Financial Statment Feb 7 2021

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ET Village Association

General Ledger Trial Balance

Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by ID. Report is printed in Detail Format.
As of Feb 7, 2021

Account ID Account Description Debit Amt Credit Amt

1010 Cash on Hand 0.64
1020 Cash at Bank-CBE SavingAcco 440,162.90
1021 Cash at Bank-Credit Asso. 245,250.39
1101 Fence Receivable 2,955,513.73
1102 Water Utility Bill Receivable 1,879,463.71
1102-01 Supermarket Sanitation Receiv 115,764.59
1102-02 untransferred Water deduction 731,780.40
1103 Staff Loan 2,250.00
1104 Security Receivable 719,905.72
1501 Office Equipment and Furniture 23,198.00
1502 Computer and Accessories 13,050.00
1901 Acc. Depr-Equip. and Furniture 1,546.53
1902 Acc. Depr-Comp. & Accessories 1,591.67
2001 Commission Payable 61,720.00
2002 Income Tax Payable 292,532.22
2004 Abeselom General Con. Payable 69,004.30
2005 Salary Payable 121,086.20
2006 ET Fence Loan 3,264,117.93
2008 Refundable to Overpaid 180,710.36
2009 Refundable to Lidya Kedir 25,870.80
2011 Meaza Taye Errounous Transfer 10,000.00
3909 Beginning Balance Equity 2,409,831.83
4001 Commission Income 681,140.00
4002 Gate Pass (Resident ID) 5,880.00
4003 Security Service Income 2,808,213.76
4004 Vehicle Permit 9,030.00
4006 Fence 2,386,037.30
4007 Other Income 500.00
4008 Unkown Income 41,625.30
4100 Interest Income 27,584.21
6001 Salary Expense 1,517,646.84
6002 Transport Allowance 336,400.00
6004 Stationary & Comp. Accessorie 14,701.95
6005 Fuel Expense 18,560.00
6006 Transport Expense 10,949.00
6007 Labour Expense 26,916.00
6008 Sewer Fleet Service 32,340.00
6009 Electricity Charge 26,327.61

11/09/2022 at 18:12:02 Page: 1

ET Village Association
General Ledger Trial Balance
Filter Criteria includes: Report order is by ID. Report is printed in Detail Format.
As of Feb 7, 2021

Account ID Account Description Debit Amt Credit Amt

6010 Cleaning Supplies 3,332.52
6011 Service Charge Expense 132.00
6012 Repair and Maintenance 9,375.00
6013 Depreciation Expense 2,541.32
6014 Printing Expense 8,780.06
6015 Refreshment Expense 5,252.80
6016 Office Tools and Equipments 4,379.97
6017 Allowance 500.00
6018 Other Expense 2,793.00
6019 Telephone Expense 500.00
6020 Tax on Interest 1,379.22
6021 Water Borehole Drilling 421,895.69
6022 Guard Post Construction 569,004.30
6023 Fence Construction Expense 1,932,472.40
6024 Advertizing Expense 7,741.80
6025 Compound Gates 215,315.21
6026 Purchase of Plumbing Materials 37,354.99
6027 Purchase of Electrical Materia 29,451.93
6028 Toilet Drainage Work 9,600.00
6029 Preparation of Slaughter Site 4,455.00
6030 Dog Eradication 3,150.00
6031 Purchase of Hand Torch 3,820.00
6032 Tree Planting Expense 14,615.00

Total: 12,398,023.05 12,398,023.05

11/09/2022 at 18:12:02 Page: 2

ET Village Association
Balance Sheet
February 7, 2021


Current Assets
Cash on Hand ($ 0.64)
Cash at Bank-CBE SavingAccount 440,162.90
Cash at Bank-Credit Asso. 245,250.39
Fence Receivable 2,955,513.73
Water Utility Bill Receivable 1,879,463.71
Supermarket Sanitation Receiva 115,764.59
untransferred Water deduction 731,780.40
Staff Loan 2,250.00
Security Receivable 719,905.72

Total Current Assets 7,090,090.80

Property and Equipment

Office Equipment and Furniture 23,198.00
Computer and Accessories 13,050.00
Acc. Depr-Equip. and Furniture (1,546.53)
Acc. Depr-Comp. & Accessories (1,591.67)

Total Property and Equipment 33,109.80

Other Assets

Total Other Assets 0.00

Total Assets $ 7,123,200.60


Current Liabilities

11/09/2022 at 18:12:02 Unaudited - For Management Purposes Only

ET Village Association
Balance Sheet
February 7, 2021

Commission Payable $ 61,720.00

Income Tax Payable 292,532.22
Abeselom General Con. Payable 69,004.30
Salary Payable 121,086.20
ET Fence Loan 3,264,117.93
Refundable to Overpaid 180,710.36
Refundable to Lidya Kedir 25,870.80
Meaza Taye Errounous Transfer 10,000.00

Total Current Liabilities 4,025,041.81

Long-Term Liabilities

Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00

Total Liabilities 4,025,041.81

Beginning Balance Equity 2,409,831.83
Net Income 688,326.96

Total Capital 3,098,158.79

Total Liabilities & Capital $ 7,123,200.60

11/09/2022 at 18:12:02 Unaudited - For Management Purposes Only

ET Village Association
Income Statement
For the Twelve Months Ending February 7, 2021

Current Month Year to Date

Commission Income $ 681,140.00 11.43 $ 681,140.00 11.43
Gate Pass (Resident ID) 5,880.00 0.10 5,880.00 0.10
Security Service Income 2,808,213.76 47.12 2,808,213.76 47.12
Vehicle Permit 9,030.00 0.15 9,030.00 0.15
Fence 2,386,037.30 40.03 2,386,037.30 40.03
Other Income 500.00 0.01 500.00 0.01
Unkown Income 41,625.30 0.70 41,625.30 0.70
Interest Income 27,584.21 0.46 27,584.21 0.46

Total Revenues 5,960,010.57 100.00 5,960,010.57 100.00

Cost of Sales

Total Cost of Sales 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Gross Profit 5,960,010.57 100.00 5,960,010.57 100.00

Salary Expense 1,517,646.84 25.46 1,517,646.84 25.46
Transport Allowance 336,400.00 5.64 336,400.00 5.64
Stationary & Comp. Accessories 14,701.95 0.25 14,701.95 0.25
Fuel Expense 18,560.00 0.31 18,560.00 0.31
Transport Expense 10,949.00 0.18 10,949.00 0.18
Labour Expense 26,916.00 0.45 26,916.00 0.45
Sewer Fleet Service 32,340.00 0.54 32,340.00 0.54
Electricity Charge 26,327.61 0.44 26,327.61 0.44
Cleaning Supplies 3,332.52 0.06 3,332.52 0.06
Service Charge Expense 132.00 0.00 132.00 0.00
Repair and Maintenance 9,375.00 0.16 9,375.00 0.16
Depreciation Expense 2,541.32 0.04 2,541.32 0.04
Printing Expense 8,780.06 0.15 8,780.06 0.15
Refreshment Expense 5,252.80 0.09 5,252.80 0.09

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ET Village Association
Income Statement
For the Twelve Months Ending February 7, 2021

Current Month Year to Date

Office Tools and Equipments 4,379.97 0.07 4,379.97 0.07
Allowance 500.00 0.01 500.00 0.01
Other Expense 2,793.00 0.05 2,793.00 0.05
Telephone Expense 500.00 0.01 500.00 0.01
Tax on Interest 1,379.22 0.02 1,379.22 0.02
Water Borehole Drilling 421,895.69 7.08 421,895.69 7.08
Guard Post Construction 569,004.30 9.55 569,004.30 9.55
Fence Construction Expense 1,932,472.40 32.42 1,932,472.40 32.42
Advertizing Expense 7,741.80 0.13 7,741.80 0.13
Compound Gates 215,315.21 3.61 215,315.21 3.61
Purchase of Plumbing Materials 37,354.99 0.63 37,354.99 0.63
Purchase of Electrical Materia 29,451.93 0.49 29,451.93 0.49
Toilet Drainage Work 9,600.00 0.16 9,600.00 0.16
Preparation of Slaughter Site 4,455.00 0.07 4,455.00 0.07
Dog Eradication 3,150.00 0.05 3,150.00 0.05
Purchase of Hand Torch 3,820.00 0.06 3,820.00 0.06
Tree Planting Expense 14,615.00 0.25 14,615.00 0.25

Total Expenses 5,271,683.61 88.45 5,271,683.61 88.45

Net Income $ 688,326.96 11.55 $ 688,326.96 11.55

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