reduced image of all the slides in a grid-
like fashion. This view makes it easier to rearrange the slides in a presentation and add
transitions and special effects.
Slide View - Slide View allows you to work on one slide at a time. While in Slide View, you
can add any element to a slide, including text, graphics, shapes, and graphs.

Database Management system (DBMS) -Database Management System is About

Managing and structuring the collections of data held on computers. A database consists of
an organized collection of data for one or more uses, typically in digital form. Database
involves the type of their content.
Example- bibliographic, document - text, statistical.

Microsoft Office 2003-Word
Q1. The quickest and easiest way in Word, to locate a particular word or phrase in a
document is to use the ………… command.
(a) Replace
(b) Find
(c) Lookup
(d) Search
(e) None of these
Q2. Editing a document consists of reading through the document you’ve created, then
(a) Correcting your errors
(b) Printing it
(c) Saving it
(d) Deleting it
(e) None of these
Q3. What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
(a) WRD
(b) TXT

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(c) DOC
(d) FIL
(e) None of these
Q4. A word processor would most likely be used to do which of the following?
(a) keep an account to money spent
(b) maintain an inventory
(c) type a biography
(d) do a computer search in the media center
(e) None of these
Q5. If you type a word that is not in Word’s dictionary, a wavy ……… underline appears
below the word.
(a) red
(b) green
(c) blue
(d) black
(e) None of these
Q6. The ………… button on the Quick Access Toolbar allows you to cancel your recent
commands or actions.
(a) Search
(b) Cut
(c) Document
(d) Undo
(e) None of these
Q7. A saved document is referred to as a …………...
(a) file
(b) word
(c) folder
(d) project
(e) None of these
Q8. To print a document, press …………, then press ENTER.
(a) SHIFT + P
(b) CTRL + P
(c) ALT + P
(d) ESC + P
(e) None of these
Q9. Which of the following are valid Min. & Max. zoom sizes in MSOffice
(a) 10,100
(b) 20,250
(c) 10,500
(d) 10,1000
(e) None of these
Q10. Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of …………. .
(a) application software
(b) system software
(c) operating system software
(d) platform software

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(e) None of these

Q11. To save an existing file with a new name or to a new location, you should use the
…………. command.
(a) Save
(b) Save and replace
(c) Save as
(d) New file
(e) None of these
Q12. What menu is selected to print?
(a) Edit
(b) Special
(c) File
(d) Tools
(e) None of these
Q13. The name a user assigns to a document is called a(n) …………. .
(a) File name
(b) Program
(c) Record
(d) Data
(e) None of these
Q14. When creating a word-processed document, this step involves the user changing how
words on the page appear, both on the screen and in printed form.
(a) Editing text
(b) Inserting tables and indexes
(c) Formatting text
(d) Proofing documents
(e) Print Preview
Q15. Changing an existing document is called …………… the document.
(a) creating
(b) editing
(c) modifying
(d) adjusting
(e) None of these
Q16. In order to save a word document as a web page, you need to
(a) put the appropriate graphics and links on the document
(b) save the document in simple text format
(c) use your web browser as an editor and save as URL
(d) save as HTML
(e) None of these
Q17. The cut command saves to
(a) the desktop
(b) the clipboard
(c) Microsoft Word
(d) Paste
(e) None of these
Q18. What does the Ctrl+U shortcut key accomplish in MsWord?

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(a) It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
(b) It adds a line break to the document
(c) It makes the selected text bold
(d) It applies Underline formatting to the selected text
(e) None of these
Q19. The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of documents is
(a) Writing
(b) Formatting
(c) Editing
(d) Storing
(e) None of these
Q20. In order to save an existing document with a different name you need to
(a) retype the document and give it a different name
(b) use the Save as …… command
(c) copy and paste the original document to a new document and then save
(d) use Windows Explorer to copy the document to a different location and then
rename it
(e) None of these
Q21. Microsoft Office is
(a) Shareware
(b) Public-domain software
(c) Open-source software
(d) A vertical market application
(e) An application suite
Q22. A program which helps to create written document and lets you go back and make
corrections as necessary
(a) Home row keys
(b) Toolbar
(c) Folder
(d) Word processor
(e) None of these
Q23. Graphics for a word processor
(a) Peripheral
(b) Clip art
(c) Highlight
(d) Execute
(e) None of these
Q24. What type of software is used for creating letters, papers and other documents?
(a) Database
(b) Word Processor
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Operating Program
(e) None of these
Q25. What does the Ctrl+I shortcut key accomplish in MsWord?
(a) It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
(b) It adds a line break to the document

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(c) It makes the selected text bold

(d) It applies Italic formatting to the selected text
(e) None of these
Q26. What is the AutoSummarize feature used for in Word 2000
(a) It creates a 250 word, 500 words or 1000 word summary of the document
(b) It adds Automatic headers, bold and italic characters as well as automatic
formatting of the document to give the look of a well-summarized document
(c) It summarizes the statistics of the document into a report such as total words, total
characters, total pages, total paragraphs, file size etc.
(d) It identifies the key points in a document for you to share with others or quickly
(e) None of these
Q27. In figure 2 is appeared lowered. Which effect has been applied?
(a) Superscript
(b) Lowered
(c) Subscript
(d) Laid down
(e) None of these
Q28. Why are headers and footers used in the document?
(a) To enhance the overall appearance of the document
(b) To mark the starting and ending of a page
(c) To make large document more readable
(d) To allow page headers and footers to appear on document when it is printed
(e) None of these
Q29. Which of the following shortcut key is used to check spelling?
(a) F1
(b) F2
(c) F7
(d) F9
(e) None of these
Q30. What does Ctrl + B shortcut accomplish in Ms-Word?
(a) It converts selected text into the next large size of the same font
(b) It adds a line break to the document
(c) It makes the selected text bold
(d) It applies Italic formatting to the selected text
(e) None of these
Q31. What is the minimum number of rows and columns that a word table can have?
(a) Zero
(b) 2 rows and 1 column
(c) 2 rows and 2 column
(d) 1 row and 1 column
(e) None of these
Q32. A ……………. is a unique name that you give to a file of information.
(a) device letter
(b) folder
(c) filename

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(d) file name extension

(e) None of these
Q33. What is the term for how words will appear on a page?
(a) Text formatting
(b) Character formatting
(c) Point size
(d) Typeface
(e) None of these
Q34. A command that saves what you are working on into the hard drive, on onto a disk
………. .
(a) View
(b) Hold
(c) Save
(d) Go
(e) None of these
Q35. You organize files by storing them in …………. .
(a) archives
(b) folders
(c) indexes
(d) lists
(e) None of these
Q36. A command that takes what has been typed into the computer and can be seen on the
screen and sends it to the printer for output on paper …………… .
(a) print
(b) return
(c) jump
(d) attention
(e) None of these
Q37. If you do not want to select any option after opening a menu then click menu title
again or press key ……….. to close the menu.
(a) Shift
(b) Tab
(c) Escape
(d) F1
(e) None of these
Q38. ………….. view shows how the contents on printed page will appear with margin,
header and footer.
(a) Draft
(b) Full-Screen Reading
(c) Outline
(d) Page Layout
(e) None of these
Q39. What happens when you press Ctrl + V key?
(a) A capital V letter is typed into your document at the cursor point
(b) The selected item is pasted from the clipboard
(c) The selected item is pasted to the clipboard

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(d) The selected drawing objects are distributed vertically on the page
(e) None of these
Q40. A(n) …………… contains commands that can be selected
(a) pointer
(b) menu
(c) icon
(d) button
(e) None of these
Q41. A key that will erase information from the computer’s memory and characters on the
(a) Edit
(b) Delete key
(c) Dummy out
(d) Trust key
(e) None of these
Q42. You can keep your personal files/folders in ………….. .
(a) My folder
(b) My Document
(c) My files
(d) My text
(e) None of these
Q43. Which of the following displays the buttons for changing text style, alignment and
(a) Standard toolbar
(b) Status bar
(c) Drawing toolbar
(d) Formatting toolbar
(e) None of these
Q44. In page preview mode ………….. .
(a) You can see all pages of your document
(b) You can only see the page you are currently working
(c) You can only see pages that do not contain graphics
(d) You can only see the title page of your document
(e) None of these
Q45. For creating a document, you use ………… command at File Menu.
(a) Open
(b) Close
(c) New
(d) Save
(e) None of these
Q46. You can start Microsoft Word by using ………… button.
(a) New
(b) Start
(c) Program
(d) Control Panel
(e) None of these

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Q47. The background of any Word document …………… .

(a) is always white colour
(b) is the colour you preset under the Option menu
(c) is always the same for the entire document
(d) can have any colour you choose
(e) None of these
Q48. To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the …………… key.
(a) pageup
(b) a
(c) home
(d) enter
(e) None of these
Q49. Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
(a) function
(b) space bar
(c) arrow
(d) control
(e) None of these
Q50. Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called ………….. keys.
(a) modifier
(b) function
(c) alphanumeric
(d) adjustment
(e) None of these
Q51. To make the number pad act as directional arrows, you press the …………… key.
(a) shift
(b) arrow lock
(c) num lock
(d) caps lock
(e) None of these
Q52. Saving is the process
(a) To copy a document from memory to storage medium
(b) To change the content of any document
(c) To change the display or entire document
(d) To develop a document by entering text using the keyboard
(e) None of these
Q53. A …………. is an additional set of commands that the computer displays after you make
a selection from the main menu.
(a) dialog box
(b) submenu
(c) menu selection
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q54. A ………… is a named set of characters that have the same characteristics.
(a) type face
(b) type style

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(c) font
(d) pico
(e) None of these
Q55. Which elements of a Word document can be displayed in colour?
(a) Only graphics
(b) Only text
(c) All elements
(d) All elements, but only if you have a colour printer
(e) None of these
Q56. Help Menu is available at which button?
(a) End
(b) Start
(c) Turn off
(d) Restart
(e) None of these
Q57. If a text was highlighted and “Edit” “Copy” was clicked, what would happen?
(a) Text would be copied from the document and placed in the clipboard
(b) Text would be removed from the document and placed in the clipboard
(c) Text from the clipboard would be placed in the document at the place where the
cursor is blinking
(d) Only (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
Q58. A ………….. is a collection of information saved as a unit.
(a) folder
(b) file
(c) path
(d) file extension
(e) None of these
Q59. On which button does MS Office menu exist?
(a) End
(b) Start
(c) Turn off
(d) Restart
(e) None of these
Q60. The taskbar is located ………….. .
(a) on the Start menu
(b) at the bottom of the screen
(c) on the Quick Launch toolbar
(d) at the top of the screen
(e) None of these
Q61. When you want to move some text from one page to a different page, the best method
is …………. .
(a) drag and drop
(b) cut and paste
(c) delete and retype
(d) find and replace

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(e) None of these

Q62. Which of the following commands is used to select the whole document?
(a) Ctrl + A
(b) Alt + F5
(c) Shift + S
(d) Can’t be done
(e) None of these
Q63. Which of the following displays to the right of the space where the text will be
inserted when you type?
(a) Screen tip
(b) Insertion point
(c) Rulers
(d) Office Assistant
(e) None of these
Q64. Which key should be pressed to start a new page in MS-Word?
(a) Down Cursor Key
(b) Enter Key
(c) Shift + Enter
(d) Ctrl + N
(e) Shift + Ctrl + Enter
Q65. The ………….. key will launch the start buttons.
(a) esc
(b) shift
(c) windows
(d) shortcut
(e) None of these
Q66. The ………. key and the …………. Key can be used in the combination with other keys to
perform shortcuts and special tasks.
(a) Control, Alt
(b) Function, toggle
(c) Delete, insert
(d) Gaps, Lock, Num Lock
(e) None of these
Q67. What menu is selected to cut, copy, and paste?
(a) File
(b) Tools
(c) Special
(d) Edit
(e) None of these
Q68. Which of the following is not true about computer files?
(a) They are collections of data saved to a storage medium
(b) Every file has a filename
(c) A file extension is established by the user to indicate the file’s contents
(d) All files contain data
(e) None of these
Q69. You click at B to make the text

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(a) Italics
(b) Underlined
(c) Italics and Underlined
(d) Bold
(e) None of these
Q70. What would you do to highlight a word? You position the cursor next to the word, and
then ……….
(a) Drag mouse while holding the button down
(b) Click mouse once
(c) Roll mouse around
(d) Roll and then click mouse
(e) None of these
Q71. A menu contains a list of
(a) Commands
(b) Data
(c) Objects
(d) Reports
(e) None of these
Q72. The portion that shows all the choices you can make while working in a window is
called the …………… .
(a) Options
(b) Table
(c) Menu bar
(d) Item bar
(e) None of these
Q73. When computer users ………… a document, they change their appearance.
(a) edit
(b) create
(c) save
(d) format
(e) None of these
Q74. Which of the following displays programs that are currently running? A single click on
one of the program icons will bring the window up.
(a) Menu bar
(b) Taskbar
(c) Title bar
(d) Status bar
(e) None of these
Q75. The copy command saves to
(a) The desktop
(b) The clipboard
(c) Microsoft Word
(d) Paste
(e) None of these
Q76. Saving is the process of ……….. .
(a) copying a document from memory to a storage medium

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(b) making changes to a document’s existing content

(c) changing the appearance, or overall look, of a document
(d) developing a document by entering text using a keyboard
(e) None of these
Q77. Which keys can be used together with other keys for special tasks?
(a) Insert, Delete
(b) Ctrl, Shift
(c) Left Arrow, Right Arrow
(d) Page Up, Page Down
(e) None of these
Q78. Which of the following statements is false concerning file names?
(a) Files may share the same name or the same extension but not both
(b) Every file in the same folder must have a unique name
(c) File extension is another name for file type
(d) The file extension comes before the dot (.) followed by the file name
(e) None of these
Q79. To select text by shading as you drag the mouse arrow over the text is referred to as
………... .
(a) clip art
(b) highlight
(c) fetch
(d) decode
(e) None of these
Q80. A command that saves what you are working on into the hard drive, or onto a disk
…………. .
(a) view
(b) hold
(c) save
(d) go
(e) None of these
Q81. A command to get a file you worked on from the memory where it was stored ………… .
(a) close
(b) delete
(c) open
(d) get it
(e) None of these
Q82. To move down a page in a document ……………. .
(a) jump
(b) fly
(c) wriggle
(d) scroll
(e) None of these
Q83. A program which helps create written documents and lets you go back and make
corrections as necessary ……….. .
(a) spreadsheet
(b) personal writer

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(c) word printer

(d) word processor
(e) None of these
Q84. A place that a user can create to store files ……………. .
(a) cursor
(b) text
(c) folder
(d) boot
(e) None of these
Q85. A key that will erase information from the computer’s memory and characters on the
screen …………. .
(a) edit
(b) delete key
(c) dummy out
(d) trust key
(e) None of these
Q86. Files are organized after storing in ………….. .
(a) Archives
(b) Folders
(c) Indices
(d) Lists
(e) None of these
Q87. To change written work already done ………… .
(a) file
(b) edit
(c) cut
(d) close
(e) None of these
Q88. The command used to remove text or graphics from a document: The information is
then stored on a clipboard so you can paste it.
(a) chop
(b) cut
(c) clip
(d) cart away
(e) None of these
Q89. To exit the program without leaving the application ………….. .
(a) file
(b) edit
(c) copy
(d) close
(e) None of these
Q90. A …………. contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used
(a) menu bar
(b) Toolbar
(c) window

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(d) find
(e) None of these
Q91. A screen list of options in a program that tells you what is in that program ………… .
(a) screen
(b) icon
(c) menu
(d) backup
(e) None of these
Q92. Where can you find the Draw Table tool button?
(a) Standard toolbar
(b) Formatting toolbar
(c) Drawing toolbar
(d) Tables and Formatting toolbar
(e) None of these
Q93. Commands at the top of a screen such: FILE-EDIT-FONT-TOOLS to operate and change
things within programs ……… .
(a) menu bar
(b) toolbar
(c) user friendly
(d) word processor
(e) None of these
Q94. The different styles of lettering in a word processing program ………… .
(a) font
(b) calligraphy
(c) writing
(d) manuscript
(e) None of these
Q95. Choices are referred to as ………… .
(a) options
(b) exit
(c) boot
(d) folder
(e) None of these
Q96. Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known as
(a) Font styles
(b) font effects
(c) word art
(d) text effects
(e) None of these
Q97. Which of the following could do to remove a paragraph from a report you had
(a) Delete and edit
(b) Highlight and delete
(c) Cut and paste
(d) Undo typing
(e) None of these

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Q98. The quickest and easiest way in Word, to locate a particular word or phrase in a
document is to use the ……… command.
(a) Replace
(b) Find
(c) Lookup
(d) Search
(e) None of these
Q99. In a document what is the maximum number of columns that can be inserted in MS
Word Table?
(a) 35
(b) 15
(c) 63
(d) 65
(e) None of these
Q100. Only ……….. program(s) become(s) active even though we can open many programs
at a time
(a) four
(b) three
(c) two
(d) one
(e) None of these
Q101. When the margins on both sides are straight and equal, then there is ……….. in the
(a) full justification
(b) full alignment
(c) left justification
(d) right justification
(e) None of these
Q102. A menu contains a list of
(a) commands
(b) data
(c) objects
(d) reports
(e) None of these
Q103. To indent the first paragraph of your report, you should use this key
(a) space bar
(b) return key
(c) tab key
(d) shift key
(e) None of these
Q104. The physical arrangement of elements on a page is referred to as a document’s
(a) features
(b) format
(c) pagination
(d) grid
(e) None of these

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Q105. In word processing, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the
5th paragraph is ………… .
(a) copy and paste
(b) copy, cut and paste
(c) cut, copy and paste
(d) cut and paste
(e) None of these
Q106. How will words appear on the page? We call it as
(a) Text formatting
(b) Character formatting
(c) Point size
(d) Type face
(e) None of these
Q107. What happens when you press Ctrl + V key?
(a) A Capital V letter is typed into your document at the cursor point
(b) The selected item is pasted from the clipboard
(c) The selected item is pasted to the clipboard
(d) The selected drawing objects are distributed vertically on the page
(e) None of these
Q108. It is easier to change the name of file using ……….. process.
(a) Transforming
(b) Christening
(c) Renaming
(d) Retagging
(e) None of these
Q109. We can enter and edit the text efficiently using
(a) Spreadsheet
(b) Typewriter
(c) Word Processing Program
(d) Desktop Publishing Program
(e) None of these
Q110. You can use the tab key to
(a) move a cursor across the screen
(b) indent a paragraph
(c) move the cursor down the screen
(d) Only (a) and (b)
(e) None of these
Q111. The ……… of software contains lists of commands and options.
(a) title bar
(b) menu bar
(c) formula bar
(d) tool bar
(e) None of these
Q112. To centre a paragraph using shortcut keys, press ………… .
(a) CTRL + C
(b) CTRL + E

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(c) CTRL + L
(d) CTRL + R
(e) None of these
Q113. To print a document, press ……………, then press ENTER
(a) SHIFT + P
(b) CTRL + P
(c) ALT + P
(d) ESC + P
(e) None of these
Q114. Underlined text, such as text and folder names is referred to as a
(a) icon
(b) hyperlink
(c) menu
(d) source drive
(e) None of these
Q115. A(n) ………… is text that you want to be printed at the bottom of the pages.
(a) header
(b) endnote
(c) footnote
(d) footer
(e) None of these
Q116. To delete an incorrect character in a document, …………. To erase to the right of the
insertion point.
(a) Press the left mouse key
(b) double-click the right mouse key
(c) Press the BACKSPACE key
(d) Press DELETE key
(e) None of these
Q117. Whenever we have to give space between the two words while typing on a PC we
have to press a key known as
(a) Backspace
(b) Shift
(c) Control
(d) Escape
(e) Space Bar
Q118. To find a saved document in the computer’s memory and bring it up on the screen to
view ………… .
(a) Reverse
(b) Rerun
(c) Retrieve
(d) Return
(e) None of these
Q119. A button that makes character either upper or lower case and numbers to symbols.
(a) Monitor
(b) Shift key
(c) Icon

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(d) mouse
(e) None of these
Q120. A ………. is a named set of characters that have the same characteristics.
(a) Type case
(b) Type style
(c) Font
(d) Pico
(e) None of these
Q121. Which of the following is not a special program is MS Office?
(a) Office Art
(b) Clip Art
(c) Word Art
(d) Paint Art
(e) None of these
Q122. Which of the following companies developed MS Office?
(a) Microsoft
(b) Novell
(c) Corel
(d) Lotus
(e) None of these
Q123. Which of the following is the Word Processor in MS Office?
(a) Word Star
(b) Word Pad
(c) Word
(d) Word Perfect
(e) None of these
Q124. Which of the following is not a part of a standard office suite?
(a) Word Processor
(b) Database
(c) Image Editor
(d) File Manager
(e) None of these
Q125. Which of the following is not a standard MS Office Edition?
(a) CE
(b) Advanced
(c) Standard
(d) Professional
(e) None of these
Q126. MS Office provides help in many ways. Which of these are more closer to the answer?
(a) What is This
(b) Office Assistant
(c) Help Menu
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q127. ………….. is an animated character that gives help in MS Office?
(a) Office Worker

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(b) Comic Assistant

(c) Office assistant
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q128. A tool used to find a synonym or antonym for a particular word
(a) Dictionary
(b) Summary
(c) Thesaurus
(d) Spell check
(e) None of these
Q129. The default header for a worksheet is
(a) Your name
(b) The date and time
(c) The sheet tab name
(d) None
(e) None of these
Q130. What is the maximum length of a text file?
(a) There is no limit to how long a text file can be
(b) 255 characters
(c) 50 characters
(d) 512 characters
(e) None of these
Q131. How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time?
(a) By pressing Ctrl + [
(b) By pressing Ctrl + ]
(c) By pressing Ctrl + }
(d) By pressing Ctrl + {
(e) None of these
Q132. In MS-Word WYSIWYG stands for
(a) preview
(b) what you see is what you get
(c) what you see is where you get
(d) print
(e) None of these
Q133. In MS-Word, page layout view is also known as true
(a) Print preview
(c) Outline view
(d) Online view
(e) None of these
Q134. The function of key F4 is
(a) To repeat the last action
(b) Undo the last action
(c) Both of the above
(d) None
(e) None of these

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Q135. Favourites are accessible from the ………… menu.

(a) start
(b) title
(c) stop
(d) menu
(e) None of these
Q136. The key F12 opens a
(a) Open dialog box
(b) Save As dialog box
(c) Save dialog box
(d) Close dialog box
(e) None of these
Q137. Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy to understand manner using
(a) Auto Formatting
(b) Applying Styles
(c) Changing fonts
(d) All of these
(e) Tilde ( )
Q138. Where should you save your computer files?
(a) on disc and in folders
(b) in a dRAM
(c) in a filing cabinet
(d) in the bin
(e) None of these
Q139. When the text automatically goes onto the next line this is called
(a) text wrap
(b) page wrap
(c) word-wrap
(d) wrap word
(e) None of these

Answer Sheet
1 B 29 C 57 A 85 B 113 B
2 A 30 C 58 B 86 B 114 B

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3 C 31 D 59 B 87 B 115 D
4 C 32 C 60 B 88 B 116 D
5 A 33 A 61 B 89 D 117 E
6 D 34 C 62 A 90 B 118 C
7 A 35 B 63 A 91 C 119 B
8 B 36 A 64 D 92 C 120 B
9 C 37 C 65 C 93 A 121 D
10 A 38 D 66 A 94 A 122 A
11 C 39 B 67 D 95 A 123 C
12 C 40 C 68 C 96 B 124 D
13 A 41 B 69 D 97 B 125 B
14 E 42 B 70 A 98 B 126 D
15 B 43 D 71 A 99 C 127 C
16 D 44 B 72 C 100 B 128 C
17 B 45 C 73 A 101 A 129 D
18 D 46 B 74 B 102 A 130 B
19 B 47 D 75 B 103 C 131 B
20 B 48 A 76 A 104 B 132 B
21 E 49 D 77 B 105 D 133 B
22 D 50 A 78 D 106 A 134 A
23 B 51 C 79 B 107 B 135 A
24 B 52 A 80 C 108 C 136 B
25 D 53 B 81 C 109 C 137 D
26 A 54 B 82 D 110 D 138 A
27 C 55 C 83 D 111 B 139 C
28 D 56 B 84 C 112 B

Microsoft Office 2003 – Excel

Q1. All formula in Excel start with
(a) %

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(b) +
(c) =
(d) –
(e) None of these
Q2. You can use a function to combine text from two cells into one cell. But you can use an
operator to do the same thing. Which operator is that?
(a) & (ampersand)
(b) = (equal sign)
(c) (space)
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q3. Two common wildcard characters that Excel recognizes are
(a) * and ?
(b) < and >
(c) ^ and /
(d) + and –
(e) None of these
Q4. The divide symbol is
(a) /
(b) D
(c) \
(d) )
(e) None of these
Q5. The multiplication arithmetic operator is represented by which of the following
(a) ^
(b) *
(c) /
(d) X
(e) None of these
Q6. To add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula
(a) = A1 + A2
(b) = Add (A1 + A2)
(c) = together (A1 : A2)
(d) A1 plus A2
(e) None of these
Q7. To make a number in cell C1 10% smaller than the number in C3 you enter
(a) =C3*1.10
(b) +C3*110
(c) =C3%10
(d) =C3*90
(e) None of these
Q8. On an excel sheet the active cell is indicated by ……….
(a) A dark wide border
(b) A dotted border
(c) A blinking border

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(d) None of above

(e) None of these
Q9. The worksheet contains …………. Rows
(a) 65536
(b) 256
(c) 400
(d) 17
(e) None of these
Q10. Using the F11 shortcut key to create a chart on chart sheet creates
(a) A default chart
(b) A 2-dimesional column chart
(c) A 2-dimensional bar chart
(d) A 3-dimensional line chart
(e) None of these
Q11. You can print
(a) A default chart
(b) A 2-dimensional column chart
(c) A 2-dimensional bar chart
(d) A 3-dimensional line chart
(e) None of these
Q12. You can create only a horizontal page break by first selecting
(a) A row below the row where you want the page break to occure
(b) A cell in row 1
(c) A cell in column A
(d) (a) and (c)
(e) None of these
Q13. You can create hyperlinks from the Excel workbook to
(a) A webpage on company internet
(b) A web page on the internet
(c) Other Office 97 application documents
(d) All
(e) None of these
Q14. The cell reference from a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes over to column G
and down to row 10 is ……….
(a) B1-G10
(b) B1-G10
(c) B1;G10
(d) B1:G10
(e) None of these
Q15. The advantages of using a spreadsheet is
(a) calculations can be done automatically
(b) changing data automatically updates calculations
(c) more flexibility
(d) all of the above
(e) None of these
Q16. The intersection of a row and column is called

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(a) data
(b) a field
(c) a cell
(d) an equation
(e) None of these
Q17. There are three types of data found in a spreadsheet.
(a) data, words, numbers
(b) equations, data, numbers
(c) words, numbers, labels
(d) numbers, formulas, labels
(e) None of these
Q18. To select a column the easiest method is to ……….. .
(a) Double click any cell in the column
(b) Drag from the top cell in the column to the last cell in the column
(c) click the column heading
(d) click the column label
(e) None of these
Q19. If you press ………. the cell accepts your typing as its contents.
(a) Enter
(b) Ctrl + Enter
(c) Tab
(d) Insert
(e) None of these
Q20. Which of the following special function keys allow the content in cell
(a) esc
(b) shift
(c) return
(d) Tab
(e) None of these
Q21. Which is not an advantage of using computerized spreadsheets?
(a) flexibility of moving entries
(b) speed of calculation
(c) the ability of generate tables
(d) cost of initial setup
(e) None of these
Q22. To select several cells or ranges that are not touching each other, you would ……….
While selecting.
(a) hold down the Ctrl key
(b) hold down the Shift key
(c) hold down the Alt key
(d) hold down Ctrl + Shift key
(e) None of these
Q23. Each cell in a Microsoft Office Excel document is referred to by its cell address, which
is the ……….. .
(a) cell’s column label
(b) cell’s column label and worksheet tab name

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(c) cell’s row label

(d) cell’s row and column labels
(e) None of these
Q24. A certain spreadsheet shows in Page Break Preview that cells in Rows 1-25 have
white background. The cells in row 26 that contain data have a dark grey background
when you click the Print button ………. .
(a) nothing will print because some cells with data have been omitted
(b) only the cells with gray background will print
(c) the whole sheet will print
(d) only the cells with white background will print
(e) None of these
Q25. A constant is another name for this type of data
(a) number
(b) equation
(c) formula
(d) description
(e) None of these
Q26. The view that puts a blue line around each page that would be printed is the ……….. .
(a) Print Preview
(b) Normal View
(c) Page Break Preview
(d) Split View
(e) None of these
Q27. Auto Calculate will quickly add selected cells if you ……….. .
(a) right-click on the status bar and select Sum
(b) click the Auto Calculate button on the toolbar
(c) use the key combination Ctrl + $
(d) Double click the selection
(e) None of these
Q28. The cell labelled F5 refers to
(a) row F column 5
(b) column F row 5
(c) function available in cells
(d) function key F4
(e) None of these
Q29. When you are typing an equation into a cell the first thing that must be entered is
(a) the first cell referenced
(b) parenthesis
(c) quotation marks
(d) an equal sign
(e) None of these
Q30. Using the AutoSum button will replace in the selected cell ……….. .
(a) the sum of values in the cell, column
(b) nothing until you select a range of cells
(c) the sum of the cell’s row unless you change the range
(d) a formula which will add values in the range Excel guesses you want to add

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(e) None of these

Q31. Book 1 is an example of how ……….... are numbered and named during each work
(a) Active cell
(b) Formula bar
(c) Menu bar
(d) Name box
(e) None of these
Q32. Which of the following displays the contents of the active cell?
(a) Active cell
(b) Formula bar
(c) Menu bar
(d) Name box
(e) None of these
Q33. Graphics objects on a chart are used to
(a) Add emphasis to chart data
(b) Add interest to a chart
(c) Help explain the chart data
(d) (a), (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
Q34. What does SUMIF function do?
(a) Adds up cell values based on a condition
(b) Adds all the numbers in a range of cells
(c) Returns a subtotal in a list or database
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q35. You can insert labels for
(a) All the data markers on a chart
(b) A data series
(c) A selected data marker
(d) All
(e) None of these
Q36. Tab scrolling buttons
(a) Allow you to view a different worksheet
(b) Allow you to view additional worksheet row down
(c) Allow you to view additional worksheet columns to the right
(d) Allow you to view additional sheet tabs
(e) None of these
Q37. All macro keyboards shortcuts include the ………… key.
(a) Alt
(b) Ctrl
(c) F11
(d) Shift
(e) None of these
Q38. To open the Format Cells dialog box, press
(a) Alt + 1

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(b) Ctrl + 1
(c) Ctrl + Shift + 1
(d) F1
(e) None of these
Q39. You can add a hyperlink to your worksheet by pressing
(a) Alt + K
(b) Ctrl + H
(c) Ctrl + K
(d) Ctrl + Shift + K
(e) None of these
Q40. To move to the previous worksheet, press
(a) Alt + PgUp
(b) Ctrl + PgUp
(c) Ctrl + PgDn
(d) Shift + Tab
(e) None of these
Q41. Hyperlinks can be
(a) Text
(b) Drawing objects
(c) Pictures
(d) All of above
(e) None of these
Q42. To activate the previous cell in a pre-selected range, press
(a) The Alt key
(b) The Tab key
(c) The Enter key
(d) None of the above
(e) None of these
Q43. Which button do you click to add up a series of number?
(a) The autosum button
(b) The Formula button
(c) The quicktotal button
(d) The total button
(e) None of these
Q44. When the formula bar is active, you can see
(a) The edit formula button
(b) The cancel button The enter button
(c) The enter button
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q45. To copy formatting from one area in a worksheet and apply it to another area you
would use
(a) The Edit > Copy Format and Edit > Paste Format commands form the menu
(b) The Copy and Apply Formatting dialog box, located under the Format > Copy and
Apply menu

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(c) There is no way to copy and apply formatting in Excel-You have to do it manually

(d) The Format Painter button on the standard toolbar

(e) None of these
Q46. In a worksheet you can select
(a) The entire worksheet
(b) Rows
(c) Columns
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q47. When you link data maintained in an excel workbook to a word document
(a) The word document can not be edit
(b) The word document contains a reference to the original source application
(c) The word document must contain a hyperlink
(d) The word document contains a copy of the actual data
(e) None of these
Q48. Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas?
(a) Title bar
(b) Menu bar
(c) Formula bar
(d) Standard toolbar
(e) None of these
Q49. To hold row and column titles in place so that they do not scroll when you scroll a
worksheet click the
(a) Unfreeze panes command on the window menu
(b) Freeze panes command on the window menu
(c) Hold titles command on the edit menu
(d) Split command on the window menu
(e) None of these
Q50. To edit in an embedded excel worksheet object in a word document
(a) Use the excel menu bar and toolbars inside the word application
(b) Edit the hyperlink
(c) Edit the data in a excel source application
(d) Use the word menu bar and toolbars
(e) None of these
Q51. To create a formula, you can use
(a) Values but not cell references
(b) Cell references but not values
(c) Values or cell references although not both at the same time
(d) Value and cell references
(e) None of these
Q52. Status indicators are located on the
(a) Vertical scroll bar
(b) Horizontal scroll bar
(c) Formula bar
(d) Standard toolbar

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(e) None of these

Q53. Which of the following is the oldest spreadsheet package?
(a) VisiCalc
(b) Lotus 1-2-3
(c) Excel
(d) StarCalc
(e) None of these
Q54. Rounding errors can occur
(a) When you use multiplication, division, or exponentiation in a formula
(b) When you use addition and subtraction in a formula
(c) Because excel uses hidden decimal places in computation
(d) When you show the results of formulas with different decimal places that the
calculated results
(e) None of these
Q55. You can copy data or formulas
(a) With the copy, paste and cut commands on the edit menu
(b) With commands on the shortcut menu
(c) With buttons on the standard toolbars
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q56. You can not link excel worksheet data to a word document
(a) With the right drag method
(b) With a hyperlink
(c) With the copy and paste special commands
(d) With the copy and paste buttons on the standard toolbar
(e) None of these
Q57. Which of the following is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package?
(a) Word
(b) Smart cell
(c) Excel
(d) Lotus 1-2-3
(e) None of these
Q58. An excel workbook is a collection of
(a) Workbooks
(b) Worksheets
(c) Charts
(d) Worksheets and charts
(e) None of these
Q59. Excel files have a default extension of
(a) XIs
(b) XIw
(c) Wk1
(d) 123
(e) None of these
Q60. You can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off by
(a) You can use the format painter button only one time when you click it

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(b) Double clicking the format painter button

(c) Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button
(d) Pressing the Alt key and clicking the format painter button
(e) None of these
Q61. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?
(a) Hyperlink
(b) Index
(c) Transpose
(d) Rows
(e) None of these
Q62. When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are
(a) Hyperlinked
(b) Placed in a word table
(c) Linked
(d) Embedded
(e) None of these
Q63. Except for the ………… function, a formula with a logical function shows the word
“TRUE” or “FALSE” as a result
(a) IF
(b) AND
(c) OR
(d) NOT
(e) None of these
Q64. Macros are “run” or executed from the …………. menu.
(a) Insert
(b) Format
(c) Tools
(d) Data
(e) None of these
Q65. You can open the consolidate dialog box by choosing to Consolidate from the …………
(a) Insert
(b) Format
(c) Tools
(d) Data
(e) None of these
Q66. Each excel file is called a workbook because
(a) It can contain text and data
(b) It can be modified
(c) It can contain many sheets including worksheets and chart sheets
(d) You have to work hard to create it
(e) None of these
Q67. Which types of charts can excel produce?
(a) Line graphs pie charts only
(b) Only line graphs
(c) Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts

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(d) Bar charts and line graphs only

(e) None of these
Q68. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?
(a) Lines and spaces
(b) Layers and planes
(c) Rows and columns
(d) Height and width
(e) None of these
Q69. What does the VLOOKUP function do?
(a) Looks up text that contains ‘v’
(b) Checks whether the text is the same in one cell as in the next
(c) Finds related records
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q70. Gridlines
(a) May be turned off for display but turned on for printing
(b) May be turned on or off for printing
(c) May be turned off for display and printing
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(e) None of these
Q71. You can print only an embedded chart by
(a) Moving the chart to a chart sheet before you print
(b) Formatting the chart before you print
(c) Selecting the chart before you print
(d) 1 and 3
(e) None of these
Q72. Which of the following is a correct order of precedence in a formula calculation?
(a) Multiplication and division, an exponential positive and negative value
(b) Multiplication and division, positive and negative values addition and subtraction
(c) Addition and subtraction, positive and negative values, exponentiation
(d) 1 and 2
(e) None of these
Q73. A function inside another function is called a ………….. function.
(a) Nested
(b) Round
(c) Sum
(d) Text
(e) None of these
Q74. How should you print a selected area of a worksheet, if you’ll want to print a different
area next time?
(a) On the File menu, point to print area, and then click set print area
(b) On the File menu, click Print, and then click selection under print what
(c) On the View menu, click custom views, then click add
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

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Q75. Your German supplier still invoices for parts in Deutsche marks. How can you have
Excel convert those sums to Euros?
(a) On the Insert menu, click Symbol and from the currency symbols subset, select the
Euro sign
(b) On the Tools menu, click Add-Ins, and select the Euro Currency Tools checkbox
(c) Apply a selected background-colour
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q76. Which function calculates your monthly mortgage payment?
(a) PMT (payments)
(b) NPER (number of periods)
(c) PV (present value)
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q77. If you are working in English (US), Chinese or Japanese, Excel 2002 can speak data as
you enter it, to help you verify accuracy. How do you activate this feature?
(a) Point to speech on the tools menu, and then click show text to speech toolbar
(b) Click validation on the data menu
(c) Point to speech on the tools menu, and then click speech recognition
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q78. You can open the Sort dialog box by choosing Sort from the ………… menu
(a) View
(b) Format
(c) Tools
(d) Data
(e) None of these
Q79. When working on the page break preview, you can
(a) view exactly where each page break occurs
(b) add or remove page breaks
(c) change the print area
(d) all of the above
(e) None of these
Q80. A data map is helpful
(a) When you have too much data to chart
(b) To show geographic distribution of data
(c) To compare data points
(d) To show changes in data over time
(e) None of these
Q81. In MS-Access, a table can have ……….. primary key/keys.
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None of these
Q82. ………… cells involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells.

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(a) Formatting
(b) Merging
(c) Embedding
(d) Splitting
(e) None of these
Q83. A ………… is rectangular grid of rows & columns used to enter data.
(a) cell
(b) workspace
(c) worksheet
(d) spreadsheet
(e) Both (c) and (d)
Q84. To delete an incorrect character in a document, ……….. to erase to the right of the
insertion point.
(a) Press the left mouse key
(b) Double-click the right mouse key
(c) Press the BACKSPACE key
(d) Press DELETE key
(e) None of these
Q85. The most common subtotal used Subtotals commands is the ………….. function, which
causes Excel to display a sum each time the control field change.
(a) ADD
(b) SUM
(d) LIST
(e) None of these
Q86. To centre a paragraph using shortcut keys, press ………. .
(a) CTRL + C
(b) CTRL + E
(c) CTRL + L
(d) CTRL + R
(e) None of these
Q87. Which of the following is the latest version of Excel?
(a) Excel 2000
(b) Excel 2002
(c) Excel ME
(d) Excel XP
(e) None of these
Q88. Excel stores its document in the form of files which is called
(a) Worksheets
(b) Workbooks
(c) Notebooks
(d) Excel sheets
(e) None of these
Q89. To combine two or more cells into a single cell is called
(a) Merging
(b) Joining

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(c) Sharing
(d) Splitting
(e) None of these
Q90. In order to move from one worksheet to another in excel workbook, one should click
(a) Active cell
(b) Scroll bar
(c) Sheet tab
(d) Tab button
(e) None of these
Q91. In Excel, Charts are created using which option?
(a) Chart Wizard
(b) Pivot Table
(c) Pie Chart
(d) Bar Chart
(e) None of these
Q92. When we move any row or column, the text of moved cells
(a) moves with the cell
(b) remains at its place but formatting moves
(c) moves with cells and formatting are lost
(d) moves with cells and some formatting are changed
(e) None of these
Q93. For opening and closing of the file in Excel, you can use which bar?
(a) Formatting
(b) Standard
(c) Title
(d) Formatting or Title
(e) None of these
Q94. Which one of the following software application would be the most appropriate for
performing numerical and statistical calculations?
(a) Database
(b) Document processor
(c) Graphics package
(d) Spreadsheet
(e) None of these
Q95. What would you do to highlight a word? You position the cursor next to the word, and
then ……… .
(a) Drag mouse while holding the button down
(b) Click mouse once
(c) Roll mouse around
(d) Roll and then click mouse
(e) None of these
Q96. Text in a column is generally aligned ……….. .
(a) justified
(b) right
(c) centre
(d) left

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(e) None of these

Q97. In a spreadsheet program the …………. Contains related worksheets and documents.
(a) workbook
(b) column
(c) cell
(d) formula
(e) None of these
Q98. In a spreadsheet, a cell is defined as the …………
(a) intersection of a table and a tuplet
(b) intersection of a file and a database
(c) intersection of a row and column
(d) intersection of a filed and a record
(e) None of these
Q99. An example of non-numeric data is
(a) Bank balance
(b) Examination marks
(c) Real Numbers
(d) Employee Address
(e) None of these
Q100. Which function in Excel tells how many numeric entries are there?
(a) NUM
(b) SUM
(e) None of these
Q101. Which type of software is similar to an accountant’s worksheet?
(a) Word processing
(b) Database
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Graphics
(e) File Manager
Q102. Each cell in a Microsoft Office Excel document is referred to by its cell address, which
is the ……….. .
(a) cell’s column label
(b) cell’s column label and worksheet tab name
(c) cell’s row label
(d) cell’s row and column labels
(e) None of these
Q103. =SUM (B1: B (2) is an example of a ………… .
(a) Function
(b) Formula
(c) Cell address
(d) Value
(e) None of these
Q104. A collection of interrelated records is called a ……………….
(a) Text file

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(b) Database
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Documents
(e) None of these
Q105. A ……… is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of records in a
(a) Spreadsheet
(b) Presentation
(c) Database
(d) Webpage
(e) None of these

Q106. A program that works like a calculator for keeping track of money and making
budgets ……….. .
(a) calculator
(b) spreadsheet
(c) budgeter
(d) financier
(e) None of these
Q107. Each box in a spreadsheet is called a
(a) cell
(b) empty space
(c) record
(d) field
(e) None of these
Q108. =SUM(B1 : B8) is an example of a
(a) Function
(b) Formula
(c) Cell address
(d) Value
(e) None of these
Q109. You cannot link Excel worksheet data to a Word document
(a) with the right drag method
(b) with the hyperlink
(c) with the copy and paste special commands
(d) with the copy and paste buttons on the standard commands
(e) None of these
Q110. A features that displays only the data in column (s) according to specified criteria.
(a) Formula
(b) Sorting
(c) Filtering
(d) Pivot
(e) None of these
Q111. ………… software allows users to perform the calculation on rows and columns of
(a) Word processing

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(b) Presentation graphics

(c) Database Management System
(d) Electronic spreadsheet
(e) None of these
Q112. What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called?
(a) Column
(b) Value
(c) Address
(d) Cell
(e) None of these
Q113. All of the following terms are associated with spreadsheet software except.
(a) worksheet
(b) cell
(c) formula
(d) virus detection
(e) None of these
Q114. The horizontal and vertical lines on a worksheet are called ……….. .
(a) cells
(b) sheets
(c) blocklines
(d) gridlines
(e) None of these
Q115. What kind of software would you most likely use to keep track of a billing account?
(a) Word processing
(b) Electronic publishing
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Web authoring
(e) None of these
Q116. What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories ?
(a) Pie Chart
(b) Dot Graph
(c) Column Chart
(d) Line Chart
(e) None of these
Q117. In the case of MS-access, the rows of a table correspond to
(a) Field
(b) Records
(c) Reports
(d) Files
(e) None of these
Q118. MS-Excel is also known as
(a) Calculator
(b) Worksheet
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Either (b) or (c)
(e) None of these

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Q119. Microsoft Excel is a versatile ………… program.

(a) File transfer
(b) Application
(c) Spreadsheet
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
Q120. A ………… is a group of cells that form a rectangle on the screen.
(a) Calculation
(b) Formula
(c) Range
(d) Range address
(e) None of these
Q121. You can print
(a) A range of cells by range name
(b) An entire worksheet
(c) A single worksheet
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q122. Getting data from a cell located on a different sheet is called ……….. .
(a) Accessing
(b) Referencing
(c) Updating
(d) Functioning
(e) None of these
Q123. How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel?
(a) 256
(b) 1024
(c) 32,767
(d) 65,535
(e) None of these

Answers Sheet

1 C 26 C 51 D 76 A 101 C

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2 A 27 B 52 C 77 A 102 D

3 A 28 B 53 A 78 D 103 B

4 A 29 D 54 A 79 D 104 B

5 B 30 D 55 D 80 B 105 C

6 A 31 D 56 D 81 A 106 B

7 D 32 B 57 D 82 B 107 A

8 A 33 D 58 B 83 E 108 B

9 A 34 A 59 A 84 D 109 D

10 B 35 D 60 B 85 B 110 C

11 D 36 D 61 C 86 B 111 D

12 A 37 A 62 C 87 D 112 D

13 D 38 B 63 A 88 B 113 D

14 D 39 C 64 C 89 A 114 D

15 D 40 B 65 D 90 C 115 C

16 C 41 D 66 C 91 A 116 C

17 D 42 D 67 C 92 A 117 B

18 C 43 A 68 C 93 C 118 D

19 A 44 D 69 C 94 D 119 D

20 C 45 D 70 D 95 A 120 C

21 D 46 D 71 D 96 D 121 D

22 A 47 B 72 E 97 A 122 B

23 D 48 C 73 A 98 C 123 C

24 D 49 B 74 B 99 D

25 A 50 A 75 B 100 D

Microsoft Office 2003-Powerpoint

Q1. To prepare a presentation/slide show which application is commonly used?

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(a) Photoshop
(b) PowerPoint
(c) Outlook Express
(d) Internet Explorer
(e) All correct
Q2. Use the ……….. to choose a slide layout.
(a) Quick Styles gallery
(b) Format Gallery
(c) Layout Gallery
(d) Layout collection
(e) None of these
Q3. Ellipse Motion is predefined …………. .
(a) Design template
(b) Colour scheme
(c) Animation scheme
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
Q4. Block arrows, starts and banners, and callouts are all examples of
(a) Different types of children’s building blocks
(b) Auto Shape categories
(c) Clip art categories located in the Microsoft Clip Gallery
(d) More technical terms that I don’t understand
(e) None of these
Q5. We can replace a font on all slides with another font using the ………. Option.
(a) Edit, Fonts
(b) Tools, Fonts
(c) Tools, Replace Fonts
(d) Format, Replace Fonts
(e) None of these
Q6. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called
(a) Effects
(b) Custom animations
(c) Transitions
(d) Preset animations
(e) None of these
Q7. Power-Point can display data from which of the following add-in software of MS-Office
(a) Equation editor
(b) Organization chart
(c) Photo album
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Q8. Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show
(a) F1
(b) F2
(c) F5
(d) F10

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(e) None of these

Q9. Which of the following fill effects can you use for the slide background?
(a) Gradient
(b) Texture
(c) Picture
(d) All of above
(e) None of these
Q10. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) Holding down the Shift key while you draw an object creates perfect squares,
circles and straight lines
(b) The text in a text box can’t be formatted
(c) The drawing toolbar contains tools for drawing shapes, lines, arrows and more
(d) Ctrl + S save the document
(e) None of these
Q11. A chart can be put as a part of the presentation using
(a) Insert -> Chart
(b) Insert -> Pictures -> Chart
(c) Edit -> Chart
(d) View -> Chart
(e) None of these
Q12. The arrangement of elements such as Title and Subtitle text, pictures, tables is called
(a) Layout
(b) Presentation
(c) Design
(d) Scheme
(e) None of these
Q13. Which of the following are types of sound files?
(a) LOG files
(b) DAT files
(c) WAV files
(d) DRV files
(e) None of these
Q14. Which of the following can you use to add times to the slides in a presentation?
(a) Microsoft graph
(b) Microsoft Table
(c) Microsoft Excel
(d) Microsoft Word
(e) None of these
Q15. Which view in PowerPoint can be used to enter speaker comments?
(a) Normal
(b) Slide show
(c) Slide sorter
(d) Notes page view
(e) None of these
Q16. The best way to insert a new slide in a presentation is to use the
(a) Normal view

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(b) Special view

(c) Slide show view
(d) Slide sorter view
(e) None of these
Q17. Which is the best view for getting your thoughts for a presentation out on the
(a) Outline view
(b) Notes page view
(c) Slide sorter view
(d) Slide view
(e) None of these
Q18. The boxes that are displayed to indicate that the text, pictures or objects are placed in
it is called ………. .
(a) Placeholder
(b) Auto text
(c) Text box
(d) Word art
(e) None of these
Q19. Which of the following is not a feature of PowerPoint?
(a) Printing transparencies
(b) Printing the speaker’s notes along with slide images
(c) Linking a slide transition with a laser pointer
(d) Drawing with a pen
(e) None of these
Q20. Which option can be used to create a new slide show with the current slides but
presented in a different order
(a) Rehearsal
(b) Cusotm slider show
(c) Slide show setup
(d) Slide show view
(e) None of these
Q21. Which of the following are action you can assign to an action button or slide object?
(a) Run a macro
(b) Play a sound
(c) Hyperlink
(d) All of above
(e) None of these
Q22. Which option in PowerPoint allows to carry slides from one computer to another?
(a) Save As
(b) Save and Go
(c) Pack and Go
(d) Web and Go
(e) None of these
Q23. Which of the following views is present in powerpoint?
(a) Document view
(b) Slidesorter view

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(c) Slidechanger view

(d) Playside view
(e) None of these
Q24. A file that contains definitions of the paragraph and character styles for your
document and all things you customized like toolbars and menus is called a ……….. .
(a) guide
(b) pattern
(c) base document
(d) template
(e) None of these
Q25. Click ……….. check box of transition in a slide group of an animation tab if you want to
move a slide automatically after stipulated time.
(a) Transition timer
(b) Automatically after
(c) Transition after
(d) Automatic timer
(e) None of these
Q26. How do you save a presentation under a new file name?
(a) Select the file menu and choose Save As
(b) When you close PowerPoint the file will automatically be saved
(c) Select the File menu and choose Save
(d) The file will automatically be saved under the new name if you change the title
(e) None of these
Q27. A ……….. is a professionally designed “empty” document that can be adapted to the
user’s needs
(a) file
(b) guide
(c) template
(d) user guide file
(e) None of these
Q28. A ………. pre-designed document that already has coordinating fonts, a layout, and a
(a) Guide
(b) Model
(c) Ruler
(d) Template
(e) None of these
Q29. Which of the following fill effects can you use for the slide background?
(a) Gradient
(b) Texture
(c) Picture
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

Answer Sheet

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1 B 7 B 13 C 19 C 25 B
2 C 8 C 14 A 20 B 26 A
3 C 9 D 15 D 21 D 27 C
4 B 10 B 16 D 22 C 28 D
5 D 11 A 17 A 23 B 29 D
6 C 12 A 18 A 24 D

Chapter 9: Computer terminology

•Access - To call up information out of storage.
•Access time - The amount of time it takes for requested information to be delivered from disks
and memory.
•Adapter - A circuit board that plugs into a computer and gives it additional capabilities.

•Amplifier -A device that takes in a weak electric signal and sends out a strong one.
•Analog Computer - A computer that operates on data which is in the form of continuous variable
physical quantities.
•Android - It is a Linux based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices
such as smartphones and tablets computer.
•Algorithm - A step-by-step procedure designed to solve a problem or achieve an objective.
•Backup - Storage of duplicate files on disks, diskettes, or some other form of magnetic medium
(such as tapes) as a safety measure in case the original medium is damaged or lost.
•Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) - Also known as ROM BIOS. It provides an abstraction layer
for the hardware, i.e., a consistent way for application programs and operating system to interact
with input/output devices.
•Binary code - The language used by computers in which data and instructions are represented by
a series of 1s and 0s.
•Binary numbering system - A numbering system in which all numbers are represented by
various combinations of the digits 0 and 1.
•Bug - A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system produces
an incorrect or unexpected result.

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•Bus - A pathway along which electronic signals travel between the components of a computer
•Command - An instruction that causes a program or computer to perform a function.

•Compiler -A compiler is a computer program that -translates a series of instructions written in

one computer language (called the source language) into another computer language (called the
object or target language).

•Communication - The transmission of data from one computer to another or from one device to
another is called communication.
•Computer Graphics- Computer Graphics are visual presentations on a computer screen.
Examples are photographs, drawings, line arts, graphs, diagrams, typography numbers, symbols,
geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings or other images.
•Cold Boot - When a computer restarts after the power cut is called a cold boot.
•Control Panel - It is the part of the Windows menu, accessible from the start menu, which allows
users to view and manipulate basic system settings and controls, such as adding hardware.
adding/removing software, controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options, etc.
•Chat - A method of communication in which people type text messages to each other, thereby
holding a conversation over a network such as the Internet.
•Clipboard - A holding area in memory where information that has been copied or cut (text,
graphics, sound, or video) can be stored until the information is inserted elsewhere.
•Cookie - A packet of information that travels between a browser and the Web server.
•Crash - A malfunction in hardware or software that keeps a computer from functioning.
•Crawler – It is an Internet bot which systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the
purpose of Web indexing (web spidering).
•Data - Information consisting of letters, numbers, symbols, sound, or images—in a form that can
be processed by a computer.
•Database - A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be
accessed, managed, and updated.
•Data abstraction – It is the reduction of a particular body of data to a simplified representation of
the whole.

•Data processing – It refers to the process of collecting and manipulating raw data to yield useful
•Disk Operating System (DOS) - A disk operating system (abbreviated DOS) is a computer
operating system that can use a disk storage device, such as a floppy disk, hard disk drive, or optical
•Debugging - Locating and eliminating defects in a program.
•Delete - A command to erase information in storage.

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•Directory - A list of the files stored on a disk.

•Dots Per Inch (DPI) - It is defined as the measure of the resolution of a printer, scanner or

•Download –A copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the Internet.
•Editing - The process of changing information by inserting, deleting, replacing, rearranging, and
•EDO (Extended Data Output) RAM – It is a type of random access memory (RAM) chip that
improves the time to read from memory on faster microprocessors such as the Intel Pentium.
•Ethernet Card - A network adapter that enables a computer to connect to the ethernet.

•Execution Time - The total time required to execute a program on a particular system.
•Export - To save information from one computer or program to another.
•Fax - It stands for 'Facsimile machine'. It is used to transmit a copy of a document electronically.
•Field - The attributes of an entity are written as fields in the table representation.
•File - A collection of information stored electronically and treated as a unit by a computer. Every
file must have its distinctive name.
•File Manager - The file manager is an operating system utility that provides a user interface to
work with file systems.
•File Server - A file server is a server that provides access to files. It acts as a central file storage
location that can be accessed by multiple systems.
•Firmware - Firmware is a technology which has the combination of both hardware and software.
•Fax modem - A device built into or attached to a computer that serves as a facsimile machine and
a modem.
•Gigahertz (GHz) - A measurement unit used to identify the speed of the central processing unit.
•Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO) - It pertains to the fact that most computer errors are not errors,
they are data errors caused by incorrect input data i.e. the quality of output is determined by the
quality of the input.
•Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) - A simple file format for pictures and photographs, that are
compressed so they can be sent quickly.
•Graphical user Interface - A Graphical User Interface (or GUI) is a method of interacting with a
computer through a metaphor of direct manipulating of graphical images and widgets in addition to
•Glitch - A hardware problem that causes a computer to malfunction or crash.
•Hard copy - Text or graphics printed on paper; also called a printout.
•Hard disk - A rigid type of magnetic medium that can store large amounts of information.

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•Hardware - The term hardware refers to the physical components of the computer, such as the
monitor, keyboard, hard drive, etc.
•Host computer - A computer that provides information or a service to other computers on the
•Hacker - A computer criminal who penetrates and tempers with computer programs or systems.
•High-Level Programming Languages - A high-level language (HLL) is a programming language
such as C, FORTRAN, or Pascal that enables a programmer to write programs that are more or less
independent of a particular type of computer.
•Instant messaging - A chat program that lets people communicate over the Internet in real-time.

•Interface - The electrical connection that links two pieces of equipment so that they can
communicate with each other.
•Intranet - A private network established by an organization for the exclusive use of its employees.
•Icon - A symbol (such as a picture or a folder) that represents a certain function on your computer.
•Information- Information is the summarization of data according to a certain predefined purpose.

•Input - In order to give instructions to a computer, the information has to be supplied to it.
•Instruction - A command or order to a computer to perform a task.
•Instruction Cycle - Fetching and decoding operations of the machine cycle.
•Interpreter - A program that converts and executes the source code into machine code line by

•Integrated Circuits (ICs) - Multiple electronic components combined on a tiny silicon chip.
•Java - A programming language designed for programs or applets used over the Internet.
•Justification - Aligning lines of text at the left margin, the right margin, both margins, or the

•JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)- It is an ISO/IEC group of experts that develops and
maintains standards for a suite of compression algorithms for computer image files.
•Kernel - It is the fundamental part of a program, such as an operating system, that resides in
memory at all times.
•Key Field -A unique field in a record used to distinguish one record from another.
•Label - One or more characters used to Identify a statement and instruction or a data field in a
computer program.
•Landscape - A printer feature, generally controlled by software, which rotates the output image
by 90-degree to print across the length rather than the width of the paper.

•Link - A communication path between two nodes or channel.

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•Linux - A type of open-source software. When combined with other components, Linux serves as
an increasingly popular operating system that competes with Microsoft Windows.
•Loop - A sequence of instructions that is executed repeatedly until a terminal condition occurs.

•Megahertz (MHz) - A measurement used to identify the speed of the central processing unit.
•Memory - The part of a computer that stores information.
•Menu - A list of choices shown on the display screen.
•Merge - Combining two or more files into a single file.
•Microprocessor - A complete Central Processing Unit (CPU) contained on a single silicon chip.
•MIDI - Stands for Music Instrument Digital Interface. It allows a computer to store and replay a
musical instrument's output.
•Minimize - A term used in a GUI operating system that uses windows. It refers to reducing a
window to an icon, or a label at the bottom of the screen, allowing another window to be viewed.
•MIPS - An acronym derived from Million of Instruction Per Second (MIPS) It is used to measure
the speed of a processor.

•Morphing - The transformation of one image into another image.

•MS-DOS - An early operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Disc
Operating System).
•Multitasking - simultaneously working with several programs or interrelated tasks that share
memories, codes, buffers and files.
•Multithreading - It is a facility available in an operating system that allows multiple functions
from the same application packages.
•Multiuser - A Multi-user operating system is a computer operating system which allows multiple
users to access the single system with one operating system on it.
•Multiplexer - It is a device that combines multiple input signals into an aggregate signal for
•Notebook computer - A portable computer. Also known as a laptop computer.
•Object - Refers to a particular instance of a class where the object can be a combination of
variables, functions, and data structures.
•Operating system (OS) - Software that manages the internal functions and controls the
operations of a computer.
•Open Source Software (OSS) - Free Open Source Software (FOSS), also called just Open Source or
Free Software, is licensed to be free to use, modify, and distribute.
•Optical character reader (OCR) -A device that can scan text from hard copy and enter it
automatically into a computer for storage or editing. Also called an optical scanner.

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•Password - A user’s secret identification code, required to access stored material.

•Patch - A patch is a piece of software designed to update a computer program or its supporting
data, to fix or improve it.

•Piracy - Unauthorized copying of some purchased software.

•Pixel - The pixel is the basic unit of programmable colour on a computer display or in a computer
•Port – In computer hardware, a port serves as an interface between the computer and other
computers or peripheral devices. In computer terms, a port generally refers to the female part of
the connection. Computer ports have many uses, to connect a monitor, webcam, speakers, or other
peripheral devices.
•Portrait - It is a mode in which the printer orients content for reading across the shorter length
(the width) of the sheet of paper.
•Plug-and-play - The ability to plug in a peripheral and have it work without difficulty.
•Primary Key - A primary key is a field in a table which is unique and enables you to identify every
record in that table.
•Program - An established sequence of instructions that tells a computer what to do. The term
program means the same as software.
•Pseudocode - Pseudocode is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop
•Push technology - A process that allows a user to obtain automatic delivery of specified
information from the Internet to the user’s computer—for example, stock market quotes, weather
forecasts, and sports scores.
•Query - A query is a request for information from a database.
•Queue - A queue is an example of a linear data structure, or more abstractly a sequential
•Record - A record (also called struct or compound data) is a basic data structure. A record is a
collection of fields, possibly of different data types, typically in fixed number and sequence.
•Response time - The time a computer takes to execute a command.
•Retrieve - To call up information from memory or storage so that it can be processed in some way.
•Rich Text Format (RTF) - RTF is a file format that lets you exchange text files between different
word processors in different operating systems.
•Routing - Routing is the process of selecting a path for traffic in a network, or between or across
multiple networks.
•Scanner - A scanner is a device that captures images from photographic prints, posters, magazine
pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display.

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•Scroll - To move information horizontally or vertically on a display screen so that one can see
parts of a document that is too wide or too deep to fit entirely on one screen.
•Search engine - A free program that helps Web users locate data using a keyword or concept.

•Sector - A sector is a subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or optical disc.

•Server - A computer that delivers data to other computers (clients) linked on the same network.
•Shareware - Software that usually may be downloaded and used initially without charge.
•Socket - A network socket is an endpoint of a connection in a computer network.
•Swapping - A process can be swapped temporarily out of memory to a backing store, and then
brought back into memory for continued execution.
•Synchronisation - Synchronization is the coordination of events to operate a system in unison.
•Telecommunications - The process of sending and receiving information through telephones,
satellites, and other devices.
•Teleconferencing - Teleconferencing means meeting through a telecommunications medium. It is
a generic term for linking people between two or more locations by electronics.

•Telnet - A protocol that allows a computer to connect with a host computer on the Internet.
•Template - Refers to a sample document that has already some details in place.
•Terminal - Any device that can transmit or receive electronic information.
•Text - Broadly speaking, the material displayed on a screen or printed on paper.
•Time Sharing or Multitasking - Time sharing is a technique which enables many people, located
at various terminals, to use a particular computer system at the same time.
•Topology - Topology is the arrangement of the various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer
•Touchpad - The device on a laptop computer that takes the place of a mouse.

•Universal Serial Bus (USB) - A common standard for connecting multiple peripherals to a
computer as needed.
•Upload - Uploading is the transmission of a file from one computer system to another, usually a
larger computer system.
•Utility - A utility is a small program that provides an addition to the capabilities provided by the
operating system.
•User-friendly - Describes hardware or software that is easy to use.
•Webcam - A video camera that sends live images over the Internet to a Web site.

•ZIP - ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. A ZIP file may contain
one or more files or directories that may have been compressed.

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•Zoom - zoom is another name for maximizing, to enlarge the date size or image size.

Chapter 10: Important

computer abbreviation
AAC - Advanced Audio Coding HTML - HyperText Markup Language
AI -Artificial intelligence HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol
AMR - Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec HTTPS - HyperText Transfer Protocol
API - Application Programming Interface IBM - International Business Machine
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol INTEL - Integrated Electronics
ARPANET - Advanced Research Project IP - Internet Protocol
Agency Network
ASCII - American Standard Code for ISP - Internet Service Provider
Information Interchange
ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode JAD - Java Application Descriptor
AVI - Audio Video Interleave JPEG - Joint Photographic Expert Group
BASIC - Beginner’s All-purpose Kbps - Kilobits/Kilobytes Per Second
Symbolic Instruction Code
BCC - Blind Carbon Copy LAN - Local Area Network
BCD - Binary Coded Decimal LED - Light Emitting Diode
BHTML - Broadcast HyperText Markup M3G - Mobile 3D Graphics
BIOS - Basic Input Output System M4A - MPEG-4 Audio File
BIU - Bus Interface Unit Mbps - Megabits/Megabytes Per Second
BMP – Bitmap MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
BPS - Bytes Per Second MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail
CAD - Computer Aided Design MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second
CADD - Computer Aided Design and Drafting MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group
CAI - Computer Assisted Instruction NAT - Network Address Translation
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access OCR - Optical character reader
CD-R - Compact disc-recordable. OMR - Optical Mark Reader/Recognition
CD-ROM - Compact disc-read-only memory. P2P - Peer-to-peer
CD-RW - Compact disc-rewritable. PDA - Personal digital assistant
CISC - Complex Instructions Set Computer PDF - Portable Document Format
COBOL - Common Business Oriented PNG - Portable Network Graphics
COMPUTER - Commonly Operated Machine RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
Particularly Used for Trade/Technology,
Education, and Research.
CPU - Central processing unit. SIM - Subscriber Identity Module

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube. SMPS - Switched Mode Power Supply

CUI - Character User Interface SMS - Short Message Service
DAT - Digital Audio Tape SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

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DBMS - Data Base Management System SQL - Structured Query Language

DNS - Domain name system. SWF - Shock Wave Flash
DOC - Document (MicrosoftCorporation) TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
DOS – Disk operating system UHF - Ultra High Frequency
DPI - Dots Per Inch UMTS - Universal Mobile
Telecommunication System
DVD - Digital Versatile Disk UNIVAC - Universal Automatic
Computer/Universal Non Integrated
Vacuum Actuated Computer
DVD-RAM - Digital video disc–random- UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
access memory
DVD-ROM - Digital video disc–read-only URL - Uniform Resource Locator
DVD-RW - Digital video disc–read/write. USB - Universal Serial Bus
DVI - Digital Visual Interface VAN - Value Added Network
DVR - Digital Video Recorder VHF - Very High Frequency
EDGE - Enhanced Data Rate for GSM (Global VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under
System for Mobile Communication) Seized
EDSAC - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol
EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable WAIS - Wide-Area Information Server
Automatic Computer
E-mail - Electronic Mail WAP - Wireless Application Protocol
ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And WAV - Waveform Audio
FPS - Frames Per Second WBMP - Wireless Bitmap Image
GDI - Graphical Device Interface Wi-Fi - Wireless fidelity
GIF - Graphics Interchangeable Format WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
GPRS - General Packet Radio Service WMA - Windows Media Audio
GSM - Global System for Mobile WML - Wireless Markup Language
GUI - Graphical User Interface WMV - Windows Media Video
HSDPA - High Speed Downlink Packet Access XMF - Extensible Music File

Q1. ALU is
(a) Arithmetic Logic Unit
(b) Array Logic Unit
(c) Application Logic Unit
(d) None of above
(e) None of these
Q2. VGA is
(a) Video Graphics Array
(b) Visual Graphics Array
(c) Volatile Graphics Array
(d) Video Graphics Adapter
(e) None of these

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Q3. MSI stands for

(a) Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
(b) Medium System Integrated Circuits
(c) Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
(d) Medium System Intelligent Circuit
(e) None of these
Q4. WAN stands for
(a) Wap Area Network
(b) Wide Area Network
(c) Wide Array Net
(d) Wireless Area Network
(e) None of these
Q5. MICR stands for
(a) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 0
(b) Magnetic Ink Code Reader
(c) Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
(d) None
(e) None of these
Q6. EBCDIC stands for
(a) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(b) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
(c) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
(d) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
(e) None of these
Q7. BCD is
(a) Binary Coded Decimal
(b) Bit Coded Decimal
(c) Binary Coded Digit
(d) Bit Coded Digit
(e) None of these
Q8. ASCII stands for
(a) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(b) American Stable Code for International Interchange
(c) American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
(d) American Standard Code or Interchange Information
(e) None of these
Q9. “GUI” Stands for
(a) Gnutella Universal Interface
(b) Graphical user interface
(c) Graphic Uninstall/install
(d) General utility interface
(e) None of these
Q10. IBM Stands for
(a) International Business Machine
(b) Inter connected Business Machine
(c) Internal Business Machine

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(d) Interacting Business Machine

(e) None of these
Q11. BIOS stands for
(a) Basic Input Output Service
(b) Basis Inner Outer Services
(c) Better Input Output Services
(d) Better Inner and Outer Services
(e) Basic Input/Output System
Q12. CPU stands for
(a) Computer Processing Unit
(b) Central Processing Unit
(c) Computer Protection Unit
(d) Central Processing Upload
(e) None of these
Q13. In MICR, C stands for
(a) Code
(b) Colour
(c) Computer
(d) Character
(e) None of these
Q14. ‘MICR’ technology used for clearance of cheques by banks refers to
(a) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
(b) Magnetic Intelligence Character Recognition
(c) Magnetic Information Cable Recognition
(d) Magnetic Insurance Cases Recognition
(e) None of these
Q15. The acronym HTML stands for
(a) High Transfer Machine Language
(b) Hypertext Markup Language
(c) High Transmission Markup Language
(d) Hypermedia Markup Language
(e) None of these
Q16. IT stands for
(a) Information Technology
(b) Integrated Technology
(c) Intelligent Technology
(d) Interesting Technology
(e) None of these
Q17. What is the full form of KB related to computer?
(a) Key Block
(b) Kernel Boot
(c) Kilo Byte
(d) Kit Bit
(e) None of these
Q18. CD-ROM stands for
(a) Central processing unit

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(b) CD-remote open mouse

(c) CD resize or minimize
(d) CD-read only memory
(e) None of these
Q19. Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym
(a) CD
(b) DVD
(c) ROM
(d) RW
(e) None of these
Q20. WWW means
(a) World Wide Wonder
(b) World Wide Wizard
(c) World Wide Web
(d) Wide World Web
(e) None of these
Q21. What is the full form of USB as used in computer related activities?
(a) Universal Security Block
(b) Ultra Serial Block
(c) United Service Block
(d) Universal Serial Bus
(e) None of these

Answer Sheet

1 A 6 A 11 E 16 A 21 D

2 A 7 A 12 B 17 C

3 A 8 A 13 D 18 D

4 B 9 B 14 A 19 D

5 A 10 A 15 B 20 C

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