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College of Business Administration



A Business Research presented to the Faculty of Business Administration

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa

Muntinlupa City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration Major in Marketing Management


Lamboson, Mary Joy

Recaña, Roxan Meane

Robles, Ralph

Santos, Janine Joy


College of Business Administration


Hydroponics is a method of growing crops without soil, using a different

substance to support the plant's roots in place of soil and growing them directly in

nutrient-rich water. Compared to conventional agriculture, hydroponic gardens

take half the time to produce magnificent fruits and flowers while using 90% less

water. Hydroponic systems use less water as much as 10 times less water than

traditional field crop watering methods because water in a hydroponic system is

captured and reused, rather than allowed to run off and drain to the environment.

Additionally, the water used in hydroponic systems may be purified, replenished

with nutrients, and supplied back to plants once again, allowing water to be

recycled continuously rather than being wasted. Hydroponic plants generate

more fruits and vegetables. Moreover, many of the factors that might promote

plant development in a hydroponic system, such as the water's pH level, nutrient

content, and amount and kind of light.

There are two different types of techniques used in the hydroponics farm

in Tunasan, Muntinlupa City. They used Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

Hydroponic Systems and a Simple Nutrient Addition Program for Hydroponics

(SNAP). In an NFT system, in a watertight gully, also known as a channel, a very

shallow stream of water carrying all the dissolved nutrients essential for plant

development is re-circulated through the bare roots of plants. NFT requires only

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a small amount of water to travel through the plant roots at a time. Furthermore, it

is a recirculating system, which means that the water pumped from the reservoir

is caught and reused. It requires substantially less water than systems that utilize

new water every time since it can collect and reuse it. In the SNAP system, it is a

low-cost hydroponics system for soil-less vegetable production. It works best for

vegetable production at home and is perfect for the compact spaces seen in

urbanized settings. It simply needs enough sunshine, air circulation, and shelter

from rain, making it easy to put up, maintain, and use. In addition, because

SNAP uses passive aeration of the nutrient solution, it requires less energy than

traditional hydroponics systems. The system is also less costly since it requires

less labor and roughly 90% of the materials used in its setup are recycled.

Farmers have better control over temperature and lighting cycles when growing

plants indoors, which increases plant output. To increase planting density and

make use of vertical space, systems may be developed. We can construct farms

using hydroponics even in places with poor soil and insufficient space for one to

grow. The simplest active hydroponic system appears to exist. often made up of

the plant platform, which is made of Styrofoam, floats directly on the nutritional

solution. The bubbling stone of air an air pump drives the nutritional solution and

supplies oxygen to the plant roots.

The majority of consumers are mostly interested in buying vegetables grown

hydroponically, thus if these vegetables are readily available on the market,

consumers will be attracted to purchase them. Therefore, there is a possibility


College of Business Administration

that this will occur. When questioned, nearly all respondents claimed they valued

the notion of value over quality when it came to veggies, but in actuality, most

indicated the reverse. Hydroponic farms, a more sustainable food ethic that

prioritizes the health of our food, bodies, and environment is feasible without

using a lot of pesticides.


College of Business Administration

This study is designed to determine the Acceptability and Marketability of

Vegetables Produced on a Hydroponics Farm in Tunasan, Muntinlupa City.

1. Does the consumer have awareness of the hydroponics farm at Tunasan

Muntinlupa City?

2. What are the marketing strategies being used for hydroponics farms in

Tunasan Muntinlupa City to make them effective?

3. Is there any significant relationship between the acceptability and

marketability of vegetables produced on a hydroponics farm in Tunasan

Muntinlupa City?


 To know the importance of hydroponics farming, especially in times of


 To ensure and produce greater yields of vegetables using hydroponics


 To determine the benefits and acceptability of hydroponics farming in the



College of Business Administration

 The vegetables produced on the hydroponics farm in Tunasan have

different acceptability and marketability.

 There are various factors affecting the acceptability and marketability of

vegetables produced on a hydroponics farm in Tunasan.

 The sustainability of the Muntinlupa City Hydroponics Farm in Tunasan is

dependent on the acceptability and marketability of the vegetables



Hydroponics can be briefly defined as cultivation of plants without soil. In

short, hydroponics, a Greek word meaning “hydro” (water) and “ponos” (labor) is

the method of growing plants in different types of substrates (chemically inert),

sand, gravel, or liquid (water), in which nutrients are added, but no soil is used.

Growers often reply that hydroponics always allows them to have higher

productivities and yields without any constrains of climate and weather

conditions. In addition, growers often claimed that quality of hydroponic produces

is superior because it uses a highly controlled environment and enables a more

homogeneous production without any loss of water and nutrients (Aries, 2018).

College of Business Administration

According to Khan, Purohit, & Vadsaria (2021), Hydroponics may be used

in underdeveloped countries for food production in limited space. It is even

feasible to grow hydroponically in areas of poor soil conditions such as deserts. It

has many pros but major drawback is its high capital investment and needs clear

knowledge as it is a perfect combination of biology, chemistry, physics and

mathematics. One of the setbacks here is, that no specification and optimization

of nutritional requirements for different crops is done, it is just leafy and fruiting

vegetables. Yet the popularity of hydroponics has increased dramatically in a

short period of time leading to an increase in experimentation and research in the

area of indoor and outdoor hydroponic cultivation. With the help of this technique,

the demand and supply gap can be filled providing fresh and better quality also

consistency can be maintained.

Hydroponic farming methods need special treatment in controlling water

temperature, water level, and acidity (pH) of nutrient solutions. To be able to

produce plants that are good until the harvest period, they must carry out these

treatments with regular checks every day. Examinations carried out include

checking the water content in the installation, the nutrients, the size of the PH,

the temperature and humidity of the air, which must be under the dose. If the

quantity of one of the elements is excess or lacking, it can result in the inhibition

of plant growth. The maintenance that must be done routinely every day causes

agriculture with hydroponic methods to be inefficient because it requires a


College of Business Administration

considerable effort and requires high costs for maintenance (Herman, &

Surantha (2019).

According to Sardare, & Admane (2013), Hydroponics also has been used

successfully in Israel which has a dry and arid climate. A company called

Organitech has been growing crops in 40-foot (12.19-meter) long shipping

containers, using hydroponic systems. They grow large quantities of berries,

citrus fruits and bananas, all of which couldn't normally be grown in Israel's

climate. The hydroponics techniques produce a yield 1,000 times greater than

the same sized area of land could produce annually.

This research demonstrated the usefulness of hydroponics and can assist

individuals to start farming without soil. The soil-less culture is any process where

plants are grown without needing soil as a rooting surface and vital nutrients can

be given by irrigation water. Under certain conditions, it will soon be difficult to

feed the whole population only through open-field agricultural production. In order

to meet these issues, soil-less culture is necessarily becoming more significant in

the current economic environment. By the use hydroponics for vegetable

production, it can assist and encouraging outcomes globally in terms of saving

space as well as water.

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