Corporation Law Cases October 4, 2022

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Corporation Law

Mrs. Pirovano, would have a voting power

October 4, 2022 Cases twice that of her sisters; Held:

Ultra Vires Lourdes De La Rama wrote to the secretary of No, Valid and Binding.
the corporation, Atty. Luchuaco; asking him to
Pirovano vs. De La Rama Steamship Co. cancel the waiver she supposedly gave her pre- The donation has reached the stage of
emptive rights. perfection which is valid and binding upon the
Facts: corporation and as such cannot be rescinded
The company then, amended the resolution unless there is exist legal grounds to do;
Dela Rama Steamship insured the life of turning into a loan with 5% interest payable
Enrico Pirovano, president of the company, when the obligation can be met; In the opinion of SEC said donation is ultra
managed the company until it became a vires,
multinational corporation; Pirovano was The company also revoked its donation of the
executed by the Japanese. life premium proceeds since it is not in If the articles of incorporation contain;
compliance with the SEC.
The company then received the total of the To invest and deal with the moneys of
sum of the insurance, Thus, the minor children of the Late Enrico the company and immediately required, in
Pirovano, represented by their mother and such manner as from time to time may be
BOD issued a resolution out of the proceeds; judicial guardian demanded the payment of the determined.
the sum of 400k division equal to 4 minor credit due them
children convertible into shares of stock of To aid in any other manner any
Dela Rama; at par for that purpose the present RTC held contract of donation in corporation persons, associations or corporation or which
stockholders be requested to waive their pre- is not ultra vires; any interest is held by this corporation or in the
emptive rights to 4k shares of unissued stocks affairs or prosperity of which the corporation
in order enable each 4 minor heirs to obtain 1k has lawful interest;
shares at par; Issue:
By ratification the infirmity of the corporate
Whether or not, corporation donation of the act has been obliterated thereby making it
If the Pirovano children would given shares of proceeds of insurance policies is an ultra vires perfectly valid and enforceable, this is
stock; the voting strength of the 5 daughters of act? specially so if the donation is not merely
Don Esteban would be adversely affected….
executory but executed and consummated and
no creditor are prejudice.

If there are creditors affected, the latter has

expressly given their conformity;
Luneta Motors Company vs. AD Santos Inc. Held:

Summary / Facts: That the authority vested by Luneta’s AOI to

deal in automobiles and auto parts and to
Double mortgage of a CPC owned by engage in the transportation of persons by
Concepcion; to secure separate loans he water, does not necessarily vest it with the
obtained from Luneta Motors and RFC. Both power to operate vest it with the power to
mortgagees were able to obtain foreclosure in operate a taxicab service - which is different
their favor. line of business.

The second mortgagee (The RFC) was the first

one to obtain a favorable court decision. Doctrine: (Additional Info)

Upon auction sale, the CPC was acquired by A corporation created under the Corporation
Santos, who was able to register the sale to Law may purchase, hold etc and otherwise deal
Public Service Commission, before the death in such real and personal property as the
of Santos, he transferred his rights in CPC to purpose for which the corporation was formed
A.D Santos Inc. may permit and the transaction of its lawful
business may reasonably and necessary
The first mortgagee (Luneta Motors) required.
subsequently won its own foreclosure case and
acquired the CPC through public auction. Note that the test applied by the Court, whether
When it attempted to register the sale with the purpose for which was organized and the
Public Service Comission, transaction of its lawful business reasonably
and necessarily require the purchase and
AD Santos, opposed, claiming inter alia that holding by it of a CPC… Such acquisition
Luneta had no authority under its AOI to hold would be without purpose and would have no
CPC and use it to operate a taxicab services. necessary connection with the legitimate
business of the corporation.
Public Service Commission and the Supreme
Court agreed with A.D Santos.
Republic vs. Acoje Mining Co. estoppel, or on equitable grounds.
Facts: In the present case the validity of the
resolution of BOD of the corporation
Acoje Mining wrote the director of post Whether or not, an act outside the scope of accepting full responsibility-in-
requesting the opening of post, telegraph and powers expressly conferred may be connection with funds to be received
money order offices and its mining camp at performed? by its postmaster, should be upheld on
Sta. Cruz, Zambales to serve its employee and the grounds of estoppel.
their families that were said living in the camp.
Acting on the request, Director of Posts replied
that if aside from the free quarters, the While as a rule “an ultra vires act.” Is one
company would provide for all essential committed outside the object for which the
equipment and assign responsible employee to corporation is created as defined by the law of
perform a postmaster duties. its organization and therefore beyond the
powers conferred by upon it by law, --- there
It also indicated that the company shall assure are however certain corporate acts may be
direct responsibility for whatever pecuniary performed outside the scope of the powers of
loss the Bureau of Post may suffer, the post the expressly conferred if they are necessary to
office branch was opened at the camp with one promote the interest and welfare on the
Hilario Sandrez as postmaster. corporation.

The postmaster went on 3 days leave but never For example, the establishment, in the case at
returned. The company however immediately the bar; of a local post office in a mining camp
informed the Manila Post Office of Sanchez’s which is far removed from the postal facilities
disappearance when the accounts were or means of communication accorded to people
checked a shortage was found. living in a city or municipality.

Several demands made upon the company for - An illegal act is void and cannot be
the payment of shortage in line with the validated, while an ultra vires is
liability it has assumed having failed, hence merely voidable and can be enforced
this case; by the performance, ratification or
Republic PH vs. Acoje Mining Company; ultra vires; the least can be said is that it cannot
Another POV; now go back on its plighted

The claim that the resolution adopted by the

Issue: BOD of appellant company is an ultra vires act
cannot be entertained it appearing that the
Whether or not, the resolution adopted was same covers a subject which concerns the
ultra vires act? benefits, convenience and welfare of its
employees and their families.
No, It should be noted that the opening of a
post office branch at the mining camp of
appellant corporation was undertaken because
of the request submitted by it to promote the
convenience and benefit of emplyoees.

The idea did not come from the government

and the Director of Post was prevailed upon to
agree to the request only after studying the
necessity for its establishment and after
imposing upon the company certain


On the basis of the foregoing facts; it is evident

that the company cannot now be heard to
complain that is not liable for the irregularities
committed by it employee upon the technical
plea that the resolution approved by its BOD is
Crisologo-Jose vs. CA within the expected period of time; the check consideration and for the accommodation of
was replaced by Benares. This check was also another is ultra vires.
signed by the P and VP;
Facts: Hence, one who has taken the instrument with
When defendant deposited the replacement knowledge of the accommodation nature
Ricardo S. Santos was the VP of the Mover check, it was dishonored for insufficiency of thereof cannot recover against a corporation
Enterprises Inc and in-charge of marketing and funds. where it is only an accommodation party.
sales. Atty. Oscar Benares was the President of
the said Corporation. The petitioner filed an action against the If the form of instrument or the nature
corporation for the accommodation party. of the transaction, is such as to charge the
In accommodation of his client, the spouses indorsee with knowledge that the issue or
Jaime and Clarita Ong issued check against indorsement of the instrument by the
Trade Royal Bank; payable to defendant Issue: corporation thereon.
Ernestina Crisologo-Jose.
Hence, the president and vice-president, have
Since the check was under the account of Whether or not, the corporation can be held no power to execute for mere accommodation
Mover Enterprises Inc., in the same was to be liable as accommodation party? a negotiable instrument of the corporation for
signed by its president, Atty. Oscar Benares their individual debts or transactions arising
and the treasurer of the said corporation, from or in relation to matters in which the
however that time the treasurer was not Held: corporation has no legitimate concern.
Since such accommodation paper cannot thus
As substitute Santos was signed to the check, No, the accommodation party liable on the be enforced against the corporation, especially
the check was issued to defendant Ernestina instrument to a holder for value, although such since it is not involved in any aspect of the
Crisologo-Jose in consideration of the waiver holder at the time of taking the instrument corporate business or operations, the
or quitclaim by said defendant over a certain knew to him to be the only an accommodation inescapable conclusion in law and in logic is
property which (GSIS); agreed to sell to the party, does not include nor apply to that the signatories thereof shall be personally
spouses Jaime and Clarita Ong was executed a corporation which are accommodation parties. liable therefor, as well as the consequences
compromise agreement. arising from their acts in connection therewith.
This is because the issue or indorsement of
The check will encashed accordingly, since the negotiable paper by a corporation without
compromise agreement was not approved
RATIFICATION OF ULTRA VIRES ACT; Sugar Company, furtherance of such a sale it may, in
order to make them the more readily
Pursuance of this resolution, the Mindoro marketable, indorse or guarantee their
Carlos vs. Mindoro Sugar Sugar Company executed in favor of the PTC payment.
the deed of transferring all of its property to in
Facts: consideration of the bonds it had issued; Whenever a corporation has the power to take
and dispose of the securities of another
This case is an action to recover from the PTC sold 13 bonds to Ramon Diaz, PTC paid corporation, of so whatever kind; it may for the
defendants the value of 4 bonds with due and the appellant, upon presentation of the purpose of giving them a marketable quality,
unpaid interest theron; issued by Mindoro coupons, the stipulated interest from the date guarantee their payment, even though the
Sugar Company and placed in trust with the of their maturity then it stopped payments; amount involved in the guaranty may subject
Philippine Trust Company. henceforth it alleged that it did not deem itself the corporation to liabilities in excess of the
bound to pay such interest or to redeem the limit of indebtness which authorized to incur.
According to the AOI of Mindoro Sugar Co, 1 obligation because the guarantee given for
of the principal purposes was to acquire and the bonds was illegal and void. A corporation which has power by its charter
exercise the franchise granted by the Act 2720 to issue its own bonds has power to guarantee
to George H. Fairchild; to substitute the Issue: the bonds of another corporation, which has
organized corporation. been taken in payment of a debt due to it, and
Whether or not, has the power to guarantee and which it sells or transfers in payment of its
Philippine Trust Company, its principal does this act constitute an ultra vires? own debt, the guaranty being given to enable it
purpose then, as its name indicates, to engage to dispose of the bond to better advantage. And
in the trust business. so guaranties of payment of bonds taken by a
Held: loan and trust company in the ordinary
BOD of the PTC, adopted the resolution course of its business, made in connection
authorizing its president, among other things, with their sale, are not ultra vires, and are
to purchase bonds in the Mindoro Sugar No, It is not ultra vires for a corporation to binding.
Company that was about to issue and to re-sell enter into contracts of guaranty or suretyship
them, with or without the guarantee of said where it does so in the legitimate furtherance When a contract is not on its face necessarily
trust corporation, at a price not less than par, of its purpose and business, and it is well beyond the scope of the power of the
and to guarantee to the PNB the payment of settled that there corporation acquires corporation by which it was made, it will, in
the indebtedness to said bank by the Mindoro commercial paper or bonds in the legitimate the absence of proof to the contrary, be
transaction of its business it may sell them, in presumed to be valid.
LIABILITY FOR TORTS OR CRIMES; Tuazon ask for reconsideration to the board,
which was not acted by the board; so the lease “Any person who willfully causes loss
was not consummated resulting the loss of 2.8k and injury to another in a manner that is
which could have been earned by Tapnio. contrary to morals, good customs, or public
TORTS; policy shall compensate the latter for the
GUECO, CECILIO GUECO Issue: This grants adequate legal remedy for the
untold number of moral wrongs which is
Facts: impossible for human foresight to specially
Whether or not, the PNB is liable to Tapnio? provide in the statutes.
Plaintiff, PHILAMGEN as surety, issued a
bond in favor Tapnio, to secure latter’s Hence, the means to pay her obligations to the
obligation to PNB 2.3k. Held: bank, there was no reasonable basis for the
board of directors of petitioner to have rejected
PHILAMGEN paid the said amount to PNB the lease agreement.
and seek indemnity from Tapnio, Tapnio Yes, PNB is liable to Tapnio. PNB argue that it
refused to pay alleging that he was not liable to has a right under its own Charter and under the
the bank because due to negligence of the latter Corporation Law, to approve or disapprove the
the contract of lease with Tuazon was said lease of sugar quota and in the exercise of
rescinded which amount 2800. that authority.

Tapnio mortgage his standing crops and sugar The petitioner had the ultimate authority of
quota to PNB. Tapnio agreed to leased the approving or disapproving the proposed lease
sugar quota, in excess of his need to Tuazon since the quota was mortgaged to the Bank, the
which was approved by the branch and VP of latter certainly cannot escape its responsibility
the PNB of 2 pesos per picul. of observing, for the protection of the interest
of private respondent.
However, the bank’s BOD disapproved the
lease, stating that the amount should be 3 pesos
per picul, its market value.
Under the Article 21 of the Civil Code

People of the PH vs. Tan Boo Kong; A corporation can act only through its officers
and agents and where the business itself
Facts: involves a violation of the law, all who
participate in it are liable.

On 1924, in Municipality of Iloilo, province of In the present case, the information alleges that
Iloilo, the defendant. As manager of Visayan the defendant was the manager of a
General Supply co and engaged in the corporation which was engaged in business as
purchase and sale of sugar, “Bayon.” And a merchant, and as such manager, he made a
“Coprax” and other native products. false return, for the purpose of taxation of the
total amount sales made by the corporation.
As such subject to the payment of taxes upon
its sales and declared in 1924 for the purposes As filing of such false return constitutes a
of taxation only sum of 2M, when in fact and violation of the law, the accused as the author
accused knew the total gross sales of said of the illegal act, must necessarily answer for
corporation. its consequences provided that the allegation
are proven.
And he failed declared that and voluntarily not
paying the percentage taxes.


Whether or not, the defendant as manager of

the corporation, is criminally liable for the
violation of the tax law for the benefit of said
Sia vs. People (1983) nothwithstanding demands, liability as created by the law would be
Facts: The accounts having reached the sum 46k after
deducting his deposit money. In the present case, a distinction to be found
Jose Sia was the general manager of Metal with Tan Boon Kong case in that the act
Manufacturer Company of the PH (MMC) alleged to be crime is not in the performance of
engaged in the manufacturing of steel office Issue: an act directly ordained by the law to be
equipment; performed by the corporation.

On 1963, because his company was in need of Whether or not, Sia is to be held liable? This distinction adverted to between the Tan
raw materials to be imported from abroad, he Boon Kong case and the case at bar should be
applied for a letter of credit to import steel clear, in the absence of express provision of
sheets from Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Ltd. – Held: the law making the petitioner liable for the
Tokyo, Japan. criminal offense committed by the corporation
of which he is a president as in fact there is no
The application being directed to the No, The bank is transacting with Metal provision in the RPC under which the
Continental Bank, herein complainant and his Manufacturing and not with him. petitioner is being prosecuted.
application having been approved.
SC cited the case of PP vs. Tan Boon Kong; The existence of criminal liability on his part
The goods was arrived according to Sia, now may however not be squarely applicable to the may not be said to be beyond any doubt.
from here on there is some debate of the instant case in that, the corporation was
evidence; according to Bank, there was directly required by law to do an act in given
permitted delivery of the steel sheets only upon manner and the same law makes the person
execution of a trust receipt; who fails to perform the act prescribed manner
expressly liable criminally.
While according to Sia, at the time of the
delivery, he executed the trust receipt. The performance of the act is an obligation
directly imposed by the law on the corporation.
That the bill of exchange issued for the Since it is responsible officers or officers of the
purpose of collecting the unpaid account corporation who actually perform the act of the
thereon having fallen due neither accused nor corporation, they must of necessity be the ones
his company have payment theron to assume the criminally liability; otherwise his
MORAL DAMAGES 35M.Viva BOD rejected it. Issue:

ABS CBN vs. CA - After the rejection, ABS closed a deal Whether or not, moral damages may be
with RBS including 14 films awarded to a corporation?
- In 1990 ABS and VIVA executed an previously ticked off by ABS.
agreement, where ABS can get Held:
exclusive rights of the VIVA Films - ABS filed a complaint for specific
performance with prayer and TRO No,
- In 1991, VIVA through Vicente Del against RBS and VIVA and Del
Rosario, offered ABS CBN through Rosario. The court finds for ABS-CBN on the issue of
Charo Santos, 3 films packages which damages,
ABS exercise the first refusal. - RTC enjoined the latter from airing the
subject films. Moral damages are in the category of an award
- Charo rejected the list presented. Del designed to compensate the claimant for actual
Rosario approached Santos with - RTC and CA dismissed the complaint injury suffered and not to impose a penalty on
another 52 orig titles and re-runs holding that there was no meeting of the wrong doer;
proposing to sell to ABS airing rights the minds between ABS and VIVA,
for 60M. hence there was no basis of the The award of moral damages cannot be
demand of ABS. granted in favor of a corporation because,
Del Rosario and Eugenio Lopez III as being an artificial person / being having
General Manager of ABS met in - According the right of first refusal was existence only in legal contemplation.
restaurant to discuss the package exercise. ABS argued that the
proposal but no to avail. agreement was made during the It has no feeling, no emotion, no senses. It
meeting of Mr. Lopez and Del Rosario cannot, therefore experience physical suffering
- 4 days later, Del Rosario and Gozon as and it had yet to fully exercise its and mental anguish, which can be experience
Senior VP of Finance of RBS rights of first refusal since only 10 only by one having a nervous system.
discussed the package proposal. titles were chosen.

Charo, sent a draft of the contract

between ABS and Viva, which a - As to actual, moral, and exemplary
counter-proposal covering 53 films for damages, there was no clear basis in
awarding the same.
Filipinas Boardcasting vs. AMEC-BCCM Moreover, where the broadcast is libelous per
Yes, FBNI contends that AMEC is not entitled se, hence the corporation or AMEC are entitled
Facts: to moral damages because it is corporation. to moral damages.

Expos is a radio documentary program by

Carmelo Mel Rima (Rima) and Hermogenes A juridical person is generally not entitled to
Jun Alegre (Alegre). moral damages because, unlike a natural
Expos is aired every morning over DZRC-AM person. It cannot experience physical suffering
which is owned by Filipinas Broadcasting or such sentiments as wounded feelings,
Network (FBNI). Expos is heard over Legazpi serious anxiety or mental anguish or moral
City, Albay municipalities and the other Bicol shock.
CA cites the case Mambulao Lumber Co and
In the morning of 14 and 15 of December, PNB; to justify the award of moral damages,
Rima and Alegre exposed various alleged however the courts statement in Mambulao
complaints from student, teachers and parents that a corporation may have good reputation
Ago Medical and Educational Center – Bicol which is bersmich, may also be a ground for
Christian Medicine (AMEC) and its the award of moral damage is an obiter dictum.
Nevertheless, AMEC claim’s moral damages
Claiming that the broadcasts were defamatory, falls under item 7 of Article 2210 of CC, this
AMEC and Angelita Ago, as Dean of AMECs’ provision expressly authorizes the recovery of
College of Medicine filed a complaint for moral damages in cases of libel, slander or any
damages against FBNI, Rima and Alegre. other form of defamation. The article does not
qualify whether the plaintiff is a natural or
Issue: juridical person.

Whether or not, FBNI or a corporation entitled Therefore a juridical person as such as a

to moral damages? corporation can validly complain for libel any
other form of defamation and may claim that
moral damages.
Its term and conditions shows that parties
II. Financial Structure SSS sending letter of demand to LT, it still has intended to repurchase of the preferred shares
not made any redemption nor made dividends on the scheduled dates to be an absolute
Lirag Textile Mills Inc. vs. SSS payment, since LT failed to comply, SSS filed obligation which does not depend upon the
an action for specific performance and financial ability of LT.
Facts: damages.
This absolute obligation is made and manifest
SSS is the respondent, and Lirag Textile Mills LT contends that there no obligations on their by the fact that surety was required. Also, the
entered into a purchase agreement under which part to redeem since SSS is still a preferred undertaking of LT to redeem preferred shares
SSS agreed to purchase from Lirag Textile stockholders of the corporation and such at the specified dates constitutes a debt which
preferred shares of stock worth 1M subject to redemption is dependent upon the financial is defined as an obligation to pay money at
following conditions: ability of the corporation. some fixed future time, or at a time which
becomes definite and fixed by acts or either
(1) For the repurchase by LT of the shares As for Mr. Lirag, he contends that his liability party and which they expressly and
of stock at regular intervals of 1 year arises only if the company is liable and does impliedly, agree to perform in the contract.
and payment of dividends. not perform its obligations under the
agreement. Moreover, the PA provided that failure on the
(2) Failure to redeem and pay the part of petitioner to repurchase the preferred
dividends, the entire obligation shall RTC ruled in favour of SSS and held the PA shares on the scheduled due dates renders the
become immediately due and was debt instrument; entire obligation due and demandable with
demandable and LT shall be liable to petitioner. In such eventuality liable to pay
SSS in amount equivalent to 12% of 12% of the taken collectively, clearly show the
the amount the outstanding liquidated intent of the parties to be bound therein as
damages. Issue: debtor and creditor and not as corporation and
Under such agreement, Basilio Lirag, as 1.) WON PA is debt instrument?
President of LT signed the agreement as a Thus, it follows that Mr. Lirag cannot deny
surety to guarantee the redemption of the Held: liability for LT’s default. As surety, he is
stocks; payments of dividends – pursuant to bound immediately to pay SSS the amount of
the agreement, SSS paid LT on 2 occasion and Yes, The Purchase Agreement is a debt the outstanding.
the latter issued 5k preferred of stocks with a instrument.
par value of 100 pesos.
Tirso Garcia, in his capacity as receiver of A share of stock or the certificate thereof is not
the Merchantile Bank of China vs. Lim Chu LCS had been paying the instalments until the indebtedness to the owner nor evidence of
Sing debt was reduced to 9k and also LCS is the indebtedness and therefore, it is not a credit.
owner of the shares of stock in MBC
Facts: amounting 10k. Stockholder, as such are not creditors of the
On June 1930, Lim Chu Sing executed and MBC is under liquidation.
delivered a promissory note for the sum of 19k According to the prevailing doctrine in
to MBC payable monthly. On December 1932, LCS filed a motion American Courts that;
praying for the inclusion of the principal
1 of the conditions in the said promissory note debtor Lim Cuan Sy as party defendant so that Capital Stocks of corporation is a trust
that in case Lim Chu Sing default in the he could avail himself of the benefit of the fund to be used more particularly for the
payment of the monthly instalment as become exhaustion of the property of said Lim Cua Sy. security of the creditors of the corporation,
due, the entire amount together with the who presumably deal with on the credit of its
interest of 6% shall become due and The motion was denied so the proceed of the capital stock.
demandable. sale of the mortgaged chattels together with
other payments made were applied to the Therefore, Lim Chu Sing, is not being a
After making several partial payments and he amount of the promissory note in question. creditor of MBC, although the latter is a
leave 9k as his unpaid balance. creditor of the former and there is no sufficient
Leaving the balance which the plaintiff now ground to justify the compensation.
He defaulted in payment where the 9k are due seeks to collect;
and demandable.
The debt which is the subject matter of the Whether or not Lim Chu Sing is entitled for
complaint was not really an indebtedness of compensation to his indebtedness of 9k despite
the defendant but of Lim Cua Sy, who had the fact that he is a stockholder in MBC?
an account to MBC as form of Trust Receipt,
guaranteed by Lim Chu Sing as surety and Held:
with chattel mortgage securities.
MBC, without the knowledge of Lim Chu No, according to the weight of authority.
Sing, foreclose the chattel mortgage and
privately sold the property.
Jose Roy III VS. Teresita Herbosa and SEC of Filipino Ownership shall be applied both: Held:
and PLDT; (a) the total number of outstanding shares of
stock entitled to vote in the election of The court rules that SEC-MC 8 is not contrary
Facts: directors; to the court’s definition and interpretation of
the term capital.
The Supreme Court issued the Gamboa (b) the total number of outstanding shares of
Decision ruling the term “capital” Section 11, stock, whether or not entitled to vote in the According to the case of Gamboa Decision;
Article XII of the 1987 Constitution refers only election of directors.
to shares of stocks entitled to vote in the Considering that common shares have
election of directors, and thus only to common Corporations covered by special law which voting rights translate to control as opposed to
shares and not to the total outstanding capital provide specific citizenship requirements shall preferred shares which usually have no voting
stock (common and non-voting preferred comply with the provisions of said law. rights, the term capital refers only to common
shares. shares; However, if the preferred shares also
So Roy, the petitioner as a lawyer and as a have the rights to vote in the election of
On October 2012, the Gamboa decision taxpayer, filed a petition, assailing the validity directors, the capital shall include such
attained finality. of SEC MC-8. preferred shares because the right to participate
in the control management of the corporation
Pursuant to the court’s directive in the He seeks to apply the 60-40 Filipino is exercised through the right to vote in the
Gamboa’s Decision, The SEC issued SEC-MC Ownership requirement separately to each election of directors.
No. Entitled “Guidelines on compliance with class of shares of a public utility corporation,
Filipino-Foreign Ownership Requirements whether common, preferred non-voting, In short, the term capital in Sec 11 of Article
Prescribed in the Constitution and Existing preferred voting or any other class of shares. XII of the Constitution refers only to a shares
Law by Corporation Engaged in of stock that can vote in the election of
Nationalized and Partly Nationalized Issue: director;
Activities. Whether or not, the term capital in Sec 11 in
Art 12 of the Constitution refers only to the The evident purpose of the citizenship
The Section 2: common shares? requirement is to prevent aliens from assuming
control public utilities; which may be inimical
All covered corporation shall, at all times, Or to the total outstanding capital stock to the national interest.
observed constitutional or statutory ownership (combined total of common and nonvoting of
requirement. For the purposes of determining preferred shares) The court noted that the foregoing
compliance therewith, the required percentage interpretation is consistent with the intent of
the framers of the Constitution to place in the that specific stock is considered or counted as
hand of Filipino citizens the control and part of the 60% Filipino Ownership of the
management of public utilities and as revealed corporation;
in the deliberations of the Constitutional If the voting right of a share held in the name
Commission, “capital” refers to the voting of a Filipino citizen, or national is assigned or
stock or controlling interest of a corporation. transferred to an alien, the share is not to be
counted in the determination of the required
However, mere legal title is insufficient to Filipino Equity.
meet the 60% Filipino-owned “capital”
required in the Constitution. Full beneficial In the same vein, if the dividends and other
ownership of 60% percent of outstanding fruits and accessions of the share do not accrue
capital stock, coupled with 60% voting rights Filipino citizen or national, then that share is
is required. also to be excluded or not counted.

The legal and beneficial ownership of 60% NoteS---- additional lang lodz.
percent of the outstanding capital stock must
rest in the hands of Filipino nationals in The Full Beneficial Test; - the full ownership
accordance to the constitutional mandates. up to 60% of a public utility encompasses,
both control and economic rights, both of
--- Both the Voting Control Test; which must stay in Filipino hands, who owns
And Beneficial Ownership Test; 60% of the controlling interest, must also to be
Must be applied to determine whether a excluded or not counted.
corporation is a Philippine National and that a
Philippine National is Filipino citizen or a If the Filipino has the “specific stocks.” Voting
“Domestic Corporation at least 60% of the Power (he can vote the stock or direct another
capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote is to vote for him) or the Filipino has the
owned by Filipino Citizen. investment power over the specific stock; (he
can dispose of the stock another to dispose it
The right to vote in the election of directors, for him) or he has both (he can vote and
coupled with full beneficial ownership of dispose of the specific stock) or direct another
stocks, translates to effective control of a vote or dispose, then such Filipino is the
corporation. beneficial owner of the specific stock – and

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