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1. I’ve heard Sara came back from Spain. Do you think she ______ us?

Sorry for being late. I’ve ______ the bus.

a) visited b) driven c) missed

2. Sam drew a ______ on the board.

Let’s meet at the ______ at 3p.m.

a) café b) square c)house

3. The main aim of the campaign was to _____ awareness of devastating effects of drinking alcohol.

The charities _____ money for good causes.

a) raise b) donate c) give

4. Mark came out in a ____. He’s still scratching himself.

Don’t you think it is too ____? You should reconsider your decision.

a) rash b) fool c) sick

5. Every morning Kate used to _______ herself.

Mom, do I really have to _______ up after the dinner?

a) tide b) wash c) brush

6. Frank must fancy Marry a lot. He gave her a ____.

When the teacher had read my name, I ____ from my seat quickly.

a) stood up b) rose c) picked

7. Tom is very ____to me. I trust him.

Have you heard? They’ll _____ the shopping centre next week!

a) close b) open c) destroy

8. Students have to learn that poem by ____ for the next lesson.

The detective got to the ____ of the matter.

a) bottom b) pointc) heart

9. As they say, _____ is life.

You have to _____ the plants, if you want them to grow.

a) water b) air c) care

10. Vicky is a great student. She is _______ in every lesson.

They got _______ on May 21st.

a) married b) fascinated c) engaged

11. John, please turn off the _____

The shopping bag wasn’t _____. He had difficulty picking it up.

a) lamp b) light c) easy

12. They bought a(n) ___ of the land in village.

Susan thinks that boys ___ stupid.

a) are b) one c) meter

13. You have to ____ in mind that it won’t be so easy next time.

A huge ____ attacked the tourist on a mountain trail.

a) animal b) bear c) put

14. You ___! I don’t believe you!

All I want today is to ___ in bed all day.

a) lie b) stay c) can’t

15. If you want to be excellent, you have to ____ a lot.

Have you ever travel by ____?

a) practice b) train c) plane

16. She is extremely ____. I won't try to be friends with her anymore.

I didn’t ____ to hurt you.

a) terrible b) want c) mean

17. Do you want a ____ for breakfast?

Let’s have a ____ to the bride and groom’s happiness!

a) cereal b) toast c) drink

18. Oh no! I’ve ____ the keys at house!

Then turn right. The petrol station is on the ____.

a) left b) put c) over

19. When he saw ____ on her face he realized how sad she was.

Our math teacher ____ our test after a few years so that nobody can see them.

a) throws b) tears c) wrinkles

20. Look! The swallow! _____ has finally come.

The Tigger’s tail from ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’ is like a _____.

a) string b) spring c) summer

21. Sam loves sea and the ¬_____.

Every time I meet with Kate she __ at me happily when she sees me.

a) waves b) calls c) shore

22. You look awful! _____ your clothes immediately!

I didn’t have any small _____, so I gave the teller 50 pounds.

a) off b) change c) money

23. Is it _____ or should I explain it again?

The sky is so _____. I’m sure it won’t rain.

a) easy b) blue c) clear

24. I like those trousers because they ___ me.

If you want to be ___ and healthy, run every day.

a) match b) fit c) suit

25. It looks possible so it ____ be true.

To show his ____, the king used the army to stop the civil unrest

a) might b) power c) can

26. Chocolate is so delicious! I can't ____ eating it.

I don't know how to do this task. Sorry, I can't ____ you.

a) stop b) help c) aid

27. I keep my money in a good ____ to make some profit.

I see a huge ____ of clouds. It is going to rain.

a) bank b) safe c) dark

28. We’re so excited that we count every _____ before the meeting.

Atoms are so ______ that we cannot see them.

a) minute b) smallc) second

29. What does this road ____ mean?

We ____ a lot of contracts every day.

a) sign b) cross c) do

30. The smoke made her eyes ____.

She always wears ____ clothes.

a) clever b) smart c) beautiful

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