KartikeyDubey 2111137 PhilipsIndia

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Individual Assignment 4

Philips India: Bidding for Floodlighting Eden Gardens

Submitted to:
Prof. Rajesh Pandit

In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course

B2B Marketing Section C

Kartikey Dubey
Roll No. 2111137

7th July 2022
Philips India: Bidding for Floodlighting Eden Gardens

Question 1: Key value elements that Philips can list out for CAB.

In order to gain the bid for the floodlighting of Eden Gardens, Mr. Sen strategy was to shift
the buyer focus from securing the best price to the value addition to their project at a
reasonable price. The key features which Philips ideated as the solution were:
 A lighting system comprising of four towers illuminating the whole stadium
sufficiently from all directions, with each tower containing around 85 floodlights
fitted with lamps having patented design
 Corrosion prevention of steel trusses which the city is vulnerable to due to high salt
content in the air combined with heavy rainfall. This will be done using special alloy
coatings enhancing its life by three times
 Colour and texture of towers to match the daytime sky to avoid distraction to players
 Floodlights fitted with patented optic technology thereby reducing the energy costs
due to their greater efficiency. These lights are also loaded with unmatched lighting
 Built-in reflectors in the system enabling reduced glare
 Effortless swapping of lamps in case of defects or other reasons
 Instant restarting of lights if any power failure arises ensuring continuous play and
 Less power consumption than competitors’ as the poles will be bent inwards for better
intensity at the centre of the field with using lower luminescence levels (multiple
levels provided)
 Lighting optimized for TV broadcasting the greatest revenue generator for the board
 Support for installation and maintenance will be provided by the company experts
 Longer lamp life than competitors’ products and auto-cleaning feature
 Association with the Philips brand which is leading in this segment globally
Moreover, a cross-functional team will be present during bid scrutinization to perform
analyses which will further verify the above points from all the angles.

Question 2: Different stakeholders and their interests.

This lighting system project involved various stakeholders with their interest pinned on it.
Following is the list of all of them along with their interests identified through the case:
 Cricket Association of Bengal
o Getting the bid with the lowest quote
o The total cost of ownership should be as minimum as possible
o Latest available technology in the market
o No or lowest chance of breakdown during the ongoing play
o Good luminescence enabling preferable playing conditions
o Longer life
o Eco-friendly and with no maintenance needs
o Other personal interests and demands
 Sponsors
o Reliable lighting system with little chance of breakdown
o More advertising opportunities and brand image enhancements through
association with Philips
o Eco-friendly
o Cost under CAB’s financial budget
 Cricketers
o Reliable lighting during the play enabling best conditions
o Eye protection with no strain or irritation
 Spectators, Media people, Environmentalists, and others
o Better viewing experience
o Better light conditions for broadcasting
o Eco-friendliness of the system

Question 3: Should Sen submit a bid or not? Provide reasons to support your answer

Mr. Sen should submit a bid to proceed with his value proposition for CAB. Currently, CAB
might see the bid as too much because of their price-sensitive attitude but they also have an
interest in obtaining the latest and most reliable technology out in the market in terms of
lighting. Philips posses that competency and it is visible in its value proposition strategy
which might tilt the balance in favour of the company. Although, it may have demerits in
terms of possible outcome but there should be no harm in at least trying to put in on table of
buyer. Some reasons in support of this argument are mentioned below:
 The value proposed by Philips is much stronger than other companies in terms of the
offerings and the trust of one of the world’s biggest brands in its sector. The offering
covers not only the installation of the product but other benefits in terms of
technology, engineering, reliability and so forth
 The costs otherwise incurred by CAB can also be calculated to demonstrate what they
will save during the project’s lifetime, if it decides to take up the competitors’
 The win in this project will result in potentially more offers for similar projects
throughout India and even the Indian subcontinent which contain a plethora of
existing and upcoming stadiums. The Eden Gardens project can be set as an example
while negotiating with other organizations controlling those stadiums and CAB may
even help in spreading word-of-mouth. This will open up a revenue stream for the
company and profits will grow in the future
Further, Philips can also put its terms and conditions while finalizing the purchase order
which shall mention solutions for all the concerns Sen has such as late payments, negligence,
and interruptions.

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