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odern signal processing and control algorithms
The interface are invariably implemented digitally, yet most
real-world systems evolve in continuous time.
between the Hence, the interaction between sampling and
continuous world the behavior of continuous-time systems is an
important ingredient in all real-world signals and systems
and digital problems.
algorithms The literature on sampled-data systems goes back several
decades [1]–[5]. Modern systems allow much faster sampling
rates than were previously possible, which suggests that it is
timely to reexamine sampled-data models [6]–[8]. Such a
Graham C. Goodwin, re-examination is the main goal of this article. A tutorial over-
Juan Carlos AgÜero, Mauricio E. view is provided of several related topics, including
Cea Garrido, Mario E. Salgado, »» exact and approximate sampled-data models arising
and Juan I. Yuz from an underlying continuous-time system
»» connections between sampled-data models and the
underlying continuous-time systems at fast sampling
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCS.2013.2270403 rates
Date of publication: 16 September 2013 »» intersample behavior.

34  IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE  »  OCTOBER 2013 1066-033X/13/$31.00©2013ieee

Interest in sampling has grown in the industrial electronics area
over the past decade, with sophisticated control strategies such as model
predictive control becoming increasingly popular in applications.

Motivational Example angle measurement, was not successful. The lack of success
Digital control and estimation appear in almost all aspects was caused by the conjunction of the high sampling rate
of modern society including, although not restricted to, required by the MPC and the measurement noise due to
telecommunications, transportation, chemical processes, the angle quantization. Moreover, this noise is amplified in
biotechnology, semiconductor manufacture, heating and the speed estimate.
air conditioning, energy systems, minerals exploration, This motivating example shows that the use of sophisti-
and health care. In every case, sampling and sampled-data cated sampled-data models is a key enabling tool to achieve
models play a central role. Interest in sampling has grown appropriately designed digital controllers for continuous-
in the industrial electronics area over the past decade, with time systems. Other related ideas can be found in the recent
sophisticated control strategies such as model predictive control literature; see, for example, the discussion of multi-
control (MPC) becoming increasingly popular in applica- resolution MPC in [14].
tions [9]–[12]. The development of these control strategies
depends, among other things, upon the availability of Interfacing
sophisticated sampled-data models for the system. When interconnecting a continuous-time physical system of
Figure 1 depicts a power system [13] that exemplifies the type shown in Figure 1 to a digital computer, interface
two of the central ideas of this article—fast sampling and devices are needed at the input and output, as shown in
sampling-zero dynamics. Figure 3. There are four elements in the figure that play a key
The performance of the control scheme has been exper- role in determining the properties of the sampled system:
imentally tested for a 4-kW permanent magnet synchro- »» Hold: The hold is used to convert the discrete-time
nous motor (PMSM) driven by a commercial 7-kW inverter. sequence {u k} from the computer to a continuous-time
The inverter was modified to receive external gate signals. input signal suitable for application to the system. The
The control algorithm was implemented on a dSpace 1104 zero-order hold (ZOH)
platform with a sampling period of 30 n s. This rapid con-
trol prototyping board has an embedded processor that u (t) = u k for kD # t 1 (k + 1) D (1)
performs the real-time control tasks and communicates
with a host PC for data capture. The control algorithm is most commonly used, where D is the sampling time.
uses a reduced-order extended Kalman filter to estimate »» Physical system: The system typically evolves in con-
the state variables. To load the PMSM, a 4-kW induction tinuous time and is usually described by a set of
machine was coupled to the same shaft by a semiflexible linear or nonlinear differential equations.
coupling. The loading machine is fed by a commercial »» Anti-aliasing filter (AAF): This device prepares the con-
vector-controlled inverter with rotor speed feedback for tinuous-time output signal prior to taking samples.
improved performance. The inverter receives an analog »» Sampler: This device creates a discrete-time sequence
torque reference signal from the control platform. The dc {} k} by instantaneous sampling
links of both inverters are
connected in parallel to pro-
duce recirculation of power,
thus avoiding the use of brak- Inverter
~'m* Digital "
ing resistors. Controller
Figure 2 shows the mea- is
~'m Te Tt
sured torque and current for ~k
this setup and compares it to i'm ik
model estimates. An observa- Tt Tl
tion pointed out in [13] is that
the MPC strategy, when imple-
mented using an Euler approx- Figure 1 Sampled-data control scheme for a 4-kW permanent magnet synchronous machine
imation to estimate the speed (PMSM) coupled with a 4-kW induction machine that acts as a load. The control algorithm is model
based on a 4096 ppr encoder predictive control (MPC) with a sampling period of 30 μs (that is, the sampling frequency is 33 kHz).


} k = } (kD) . (2)
hl, h*l (r/min)

0 Folding
“Folding” is an inevitable consequence of sampling contin-
(a) uous-time signals. To illustrate the idea, consider a contin-
5 uous-time signal, f (t), having Fourier transform F (j~) .
Continuous-time Fourier transform [15]:
id, i*d (A)

0 3

F { f (t)} = F (j~) = # f (t) e -j~t dt. (3)
F -1
{F (j~)} = f (t) = 1 # F ( j~) e j~t d~. (4)
20 -3
iq (A)

0 The uniform sampling of f (t) with period D produces a

-20 sequence { f (kD)} having discrete-time Fourier transform
(DTFT) Fd (e j~D) .
(c) DTFT [15]:
ia, ib, ic (A)

20 3

Fd { fk} = Fd (e j~D) = D / fk e -j~kD . (5)
k =-3

(d) F d- 1 {Fd (e j~D)} = fk = 1 # Fd (e j~D) e j~kD d~. (6)

2r - r/D
The above equations are scaled by D (in the definition of
Ttt (nm)

the DTFT) to obtain consistency between discrete time and
-10 continuous time [15].
(e) The sampled sequence { fk} does not have energy and
10 thus does not have a continuous-time Fourier transform.
Ttl, T*l (nm)

5 However, a related signal (sometimes called the instrumen-

tal signal) is defined by
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 fD (t) = D / fk d (t - kD), (7)
k =-3
t (s)
where d ($) is the impulse function (a.k.a. Dirac delta func-
tion). The signal fD (t) has a continuous-time Fourier trans-
Figure 2 Experimental results for the operation of the permanent form that satisfies
magnet synchronous machine shown in Figure 1, using a fast-sam-
pling model predictive control scheme. The signals are: (a) the load F { fD (t)} = Fd { fk} . (8)
speed h k (red) and reference h )k (dashed); (b) the direct stator cur-
rent component i d (green) and reference i )d (dashed); (c) the
F { fD (t)} and Fd { fk} are related to the Fourier transform
quadrature stator current component i q ; (d) the stator currents i a
(red), i b (green), and i c (blue); (e) the estimated torsional torque in F (j~) of f (t) by [15]
the flexible coupling Ttt ; and (f) the estimated load torque Ttk (purple) 3
and reference T )k (dashed) used for the induction machine used as Fd ( fk) = / F ( j~ + j2rl/D), ~ ! [r/D, r/D] . (9)
a load. l =-3

Disturbances Measurement
o Noise Sampling
o Period
Continuous D
Discrete Input Input Physical
Hold Continuous-Time AAF
uk u(t) z(t) = y(t)
o }(t) }k
System (Plant)
Sampled-Data Model

Figure 3 Sampled-data system showing the interface devices, a hold on the input, and an anti-aliasing filter on the output.


Equations (8) and (9) establish a link between the continuous-
and discrete-time domains.
The result shown in (9) is commonly called “folding.”
The result can be stated as sampling in the time domain pro-
duces folding in the frequency domain. (The dual result is that OF( j~)S
sampling in the frequency domain produces folding in the time
domain.) The folding process is illustrated in Figure 4.

Sampled-data Models for Linear Systems

having Deterministic Inputs -r 0 r ~
Sampling has an impact on models for systems. A conve- D D
nient simplification is to focus on sampled inputs and sam-
pled outputs only (for discussion of intersample issues, see
“Intersample Properties”).
Consider a general linear time-invariant, continuous-time OFd(e j~D)S
system described in state-space form by

xo (t) = Ax (t) + Bu (t), (10)

OF( j~)S
z (t) = yo (t) = Cx (t) . (11)

-r 0 r ~
The notation z (t) = yo (t) is used for consistency with con- D D
tinuous-time stochastic models as discussed later. The model
(10) and (11) can also be expressed in incremental form as Figure 4 The folding process. The blue line shows the magnitude of
the spectrum, | F ( j~)| , of a continuous-time signal. The red line
dx (t) = Ax (t) dt + Bu (t) dt, (12) shows the magnitude of the discrete-time spectrum Fd (e j~D) . The
arrows represent how the spectrum at different bandwidth locations
z (t) dt = dy (t) = Cx (t) dt. (13)
overlap on the same frequency range [- r/D, r/D] .

For the model (10) and (11), an exact discrete-time model

linking the sampled inputs to the sampled outputs can be A discrete-time transfer function representation of the
obtained by integrating the continuous-time model [16], [17]. sampled-data system can also be obtained directly from
Here, it is assumed that the AAF is included in the model (15)–(16). For example, in the scalar case,
and thus the output is denoted by } (t) . Also, the sampling
is considered to be regular in time (for a discussion of alter- G q (z) = C (zI n - A q) -1 B q , (18)
natives, see “Event-Based (Lebesgue) Sampling”). Fq (z) rfn -1 z n -1 + g +rf0
G q (z) = = n , (19)
E q (z) z + re n -1 z n -1 + g + re 0
Fact 1 (See [15] and [16])
Assume that the continuous-time input signal is generated where z denotes the Z-transform variable. When s = m , is a
by a ZOH continuous-time pole, that is, an eigenvalue of the matrix
A, then z = e m, D is a pole of the discrete-time transfer func-
u (t) = u k, for t ! [kD, (k + 1) D) (14) tion, that is, an eigenvalue of A q .
The expressions obtained in (18)–(19) are equivalent to
and that the output is instantaneously sampled at uniform the pulse transfer function obtained directly from the con-
period D. When the input of the continuous-time system tinuous-time transfer function.
(10)–(11) is generated from the input sequence u k using a
ZOH, a state-space representation of the resulting sampled- Fact 2 (See [16])
data model is The sampled-data transfer function (18) can also be
obtained using the inverse Laplace transform of the contin-
x = x k +1 = A q x k + B q u k, (15)
uous-time step response by computing its Z-transform and
} k = Cx k, (16) dividing by the Z-transform of a discrete-time step. Hence

where the sampled output is } k = } (kD) . The discrete-

G q (z) = (1 - z -1) Z ' L-1 ' 1 1, (20)
G (s)
time system matrices satisfy
s t = kD
A q = e AD and B q = # e Ah Bdh. (17) -1
e sD G (s) ds, (21)
= 1 -z
c + j3


# -j3 z - e sD s
 4 c


Intersample Properties

T he main results described in this review article focus on Fact 11

the at sample response. Two useful ways of describing the The continuous- and discrete-time signals in Figure S1 satisfy
intersample response are outlined below.
W d (e j~T) = [G (j~) U (j~)] q, (S4)
Frequency domain
The modified Z-transform is a commonly used tool for analyz- where [GU] q denotes the folded form of GU, that is
ing intersample behavior [4]. Related ideas from [21, Chap. 14]
are outlined below.
[GU] q = 1 / G ^ j~ + j2r, /D h U ^ j~ + j2r, /D h . 

For linear systems, the frequency response of the discrete- D , =-3 (S5)
time signal can be related to the continuous-time signal prior
to sampling. To illustrate, consider the signals in Figure S1. Fact 11 follows from the usual folding produced by sam-
The relationships among different signals are described below. pling.
The above facts have important implications in the digital
Fact 9 control of continuous-time processes [21]. For example, it fol-
The continuous- and discrete-time signals in Figure S1 satisfy lows that
the identity
1 / G c j c ~ + 2r , mm H c j c ~ + 2r , mm

j~ D , =-3 D D
W d (e ) [GH] q
U ( j~) = 1 H ( j~) U d (e j~D), (S1) W (j~)
1 (GH)
1 G (j~) H (j~)
where H (s) = ^1 - e -sDh s is the transfer function of a ZOH
and U (j~) = # z (t) e -j~t dt and U d (e j~T) = D / k =-3 u k e -j~kD
3 3
Folding (as evident in the numerator of the above expres-
are the continuous- and DTFs of z (t) and u k, respectively. sion) leads to sampling zeros. For example, if the relative
Fact 9 follows immediately from the definition of H (j~) and degree of G is even, then there is an asymptotic sampling
U d (e j~) . Note that U (j~) is the product of a nonperiodic func- zero at ~ = r/D. In this case, the ratio of W (j~) (the continu-
tion H (j~) and periodic function U d (e j~T) . ous-time frequency response) and W d (e j~T) (the discrete-time
frequency response) can become very large near the Nyquist
Fact 10 frequency.
The Fourier transform of the discrete-time signals in Figure S1 For this reason, it is generally never appropriate to have
satisfy significant frequency content in W d (e j~T) near the Nyquist
frequency since doing so leads to a very large (approaching
W d (e j~T) = [GH] q U d (e j~T), (S2) 3 as T " 0 ) component in the continuous-time response at
this frequency.
where W d (e j~T) is the (scaled) DTFT given by W d (e j~T) =
Two illustrations of this idea are presented:
D / -3 } k e -j~kD and [GH] q denotes the folded frequency
• Consider a continuous-time plant with transfer function
response of GH, that is
[21, p. 366]

[GH] q = 1 / G ^ j~ + j2r, /D h H ^ j~ + j2r, /D h . (S3)


D , =-3 G (s) = 1 . (S7)
s (s + 1)
Fact 10 follows from the observation that the discrete-trans-
fer function is the folded version of GH. The sampling period is chosen as T = 0.1.
It is desired that the closed-loop response time be one
sampling period. Recall the discussion in the section “Are
uk z(t) }(t) D }k
Deterministic Sampling Zeros Important?” that suggests
Ud(e j~D) U( j~) W( j~) Wd(e j~D) that the sampling zeros cannot be ignored in this case.
The exact sampled-data model in shift-operator form is
Figure S1 Signals involved in a sampling process: ZOH repre-
sents a zero order hold, G ^s h is any system, and D is the sam- G q (z) = 0.0048 z + 0.967 . (S8)
pling time. (z - 1) (z - 0.905)


Then, over the period D,

1.5 R x k +1 V R0 g 0 Alq V Rx k -m +1V

S x k +2 W S h h h WS h W
Plant Output

1 S h W =Sh h W
h W x k -1 W
T k +mX T R 0 g 0 (A q)
l xk X
S Blq 0 g 0 W R uk V
S Alq Blq Blq j h W S u k +1 W
0 +S W . (S11)
S h j j 0 WS h W
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 S(Alq) m -1 Blq g g BlqW Su k +m -1W 
Time (s) T XT X

It is then possible to constrain the relationship between the

Figure S2 Sampled response (red line) and continuous-time
inputs. For example, a ZOH has the property
response (blue line).

u k = u k +1 = g = u k +m -1 . (S12)
When the feedback controller
Substituting into (S11) leads to the state-space system
C q (z) = 208.33 z - 0.905 (S9)
z + 0.967
x (k +1) m = (Alq) m x km + [Blq + Alq Blq + g + (Alq) m -1 Blq] u km, (S13)
is used, the discrete-time response reaches the set-point
in one sample period. from which the other intersample values of the state are given
The sampled response of the closed loop for a step by the output equation
reference signal is shown in Figure S2. The correspond-
R x km V R I n V R
ing continuous-time response is also in Figure S2. Note S W S W S W
the large intersample response, as predicted above. S x km +1 W S Alq W S Blq W
S W = S W x km + S W u km .
h S h W S h W
• The basic idea of repetitive (or iterative learning) con- S W S m -1W S
Tx km +m -1X T(A q)
l Blq + Alq Blq + g + (Alq) m -2
trol is to track a periodic discrete-time reference signal X T X
(for example, see [S1] and [S2]). However, the design
bandwidth is then comparable to the sample period. Any required design (H 2, H 3, f) can then be carried out
Two consequences are 1) sampling-zero dynamics in a hybrid form with sampled control and a cost function that
cannot be ignored and 2) there is the strong possibility reflects the intersample response. Similar ideas can be applied
of large intersample behavior (see further discussion to optimal filtering. Indeed, it is shown in [S5] that the hybrid
in [21, p. 375]). Similar comments apply to the use of optimal filtering problem and the hybrid regulator problem are
generalized holds (see [15] and [S3]). One option to dual to each other with the AAF in the hybrid filter being dual to
reduce the undesirable intersample behavior is to fil- the hold circuit in the hybrid regulator. Related ideas have also
ter the control action so that the tracking bandwidth is been used in the context of nonlinear filtering; see [S6].
made small relative to the Nyquist frequency. Alterna-
tively, lifting could be used to describe the intersample REFERENCES
behavior, as discussed below. [S1] R. H. Middleton, G. C. Goodwin, and R. W. Longman, “A method
for improving the dynamic accuracy of a robot performing a repetitive
task,” Int. J. Robot. Res., vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 67–74, Oct. 1989.
Time Domain [S2] R. W. Longman and C. P. Lo, “Generalized holds, ripple attenua-
tion, and tracking additional outputs in learning control,” J. Guid. Con-
It is also possible to capture the intersample response in the
trol Dyn., vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1207–1214, 1997.
time domain using lifting ideas [S4]. The key idea is to use a [S3] A. Feuer and G. C. Goodwin, “Generalized sample hold func-
form of series-to-parallel conversion. To illustrate, consider the tions—Frequency-domain analysis of robustness, sensitivity, and in-
tersample difficulties,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 39, no. 5, pp.
final goal of using a sampling period of D. Then, it is conve-
1042–1047, May 1994.
nient to employ an up-sampling period Dl = D /m , where m is [S4] T. Chen and B. A. Francis, Optimal Sampled-Data Control Sys-
an integer $ 1. Consider a discrete-time deterministic system tems. London: Springer-Verlag, 1995.
[S5] G. C. Goodwin, D. Q. Mayne, and A. Feuer, “Duality of hybrid op-
with model appropriate to the period Dl ,
timal regulator and hybrid optimal filter,” Int. J. Control, vol. 61, no. 6,
pp. 1465–1471, 1995.
[S6] M. G. Cea and G. C. Goodwin, “Temporal sampling issues in discrete
x k +1 = Alq x k + Blq u k . (S10) nonlinear filtering,” Automatica, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 138–146, Jan. 2013.


Event-Based (Lebesgue) Sampling

T his article has emphasized regular sampling; indeed, most

current implementations of digital control and estimation Riemann Sampling Lebesgue Sampling
use regular sampling with fixed period D; see, for example,
[8], [15], [16], and [S7]. However, there is sometimes strong
practical motivation to change this paradigm to one in which
samples are taken only “when something interesting” hap-
pens. The corresponding strategy is called “event-based”
(or Lebesgue) sampling. In this framework a measurement
is taken (or transmitted) only when the variable crosses a
given threshold. Thus, the sampling is not regular in the time
D Time Time
domain. The latter strategy has many advantages, including
(a) (b)
conserving valuable communication resources, in the context
of networked control or sensor networks since, in principle, Figure S3 Riemann versus Lebesgue sampling.
only 1 bit is needed to indicate that the signal has crossed the
upper or lower threshold. REFERENCES
Substantial literature exists on event-based sampling. [S7] D. Hristu-Varsakelis and W. S. Levine, Handbook of Networked
and Embedded Control Systems. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, 2005.
An early seminal paper was [S8]. Other related publications [S8] K. J. Åström and B. M. Bernhardsson, “Comparison of Riemann
include [S9]–[S11]. The core idea is illustrated in Figure S3. and Lebesgue sampling for first order stochastic systems,” in Proc. 41st
Several important issues arise in the context of event- IEEE Conf. Decision Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2002, pp. 2011–2016.
[S9] M. G. Cea and G. C. Goodwin, “Event based sampling in non-linear
based sampling [S6].
filtering,” Control Eng. Pract., vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 963–971, Oct. 2012.
1) Alternative considerations apply to the design of the AAF. [S10] P. Tabuada, “Event-triggered real-time scheduling of stabilizing
2) Between threshold crossings, there remains an important control tasks,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 1680–
1685, Sept. 2007.
piece of information, namely, the signal is not arbitrary.
[S11] Y. K. Xu and X. R. Cao, “Lebesgue-sampling-based optimal con-
Instead, the signal lies in the interval between the sam- trol problems with time aggregation,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Contr., vol. 56,
pling thresholds. no. 5, pp. 1097–1109, May 2011.

where G (s) is the continuous-time transfer function, D is Example 1

the sampling period, and c ! R is such that all poles of Consider a continuous-time system with transfer function
G (s) /s have real part less than c. Furthermore, when the
integration path in (21) is closed by a semicircle to the 6 (s + 5)
G (s) = . (25)
right, (s + 2) (s + 3) (s + 4)

3 G ((log z + 2rj,) /D) The corresponding exact sampled-data model for sam-
G q (z) = (1 - z -1) / log z + 2rj,
. (22)
, =-3 pling period D = 0.01 is given by
2.96 # 10 -4 (z + 0.99) (z - 0.95)
Equation (22), when considered in the frequency domain G q (z ) = . (26)
(z - 0.98) (z - 0.97) (z - 0.96)
by substituting z = e j~D, again illustrates folding; namely,
the frequency response of the sampled-data system is
obtained by folding the continuous-time frequency Asymptotic Sampling Zeros
response of the plant plus hold, The exact model given in (26) has two zeros. The presence of
these zeros contrast with the original continuous-time model
G q (e j~D) = 1 / H ZOH (j~ ,) G (j~ ,), (23) (25), which has only one finite zero. The extra zero in the dis-
D , =-3 crete-time model arises from the folding process. Indeed,
discrete-time models generally (save for certain nongeneric
where ~ , = ~ + (2r/D) , and H ZOH (s) is the Laplace trans- cases) have relative degree one, independent of the relative
form of the ZOH impulse response, degree of the underlying continuous-time system. To better
understand this phenomenon, it is convenient to begin by
H ZOH (s) = 1 - e . (24) considering an rth-order integrator. Such systems are the key
to understanding more general results. Indeed, as the sampling
Equation (23) can be also derived from (18) using the state- rate increases, all systems of relative degree r, behave as an
space matrices in (17) (for example, see [15, Lemma 4.6.1]). rth-order integrator over short intervals of time [18].


Fact 3 [18] The above result highlights the fact that the folding pro-
For any sampling period D, the pulse transfer function cor- cess is directly responsible for the occurrence of the sam-
responding to an r th-order integrator G (s) = s -r is exactly pling zeros [see also (22)]. The idea can be extended to more
given by general systems:
r B (z)
G q ( z) = D
, (27) Fact 5 [18, Thm. 1]
r! (z - 1) r
Let G (s) be a rational function
F (s)
G (s) =
B r (z) = b 1r z r -1 + b r2 z r -2 + g + b rr, (28) E (s)

r +1 (s - c 1) (s - c 2) g (s - c m) (37)
b = / (- 1) k -, , r c m . (29)
r =K
k (s - p 1) (s - p 2) g (s - p n)
, =1
k -,
 4 and let G q (z) be the corresponding pulse transfer function.
The polynomials defined in (28)–(29) are known as the Assume that m 1 n, that is, G (s) is strictly proper, having
Euler-Frobenius polynomials. These polynomials are also called relative degree r = (n - m) $ 1. Then, as the sampling
reciprocal polynomials [19] and satisfy several properties [20]. period D goes to 0, m zeros of G q (z) tend to one as e ci D, and
1) The coefficients can be computed recursively, that is, the remaining r - 1 zeros of G q (z) tend to the zeros of the
b r1 = b rr = 1, for all r $ 1, and polynomial B r (z) defined in Fact 3,

D.0 D r (z - 1) m B r (z)
b rk = kb rk -1 + (r - k + 1) b rk --11 , (30) G q (z) K . (38)
r! (z - 1) n

for k = 2, g, r - 1.  4
2) The coefficients satisfy b rk = b rr -k +1 . Hence it follows The above result explains the term (z + 0.99) in the
that, if B r (z 0) = 0, then B r (z 0-1) = 0. numerator of (26). As predicted, this term is very close to
3) The roots are always negative real. the asymptotic term (z + 1) in (33).
4) The polynomials satisfy an interlacing property,
namely, every root of the polynomial B r (z) lies Approximate Deterministic
between every two adjacent roots of B r +1 (z), for r $ 2. Discrete-Time Models
5) The recursive relation For linear systems, it is possible to obtain exact discrete-
time models by use of a matrix exponential as in (15) and
B r +1 (z) = z (1 - z) Blr (z) + (rz + 1) B r (z) (31) (16). However, such models cannot be readily obtained for
nonlinear systems. This observation motivates the study of
holds for all r $ 1, and where Blr = (dB r /dz) . approximate discrete-time models.
The first polynomials in the series are
Euler Approximate Models
B 1 (z) = 1, (32)
One appealing choice for an approximate model is to use
B 2 (z) = z + 1, (33) Euler integration. Beginning with the continuous-time
B 3 (z) = z 2 + 4z + 1 system (10)–(11), the corresponding Euler approximate
 model is
= (z + 2 + 3 ) (z + 2 - 3 ), (34)
3 2
B 4 (z) = z + 11z + 11z + 1 (x Ek ) + = A Eq x Ek + B Eq u k, (39)

= (z + 1) (z + 5 + 2 6 ) (z + 5 - 2 6 ) . (35) E E
} k = Cx k , (40)
In the frequency domain, a special case of interest is
when the infinite sum (22) is combined with Fact 3, leading where
to the following fact.
A Eq = I + AD, (41)
Fact 4 [18] B Eq = BD, (42)
The identity
and the superscript “ E ” denotes states and matrices in the
r -1 (z)
/ log z +1 j2rk r = (r -D 1) ! zB
3 r
(36) Euler model. The resulting discrete-time transfer function is
k =-3 c m
(z - 1) r
G Eq (z) = C (zI - I - AD) -1 BD. (43)
holds, where z = e j~D and B r -1 (z) are the Euler-Frobenius
polynomials. This model is often called a simple derivative replacement
 4 (SDR) model since the approximate model is obtained by


replacing the Laplace transform variable s by (z - 1) /D. Returning to sampled-data models, all transfer func-
The SDR model has error of order D 2 in the state response tions of relative degree r have response of order D r at the
since e AD is approximated by I + AD. sampling frequency. Consider, for example, 1/s r . Then, at
The above analysis seems to lead to a suitable approxi- frequency ~ = r/D, the magnitude of the continuous-time
mate model, provided that the sampling rate is sufficiently response is D r /r r . Hence, although the error in Euler
high. However, there is a subtle trap. In most practical models is of order D 2, the relative error in such models
applications, what matters is the relative error of the model. does not go to zero as D tends to zero for relative degree
As a simple explanation of the importance of relative greater than or equal to two. This observation motivates
errors, consider an error of 0.01. This error is small (1%) the search for approximate models that are more accurate
compared to a nominal size of one. However, when an error than those obtained by Euler integration.
of 0.01 occurs in a quantity of nominal size 0.001, then the To further illustrate the problem, consider again the con-
error is 1000%. tinuous-time linear system (25). Figure 5 shows the magni-
Relative errors usually appear as gain factors. For tude of the relative error
example, in robust control, a sufficient condition for
robust stability is that |T0 G D| be less than one at all fre- G q (z) - G Eq (z)
R (z ) = (44)
quencies. Here G D is the relative error in the plant transfer G q (z)
function and T0 is the nominal complementary sensitivity
function [21]. plotted as a function of frequency. As predicted, the rela-
tive error does not tend to zero as D tends to zero.
Two alternative methods for achieving approximate
sampled-data models whose relative error goes to zero (as
20 D " 0 ) are described below.
D = 0.1 D = 0.01
0 Approximate Models in the Frequency Domain
Magnitude (dB)

-10 One idea for achieving a more accurate sampled-data

-20 model is to append the asymptotic sampling zeros to the
D = 0.001
-30 Euler approximate model. This strategy leads to
-50 G sz E
q = kG q (z) B r (z), (45)

-70 where k is a constant that can be chosen to set the dc gain
to the exact value.
10-1 100 101 102 103
The significance of model (45) is that this approximate
Frequency (rad/s)
model achieves the objective of having its relative errors go
to zero as D approaches zero. Figure 6 shows the corre-
Figure 5 Magnitude of relative error as a function of frequency for
the Euler model, at different sampling rates. Note that 0 dB corre- sponding magnitude of the relative error as a function of
sponds to a relative error of 100%. frequency for the continuous-time system (25), where

G q (z) - G szq ( z)
R (z) = . (46)
G q (z)
In this case, the relative errors go to zero as D approaches
Magnitude (dB)

-20 D = 0.1 Approximate Models in the Time Domain
-30 The frequency-domain ideas described above do not extend
-40 D = 0.01 readily to nonlinear systems. As a prelude to the nonlinear
-50 case, alternative time-domain methods are described next.
-60 D = 0.001 To explain the ideas, it is convenient to first express the
-70 system in a special form called the normal form [22].
10-1 100 101 102 103 Consider a continuous-time linear system having rela-
Frequency (rad/s) tive degree r = n - m expressed in transfer function form as

Figure 6 Relative errors for model with sampling zeros. The relative b m s m + b m -1 s m -1 + g + b 1 s + b 0
G (s) = , (47)
errors go to zero as D " 0 . s n + a n -1 s n -1 + g + a 1 s + a 0


r -1
where b m ! 0. Transfer function (47) can be modeled in p 2 (kD + D) = p 2 (kD) + g + D [Q p + Q 12 h + b m u] t = t2 ,
(r - 1) ! 11
state-space form as

xo = Ax (t) + Bu (t), (48) h

p r (kD + D) = p r (kD) + D [Q 11 p + Q 12 h + b m u] t = t r , (60)
z (t) = Cx (t), (49)
h (kD + D) = h (kD) + D [Q 21 p + Q 22 h] t = t r +1 , (61)

for some (unknown) time instants kD 1 t , 1 kD + D ,

A =; E, B = ; E, (50)
0 n -1 # 1 I n -1 0 n -1 # 1

-a 0 -a 1 g - a n - 1 1 , = 1, f, r + 1. The model (58)–(61) is exact. An approximate
sampled-data model is obtained by replacing the unknown
C = 6b 0 b 1 g b m -1 b m 0 g 0@ . (51)
time instants t , with kD, that is,

A state-space representation of a linear system in normal pt 1 = pt 1 + Dpt 2 + g +

+ D r [Q pt + Q ht + b u ], (62)
11 12 m k
form is then given by
pt 2 = pt 2 + g +
+ D r -1 [Q pt + Q ht + b u ], (63)
R o V R V (r - 1) ! 11 12 m k

S p1 W S p2 W
S h W S h W h
Sp r -1W = S pr W , (52) pt r = pt r + D [Q 11 pt + Q 12 ht + b m u k], (64)
S o W S W
S p W S Q p + Q h + b uW ht = ht + D [Q 21 pt + Q 22 ht], (65)
r 11 12 m
S ho W S Q p + Q h W
21 22
z = p 1 , (53) where pt, = pt, (kD), pt+, = pt, (kD + D), ht =ht (kD), ht+ =ht (kD + D),
and u k is the ZOH input.
where g = [p 1, f, p r] T, h = [p r + 1, f, p n] T, and The above model (62)–(65) is called the TTS model. The
TTS model can be expressed compactly as [23]
= G = Mx, (54)

pt = A r pt + B r [Q 11 pt + Q 12 ht + b m u], (66)
q q
h +

S W ht = ht + D [Q 21 pt + Q 22 ht], (67)

M =S h W, (55)
S r -1 W
S Im 0m # r W where R Tr - 1 V
T X S1 T g (r - 1)! W
S0 j h W
where Q 11, Q 12, Q 21, and Q 22 satisfy A qr = S W (68)
S h j T W
S0 g 0 1 W
CA r M -1 = G = Q 11 p + Q 12 h, (56)
p T X
R Tr V
h S r! W
B qr = S h W . (69)
6I m 0@ AM -1 = G = Q 21 p + Q 22 h. (57)

A key observation concerning the above normal form is Remarkably, the above approximate sampled-data
that the first r states (where r is the relative degree) are a chain model contains the asymptotic sampling zeros. To illus-
of integrators. Indeed, this observation is consistent with the trate, consider the continuous-time system (25). The above
smoothness of the output resulting from the relative degree of procedure results in the approximate sampled-data
the system. The first state p 1 corresponds to the output z, and model
the second state p 2 to zo . It is then possible to use Taylor series
of different orders for the states. In particular, a truncated 3D 2 (z + 1) (z - 1 + 5D)
q (z) =
Taylor series (TTS) expansion of order r, r - 1, f, 1 is used for r (z) , (70)
(z - 1 + 4 D ) E
the states p 1, f, p r, respectively, and a first-order expansion is
used for all the components in h . Performing this calculation, where
the states at time kD + D can be exactly expressed as
r (z) = z 2 - 2z + 1 + 3D 2 z + 3D 2 + 5Dz - 5D. (71)
p 1 (kD + D) = p 1 (kD) + Dp 2 (kD) + g
r  The term (z + 1) in the numerator is the asymptotic sam-
+ D [Q 11 p + Q 12 h + b m u] t = t1 , (58)
r! pling-zero polynomial; see (33).


Nonlinear Deterministic Systems Truncated Taylor Series Approximate Model
The TTS sampled-data model can be extended to nonlinear As in the linear case, a Taylor series expansion of different
systems. orders can be applied to z (t) and to each of its r - 1 deriva-
For simplicity, consider the class of nonlinear systems tives. Thus, the state variables g , at t = kD + D can be
where the model is affine in the input. An appropriate con- exactly expressed by
tinuous-time, state-space model is
p 1 ( k D + D) = p 1 ( k D ) + D p 2 ( k D ) + g
xo (t) = f (x (t)) + g (x (t)) u (t), (72) Dr 
+ r! [a (g, h) + b (g, h) u] t = p 1, (81)
z (t) = h (x (t)), (73)
r -1
p 2 (kD + D) = p 2 (kD) + g + (rD-1)! [a (g, h) + b (g, h) u] t = p 2, (82)
where x (t) is the state evolving in an open subset M 1 R n h
and the vector fields f ($) and g ($), and the output function p r (kD + D) = p r (kD) + D[a (g, h) + b (g, h) u] t = p r, (83)
h ($), are analytic.
The extension of the TTS to nonlinear systems requires
an appropriate extension of the notion of relative degree to and
the nonlinear case. The nonlinear system (72)–(73) is said to
have relative degree r at a point x o if [22]
h (kD + D) = h (kD) + D[c (g, h)] t = p r +1, (84)
i) L g L kf h (x) = 0 for all x in a neighborhood of x o and all
k = 0, f, r - 2
ii) L g L rf -1 h (x o) ! 0, for some time instants kD 1 p , 1 kD + D, , = 1, f, r + 1.
where L g and L f correspond to Lie derivatives. For exam- This sampled model is exact within the sampling interval
ple, L g h (x) = (2h/2x) g (x) . kD # p , 1 kD + D (for some unknown time instants p , ),
Intuitively, the relative degree, as defined above, corre- where the input u is continuous (in fact, constant due to the
sponds to the number of times that the output z (t) must be ZOH).
differentiated for the input u (t) to appear explicitly. The approximate discrete-time model is

Normal Form pt1 = pt1 + D pt2 + g +

+ Dr
r! [a (gt, ht) + b (gt, ht) u k], (85)
Similar to the linear case described earlier, there exists a
p2 = pt2 + g + D r -1
(r -1)! [a (gt, ht) + b (gt, ht) u k], (86)
coordinate transform for the nonlinear case, n = M (x), such
that the model in the new coordinates is in normal form [22], h
ptr = ptr + D[a (gt, ht) + b (gt, ht) u k], (87)

S0 W S W
Sh I r -1 W and
go = S W g + S W (a (g, h) + b (g, h) u (t)), (74)
S 0 W 0
S W ht = ht + Dc (gt, ht), (88)
S 0 0 g 0W
ho = c (g, h), (75) where pt, = pt, (kD), pt+, = pt, (kD + D), ht = h (kD), ht+ = ht (kD + D),
z (t) = g 1 = h (x), (76) and u k is the ZOH input.
As for the linear case, the model (84)–(86) is known as a
where the state vector is TTS model (see [24] and [25]). The model has extra sam-
pling-zero dynamics. An important fact [24] is that these
Rn V RM (x)V extra dynamics are identical to the sampling-zero dynam-
S 1W S 1 W
SM 2 (x)W ics that arise in the linear case for a system having the same
n (t ) = ; E = SS WW = S
g (t ) n2
= M (x) (77)
h (t ) h h WW relative degree.
Tn nX TM n (x)X
Measures of Accuracy
and Different measures can be used to quantify the accuracy of
nonlinear approximate sampled-data models. For example,
the output of the model could be compared with the true
a (g, h) = a ( n) = L rf h (M -1 ( n)), (78) system output after one sampling interval, after a fixed number
of sampling instants or at the end of a fixed continuous-time
b (g, h) = b ( n) = L g L rf -1 h (M -1 ( n)), (79)
interval. These notions are captured in the definitions pre-
L f M r +1 (M -1 ( n))
c (g, h) = c ( n) = > H. (80)
sented below. These definitions combine system theory ideas
h (normal forms) and numerical analysis tools [26].
L f M n (M -1 ( n)) To quantify the errors, define the notation


f (D) ! O (g (D)) (89) 1) local vector fixed-step truncation error of order
(D r +1, D r, f, D 2, D 2)
for two functions f ($) and g ($) if 2) global vector fixed-time truncation error of order
(D, f, D) .
f (D) # Cg (D) (90)
The fact that the output has a local vector truncation error
of order D r +1 is particularly significant. Recall that an r th-
for all D 1 D 0 and where C is a constant. order integrator has response of order D r /r r at ~ = r/D.
The local vector fixed-step truncation error of the approxi- Hence, it seems heuristically reasonable that a model should
mate model is said to be of the order of (D m1, f, D mn) if and be required whose output errors are at least of order D r +1, if
only if, for initial state errors it is desired that the relative errors go to zero as D " 0 . This
idea is captured by the TTS approximate model.
xt 1 [k] - x 1 [k] ! O (D mr 1),
* h (91)
Are Deterministic Sampling
xt n [k] - x n [k] ! O (D mr n),
Zeros Important?
for any m r i $ m i, i = 1, f, n, then after N steps, where N is Whether deterministic sampling zeros are important
a finite fixed number, depends on how the sampled-data model is used. Two pos-
sible scenarios (amongst many) are considered below.
xt 1 [k + N] - x 1 [k + N] ! O (D m1),
* h (92)
Design Bandwidth Small Relative
xt n [k + N] - x n [k + N] ! O (D mn) .
to Sampling Frequency
This definition describes the accumulation of errors over a Consider the situation where the goal is to achieve a fixed
fixed number of time steps. (continuous) response time or, equivalently, a “design band-
Now consider an alternative definition that captures the width” independent of D. Select the sampling period so the
errors when an approximated discrete-time model is Nyquist frequency (r/D) is well above the chosen design
applied for a given continuous-time interval. The global bandwidth. In this case, the sampling zeros play a diminish-
vector fixed-time truncation error of an approximate model is ing role as the sampling frequency increases. Specifically,
said to be of the order of (D um1, f, D umn) if and only if, for provided the sampling frequency is greater (e.g., by an order
initial state errors of magnitude) than the design bandwidth, then it usually
suffices to use the derivative replacement model obtained by
xt 1 [k] - x 1 [k] ! O (D mr 1),
means of Euler integration and to ignore the artifacts of sam-
h (93)
pling (including the sampling-zero dynamics). This princi-
xt n [k] - x n [k] ! O (D mr n),
ple underlies the observation that discrete-time designs
for any m r i $ mu i, i = 1, f, n, then after a fixed (continuous) typically converge to the underlying continuous-time design
time T, that is after N = 6T/D@ steps, as D " 0 (with the caveat that the design bandwidth does not
Z vary with D ). An illustration of this principle is given in the
] xt 1 [k + N] - x 1 [k + N] ! O (D u ),
section “Connecting Sampled-Data Models to the Underly-
[ h (94)
] xt n [k + N] - x n [k + N] ! O (D umn) . ing Continuous-Time Model Using Incremental Models,”
\ where it is shown that the discrete-time Kalman filter con-
The key difference between local and global errors is verges to the continuous-time Kalman filter as D " 0 .
that, in the case of global errors, the number of steps is a
function of the sampling time D. As D decreases, the Design Bandwidth Comparable
number of iteration steps, N, where the error bound is mea- to the Sampling Frequency
sured, increases since T remains fixed. In the case of local Next consider the situation where the desired response
errors, the error bound is always measured after a fixed time is comparable to the sampling period. Then, the
number of steps. “design bandwidth” is comparable to the Nyquist fre-
The next result captures the error properties of the non- quency (r/D) . In this case, a high-fidelity model is needed
linear TTS model. that also captures the sampling-zero dynamics. An illustra-
tion of this idea is given below.
Fact 6 [25]
Assume that the continuous-time nonlinear model (72)– Example 2
(73) has uniform relative degree r # n in the open subset Consider the third-order continuous-time system
M 1 R n, and, thus, the system can be expressed in the
normal form (74)–(77). Then, the approximate TTS model G (s) = 1 . (95)
(84)–(86) has (s - 1) 3


The corresponding state-space model in normal form is Continuous-Time Stochastic Signals
Z A key concept underpinning continuous-time stochastic
0 1 0 0
] xo (t) = >0 0 1H x (t) + >0H u (t),
] signals is that of a wide-sense continuous-time stationary pro-
[ (96) cess. A special instance of such signals is a Wiener process
] 1 -3 3 1
z (t) = 61 0 0@ x (t) .
] v (t) ([27]–[29]), which is a signal with the properties
\ 1) v (t) has zero mean, that is, E " v (t) , = 0, for all t
This system is unstable and has relative degree three. 2) The increments of v (t) are independent, that is,
The sampling period is taken to be D = 0.01. The exact E {(v (t 1) - v (t 2)) (v (s 1) - v (s 2))} = 0 for all t 1 2 t 2 2
sampled-data model for the system, assuming a ZOH s1 2 s2 $ 0
input, can be readily obtained as 3) For every s and t, s # t, the increments v (t) - v (s)
have a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and
1.6792 # 10 -7 (z + 3.76) (z + 0.27)
G q (z ) = . (97) variance E " (v (t) - v (s)) 2 , = v 2v | t - s |.
(z - 1.01) 3
This process is not differentiable almost everywhere [28].
The SDR model obtained from (39)–(42) written as a However, the continuous-time white noise (CTWN) process,
transfer function is vo (t), formally defined as the derivative of v (t), is a useful
heuristic device. Note that the third condition implies that
G SDR (z) = 10 -6 . (98)
q CTWN has infinite variance,
(z - 1.01) 3
E {dv dv} = E {(v (t + dt) - v (t)) 2} = v 2v dt,
The TTS approximate model obtained by using (62)–(65) dt " o
E {vo 2} = 3.  (102)
has the transfer function
Although CTWN is a mathematical abstraction, it can be
1.6667 # 10 -7 (z + 3.732) (z + 0.2679)
q (z) = . (99) approximated to any desired degree of accuracy by a conven-
(z - 1.009) (z 2 - 2.021z + 1.021)
tional stochastic processes with broadband spectra [30].
The TTS model is extremely close to the true model (97). Conversely, broadband noise can often be approximated as
Assume that all of the states (that is, the output z and its white noise having the same spectral density over the fre-
first two derivatives) are sampled with period D = 0.01. Sam- quency range of interest.
pling these variables is reasonable since the system has rela- Three alternative interpretations of v 2v are
tive degree three and therefore the output trajectory is smooth. 1) Equation (102) shows that v 2v may be interpreted as
Now consider designing the state variable feedback using the incremental variance of the Wiener process v (t) .
the different models to place the closed-loop poles at the 2) Alternatively, vo (t) can be considered as a generalized
origin (in the shift domain). Note that allocating the discrete- process. Introducing a Dirac delta function to define
time, closed-loop poles to the origin means that the desired the associated autocorrelation structure,
response time is comparable to the sampling period.
r vo (t - s) = E {vo (t) vo (s)} = v 2v d (t - s) . (103)
For the SDR model obtained by using (39)–(42) on the
system (96), the state-feedback gain is 3) In the frequency domain, v 2v can be interpreted as
the power spectral density S vo (~) (the Fourier transform
d = 10 6 61.000001 0.029997 0.000303@ . (100) of the autocorrelation) of vo (t) [15]. Indeed, (103)
implies that the power spectral density satisfies
For the TTS model obtained by using (62)–(65) on the 3

system (96), the state feedback gain is S vo (~) = # r vo (x) e -j

dx = v 2v (104)

d = 10 6 61.00001 0.019997 0.0001863@ . (101) for ~ ! (- 3, 3) . The power spectral density of vo (t)
is constant for all ~, which corresponds to the usual
When applied to the true plant, it is seen that K TTS
d gives heuristic notion of white noise. The power spectral
excellent results, and the closed-loop poles are located at density is also called the intensity of the continuous-
{- 0.2931, 0.1270 ! j 0.1512} . However, when using K SDR d , time white noise.
the state-feedback strategy fails to stabilize the true system.
In fact, the closed-loop poles are now located at Sampled Stochastic Signals
{- 2.7079, 0.4897 ! j0.1157} . The asymptotic sampling zeros Instantaneously sampling a continuous-time signal, } (t),
are important in this case. with sampling period D produces the sequence

Stochastic Systems } k = } (kD) . (105)

The above set of ideas can be extended to stochastic sys-
tems with an important caveat, namely, it is the power When the continuous-time signal is a wide-sense station-
spectral density that folds rather than the signal. ary stochastic process, then the autocorrelation r d} [,] of the


sequence {} k} is equal to the continuous-time signal auto- indeed, a broadband noise process), then it is essential that
correlation at the sampling instants, an AAF be used prior to sampling to avoid folding high-fre-
quency noise components back into the range [0, r/D] .
r d [,] = E {} k +, } k} Recall that an averaging AAF leads to the sampled output

= E {} (kD + ,D)} (kD)} = r } (,D) . (106) t
} (t ) =
1 # z (t) dt, (113)
D t-D
The power spectral density of the sampled signal is equal to
the DTFT of the sampled autocorrelation function, namely, and at t = kD,

r d [k] e -j~kD, ~ ! 6 -Dr , Dr @ . 

S Wd (e j~T) = D / }
(107) 1

k =-3 }k = # dy = D1 [y k - y k - 1] . (114)
D (k - 1) D
The next result describes the action of folding and
relates the power spectral density of the sampled sequence An interesting property of the averaging AAF is the trans-
to the power spectral density of the original continuous- formation of continuous-time white noise having constant
time process. power spectral density R into discrete-time white noise (after
sampling) having constant power spectral density R [15].
Fact 7 [15] Returning to the model (109), (110) [or formally (111)–
Consider a continuous-time stochastic process } (t), with (112)], an exact discrete-time model can be obtained by inte-
spectrum given by S } (~), together with its sequence of grating the continuous-time model to obtain a sampled-
samples } k = } (kD), having discrete-time spectrum given data model having the same second-order statistics at the
by (107). Then sampling instants. The resulting discrete-time model when
an averaging AAF is used takes the form [31], [32]
S } ^~ + 2Dr , h . (108)
S Wd (e j~T) = /
, =-3
xlk +1 = A q xlk + wlk, (115)
} k = C q xlk + vlk, (116)
This expression illustrates the folding process induced
by sampling. Note that here it is the power spectral density where k ! Z is the discrete-time index, {xlk} ! R n is the state
that folds. of the discrete-time system, and {} k} ! R p is the output.
The discrete-time system matrices are A q ! R n # n and
Stochastic-Linear Sampled-Data Systems C q ! R p # n . The process noise wlk ! R n and the output mea-
Stochastic-linear system models can be obtained by pass- surement noise vlk ! R p are white with zero mean and have
ing “white noise” through a continuous-time linear system. joint covariance matrix
A suitable continuous-time model is
R q = E '; E; E 1 = = T G , (117)
wlk wlk T Qq Sq

dx (t) = Ax (t) dt + dw (t), (109) vlk vlk Sq Rq
z (t) dt = dy (t) = Cx (t) dt + dv (t), (110)
where the matrices Q q ! R n # n and R q ! R p # p are positive
where dw (t), dv (t) are two independent vector Wiener pro- semi-definite. The system matrices in (115) and (116) satisfy
cesses having incremental covariance Qdt and Rdt, respec-
tively (see [28] and [31]). A q = e AD, (118)
Equations (109)–(110) can be transformed by formal dif-
C q = 1 C # e Ax dx = 1 C A -1 (e AD - I), (119)
ferentiation to a more familiar form D 0 D

dx = Ax (t) + ~ (t), (111) and R q in (117) is given by

dt o
dy I 0 D I 0
R q = >0 1 H # eA
r x ;Q 0 E e Ar T x dx > 1 H , (120)
z (t) = = Cx (t) + vo (t), (112)
0 R 0
D 0 D
where ~o , vo are “white noise” processes with constant where
power spectral density R and Q, respectively. Note the R Ax V
S De 0W
r = ;C 0E & e rAx = SSC # e Av dv I WW . (121)
link between (112) and (11). A 0
In the event that the output is corrupted by a “white S 0 W
noise” process, it makes no sense to sample the output. The T X
reason is that folding of the output noise power spectral den- It is important to note that the presence of the AAF cor-
sity leads to discrete-time noise having infinite variance. relates measurement and process noise in the sampled-
Hence, if the output contains a white noise process (or, data model [see (117)].


Stochastic Sampling Zeros S z (s) = 12r , s = j~. (132)
As for the deterministic case, sampling produces folding,
and this leads to, among other things, stochastic sampling Fact 8 [33]
zeros. The ideas are captured by examining the respective When the continuous-time spectrum is given by
power spectral density. S z (s) = 1/s 2r , where r is an arbitrary positive integer,
Consider the case when no white noise appears directly on then the corresponding discrete-time spectrum is
the output z = yo . This case occurs, for example, when a finite-
dimensional linear low-pass AAF is used. Begin with the model D 2r B 2r -1 (z)
S d (e j~D) = , z = e j~D . (133)

(2r - 1) ! (z - 1) 2r
dx (t) = Ax (t) dt + dw, (122)
z (t) = Cx (t), (123)
Note the connection between the deterministic and sto-
where dw has incremental covariance Qdt with Q = B T B chastic sampling zeros.
and z (t) is taken to be a scalar. Equation (133) applies to the simple integrator model
Then, the power spectral density S z (~) of z (t) can be (132). It is also straightforward, as in the deterministic case,
written as to extend the idea of stochastic sampling zeros to more
general spectra having relative degree 2r. Also, approxi-
S z (~) = C (j~I - A) -1 Q (- j~I - A) -T C T . (124) mate sampled-data models can be obtained for stochastic
linear systems by applying analogous ideas to those dis-
By continuous-time spectral factorization, this spectrum cussed for the deterministic case in the section “Approxi-
can be expressed as mate Deterministic Discrete-Time Models.” In particular,
these methods append the sampling zeros as in (133) to an
S z (~) = |H ( j~)|2 v 2 . (125) Euler-type model.
Exactly the same mechanism applies to both the deter-
Hence, a simpler single-input model is obtained, ministic and stochastic cases, namely, sampling zeros are a
consequence of folding. To elucidate the equivalence
dx (t) = Ax (t) dt + Bdn, (126) between deterministic and stochastic cases, it is important
z (t) = Cx (t), (127) that the effect of the hold (in the deterministic case) and the
AAF (in the stochastic case) be considered. For example, in
where H (s) = C (sI - A) -1 B and dn is a scalar Wiener pro- the deterministic case, a ZOH on the input adds an extra
cess with incremental variance v 2 dt. In the sequel, it is integrator in the folded function. Similarly, in the stochastic
assumed that H (s) has a relative degree r. case, an averaging AAF adds an extra integrator to the
The corresponding sampled-data model in the form folded function. The various connections are summarized
of (115) is in Table 1.
In Table 1, u k and vo (t) denote a discrete deterministic
r k, (128)
xlk +1 = A q xlk + w
input and continuous-time white noise input, respectively.
z k = Cxlk, (129)
From Table 1, the following can be seen:
where {w
r k} is a vector white process having full rank covariance »» Deterministic case with ZOH: There are two fewer sam-
D pling zeros than the relative degree of the folded func-
Xq = v2 # T
e Ah BB T e A h dh. (130) tion (the plant transfer function plus ZOH in this case).
0 »» Stochastic case with instantaneous sampling: There are
Note that, although (126) has a single noise input, (128) two fewer sampling zeros than the relative degree of
has a vector noise input. the folded function (the continuous-time power spec-
Discrete-time spectral factorization can be used to tral density in this case).
obtain a discrete-time model having a scalar discrete-time »» Stochastic case with averaging AAF: There are two
white noise input fewer sampling zeros than the relative degree of the
folded function (the continuous-time power spectral
S d (e j~D) = C (e j~D I - A q) -1 X q (e -j~D I - A qT) -1 C T,
density of the output prior to the sampler when an

= |H q (e j~D)|2 v d2, (131) averaging AAF is deployed).
Finally, note that the deterministic sampling zeros are
where H q generically has relative degree one. Hence, as for the same as the stochastic sampling zeros that appear in
the deterministic case, the discrete-time spectrum contains the discrete-time power spectral density. Of course, when
extra stochastic sampling zeros [33]. To explain this process, the discrete-time power spectral density is spectrally fac-
as in the deterministic case, it is convenient to begin by con- tored to obtain a discrete-time model, then the sampling
sidering a simple continuous-time spectrum of the form zeros can be factored into those inside and outside the unit


disc, and a unique model is obtained by using, for example, Attaching the Asymptotic Sampling-Zero Dynamics
the zeros inside the unit disc. to an Euler-Maruyama Model
As an illustration, consider a deterministic continuous- It is straightforward to add asymptotic stochastic sam-
time system of relative degree three, then with ZOH, the pling zero dynamics to the Euler-Maruyama approximate
folded function has relative degree four, and hence there model. The details are the same as for the deterministic
are two asymptotic sampling zeros. case [34], [35].
Similarly, consider a continuous-time stochastic model
having relative degree two; then the continuous-time power Truncated Taylor Series
spectral density has relative degree four. With instantaneous The continuous-time model (126)–(127) can also be converted
sampling, the discrete-time power spectral density has two to normal form and then successive high-order integration
asymptotic sampling zeros since the folded function has rela- can be used while moving up the chain of integrators [34]. It
tive degree four. The corresponding discrete-time spectral can then be shown, after some further technicalities, that
factor has one sampling zero. On the other hand, if an averag- this procedure automatically leads to the required (asymp-
ing AAF is used, then the folded function has relative degree totic) stochastic sampling-zero dynamics [34].
six, and hence the discrete-time power spectral density has
four asymptotic sampling zeros. The corresponding discrete- Nonlinear Stochastic
time spectral factor has two asymptotic sampling zeros. Sampling-zero dynamics
As might be anticipated, in the case of nonlinear continu-
Approximate Sampled-data Models ous-time stochastic models, sampling also leads to addi-
for Stochastic Linear Systems tional zero dynamics. The development is more technically
It is possible to build approximate models for stochastic involved due to issues associated with solving nonlinear
systems, similar to the deterministic case. Three approaches stochastic differential equations [30]. Nonetheless, the
are outlined below. same general principles apply, that is, sampled-data models
for continuous-time stochastic nonlinear systems have
Euler Integration extra zero dynamics that can be asymptotically ^as D " 0)
Consider again the system (126)–(127). When the output is characterized. Moreover, the sampling-zero dynamics turn
instantaneously sampled (note that there is no “white out to be identical to those of linear stochastic systems of
noise” directly contaminating the output), the approximate the same continuous-time relative degree.
discrete-time Euler model is
Are Stochastic Sampling Zeros Useful?
(x Ek ) + - x Ek Not surprisingly, based on the deterministic case, there are
= Ax Ek + B~ Ek , (134)
D cases where the inclusion of stochastic sampling zeros is
} k = Cx k , (135)
crucial. Whether or not stochastic sampling zeros are
important depends on the relationship between the “design
where ~ E is a discrete-time white noise process of spectral bandwidth” and the Nyquist frequency ( r/D). Provided
density v 2 . (Euler integration is called Euler-Maruyama the design bandwidth is small relative to the sampling
integration in the stochastic case [30].) frequency, then it often suffices to ignore the artifacts of

Table 1 Relative degree of deterministic plants and spectrum of stochastic signals and the corresponding relative degree of
discrete-time systems and spectra. F (s) represents an averaging antialiasing filter and ) denotes convolution.

Deterministic Case Relative degree of G ^s h Relative degree of folded Number of sampling zeros
function (ZOH ) G (s))
uk }(t) D }k
ZOH G(s) r r +1 r -1

Stochastic Case Relative degree of G ^s h }

Relative degree of S (s) Number of sampling zeros
o }(t) D }k in S d (z)
G(s) r 2r - 2

Stochastic Case Relative degree of G ^s h }

Relative degree of S (s) Number of sampling zeros
}(t) D }k of S d (z)
G(s) F(s) r 2r + 2 2r


sampling. However, if the design bandwidth is comparable this behavior is well approximated by 1/s r, then the use of
to the Nyquist frequency, then more care is needed. the asymptotic sampling-zero dynamics B r +1 (z) is appro-
To illustrate, consider the continuous-time stochastic priate. However, the use of these zeros is not robust with
system having relative degree two, respect to the presence of unmodeled dynamics above the
sampling frequency, such as unmodeled poles or zeros or
d2 z dz
+ a1 + a 0 z = do , (136) broadband noise modeled as continuous-time white noise.
dt 2 dt dt
In the presence of under-modeling in the continuous-time
where do/dt is a continuous-time “white noise” process. model above the Nyquist frequency, then an appropriate
The corresponding continuous-time power spectral den- model can be obtained by either
sity has relative degree four. 1) using discrete-time system identification techniques
An approximate discrete-time model obtained by Euler- to estimate the true sampling-zero dynamics that
Maruyama integration is apply
2) ignoring the sampling zeros and employing an Euler-
c m z + al1 c m z + al0 z - ~l , (137)
q -1 2 q -1 Maruyama model. However, an important caveat is that

D D the model will then be valid only up to about one-tenth
of the sampling frequency since, above that frequency,
where ~l is discrete-time white noise and q is the forward the impact of sampling zeros becomes important.
shift operator qx = x + . If (137) were valid, then al1 and al0
could be estimated by ordinary least squares [36]. More- Connecting Sampled-data Models
over, it would be reasonable to expect that the estimates of to the Underlying Continuous-Time
al1 and al0 would tend to a 1 and a 0 as D tends to zero. Alas, Model using Incremental Models
this conclusion is not true [36]. Instead, the estimate of al1 It is traditional that discrete-time models are described
tends to 2/3 of a 1 . The problem is that least squares uses using the shift operator q and the Z-transform [16], [17],
the full bandwidth of data from dc to the Nyquist fre- [40], [41]. Indeed, all of the developments in this article up
quency. Hence, the approximate model (137) is inadequate to this point have adopted this paradigm. However, this
since it does not contain the appropriate sampling zeros. A choice leads to a disconnect between the continuous- and
more accurate sampled-data model can be obtained by discrete-time cases [42]. The reason is that continuous-time
appending the asymptotic sampling zeros, leading to models describe the derivative (or incremental change in
the state) [see (10), (11), (109), and (110)]. On the other hand,
c m z + am1 c m z + am0 z - E (q) ~l , (138)
q -1 2 q -1
discrete-time models, when expressed in terms of the shift
operator, describe the next state (rather than the change in
where E (q) represents the spectral factor of the appropriate state) [see (39), (40), (115), and (116)]. This difference leads to
discrete-time stochastic zero dynamics for a continuous- anomalies when attempting to connect discrete- and con-
time stochastic system having power spectral density of rel- tinuous-time models.
ative degree four. There are two asymptotic sampling zeros For example, it can be seen from (17) that
in the discrete power spectral density. Thus, the appropriate
filter E (q) is E (q) = q + 2 - 3 , which is the stable spectral
lim A q = I and lim B q = 0 (139)
factor of z + 4 + z -1 . This observation motivates the use of D"0 D"0

filtered ordinary least squares to estimate am1 and am0, where

the filter is 1/E (q) . The associated least-squares estimates holds for all linear systems. Thus, information about the
can then be shown to converge to a 1 and a 0 as D tends to underlying continuous-time system is potentially lost as
zero. It is clear that sampling zeros are crucial in this prob- D " 0.
lem. Further discussion can be found in [36]–[38]. An equivalent model is obtained by rearranging the
It is also shown in [37]–[39] that robust system identifica- model to describe the change in the state between samples.
tion methods can be developed that use frequency domain Moreover, it is helpful to simultaneously make the sample
data from a restricted frequency range. These methods are period D explicit. The exact model (15) then becomes
insensitive to the effect of sampling zeros. The reason is that
sampling-zero dynamics mainly impact the system frequency dx +: = x k +1 - x k = A i x k D + B i u k D, (140)
response in the vicinity of the Nyquist frequency. Hence, lim-
iting the frequency range of the data can be thought of as an where A i and B i are simple functions of A q and B q,
estimation equivalent of restricting the “design bandwidth.”

A i = 1 (A q - I) and B i = 1 B q . (141)
Robustness Issues D D
The precise location of sampling zeros depends on the
behavior of the system above the Nyquist frequency. When The model (140) is called an incremental model.


A feature of (140) is that the model has the same struc- variance of the measurement noise tends to 3 as D " 0 (see
ture as the incremental continuous-time model (12). More [44]). These observations are important when specifying
importantly, taking the limit as the sampling period tends the noise variances in discrete-time stochastic models
to zero, in (141) yields the intuitively pleasing result when fast sampling rates are used. Otherwise, anomalous
results are likely to occur in the modeling process [44].
D"0 D"0
Ai A and B i B, (142) The above anomalies are resolved if the discrete-time
stochastic model (115)–(121) is expressed in the equivalent
where A and B are the corresponding continuous-time incremental form (again, by describing the change in the
matrices. The above result is a by-product of the use of the variables over a sampling interval and making the sample
incremental model (140). Importantly, use of the incremental period explicit)
model emphasizes the connections between continuous-
time models and their discrete-time counterparts rather dx +k = xlk +1 - xlk = A i xlk D + w r k, (145)
than the differences. d y +k = y k - y k -1 = C i xlk D + vr k, (146)
It is also possible to divide both sides of (140) by D. This
operation leads to the discrete-time delta operator [8], [42] where
model defined as
E '; E; E 1 = R i D d K (,) . (147)
wuk w u k -, T
dx k : = 1 dx k+ = 1 (x k + 1 - x k) = xk = Ai xk + Bi uk . vu k vu k -,
Note the resemblance between (145), (146) and (109), (110),
The associated complex variable used in the transforms is respectively. Now,
c [8], [15]. The connections between q, d, z and c are
A i = 1 (A q - I) = A + 12 A 2 D + g
q -1 A, (148)
d= , c = z - 1 . (144) D
; E . (149)
D D D"0 Q 0
0 R
Use of the d -operator makes the sampling period D
explicit and is important in showing how discrete-time To illustrate the application of these ideas to an impor-
results revert back to their continuous-time counterparts tant problem in system theory, consider the incremental
when D tends to zero. form of the discrete-time Kalman filter [45]. The filter can
It is important to note that d -operator models (or be expressed as
equivalently, incremental models) have no explicit con-
nection to models based on Euler integration. Indeed, the dxt k+ = A i xt k D + K i, k (dy k+ - C i xt k D), (150)
use of the d -operator is a way of reparameterizing any
discrete-time model by means of the substitution where the filter gain is given by
q = dD + 1 or d = (q - 1) /D. In this context, it is important
to note that any shift-domain model can be converted to d K i, k = [(I + A i D) Pk C iT + S i] [DC i Pk C iT + R i] -1 . (151)
form and vice-versa. The substitution q = Dd + 1 does not
change the accuracy of the model. The substitution does The state covariance Pk satisfies the incremental form of the
have the advantage of highlighting the link between dis- Riccati equation,
crete- and continuous-time domains. When solving an
incremental model, the appropriate methodology is to
dP k+ = Pk +1 - Pk (152)
first calculate the increment [for example, the right-hand
= D [Pk A Ti + A i Pk - Pk C Ti
side of (143)] and then to add this result to the current
# (DC i Pk C Ti + R i) -1 C i Pk + Q i] + c (D), (153)
value of the variable. The procedure is similar to delta
modulation as used in communications (see [43, pp. 560]). where c (D) is a correction term given by
The change in operator has the advantage of improved
2 T
numerical properties [6], [8]. This observation parallels c (D) = D A i Pk A i
analogous results in communications where it is often - D A i Pk C Ti (DC i Pk C Ti + R i) -1 C i Pk

possible to use 1 bit per sample (in delta modulation) pro- - D 2 Pk C Ti (DC i Pk C Ti + R i) -1 C i Pk A Ti
vided high sampling rates are utilized.
- D 3 A i Pk C Ti (DC i Pk C Ti + R i) -1 C i Pk A Ti
Consider again the discrete-time stochastic model given 
- DS i (DC i Pk C Ti + R i) -1
in (115) and (116). This model has several conceptual prob-
lems as D " 0. For example, as in (139) A q " I as D " 0. # (C i Pk (I + DA i) T + S Ti )
Another example in the stochastic case is that the variance - D ((I + DA i) Pk C Ti + S Ti )
of the discrete-time process noise tends to zero and the # (DC i Pk C Ti + R i) -1 S Ti . (154)


In this incremental form of the discrete-time Kalman filter, the Conclusions
corresponding continuous-time filter is obtained by setting D This article has provided a tutorial overview of sampled-data
equal to zero. Moreover, the incremental form of the Kalman models for linear and nonlinear systems. The ideas are moti-
filter has improved numerical properties [45] relative to the vated, in part, by advances in computing that allow high
usual shift-operator form. Indeed, it is generally true that sampling rates to be used. Under these conditions, traditional
incremental models and algorithms exhibit improved numer- approaches to the modeling and analysis of sampled-data
ical properties at fast sampling rates. For example, a numeri- systems have deficiencies. It has been shown that these diffi-
cally robust discrete-time stability test is described in [6]. culties can be resolved by working with incremental models.
The results presented here emphasize the connections
Sampling Zeros Revisited between continuous- and discrete-time cases rather than the
It is interesting to note that, in the shift-operator domain, differences. Also, for nonlinear systems, approximate models
the intrinsic poles and zeros of the sampled-data model have been developed that have important advantages over
all converge to the point (1 + 0j) in the complex plane the commonly used Euler models. These results and the asso-
[see (142)], while the sampling zeros (which are artifacts ciated analysis provide a seamless connection between con-
of folding) converge to fixed locations (for example, tinuous- and discrete-time systems. The ideas outlined in
-1 + 0j for deterministic relative degree two). On the this article are explained in greater detail in the book [46].
other hand, in the incremental domain, the intrinsic
poles and zeros all converge to the continuous-time Acknowledgment
poles and zeros while the sampling zeros converge to The authors are thankful for partial support from ARC-
locations that depend upon D. Moreover as D " 0, the Australia and CONICYT-Chile through grants ACT-053
sampling zeros (in the incremental domain) converge to and FONDECYT 1130861.
-3 where they re-emerge as the continuous-time rela-
tive degree. The incremental form reinforces the connec- Author Information
tion between continuous- and discrete-time models. Graham C. Goodwin (
Indeed, the incremental form of the sampling-zero poly- obtained the B.Sc. (physics), B.E. (electrical engineering), and
nomial B r (z) is p r (Dc) where Ph.D. degrees from the University of New South Wales. He is
R r -1 V currently Professor Laureate of Electrical Engineering at the
S1 D g D W University of Newcastle, Australia. He holds honorary doctor-
S 2! r ! W
S D r -2
W ates from the Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden, and the
p r (Dc) = det S-c 1 g (r - 1) ! W (155) Technion, Israel. He is the coauthor of nine books, four edited
S h j j h W
SS WW books, and many technical papers. He is the recipient of the
0 g -c 1 IEEE Control Systems Society 1999 Hendrik Bode Lecture
B r (1 + Dc) Prize, a best paper award by IEEE Transactions on Automatic
= , (156)
r! Control, a best paper award by the Asian Journal of Control,
where B r ($) is the Euler-Frobenius polynomial defined in and two best control engineering textbook awards from the
(28). The description of the asymptotic sampling zero International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in 1984
dynamic polynomial as in (155) emphasizes that the sam- and 2005. In 2008 he received the IFAC Quazza Medal, and in
pling zeros, in the incremental domain, depend upon the 2010 he received the IEEE Control Systems Award. He is a Fel-
sample period. low of the IEEE; IFAC; the Australian Academy of Science; the
As an example, consider again the deterministic contin- Australian Academy of Technology, Science and Engineering;
uous-time system (25) and the exact discrete-time model and the Royal Society, London. He is an honorary fellow of
(26). There seems to be little connection between these two the Institute of Engineers, Australia, a member of the Interna-
models. However, making the substitution q = (1 + Dd) tional Statistical Institute, and a foreign member of the Royal
leads to the equivalent sampled-data model expressed in Swedish Academy of Sciences. He can be contacted at the
terms of the d operator, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The
University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia.
G i (d) = G q (1 + Dd)
Juan Carlos Agüero obtained the professional title of
5.882 (0.005d + 1) (d + 4.88)  (157)
= . ingeniero civil electrónico and a master of engineering
(d + 1.98) (d + 2.96) (d + 3.92)
from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile,
This equation closely resembles (25) except for the extra in 2000 and a Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle, Aus-
term (0.005d + 1) . Thus, the discrete-time model (157) tralia, in 2006. He gained industrial experience in the cop-
reflects the underlying continuous-time model, which is per mining industry at El Teniente, Codelco (1997–1998). He
not true of the earlier shift operator representation. The ori- is currently a research academic at the University of New-
gins of the extra term, (0.005d + 1), are, as discussed earlier, castle. His research interests include system identification,
the sampling-zero dynamics. control, and statistical signal processing.


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