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Invest now in your own land for construction in the Jerusalem area.
If you're looking for a significantly profitable investment property, there
are still real viable opportunities out there
Land intended for the purchase of agricultural land that will be
cultivated in the coming years.
This land is sold at a price between 20% and 30% of the value of the land
already cleared, for the construction of real estate.
In the right places, the value of the land increases by hundreds of
percent within a few years.
"Meny Group" offers you the purchase of agricultural land in a project
that is planned before the start of the cultivation of the land.
The value of land for reclamation is estimated by an appraiser to be
about NIS 700,000 one third of the value of a 100 square meter
apartment in this area
This means that those who now buy land that is still classified as
agricultural land have a high probability of doubling the value of their
The plan is that the reclamation of the land will start within 2 years and
after the reclamation of the land, we speak of a threefold increase in
Land purchased is in the name of the buyer(s) and is registered in the
municipality of Ma'ale Adumim
And when will the ground thaw?
The duration of land reclamation is about 1-2 years. After that, the plans
are submitted, and construction begins.

Telephone / WhatsApp
+972 58 6690019

You have a rare opportunity to buy land that has not yet been cleared
and after it is cleared, sell the land, and enjoy a hundred of percent
increase in value.
Building an apartment on 100 square meters of private land is NIS 6000/
square meter (total NIS 600,000)
You then own an apartment which is 40 to 50 percent lower than the
market price.
Benefits of the project:
• Purchase tax only on the ground and not on the other components.
Givat Zeev is a prestigious place with a constant increase in real estate
• The soil is reclaimed for between one and a half and two years.
Shorter process than usual.
• Professional guidance by law firm Weinroth and law firm
Dvir - Yehiam Architects.
• High level building specifications.
Purchase of land (100 meters) 3500 NIS per square meter 6%
Value after receiving rights
350,000 ₪
Purchase tax NIS 21,000
The cost of a lawyer's fee is NIS 3,000
Total investment NIS 374,000
Time schedule: 12-24 months
The value after received the right is NIS 700,000
Telephone / WhatsApp
+972 58 6690019

Telephone / WhatsApp
+972 58 6690019

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