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Academic Year: 2022-2023

Class: TP (IT-HE-BU)-GGT/IC2_ESTP Instructor: TOURE Issa

unit 1

Course ID: English for Civil Engineering (Engineers) November 9, 2022

Part 1. Reading comprehension

Bridge maintenance
(see separate document)

Toure Issa– TP (IT-HE-BU)-GGT /IC2_ESTP/INP-HB - 2022/2023

Part 2. Speaking

Task 1. Listen to the interview, then practice it with your neighbor.


Are you studying or working?

I left school 3 years ago. I’m working now.
Are you self – employed or working for a company?
I’m self-employed. I used to work for a company 2 years ago.
Are you running any business?
Yes, I’m running a small business.
What does your business sell?
I make and sell handmade cosmetics.
Do you have any difficulty running that business?
Yes, I had some difficulties attracting customers at first, but everything is getting better now.
Is that an online or offline business?
I sell products online. It’s easier selling online than offline because I can take full advantage of my social
When did you start the business?
I started running my own business 2 years ago.
What are some advantages of running your own business?
I can take some days off whenever I feel tired, and I can make much more money compared to working for a

Task 2. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then ask and answer with your partner.

1. do / use / you / computer / How often / a?

2. usually / do / computer / you / What / for / use / your?
3. thing / an / happened / last holidays / that / interesting / to / Tell me about / you
4. weekend / did / last / you / do / What?
5. primary / favorite / school / was / What / at / your / subject? Why?

Toure Issa– TP (IT-HE-BU)-GGT /IC2_ESTP/INP-HB - 2022/2023
Task 3. Describe and compare the children in the pictures. What will the future be like for these children? Try
to speak for one minute without stopping or repeating yourself.

Toure Issa– TP (IT-HE-BU)-GGT /IC2_ESTP/INP-HB - 2022/2023

Task 4. Listen to Student A and then tell him/her your thoughts on this question:

How important are computers in your life? Why?

Task 5. Debate: The future looks bright!

Work in groups of four. Follow the instructions.

• In your groups, divide into two debating teams: A and B.
• Team A thinks that the future looks bright and positive, and Team B thinks that the future looks
dark and negative.
• Work in your teams. Prepare your arguments. Use the notes and opinions below and add your own

A: The future looks bright!

• We will make enormous technological advances, which will help us in the future.
• We will soon have cured many of the diseases that exist now, for example cancer.




B: The future looks dark!

• Our advances in technology won’t be enough to solve major global problems.
• New diseases are already evolving and old diseases might come back.




Toure Issa– TP (IT-HE-BU)-GGT /IC2_ESTP/INP-HB - 2022/2023

Part 3. Listening

A morning briefing

Match the definitions (a–f) with the vocabulary (1–6).

Vocabulary Definition Answers

1. …… a position a. a short meeting to give information and updates

2. …… a replacement b. a job

3. …… a briefing c. a person who will take the place of another one

4. …… to make improvements d. to make something better

5. …… a solution e. a way of dealing with a difficult situation or problem

6. …… to introduce something f. to start or begin something

LISTEN to the presentation, and say if the sentences below are true or false?

True False

1. The briefing will be short this morning.

2. The new head of department is starting this week.

3. The car park will be closed for improvements.

4. If you arrive first thing in the morning, you should park on Brown Street.

5. There will be no parking after 6 p.m.

6. You can only pay with credit and debit cards in the canteen.

Write the words in the correct group.

Firstly, there will be … / I have two more quick points. / If you arrive before 8.30 a.m., please use … /If you
arrive after that, you should go directly to …/ The other thing I want to tell you about is …/
You have to leave before 6 p.m.

Giving information Giving instructions


Toure Issa– TP (IT-HE-BU)-GGT /IC2_ESTP/INP-HB - 2022/2023

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