Answer Key Quiz 4

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Key :


1. Berry Dedrick phenomenon is commonly observed in ___________. : Poxviruses

2. Acid resistance picorna virus is : Enterovirus / Poliovirus
3. Pearl eye condition in poultry birds are due to : Marek’s Disease
4. MATSA is host specific or virus specific. : Host specific/Tissue specific ( not virus
specific )
5. Horses are susceptible to all types of vesicular diseases of animals. (True or False) : False
6. EDS-76 virus belongs to the family Adenoviridae. (True or False) : True
7.Trigroid heart is typical of FMD in calf. (True or False) : True
8. Latency nerve ganglion is characteristics features of virus family ____: Herpes
9.Pox virus replicates in ______________(location ) of cell: Cytoplasm
10.Corona and Rotaviruses are associated with _____________ disease condition in animals. :
11. Virus producing intra-nuclear inclusions in the tracheal epithelium of poultry is ____:
12. Cell free virus is present in ___________ in chicken affected with MD.: Feather’s
13. R2B vaccine is used to control _____________. : Ranikhet Disease/ New castle disease
14.Viral family containing bullet shaped virions is _____.Rhaboviridae
15.Cell line most commonly used for isolation of FMD virus is ______ : BHK-21
16.Number of RNA segments in Rota virus is _____________.11
17.Causative agent of epidemic tremor in poultry is . (Avian encephalomyelitis virus/Avian
picorna virus)
18. Covid-19 stands for : Corona Virus Disease-2019
19. The sexual spores produced by Phycomycetes ( Mucor and Rhizopus) are known as
Zygospores or
Oospores. (True or False). : True
20. The number of sexual spores developed in an ascus are _____ and in a basidium _____.
08 and 04, respectively
21.Motile fungal asexual spores are known as : zoospore
22. Molds are multicellular but yeast are Unicellular.

23.Rhinosporidiosis is caused by ______________. Rhinosporodium seeberi

24. 24.Rhinosporodium seeberi can be cultivated on nonliving media (True or False): False
25.Pigeon droppings may contain __________ and ______ fungi. : Histoplasma capsulatum
and Cryptococcus neoformans
26 Maduramycosis is caused by Actinomyces, where as Mucormycosis is caused by Mucor,
Rhizopus and Asbidia.

27. Thrush is caused by : Candida albicans

28. Epizootic lymphangitis a chronic disease in equines is caused by : Histoplasma
29. The germ tube production is characteristic of ______.: Candida
30.Ergotism — ergot poisoning is caused by the fungus _________. Claviceps purpurea.

31.Favus is a chronic skin condition that afflicts poultry and mammals, including humans. It
is normally caused by the dermatophytic fungus ________. Trichophyton megninii.
32.Sexual spores are absent in Deutromycetes, but present in all other classes of fungi. (True
or False): True
33.Yeast cultures are preferably incubated at temperature _________.370 C
34.Name Ochratoxin producing fungi. : Aspergillus, Penicillium
35.Virus having criss cross pattern on its surface is : ORF or Parapox or Contagious
pustular dermatitis
36. Bluetongue virus has_____ serotypes: 29
37.All RNA viruses are double stranded.(True or False): False
38.Enveloped viruses are resistant to ether and chloroform. (True or False): False
39.Infectious bronchitis virus being a corona virus produces predominantly enteric infection
in birds. (True or False): False ( Respiratory problem)
40.Prions cause neurological diseases and have no nucleic acid. (True or False) :True
41. Name the Virus having penton fibers : Adenovirus
42. Lentivirus causing slow virus infection in sheep is : Maedi- Visna
43.Marek’s disease virus is member of subfamily _________________of Herpeseviridae :
Alpha herpes virinae
44. _____________________is an AGID based test done to detect equine infectious anemia.
Coggin’s test
45. Blue tongue virus spreads through vector of _____________ spp.: Culicoides spp.
46. The high mortality causing strains of Ranikhet disease Viruses are called as ___:
47. The genome type of Papillomaviridae is : Double stranded (ds) circular DNA
48. Canine distemper virus replicate in cytoplasm and it produce intranuclear and
intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies ( True or False): True
49. Canine Parvovirus agglutinate RBC’s of _____: Porcine/ Pig virus
50. Disease caused by aviadenovirus which cause production of shell less or weak eggs in
poultry is : EDS-76

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