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Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Série: 8ºano Data: MAIO/2018

Professor(a): Volusi Belgo Valor: 10 pontos

Nome: _________________________________________________________________ Nº: _______ NOTA: ____________
Instruções: Identifique-se: nome, número e turma. A interpretação de cada questão faz parte da avaliação. Faça letra legível e evite rasuras nas
questões discursivas. As respostas a lápis não terão direito à revisão, portanto, faça à tinta, azul ou preta. Marque a alternativa selecionada à tinta,
sem rasura, questões objetivas rasuradas não serão avaliadas. A resolução da questão deve ser completa, com clareza e organização e
apresentar justificativa e/ou demonstração.

1.Circle the correct words. _________/ 2,0
Alice: (1) Do / Does you wear a school uniform?
Rosario: No, I (2) don’t / ’m not.
Alice: Does your brother (3) listen / listens to hip-hop music?
Rosario: Yes, he (4) do / does.
Alice: (5) Do / Does your room have a desk?
Rosario: (6) No / Yes, it doesn’t.
Alice: Do your parents (7) like / likes your friends?
Rosario: Yes, (8) he / they do.
Alice: Do (9) I / she ask a lot of questions?
Rosario: Yes, you (10) do / does!

2. Find and correct the mistakes in each sentence. Reescreva a frase inteira. _________/ 1,2
1 He don’t like math.

2 She doesn’t does her homework.

3 We not start school at seven o’clock.

4 School no finish at two o’clock.

5 You doesn’t wear a school uniform.

6 They don’t plays soccer.

3. Fill in the blanks with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs below. ___/ 1,0

do / go / hate / listen / make / play / teach / watch / wear / wear

Hi! My name is Max. I’m fourteen years old. I usually (1) wear jeans and a T-shirt to school. Right now, I
(2) __________________________ blue sweatpants and a white T-shirt.
After school, I normally (3) _____________________________________ soccer with my friends, or we
(4) _________________________________ a DVD together.
At the moment, my friends (5) ___________________________________ their homework. My sister is
two years older than me. She normally (6) ______________________________ to her friend’s house
after school. Right now, she (7) __________________________________ to her favorite music. I (8)
__________________________________________ it – it’s awful! My mom is a teacher. She (9)
___________________________________ math in a high school. She’s in the kitchen now. She (10)
______________________________________ dinner.
4. Complete the sentences. Use the simple present or present continuous form of the verbs in
parentheses. _________/ 1,2

1 Annabelle _______________________________
TV every day.(watch)

2 Normally, I ______________________________
to bed at ten o’clock. (go)

3 At the moment, Maria______________________

her new shoes. (wear)

4 Mom and Dad ___________________________

dinner in a restaurant now. (have)

5 We usually ______________________________
the bus to school. (not get)

6 Right now, Julia __________________________

her book.(read)

5. Delete/ Cross out (see the example) the extra word in each sentence. _________/ 1,2
1 The Nile is the most longest river in Africa.
2 Manila is the more most crowded city in the world.
3 Vatican City is the smallest city than in the world.
4 Burj Khalifa is the most tallest building in the world.
5 Brazil is more the largest country in South America.
6 Lake Baikal is the most deepest lake in the world.

6. Look at the information and write sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjectives. ____/ 1,0

1 (safe) Tennis is the safest sport .

2 (dangerous)___________________________________________________________________sport.

3 (cheap)_______________________________________________________________________hotel.
4 (expensive) _____________________________________________________________________hotel.
5 (good) _______________________________________________________________________hotel.
6 (bad) _______________________________________________________________________hotel.
7. Circle the correct word. _________/ 1,2
1 A plane is taller / faster than a car.
2 In summer, the U.S. is hotter / curlier than Canada.
3 Sam’s jeans are wavier / baggier than my jeans.
4 I’m higher / taller than my sister.
5 Your house is big / bigger than our house.
6 I think the second Twilight movie is bad / worse than the first.
7 Maria is very / more sociable than David.
8 Steve and Tim are more helpful / helpfuler than Karen.
9 Jess is more talkative than / that Harry.
10 Matt isn’t as / very interesting as Joe.
11 Rick isn’t as competitive as / than Tanya.
12 Nikki isn’t more / as disorganized as Lee.

8. Write sentences. Use the comparative form of the following adjectives: big / fast / funny / good

_________/ 1,2

the house / the apartment the ipod / the MP3 player
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

3. 4.
the bike / the car cartoons / horror movies
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

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