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El uso de USED TO: solía

Read the text and mark the sentences below T(true) or F (false). Underline the words in the text
which help you decide.

Recently a Russian friend came to visit me. jumps on the bus. Or maybe this is only in
It was one of her lifelong dreams to visit London. Also the idea of a man standing up
London, and she and offering his seat to a woman on a train
certainly knows or bus is unusual these days, although my
more about the city father still does it!
than I do. She arrived
at lunchtime and As for the weather: well, we all know that a
hundred years ago there used to be fog all
we spent a tiring
afternoon going year round in London, but we no longer
have much fog: nowadays we have
round the Tower of London. However, by 5
o´clock I couldn´t help noticing that she pollution from all the cars! Over the last
few years in the summer London has been
didn´t seem as enthusiastic as she had
been earlier. I asked if anything was wrong one of the hottest places in Europe,
although we still get more than enough
and she said, ¨This is all very interesting
but where is the fog and where are the rain in the other seasons.
men in bowler hats? Why did everyone What about the city men in their working
push to get on the bus at the bus stop ¨uniform¨? Well, you can still see some city
instead of making a queue? It´s very ¨gents¨ in their smart suits, but men hardly
different from the books I´ve read about ever wear bowler hats. A few things don´t
England.¨ change though. If you try to start a
Her comments made me think. It´s true conversation with an English person on the
underground in London, she or he will
that people don´t queue much any more:
nowadays you often find that everyone just probably look at you as if you are mad!

a. Everything was as she expected it to be F

b. People don’t queue as much as they used to …V…
c. Men used to give up their seats to women on public transport……V……
d. It still rains a lot in winter……V…..
e. Most London businessmen no longer wear bowler hats…V……
f. People used to talk to each other on trains and still do…F……..
Linda´s life has changed a lot in the past ten years. Write six sentences about the changes using
used to and didn´t use to (the words in brackets will help you).


A (smoke) She used to smoke

B (hair)……………………
Linda's didn't used to put her hair up ……………….

C( car)………………
Linda's used to ride in the car and now she likes to walk ………………….

she used to go out with no one and now she has a boyfriend …………………

E(smart clothes)…………
Plus I used to wear fancy clothes all the time. ………………

F (unhappy)…………………
I almost always used to see him unhappy being alone all the time ………………..

Ruth Alvarenga

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